Chimney Sentence Examples
Such an unlikely spot for a home site, and yet, the remains of a chimney gave indisputable proof that one had existed at some point.
When I came to build my chimney I studied masonry.
They also tend to leave an oily soot in the chimney.
It is Santa's belly, which can't quite fit down the chimney.
Chimney sweeps are often considered to bring good luck.
Don't let your heated or cooled room air escape up the chimney.
Double skin insulated flue pipe creates a Class I insulated chimney.
There are thirteen species of butterfly and six species of moth, including the common footman and the chimney sweeper.
Louvrestack should have a small louver or sliding vent at the base of the chimney breast to let air circulate.
Bivi 23m E3 5c To the right of West Chimney is a massive overhang.
AdvertisementCircular wooden chimney projects from center of slightly peaked roof.
The Main Edge To the right is a chimney and a prominent undercut prow.
Repairs to the chimney & fitting of pumice liner at Nant Rhys are planned for a work party in October.
They are vented through a pipe that moves the fumes up into the chimney and outside.
Pick that up (yes, Colton is strong) and carry it back to the rear of the house near the chimney.
AdvertisementOtherwise the chimney is built directly over the mouth of the pit.
It should be seated flush against the bare brickwork of your chimney breast.
It might be a better alternative to descend the chimney behind the pinnacle.
In 1833 the 263 feet high Clapham chimney was built, at the time was the tallest chimney on Tyneside.
The 14th century tall, octagonal chimney to the west of the Hall Block served the adjacent northern block.
AdvertisementIt was wood & thatch with a brick chimney.
The garden was designed with further recycled resources in mind using old chimney pots, railroad sleepers and cockle shells from the local beach.
In 1773 George Hart advertised that he was making sugar pots and molds, plus useful and ornamental chimney pots.
Demolition followed soon after and a local chimney sweep, named Mr Shorter, built a house on the vacant site.
Clyde, for example, has cowl over chimney (7) 16.
AdvertisementArenig Fawr - A new chimney cowl will be fitted soon.
The interior chimney hood was fairly simple, using ash rods with hazel woven between them, and lime clay daub finish.
An elderly worker from Wolverton explained they became gray due to the " (expletive deleted) from the [engine's] chimney.
The minimum requirement of chimney is 200mm diameter and a minimum height of 7 meters.
A satellite dish on a chimney, or any part of a building facing a highway.
A ' flue liner ' is the material used to form the flue liner ' is the material used to form the flue within the chimney.
He said all he could see was the chimney pot with the smoke coming out.
There is a colony of chimney sweeper moths in the woodland.
On all sides there were waste spaces with only stoves and chimney stacks still standing, and here and there the blackened walls of some brick houses.
Very little of the heated air actually escapes through the chimney, as is the normal situation with traditional fireplaces.
The other type is charcoal (where you have to set up the chimney or use fluid, light the stuff and wait for awhile to get the perfect heat).
They consisted of a base that held a small amount of oil or kerosene, an absorbent wick that sat in the oil and could be lit, and a glass hurricane (or chimney) that surrounded the flame.
Other sources include wood-burning stoves, kerosene heaters, improperly ventilated water heaters and gas stoves, and blocked or poorly maintained chimney flues.
You can add a chimney, side rooms, a garage, or anything else that you want.
Is there any loose flashing at the chimney or where the various elevations of the roof meet?
This generous man was known to give treats to children and throw gold down a chimney into stockings drying by the fire.
Dingle died in 2004 when she went into cardiac arrest after a chimney crushed her.
Pin the Roof on the House (or the door, window, chimney or other feature) could be a fun variation on Pin the Tail on the Donkey for young guests.
To get the best effect the area of the blast-nozzle must be properly proportioned to the size of the cylinders and be properly set with regard to the base of the chimney.
In English practice where a spark-arrester is put in it usually takes the form of a wire-netting dividing the smoke-box horizontally into two parts at a level just above the top row of tubes, or arranged to form a continuous connexion between the blast-pipe and the chimney.
A convenient way of describing any type of engine is by means of numerals indicating the number of wheels - (I) in the group of wheels supporting the leading or chimney end, (2) in the group of coupled wheels, and (3) in the group supporting the trailing end of the engine.
Within it was also the gold lamp of Callimachus, which burnt for a year without refilling, and had a chimney in the form of a palm-tree.
Their huts are usually beehive-shaped, with a single apartment, low narrow door, and no chimney.
The working chamber indeed is the furnace proper, in which the whole of the open-hearth process is carried out, and the function of all the rest of the apparatus, apart from the tilting mechanism, is simply to pre-heat the air and gas, and to lead them to the furnace proper and thence to the chimney.
At Northwich and Winsford scarcely a house or a chimney stack remains straight.
In consequence the fire-gases, when arriving there by the chimney shaft (a), have already a good upward draught, and when circulatung round the muffle are at a lower pressure than the gases within the muffle, so that in case of any cracks being formed, no hydrochloric acid escapes into the fire-flues, but vice versa.
The burner gas is introduced at one end, the waste gases issue from the other, the movement of the gases being impelled partly by their own chemical reactions, partly by the draught produced by a chimney (or tower), or by mechanical means.
Ultimately the waste gas is drawn off by a chimney, or sometimes by mechanical means.
The gas-producers constructed by Messrs Siemens Brothers, from 1856 onwards, were provided with a kind of brick chimney; on the top of this there was a horizontal iron tube, continued into an iron down-draught, and only from this the underground flues were started which sent the gas into the single furnaces.
There was no chimney; the fire was made in the centre of the house and the smoke escaped through a hole in the roof, or through the door as in Hebridean houses of the present day.
In some cases the pupa upon emerging constructs a chimney of soil, the use of which is not known.
A stream of smoke drifted from the chimney of the renovated old house.
A rather awkward movement is made to get out of the chimney on to the pinnacle.
The chimney breast was treated to a concrete effect paint finish.
For information on pricing of DM modular block chimney system please visit our pumice chimney liners page.
Lining your chimney will cure problems of smoke leaking out through cracks in a masonry chimney.
The ' fairy chimney ' and exposed cliff faces have been part excavated and tunneled so as to form churches and various chambers.
A chimney can be seen to the north east of the yard.
Many early chimneys would have been built without chimney pots, which only became fashionable in the mid 19th century.
Central battered chimney stack flanked by 2 brick dormer gables with leaded lights.
The chimney is well-insulated and incorporates a heat exchanger along most of its length.
In 1840, a Glasgow chimney sweep named Francis Hughes was charged with the culpable homicide of his young assistant, John O'Neill.
The bunker diesel exhaust was positioned beside a chalet chimney to deceive thermal imaging!
The bag is unlikely to burn if it remains in the chimney and the handgrip is not inflammable.
A possible solution would be to line the chimney flue with an insulated liner that is brought down to a point above the Inglenook.
See our lining a chimney page for detailed instructions on how install flexible chimney liner.
You can wrap the entire liner at once or fit it section by section as you pull it down the chimney.
Fitted cupboard and shelves to chimney breast recesses, two radiators, picture rail, television aerial point.
Even so, the chimney glowing red-hot betrayed the heat work inside the kiln.
Numbers have not grown as fast in Clifton as elsewhere as they seem to prefer gently sloping corrugated industrial roofing to chimney pots.
The main tasks are to make repairs to both chimney stacks at the ends of the building.
Also, ' Meeting a black cat or a chimney sweep ' is said to be good luck.
Companies such as Solar Millenium AG, headquartered in Erlangen, Germany, now market solar chimney power plants, along with parabolic troughs.
A cone fitted at the chimney exit to increase efflux velocity should be permitted.
Y p chimney and by conduction into the brickwork backing of the stove is considerable.
Thus, the Koreans go far beyond the Eskimo and number their demons by thousands of billions; they fill the chimney, the shed, the living-room, the kitchen, they are on every shelf and jar; in thousands they waylay the traveller as he leaves his home, beside him, behind him, dancing in front of him, whirring over his head, crying out upon him from air, earth and water.
The most perfect method of utilizing the waste heat hitherto applied is that of the Siemens regenerator, in which the spent gases are made to travel through chambers, known as regenerators or recuperators of heat, containing a quantity of thin firebricks piled into a cellular mass so as to offer a very large heat-absorbing surface, whereby their temperature is very considerably reduced, and they arriveat the chimney at a heat not exceeding 300 or 400 degrees.
You can also build a new chimney using a pumice liner system.
Climb the wide crack in the left wall to a grass ledge and rejoin the chimney proper to finish.
Santa usually enters the house down the chimney leaving his reindeer and sleigh parked on the roof.
Not that John needed a rope to slink down a slippery chimney en route to the elusive northern top !
After years of use an old chimney can suffer attack from heat and soot deposits that erode mortar joints.
Attached to the top of the chimney is a final stage spark arrestor.
A Bradwell resident startled by strange noises in the chimney was shocked to discover a trapped owl.
Finally their appearance was not improved by Stephens ' specialty of the period, a stovepipe chimney.
Sounds and smells, like the suffocating smoke in the farmhouses without a chimney, are completely missing.
The smoke stuck in the chimney before swilling down to fill the room with thick, blue vapors that made everyone 's eyes smart.
Note the curious 19th century vestry to the north, with its tall chimney.
The chimney was re-lined with Class 1 316 Grade Multi-Fuel Flexi-Liner and insulated using vermiculate granuals.
The original open wickerwork chimney hood is a delight but they are considering lining inside with a discrete steel flue for added safety.
Consider talking to a chimney sweep about wood stove brands.
Check your Fireplace -- Make sure that your fireplace is clean and safe by inspecting the flue and making sure that the chimney is free from bird nests and other debris.
If your chimney hasn't been cleaned in several years, hire a chimneysweep to tackle the problem.
Use a piping bag to create lines on the sides of the square cake so that it looks like the brick of a chimney.
The Canterbury Bell is one of the finest of biennials, the tall chimney Campanula a very handsome and precious plant for garden or greenhouse.
The most basic type of outdoor fireplace design involves a portable fire pit or chimney pot such as the Mexican chimenea.
These classic clay fireplaces, look like giant gourds with a chimney at the top and a hole for wood at the bottom, have become incredibly popular in the past few years for use as a garden accent as much as to use for building a fire.
Much of the heat created by the burning wood escapes up the chimney, even with fireplaces that have blowers on the side.
The main problem is how the heat is conducted within the chimney of the fireplace.
Since the top of the fireplace is exposed to the cold air, heat is conducted away from the room and up toward the opening of the chimney, resulting in major heat loss.
This allows for warm air to escape to the front of the fireplace and into the room you're heating as opposed to being absorbed in the masonry of the chimney and conducted out of the house.
With the way the cost of natural gas is rising, a wood fireplace insert will pay for itself in one winter, and don't forget to check your chimney for buildup every season, before you use the fireplace for the first time.
These woods contain a high amount of extremely flammable creosote which builds up on your chimney walls, leaving it prone to chimney fires.
When in doubt of the cleanliness of your chimney, get it swept.
Those chimney sweeping logs that are supposed to remove the buildup in your chimney don't really work and can never take the place of having a chimney professionally swept.
Part of that image includes rough-hewn logs on the exterior of the house and a stone chimney with puffy white clouds of smoke escaping from the warm hearth inside.
Most gas inserts do need venting through the chimney.
In a traditional wood burning fireplace, as little as 10 percent of the heated air enters the room with most of the air exiting through the chimney.
The furnace chimney should be cleaned annually.
Have the fireplace chimney cleaned each year.
The chimney should be cleaned each year.
Have all the chimneys (heating system, fireplace, wood or coal stove) in your home professionally cleaned and inspected to avoid the danger of a chimney fire.
A huge pineapple will be stuck in the chimney.
They provide the same soft glow, but the hurricane, or chimney, that surrounds the flame keeps the wind from blowing it out or spilling wax all over the place.
Is there a fire prevention cap on the chimney?
This was better than using the fireplace to heat an entire room because much of the heat leaves through the chimney.
Available in only black and chimney (a deep slate grey), you can expect to pay $36.00 for the cami top and $49.00 for the pants.
The lower quadrant of the casing is enlarged spirally, so as to leave a narrow rectangular opening at the bottom, through which the air is discharged into a chimney of gradually increasing section carried to a height of about 25 ft.
During the Civil War Augusta was the seat of extensive military factories, the tall chimney of the Confederate powder mills still standing as a memorial.
Another form is the Hoffmann or ring kiln, made up of a number of compartments arranged in a ring and connected with a central chimney; in these compartments rough brick-shaped masses of the raw materials are stacked, and between these bricks fuel is sprinkled.
The waste of heat in the chimney gases is accordingly greater; and further, the metallic shell is liable to be quickly burned away as a result of its contact at a high temperature with free oxygen.
Even under the most advantageous application, that of evaporation of water in a steam boiler where the gases of the fire have to travel through a great length of flues bounded by thin iron surfaces of great heat-absorbing capacity, the temperature of the current at the chimney is generally much above that required to maintain an active draught in the fireplace; and other tubes containing water, often in considerable numbers, forming the so-called fuel economizers, may often be interposed between the boiler and the chimney with marked advantage as regards saving of fuel.
In reverberatory and air furnaces used in the different operations of iron manufacture, where an extremely high temperature has to be maintained in spaces of comparatively small extent, such as the beds of puddling, welding and steel-melting furnaces, the temperature of the exhaust gases is exceedingly high, and if allowed to pass directly into the chimney they appear as a great body of flame at the top. It is now general to save a portion of this heat by passing the flame through flues of steam boilers, air-heating apparatus, or both - so that the steam required for the necessary operations of the forge and heated blast for the furnace itself may be obtained without further expenditure of fuel.
Formerly they were allowed to burn to waste at the mouth of a short chimney place above the furnace top, forming a huge body of flame, which was one of the most striking features of the Black Country landscape at night.
The first English settlement was probably made at Chimney Point, in Addison township, in 1690 by a party from Albany.
Thus if the instrument depends on the pressure or suction effect alone, and this pressure or suction is measured against the air pressure in an ordinary room, in which the doors and windows are carefully closed and a newspaper is then burnt up the chimney, an effect may be produced equal to a wind of io m.
The steam produced in consequence of this heat transference from the furnace gas to the water carries heat to the cylinder, where 7 to II% is transformed into mechanical energy, the remainder passing away up the chimney with the exhaust steam.
In any case whether natural or artificial means be employed, a mine can only be ventilated properly when it has at least two distinct openings to the surface, one an intake or " downcast," the other a chimney serving as an " upcast."
By the use of the spiral guide casing and the chimney the velocity of the effluent air is gradually FIG.
Slabs are also manufactured, and, being readily cut, planed, dressed and enamelled, are used for chimney pieces, billiard tables, wall linings, cisterns, paving, tomb-stones, ridge rolls, electrical switch-boards and various other architectural and industrial purposes.
The neighbours said that the fairies caused the phenomenon, as the man had swept his chimney with a bough of holly, and the holly is "a gentle tree," dear to the fairies.
In modern times pumping engines have replaced windmills, and the typical old Dutch landscape with its countless hooded heads and swinging arms has been greatly transformed by the advent of the chimney stacks of the pumping-stations.
The farther ends of the flues of several such kilns are connected with a chimney shaft.
The former are used principally as casing, walls, pillars or other supporting parts of the structure, and includes ordinary red or yellow bricks, clay-slate, granite and most building stones; the latter are reserved for the parts immediately in contact with the fuel and flame, such as the lining of the fire-place, the arches, roof and flues, the lower part if not the whole of the chimney lining in reverberatory furnaces, and the whole of the internal walls of blast furnaces.
Before winter I built a chimney, and shingled the sides of my house, which were already impervious to rain, with imperfect and sappy shingles made of the first slice of the log, whose edges I was obliged to straighten with a plane.
In small stoves for warming and for cooking, petroleum presents some advantages over other fuels, in that there is no chimney to sweep, and if well managed no unpleasant fumes, and the stoves are easily portable.
The Rocket possessed the three elements of efficiency of the modern locomotive - the internal water-surrounded fire-box and the multitubular flue in the boiler; the blast-pipe, by which the steam after doing its work in the cylinders was exhausted up the chimney, and thus served to increase the draught and promote the rapid combustion of the fuel; and the direct connexion of the steam cylinders, one on each side of the engine, with the two driving wheels mounted on one axle.
As a verb, the word means to stifle or check; hence damped vibrations or oscillations are those which have been reduced or stopped, instead of being allowed to die out naturally; the "dampers" of the piano are small pieces of feltcovered wood which fall upon the strings and stop their vibrations as the keys are allowed to rise; and the "damper" of a chimney or flue, by restricting the draught, lessens the rate of combustion.
The return air from fiery workings is never allowed to approach the furnace, but is carried into the upcast by a special channel, called a dumb drift, some distance above the furnace drift, so as not to come in contact with the products of combustion until they have been cooled below the igniting point of fire-damp. Where the upcast pit is used for drawing coal, it is usual to discharge the smoke and gases through a short lateral drift near the surface into a tall chimney, so as to keep the pit-top as clear as possible for working.
The more characteristic and useful birds include many species of the sparrow, such as the song, swamp, Lincoln's chipping and field sparrow; the bank, barn, cliff, white-bellied and rough-winged swallow, as well as the purple martin and the chimney swift; ten or more species of fly-catchers, including the least, arcadian, phoebe, wood pewee, olive-sided and king bird; about ten species of woodpeckers, of which the more common are the downy, hairy, yellowbellied and golden-winged (flicker); about thirty species of warblers, including the parula, cerulean, Blackburnian, prothonotary, yellow Nashville, red-start, worm-eating and chestnut-sided; and four or five species of vireos.
First as regards the transmitting part, one essential element is the antenna, aerial, or air wire, which may take a variety of forms. It may consist of a single plain or stranded copper wire upheld at the top by an insulator from a mast, chimney or building.
The exhaust steam passing from the engine through the blastpipe and the chimney produces a diminution of pressure, or partial vacuum, in the smoke-box roughly proportional to the weight of steam discharged per unit of time.
The ground floor consisted of formal dining and living areas, to include a hearth whose chimney stretched all the way to the top of the condo, two stories up.
Prominent among a great variety of song-birds and insectivorous birds are the robin, blue bird, cat bird, sparrows, meadow-lark, bobolink, thrushes, chickadee, wrens, brown thrasher, gold finch, cedar wax-wing, flycatchers, nuthatches, flicker (golden-winged woodpecker), downy and hairy woodpeckers, rose-breasted grosbeak, Baltimore oriole, barnswallow, chimney swift, purple martin, purple finch (linnet), vireos and several species of warblers.
The picturesqueness of the chimney stacks and tumble-down walls of the burned-out quarters of the town, stretching out and concealing one another, reminded him of the Rhine and the Colosseum.