Cheek Sentence Examples
She touched his cheek gingerly.
She stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead.
She touched her cheek to his face.
A fly lighted on the baby's cheek, and he brushed it away.
She rested her cheek against the cool stone wall.
Again he stroked her cheek and bent his head.
She pinched his cheek, "It must be such a burden to be so gorgeous."
He leaned down and kissed her cheek softly and she rolled her head, finally touching his lips briefly with hers.
He cupped her cheek with one of his large hands, and she was embarrassed to feel tears gather.
After all, if she hadn't turned her head when he kissed her on the cheek, maybe things wouldn't have turned out the same way.
AdvertisementDean leaped on Shipton, clawing away at the soft snow, pummeling him like an eighth grade schoolyard brawler while Shipton, still clutching his ice ax in one hand, swung at Dean, catching him on the cheek and face with the side of the solid handle.
Weller's cheek twitched noticeably and Fred looked up.
He said against her cheek.
Cynthia wiped a tear off her cheek and when she spoke, her voice didn't sound like her own.
He hesitated then wrapped his arms around her, resting his cheek against her head.
AdvertisementHe dropped a perfunctory kiss on her cheek and left.
Carmen stroked his cheek again and Matthew went back for another try.
Instead of speaking, she kissed him on the cheek and hurried out the door, where her car had already been pulled in front of the manor.
As I sit by the window writing to you, it is so lovely to have the soft, cool breezes fan my cheek and to feel that the hard work of last year is over!
She kept going to the door, as if she expected some one, and every now and then she would touch her cheek, which is her sign for her mother, and shake her head sadly.
AdvertisementWith the soldier, an infantry officer with a bandaged cheek came up to the bonfire, and addressing Tushin asked him to have the guns moved a trifle to let a wagon go past.
Such a brightness on the face like the light of heaven, and from the blessed Mother's cheek it drops and drops....
She lifted a hand and caressed his cheek.
As the little Wizard turned to follow them he felt a hot breath against his cheek and heard a low, fierce growl.
In response to questions she points out prettily her nose, mouth, eye, chin, cheek, ear.
AdvertisementIt was worth the while, if only to feel the wind blow on your cheek freely, and see the waves run, and remember the life of mariners.
He brushed the hair back from her face and stroked her cheek gently.
Cool fingers brushed her cheek lightly and she woke to find Cade leaning over her.
He leaned over and kissed her cheek lightly and then straightened.
The sight of her bruised cheek made his blood boil.
His thumb caressed her cheek then her bottom lip.
Yully touched her swollen eye and cheek self-consciously.
Her body was beginning to ache more, from her battered hands to her bruised cheek from when she'd fallen after fainting the night before.
He withdrew and pressed his cheek to hers.
Her hand shot out before Dean could see it, slapping him across the face so hard four finger prints glowed in red on his cheek.
Of course, Katie wouldn't know about the way he stroked her cheek or brushed her lips with his in such a tantalizing way.
He rose as she approached and kissed her cheek before pulling out the chair for her.
As she watched, the black eye and bruised cheek healed themselves.
She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her cheek on one knee, closing her eyes.
She fled, her ears ringing and cheek burning from his strike.
That explains her cheek, he thought darkly, not caring one bit about Sasha or the vial.
His gaze went to her neck, his resolve solidifying at the sight of her exhausted features and red cheek.
I must handle this, he said, turning back to give his mate a kiss on the cheek.
He cupped one soft cheek and rubbed away a hot tear with his thumb.
A light, warm breeze brushed her cheek.
Surprised, she froze when she felt the knife against her cheek.
Dean was startled to see a tear slide down the woman's cheek.
Donnie popped to his feet and brushed a kiss on his mother's cheek and resumed his work.
Rocking back and forth, head bowed, Edith began to touch herself, her cheek, her arms, her body, again and again, as if indicating where she had been struck but unable to utter the painful words.
Back in his bedroom, Dean wondered through a dizzy fog if his nose and cheek were broken.
He felt the puffiness about his cheek and cringed at the touch.
Sarah stood, dumfounded, with a hand touching her cheek.
She held his hand to her cheek and closed her eyes.
She licked his cheek then put her head in his lap again.
As he handed Consuelo hers, he gave her a peck on the cheek, "You are one smokin' hot Belle."
Jackson pinched her cheek and hummed, "Apparently your happiness is more important to him than his own."
The cheeks are a slide from the brows into the valley of the face, opposed and diffused by the cheek bones.
Pierre embraced him and lifting his spectacles kissed his friend on the cheek and looked at him closely.
He gave her a cold, angry look and offered her his wrinkled, clean- shaven cheek to kiss.
He put an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
He reached out and stroked her cheek.
She reached up and stroked his cheek.
Kissing his chin, she worked her way around to his cheek.
Following the nurses instruction, she gently stroked his cheek.
His fingers caressed her palm warmly and then he brushed the hair away from her cheek.
He smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her cheek.
After all, she had made the first move, turning her head as he kissed her cheek.
She delicately plucked the kitten from his hand and cuddled it against her cheek.
She reached out and touched his cheek.
He chuckled and ran cool fingers across her hot cheek.
She smiled up at Howie and kissed his cheek.
She tried not to flinch when he touched her cheek.
She suddenly felt more alone than ever and rubbed her stinging cheek.
Yully touched her burning cheek.
A tear trickled down her cheek.
He threw the canteen and it hit Two's cheek.
Fitzgerald growled something about keeping an eye on them, but he stood far enough away from Cynthia to protect his other cheek.
Leaning over, she kissed his cheek.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled her face against his cheek.
She had a scab on her forehead over her left eye and a bruise on her cheek.
He touched her cheek.
He cupped the back of her neck with one large hand, brushing his thumb along her cheek.
His gaze was roving, and his air distracted even as he bent to give Hannah a kiss on the cheek.
He deflected the first, but the second slapped his cheek.
What happened to your cheek?
She crossed the room and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
She walked straight to him and kissed him on the cheek.
She kissed him on the cheek.
Jackson touched her cheek.
When the trays were stowed he said, You have something on your cheek, let me get it.
Sarah met Consuelo on the stairs and kissed her cheek.
Sarah kissed him on the cheek.
Elisabeth brought her hand to his cheek.
Jackson kissed her on the cheek.
He hugged her and kissed her cheek.
Sarah pinched his cheek.
Jackson brushed the back of his hand down Elisabeth's cheek.
He sat on the bed, holding her hand to his cheek.
Sarah kissed his cheek.
A large dimple formed in the upper part of his right cheek, lending character to the smooth features.
Thunder rumbled again and a cold drop of rain gnawed at the mud on her cheek.
She tipped her head back and leaned forward, offering a cheek.
He smelled of leather and cologne and his breath was warm on her cheek.
He laughed and leaned down, kissing her cheek.
She wiped the tears from her cheek.
She blinked back a tear, but it escaped and slid down her cheek.
His fingers slid down her cheek in an exciting caress as his gaze searched her face hungrily.
Carmen turned toward the house, dashing a tear from her cheek with the back of her hand.
She rubbed her cheek against the soft hair on his neck.
A slap stung her cheek, and she gasped.
She stared at him, hand on her cheek where he'd struck her.
The Horsemen was the tongue in cheek name given to the government program that placed a series of devices across the world, both in enemy and friendly countries.
She hesitated then kissed him on the cheek and turned to go. Kris watched her, unable to shake the uncanny sense it was the last time he'd see her.
Cynthia kissed him on the cheek, telling him he didn't look a day over 50.
She offered her cheek and took his hand, thanking him again.
When he returned, Fred commented Dean's left cheek looked kinda red.
I guess that accounts for the cheek.
As they broadened into a smile, a large dimple appeared in the upper part of his right cheek.
His hand caressed her cheek and then slid down her neck, sending her pulse into a frenzy of activity.
His breath was warm on her cheek.
She kissed his cheek and then he turned his head, capturing her lips with his.
He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek in a soft caress that increased her pulse.
She stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
He stroked her cheek softly.
He caressed her cheek softly.
Caught unprepared, he took the full force of it on his cheek.
Lori was sitting on the porch swing, a red welt on one cheek.
Lori pointed at the red spot on her cheek.
A tear escaped one eye and coursed down his cheek unchecked.
He touched her again, the gentle stroke on her cheek sending warm shivers through her.
If he felt her tears, he said nothing, though his fingers lingered on her cheek.
She turned to them and Dean could see a tear on her cheek.
He sat next to Sarah, giving her a peck on the cheek.
He had only kissed her once, a peck on the cheek.
He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers and ran a thumb along her jaw.
A tear rolled down her cheek and made a death defying leap to her coat.
He reached forward, half expecting her to punch him, and wiped the tears from her cheek with his thumb.
Scars were visible on one cheek, on the back of his neck, and on the wide upper body that was exposed the previous day.
Instinctively, he touched his cheek to her temple before he realized what he did.
She patted her cheek, where Sirian's blow had fallen.
He touched her cheek with a roughened palm.
Destiny grabbed Alex around the neck and planted a wet kiss on his cheek.
A tear slid down her cheek unnoticed until it dropped on Brutus.
As he stopped beside her, a tear slid down her cheek and dropped to her shirt.
A tear escaped her eye and his troubled gaze followed it down her cheek.
A single tear slid unchecked down his cheek, but his expression remained stoic.
In his arms, with his warm breath on her cheek and the smell of his cologne surrounding them, it was actually an exciting experience.
Standing on her tiptoes, she planted a kiss on his cheek.
He stroked her cheek gently and leaned down, softly kissing her lips.
She wiped an escaped tear from her cheek.
Clarissa wiped the tears from her cheek.
Her voice quivered with the last words, and he drew her close, speaking against her cheek.
She touched his cheek.
She shivered at the sensation of his roughened jaw against her cheek and the heat of his bare chest.
She found herself leaning into him, soothed by his size and the heat of the skin of his chest against her cheek.
She touched her cheek, beyond baffled by the confrontation.
Xander brushed her cheek with the back side of his index finger.
Jessi leaned against him, resting her cheek against his chest.
Firdousi accepted the challenge, and the three poets having previously agreed upon three rhyming words to which a fourth could not be found in the Persian language, 'Ansari began "Thy beauty eclipses the light of the sun"; Farrakhi added "The rose with thy cheek would comparison shun"; 'Asjadi continued "Thy glances pierce through the mailed warrior's johsun"; 1 and Firdousi, without a moment's hesitation, completed the quatrain "Like the lance of fierce Giv in his fight with Poshun."
Below each eye is a cheek area (gena), often divided into an anterior and a posterior part, while a distinct chin-sclerite (gula) is often developed behind the mouth.
When the cheek bumps are strongly defined.
Specimens may be judged to be dry when they no longer cause a cold sensation when applied to the cheek, or assume a rigidity not evident in the earlier stages of preparation.
Their horses had severe bits, and were adorned with nose pieces, cheek pieces and saddle cloths.
Pacas may be distinguished from agoutis by their heavier and more compact build, the longitudinal rows of light spots on the fur, the five-toed hind-feet, and the peculiar structure of the skull, in which the cheek-bones are expanded to form large capsules on the sides of the face, each enclosing a cavity opening on the side of the cheek.
The cheek teeth are short crowned (brachyodont), with the tubercles more or less completely fused into transverse ridges, or cross-crests (lophodont type); and the total number of teeth is in one case the typical 44, but in another is reduced below this.
In the mouse, ten such centres may be distinguished, arranged symmetrically five on either side of the median plane - a cheek patch, neck patch, shoulder patch, side patch and rump patch.
He had regular and prepossessing features, dark complexion, broad high forehead, prominent cheek bones, grey deep-set eyes, and bushy black hair, turning to grey at the time of his death.
He shall pardon his wrongdoers, love his enemies, pray for them that calumniate and accuse him, offer the other cheek to the smiter, give up his mantle to him that takes his tunic, neither judge nor condemn.
The general Micronesian type is a well-proportioned rather slightly built figure, with small and regular features; head high and well proportioned, but forehead rather retreating and narrow at the temples; cheek bones and chin slightly prominent; straight black hair, lanker than that of the Polynesians, colour somewhat darker than the Polynesians, the Marshalls being darker and more vigorous than the Carolines, while the Gilbert type, though smaller than the latter, is still darker and coarser.
Originally nomads (hunters and fishers), all the Finnic people except the Lapps and Ostyaks have long yielded to the influence of civilization, and now everywhere lead settled lives as herdsmen, agriculturists, traders, &c. Physically the Finns (here to be distinguished from the Swedish-speaking population, who retain their Scandinavian qualities) are a strong, hardy race, of low stature, with almost round head, low forehead, flat features, prominent cheek bones, eyes mostly grey and oblique (inclining inwards), short and flat nose, protruding mouth, thick lips, neck very full and strong, so that the occiput seems flat and almost in a straight line with the nape; beard weak and sparse, hair no doubt originally black, but, owing to mixture with other races, now brown, red and even fair; complexion also somewhat brown.
The platen is attached to the centre of the lever by a square bar of iron, and its vertical descent is assured by two projecting guides, one from each cheek; it is then raised from the type-forme, and the iron bar carried back by two levers - the one attached to and above the head and weighted with the eagle; the other behind the press, attached to the arm to which the coupling-bar is fixed, and which also has a weight at the end.
The eyebrows are widened and painted till they appear to meet, while sham moles or stars are painted on the chin and cheek; even spangles are stuck at times on the chin and forehead.
For example, the pain of a gum-boil is generally relieved more by warmth, because the yielding tissues of the gum, mouth and cheek can be readily relaxed by heat and their vessels dilated; but when the pain is dependent upon inflammation in the hard unyielding socket of a tooth, cold generally gives greater relief.
When the second division of the nerve is affected the pain is chiefly in the cheek and upper jaw, the painful points being immediately below the lower eyelid, over the cheek bone, and about the upper lip. When the third division of the nerve suffers the pain affects the lower jaw, and the chief painful points are in front of the ear and about the chin.
There is absolutely no sign of the tongue in the cheek.
The Kazan Tatars speak a pure Turkish dialect; they are middle-sized, broadshouldered and strong, and mostly have black eyes, a straight nose and salient cheek bones.
The spiral horns are low at the crown, with a clear space between the roots, and sweep in a wide curve, sloping slightly backwards, and clear of the cheek.
This character is clearly seen in those animals in which the various members of the lateral or cheek series are well differentiated from each other in form, as the Carnivora, and also in man.
The back, lateral or cheek teeth, on the other hand, have broader and more complex crowns, tuberculated or ridged, and supported on two or more roots.
The elections of 1900 (when he was again returned, unopposed, for West Birmingham) turned upon the individuality of a single minister more than any since the days of Mr Gladstone's ascendancy, and Mr Chamberlain, never conspicuous for inclination to turn his other cheek to the smiter,was not slow to return the blows with interest.
Behind it, and freely communicating with it beneath the osseous bridge (the post-orbital process of the frontal) forming the boundary between them, is the small temporal fossa occupying the whole of the side of the cranium proper, and in front is the great flattened expanse of the " cheek," formed chiefly by the maxilla, giving support to the long row of cheek-teeth, and having a prominent ridge running forward from below the orbit for the attachment of the masseter muscle.
The lachrymal occupies a considerable space on the flat surface of the cheek in front of the orbit, and below it the jugal does the same.
The teeth of the cheek series are all in contact with each other, but separated from the canines by a considerable toothless space.
The anterior premolars are quite rudimentary, sometimes not developed at all, and generally fall by the time the animal attains maturity, so that there are but six functional cheek teeth, - three that have predecessors in the milk-dentition, and hence are considered as premolars, and three molars, but otherwise, except the first and last of the series, not distinguishable in form or structure.
He gently brushed a stray strand of soft hair away from her cheek.
She lifted her face to receive his kiss and he leaned forward, giving her a fatherly peck on the cheek - and a friendly squeeze.
The article was somewhat tongue in cheek in its assessment of paranormal powers but insisted the tips defied coincidence.
Claire greeted him with a kiss on his cheek and a look so smoldering it made Sofia blush.
He pushed Brady's cheek to see the black-purple bruise ringing his throat from where one of the animals outside the walls had tried to rope and hang him.
Then, just to make the whole business come out even, each branded "W" on the other cheek.
Plain as day was a B tattooed on one cheek and a W on the other.
Surprised, Taran resisted the urge to rest his chin atop her head, or nuzzle her cheek, or smell her hair.
He ducked his head to kiss away the ensnaring blood that dripped onto her cheek.
There was single drop of blood on her cheek, a flash of red that clearly had been enhanced and shaded the same hue as the necklace dangling in the space between them.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico is a fun finale to a tongue in cheek homage to the western.
Feeding soft, textured foods tends to reduce mechanical abrasion especially in the buccal surface of the caudal cheek teeth.
I can see her perfect ear, her cheek, her blond hair turned ashen in the half-light.
He could see another smaller hook with sharp pointed barbs imbedded in his leader's cheek.
Apply a pink blusher to the apples of your cheek to give a glow and no hint of a hangover.
Nobody ever stopped us, an incredible fact these days when a 6 year old can be removed from school for kissing a cheek.
Forget about turning the other cheek, revenge is good for you.
The only cheek he's going to be turning is his butt cheek in a salutary mooning of his stunned opponent!
Oval face Blend bronzer onto your cheek hollows and highlight the cheekbones near your eyes.
The baboon have cheek pouches in which they can store food.
Hamsters are peculiar little rodents with large cheek pouches and short stubby tails.
Minimalism and white space is set against deep red and black drapery; venerable beams are cheek by jowl with steel and glass.
Within a few hours he developed a bumpy rash on one cheek and a swollen pink eyelid.
It then exits the canal through the infraorbital foramen to innervate the upper lip, cheek and side of the nose.
Again there was no Greg this week as he was off galavanting around Europe, bloody cheek, but Martin did join us.
Indeed, apart from a deep gash to a cheek, all visible wounds were of the skinned knees variety.
The faces of all were painted red with a black half-moon on the forehead or on one cheek.
The Hollywood heartthrob made Princess Beatrice and Eugenie's night by greeting them with a tender kiss on the cheek.
I lost count after listing more than thirty different kinds, all plucked and then masticated with his cheek teeth as we walked along.
Alasdair's wife, Jane, gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
No human language contains a phoneme that's made by slapping the cheek with the left hand.
Occasionally, the inner wall of the cheek, which is frequently bitten, also shows pigmentation.
Band saw used to remove the side of the cheek, to open the maxillary sinus.
Themes of adultery, passion and despair displayed as stiff upper lip Stoicism with ne'er a peck on the cheek.
Alternatively, for very young or old donors, cheek swabs can be used.
We may rub a lamb's wool sweater against our cheek or with the back of our hand, to feel its softness.
She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek.
The parachute is supported by a cartilage attached to the wrist or carpus; in addition to the lateral membrane, there is a narrow one from the cheek along the front of each shoulder to the wrist, and in the larger species a third (interfemoral) connecting the hind-limbs with the base of the long tail.
One contained in the Shah Jahan Nama - a gorgeous specimen of illuminated Persian manuscript and exquisite calligraphy - represents a most ordinary, middle-aged Oriental, with narrow black whisker fringing the cheek and meeting the tip of the chin in a scanty, pointed beard; a thin moustache sweeps in a semicircle from above the upper lip; the eyebrow over the almond-shaped eye is marked but not bushy.
It is often of considerable value, being of Kashmir shawl, embroidered gauze, &c. A jika, a jewelled feather-like ornament, is often worn at the side of the head, while the front hair, cut to a level with the mouth, is brought up in love-locks on either cheek.
The fanaticism of the Meccan is an affair of the purse; the mongrel population (for the town is by no means purely Arab) has exchanged the virtues of the Bedouin for the worst corruptions of Eastern town life, without casting off the ferocity of the desert, and it is hardly possible to find a worse certificate of character than the three parallel gashes on each cheek, called Tashrit, which are the customary mark of birth in the holy city.
Next in constancy are the " sublingual," closely associated with the last-named, at all events in the locality in which the secretion is poured out; and the " zygomatic," found only in some mammals in the cheek, just under cover of the anterior part of the zygomatic arch, the duct entering the mouth-cavity near that of the parotid.
Get used to it and you'll like it, and he patted her cheek.
And he held out his cheek.
Blood was flowing from his cheek.
His words are music, I never tire of hearing him! said the old prince, keeping hold of the hand and offering his cheek to be kissed.
Taking his hand and drawing him downwards, Kutuzov offered his cheek to be kissed, and again Prince Andrew noticed tears in the old man's eyes.
His whole head was wrapped in rags and one cheek was swollen to the size of a baby's head.
The soldier with the swollen cheek looked angrily at the cavalry singers.
That is all I have to say, and concealing his unvarying emotion he would press his cheek against his daughter's and move away.
Here is one I got at Wagram" (he touched his side) "and a second at Smolensk"--he showed a scar on his cheek--"and this leg which as you see does not want to march, I got that on the seventh at the great battle of la Moskowa.
And a minute or two later the Frenchman, a black-eyed fellow with a spot on his cheek, in shirt sleeves, really did jump out of a window on the ground floor, and clapping Pierre on the shoulder ran with him into the garden.
We must be human, we are all mortal you know! and the Frenchman with the spot on his cheek ran back to his comrades.
These cheek teeth are difficult to see and your pet may have to be anesthetized for these teeth to be rasped down.
Rhesus Monkeys have cheek pouches in which they can stuff enough food to last them all day !
A soft wet kiss of my rosy cheek, my pain is starting to show.
She gives her a stinging slap on the cheek, saying sharply Tarot !
Kai gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek which she received with obvious pleasure.
Themes of adultery, passion and despair displayed as stiff upper lip stoicism with ne'er a peck on the cheek.
This is used to take a swab sample from inside the cheek.
We may rub a lamb 's wool sweater against our cheek or with the back of our hand, to feel its softness.
She clasped my hands and kissed either teary cheek.
Whilst tongue in cheek at the time, he was right.
Hot tears of rage and of pitying sympathy ran down many a weather-beaten cheek.
The wrest plank is let into the cheek and spine case sides and the glued joint is secured with nails.
I picked him up, he licked my cheek, purred even louder and wriggled to get down.
Lori felt hurt and then embarrassed when she heard that the excuse for declining her invite was meant to be tongue in cheek.
Create a shopping account and shop from their extensive collection of cheek coloring products.
Foundations tend to look darker in the bottle than they do when applied, so test the foundation you are interested in by putting some on your cheek.
The cheek pads need to fit snug as well as comfortable.
He used to give me a few quick licks on the cheek if I said, "Give me kisses", which I thought was pretty cool.
To make your cheek bones more prominent (especially on days you don't really have time to contour and highlight your face), use two shades of blush, one slightly darker than the other.
Apply the lighter shade to the entire cheek area you want to enhance, then blend a small amount of the darker color along the bottom line of the cheekbone.
Mary Kay also offers the custom compact options allowing you to fill the empty spaces with three eye colors, one cheek and one lipstick, including space for the applicators.
Blush Stick - multipurpose necessity acts as an eye, lip or cheek color.
Lightly brush contouring shadow around the perimeter of the face including forehead, cheek bones and jaw line.
Do one cheek first and compare to see the difference it makes.
This is a basic blush product within the mineral makeup concept providing naturally radiant cheek color.
Visit a local makeup counter and place stripes of foundation colors from your cheek down to your jaw.
No 80s look was complete without the signature blue eye shadow and overdone cheek contouring.
Next, I just take a regular eyeliner pencil and run it under my eyelids, put on my favorite mascara, apply a mineral blush on my cheek bones and around the outer corner of my eyes with the small part of half of a cotton ball.
As for your cheek color, opt for salmon, soft red or deep rose.
Tarte's award winning Cheek Stain is worshipped by women and celebrities worldwide for its fresh water-based and easily blendable formula.
If you're skin is pale, try the Cheek Stain in shades such as Cloud 9, Tipsy, Dollface, or Tickled.
The Blushing Bride Cheek Stain is acclaimed as being ideal for all skin types due to its subtle plum color.
A hanging cosmetic bag is not going to hold a plethora of eye makeup shades, large cheek and eye palettes such as those from MAC Cosmetics and your complete lip gloss collection.
Colorprint is a complimentary consultation that helps clients determine the ideal foundation, eye, cheek and lip colors that best suit their skin tone.
Simply place three dots on each cheek and quickly blend it in to achieve a natural, rosy flush.
Some of my favorite lip stains are Benefit Cosmetics Benetint Lip and Cheek Stain, or try their Pocket Pal (lip stain and gloss in one), or try Sebastian Trucco's sheer lipstick in Revived or Stained.
Whether a woman is blush-savvy or not, she's practically guaranteed to fall in love with this rosy-red, sweet-fragranced cheek tint.
Roll-on lip stains such as Sonia Kashuk's Lip and Cheek Tint require the least amount of effort and are the easiest to apply.
Thanks to Laura Mercier Crème Cheek Colour, it's exceptionally easy for anyone to achieve a healthy flush that lasts the day.
One that passed the test with flying colors, though, was the Laura Mercier Crème Cheek Colour.
Just a stroke on each cheek is enough to see you from an early morning meeting to a late night dinner.
The best product for a natural, lasting glow is a cheek stain.
Once you've found a cheek stain that works best for your complexion, test it on your lips, as many cheek stains double as a lip stain.
Use it to contour around the eyes, nose and cheek to give you a lifeless look.
Apply your cream blush or cheek mousse to the apples of your cheeks, taking great care to blend immediately and thoroughly.
The highlighting cream can be applied to the brow bone, cheek bone and bottom lip to add special effects.
Above your eye or on your cheek is a good place for the tattoo.
Don't forget to add some zest to your new spicy golden glow with the help of a complexion flattering cheek color.
Many women struggle with just which foundation, eye makeup, and lip and cheek colors will flatter and give them a polished look.
So, for example, at Mary Kay we have ten cheek colors, but for me, there are three that look nice.
For blush, go theatrical and work a creamy blush onto the center of your cheek's and apply in a simple circle shape rather than blending the lines.
A single star makes a bold statement when painted solo on the cheek, while a flurry of stars sends an enchanting message.
A soccer ball, basketball, football or baseball can be painted on the cheek to show off the recipient's love of sport.
Most cheek stains offer the same great glow that Bella rocks, so choosing a shade will require zero guesswork.
It can be used as a base color across the entire lid, as a highlighter on the brow bone, or even as a blush to accent the cheek bones.
For a sunken cheek look, lightly sweep some green and red greasepaint under the cheekbones.
Lightly sweep Sunbasque, a peach with pearl along cheek bones and apply Lipglass in C-Thru, a peachy beige shimmery lip gloss.
Choose a very natural looking cheek color that doesn't compete with the dark eye makeup.
Apply makeup to the brow bone and cheek bones to achieve facial contouring.
Relax. In terms of kissing, on the first date, there's nothing wrong with a small kiss on the cheek.
Speeches can be funny, heartfelt, tongue in cheek or all of these things at once.
Users pick up a small "pinch," place it between the cheek and gum, and let it sit there.
It may be placed between the cheek and gum, chewed, or sucked.
Tongue in cheek, perhaps the real question is where is there not a Dora the Explorer comforter available!
Today, Fawcett has admitted to having lip injections, cheek implants, a brow lift, a nose job and eyelid surgery.
However, most altered images of Hollywood's finest are done with the photographer or editor's tongue planted firmly in his cheek.
Her two older sisters and older brother used to call her "Bugs" because of her overbite, which she considers being the "hugest," and in Jr. High the mole on her left cheek was the source of much teasing from her classmates.
Moore has had extensive plastic surgery, including breast implants, face and cheek lifts, and liposuction.
While she has admitted to nothing, it certainly looks like she's had some work done on her face; lip implants and a cheek augmentation are what many people are guessing.
A stranger approached her and slashed her face with a knife, leaving a wound that ran from her left cheek to just underneath her lower lip.
Get at eye level with your dog and insert the syringe between the cheek and teeth.
This method allows the dog's owner to send a sample of DNA swabbed from the dog's cheek into a special lab for a thorough analysis.
Additional styles of control briefs include seamless styles, padded girdles that enhance the cheek area with removable pads and panty girdles with high rise legs.
Lightweight metal and plastic frames place less pressure on the nose and cheek areas.
Similarly, if you have a heart-shaped face, you won't try on too many frames that accentuate the width of your forehead while downplaying your chin and cheek areas even further.
Gamers turned the other cheek, confining their game talk to their sympathetic peers.
There's enough free-roaming gameplay, nutty stunts and contraptions to keep any gamer's tongue planted firmly in cheek.
It is also called the "slapped cheek disease" because, when the bright red rash first appears on the cheeks, it looks as if the face has been slapped.
Cheek biting, braces, or jagged teeth may persistently irritate the oral structures.
Less often, blisters form on the nose, chin, or cheek.
Koplik's spots-Tiny spots occurring inside the mouth, especially on the inside of the cheek.
Rooting reflex is stimulated by touching a finger to the infant's cheek or the corner of the mouth.
Typically, mumps is characterized by a painful swelling of both cheek areas, although the person could have swelling on one side or no perceivable swelling at all.
Popular piercing sites include the ear, nasal septum, eyebrow, tongue, cheek, nipple, navel, labia, and penis.
The American Dental Association opposes oral (tongue, lip, or cheek) piercing, and the American Academy of Dermatology is against all forms of body piercing except ear lobe piercing.
Using a flashlight pressed up against the skin of the cheek, the practitioner will look in the patient's open mouth.
The test involves submitting a cheek swab or mouth wash; it is completely painless.
While you can get a lot of answers through genealogy DNA testing, a cheek swab analyzed in this way won't tell you everything.
In the kit, you'll find swabs, which you will use to swipe the inside of your cheek.
For those that swear to never cut their beautiful long hair, spice things up with a deep side part, which accentuates your cheek bones.
The backside of a tanga has a more generous cut than a thong or G-string, but it still reveals about a half-moon of cheek beyond the fabric's edge.
Based on the infamous hot pants, these shorts are cut to reveal a lot of cheek, and perhaps depend a little too strongly on the lycra for the wearer's own good.
In general, a very thin strip of elastic material is used to cover the valley between each cheek.
Bottoms range from scoops that cover nearly the whole behind to tangas that leave the outer half of each cheek exposed.
Since this is the part that will be gaining you the most attention, you should aim for a perfect fit that doesn't display anything you don't want, but that also doesn't bag or gape below the cheek region.
These shorts come in various lengths, from provocative ultra-short hot pants to cheek huggers to sport-length shorts that end neatly below your bottom line.
A triangular piece of stretchy material covers most of your strategic areas while still leaving plenty of cheek exposed to daylight.
The tanga provides half moon coverage for each rear cheek and has a low rise front.
The Asa Delta provides about one third less cheek coverage than the tanga, with the same low rise front.
The Fio Dental provides only a narrow strip of fabric to cover the area between each cheek.
It shows a lot of cheek, but still leaves a little to the imagination--a little, not a lot.
In a nod to the doll's handmade origins, each doll had a printed Xavier Roberts signature on one cheek of its behind.
When you touch your partner's shoulder or brush a finger down his or her cheek, you are reminding your partner that he or she is not alone.
Tonight, you are right here with me, I feel your hand on my shoulder, your fingers in my hair and the soft breath of your kiss on my cheek.
If your partner is not discrete at all, he could walk in with lipstick on his cheek or smelling like someone else's perfume.
Some touching can be inadvertently sensuous - the brushing of hair off of your lover's cheek, for example, or the feeling of a gentle hand at the small of your back as you go through a door first.
Clicking and downloading the PDF will give you four ideas to begin with, from the simple idea of a touch on the cheek to an evening of making your lover's wishes come true.
Make every one count, as if a stroke against your lover's cheek was the most erotic thing you could possibly do.
The tendency of the Monkey to act in a tongue and cheek manner also creates a great contrast for Dragon.
It is also known as "slapped cheek syndrome" because the rash that manifests after the symptoms clear up makes a child look as if he was slapped across the cheek.
He has a microphone on his cheek and he's a lecturer of the manschauvinist kind.
In the 1970s, she starred in Sid and Marty Kroft's Electra Woman and Dyna-Girl, a tongue in cheek lampoon of the 60s Batman and Robin television show.
Cheek piercing-This piercing can cause minor nerve damage that will create permanent dimples on the face.
If this piercing is done from the cheek into the mouth, it can leak a saliva-like, smelly fluid called lymp.
The alternative to a full piercing to the cheek would be to use microdermals.
No longer confined to a hand painted image on the cheek, airbrush face painting can include images of masks, full facial transformations, or intricate designs.
The tongue in cheek reason that a softball team comes up with their own chants or cheers is "because there aren't any cheerleaders!"
These underwear have very thin waistbands are high enough on the cheek to avoid the dreaded visible panty line because most have no band at the leg, but low enough to be comfortable.
There is a narrow pouch in the front and the back is designed similarly to the Tanga, but with a bit more cheek coverage.
On the UK release of the first album, he would be credited as "Tory Crimes", a tongue in cheek reference to his lack of interest in politics.
His voice was made for country crooning, and his often tongue in cheek lyrics mean he can make you laugh, even while he's making you cry into your beer.
Drilled a Wire Through My Cheek by Blue October.
From her famed relationships with stars like Russell Brand to her tongue in cheek song choices, it's difficult to sometimes look away from her stardom.
Unless Oscar is turning a cheek to the defiance of Hollywood logic, movie fanatics should expect to at least see a nomination because this film takes the effects of the show to a well-polished new level.
In a tongue and cheek moment, Billingsley's character on SG-1 is a scientist that is also a huge fan of Star Trek and Vulcans.
In 1977, just as shooting for the original film was winding down, Hamill was in an automobile accident in which he sustained facial injuries, including a broken nose and cheek.
Women who sleep on their sides may notice an increase in chin and cheek wrinkles, while those who sleep on their stomachs may experience lines on the forehead, mouth and around the eyes.
If you're familiar with the pesky black dots that pepper the nose and cheek areas on an all-too-frequent basis, you probably realize you're dealing with blackheads.
A small, light brown colored spot on the lower jaw is not likely to be very noticeable, while a dark brown spot directly on the cheek will be much more obvious.
The cheek areas may actually be normal or dry.
Alex swung around, his eyes twinkling with humor and that cute dimple teasing his cheek.
She turned her head and kissed him on the cheek.
Alex leaned over and kissed Destiny's cheek.
He frowned and touched his cheek.
The masculine smell of him, the way his big hands caressed her cheek so softly... hands without calluses.
She waited for him to release her, but his lips moved across her cheek and down her neck with soft caressing kisses.
He wiped her cheek with a thumb.
She leaned forward and stood on her toes, gripping his shoulders as she kissed his cheek.
He grabbed her arm, his breath warm against her cheek.
She threw her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek against him.
He brushed a strand of hair from her face and stroked her cheek.
Only in a dream, she thought sluggishly and reached out to touch his cheek.
A tear slipped down her cheek.
I asked as I stroked my knife against her cheek.
When I looked over at my wife I could see a tear seep down her cheek.
After doubling back and being rewarded with a branch slap on my cheek I realized I wasn't wrong after all; the Pace Arrow was gone!
Her cheek was red as if she'd been struck, and there were tears on her face already.
She touched her cheek.
She raised the other hand to his other cheek, sensing his resistance.
Darkyn cupped her cheek with one hand, the cool energy spreading as his thumb rubbed her cheek lightly.
She nuzzled the hand cupping her cheek, and his thumb traced her lips.
She rested her cheek against his, and they breathed the same air, his steady and hers erratic.
Deidre touched her cheek to his and reached up with one hand to his other cheek.
She nudged his chin with her cheek to try to soften his mood.
He bent down and kissed her cheek.
He was sure he saw her bite her cheek.
I put the knife right against the left cheek of his butt and dug it in.
Gabriel reached out to her, wiping away the tears on one cheek with his thumb.
She nudged his chin with her cheek.
Gabe watched as she crossed the gym to give her mate a kiss on the cheek.
He cupped one cheek with his roughened hand and rubbed away a tear with his thumb.
Any fear she might have felt disappeared when he rested his hand on her neck and brushed her cheek, then her lips, with his thumb.
He kissed her on the cheek as she continued working, chopping the carrots with a new-found vengeance.
She kissed him on the cheek and sashayed out the door.
He kissed Sarah's cheek and patted Connor on the back.
Her face softened immediately, and she held her cheek to his.
The feel of his warm fingers on her cheek, the uneasy stomach - they were all warning bells.
Sand was rough against her cheek, and she blinked back tears and darkness.
With his left hand he drew Bagration toward him, and with his right, on which he wore a ring, he made the sign of the cross over him with a gesture evidently habitual, offering his puffy cheek, but Bagration kissed him on the neck instead.
His warm chest vibrated against her cheek as he chuckled.
Tears stung her eyes as she brought her hand around and struck his other cheek with a ringing blow.