Checks Sentence Examples
With these powers should come enormous checks and balances on their use.
He paused, "You just have to sign the checks."
Despite of all checks and disasters he remained active, self-confident and ambitious, and, since he had acquired a complete control over his father, he had ample opportunity to mismanage the political and military affairs of England.
Landon was waiting with the dealers for their mind checks.
The chief feature in this was an idea concerning which he and Mrs Mill often deliberated - the necessity of providing checks against uneducated democracy.
The Japanese victories resulted for Korea in the solemn renunciation of Chinese suzerainty by the Korean king, the substitution of Japanese for Chinese influence, the introduction of many important reforms under Japanese advisers, and of checks on the absolutism of the throne.
Indeed, along with other serious checks in Spain, which involved the conquest of that land, it cut through the wide meshes of his policy both in Levantine, Central European and commercial affairs.
In the 18th and early part of the 19th century Penrith manufactured checks, linen cloth and ginghams, but the introduction of machinery put an end to this industry, only the making of rag carpets surviving.
Various climatic factors may cause temporary checks, but the growing and maturing period is sufficiently long to allow the plants to overcome these disturbances.
In the tropics the essential requirements are very similar, but there the dry season checks production in much the same way as do the frosts in temperate climates.
AdvertisementBy cancelling the political power of the Areopagus and multiplying the functions of the popular law-courts, Ephialtes abolished the last checks upon the sovereignty of the commons.
He was beloved by all the preachers, and his Checks to Antinomianism show that he was a courteous controversialist.
The second and third implements of analysis above cited are of the nature of cautions or checks.
The virulent controversy between Arminian and Calvinistic Methodists produced as its ablest outcome Fletcher's Checks to Antinomianism (1771-1775).
The chief of them, written against Calvinism, are Five Checks to Antinomianism, Scripture Scales to weigh the Gold of Gospel Truth, and the Portrait of St Paul.
AdvertisementThese evidences of civilization did not make their appearance until the first great era of Japanese reform, the Taika period (645650), when stations were established along the principal highways, provision was made of post-horses, and a system of bells and checks was devised for distinguishing official carriers.
Resuming operations in 354, Philip, in spite of temporary checks at the hands of Chares, and the spasmodic opposition of a VII.
But although the Mahommedan religion from the very commencement sustained checks, it nevertheless made its weight felt upon the independent states of Turkestan to the north and east, and thus acquired a steadily growing influence.
It is a system amply provided with checks and balances; it recognizes and enforces the principle of popular sovereignty, while subjecting that principle to many checks in practice; and it is well calculated to maintain unchanged the relation of its component parts each to the other.
Having been bred in Castile, where the royal authority was, at least in theory, absolute, he showed himself impatient under the checks imposed on him by the fueros, the chartered rights of Aragon and Catalonia.
AdvertisementOn the other hand the political consolidation of the various continental Teutonic peoples (apart from the Danes) in the 8th century led to the gradual recovery of eastern Germany together with Lower Austria and the greater part of Styria and Carinthia, though Bohemia, Moravia and the basins of the Vistula and the Warthe have always remained mainly Slavonic. In the British Isles the Teutonic element, in spite of temporary checks, eventually became dominant everywhere.
Apart from the large class of brocaded cloths made in Jacquard looms there are innumerable simpler kinds, including stripes and checks of various descriptions, such as Swiss, Cord, Satin, Doriah stripes, &c. Mercerized cloths are of many kinds, as the mercerizing process can be applied to almost anything.
Formerly Ulverston had a considerable trade in linens, checks and ginghams, but it is now dependent on large iron and steel works, chemical works, breweries, tan-yards, and hardware, paper, and wooden hoop manufactories.
There is reason to think, however, that it is the want of soil rather than climatal conditions that checks the upward extension of the alpine flora.
Moreover, there is a generally recognised quasi-antagonism between the vegetative and reproductive processes, so that, other things being equal, anything that checks the one helps forward the other.
AdvertisementIn its original form he had spoken of no checks to population but those which came under the head either of vice or of misery.
It is only when such obvious truths are clothed in the technical terminology of "positive" and "preventive checks" that they appear novel and profound; and yet they appear to contain the whole message of Malthus to mankind.
Gradually the officials, high and low, subjected to an elaborate system of checks, refused to take any responsibility whatever; and the minutest administrative questions were handed up, through all the stages of the bureaucratic hierarchy, to be shelved and forgotten in the imperial cabinet.
Yet Duncan Forbes of Culloden, president of the Court of Session, after the outbreak of the war with Spain, reported amazing scarcity of money in the country, and strenuously advised legislative checks on the taste for tea, which naturally diminished the profits of the excise on more generous beverages.
About the middle of the 17th century it became famous for its "checks," which were afterwards superseded by a similar linen-and-cotton fabric known as "Blackburn greys."
In the cough of phthisis minute doses are of service, but in this particular disease morphine is frequently better replaced by codeine or by heroin, which checks irritable coughs without the narcotism following upon the administration of morphine.
The king, with the checks upon his absolutism removed, reverted to the worst traditions of his dynasty, and the control and arrangements of finance were upset by Russia.
Bossuet and the old-fashioned divines had believed in an elaborate system of checks and balances - popes, councils, bishops, temporal sovereigns each limiting and controlling the other - just as Montesquieu and Alexander Hamilton had believed in a careful separation of the executive from the legislative power.
Napoleon swept away the checks and balances, and made the will of a single man the one and only sanction of government.
In_ like manner de Maistre proposed to sweep away the ecclesiastical checks and balances, and vest the whole of the Church's authority in the pope.
It is a powerful local haemostatic, but it only checks haemorrhage when brought directly in contact with the bleeding point.
Jerusalem and therefore that his teaching must be open to the checks and tests of that orthodox primitive standard which they themselves claimed to embody.
The regular police organization, which preserves order, checks evil-doing, and "runs in" malefactors, falls naturally and broadly into two grand divisions, the administrative and the active, the police "in the office" and the police "out of doors."
Custom and economic requirements produced checks on the sway of the masters which proved effectual even when legal protection was insufficient.
This expensive practice was abolished; various checks were placed upon legislative extravagance, and upon financial, special and local legislation generally; and among reform provisions, common enough to-day, but uncommon in 1875, were those forbidding the General Assembly to make irrevocable grants of special privileges and immunities; requiring finance officials of the state to clear their accounts precedent to further eligibility to public office; preventing private gain to state officials through the deposit of public moneys in banks, or otherwise; and permitting the governor to veto specific items in general appropriation bills.
In the same year (1157) Henry made an expedition into North Wales, and forced its prince Owen to become his vassal, not without some fighting, in which the English army received several sharp checks at the commencement of the campaign.
But the council refused to let him assume the full powers of a regent, and bound him with many checks and restrictions, because they were well aware of his character.
Unlike his predecessor, the next duke, John Frederick (1582-1628), was not allowed to become an absolute ruler, but was forced to recognize the checks on his power.
On his return to Ireland, Sussex was outmatched both in war and diplomacy; the loyal chiefs were crushed one by one; and the English suffered checks of which the moral effect was ruinous.
In his reign and those of his immediate successors the Cortes flourished, although it failed to establish checks on the absolute power of the king.
In letters of 1779-1780' he correctly diagnoses the ills of the Confederation, and suggests with admirable prescience the necessity of centralization in its governmental powers; he was, indeed, one of the first, if not to conceive, at least to suggest adequate checks on the anarchic tendencies of the time.
Urinalysis, blood pressure and weight checks, fundal height measurement and fetal heart auscultation are performed routinely at each office visit.
Please note that the College only accepts checks drawn on a UK clearing bank, sterling drafts or postal orders.
Method summary Boolean equals (Object obj) Checks two UnresolvedPermission objects for equality.
Firefighters have targeted two post offices in Congleton (on pension day) recently canvassing for the free Home Fire Safety Checks.
Hundreds of victims have recently fallen for a variation that plays upon people's misunderstanding about how bank cashier 's checks work.
Hearing Among the regular health checks that a child receives during the early years are hearing tests.
Euro checks drawn on UK banks can be cleared through the euro check clearing.
But beside consistency checks, there are other, often overlooked, sources of complexity that are purely combinatorial.
To ensure compliance with the criteria, certain audit checks were built into the scheme.
Please do not send cash, postal coupons, checks drawn on foreign banks or foreign postal orders.
Our experienced flight crew take regular 6 monthly flight checks in a flight simulator and in real aircraft.
The scheme will therefore include checks to ensure that fuels from recently deforested land are not purchased.
The checks we had for controlling access into the mine were not embossed with the colliery's name.
Please enclose a stamped address envelope with checks for return of tickets.
Checks on standards at large users of metalworking fluids have resulted in the serving of Notices requiring improvements.
Remember to do the three checks; Airspace, Alti and DZ, before starting any exercises and to respect all other canopy flyers.
A corporatist globalism that wants the removal of the checks and balances of Independent Nation States.
Please don't take checks, they're too much hassle.
Our bank charges for cashing these checks are quite horrendous!
What we have experienced in this country is uncontrolled immigration with very few checks on wo is coming in.
The service repairs punctures, replaces inner tubes and checks tire pressure within the Congestion Charging Zone.
Artistic Checks Chose between intuit checks, laser checks and discount business checks and click on the links that match.
Both of these initiatives would involve automated checks from ports of entry back to the country of passport issuance.
Prosecutors have this week accused the label of writing checks to a convicted drug kingpin 's company in exchange for " dirty cash " .
But many of the voters came from outside, and identity checks on voters appeared lax.
The report recommends a more detailed sampling and monitoring program and checks that discharged leachate is below recommended levels.
In 1995, Boehner raised eyebrows by distributing campaign checks from tobacco lobbyists on the House floor.
Big Brother's Alex Sibley checks out the cleanest loos on the motorway at Moto.
Four P-51 mustangs taxied out, it was great to see them lined up at the end of the runway doing their power checks.
I removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight of any presidential administration in US history.
All checks should be made payable to " HMCS " and be crossed account payee.
Checks quoting any other payee will not be accepted.
By Post Make checks payable to Kingston Corporation and crossed ' A/C payee only ' .
Without meaning to sound presumptuous, all checks should be made payable to Friends of the Farm.
The surgeon then checks the position of the needles with the ultrasound probe.
Payment was in cash and I cannot recall seeing any checks being presented.
In addition to signing the checks, I'm also now the only person who can sign purchase requisitions.
These must be installed by competent riggers and are subject to frequent preventative maintenance checks.
And mercury sable of a medical these rings feature checks and paying.
This test checks the body's control of cortisol secretion.
The bank will typically carry out some money laundering checks and then approve the new signatory.
Likewise, the checks and balances that exist in the nuclear stalemate between India and Pakistan do not apply to Saddam.
Checks carried out four years ago found substantial mixing of products.
Other savings include the elimination of time consuming tasks such as handling mail, checking and banking checks.
Emily, our chief tester here at The Dad Blog, checks it out.
It is extremely important to maintain good, quality-control practices, including consistency checks, to assure uniformity of plaster slurry.
It is also worth pointing out that even if urine and blood pressure checks reveal nothing untoward, they are still a useful exercise.
It is totally untrue that wage checks have not always been honored.
Health checks for the older man Men in their 60s and 70s are advised to have an annual urinalysis.
Regular checks should be made to ensure that this material in not contaminating watercourses or other sites, or developing roots.
These two checks demonstrate that the cold water pipes are being heated at some point in the property.
By scanning the fingers of welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare checks using different names.
Its manufactures consist chiefly of cotton checks, canvas, hats, candle wicks, axes, spades and sickles.
Thorough safety checks are carried on every reconditioned stairlifts.
He quickly checks to see if Mrs Pinner is around and is relived when she is n't.
However, it seems that despite ordering these checks, LU was extremely remiss in performing them.
In addition to signing the checks, I 'm also now the only person who can sign purchase requisitions.
Making retrospection compulsory will inevitably lead to long delays caused by processing a very large number of disclosure checks at once.
Customer enquiries, inventory checks and special goods handling can be speeded up, providing better service to customers and increasing productivity.
Sundry Kit Transparent toiletry kit keeps contents visible to help speed you through airport security checks.
You really need to push the point that you do thorough checks on the tradespeople listed and involved with the site.
I brought cash and traveler 's checks, American Express, US dollars.
You can get traveler 's checks at almost any bank.
A bank is open at the airport in Port Villa and travelers checks or cash can be exchanged here.
Checks will be carried out to ensure your total unsecured lending with the Alliance & Leicester Group does not exceed £ 25,000.
Try to answer honestly; most tests will have built in consistency checks to identify untruthful responses.
Yearly vaccination boosters, along with regular vet checks, are also important.
By scanning the fingers of welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare checks using different names.
The company had to curtail the large bonus checks they would give to employees during the holidays.
Leena checks her daily itinerary every morning as soon as she wakes up.
Venture firms typically invest in the later stages and can write far larger checks than angel investors. They also can provide perceptive operational and great financial advice.
Be sure you know exactly what the fees and expenses will be before you begin writing checks!
Staff Training - Anything from education to first aide to background checks.
Background Checks-Some nanny agencies do background checks before signing a nanny with their company.
Other areas that are usually examined include your baby's spine and hips, as your doctor checks for spine straightness and hip joint stability.
Of course, plaids, stripes and checks are all classic patterns that work well with nearly any décor and can be used to coordinate with a variety of themes, or to combine with other patterned fabrics.
This is a liquid-free design that does not require fluid checks and will not leak or damage either paint or chrome.
Once the price and terms of the sale have been agreed, a notary is instructed to carry out checks on the property to ensure there are no liabilities or charges against it and to prepare contracts.
Private collectors may sell their coins at auctions or in private transactions, but working with an individual increases the risk of fraud due to a lack of checks and balances.
If you opt for a Craigslist purchase, stay with local sellers only- you do not want to send money or checks to someone you meet off Craigslist since the site does not do any screening of sellers or buyers.
Gift and prepaid cards are accepted worldwide and allow consumers to travel without cash or checks.
That way you can eliminate the chore of writing and mailing checks every month.
Paying bills online allows consumers to save time from writing checks and save money on stamps.
You can cancel checks, but the process can result in bounced checks if the correct check numbers are not reported to the bank.
Free checks by web, phone and fax allow merchants to accept checks from customers via email, through your website, over the phone or by fax.
This presents the perfect solution to avoid waiting for customer checks sent by mail, and also helps to add impulse sales to your bottom line.
Some checks have an additional check fee of 2-3% of the amount of the check.
Payroll is deposited to individual employee debit cards as opposed to issuing paper checks.
The introductory APR lasts for a period of six months and applies to all purchases, balance transfers, ATM withdrawals and cash advance checks made during that time period.
It is a fact that today's consumers are carrying cash and writing checks less and less frequently.
It is designed for people who don't want to carry cash or checks and who want the convenience of all expenses being listed on a monthly statement.
Charge cards are for people and businesses who don't want to carry cash or checks and who want the convenience of all expenses being listed on a monthly statement.
The banks may also close a student's account if they are constantly overdrawn or have too many returned checks.
No more trips to the bank to deposit checks.
Direct deposit is available from payroll and government checks.
Assuming everything checks out, the company will mail the consumer a permanent card within the next couple weeks.
All Visa cards adhere to a system that runs numbers through a mathematical formula that checks the 16 digits against the portion of the account number that is considered the "check digit."
Many cards allow balance checks by phone, online or at an ATM.
Juniper charges transaction fees for balance transfers, cash advances, convenience checks, and returned checks.
Even if the company checks out, it is often a better idea to contact creditors directly.
Check readers allow the merchant to process paper checks for customers at a faster rate.
Checks sent by mail are still accepted at the same address.
The reality, however, is that balance transfer checks almost always have a low interest rate while cash advance checks almost always have a high interest rate.
If you get balance transfer checks in the mail, you can use those checks to pay off debt.
It is essential you verify that they actually are balance transfer checks before you take the step of cashing them so you don't accidentally take a cash advance.
Generally, paychecks are eligible if they are payroll checks or come from the government.
You can find this information on the checks from your bank checking account.
Identification is necessary to use the cheques, which means these checks are safer than gift cards.
A prepaid Visa card is an easy and secure way to make purchases without having to use cash or checks.
Then, use the card instead of cash or checks to make purchases.
Ask those sending you payments to initiate an electronic transfer to your bank instead of sending checks.
Protect your Social Security number by not writing it on checks or your driver's license.
The thief then writes bad checks against the account in the other person's name.
A large variety of payment types can be accepted, and the program works with a wide range of point-of-sale set-ups from Paypal to good old-fashioned paper checks.
In the 1960s he was able to forge checks to the tune of $2.5 million.
Consumers are faced with the potential of bouncing checks they may already have in the works.
The thief may steal your identification and then commit a crime such as writing bad checks.
Hairline checks are not flaws, and minor cracking in these uniquely grained woods is a part of the natural aging process of Thomasville's heirloom quality pieces.
Any number of paper products can be made from recycled materials, including tissues, printer or copy paper, greeting cards, checks, envelopes, invitations, bathroom tissue, and more.
For example, if you usually go to the bank whenever you receive a check in the mail, store your checks together and designate one day per week as "bank day".
Treat your car to regular maintenance checks.
Gingham checks, stripes, plaids, and solids in bright, lively colors will work better than floral prints.
You can also use checks, plaids, and even other patterned materials with your floral designs.
Balance is the deciding factor of a successful blending of florals, stripes, checks, plaids, and solids.
Ginghams, checks and plaids make great curtains, pillows and other accent pieces.
Patterns like checks, dots, stripes and plaids work well in a country themed room.
Country decor with a distinctively American theme tends to come in patterns such as checks, stripes, and patchwork-inspired designs.
It is all managed by a "league commissioner" who checks all of the statistics and awards the points to each team.
Are you still writing checks and buying stamps to pay your bills?
You can pay your bills with a click of the mouse, so no more writing checks, stuffing and licking envelopes.
The average person may want to use public records, especially those concerning criminal background checks, to do something as simple as hire a housekeeper or babysitter.
Order checks, stop payment, and send secure messages through their customer service.
Search, view, save, or print copies of posted checks.
Paper checks can be replaced by e-payments and electronic checks to anyone in the United States, regardless of whether or not they also have a Wells Fargo bank account.
You can find out when the last payments went out and when checks were cashed.
It's easy to set up electronic payments on a certain day of the week or month, so you don't have to waste time and money by sending out checks.
Electronic payments take only two days to go through, which is faster than conventional checks from many banks.
Aspen's upscale hotels are known for their ski concierge, who checks your equipment and keeps your boots in a boot heater overnight.
Checking - If you want a debit card or use checks, a checking account is what you need.
In lieu of giving appliances or checks folks can assist in the cost of your honeymoon.
I owed approximately $20,000 for bounced checks and was asked to repay them.
My supplier wanted back pay for $20,000 in bounced checks and other money I owed.
Prints include checks, plaids, stripes, and patterns.
Checks into a Malibu rehab again and checks out a day later.
Tiger checks out of rehab in Mississippi, even though people claim to have spotted him everywhere from Manhattan to the Bahamas.
This style is especially popular when it's fashioned in checks, plaid, or seersucker.
The site's writers bring their diverse college experiences to the site, and the editor checks for accuracy and up-to-date, relevant information.
Don't forget personal items and important paperwork, such as your airline tickets, travelers' checks, passport or identification, a phone card and emergency phone numbers.
However, keep in mind that cruise line employment is subject to criminal background checks, physical examinations, drug testing, and reference checks.
Keep in mind employment with Princess Cruise Line is subject to criminal background checks, physical examinations, drug testing, and referrals.
They have to do background security checks and clear your payment, so you won't be able to book a cruise and sail on the same day.
This service is performed after each four-legged guest checks out.
This device checks the sugar level in the fruit.
During those 10 years (or the term you decide upon), you can borrow up to your limit using special checks or a card provided by the lender.
From pinstripes and houndstooth to herringbone and Prince of Wales checks, these looks flatter almost everyone.
Opt for a dark shade that is embellished with a minimal print, like discreet checks or thin vertical stripes.
Featuring demure checks and stripes, these shirts boast a classic, easy fit for endless comfort.
The company keeps its packaging and shipping processes low impact and checks the companies that it works with to make sure that you are getting real, organic items and not just items that have been green washed.
Some volunteers assist nursing assistants, making the rounds on care checks.
Some centers offer classes on nutrition and blood pressure checks to their members.
Regular health checks, healthy ohysical activity and eating a low-cholesterol diet can help reduce the chance of developing these types of conditions.
With the high cost of housing combined with the costs of medical expenses and day to day necessities, their checks are often not enough to pay for their needs.
The device is simple to use, and spot checks can be done in little time.
It's fast and fun, with brake checks, maximum speed limits, and tests against the elements.
The other options of payment are check, money orders and cashier's checks.
Now, the system checks your game ports for any cartridges.
After the PSP checks what you've set, it will save your settings.
The LexSpell Spell Checker is a free application that checks your spelling as you go along, ensuring that there aren't any silly typos or other errors in the messages that you send.
This checks the words in your documents for spelling according to American English standards.
The parent may bear the burden of obtaining background checks and providing ongoing supervision.
Serious complications can be avoided by ensuring the child gets regular blood pressure checks and by treating hypertension as soon as it is diagnosed.
The parent or caregiver checks the child's blood pressure at different times of the day and records the readings.
Regular lice checks in schools and "no nit" reentry policies have not been shown to be effective.
It becomes nature's checks and balance system by allowing the elements to either control or be controlled by each other.
Some of these websites seem to be geared more toward criminal background checks, but they suffice for the genealogist just as well.
Regular lice scalp checks help to regulate and prevent outbreaks in the school surroundings.
Usually, there is a licensed teacher who checks in and oversees the process.
Also, spell checks are not 100 percent accurate.
They have a very extensive selection process for their sales representatives including reference checks, a writing sample requirement, and a personality test.
Some employers hire telecommuters require background checks for all of their employees.
The Internal Revenue Service considers unemployment checks as taxable and they count as income when filing annual taxes.
Recruiters may also perform reference checks to evaluate a candidate's suitability for a position with the government.
Summer camp nurses often go through several interviews and must pass thorough criminal background checks.
You then use a debit card or checks attached to the HELOC to make your purchases.
When you make purchases with the debit card or checks attached to the HELOC, you are essentially borrowing from the equity in your mortgage.
They are a great, more personal alternative to gift cards or checks.
It checks for Down's syndrome and also certain neurological defects.
Near the end of your second trimester, you will probably be given a glucose tolerance test, which checks for gestational diabetes.
One of the monitors your baby may be attached to in the NICU checks for apnea.
Does the facility conduct background checks on employees?
She also checks for tenderness or changes in the uterus.
Birdwell is happy to add stripes, checks, vents, extra or special pockets.
Contemporary dolls can range in price depending on what retailer you purchase it from, so doing price checks on the dolls at several places can make a difference in how much you pay.
The savings passport program, as the membership is called, also has a point system in which customer get cash back in the form of rebate checks towards future purchases.
They may also be the one to sign checks for the organization.
Hold onto any thank you letters from the charity recipient, canceled checks, receipts, or anything else that can serve as proof of your itemization.
Some programs allow users to print checks or create graphs.
Many paid sites actually perform background checks on their members to ensure that they are not married or harboring a criminal record.
Unannounced checks will help you keep track of what your teen is really chatting about.
If you live together, make sure your lover checks the mail when it arrives.
Keep in mind that while a free Internet dating agency UK might be completely adequate, some that may not have the same background checks and compatibility tools that websites requiring payment have.
The danger of the check cashing, of course, is that they are passing fraudulent checks and you are in effect sending them your own money.
Do not print your Social Security number on your checks or other correspondence.
Make sure the jeweler checks the condition of the ring and tightens any prongs as needed.
The dream in this scenario is that you write the Great American Novel, get it published, watch it hit the New York Times Bestseller List, and sit back and cash royalty checks.
However, if you keep the following ideas in mind, you might just be successful, and although you may not be able to quit your day job, you may find that those small checks you receive begin to add up.
Copyscape is a great tool that allows you to enter a URL for a place where your work is located, and it checks the Internet for examples of your exact phraseology used in documents somewhere else.
This is a simple blood test that checks for the presence of gliadin antibodies in your bloodstream.
Her patterns include small checks, paisley, oversized dot patterns, and others that offer a sleek, modern style without being severe.
The benefit of a longer wallet is the checkbook flap, which eliminates the need to carry several separate, folded checks.
Leather checkbook covers speak of class and sophistication while protecting your checks, unlike many other methods of carrying your checks around.
It's a fact of living in the United States that most everyone carries around a checkbook, but many people simply place their checkbooks into a briefcase or ill-fitting wallet, causing the checks to become wrinkled and torn.
You can purchase these stylish covers for your checks almost anywhere, from fine department stores to mass merchandisers and retailers.
Each style offers covers that will fit any range of check designs, so you won't have to look far and wide for a cover that will accommodate your checks.
If there's a leather cover that you'd love for your checks, you're sure to find it here.
Many of the designs come in full-grain leather and a variety of colors, and some even include pocket pens inside the checkbook cover so you'll never be without a utensil to sign your checks.
These covers are made of fine, soft leather (the same as the company's handbags), and has a window for your checks on the bottom and one for your register at the top.
For a small additional charge, you can get a duplicate insert for "carbonless" checks.
Made of beautiful light brown full-grain leather, it is both attractive and durable for the hunter who wants to keep his checks secure.
Yet other men prefer to keep their checks together with a notebook so they can track expenses.
The old standard of checkbook covers contains two compartments - one for checks and one for a record.
Such leather men's checkbook covers are easy to find and inexpensive, but serve the needs of the majority of men who write checks often.
Though not everyone employs checks in this day and age the way they once did, it's safe to say that many people do still use them.
Sure, your checks bear your name and address, but the cover is a nice way to keep that extra-personal information concealed.
Checks Unlimited is the place to go if you prefer a style that's classic, understated and simply elegant.
This checkbook cover retails for $17.95 and holds single and duplicate checks.
Many women still utilize checks and like to have their checkbook with them.
Popular patterns for children's bedding include polka dots, hearts, checks, circles, cow prints, plaid, stripes, and abstract designs.
Every time a person checks out and leaves, have the child determine how many people are left in line.
The company does not accept checks, money orders, cash, or gift cards for any orders that are placed online.
Today's standards for child care are much more stringent than those standards from the past, requiring background checks, proper licensing of facilities, and adherence to strict health and safety guidelines.
The next morning she checks and the clay pieces were there.
Checks can be expensive to keep around if you employ online banking tools to pay most of your bills.
Find checks designed with your favorite baseball team, Disney characters, Looney Tunes friends, Debbie Mumm pictures and more.
Check out their wildlife, seasonal, Dreamsicle, Tropicana, and Ducks Unlimited checks.
Although many of the company's checks are decorated with primarily religious imagery, the company also carries scenery, wildlife, and plain designs as well.
Additionally, expect to pay more for checks with name brand items (like Harley Davidson) featured on them.
If you want to order checks in these designs, search the Internet for a coupon code to get a discount.
To keep your costs really low, purchase checks in the value sections, or checks without designer labels or trademarks.
Bundling these items can save a significant amount than ordering them separately, and you can often find them in the same design that your checks are in.
Remember to keep your check start number in line with your previous checks to avoid confusion.
Before placing an order, it is always wise to ask your bank if they will accept checks from the company you plan to order from.
Bouncing checks, paying for overdue DVDs, not having enough change for the meter, which results in a multi-dollar parking ticket - these are just extra taxes on your hard-earned income.
As long as you're certain the recipient checks his or her e-mail regularly, this is a great way to send a last minute gift without worrying about the high cost of shipping.
Be wary of getting free background checks using a free trial or promotional offer.
However, if you find yourself running checks frequently, it may be worth paying for a subscription service rather than spending the labor doing it yourself.
For example, the number of checks written per month, debit usage, ATM withdrawals, and other fee-based services are easy profit for a bank.
She'd even occasionally write bad checks due to her failure to face up to the extent of her financial problems.
If you juggle a busy schedule, travel a lot for work, need an easier way to save, or simply want to spend less time writing checks for bills each month, an automatic system might help.
There is also plenty of plaid and checks to round out your fall collection.
Irregular merchandise is not necessarily damaged or of lesser quality, rather it likely features a minor cosmetic problem that prevents it from passing the quality inspection checks.
As Meredith checks on him, he traces "007" on her hand, and she realizes it's George as he flatlines.
Even if the ink being used is colored, periodic checks must be made under a black light in order to make sure that the ink is being distributed correctly.
Although anyone can comment on the Love to Know Travel site, we have a dedicated writers and a site editor who checks each article for accuracy as well as grammer and spelling, so you know that what you read here is true and easy to read.
Discounts are only offered to college students and the company checks to see that all registered members are, in fact, full-time college coeds.
A single Patek timepiece requires over 1200 individual procedures and 600 hours of quality control checks post-manufacture.
Since proper form is essential to a successful yoga practice, most yogis wear clothes that are tight enough to allow for quick alignment checks.
To prepare for your yoga practice, dress in comfortable yoga clothes that move with your body and allow you to perform quick alignment checks when necessary.
An instructor checks your form and protects you from injury by making sure you perform the yoga positions correctly.
An instructor routinely checks your form and teaches you to perform the poses correctly, thus protecting you from injury and ensuring you get the most from every practice.
This fee includes the seven-step course, a follow-up session, and lifetime access to advanced lectures and progress checks.
In many cases, a test can be administered which checks for the presence of heavy metals in the body.
It's easy today for banks to run checks on your claims at the click of a button.
Refurbished desktop computer resellers have in-house tech departments that do complete system operation checks and purge viruses and spyware before offering the computers for resale.
While the reseller checks to insure that the hard drives are operating, keep in mind that hard drives are moving parts and moving parts wear.
Bill Pay saves time by avoiding use of checks and stamps.
Internal Accounting Review runs 15 reports to locate suspect transactions, including duplicate checks and off-balance receivables.
Attach electronic images and statements, including canceled checks, invoices, and business receipts to transactions and accounts.
Lost receipts are the bane of any business, as are lost checks or checks entered in the wrong parts of a ledger or accounting program.
A good SEO company checks your rankings regularly, at least twice a month, and makes changes when needed.
One of the biggest mistakes, I have seen in small business, is when the owner starts writing business checks for personal or home expenses.
Certain qualifications must be met, however, in order to receive checks each month.
A personal email from someone you don't know asking you to wire money, cash checks, or get involved in a business deal.
Current visa fees are approximately $130 for American citizens, and may be paid by Visa, MasterCard, company check or cashier's check. personal checks and cash are not accepted.
This program allows you to print checks, track income and expenses, manage payroll taxes, create invoices and back up your accounting documents.
This program also has an internal accounting review system that allows you to run up to 15 checks on your accounting information.
It would not make your business look very professional if you were bouncing checks to suppliers or to distributors.
The test checks for ketones in your urine and will display an indicated color if ketones are detected.
You can choose to have checks, which are available with a $1.50 fee for every six checks.
You can choose to have checks, which are available at $7.95 for every 50 checks.
You may also be charge for checks, online bill pay and ATM withdrawals.
The FDIC insurance covers checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), as well as all checks drawn on those accounts.
Another question on the application will be whether or not the person would like to have taxes taken out of the unemployment checks.
However, if you gather together the information that you need beforehand you can smoothly navigate the application process and start receiving your unemployment checks as soon as possible.
Warranties which offer preventative maintenance checks and annual tune-ups can be particularly valuable.
Frequent checks can usually point out small problems before they become big repair problems that require a lot of time and paperwork.
Coverage for baggage and personal belongings can be a wise investment, as well as coverage that provides cash if money or traveler's checks go missing.
You get paid through periodic checks, similar to how payouts work with whole life insurance.
Using debit cards to make unemployment insurance benefit payments means that recipients get access to their benefits promptly without having to worry about checks getting lost in the mail.
Scottish plaid checks and floral prints are easy fabrics to find for these kinds of pajamas.
However, 205 Flava claimed to have paid Studdard $10,000 for wearing the shirt during the show, and claimed to have the checks to prove it.
Do be aware that not everyone checks their email regularly or has an email address.
Plaids, ginghams and checks are great for invites, napkins and tablecloths.
A typical episode starts with a recap of the previous episode and briefly checks in with some of the contestants as to their feelings on the competition.
They run extensive background checks, so it won't get you anywhere.
Background checks will most likely be conducted; if you have something in your life that you don't want shared or revealed, then don't apply.
He frequently checks on their physical and emotional health, and also acts as the narrator for the show.
The team behind the show also checks out locations to see what situations could arise to make the show interesting to the viewers and chooses locations in which there is potential for Stroud to encounter challenging situations.
The tough quality checks this company uses have brought it worldwide recognition and several beauty magazine awards.
There is really no excuse not to perform regular skin checks; after all, it only takes a few moments.
But people of any age can be taken in by someone unscrupulous who sounds great online (thus the need for dating sites that run background checks).
This reader checks the subscribers' feeds for new content and downloads any updates.
The typical participant visits the site five days a week, and checks it four times a day.
This information is reviewed as the program checks for and fixes errors.
If after you file a return the IRS checks its records and sees that you are due a refund, it will issue one to you.
The IRS checks its records and the Social Security number of any claimants of the unclaimed funds prior to paying.
The following script first checks to see if the search form was submitted.
He checks in daily.
The sixty days came and went but Janet never returned, leaving jail, a few more bad checks, and Colorado for parts unknown.
Looks like I'll be conducting mind checks morning and night.
Lana moved away from the commo computer and started systems checks on the others.
She slumped on the infrastructure terminal, awaiting the results of the status checks.
Sackler and DeLeo were packing up, off to follow a lead on the whereabouts of a forger of Social Security checks who had been working overtime in recent months.
It seemed like only a few minutes before they were at church, making the last minute checks before she walked down the isle.
In 1864 a tremendous flood almost ruined it, and another flood in 1878, and a famous strike in Denver and Leadville in 1879-1880 were further, but only momentary, checks to its prosperity.
The officials are not well paid, and are certainly numerous; while the manifold checks and counterchecks have by no means always been sufficient to prevent dishonesty.
In 777 the king was visited at Paderborn by three Saracen chiefs who implored his aid against Abdar-Rahman, the caliph of Cordova, and promised some Spanish cities in return for help. Seizing this opportunity to extend his influence Charles marched into Spain in 778 and took Pampeluna, but meeting with some checks decided to return.
The membrane vibrates, and alternately checks and increases the gas supply, and the flame jumps up and down with the frequency of the source.
This backwater, where it meets and checks the current of the Arkansas, occasions the precipitation of enormous alluvial deposits, and vast quantities of snags.
In spite of all this complicated machinery of checks and balances, revolution followed upon revolution, nor could an occasional reign of terror be prevented like that of the Signore Gauthier de Brienne, duke of Athens (1342-1343).
These successive checks tamed him a little.
The constitution forbids the establishment or incorporation by the legislative assembly of any bank or banking company; and it forbids any bank or banking company in the state from issuing bills, checks, certificates, promissory notes or other paper to circulate as money.
By virtue of its checks and balances, a successful outcome is virtually assured.
His paper work checks out and he's visible but blurry a half dozen times on hotel video cameras.
The purely selfish bond between condottieri and their employers, whether princes or republics, involved intrigues and treachery, checks and counterchecks, secret terror on the one hand and treasonable practice on the other, which ended by making statecraft in Italy synonymous with perfidy.
The people in Alaska who get the checks don't work for them.
In the Internet age, everyone fact checks everyone else.