Chen Sentence Examples
Chen style Tai chi is especially well known also for its chin na.
The chen loi - celeriac - added a crisp counterpoint to the tender pork.
A special emissary from the Communist International came to China to interview Chen and bring him back to Moscow.
Chen's method describes how to make a " master " or mold of a chip, using electron beam lithography.
Liu Renjing was also liberated, and bombarded Shanghai and the International Secretariat with letters denouncing the opportunism and the capitulation of Chen Duxiu.
Chen style tai chi is especially well known also for its chin na.
We have performed with many leading soloists including the international violinist Leland Chen.
President Chen has said he will invite the two branches to a meeting this week to straighten out the matter.
Unfortunately, there is paucity of information on Sophia Chen and her background on the Internet.
Typically, prices are around $75 for Sophia Chen's needlework designs.
AdvertisementOn CBS, Big Brother is hosted by Julie Chen, who is also a news anchor.
The Big Brother TV show is a reality TV program on CBS hosted by Julie Chen.
The Head of Household -as well as the two nominees- are not allowed to vote, and the rest of the houseguests are called in one by one to deliver their votes privately to the host, Julie Chen.
After all of the votes have been cast, Chen announces the name of the evicted houseguest.
These documents were to serve as an introduction and to teach Chen to understand his own role in the 1925-27 period.