Chins Sentence Examples
It is known that to the TibetoChinese modifications of the pure Mongolian type all the eastern Burmese tribes - Chins, Kachins, Shans, &c. - belong (as indeed do the Burmese themselves), and that a cognate race occupies the Himalaya to the eastern limits of Kashmir.
The great majority of the population is Burmese, but in Yaw there is a peculiar race called Taungthas, who claim to be quite distinct from both Burmese and Chins.
The chief races of Burma are Burmese (6,508,682), Arakanese (405,143), Karens (717,859), Shans (787,087), Chins (179,292), Kachins (64,405) and Talaings (321,898); but these totals do not include the Shan States and Chin hills.
There are missionary schools amongst the Chins, Kachins and Shans, and a school for the sons of Shan chiefs at Taung-gyi in the southern Shan States.
Origin Members of the upper classes, by repute, often have minor genetic abnormalities like receding chins.
Thus ' intelligent ' faces had high brows and weak chins, whereas ' stupid ' faces had low brows and broad chins.
If your ceramic bunnies are whimsical you may want to create colorful bonnets to tie underneath their chins with a big bow.
To minimize the appearance of double chins, pose the subject leaning slightly forward and photograph them at a downward angle.
Are there two or more chins or excess flesh at the jaw line?
How the chins, Upside-down chins, Smooth or with beard, All will be heard!
AdvertisementLikewise, assisted chins, kneeling push-ups, lunges and similar weight-free exercises work well as long as you're some ways from the effort poured into actual, working sets.
These guys had the post rock thing down to a science - music for people who stand still at gigs, stroking their chins, but yet it was never cold or distant.
Some had long, curved noses and chins, small eyes and wide, grinning mouths.
All the equipment you really need for this plan is a bench, a barbell and a set of dumbbells, along with two chairs (for dips) and something that will support your bodyweight (tree branch, door jamb etc. -- for chins).