Chemical-compound Sentence Examples
Lavoisier appears to have assumed that the composition of every chemical compound was constant, and the same opinion was the basis of much experimental inquiry at the hands of Joseph Louis Proust during 1801 to 1809, who vigorously combated the doctrine of Claude Louis Berthollet (Essai de statique chimique, 1803), viz.
Com pounds .-A chemical compound contains two or more elements; consequently it should be possible to analyse it, i.e.
Analytical Chemistry This branch of chemistry has for its province the determination of the constituents of a chemical compound or of a mixture of compounds.
The name is applied in commerce to a complex mixture of carbohydrates obtained by boiling starch with dilute mineral acids; in chemistry, it denotes, with the prefixes d, 1 and d+l (or i), the dextro-rotatory, laevo-rotatory and inactive forms of the definite chemical compound defined above.
If the alloy were a true chemical compound the counteracting electromotive force should not occur; experiments in this direction are much needed.
The constancy of composition shown by repeated analyses of atmospheric air led to the view that it was a chemical compound of nitrogen and oxygen; but there was no experimental confirmation of this idea, and all observations tended to the view that it is simply a mechanical mixture.
These consist of galactin and lactochrome, substances peculiar to milk, discovered by Winter Blyth, with certain animal principles such as leucin, pepton, kreatin, tyrosin, &c. The salts in milk consist, according to the average of numerous analyses by Fleischmann, of the following Milk thus is not to be regarded as a definite chemical compound nor even as a mixture of bodies in fixed and invariable proportions.
When a substance contains its components in definite proportions which can only change, if at all, by sudden steps, it may be classed as a chemical compound.
When the properties of the resultant substance are different from those of the components and it is not a chemical compound we define it as a solution.
The objection to the case of these colour reactions is due to the indefinite nature of the reaction and the doubt as to the constant presence of a definite chemical compound in a given species.
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The analogy of the resolution of a chemical compound with its elements which is often on the lips of those who would justify the independence of thought and the real world, with an agnostic conclusion as to non-phenomenal or trans-subjective reality, is not really applicable.
The pulp is also tested to make sure it is free of lignin, a chemical compound that naturally occurs in plant fibers.
Colchicine is an anti-inflammatory chemical compound that can be used as a medication and is frequently prescribed for gout.
Fluoride-A chemical compound containing fluorine that is used to treat water or applied directly to teeth to prevent decay.
AdvertisementFor some disorders, like Tay-Sachs, the simple presence of a telltale chemical compound in the amniotic fluid is enough to confirm a diagnosis.
Copper peptide is a chemical compound that increases the natural production of regular collagen in the skin and breaks down the extra-large collagens that form themselves in wrinkling and scarring.