Cherished Sentence Examples
It disturbed the most cherished traditions and the most sacred themes.
His cherished schemes were shattered.
With every look – every touch, he cherished her.
Language was her liberator, and from the first she cherished it.
For his old patrons of the house of Medici Ficino always cherished sentiments of the liveliest gratitude.
In the jubilee year 1825 he was selected by his fellowstudents at the Collegium Romanum to head a deputation to Pope Leo XII., whose memory he subsequently cherished and whose name he assumed in 1878.
In taking this course Joseph made the capital mistake of neglecting the Machiavellian maxim that in changing the substance of cherished institutions the prince should be careful to preserve the semblance.
It was a favourite idea of his that chemical affinity and capillary attraction would eventually be included under the same law, and it was perhaps because of its recalcitrance to this cherished generalization that the undulatory theory of light was distasteful to him.
Lord Ashley now retired into Holland, where he became acquainted with Le Clerc, Bayle, Benjamin Furly, the English Quaker merchant, at whose house Locke had resided during his stay at Rotterdam, and probably Limborch and the rest of the literary circle of which Locke had been a cherished and honoured member nine or ten years before.
He is therefore a Chasid of the ancient type, and glorifies the ideals which were cherished by the old Pharisaic party, but which were now being fast disowned in favour of a more active role in the political life of the nation.
AdvertisementYet, she was all that remained of his brother, and he cherished the connection.
Start with the most cherished new feature you desire for your new spa bath.
A scrapbook can be passed down and become a cherished family heirloom.
While such was the domestic state of affairs during the period of self-government, the settlers cherished large territorial views.
This evidence may in certain cases consist chiefly of the fact that generations of our predecessors have taken a certain view regarding a certain question; indeed most of our cherished beliefs have this foundation.
AdvertisementHis memory is still cherished in the district, for he conferred on it the title of Gefiirstete Grafschaft, spent much time in it, and erected in the chief church of Innsbruck a sumptuous monument as his tomb.
Still the fact remains that henceforth Machiavelli cherished the ideal image of the statesman which he had modelled upon Cesare, and called this by the name of Valentino.
Throughout the continuance of the government under the provincial charter, there was a constant struggle between a prerogative party, headed by the royal governor, and a popular party who cherished recollections of their practical independence under the colonial charter, and who were nursing the sentiments which finally took the form of resistance in 1775.
With the empire at war and the Committee in power, the Turkish Government resolved to execute their cherished scheme for the complete "Turkification" of Asia Minor.
His last days he spent on his estate at Gruzina, carefully collecting all his memorials of Alexander, whose memory he most piously cherished.
AdvertisementThey and Jesus spoke indeed the same words and appealed to the same authorities, but they rightly saw in him a revolutionist who threatened the existence of their most cherished hopes.
Like everybody (including Cinderella ), I surely have three cherished wishes, which I want to write you about.
He studied at Alexandria and doubtless met there Conon of Samos, whom he admired as a mathematician and cherished as a friend, and to whom he was in the habit of communicating his discoveries before publication.
The Orient was, indeed, ever the magnet which attracted him most; and his hostility to England may be attributed to his perception that she alone stood in the way of his most cherished schemes.
The Common, a park of 48 acres, in the centre of the city, has been a public reservation since 1634, and no city park in the world is cherished more affectionately for historical associations.
AdvertisementA revolt of the Hungarian Protestants, in consequence of the persecuting policy of the house of Habsburg, now led to a renewal of the war between Turkey and Austria, due in part to the overweening ambition of Kuprili's successor, Kara Mustafa, who desired to immortalize his tenure of office by some great exploit, and who cherished dreams of founding for himself a western Moslem Empire.
The second was called for by the preference which the common law gave to a distant collateral over the brother of the half-blood of the first purchaser; the fourth conferred an indefeasible title on adverse possession for twenty years (a term shortened by Lord Cairns in 1875 to twelve years); the fifth reduced the number of witnesses required by law to attest wills, and removed the vexatious distinction which existed in this respect between freeholds and copyholds; the last freed an innocent debtor from imprisonment only before final judgment (or on what was termed mesne process), but the principle stated by Campbell that only fraudulent debtors should be imprisoned was ultimately given effect to for England and Wales in 1869.1 In one of his most cherished objects, however, that of Land Registration, which formed the theme of his maiden speech in parliament, Campbell was doomed to disappointment.
Lord Milner cherished the ideal of racial fusion by the establishment of British settlers on a large scale.
In this mission Gentz had no official mandate from the Austrian government, and whatever hopes he may have cherished of privately influencing the situation in the direction of an alliance between the two German powers were speedily dashed by the campaign of Jena.
His circumstances had improved so much, by pensions, the presents which were showered upon him, and the sale of his books, that he was now in a position to refuse all proposals which would have interfered with his cherished independence.
I will only hint at some of the enterprises which I have cherished.
Sewing a baby blanket with the baby's name and birth date in the corner or a baptismal gown with a monogrammed chest are gifts sure to be cherished.
Keep the advice below in mind and you'll have all of your most cherished photographs protected behind glass in no time at all.
With the invention of modern technology sports cards are an antique of sorts, primarily held by older generations who cherished the cards as children.
Although experts say silica cat litters are safe as long as they are not ingested, the very concept of having a known carcinogen in close contact with a cherished pet makes some pet owners uneasy.
The situational distinctions for cat-catching will differ depending on whether you are attempting to catch a feral animal or an indoor animal that is also a cherished pet.
Many pet owners are surprised to note a drastic change in their cherished pet's behavior.
Communication with religious figures, prayer, and personal communication with God is also a cherished family value, whether a family encourages individual, private prayer or religious communication as a family.
Because they are so easily personalized, the baskets are something that will be cherished while in use, and remembered long afterward.
Valuable shots and cherished moments can be lost forever if the camera and operator are not up to task.
Arranging your cherished photographs in standard frames or traditional albums is so passé.
There may be few keepsakes more cherished than a stunning shot of your entire clan, but coming up with fresh family portrait ideas year after year can be challenging.
In the age of emails and text messages, handwritten correspondence is cherished.
Telling the story behind your photos is what will turn your album into a keepsake to be cherished for generations to come.
The treaty in 1847 put an end once for all to the hopes which the Dutch had cherished of including the whole island in their dominions, but it served also to stimulate their efforts to consolidate their power within the sphere already subjected to their influence.
Intent upon accomplishing this cherished project, he embarked for Portugal, and after he had been shipwrecked on the coast of Natal, and captured by pirates, arrived at Lisbon.
As for the claim that the "Renaissance" delivered men from that blind reliance upon authority which was typical of "medieval" thought, that is a fallacy cherished by those who themselves rely upon the authority of historians, blind to the most ordinary processes of thought.
In other words, Bossuet only answered Santarelli by setting up the divine right of kings, However, this dogma by no means scandalized the subjects of Louis XIV., for the worship of the sovereign was one of their most cherished instincts.
It was his most cherished ambition to see before he died an adequate Roman Catholic cathedral in Westminster, and he laboured untiringly to secure subscriptions, with the result that its foundation stone was laid in 1895, and that when he died, on the r9th of June 1903, the building was so far complete that a Requiem Mass was said there over his body before it was removed to its resting-place at Mill Hill Park.
Finland was on the whole prosperous and progressive, and his statue in the great square in front of the cathedral and the senate house in Helsingfors testifies to the regard in which his memory is cherished by his Finnish subjects.
Few at this time realized the danger which arose later from the closer adhesion of Russia to the Western Powers, especially as Aehrenthal took the greatest pains to prove in all quarters, after the conclusion of the annexation crisis, that Austria-Hungary cherished no farreaching plans of conquest.
Bulgaria cherished ambitions in Thrace which extended even to Constantinople, and she had to consider the fact that sooner or later the Turkish forces in Thrace would be reenforced not only by their own allotted reserves but also by those, above alluded to, which the Greek navy prevented from going to Macedonia.
Lastly, though Sallust's vivid narrative is consistent throughout, it is obvious that he cherished very bitter feelings against the democratic party.
This situation militated greatly against that leader's cherished policy, and led him to a bitter criticism of the president on the floor of the Senate.
On being released he lectured with increasing effect at Paris, attended the General Council at Vienne in 1311, and there witnessed the nominal adoption of his cherished proposals.
But the Dutch, having been surprised and beaten in the lines of Denain, where Prince Eugene had placed them at too great a distance to receive timely support in case of an attack, he was obliged to raise the siege of Landrecies, and to abandon the project which he had so long cherished.
Some of the members even cherished the fantastic hope of restoring the ancient Byzantine empire.
In all the countries through which he travelled his memory is cherished by the native tribes who, almost without exception, treated Livingstone as a superior being; his treatment of them was always tender, gentle and gentlemanly.
One of the most cherished prerogatives of the king of England, at the time when his power was at the highest, was that of converting any portion of the country into a forest in which he might enjoy the pleasures of the chase.
The chief feature of the rooms was his noble library, the cherished collection of a lifetime.
In the front of the Sorbonne, below the lecture rooms of the faculty of letters, a tablet records an extract from his will, in which he bequeaths his noble and cherished library to the halls of his professorial work and triumphs.
In spite of the protests of Sheridan and other members of the opposition, a campaign of press and other prosecutions now began which threatened to extinguish the most cherished right of Englishmenliberty of speech.
The country in the election of the next year ratified the king's judgment against the Portland combination; and the hopes which Burke had cherished for a political lifetime were irretrievably ruined.
The British who fled before the Teutonic and Scandinavian invasions of the 6th and 8th centuries, had carried with them to Armorica, and fondly cherished, the remembrance of Arthur and his deeds, which in time had become interwoven with traditions of purely Breton origin.
The people still cherished a loyalty to the Hasmonaean lineage, although the young princes were also the sons of Herod.
The saga grew up in the quieter days which followed the change of faith (1002), when the deeds of the great families' heroes were still cherished by their descendants, and the exploits of the great kings of Norway and Denmark handed down with reverence.
The fondly cherished theory which attributes Milesian descent to the bulk of the native population has at length been assailed.
But, having attained to power, he still endeavoured to realize his cherished project.
Although a coarse, selfish and violent man, without any of the attributes of a statesman, Lancaster won a great reputation for patriotism; and his memory was long cherished, especially in the north of England, as that of a defender of popular liberties.
The new dynasty was thus the poorest and weakest of the great civil and ecclesiastical lordships which occupied the country from the estuary of the Scheldt to that of the Liobregat, and bounded approximately by the Meuse, the Sane and the ridge of the Cvennes; yet it cherished a great ambition which it revealed at times during its first century (987Ifo8)a determination not to repeat the Carolingian failure.
French ideas had gained some adherents among the Tuscans, but to the majority the new institutions, although they produced much progress, were distasteful as subversive of cherished traditions.
The keen sarcasm of his polished rhetoric was not calculated to soothe the susceptibilities of men already smarting under the deprivation of their most cherished illusions.
With letters of recommendation from Saladin's vizier, he visited Egypt, where the wish he had long cherished to converse with Maimonides, "the Eagle of the Doctors," was gratified.
Its pilfering habits have led to this result, yet the injuries it causes are exaggerated by common report; and in many countries of Europe it is still the tolerated or even the cherished neighbour of every farmer, as it formerly was in England if not in Scotland also.
At Mittau was realized his cherished plan of marrying Madame Royale, daughter of Louis XVI., to the duc d'Angouleme, elder son of the comte d'Artois.
The "cap of maintenance" still borne before the English sovereign on state occasions is a barret-cap of the type of the 14th and 15th centuries; it symbolized the cherished feudal right of maintaining a personal armed following.
After his death she became the devoted attendant and supporter of the Roman pontiff and cherished an extraordinary affection for him.
It testifies to the collapse of all the illusions cherished by bourgeois democrats.
At no stage during the conference did CG put up ant sort of fight for its once cherished aim of an independent socialist republic.
Your signature frame will become a cherished family heirloom to be enjoyed for decades to come.
It is truly extraordinary how facts can be ignored in the need to confirm and strengthen cherished illusions.
You will not forget the kind, warm welcome from the lady proprietress, who greets you as a long cherished friend.
Everything here, so rugged and wild, minimizes even the most cherished of our self-important activities.
That such a man would ever have used the unparalleled powers of ecclesiastical jurisdiction with which he had been entrusted for a genuine reformation of the church is only a pious opinion cherished by those who regret that the Reformation was left for the secular arm to achieve; and it is useless to plead lack of opportunity on behalf of a man who for sixteen years had enjoyed an authority never before or since wielded by an English subject.
He was singularly sweet-tempered, and shrank from the impassioned political bitterness that raged about him; bore with relative equanimity a flood of coarse and malignant abuse of his motives, morals, religion, 4 personal honesty and decency; cherished very few personal animosities; and better than any of his great antagonists cleared political opposition of illblooded personality.
Like everybody (including Cinderella), I surely have three cherished wishes, which I want to write you about.
Dish/Utensil Set-A silver dish and utensil set can be passed on to following generations as a cherished heirloom.
It was founded to give pet lovers a unique, new way to spoil their cherished pet while experiencing the element of surprise themselves.
That may be nearly impossible, especially if you've lived there for many years and have cherished memories, but you must be able to think objectively about it as a property.
Your cherished heirloom collection might be best put away until your kids get older – not only could your little ones make sacrifices of your pieces, accessories can translate into choking hazards.
The following tips and ideas are guaranteed to help you sparkle, look your best and add glamour to your cherished night.
Add your own photos and text to the pre-designed free printable scrapbook pages to create a special keepsake that will be cherished for years to come.
The wedding rehearsal dinner party should be a fun occasion for all, stress free and cherished for the years to come.
Beginning with their first date, couples have cherished photos from their relationship they want to display.
Finding the right wedding planning guides is the first step towards planning a wonderful wedding that will be enjoyed by everyone with memories cherished long into the future.
Slim wedding programs are a lovely alternative to the conventional style program and are likely to be long remembered and cherished by your guests.
A great bridal shower will get everyone in the mood for a fantastic wedding that will be long remembered and cherished.
Martha wants me to have the antiques we searched for together all the cranberry glass, the Hobstar crystal, even the Tiffany lamp she so cherished.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be cherished and protected.
She survived her husband, who cherished towards her to the last the sentiments of a lover.
Their arid country was the best safeguard of their cherished liberty; for the bottle-shaped cisterns for rain-water which they excavated in the rocky or argillaceous soil were carefully concealed from invaders.
In 1075 he caused the investiture of ecclesiastica dignitaries by secular potentates of any degree to be condemned These two reforms, striking at the most cherished privileges ant most deeply-rooted self-indulgences of the aristocratic caste ii Europe, inflamed the bitterest hostility.
The northern kingdom cherished the institution of a monarchy, and in this, as in all great political events, the prophets took part.
Some took root in the strange lands, and, as later popular stories indicate, evidently reached high positions; others, retaining a more vivid tradition of the land of their fathers, cherished the ideal of a restored Jerusalem.
The law which they cherished as their standard and guide kept them united and conscious of their unity.
One of the most learned men of his day, he devoted his spare time to history, and discovered that many of the oldest and most cherished Scandinavian MSS.
She added that all the parties except the Jacobins were full of confidence; and that the nobles now cherished hopes of a reaction, seeing that the reduction of the number of rulers from five to three pointed towards monarchy.
In the contests which followed there can be no doubt that the Palmyrene princes cherished the idea of an independent empire of their own, though they never threw over their allegiance to the Roman suzerain until the closing act of the drama.
The new crusaders cherished high plans; they would free Bohemund and capture Bagdad.
They gave the kingdom a connexion of its own with the Red Sea and its shipping; and they enabled the Franks to 2 Pisa naturally connected itself with Antioch, because Antioch was hostile to Constantinople, and Pisa cherished the same hostility, since Alexius I.
This accords with the cherished tradition which made the Athenians children of the soil, and free from admixture with conquering tribes.
In spite of his numerous engagements, Burnell found time to aggrandize his bishopric, to provide liberally for his nephews and other kinsmen, and to pursue his cherished but futile aim of founding a great family.
Towards the end of the 16th century the failure of the alchemists to achieve their cherished purpose, and the general increase in medical knowledge, caused attention to be given to the utilization of chemical preparations as medicines.
He could not separate his philosophical from his astrological studies, and caught eagerly at any fragment of antiquity which seemed to support his cherished delusions.
Meanwhile, the earlier events of the war had so altered the political situation that any idea which the diet at Debreczen had cherished of a compromise with Austria was destroyed.
To put an end to this absenteeism, and to bring back the papacy to Italy was the cherished and anxious wish of all good Italians, and especially of all Italian churchmen.
The unification of Italy in a state protected by a national army was the cherished dream of his life; and the peroration of the Principe shows that he meant this treatise to have a direct bearing on the problem.
Machiavelli therefore was justified in feeling that here was an opportunity for putting his cherished schemes in practice, and that a prince with such alliances might even advance to the grand end of the unification of Italy.
The terrible events in Minster, which was controlled for a short time (1533-34) by a group of Anabaptists under the leadership of John of Leiden, the introduction of polygamy (which appears to have been a peculiar accident rather than a general principle), the speedy capture of the town by an alliance of Catholic and Protestant princes, and the ruthless retribution inflicted by the victors, have been cherished by ecclesiastical writers as a choice and convincing instance of the natural fruits of a rejection of infant baptism.
From 1881 onwards they cherished the idea of an independent South Africa.
He was keenly alive to its pernicious influence on the cherished interest of his life, the cause of learning.
He himself cherished the desire to re-establish the kingdom for his own advantage.
But they still cherished a hatred of the Romans, and during the Second Punic War (218), irritated by the foundation of the Roman colonies of Cremona and Placentia, they rendered valuable assistance to Hannibal.
He or his tragic fate may have touched a deeper chord, but it was carefully concealed; and although in later years Elizabeth seems to have cherished his memory, and certainly showed no love for his brother's children, at the time she only showed resentment at the indignities inflicted on herself.
He was one of that band of young scholars, among whom were also Ernest Lavisse, Gabriel Monod and Gaston Paris, whose enthusiasm was aroused by the principles and organization of scientific study as applied beyond the Rhine, and who were ready to devote themselves to their cherished plan of remodelling higher education in France.
There are some 30,000 Sikhs in the Indian army, and the sect is cherished by the military authorities, who insist on all recruits taking the pahul or Sikh baptism.
A population largely Roman Catholic in creed, and partly French in origin and language, feared that an influx of new settlers would overthrow cherished traditions.
Three years of quiet retirement and study were spent in Rhode Island, but it gradually became apparent that government would never hand over the promised grant, and Berkeley was compelled to give up his cherished plan.
Among the Joseph-tribes (Ephraim and Manasseh), the most important of Israelite divisions, the traditions of an ancestor who had lived and died in Egypt would be a cherished possession, but although most writers agree that not all the tribes were in Egypt, it is impossible to determine their number with any certainty.
A Brahmin, leaving home, left his daughter in charge of an ichneumon, which he had long cherished.
Disdaining the illusory dream of the imperial crown, still cherished by his legal advisers, he pushed forward towards that fluctuating eastern frontier, the line of least resistance, which would have yielded to him had it not been for the unfortunate interruption of the Hundred Years War.
With every look – every touch, he cherished her.
Later that evening, I scattered these cherished curls on a sticky flypaper I had inscribed with a stave.
Bruges was forced after strenuous resistance to submit to the loss of its most cherished privileges in 1438, and the revolt of Ghent was quenched in the " red sea " (as it was styled) of Gavre in 1453.
Self- sacrifice was her most cherished idea but in this case she could not see what she ought to sacrifice, or for whom.
While this is your wedding, you still want these cherished ladies to be comfortable.
The two most cherished goose downs are Hungarian and Siberian.
It can be a real surprise for fans to meet cherished celebrities in person and discover the actual heights of these public icons.
Some families have a cherished tradition of passing down these lovely dresses from sibling to sibling, and generation to generation.
Whether it is a novelty toy or a realistic representation, a stuffed dog can be a cherished gift if it is chosen appropriately.
After all, you don't want to put your cherished pet at risk or pay a large sum of money for an ineffective piece of equipment.
Parkinson mentions it as "cherished in our garden in 1629," and gives it as "growing near the river of Canada where the French plantation in America is seated."
Some plants offer beautiful foliage, while others are cherished for their blooms.
Balfour rings are very often not just rings, but reminders of cherished memories.
Above all, a custom piece of jewelry will be the item of your dreams and long cherished.
Whether the occasion is Valentine's Day, a birthday, Mother's Day or an anniversary, a crystal heart box is one that will be kept and cherished for many years to come.
Perfect for any gift giving occasion, or even when there is no special occasion at all, each ring will be cherished for the love and memories it represents.
A mother daughter bracelet set will be cherished through the years as symbol of the special connection they have to one another.
For a cherished and unique gift idea, an engravable mother's bracelet is a memorable and affordable present.
Personalized jewelry pieces are cherished and loved.
A personalized disc necklace will give years of pleasure and could well become a cherished heirloom in the future.
A Mother's Day birthstone necklace is a special gift that will be cherished for many years to come.
Whether you are looking to share a special piece of jewelry with a loved one, a special friend or cherished family member, an interlocking friendship necklace might be just the thing!
A girl's jewelry organizer will make a great gift that will be much cherished for many years to come.
This is a very cherished and unique collection based upon pieces from the Roman Vatican Library Collection of artifacts.
Any equine jewelry item makes a beautiful accessory, but one made from the hair of your cherished horse and created by your own hands is truly special.
These patron saint medals become cherished reminders of divine protection to those who wear them.
A locket can be a cherished possession, and children seem to truly love the intrigue of opening a locket and finding a photo of themselves or parents and possibly even a pet.
Whatever style of a child's locket you decide to buy for the little girl in your life, it's certain to become a prized and cherished piece of jewelry that she'll enjoy wearing.
Known for his signature silver and gold embellishments, Yurman's Tahitian pearl and gold earrings became cherished pieces that women quickly added to their Yurman jewelry collections.
The interior is lined with light pink fabric and contains several jewelry wells and a ring roll located in the center, capable of holding several cherished rings.
Although there are many gift ideas for retirement, choosing a gift that fits the retiree's personality, lifestyle and interests ensure your gift will be remembered and cherished.
Consider them carefully, as the poem you choose may be cherished for many years.
Retirement gift suggestions help guide you towards finding a gift that will mark this milestone with an item that is cherished and remembered.
While you could simply add them to a scrapbook or photo album, wouldn't you rather breathe new life into your cherished Disney pictures?
The uniqueness of specially constructed crystal glassware can be a cherished gift and a memorable way to mark a special occasion.
These life-like baby dolls were favorites decades ago, and are still cherished by their owners today.
Old school hip hop dancing is still cherished today within many dance circles, as vintage is always cool and shows that a dancer is proficient in more than one style of technique.
They are also cherished by the Radio City Rockettes and other dance groups that are known throughout the world.
These tangible items are precious keepsakes that will be cherished forever.
It may help you to ask family and friends who their favorite poets are and what poetry they have cherished.
Hair styles evolve just like fashion trends, and each season brings in a new cut and color that has been cherished on the runway and favored by salon gurus.
Your favorite jewelry is a cherished antique piece or a stunning strand of pearls.
For those who hope to learn how to use this ancient art form to create unique pieces given as gifts or cherished, it has never been easier.
Maternity portraits can be a cherished memento for your family.
Remember, those moments in the hospital are certain to be plastered in scrapbooks and photo albums to be cherished by family and friends.
Check out our article below on the past and present of the cherished news source.
Observed in this historic northern California city since the 1860s, the Chinese New Year parade is probably the most notable and alluring portion of celebrating this cherished Chinese holiday in the West.
Read on to find what you should look for in a dog kennel, as well as some local boarding facilities that get the job done and will be sure to spoil your cherished family member rotten while you are away.
Some other shots of Kathy Ireland in Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition have a cherished place in the hearts of fans.
Madame Alexander dolls are cherished collectibles for girls and women of all ages.
Ten years after George Foerstner founded the company in 1934 Amana received the Army-Navy's cherished E Award for Excellence.
Trivial Pursuit Disney Edition is a spin on the classic favorite cherished by America for generations.
You can always personalize to make it a truly cherished poem and memento that will remind your volunteer just how special she is to you.
If a good view of your cherished ornaments is very important to you, choose a tree with widely-spaced branches and an irregular profile.
After all your cherished glass Christmas ornaments are wrapped and boxed, be sure to handle the boxes carefully when you move them.
Some long-time teachers have a second Christmas tree to display these cherished mementos.
Start some Christmas traditions in pajamas for cherished holiday memories long after the festivities end.
Not exactly the thing that classics are made of, but then again, It's a Wonderful Life has a similar, box office flop story and went on to be one of the most cherished films of all time.
Even something as simple as buying a sweater in a favorite color or a boxed set of his beloved television show is sure to be cherished as much as unique Christmas gift.
A framed print of the location or a CD featuring that special song are both sentimental gifts that will be cherished for the memories they evoke.
Your partner feels cherished and knows you are on his/her side.
By choosing a quality stone and investigating different designs, it is possible to choose a heart shaped ring that is timeless, elegant, and cherished.
An engagement ring will be worn and cherished for many years to come, therefore choosing a ring which will grow with a couple and yet will not become dated is extremely important.
These unique gifts are likely to be cherished by the engaged couple because of the thought and care that has gone into finding the perfect gift.
These one of a kind rings are often cherished family heirlooms that have been handed down from generation to generation.
From the day you first receive it until the day it is passed on to future generations as a family heirloom, it will continue to sparkle with cherished memories.
An engagement is a very special occasion and memories will be long cherished regardless of whether or not a party is part of the celebration.
The proposal poem will be a cherished memory of the engagement that will last forever.
Select a diamond and setting you know in your heart will be cherished forever.
Most of the characters in the movie are quite comical and likeable, making it a family friendly film sure to be cherished in the years to come.
Anything with a child's name embroidered on it will help to guarantee a lesson of responsibility and ownership that will be cherished.
The timeless styles of many bags in the LV collection mean that the bag can be carried for years, and perhaps even passed down to a family member, and remain a cherished possession.
Some may see these suitcases as a frivolous waste of money, but seen in another light, they can actually go on to become cherished keepsakes.
Whatever your circumstances, it'll be a cherished time for your family..
They grow bored quickly andfeel that their life has become stagnant, and regardless of the love they may feel for their cherished partner, a part of their soul feels dead.
Children feel cherished because they are aware of the sacrifices their parents make in order to homeschool.
Whether your child is four or fourteen, time spent in the kitchen is time to be cherished.
Planning a few special holiday games or crafts not only keeps children occupied while you work away on the family feast, it also helps to create beloved and cherished memories of holidays spent with family.
Escaped maniacs who kill unsuspecting couples on lover's lane, companies treading on our cherished patriotic or religious notions are just some tales that can turn into urban legends.
Even those who faithfully tune in every day to their cherished soaps love reading the latest soap opera gossip.
Dan broke Karen's heart by marrying Deb his first year in college and fathering Nathan, the son he cherished while ignoring Lucas.
These distinguished watches are often cherished for years and even handed down to children and grandchildren.
Triumph motorcycles are one of the most cherished British brands.
The engravings customize and personalize the watch, ensuring that they will be cherished for years to come.
An engraved pocket watch is a lovely gift for a man and is one that will be cherished now -- and will become a family heirloom in the future.
A few other mild autism signs to look for include impaired motor skills, extreme mood swings and aggression, and sudden lack of interest in what was once a cherished topic or activity.
Children of all ages seem to be fascinated by how things are made, and anything that gives them a hands-on experience of creating something will become a cherished memory.
While the conical bra and corselette may never be popular again like it once was, it is definitely an era of fashion cherished by historians and truly classy ladies alike.
No doubt that cherished young boy or girl has unique interests and ideas that you'll want to consider in planning the party.
In spite of the misfortunes of the last years of his reign, Podébrad's memory has always been cherished by the Bohemians.
Bethlen was obliged to renounce his anti-Turkish projects, which he had hitherto cherished as the great aim and object of his life, and continue in the old beaten paths.
The coercion of England's oldest ally had long been one of Napoleon's most cherished aims, and was expressly provided for in that compact.
The Cid of history, though falling short of the poetical ideal which the patriotism of his countrymen has so long cherished, is still the foremost man of the heroical period of Spain - the greatest warrior produced out of the long struggle between Christian and Moslem, and the perfect type of the Castilian of the 12th century.
In order to ingratiate himself with the people, who still cherished the memory of the Gracchi, Saturninus took about with him Equitius, a paid freedman, who gave himself out to be the son of Tiberius Gracchus.
The French king therefore found it easy to form a temporary alliance with Russell, Hollis and the opposition leaders, by which they engaged to cripple the king's power of hurting France and to compel him to seek Louis's friendship, - that friendship, however, to be given only on the condition that they in their turn should have Louis's support for their cherished objects.
It is to him, like the photograph hung on a wall of one we love, cherished as a picture and no more.
Though constrained by the general dangers of her position to make terms with Prussia, Maria Theresa long cherished the hope of recovering a possession which she, unlike her predecessors, valued highly and held by a far better title than did her opponent.
The ambitions which Henry cherished, if extravagant, were never sordid; his patriotism, though seldom attested by practical measures, was thoroughly sincere.
The result of his action is that, to this day his memory is cherished as that of the true apostle of the district where he laboured.
The Vinland story was doubtless a cherished family possession, and was put into writing, when writing sagas, instead of telling them, came into fashion.
They maintained, however, their cherished covenants with a zeal which persecution only intensified; in 1680 the more extreme members of the party signed a document known as the "Sanquhar Declaration," and were afterwards called Cameronians from the name of their leader, Richard Cameron.
Frances Burney, whom the old man had cherished with fatherly kindness, stood weeping at the door; while Langton, whose piety eminently qualified him to be an adviser and comforter at such a,time, received the last pressure of his friend's hand within.
Patronage of art is among the cherished traditions of the German princes; and even whereas for instance at Casselthere is no longer a court, the artistic impetus given by the former sovereigns has survived their fall.
Having himself cherished some hopes of receiving the German crown Ottakar refused to do homage to the new sovereign; after a time war broke out between them, and in August 1278 in a battle at Dtirnkrut on the March Ottakar was defeated and slain, his lands, save Bohemia, passing into the possession of the victor.
He cherished the idea of German unity, but could conceive of it only in the form of the restored Holy Empire under the house of Habsburg; and so little did he understand the growing nationalist temper of his people that he seriously negotiated for a union of the Lutheran and Anglican, churches, of which the sole premature offspring was the Protestant bishopric of Jerusalem.
His most cherished project was a large increase in the tax on tobacco, which at this time paid, for homegrown tobacco, the nominal duty of four marks per hundred kilo.
No Puritan nonconformist name is so affectionately cherished as is that of Joseph Alleine.
As the British troops retired to Upper Egypt, his followers seized the evacuated country, and the khalifa cherished the idea, already formulated by the mahdi, of the conquest of Egypt, but for some years he was too much occupied in quelling risings, massacring Lne Egyptians in the Sudan, and fighting Abyssinia, to move seriously in the matter.
The most startling declaration of the manifesto was that if Spain should refuse to sell " after we have offered a price for Cuba far beyond its present value," and if Cuba, in the possession of Spain, should seriously endanger " our internal peace and the existence of our cherished Union," then " by every law, human and divine, we shall be justified in wresting it from Spain if we have the power."
But in Spain belief in this cherished possession was universal; and, step by step, the theory won credence throughout the West.
He cherished high purposes and obeyed a lively conscience.
Sylvester was a good linguist, and a diligent composer of verse, both in English and Latin, but the opinion he cherished that his poems were on a level with his mathematical achievements has not met with general acceptance.
The heterodox views which he maintained aroused the anger of the Church on behalf of its cherished Aristotelianism, and a short time after his death his books were placed on the Index.
Separation from European politics - the doctrine of" America for Americans "that was embodied later in the Monroe declaration - was a tenet cherished by Jefferson as by other leaders (not, however, Hamilton) and by none cherished more firmly, for by nature he was peculiarly opposed to war, and peace was a fundamental part of his politics.
This being so, it was found convenient to revise the terminology of the past, and to include in the philosophical succession those who, though not philosophers, had cherished the sacred spark.
But it is as a civil administrator that his reputation is cherished in India to the present day.
As his name is still cherished in India, so his tomb is still honoured, being covered by a cloth presented by Lord Northbrook when viceroy in 1873.
The British, deluded by their avarice, still cherished extravagant ideas of Indian wealth; nor would they listen to the unwelcome truth.
But after the fall of Napoleon Sicily ceased to have any importance for Great Britain, and Bentinck, whose memory is still cherished in the island, departed in 1814..
He seems to have cherished the ideal that this son, called Mahommed b.
Several years passed before he gained another step. Meantime, though circumstances had thrown him too much into active life, he had not forgotten his cherished project of reorganizing natural science.
He seemed at length to have made satisfactory progress towards the realization of his cherished aims; the method essential for his Instauration was partially completed; and he had attained as high a rank in the state as he had ever contemplated.
This was Rhodri Mawr, or Roderick the Great, a name always cherished in Cymric annals.
St Paul was a hard hitter, and Jewish Christians, who still clung to James and Peter as the only true pillars of the Church, are not likely to have cherished any love for his memory.
Isabella Gonzaga, who cherished the hope that he might be induced permanently to attach himself to the court of Mantua, wrote about this time to ask news of him, and to beg for a painting from him for her study, already adorned with masterpieces by the first hands of Italy, or at least for a "small Madonna, devout and sweet as is natural to him."
Have you ever thought how deeply cherished of the universe, of Providence you are?
The Golden Age was first created, which without any avenger Spontaneously without law cherished fidelity and rectitude.
They usually represent something macho and manly, with the theme of the cake often taken from one of the groom's cherished pastimes.
Since the words are your commitment to your spouse, words that are meaningful to the both of you are cherished more than the traditional vows.
For a truly special ceremony, incorporate love poetry read by either you, your spouse-to-be or by a cherished family member or friend.
She has been on the soap longer than any other child, and is cherished by the cast and crew.
A special watch for a young girl is bound to be long cherished.
The closing years of the Judaean kingdom and the final destruction of the temple (586 B.C.) shattered the Messianic ideals cherished in the evening of Isaiah's lifetime and again in the opening years of the reign of Josiah.
This difficult task was accomplished by Count Peter Tolstoi, the most subtle and unscrupulous of Peter's servants; but terrorized though he was, Alexius would only consent to return on his father solemnly swearing, "before God and His judgment seat," that if he came back he should not be punished in the least, but cherished as a son and allowed to live quietly on his estates and marry Afrosina.
Tartalea, thus robbed of his most cherished possession, was in despair.
Therefore, when her inheritance was assailed at the beginning of her reign, she fought for it with every weapon an honest woman could employ, and for years she cherished the hope of recovering the lost province of Silesia, conquered by Frederick.