Child Sentence Examples
This child has a wonderful gift.
She was an only child who had been very welcome.
No child ever drank deeper of the cup of bitterness than I did.
It is true that a teacher with ten times Miss Sullivan's genius could not have made a pupil so remarkable as Helen Keller out of a child born dull and mentally deficient.
I asked myself, "How does a normal child learn language?"
The child was indeed very tired.
With much love, from your darling child, HELEN A. KELLER.
Taken altogether, it was a dreadfully long name to weigh down a poor innocent child, and one of the hardest lessons I ever learned was to remember my own name.
Still, as a child she had never thought about it.
If he had been the only child in the family, things might have been different.
AdvertisementThis goal is within our grasp—and with the vaccine presently priced at about thirty cents a child, shame on us for not ending polio once and for all.
Her father objected and said that no child of his should be deprived of his food on any account.
His success convinced him that language can be conveyed through type to the mind of the blind-deaf child, who, before education, is in the state of the baby who has not learned to prattle; indeed, is in a much worse state, for the brain has grown in years without natural nourishment.
The attitude of the child toward his books should be that of unconscious receptivity.
After too much heated discussion, I agreed to give a less than specific tip saying I didn't believe the child was abducted.
AdvertisementTrue, single words do suggest and express ideas; the child may say simply "mamma" when he means "Where is mamma?" but he learns the expression of the ideas that relate to mamma--he learns language--by hearing complete sentences.
Books are the storehouse of language, and any child, whether deaf or not, if he has his attention attracted in any way to printed pages, must learn.
The child, an eight year old girl named Marcia Stonehurst, was still in bed at one o'clock.
The improvement they cannot help seeing in their child has given them more confidence in me.
I realize that it hurts to see their afflicted little child punished and made to do things against her will.
AdvertisementWhen I was a very little child I used to sit in my mother's lap all the time, because I was very timid, and did not like to be left by myself.
Somehow I had expected to see a pale, delicate child--I suppose I got the idea from Dr. Howe's description of Laura Bridgman when she came to the Institution.
I told her that in my opinion the child ought to be separated from the family for a few weeks at least--that she must learn to depend on and obey me before I could make any headway.
The old man and child were playing checkers in the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
This child, who is from the crust of the earth, like yourself, called you a Wizard.
AdvertisementI thought of the big fire in the queen's kitchen, and knew that the cook would never allow a half-drowned child to be carried into that fine place.
Nancy was not a good child when I went to Memphis.
I know that the education of this child will be the distinguishing event of my life, if I have the brains and perseverance to accomplish it.
When Martha was in a session with Howie, Betsy took over, coveting the child as if she were her own.
She was a beautiful child.
I shall never forget the ripple of alternating joy and woe that ran through that beautiful little play, or the wonderful child who acted it.
Love your Heavenly Father with your whole heart and soul, love every child of God as much as ever you can, and remember that the possibilities of good are greater than the possibilities of evil; and you have the key to Heaven.
As we approached the house I saw a child standing in the doorway, and Captain Keller said, There she is.
She ran her fingers along the lines, finding the words she knew and guessing at the meaning of others, in a way that would convince the most conservative of educators that a little deaf child, if given the opportunity, will learn to read as easily and naturally as ordinary children.
He thinks I am still a child.
She was the one who told me that he was a child prodigy.
Being the only child, she was probably over protective of him.
It's about time you stopped acting like a child and...
That left a choice between raising the child on her own or adopting it out.
On the 10th of June 1688 she was present at the birth of the prince of Wales and gave evidence before the council in favour of the genuineness of the child.
In the Luritcha tribe it was customary when a child was in weak health to kill a younger and healthy one and feed the weakling on its flesh.
The child was at first handed over to the care of the Hours, or the nymph Melissa and the centaur Cheiron.
He lost both parents while still a child.
Such incidents were the Damascus charge of ritual murder (1840), the forcible baptism of the Italian child Mortara (1858), and the Russian pogroms at various dates.
They did so, and as the flames lighted up the room, they saw their father enter with a child in his arms.
Then someone else decides to send that child, at eighteen, to another land to kill people and to die?
One child was six years old, the other two or three years older.
The younger child was blind--that was I--and the other was Martha Washington.
It seems as if a child who could see and hear until her nineteenth month must retain some of her first impressions, though ever so faintly.
I can't believe Russ would shirk the responsibility of his own child.
The child molester was tied to a similar but stronger case.
Giving up a child of any age had to be difficult.
But remember, I'm not a child.
Having a child that was part of them was a dream.
Sometimes it takes more courage to give a child up than it does to keep it when you don't want it.
You knew how bad we wanted a child.
For the first time since he was a child, he was worried.
The smallest statue was Rhyn as a child of five or six, standing on Antarctica.
We will not open to churchmen a door for a new mastership over government and subjects, wife and child."From 1618 a modified Presbyterian polity predominated.
Her "Presbyterian Orphan Society" undertakes the support of every poor orphan child throughout the Church.
Primary Inslruction.All primary public instruction is free and compulsory for children of both sexes between the ages of six and thirteen, but if a child can gain a certificate of primary studies at the age of eleven or after, he may be excused the rest of the period demanded by law.
A child may receive instruction in a public or private school or at home.
If educated at home, the child (after two years of the compulsory period has expired) must undergo a yearly examination, and if it is unsatisfactory the parents will be compelled to send him to a public or private school.
At his advanced age he went with his youngest child to Panama to see with his own eyes the field of his new enterprise.
St Francis, the first child of this union, was born in August 1567 when his mother was in her fifteenth year.
The debtor being seized for debt could nominate as mancipium or hostage to work off the debt, his wife, a child, or slave.
The creditor could only hold a wife or child three years as mancipium.
A man might make his wife a settlement by deed of gift, which gave her a life interest in part of his property, and he might reserve to her the right to bequeath it to a favourite child, but she could in no case leave it to her family.
If she did not remarry, she lived on in her husband's house and took a child's share on the division of his estate, when the children had grown up. She still retained her dowry and any settlement deeded to her by her husband.
The child was then adopted to care for the parents' old age.
They even, in some cases, found the estate for the adopted child who was to relieve them of a care.
If the adopted child failed to carry out the filial duty the contract was annulled in the law courts.
A man who adopted a son, and afterwards married and had a family of his own, could dissolve the contract but must give the adopted child one-third of a child's share in goods, but no real estate.
Adoption had to be with consent of the real parents, who usually executed a deed making over the child, who thus ceased to have any claim upon them.
If the adopted child discovered his true parents and wanted to return to them, his eye or tongue was torn out.
An adopted child was a full heir, the contract might even assign him the position of eldest son.
A sort of symbolic retaliation was the punishment of the offending member, seen in the cutting off the hand that struck a father or stole a trust; in cutting off the breast of a wet-nurse who substituted a changeling for the child entrusted to her; in the loss of the tongue that denied father or mother (in the Elamite contracts the same penalty was inflicted for perjury); in the loss of the eye that pried into forbidden secrets.
The children are possessed of a bright intelligence, which, however, soon reaches its climax, and the adult may be compared in this respect with the civilized child of ten or twelve.
The noble qualities of the child attracted the attention of Hadrian, who, playing upon the name "Verus," said that it should be changed to "Verissimus" (Bhpiccimoc on medals).
In 1490 had happened the case of El Santo nino de la Guardia - a child supposed to have been killed by the Jews.
His existence had never been proved; and in the district of Guardia no child was reported as missing.
The last of the dukes of Norfolk had left a child heir, Anne Mowbray, married to the infant duke of York, the younger of the princes doomed by Richard in the Tower.
This royal bride died of consumption, leaving no living child, and her husband took in 1513, as his second wife, Elizabeth Stafford, daughter of that duke of Buckingham upon whom the old duke of Norfolk, the tears upon his cheeks, was forced to pass sentence of death.
Of his earlier life it was said that he was born in Egypt of Levite parents, and when the Pharaoh commanded that every new-born male child of the Hebrews should be killed, he was put into a chest and cast upon the Nile.
Every year since her marriage Anne had given birth to a child, and Henry had no reason to despair of more; while, if Henry's state of health was such as was reported, the desire for children, which Anne shared with him, may be urged as an argument for her guilt.
After the birth of his first child, Augusta, in 1737, Frederick was ordered by the king to quit St James' Palace, and the foreign ambassadors were requested to refrain from visiting him.
As early as 1668, Sir Josiah Child, the millionaire governor of the East India company, pleaded for their naturalization on the score of their commercial utility.
From then till her death in 30, her son, born in 47, and asserted by Cleopatra to be the child of Julius Caesar, was associated officially with her as Ptolemy XiV.
An institute for the deaf and dumb and blind was opened at Raleigh in 1845, and another for the deaf and dumb at Morganton in 1894; by a law of 1907 every deaf child.
The tales told by the royalist writers of the barbarous cruelty inflicted by Simon and his wife on the child are not proven.
Marie Jeanne, in fact, took great care of the child's person, and there is documentary evidence to prove that he had air and food.
But the Simons were obviously grotesquely unfit guardians for a prince, and they doubtless caused much suffering to the impressionable child, who was made on occasion to eat and drink to excess, and learnt the language of the gutter.
The story runs that food was passed through the bars to the child, who survived in spite of the accumulated filth of his surroundings.
As she peered through the soft gray light not a house of any sort was visible near the station, nor was any person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away.
Child as I was, I at once felt the tenderness and sympathy which endeared Dr. Bell to so many hearts, as his wonderful achievements enlist their admiration.
From the beginning of my education Miss Sullivan made it a practice to speak to me as she would speak to any hearing child; the only difference was that she spelled the sentences into my hand instead of speaking them.
When I learned that there was a gift for each child, I was delighted, and the kind people who had prepared the tree permitted me to hand the presents to the children.
Up to the time of the "Frost King" episode, I had lived the unconscious life of a little child; now my thoughts were turned inward, and I beheld things invisible.
As a child I loved to sit on his knee and clasp his great hand with one of mine, while Miss Sullivan spelled into the other his beautiful words about God and the spiritual world.
It is very beautiful to think that people far away in England feel sorry for a little helpless child in America.
Then I knew that you had not forgotten the dear little child, for the gift brought with it the thought of tender sympathy.
I also saw poor Niobe with her youngest child clinging close to her while she implored the cruel goddess not to kill her last darling.
I also know a child at the Institution for the Deaf in Mississippi.
A gentleman in Philadelphia has just written to my teacher about a deaf and blind child in Paris, whose parents are Poles.
Not all the attention that has been paid her since she was a child has made her take herself too seriously.
Why, one might just as well say that a two-year-old child converses fluently when he says 'apple give,' or 'baby walk go.'
It's only fair to the child, anyhow, and it saves you much unnecessary trouble.
Helen is a wonderful child, so spontaneous and eager to learn.
I hear there is a deaf and blind child being educated at the Baltimore Institution.
She is no ordinary child, and people's interest in her education will be no ordinary interest.
If she could see and hear, I suppose she would get rid of her superfluous energy in ways which would not, perhaps, tax her brain so much, although I suspect that the ordinary child takes his play pretty seriously.
Helen resisted, and Viney tried to force it out of her hand, and I suspect that she slapped the child, or did something which caused this unusual outburst of temper.
Helen is as eager to have stories told her as any hearing child I ever knew.
It was not difficult, however, to make her understand that there was a present for each child, and to her great delight she was permitted to hand the gifts to the children.
All day long in their play-time and work-time Miss Sullivan kept spelling into her pupil's hand, and by that Helen Keller absorbed words, just as the child in the cradle absorbs words by hearing thousands of them before he uses one and by associating the words with the occasion of their utterance.
I observed that the vitals of the village were the grocery, the bar-room, the post-office, and the bank; and, as a necessary part of the machinery, they kept a bell, a big gun, and a fire-engine, at convenient places; and the houses were so arranged as to make the most of mankind, in lanes and fronting one another, so that every traveller had to run the gauntlet, and every man, woman, and child might get a lick at him.
She was as he had known her almost as a child and later on as Prince Andrew's fiancee.
That served another purpose when the conversation turned to the possibility of another child.
He was respectful of her concerns, but they didn't see eye-to-eye on any of it - except the fact that they both wanted another child.
But I guess if we have, it's no worse than having a child out of wedlock.
Every child feels displaced to some degree when a new sibling arrives.
I have been made acutely aware of that fact since I was a child.
His father was never able to get custody of him as a child.
It will be different this time, he said, cuddling her against his chest as if she were a child.
As for buying a child - was it so different from what they were doing?
She probably thought Destiny was a spoiled child.
She is not a child.
Who would have thought he would become attached to a child that was neither his own blood nor male?
It is not a sin to want your child.
Where it is written how we are to make a child?
I don't want her to be stuck with the responsibility of my child.
There was some question that he might not be able to keep his own child?
Maybe it was because Allen was younger, or because Yancey had a child.
Then again, if Yancey was dealing with drugs, he was endangering his mother and child.
After all he had done, he dared talk to her as if she were a child.
He tucked her under the covers as if she were a child.
What kind of future could she offer a child?
How could you think I would turn away my own child?
It was strange how he could blush at praise, but watch with unabashed interest while she nursed their child.
Never the less he and Martha have four married years under their belts and are expecting their first child.
The kidnapper was the child's mother, a drug addict, who no longer had custody and tried to spirit her daughter away.
You can look away when it actually happens but we have to get this guy before he kills another child.
While she truly loved nursing, she too reveled in our accomplishments, second only to her unborn child.
I never considered staying home and raising my child.
We just wait until he snatches another child?
Was it about a missing child?
It looks like he killed the parents in broad daylight, in the front yard, maybe in front of the child.
My careful cross-referencing noted the same name listed as a wealthy grandfather of a kidnapped child who was returned after a strange tip was received.
Molly O'Malley was a pretty child, easily recognized as Julie's daughter with her long blond hair and beautiful eyes.
The child was shy, but seemed excited in a subdued way by the new surroundings.
I'm on my own with a child, trying to make ends meet, the best I can.
The child can't just run off across the country.
I was anxious to hear about the meeting between the two women but I didn't want to ask in front of the child.
It's like we try to do good and theses unintended side effects occur; the deputy sheriff in Alabama, that Youngblood jerk in California, plus the parents murdered just so the discovery of their child's abduction would be delayed.
Then Ronnie got up and said how he and mom loved each other and how she still loved her daughter Annie and it sounded like my sister was her only child.
Had this woman brought her child on this nocturnal visit, I'd have surely snatched her away.
Yes. He said he was sorry but he and Martha said they had to call it quits and he was going back to be with his wife and child.
She turned to the child.
He said his wife and child just arrived.
Why was he faking having a mother and child with him?
Even though it will upset the child, I shant take the time to tarry long with the woman.
Alas, woman and child have missed their opportunity to share our company.
But what made the police seek out the woman and child and drive directly to them?
If I can't today have this child so abruptly placed in police care, I shall drive down the road and find another.
Once aboard my flight I spent the next several hours squeezed between a talkative sailor and a woman with a fussy child.
After a solid hour of the child crying, I wondered if the mother read about the abandoned child, perhaps with a fleeting hint of sympathy.
No one else would be capable of executing the dramatic capture of my nemesis and the lovely child as well.
However, what did I discover but the child at the sink alone and the doors to two stalls closed!
My specially soaked rag was secure in a plastic bag so I withdrew it and had it over the child's face before she turned to see who entered.
It was the one her friend had called Betsy and when she saw the child on the floor, stifled a scream.
I lifted the sleeping child to my arms, and holding a concealed knife against her body, told the frightened woman to follow me, in silence.
The woman in there was with my wife and a young child!
A clerk in the shoe department saw a guy and his wife carrying a child.
She jumped toward the child, apparently crying out and evoking a threatening wave of the knife by Grasso.
Fear is my true restraint; fear of what I'll do to her child if I'm again annoyed.
He abducts, rapes and murders young girls and has killed parents on occasions to get to the child.
While I long to have the child alone in my cabin, keeping the two in there would be cumbersome.
He whined like a child.
There followed a murmured apology to the child for her language.
While his teenage action was untrustworthy, it was venial compared to abandoning the child to an abductor if that was what the cowering, younger Howie had done!
Dusty relaxed and smoothed her hair back like he might a child's.
Darian wrung his hands like an excited child at the news.
He hadn't heard anyone speak so frankly to him since he was a child, and never on a topic so sensitive.
I almost died when I was a child.
He'd given her more than one as a child.
His heart rejoiced at the thought of his own mate carrying his child, but he couldn't help but to think of his own upbringing.
Her features had gone from drawn and pale to glowing, the result of his return from Europe after an extended absence and the child growing in her womb.
He hugged her, a darker thought crossing his mind as he held her and their child close.
He hadn't seen anything like her since he sat in his father's court as a child.
She took Darian's hand and led him down the hall like the lost child he was.
She looked down at the child.
When a child does something bad, we talk about it—try to find out why—make sure we all learn from our mistakes.
Will you cut out this shit and stop frightening this child to death?
The woman has no idea how to deal with a child.
They knew there was little more they could do or say to console the lonely child.
Cynthia eventually bowed to Martha's sobs and crept into her room, spending most of the dark hours holding the grieving child.
Martha eventually slipped into a troubled sleep when Cynthia, with Dean by his side, again convinced the child they believed her, and promised to see the young girl's discovery reach daylight.
She and another child were poking around a mine up above Governor's Basin.
On her way down the hall, she paused at Martha's room and peeked in, as if hoping some memory of the child remained.
She stomped her feet like a child in a tantrum.
Nowadays, you'd be scared someone would kidnap a child but in the old days, no one ever thought of that stuff.
Once again he reached behind his seat, this time pulling out a child's red polka-dot umbrella, no doubt another garage sale bargain.
Another reminder the child hadn't called.
Dean explained, as succinctly as possible, their concern for this child who'd spent six months in their care.
She may be a first class bitch—but if there isn't a legal custody fight or the child isn't reported in danger or grossly neglected, it's none of our business.
Dean felt a pang of sympathy—a child herself about to bring a life into the world.
So they told some young child about their find, assuming he'd report it and get them off the hook.
Shouldn't you tell the child it was all a big joke?
This was no longer the intimidating woman of the morning—instead a child day-tripping to the zoo.
She bit her lip and closed her eyes, hugging against him like a lost child.
Both wished there was a simple means of communicating this information to the child.
But he wasn't even in Ouray between the early 1940's, when he was a child visiting summers, and 1980, when he started coming back after his brother died.
You let her kidnap that poor child!
The child may have gone willingly and there's no reason to believe the mother would harm her.
I know she's her mother, but how could anyone put a child in harm's way like that?
Previously, the child was under the protection of her mother.
Regardless of how irresponsible the woman was, she presumably possessed natural maternal instincts for her child.
Cynthia continued to cling to Martha as if letting go would somehow cause the child to disappear.
The answers fell into place, one after another like a child's wooden puzzle, and even absent the last lingering block, the finished the picture was finally clear.
When the child he told about the bones didn't come forward and report what he saw, Billy still felt wrong about the skeleton remaining undiscovered.
She had always feared learning to love a child, only to have the mother change her mind.
Jonathan was no more blood relation to them than Destiny, but neither child could have been loved more deeply nor considered more a family member.
I never could understand why she would want to give up her own child.
Lori was his wife and the mother of his child.
She wiped the tears from her cheeks with a shirtsleeve, feeling like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
It destroyed everything, and I was an only child from a small family.
And now child endangerment?
Katie looked around her apartment, eyes lingering on a drawing done by a child on the fridge.
You can't tell me I'd forget my own child!
How could she remember everything but her child?
He studied the DNA molecule to see if the child was related to the man.
Kris said nothing, feeling at once foolish and like he was the child Andre used to chastise for failing to focus on his duties.
There was a moment of silence, then a child's gleeful laugh.
We learned that those outside of this circle are less likely to be concerned about the appearance of the child.
Ully looked over at the child and jaguar curiously.
The child slowed as he neared the jaguar and turned, finally paying attention.
The jaguar launched itself at the child, and Toby.s scream shattered the quiet morning as its jaw clamped on his arm.
You wake up one day and find he.s turned from child to man overnight.
She stood out of his way, barely able to care for a child and at a loss as to what to do with a boy on the verge of becoming a teenager.
No child of hers would end up like Rhyn—tormented, rejected, and abused!
It.s hard to imagine Rhyn as a child.
And she's with child, Father.
She's with child as well.
A'Ran pushed himself away from the table he leaned against and paced, thoughts turning to Gage, who would bear Ne'Rin's child.
She sent your gifts and said to convey her news of a child.
He's taken on the responsibility of raising her child, if she chooses not to mate with another.
Their pace out of the dwelling and toward the hills was brutal, too fast for her to keep up, and Leyon ended up swinging her into his arms like a child to keep the fast pace into the rocky hills.
But it doesn't look like a child's writing to me.
Sometimes I feel I'm becoming an expert on domestic abuse and child molestation.
She swears she'll never have his child so she took off.
Then she added, with a dismissive wave of her hand, "That retarded child probably stole it."
I used to do that as a child with Claire.
She'll think the child is mine!
There are so many couples who would give anything to have that child.
That's no better than selling her child!
I am sure now that I carry my beloved Joshua's child in my womb.
We both have a child in our bodies and don't know what to do about it.
I'd hate to think a child his age would try to kill someone, whatever the reason, but I have to admit it's a possibility.
Of us, our child and me, as now we are one.
While he hated even speculating about a child murderer, it was the first time Shipton's attempted killing began to make any sense.
Having a child nowadays is tough enough but jumping in in the middle of the game is bewildering.
Maybe he blames her for both not watching the boys and then for saving her child and not his.
I've never seen a child so happy.
Do you think Annie ever told Rev. Martin she was carrying his child?
When they entered Bird Song Fred was still in place on the sofa, but as soon as he saw them he jumped up and embraced Cynthia like the returning prodigal child.
Is she a foster child?
She's a sweet child who deserves much more than she's ever gotten.
He did say that something as serious as Donnie's stepbrother's death would have been very traumatic to a child.
Her sudden heart attack had frightened Cynthia, reminding her as an only child she was her mother's sole resource.
Cynthia carrying his child!
He thought about Annie Quincy carrying a child she would have loved to bear, but couldn't.
The paper work on Martha was nowhere near as simple as clothing the child.
Apparently mom, before assigned to hard time in Cañon City, had dragged the poor child over most of Colorado and the West.
And she took an unborn child with her.
If she wanted a child, how could he deny her?
After an uncomfortable moment, Jackson asked, "If Elisabeth was to have a child with someone the pack chose, would they allow us to raise it?"
Are you saying you would raise another man's child?
I would raise Elisabeth's child.
I'm not even sure I would want a child even then.
That is not a good enough reason for me to bring a child into the world.
Your mother thinks the pack would accept us if you agreed to have a child, and we could raise it.
My mother asked you to agree to me having another man's child?
The portrait still looked like the child, yet he was almost handsome.
She gently lifted him, as if he were a sleeping child, and carried him to the car.
Alex tousled her hair as if she were a child.
A product of being an only child of aging parents, no doubt.
I don't want to raise an only child.
I couldn't stand to love a child and lose it.
Katie was expecting a child now - Katie, who had trouble taking care of herself.
You could still have a child.
Fitting that my only female child was named its mistress.
The real Gabriel had been the one to tell her that the child she carried was a girl. "I guess we have to wait and see," she forced herself to say and added silently, I hope you're safe, Gabriel, wherever you are.
He'd unknowingly killed a woman and her child.
Pain streaked through her, the kind of pain with no physical source. Katie began to cry, unable to see an end to her ordeal that would mean she – or her baby – lived. She hugged her stomach and sobbed for the loss of Rhyn, her own life, their child's.
You've got a mate and child, Rhyn.
It was for Katie and someone else, someone you killed. I didn't know about your child. I didn't know Katie would end up your mate.
Today she was absent, home nursing child number five, down with a spring fever, or just plain Spring Fever.
Thunder had never bothered him, even as a child.
She was about as close to her parents as any child I've ever seen.
Well, I know what you're talking about, but I don't remember pondering it as a child.
Still, he was willing to give up the idea in exchange for adopting a child.
For her, the lazy days of summer hadn't changed much since she was a child.
This was what she had dubbed the magic room when she was a child.
He held her close for a while, caressing her hair and back ... crooning to her as if she were a child.
Sooner or later, most people give in to a child's voice deep inside.
Looking into that stern face, she felt like a child caught with her hand in the candy jar.
I was their only child.
Was it normal to prefer one child over another?
I would have thought Alex was bright enough to realize that having the ability to father a child isn't what defines a man.
Maybe in a few years, if we don't have any of our own, we can adopt a child.
He would likely use her desire for a biological child as a ploy.
Carmen said she was afraid of adopting because the mother could take the child back after they learned to love it.
Carmen could love a child that wasn't her flesh and blood as easily as she could love her own.
She was hung up on the biological issue – insisting that if they were patient, God would work miracles and they would have a child, as her parents had.
Carmen was a change-of-life baby, the only child of aging parents.
The logical side of her mind had accepted the fact that he couldn't give her a child, but the emotional side still rebelled.
So why don't we adopt a child?
Carmen tore her gaze from the child and realized Alex was still watching her.
As an only child growing up with aging parents and no relatives, life had often been lonely.
And then, there was the magic room upstairs, where she had spent many hours playing as a child — and many hours dreaming as a teen.
Did he want a child this much, or was he afraid of what people would think if he walked out on her when she was pregnant?
Magic is a child's interpretation of a miracle, or anything they can't understand.
And when I was a child?
And she wasn't the only one having this child.
His mother died and his father doesn't want to be troubled with a handicapped child.
If the child picked up on her fear, it could cause him worse problems.
More important for the child, though, was the fact that Alex actually wanted him to visit the ranch.
This child had been through so much.
They would have to be approved, and nobody was going to release a child to someone as messed up as she was right now.
I don't want to adopt only to have the child taken away.
We've lost one child already and I don't think I could stand losing Jonathan as well.
There he sat, holding her in his arms as if she were a child.
She wouldn't stand under that tree and say good-by to the only child she would ever have.
I'd hate to think that my unborn child was the only tie I had with his family.
Why would she want to give up her own child?
Lori became pregnant when Alex still believed he couldn't father a child.
But then, he had also believed Josh was the father of the child Carmen carried.
So, what would she do if she found out he had fathered Lori's child?
And knowing it was his child they were adopting wouldn't hurt her decision.
I treated you like a spoiled child.
The longer he knew Carmen, the more certain he was that Josh wanted her to have everything — even his child.
The mortal world is no place for a mother of a small child, her father said.
If he hadn't saved that nobleman's child years ago, you'd have been sold on the auction block, her mother said.
No mother should want to leave her child to go to some other world, her mate said.
Jenn's tension fled from her as she picked up the small child and hugged her close.
Were the gardens where he was born and the beach where he played as a child still there?
He sometimes felt like his family treated him like a child when he'd grown overnight into a god.
He didn't know if she still yearned for her husband during a time when marriages among servants were arranged, but there was nothing that could soothe the ache a mother felt at losing her child.
My husband and father forbid it, locked me away until I had Talia, and believed a child would tame that part of me they couldn't.
However, if they didn't hurry, Sofi would come back with a child before twenty-four hours passed in the mortal world..
Without touching her, Bianca could still feel Sofi's body preparing to expel the child within, whether or not she went to a hospital.
The sight of the child hammered home his desire for a future with Jenn.
He stepped closer to the bassinet and peered at the sleeping child.
He may never have the chance to hold his own child.
He carefully hefted her limp body and held her against him like a child.
The language was from his homeland of Karyan, a place he left when he was a child.
I was but a child.
Tell my mate and child I died with bravery.
Once again, he was the Sirian she remembered, the man she worshipped as a child as he belted orders to the army.
The cider he had made nightly for her since she was a child sat next to the meal.
If so, the demon is a child.
Most are no better than he is, but Taran was an innocent child when he came to me.
You were but a child.
He was a lonely child, about your age.
How would you feel about another child?
Did you want another child?
Another child might be a bad influence.
There's no telling what another child might have gone through at this point.
Did Alex think that adopting another child would resolve Jonathan's issues?
He was treating her like a child.
But then, maybe he felt she was acting like a child.
Why would he want to adopt a child if he was feeling overwhelmed?
Maybe I deserved a spanking for acting like a child.
I'm not a child, Alex.
Alondra carries his child.
I carry Morino's child.
I have carried Morino's child for two months.
I would not trade a child for pride.
As a child she had wanted a bird.
She had been so focused on having children – even as a child.
Mom and Dad let me be a child.
And yet, like an unruly child, she had rebelled, causing him endless worry and stress.
You're a naive little child.
He smiled down at her and stroked her hair as if she were still a child.
Too bad Denton didn't hear that - even if it did come from the lips of a child.
She had been familiar with most herbs and their uses since she was a child, due to her father's business, but she had never actually seen the herbs growing.
Well, she's his only child and he wants an heir.
He wasn't going to let his child grow up with all that pressure.
Most people saved that look for his mother while casting uncertain or suspicious looks at the masked child who followed her dutifully through the city.
Born to a wealthy merchant family, she'd been disowned when it became known what kind of deformed child she bore.
The two visions that haunted her since she was a child were forefront in her mind.
The ten-year-old child she adopted and turned into a killer started as a weapon with no more attachment to her than a sword or dagger.
He didn't understand the difference between an immortal warrior and a human child, between opponent and innocent.
He hadn't been stuck since he was a child, and he had no intention of giving up his freedom.
In order to prevent youthful unchastity, marriages are contracted between children of eight years old, the girl being brought home to live with the lad at his parents' home till a child is born, when a separate dwelling is provided for the youthful couple.
As a child he was clever and delicate.
She was jealous as a lover of the child's affection, and the struggle between the mother and grandmother was one of the bitterest of Aurore's childish troubles.
Chopin was first petted by her like a spoilt darling and then nursed for years like a sick child.
No female or male under twelve may be employed in mines, and no child under twelve may be employed in a factory, and when school is in session none under fourteen.
He would thus have married and had at least one child, from whom the contemporary of Pliny was descended.
The other child, a son, was sent to England, and also died shortly before his father's return.
Everything was concerted in advance with the ecclesiastical authorities, and immediately after the baptism both child and nurse disappeared.
The Cartesianism of Holland was a child of the universities, and its literature is mainly composed of commentaries upon.
His father, a Lutheran minister, died while he was yet a child, leaving a widow and three children.
Her father's palace was pillaged by the Turks, and as a child of four years old she was sold to the comte de Ferriol, the French ambassador at Constantinople.
The child was small and somewhat deformed, but of great courage and intelligence.
As a child she had already believed herself to have visions; these now became more frequent, and her records of these "revelations," which were tanslated into Latin by Matthias, canon of Linkoping, and by her confessor, Peter, prior of Alvastra, obtained a great vogue during the middle ages.
She had been made a daughter of the republic at the time of her marriage to the king of Cyprus; and on the death of her child the republic first acted as guardian for its daughter, and then, in 1489, obtained from her the cession of the island.
It was during the first Fronde that she lived at the Hotel de Ville and took the city of Paris as god-mother for the child born to her there.
It is not compulsory, nor is it entirely gratuitous, but the fees are small and the state offers a great many scholarships, by means of which a clever child can pay for its own instruction.
If he did not, on his death the brothers were bound to do so, giving her a full child's share if a wife, a concubine or a vestal, but one-third of a child's share if she were a hierodule or a Marduk priestess.
This was usual in child marriages.
On the 1st of June he crowned Anne as queen, and on the 10th of September stood godfather to her child, the future Queen Elizabeth.
But Edward's title had been expressly sanctioned by act of parliament, so that there was no more room for election in his case than in that of George I., and the real motive of the changes was to shorten the weary ceremony for the frail child.
On the 16th of November 1816, she was interrogated by the police, who frightened her into silence about the supposed substitution of another child for the dauphin.
Pathology, in fact, is the child of this ancestry; it begins where they end.
This charcoal man, whom I know very well, ran past me with a child in his arms.
Parents were unable to leave their home to bury their child if the child died in the hospital.
Mildred has grown much taller and stronger than she was when I went to Boston, and she is the sweetest and dearest little child in the world.
Barras's account of the visit describes the child as suffering from extreme neglect, but conveys no idea of the alleged walling in.
The child made no complaint to Barras of his treatment, probably because he feared to do so.
The child was now taken out to walk on the roof of the Tower.
On Laurent's retirement Etienne Lasne was appointed on the 31st of March 1795 to be the child's guardian.
Laurent, to protect himself from the consequences of the substitution, replaced the wooden figure by a deaf mute, who was presently exchanged for the scrofulous child of the death certificate.
It was not the dead child, but the dauphin who left the prison in the coffin, whence he was extracted by his friends on the way to the cemetery.
A child was in fact delivered to her agents, but he was a deaf mute.
Bathsheba's influence added a new element of danger to the usual jealousies of the harem, and two of David's sons perished in vain attempts to claim the throne, which she appears to have viewed as the rightful inheritance of her own child.
King and queen fly, carrying the child with them, and while the wife is tending her husband, who dies of a broken heart on his flight, the infant is carried off by a friendly water-fairy, the Lady of the Lake, who brings the boy up in her mysterious kingdom.
Daniel was a frail but clever child, and his family made great sacrifices to give him and his elder brother Ezekiel a good education.
His widow, however, bore a posthumous child, also named Germanus, of whom Jordanes speaks (cap. 60) as "blending the blood of the Anicii and the Amals, and furnishing a hope under the divine blessing of one day uniting their glories."
This younger Germanus did nothing in after life to realize these anticipations; but the somewhat pointed way in which his name and his mother's name are mentioned by Jordanes lends some probability to the view that he hoped for the child's succession to the Eastern Empire, and the final reconciliation of the Goths and Romans in the person of a Gotho-Roman emperor.
The German system of compulsory education of every child above the age of six was introduced directly after the annexation.
In 899, when Arnulf died, Hatto became regent of Germany, and guardian of the young king, Louis the Child, whose authority he compelled Zwentibold, king of Lorraine, an illegitimate son of Arnulf, to recognize.
After all, it is only a question of probabilities, and the difficulties of fitting a wife and child into the story seem to be very great, whether we conceive them left behind by Demetrius in Italy, or sent out of the country before him.
Marjorie, an only child by his first wife, Isabella, daughter of Donald, earl of Mar, had predeceased him.
She was the eldest child of Claude of Guise and Antoinette of Bourbon, and married in 1534 Louis II.
This was done; but on the death of the eldest (Joseph) the child first baptized Nabulion received the name Joseph; while the third son (the second surviving son) was called Napoleon.
His real concern for her was evinced shortly before the birth of their son, the king of Rome,when he gave orders that if the life of both mother and child could not be saved, that of the mother should be saved if possible (loth of March 1811).
The only child of the marriage, Horace Camille, was born on the 6th of July 1792.
In South Africa and India, on the other hand, the magician digs up a dead body, especially of a child, to secure a familiar.
Mannhardt collected a mass of information proving that the life of the corn is supposed to exist apart from the corn itself and to take the form, sometimes of an animal, sometimes of a man or woman, sometimes of a child.
An old man, however, crept out of a hut with a child, whom he presented to Bussy as the son of the dead chief.
The child, Chinna Ranga Rao, was invested by Bussy with his father's estate, but during his minority it was seized by his uncle.
He was the child of a nymph by the god of the wind.
The maiden ate the fruit, and in due course a child was born to her, whom she named Aisin Gioro, or the Golden.
They became regents to their young children; and the experience of all medieval minorities reiterates the lesson - woe to the land where the king is a child and the regent a woman.
In Germany a child from Cologne, named Nicolas, gathered some 20,000 young crusaders by the like promises, and led them into Italy.
Some of its enactments are purely pagan - thus one paragraph allows the mother to kill her new-born child, and another prescribes the immolation to the gods of the defiler of their temple; others are purely Christian, such as those which prohibit incestuous marriages and working on Sunday.
The regard of Napoleon for his consort was evidenced shortly before the birth of this prince, when he bade the physicians, if the lives of the mother and of the child could not both be saved, to spare her life.
Child dismisses his inferences as "ludicrous."
The best collections of Robin Hood poems are those of Ritson (8vo, 1795) and Gutch (2nd ed., 1847), and of Professor Child in the 5th volume of his invaluable English and Scotch Popular Ballads (Boston, 1888).
Judith made unceasing efforts to secure a kingdom for her child; and with the support of her eldest step-son Lothair, a district was carved Out for Charles in 829.
But since he states that he was so young a child in 1430 that he could not recollect the details of events in that year, and since he was " colier" at Louvain in 1430, his birth may probably be placed nearer 1415 than 1405.
This ethical teaching, which is indefinitely higher and purer than that of the Old Testament, is yet its true spiritual child, and helps to bridge the chasm that divides the ethics of the Old and New Testaments.
The child of a slave girl by her master is born free, and the mother is usually raised to be a free wife.
The spoilt child of London society was not at home in India, and he was glad to return to England, where he arrived in 1812.
The picture of the Blessed Virgin and Child, which De Rossi ascribed to the 2nd, if not to the 1st century, has received an unexpected proof of its antiquity.
He was a precocious child, but, as Graetz points out, his lack of stable character prevented his gifts from maturing.
She was, however, a child of unusual intellectual power, and she began very early to write though not to publish.
In 1885 he published, after long indecision, his volume of poems, A Child's Garden of Verses, an inferior story, The Body Snatcher, and that admirable romance, Prince Otto, in which the peculiar quality of Stevenson's style was displayed at its highest.
The god of Atha was a form of Horus (Apollo) as the sun-god; his most characteristic representation is as the disk of the sun with outspread wings, so often seen over the doors of shrines, at the top of stelae, &c. In the temple, where he is often figured as a falconheaded man, he is associated with Hathor of Dendera and the child Harsemteus.
Even as a child her parts were good, if not brilliant, but unfortunately her education was both imperfect and desultory.
Thamin maintains that, if his heroes did not form great characters, at any rate they taught the Roman child to train its conscience.
A grand social reform was effected in the law passed in September 1871, which enacted that from that date every child born of slave parents should be free, and also declared all the slaves belonging to the state or to the imperial household free from that time.
In the interior there are a "Madonna and Child" of Fra Bartolommeo and a number of other paintings and works of art.
A child of the Alhambra, he entered the service of the alcalde as page, and, his.
He died when his son Richard was a child, and the care of the family devolved upon the mother, who was a woman of'strong sense and of great energy of character, and who, after her husband's death, left Dunford and returned to Midhurst.
Albert left behind him two infant daughters only, but his consort was big with child, and, in the event of that child proving to be an heir male, his father's will bequeathed to him the kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia, under the regency of his mother.
At one time the Turkish script was altered, with the result that officers were unable to read their reports or orders; then the Enverie, a highly unpractical head-covering, reminiscent of a child's paper hat, was invented and introduced; in March 1914 he demanded and obtained the hand of Princess Nadjie, the Sultan's niece, made himself general of a division, and began, moreover, to take thought for his financial future.
In 1768 died Philip Stanhope, the child of so many hopes.
William Murray, a native of the place, was made earl of Dysart in 1643, and his eldest child and heir, a daughter, Elizabeth, obtained in 1670 a regrant of the title, which passed to the descendants of her first marriage with Sir Lionel Tollemache, Bart., of Helmingham; she married secondly the 1st duke of Lauderdale, but had no children by him, and died in 1698.
Debendra Nath Tagore sought refuge from the difficulty by becoming an ascetic. The "Brahma Samaj of India," as Chunder Sen's party styled itself, made considerable progress extensively and intensively until 1878, when a number of the most prominent adherents, led by Anand Mohan Bose, took umbrage at Chunder Sen's despotic rule and at his disregard of the society's regulations concerning child marriage.
The family appear to have always belonged to the yeoman-tradesman class; their special home was the town of Saint-Loup. Voltaire was the fifth child of his parents - twin boys (of whom one survived), a girl, Marguerite Catherine, and another boy who died young, having preceded him.
The abbe de Chateauneuf instructed him early in belleslettres and deism, and he showed when a child the unsurpassed faculty for facile verse-making which always distinguished him.
In September 1749 she died after the birth of a child.
Within Voltaire there was always a mischievous and ill-behaved child; and he was never more mischievous, more ill-behaved and more childish than in these years.
The priory of Bermondsey in Surrey was founded by Aylwin Child, citizen of London about 1082.
The eighth guru was the second son of Har Rai, but he died when a child and too young to leave any mark on in his favour and also in favour of the next guru for having altered a line of the Granth to please the emperor Aurangzeb.
One of these officials in the Tanganyika region was in April 1912 sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for summarily executing 11 native prisoners, including 4 women and a child.
His chief work is a philosophical romance, in which he describes the awakening and growth of intellect in a child removed from the influences of ordinary life.
But though Christianity was in spirit the descendant of ancient Jewish prophecy, it was no less truly the child of that Judaism which had expressed its highest aspirations and ideals in pseudepigraphic and apocalyptic literature.
One and a half mile from Altdorf by the Klausen road is the village of Burglen, where by tradition Tell was born; while he is also said to have lost his life, while saving that of a child, in the Schachen torrent that flows past the village.
At Thebes there was a statue of Fortune holding the child Plutus in her arms; at Athens he was similarly represented in the arms of Peace; at Thespiae he was represented standing beside Athena the Worker.
They include a skull and several large adult bones and a child's jaw.
A highly sensitive and imaginative child, she very early began to practise asceticism and see visions, and at the age of seven solemnly dedicated her virginity to Christ.
He had married a wealthy Spanish lady named Therasia; this happy union was clouded by the death in infancy of their only child - a bereavement which, combined with the many disasters by which the empire was being visited, did much to foster in them that world-weariness to which they afterwards gave such emphatic expression.
Girolamo was a precocious child, with an early passion for learning.
Spent with weakness and fatigue he asked leave to rest his head on his companion's lap, and quickly fell into a quiet sleep. As Niccolini tells us, the martyr's face became serene and smiling as a child's.
On the death of his father-in-law in 1383, John endeavoured to enforce the claims of his wife, Ferdinand's only child, to the crown of Portugal.
Thus Norman-French spelt its palatalized c-sound (= tsh) with ch as in cher and the English palatalized cild, &c. became child, &c. In Provençal from the 10th century, and in the northern dialects of France from the 13th century, this palatalized c (in different districts is and tsh) became a simple s.
In April 1851 their first child was born dead.
When Adelaide bore a son, and a report gained currency that Otto intended to make this child his heir, Ludolf rose in revolt and was joined by Conrad of Lorraine and Frederick of Mainz.
He seems to have been a remarkably good child, and much beloved at home.
Therefore a mother, passing from the chamber which has just witnessed her paroxysms of grief, will describe calmly to a strangerespecially a foreignerthe death of her only child.
His father died when he was a child, and he was brought up by his mother, a woman of considerable activity.
Sometimes the supposed magician or medicine man himself did the scrying; occasionally he enabled his client to see for himself; often a child was selected as the scryer.
Or, it has been said that an adult immigrant represents what it would cost to bring up a child from infancy to the age, say, of 15.
This has been estimated by Ernst Engel as amounting to $550 for a German child.
The marriage took place in the autumn of 1709, and on February 9, 1710/1, was born at his house at Reigate, in Surrey, his only child and heir, the fourth earl, to whose manuscript accounts we are in great part indebted for the details of his father's life.
On the death of a Dharm raja a year or two elapses, and the new incarnation then reappears in the shape of a child who generally happens to be born in the family of a principal officer.