Checked Sentence Examples
I haven't checked it today.
She checked the clock on the nightstand then the notepad listing the time of the flight she'd booked the afternoon before after exploring the mansion.
Every week, he asked how many things she checked off her bucket list.
Dean gingerly checked the pant's pockets but they were empty.
They sat for a moment while Dean opened his knapsack and checked their limited equipment.
The line was silent for so long that she checked her phone to see if the call had been dropped.
Their produce is checked in to the warehouse and each farmer is issued a certificate corresponding to the amount of produce he brought.
His power was checked but his unusual presence enough to draw the looks of those around them.
Gabriel checked Cora's thoughts, relieved to find her clean and started down the line.
Carmen checked all the doors and windows to make sure they were locked.
AdvertisementHe's checked out of the campground.
She had checked off three of the seven exercises she'd learned from the books she read.
Gabe checked all of those in the mortal realm, except for … He turned, realizing Harmony hadn't been in the lineup.
I know, 'cause I checked you out when we had that business last year.
I checked them yesterday.
AdvertisementI checked my notes.
Jake didn't follow her as she strode into the airport and checked in, careful not to brush up against anyone for fear of the jarring visions.
Dean went outside and checked, but it wasn't there.
As he turned off, Dean checked the highway in both directions, but there were no other vehicles in sight.
He pretended not to notice, though, and thought hard as he checked the minds of the remaining assassins.
AdvertisementStruck by the thought, she checked the dresser for clothing.
I wish I had the date so I could look again to see if I maybe missed it in the paper the first time I checked.
He checked his notes, wetting his fingers as he turned each page.
Fred checked his notes again.
Shipton hadn't left town the day he checked out of the hospital.
AdvertisementHe checked the mirror one last time and headed for the stairs.
It was midnight when Elisabeth checked the clock.
He checked the bedroom before going downstairs.
She forked some hay into each of the stalls and checked the herd again.
She hurried to the house and checked the roast.
She checked the first stall to see if more hay was needed and called instructions without looking in his direction.
The door to the kidding stalls was open and she stepped through, moving swiftly as she checked each stall.
They quickly switched places and Carmen checked the kid.
He checked in daily with the soft-spoken woman he'd nicknamed Angel.
Other evenings were like this one, where he checked in and went about his business.
She crossed to the communication master workstation and checked the systems.
Her hands flew over the keypads as she checked the networks for signs of tampering.
She retrieved her microcomputer with the other hand and checked the supply store she granted the Guardian access to.
He bristled and checked his weapons.
She waited for him to leave then checked her micro, which was still working on decrypting his encoded messages.
She lifted a lid and checked the broccoli.
His phone vibrated, and he checked it.
He watched from the corner of his eye as she checked her phone.
When about to enter Austrian territory proper his advance was, however, checked by the armistice of Villafranca.
He saw Karay seize the wolf, and checked his horse, supposing the affair to be over.
Pierre was about to ask, but seeing the stern expression of the adjutant who was also looking that way, he checked himself.
She checked the locator as she waited, seeking out General Greene on the compound.
She checked the comms from the mountain and fed the decrypted messages back into the computer.
Everything looked quiet, until she checked her micro again and saw that the decryption program had begun popping up the messages that had been repressed in the comms system.
Her hand shaking, she checked the log to see it had last been accessed by General Greene twenty-five hours ago.
Lana checked the general's location, not surprised to find him at the west wall.
She checked the status of the systems from her micro and downed dehydrated meal bars and anti-sleepers.
Kelli, you checked her profile?
She'd checked the hospital's first then worked her way down the buildings along the main street.
Mike strode down one, and she checked to make sure Jack was with her before following.
She checked her micro and did as the PMF soldier said, heading due west.
Mrs. Thompson checked on me a few times.
He held the phone for a few moments while Mrs. Riley checked.
Curiosity got the better of him and later, on a trip to Philadelphia, he checked the city's library.
We checked out the tank and the mileage.
But I checked out the morning cab calls too.
We checked a couple of bars local to the World Wide office but they were crazy-busy after-work places and no one remembers diddly.
He checked the room number and searched the cards until he found the occupants of the two adjoining rooms.
I checked out Nota and Flanders.
The couple from North Carolina, the only guests using their own names, hadn't checked in until evening and remembered nothing.
Then he asked, Have you checked the items I brought back from Norfolk?
Listen, I checked out the names of the people who ordered the Sentinel and caught a winner!
Inside, a white-jacketed attendant, who looked like a highschooler, casually checked Dean's credentials while Cynthia waited, not quite out of ear shot.
He checked a piece of paper he was carrying and mumbled, Over here.
On a prompt from his answering machine, Dean called the station and checked the night desk for messages.
Cleary, Corbin, any single guy, a motor home with paper Pennsylvania plates that checked in on the May dates we know— any of those things.
She checked her records and returned.
Randy hadn't checked but jogged up the stairs two at a time motioning for Dean to follow to his mother's bedroom.
Fred checked the numbers on a master list of the tour's advance registrations.
After I checked out the list I spent the afternoon at a rest stop squinting at a couple of a thousand bikers' numbers trying to spot him, but no luck.
When I checked with the Sentinel, they told me the subscription remained open but there weren't any papers lying around unclaimed, yet you said there wasn't any forwarding notice filed with the Post Office.
I checked to see if it was on before I left.
With the chores completed, she checked to make sure her phone was on and grabbed the list she had prepared.
The subject never came up again and she never checked the computer.
Princess was up and down, obviously in pain, but Alex merely checked her over and proclaimed everything normal.
He broke in and checked the electricity, which someone had left on.
Jenn checked her pocket, not surprised to see the phone Darian lent her was missing.
He checked the portal one last time then stood, turning away.
He checked the door again and retreated to the bathing chamber.
He stopped to talk to several, checked a few weapons with nods of approval, and patted the younger ones on the back.
He checked Brutus for a pulse and then put an arm around her.
He checked the windows while she followed his instructions.
He let the sensations outside of his mind distract him while he checked his watch a few times.
He propped his feet up and checked his watch.
He checked her thoughts to confirm she changed her ticket then rose.
She checked her watch.
I posted it on my site after he sent it last night and checked the forums this morning.
Jessi roused herself and checked the time.
She steadied her breathing and checked her phone.
His bouts of pleasure gradually weakened his constitution; a severe colic, which seized him on the march of the army against Hamadan, was checked by remedies so violent that Avicenna could scarcely stand.
The elections were controlled for a few years, and violence was checked, but the Ku Klux movement went on until it accomplished its object by giving protection to the whites, reducing the blacks to order, replacing the whites in control of society and state, expelling the worst of the carpet-baggers and scalawags, and nullifying those laws of Congress which had resulted in placing the Southern whites under the control of a party composed principally of ex-slaves.
The violent fluctuations in the value of the paper dollar, which caused so much damage to trade and industry, were thus checked.
Although the management of local affairs is in the hands of the prefect his power with regard to these is checked by a deliberative body known as the general council (conseil general).
This is checked by the mile marks, the known position of the joints, &c., as they pass.
It checked temporarily the process of centralizing the administration of justice.
The Sforzas having expelled the French from Milan, Cesare returned to Rome in February, his schemes checked for the moment; his father rewarded him for his successes by making him gonfaloniere of the church and conferring many honours on him; he remained in Rome and took part in bull fights and other carnival festivities.
The records preserved in each city were examined, topographical information was diligently collected, and the Jesuit fathers checked their triangulation by meridian altitudes of the sun and pole star and by a system of remeasurements.
Slipping to the bottom the prey is immediately seized by the lurking ant-lion; or if it attempt to scramble again up the treacherous walls of the pit, is speedily checked in its efforts and brought down by showers of loose sand which are jerked at it from below by the larva.
The steady tendency of Russian society towards increasing the number of secondary schools, where instruction would be based on the study of the natural sciences, is checked by the government in favour of the classical gymnasiums. 5 Sunday schools and public lectures are virtually prohibited.
In this way the development of Russian policy with regard to Turkey was checked for some years, but the project of confirming and extending the Russian protectorate over the Orthodox Christians was revived in 1852, when Napoleon III.
Sometimes, as on the Central London railway, the acceleration of gravity is also utilized; the different stations stand, as it were, on the top of a hill, so that outgoing trains are aided at the start by having a slope to run down, while incoming ones are checked by the rising gradient they encounter.
In the Drum Tower incense-sticks, specially prepared by the astronomical board, are kept burning to mark the passage of time, in which important duty their accuracy is checked by a clepsydra.
He has left an amusing acccunt of his employments in the country, where his love of study was at once inflamed by a large and unwonted command of books and checked by the necessary interruptions of his otherwise happy domestic life.
A movement to elect Mr Taft president of Yale University gained some strength in 1898-99, but was promptly checked by him, on the ground that the head of a great university should be primarily an educationalist.
In the middle of the body, where the limits of the somites can be checked by a comparison with the arrangement of the nephridia and the gonads, and where the ganglia are quite distinct and separated by long connectives, each ganglion is seen to consist of six masses of cells enclosed by capsules and to give off three nerves on each side.
Hence he must always be rigorously checked where other authorities exist arid used with caution where he is our sole informant.
Finally, he took a personal share in the administration of justice at Rome, checked the activity of the informers (delatores), and exercised a jealous supervision over the governors of provinces.
The law may apparently be " a general rule " or " a tendency " which is liable to be " checked," or a particular case of the law of the conservation of energy.
The extension of government functions appeared much more likely to continue than to be checked.
This, again, is a movement much more likely to extend than to be checked.
The growth of the town was further checked twenty years later by the development of Neyland, or New Milford, further east on the Haven, whither the Irish packet service was transferred; but towards the close of the 19th century the town recovered much of its former prosperity.
Marcian repudiated the payment of tribute to Attila; he reformed the finances, checked extravagance, and repeopled the devastated districts.
His work was checked by the active hostility of the duke of Lorraine, and in 1544 he returned to Neuchatel.
Most of the state institutions secured Federal charters after the establishments of the national banking system (1863-1864), but the high price of government bonds and the large amount of capital required led to a reaction, which was only partially checked by the reduction of the minimum capital to $25,000 under the currency act of the 14th of March 1900.
True, the supply from India had been more than doubled, the adulteration once so rife had been checked, and the improved quality and value of the cotton had been fully acknowledged, but still the superiority of the produce of the United States was proved beyond all dispute, and American cotton was again king.
But the fall of "current futures" would be checked by the demands that must be satisfied in the near future.
The revolution of the bull-wheels is checked by the use of a powerful hand-brake.
The sand-pump descends by gravitation, and its fall is checked by pressing hack the lever, so as to throw the reel against a post which serves as a brake.
Western Christians could not but feel hampered and checked in their natural movement towards the fountainhead of their religion, and it was natural that they should ultimately endeavour to clear the way.
On the whole, the interference of the Comneni, if it checked Zengi for the moment in 1138, may be said to have ultimately weakened and distracted the Franks, and to have helped to cause the loss of Edessa (1144), which marks the turning-point in the history of the kingdom of Jerusalem.
The Christians were, however, able to maintain a footing in Syria for forty years after St Louis' departure, not by reason of their own strength, but owing to two powers which checked the advance of the Mamelukes.
The brandydrinking habit, which, when the imperial government assumed control of the administration in 1884, threatened the existence of the nation, has been very largely checked.
He effectively checked the excitement, and when a month later an overwhelming Federal force began moving upon the western counties, the insurrection collapsed without bloodshed.
The purity of the compounds thus obtained is checked by spectroscopic observations.
The habit of absolute rule, always dangerous, was peculiarly corrupting when it penetrated every department of daily life, and when no external interference checked individual caprice in its action on the feelings and fortunes of inferiors.
As usual, the excessive self-introspection was not checked by a rational criticism; the individual was guided by his own reason, the limitations of which he did not realize; and in becoming a law unto himself he ignored the accumulated experiences of civilized humanity.'
Their career was checked by Reshid Pasha, who persuaded the two victorious commanders to intrigue against one another, secured the division of their forces, and then fell upon each in turn.
The first onslaught of the Knights of the Cross did indeed rout the weak irregulars placed in the van of the Turkish army, but their mad pursuit was checked by the steady ranks of the Janissaries, by whom they were completely defeated (1396).
Their victorious career was only checked, in October, by the raising of the siege of Erlau.
The secret organization, temporarily checked by Rhigas's arrest and execution in 1798, was revived at Odessa in 1814; it extended throughout Turkey, and in 1820 the insurrection took shape, a favourable opportunity being afforded by the outbreak of hostilities between Ali Pasha and the Porte.
But here too the weather and the state of the roads operated adversely, for Ney came up too late, while Davout, in the full tide of his victorious advance, was checked by the arrival of Lestocq, whose corps Ney had failed to intercept, Campaign Of 1807 In Poland And Prussia Scale.
The state was admitted to the Union with its present boundaries on the 12th of May 1858, and the federal census of 1860 showed that the population had increased to 172,023, despite the fact that the financial panic of 18J7 had severely checked the state's growth.
This decline in its prosperity was checked, and the modern development of the port began, when a railway was built from Callao into the heart of the Andes, and Callao is now an important factor in the development of copper-mining.
As early as the nth century the Novgorodians had occasionally penetrated into Siberia; but the fall of the republic and the loss of its north-eastern dependencies checked the advance of the Russians across the Urals.
He checked the vainglory of Alexander, when he aspired to the honours of divinity, by pointing to his wounded finger, saying, "See the blood of a mortal, not of a god."
The invasion of 1054 was checked by the battle of Mortemer; in 1058 the French rearguard was cut to pieces at Varaville on the Dive, in the act of 'crossing the stream.
These disorders were only checked by fresh changes in the council of fifteen.
In 1838 when the Zulu power was first checked the natives had been reduced to about 10,000.
The advance of Jellachich as far as Lake Balaton had not been checked, the Magyar troops, though - contrary to his expectation - none joined him, offering no opposition.
It does not, however, appear that " large " variations would thus be favoured any more than small ones, nor that the eliminating action of natural selection upon an unfavourable variation' could be checked.
Meanwhile the landhunger of the Boers became stimulated rather than checked by the regaining of the independence of their country.
Buller began his fourth advance on the 14th of February, and though this was Relief of checked the foothold gained was not abandoned, Ladysmith.
But three years later this imperious leader was checked by the heroic resistance of the " Maiden " fortress of Magdeburg; though two years later still she lost her reputation, and suffered unspeakable horrors at the hands of Tilly's lawless and unlicensed soldiery.
Their artillery driven back off the ridges formed a long line from Stosser to Plotist facing the enemy, and under cover of its fire the infantry at length succeeded in withdrawing, for the Prussian reserve cavalry arrived late on the ground, and the local disconnected efforts of the divisional cavalry were checked by the still intact Austrian squadrons.
The process continues but is checked by the existence of the rock barrier which stretches across the Semliki.
It may be so compact that root development is checked or stopped altogether, in which case the plant suffers.
The organisms do not carry on their work in soils deficient in air; hence the process is checked in water-logged soils.
Weeds, therefore, which need sour conditions for development are checked by liming and the better grasses and clovers are encouraged.
During this period, until the plants begin to ripen, the tilth is maintained and weeds checked first by horse cultivators or horsehoes, and, as the plants increase in size, by hand labour.
Occasionally acts of chastisement, of which the bombardment of Porto Farina by Blake in 1655 was the most notable, and repeated treaties, extorted by European powers, checked from time to time, but did not put an end to, the habitual piracies, on which indeed the public revenue of Tunis was mainly dependent.
All disorders and irregularities were checked by the periodical visits of the tucuyricocs or inspectors.
Lannes was checked, and with his repulse the impetus of the attack died out all along the line.
But from the beginning of that year, a period of extreme commercial and financial depression set in, and the treasury had to postpone all recourse to loans for whatever purpose, so that railway progress was completely checked in the field alike of the original and the acquired state lines.
When quite a boy he checked his own tendency to fits of passion on learning that his father trusted him to cure his defects.
The advance of these barbarians was for a time checked during the anarchy which followed the death of Alboin, and was subject to other suspensions.
The great siege of Malta which made the island and its knights famous, and checked the advance of Mahommedan power in southern and western Europe, began in May 1565.
Yet the horrors which it wrought hardly checked the magnificent revels of Edward's court, and neither the plague nor the truce stayed the course of the French war, though what fighting there was was indecisive and on a small scale.
A belated attempt of the French left to intervene was checked by the British cavalry, and the pressure on the centre and right, which were now practically surrounded, continued even after nightfall.
The 18th was checked after capturing Ronssoy and the 12th and 58th after taking Epehy; 2,300 prisoners were taken and io guns.
The first objective and part of the second were carried on time and without great difficulty, but the left of the ist Canadian Div., swinging to the left against Marquion, was checked for a time, until reinforcements, including units of the 11th Div., came up to complete the capture of the village and its defences.
His further progress was checked at Muyden, which the Dutch garrisoned in the nick of time, and he returned to the main army, taking Utrecht en route.
But the coalition had not yet developed its full strength, and Turenne's skill checked the advance of the Imperialists under Montecucculi and of the Brandenburgers under the Great Elector.
The allies in Germany were now not merely checked but driven from point to point by Turenne, who on this occasion displayed a degree of energy rare in the military history of the period.
He fought a brave fight, checked von Spee in his onward career, and he and his men take their place in the great roll of naval heroes.
The duke of Valentinois had been checked in mid-career of conquest.
His first interview was disappointing; the coldness and formality of the aged philosopher checked the enthusiasm of the young disciple, though it did not diminish his reverence.
But if the wandering molecule was originally close to the surface of the body, and if it also happens to start off in the right direction, it may escape from the body altogether and describe a free path in space until it is checked by meeting a second wandering molecule or other obstacle.
The movement was checked and Selim Bey was deported to the coast.
Their advance to the south was checked by the indomitable opposition of the Araucanians, but from the southern Andes the Spaniards overflowed on to the great plains which now form the interior of the Argentine Republic. The first permanent settlement at the mouth of the river Plate at Buenos Aires dates from 1580.
They were, however, checked by the audiencias, or law courts, of which there were eleven from the reign of Philip IV.
Under the first constitution the decentralization of administration, which began early in the colonial era, continued without interruption, and under the second it was checked by a few measures only.
Still, cruel experience and the persevering preaching of the missionaries gradually checked the fighting, and by the year 1839 it could be claimed that peace and Christianity were in the ascendant.
If the current is on while the bob is receding the vibration is checked.
When the motion is upwards gas is emitted; when the motion is downwards it is checked.
It was first checked by the action of his life-long opponents, the Democrats, who also nominated him at their National Convention.
Dislodged from this on Port the 26th of June, the Russians checked Nogi's further on .
But the usual decousu of Russian operations and their own magnificent resistance saved the Japanese, and after two days' severe fighting, although Grippenberg had not been checked, Kuropatkin, in face of a counter-attack by Oyama, decided to abandon the attempt.
Wherever its operations can be traced, they are dominated by the conviction that all stirrings of independence must be repressed, and any advance beyond the stage of immaturity and nonage checked at the outset.
From this time, however, he is more or less in view; and, though at least two events of his life - his quarrel with Diderot and his death - are subjects of dispute, its general history can be checked and followed with reasonable confidence.
The English officers, who in vain tried to rally them, themselves only just escaped by scrambling into their boats and putting off to the war-vessels, whose guns checked the pursuit and enabled a remnant of the fugitives to escape.
Affairs now went more smoothly in the Netherlands, the French aggression was checked, and internal peace was in a.large measure restored, when the duchess met her death by a fall from her horse on the 27th of March 1482.
Again want of support checked the Federals and the fight became stationary, both sides losing many men.
Corps checked the Confederates.
Want of supplies checked the Confederates after a few marches, while Schofield was pressing forward to meet them at Pulaski and Thomas was gathering, at Nashville, a motley army drawn from all parts of the west.
It has been said that the blockade of the Confederate coast became in the end practically impenetrable, and that every attempt of the Confederate naval forces to break out was checked at once by crushing numerical preponderance.
The exact dates of events in Hebrew history can be determined only when the figures given in the Old Testament can be checked and, if necessary, corrected by the contemporary monuments of Assyria and Babylonia, or (as in the post-exilic period) by the knowledge which we independently possess of the chronology of the Persian kings.
Only raw materials came from St Peter, and those probably not checked or revised by him; the arrangement is due to Mark himself, and is more successful than might have been expected in the circumstances - indeed so successful as to suggest advice from some good quarter.
But her past was in her favour, and so were her sex and her Tudor tact, which checked the growth of discontent and made Essex's rebellion a ridiculous fiasco.
Progress in these two lines is by no means uniform; while, for example, palaeontology enjoyed a sudden advance early in the 19th century through the discoveries and researches of Cuvier, guided by his genius as a comparative anatomist, it was checked by his failure as a natural philosopher.
Political troubles and the dominating influence of Werner's speculations checked palaeontology in Germany, while under the leadership of Lamarck and Cuvier France came to the fore.
He successfully checked the advance of the enemy at the passage of the Aisne (between Laon and Reims) and their ill-organized force melted away as he advanced.
In Germany, the Jesuits were eagerly welcomed as the only persons able to meet the Lutherans on equal terms. Only in France, among the countries which still were united with the Roman Church, was their advance checked, owing to political distrust of their Spanish origin, together with the hostility of the Sorbonne and the bishop of Paris.
Meanwhile, attacks on Spanish ships off Cuba by a Mexican squadron, commanded by an American, David Porter, had induced Spain to send an expedition to reconquer Mexico (1829) which was checked at Tampico by Santa Anna.
Their advance was checked by Zaragoza and Porfirio Diaz in the battle of Cinco de Mayo, on the 5th of May 1862; and in September of that year 30,000 more French troops arrived under General Forey.
But first he designed an invasion of Kashmir (Tors), which was not carried out, as his progress was checked at Loh-kot, a strong hill fort in the north-west of the Punjab.
A small American force under Lafayette, whom Wayne reinforced during the summer, partially checked the enemy.
But any further development of Otho's policy was checked by the news which reached Rome shortly after his accession, that the army in Germany had declared for Vitellius, the commander of the legions on the lower Rhine, and was already advancing upon Italy.
Notwithstanding that Quebec was almost solidly Roman Catholic the Rouges sternly resisted clerical pressure; they appealed to the courts and had certain elections voided on the ground of undue clerical influence, and at length persuaded the pope to send out a delegate to Canada, through whose inquiry into the circumstances the abuses were checked and the zeal of the ultramontanes restrained.
Slugs are often destructive to the young shoots, but may be checked by a few sprinklings of soot or lime.
There was a disastrous fire in 1829, an epidemic of yellow fever in 1839, and a flood in 1840, but the growth of the city was not seriously checked; the cotton receipts of 1846 were 212,019 bales, and in 1847 a cotton factory was built.
This excited the jealousy of Toghrul Beg, who summoned him to give up Hamadan and the fortresses of Jebel; but Ibrahim refused, and the progress of the Seljukian arms was for some time checked by internal discord - an everrecurring event in their history.
This victory removed the only barrier that, checked the progress of the Mongols.
The best month for larch planting, whether for poles or timber, is November; larches are sometimes planted in the spring, but the practice cannot be commended, as the sap flows early, and, if a dry period follows, the growth is sure to be checked.
Massena followed, but was checked completely in front of the lines.
Before Caesar's arrival in Gaul they had advanced beyond the former river, but their further progress in this direction was checked by his campaigns, and, though both banks of the river were occupied by Teutonic tribes throughout the greater part of its course, most of these remained in definite subjection to the Romans.
The energy of a system is the measure of its capacity for doing work, on the assumption of suitable connexions with other systems. When the motion of a body is checked by a spring, its kinetic energy being destroyed, the spring, if perfectly elastic, is capable of restoring the motion; but if it is checked by friction no such restoration can be immediately effected.
The great improvement in trade during 1905 and 1906 checked this tendency, and probably the manufacturing extensions owed something to the capital set free by the reductions of stocks.
It was the Mamluk rulers of Egypt that checked the death-bringing flood.
This prosperity, however, was checked by a growing tendency among the Silesian dynasties to make partitions of their territories at each new succession.
An agitation begun by the Philadelphia society for assisting distressed prisoners in 1776, checked for a time by the War of Independence,.
Taxes on real estate have been abolished and those on personal property are being reduced, although the heavy expenditures on the new capitol at Harrisburg checked the movement temporarily.
The Dalai Lama assented, and was even prepared to visit St Petersburg, but was checked by the Tsong-du (assembly).
At Messene he likewise checked a revolt (189), but when that city again rebelled, in 184, he was captured in a skirmish and promptly executed.
The 8th century witnessed in deed a heathen reaction; but it was checked by the arrival in Bavaria about 734 of St Boniface, who organized the Bavarian church and founded or restored bishoprics at Salzburg, Freising, Regensburg and Passau.
The spread of these limestones was repeatedly checked by the steady influx of detritus from the land during the pauses in movements of depression.
The prosperity of Copenhagen was checked by an attack by the people of Lubeck in 1248, and by another on the part of Prince Jaromir of Riigen in 1259.
A still greater triumph of diplomatic skill was the conclusion of the Triple Alliance (January 17, 1668) between the Dutch Republic, England and Sweden, which checked the attempt of Louis XIV.
The gate regulates the speed of the wheel by varying the quantity of water; when fully open it merely forms a continuation of the guide passages, and thus offers no obstruction to the flow of the water, but by giving it a movement through a part of a revolution the passages are partly blocked and the flow of the water is checked.
At the great battle of Mauriac (the Catalaunian fields) in which Aetius checked the invasion of the Huns (451), there were present in the Roman army a number of Frankish foederati, and a later document, the Vita lupi, states that Merovech (Merovaeus) was their leader.
This process is checked after from 2 to 3 hours, according to climatic conditions.
The growth is less checked by early frosts; and whatever advantages to the vegetation may accrue by occasional excessive warmth in the atmosphere in the early months of the year are experienced more by the irrigated than by the ordinary meadow grasses by reason of the abundant development of roots which the water has encouraged.
It had to be considered whether this percolation could best be checked by laying a solid wall across the river, going down to 50 or 60 ft.
About the same time (May 1536) an agreement between the Lutherans and the Zwinglians was arranged by Martin Bucer, and was embodied in a document called the Concord of Wittenberg, and for the present the growing dissensions between the heads of the league, John Frederick, elector of Saxony, and Philip of Hesse, were checked.
Of equal importance was their work in freeing Austria from the control of the Church, which checked the intellectual life of the people.
He beat back a Rhegine expedition; but his advance was checked by a failure to take the new Sicel settlement of Tauromenium.
The cities, whose growing liberties had been checked by Frederick's legislation, strove for practical, if not formal, independence, sometimes for dominion over their fellows.
Then the reconquest of the nearer East by Oriental dynasties was checked by the advance of Rome.
It was the irruption of the Celts, beginning in 278-277 B.C., which checked the Hellenization of the interior.
Under Rome the process of Hellenization, which the divisions and weakness of the Macedonian kingdoms had checked, went forward.
To succeed, it was essential that the fellah should be taught that discipline might be strict without being oppressive, that pay and rations would be fairly distributed, that brutal usage by superiors would be checked, that complaints would be thoroughly investigated, and impartial justice meted out to soldiers of all ranks.
Herodotus visited Egypt in the reign of Artaxerxes, about 440 B.C. His description of Egypt, partly founded on Hecataeus, who had been there about fifty years earlier, is the chief source of information for the history of the Saite kings and for the manners of the times, but his statements prove to be far from correct when they can be checked by the scanty native evidence.
These tribes were twice brought to account severely for their misdoings, but not effectually checked.
Although checked, the dervishes were not discouraged, and continued to press upon the frontier in frequent raids, and thus in many bloody skirmishes the fighting qualities of the Egyptian troops were developed.
It completes the movement that has already set in but had been checked, as it were, half-way, though tonically maintained.
When the slope down which a river runs has become very slight, it is unable to carry the sediment brought from higher regions nearer its source, and consequently the lower portion of the river valley becomes filled with alluvial deposits; and since in times of flood the rush of water in the high regions tears off and carries down a greater quantity of sediment than usual, the river spreads this also over the lower valley where the plain is flooded, because the rush of water is checked, and the stream in consequence drops its extra load.
Thus, checked on land, and with their subsidy rarely paid, the Uskoks turned to piracy.
Their use in above-water work is checked by the low price of common brick.
In this case the action of the water is checked by the film of carbonate of lime which eventually forms on the surface of calcareous cement.
You should assume we have not checked the information independently.
History repeats itself, and the evil practices were checked, not by the Reformation, but by the increased resources and entire safety enjoyed by James VI.
Home and Huntly, on the Scottish left, charged Edmund Howard's force; the Tynemouth men, under Dacre, did not support Howard, at first, but Dacre checked Home (whose later conduct is obscure) and drove off the Gordons.
Since the Cromwellian occupation the interest of Scottish men had slowly shifted from religion to commerce; but a tariff war between England and Scotland had checked manufacturing and other enterprises.
They were checked by two steady regiments; many fled, all was darkness and confusion, but, on returning into Falkirk, Charles found that Hawley had 'decamped in a disgraceful rout.
Though outflanked, enfiladed and met by heavy musketry fire in front, the right wing broke Barrel's regiment and passed the guns, but the attack was checked by the bayonets of the second line and a rapid retreat became general.
Bain's Calendars (Edinburgh, 1881-1888), are useful indices, but not infrequently need to be checked by the manuscripts.
Most of these abuses have been checked or removed, and the results may perhaps be detected in a less accelerated rate of decline, which no longer proceeds in geometric proportion, and seems even almost arrested in some places, as in Samoa and New Zealand.
The progress of the corrupt Christianity of the empire of Byzantium was checked for a while under Julian the Apostate, who, among other indications of his opposition to Christianity, rescinded the edicts against the Jews on his coming to the throne in 361, and gave orders for the restoration of the Jewish temple.
The undue power of the Jemda is checked by vendetta and a sort of lynch law, and by the formation of parties (sofs), within or without the assembly, for trade, political and other purposes.
The rising Mahratta power was thus for a time checked, and the Mogul armies were set free to operate in the eastern Deccan.
Hitherto the capital of Bengal had been at Dacca on the eastern frontier of the empire, whence the piratical attacks of the Portuguese and of the Arakanese or Mughs could be most easily checked.
The chira is a pagri of checked cloth.
The contention which Moawiya had with Ali checked his progress in the north.
But in October 732 their march was checked between Tours and Poitiers by Charles Martel and after some days of skirmishing a fierce but indecisive battle was fought.
Thenceforth the continual revolts of the Berbers in Africa, and the internal troubles which disturbed Spain until the reign of Abdarrahman I., effectually checked the ambition of the Moslems.
Harthama, who was deeply offended by his dismissal, refused at first, but at last consented, and at once checked the tide of disaster.
But the great valour of the Hamdanid prince Saifaddaula checked their march.
The retreat was covered by the Vicenza battalion of Alpini, who fought a gallant rear-guard action, and a strong counter-attack by the group of Alpini from Marostica checked the Austrian pursuit.
The advance along the ridge from Zugna Torta, which had been throughout stubbornly contested by the Italians, had been definitely checked by a regiment of the Taro Bde.
The Austrian losses had been too heavy for them to continue their attacks in mass, and their attempts to advance in open formation were easily checked.
The respite of an hour enabled the allies to organize a fierce counter-attack; Ney was checked until the flanking columns of Victor and Reynier could come upon the scene.
At Magersfontein, early in December 1899, he completely repulsed a general attack made upon his position, and thereby checked for two months the northward advance of the British column.
A state railway commission controls transportation rates, which are also somewhat checked by the competition of river freights.
About six thousand persons spent the winter in Cheyenne, and disorder was checked only by the organization of a vigilance committee.
At all events, though the Persians were checked for the time, the conduct of the Roman army showed an extraordinary lack of discipline.
After destroying, it is said, 300,000 persons, and without being checked by any quarantine regulations, the plague died out finally in March 1771, being remarkable for its short duration and spontaneous limitation (Haser).
The inhabitants of these villages, terrified at the accounts from Vetlanka, strictly isolated the sick, and thus probably checked the spread of the disease.
The vector required to close it will determine the second balance weight, the work may be checked by taking the reference plane to coincide with the plane of revolution of the second balance weight and then re-determining them, or by taking a reference plane anywhere and including the two balance weights trying if condition (c) is satisfied.
A further visit to Italy in 1163 saw his plans for the conquest of Sicily checked by the formation of a powerful league against him, brought together mainly by the exactions of the podestas and the enforcement of the rights declared by the doctors of Bologna.
The German clergy remained loyal to the emperor, and hostilities were checked by the death of Urban and the election of a new pope as Gregory VIII., who adopted a more friendly policy towards the emperor.
Their past performances could then be checked, and their future actions forecast by the priest; and there was small danger of their straying beyond the limits marked out by authority.
His father, however, checked this ambition, declaring that, though he had five sons, he would not suffer one of them to enter the church in its then state of corruption and debasement.
It has been found, for instance, that in the case of the mannitic disease the action of the micro-organism may be checked, or prevented altogether, by bringing the acidity of the must up to a certain level by the addition of a small quantity of tartaric acid.
The keenness of the conflict as it approached the crisis of 1843 checked the liberality of the people for this object, but by 1841 £305,747 had been collected and 222 churches built.
It was not, however, until the 18th of July 1679 that the slaughter of Jesuits and other Roman Catholics upon Oates's testimony and that of his accomplices was to some extent checked.
This invasion checked but did not stop the advance of the Russians down the Volga.
No connected resistance was offered, and the Turks slaughtered the fugitives until checked by the fresh troops of the Christian right wing.
Uriconium, a town near the Wrekin, and Pengwyrn, the modern Shrewsbury, were destroyed; but soon Ceawlin was defeated by the Britons at Fethanleag or Faddiley, near Nantwich, and his progress was effectually checked.
These unsettled political circumstances checked any continuity of policy, and tended to block the passage of all useful legislation to help forward the economic development of the country and inhabitants; on the other hand, the financial situation was better by the end of 1899 than in the previous year, since all proposals for a fresh paper issue had been vetoed; and the elections for congress and municipal office at the opening of 1900 returned a majority favourable to a stable currency policy.
The result was a schism which was only temporarily checked by the expulsion of de Kock from the country by the statesgeneral.
Thus for the first time since the Arab conquest of the Sassanian realm Persia was ruled by a single authority, which extended its conquests westward into Asia Minor, where it checked the rulers of Byzantium, and eastward to India and Central Asia.
Percy received the fugitives within a hollow square, checked the onslaught for a time with two field-pieces, used the Munroe Tavern for a hospital, and later in the day carried his command with little further injury back to Boston.
In 1890 he began to write for the Revolte, but his anarchist sympathies were definitely checked by the murder of President Carnot in 1894.
At the Dissolution the introduction of woollen manufacture checked the decay of the town.
The superiority of the Chileans at sea, though checked for some time by the heroic gallantry of the Peruvians, soon enabled them to land a sufficient number of troops to meet the allied forces which had concentrated at Arica and other points in the south.
The Umbrians, who were part of the Alpine Celts, had been pressing down into Italy from the Bronze Age, though checked completely by the rise of the Etruscan power in the ioth century B.C. The invention of iron weapons made the Celts henceforth irresistible.
The nationalist and liberal movement in Bohemia was thus suddenly checked, though the Bohemians took part in the Austrian constituent assembly that met at Vienna, and afterwards at Kromefiz (Kremsier).
But during the efficient administration of Lewis Cass, governor of the Territory from 1813 to 1831, the interference of the British was checked and many of the Indians were removed to the west of the Mississippi; printing presses, established during the same period at Detroit, Ann Arbor, Monroe and Pontiac, became largely instrumental in making the country better known; the first steamboat, the "Walk-in-the-Water," appeared at Detroit in 1818; the Erie canal was opened in 1825; by 1830 a daily boat line was running between Detroit and Buffalo, and the population of Michigan, which was only 4762 in 1810 and 8896 in 1820, increased to 31,639 in 1830 and 212,267 in 1840.
Harrison's offensive operations being thus checked, he accomplished nothing that summer except to hold in check Proctor, who (May 1-5) besieged him at Fort Meigs, the American advanced post after the disaster of the river Raisin.
It is unnecessary to insist on the purely speculative character of the conclusions to be reached in this way, so long as they cannot be checked by the results of palaeontology, but, when this is recognized, such speculation is not only legitimate but necessary as a basis on which to build a natural classification.
Many of them devour seed, as the corn weevils, Calandra granaria and C. oryzae, and in this way vegetation is severely injured, and its spread seriously checked.
Now they are everywhere checked by contemporary evidence, and a clearer sense of what constitutes a primary source has discredited much of what had been currently accepted as true.
By the aid of this arrangement the natural cant of the machine when making a turn could be checked, if it became excessive.
When we attempt to decipher the physical history of the country from the complicated record afforded by the stratigraphical palimpsest, we are checked at the outset by the dearth of information from being able to picture the geographical condition in the older Palaeozoic periods.
In 386 Promotus checked a new attempt at invasion on the Danube.
His theory that manual labour should form part of the scholar's life was checked by the personal discovery that hard labour in the fields meant poor work in the study.
But even before he could arrive, the outspread of the Mutiny had already been checked by the gallantry and skill of a mere handful of Britons and their faithful native allies.
The Normans, in their turn, gradually superseded all powers, whether Greek, Lombard or republican, which had previously divided the south of Italy, and furthermore checked the Saracens in the advances they were making through Apulia.
Originally conquered by the fluvial deposits from the sea, it now stretches out as a vast dead level, in which the rivers find their velocity checked, and their current no longer able to carry along the silt which they have brought down from northern India.
The rivers, finally checked by the sea, deposit their remaining silt, which emerges as banks or blunted promontories, or, after a year's battling with the tide, adds a few feet or it may be a few inches to the foreshore.
But he met and checked the armies of the Confederacy when they were at their best and strongest, and his work laid the foundations of ultimate success.
Thomas's corps checked the Confederate attack.
The higher masses of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta cover a very limited area, leaving the trade winds a comparatively unbroken sweep across the northern plains until checked by the Western Cordillera, the Panama ranges and the Sierra de Baudo, where a heavy precipitation follows.
Its privileges have remained intact, because the suzerainty of the district became equally and indivisibly shared in 1278 between the bishops of Urgel and the counts of Foix, the divided suzerainty being now inherited by the French crown and the present bishop of Urgel; and the two powers have mutually checked innovations, while the insignificant territory has not been worth a dispute.
On the restoration of the pressure, the density will be again increased by the reduction of the water-filled interstices, and the percolation will be correspondingly checked.
It is checked even by fine copper wire-gauze strainers, and where the water passes through sand-filter beds in the course of an aqueduct, the growth, though very great between the reservoir and the filter beds, is almost absent between the filter beds and the town.
As governor he checked the issue of bank charters by the legislature and secured the enactment, in 1838, of a general banking law, which abolished the monopoly features incident to the old banking system.
Their indications also vary with the temperature, so that for good work it is advisable that spring balances should be frequently checked with standard weights.
In severe storms the water near shore is filled with sand, which is deposited where the currents are checked around the ends of jetties in such a way as to form bars out into the lake across improved channels.
When three or more numbers or quantities are added together, the result should always be checked by adding both upwards and downwards.
It Is Usually Convenient To Make Out A Preliminary Table Of Multiples Up To Io Times; The Table Being Checked At 5 Times (§ Ioo) And At 10 Times.
Thus inferences from embryonic development need to be checked by palaeontology, and supplemented by comparison of the anatomy of other living genera.
At a comparatively early age he entered the church, and held for some time the office of anagnost or reader; subsequently he manifested a desire to devote himself to the secular life as a rhetorician, an impulse which was checked by the earnest remonstrances of Gregory of Nazianzus.
The enemy was checked, beaten off, followed up rapidly whenever he changed his base of operation, and hunted repeatedly all across England.
Edwards grip on the land was strong, and it had need to be so, for in 1287 and 1294 1295 there were desperate and widespread revolts, which were only checked by the existence of the new castles, and subdued by the concentration of large royal armies.
Glendower was at last checked by the untiring energy of the kings eldest son, Henry of Monmouth, who Suppreshad been given charge of the Welsh war.
As it was, the Spanish connection checked Englands aspirations; her adventurers were warned off the Spanish Main, and even trade with the colonies of Philips ally Portugal was prohibited.
Pitt, on the other hand, as Lord Russell truly says, treated Robespierre and Carnot as he would have treated any other French rulers, whose ambition was to be resisted, and whose interference in the affairs of other nations was to be checked.
Their salter waters must have been originally derived from outside, and must therefore have passed over the plateau between Falster and Mecklenburg, but their horizontal extension is checked by the ridges separating the deep hollows in the Baltic from each other.
It is certain that in shrouding his own character he checked the communication of others to himself, and so could continue to the end of his career the costly mistake of being theatrical in England.
When, on the other hand, the disease is checked, the signs of improvement are shown in the cessation of the pain, in the evacuations being less frequent and more natural, and in relief from the state of extreme depression.
Phylloxera was checked by the importation of American vines and the establishment of schools of viticulture.
The necessity of finding Protestants checked subdivision for a time, but in 1793 the Roman Catholics received the franchise, and it became usual to make leases in common, so that each lessee should have a freehold interest of 40s.
After Magenta (June 4, 1859), it was the fears of the Catholics and the messages of the empress which, even more than the threats of Prussia, checked him in his triumph and forced him into the armistice of Villafranca (July 11, 1859).
But law and order were well maintained; the licence of the nobility was sternly repressed; the kingdoms of Sweden and Norway were treated as integral parts of the Danish state, and national aspirations were frowned upon or checked, though Norway, as being more loyal, was treated more indulgently than Sweden.
Louis naturally joined the coalition of 1173, but showed no more vigour in this than in his other wars; and his fate would have been sealed had not the pope checked Henry by the threat of an interdict, and reconciled the combatants (1177).
Beam was the pretext for a rising among the Protestants, who had remained loyal during these troublous years; and although the military organization of French Protestantism, arranged by the assembly of La Rochelle, had been checked in 1621, by the defection of most of the reformed nobles, like Bouillon and Lesdiguires, de Luynes had to raise the disastrous siege of Montauban.
But al-Farabi was not always consistent in his views; a certain sobriety checked his speculative flights, and although holding that the true perfection of man is reached in this life by the elevation of the intellectual nature, he came towards the close to think the separate existence of intellect no better than a delusion.
The father wa.s manifestly a man of great energy who cowed his unruly nobles by murder, forced the Orospedans to recognize his superiority, swept away the Suevic kingdom which had lingered in the north-west, and checked the raids of the Basques.
The drastic measures taken by the government against the National Union of Taxpayers, and against the newspapers which assisted it in advocating resistance to taxation until sweeping and proper retrenchment had been effected in the national expenditure, checked this campaign in favor of reform and retrenchment for a while.
Since the bacterial origin of foul brood has been established, the efforts of some bacteriologists have been employed in finding a simple remedy by means of which the disease may be checked in its earliest stages, and in this an appreciable amount of success has been attained.
The wars of 1346 checked the improvement of horses, and undid much of what had been previously accomplished, for we read that the cavalry taken into France by Edward III.
They are deposited where the currents are checked and the water becomes very still.
Nor was he checked by Rome.
I checked my watch as often as I looked over my shoulder.
The Black God was bristling with checked power that made her inch away from him.
Pierre returned a couple of hours later as she checked off the fourth box on her list of Oracle self-training.
Illegal immigrants taking away our jobs—again, Mr. Dean has a young woman in his employ whom I hope he's checked carefully—she doesn't even speak our language.
But Fitzgerald had to be older than forty—he certainly looked it—a fact easily checked on his election application.
Fred checked the e-mail in case metalman29 had responded, but no such luck.
Alex checked the door and then walked back to Carman, dropping a hand of assistance to her.
Gabe checked all of those in the mortal realm, except for … He turned, realizing Harmony hadn't been in the lineup.
Well, I figured the drowning of a child ought to make a big city paper and sure enough, after I checked a few of my sources and a couple of papers, I hit pay dirt!
Brady checked the time and calculated how long it would take to reach the rendezvous point.
When he returned, he opened the compact disc player, a recent indulgence they both enjoyed, and checked the selections before turning it on.
Dean and Andy Sackler, his partner on the variety store hold up, methodically checked leads until they arrested two youths ages 14 and 12 who admitted to the robbery.
Cleary, Corbin, any single guy, a motor home with paper Pennsylvania plates that checked in on the May dates we know— any of those things.
The tortoise and the hare, he kept saying to himself as he checked the number of each rider as they passed.
Yesterday I checked on my story acumen because I thought it was nearing its end date.
It is hard to do whenever it induces in its possessor the belief that he cannot be checked by any existing larger accumulation of power.
Have you checked the price of a round-trip airfare to Asia or Africa lately?
Take the car to your mechanic to have the alternator checked for proper operation.
Finally the fuses were put in and we checked the digital ammeter on the control unit.
Therefore patients on didanosine who are unwell should have an amylase checked.
Any checked baggage in excess of 25 kg will be charged at Excess Baggage rates.
I've just checked out's fantasy baseball game which by UK standards is pretty poor.
This needs to be checked before the first piece of underlay or counter batten is fitted.
The resulting preliminary biotope and sub-biotope groups of records were then checked to ensure cohesion of both the environmental and species data.
He was on the point of advancing some profitable reflections on this head, but the memory of his own boyhood checked him.
At around 2pm she checked again and I had dilated another 2 centimeters so she removed the contraption.
A baseline INR should be checked prior to starting chemoprophylaxis, and re-checked after 1 week of taking chemoprophylaxis.
Yet at more than 110 sites checked so far they have found nothing conclusive.
You will be sent a booking confirmation which must be checked carefully.
There may be a slight delay whilst your details are checked.
I've checked the dipstick and there's plenty of oil " I wonder if you've got the right dipstick?
At the right hip is a cute triangular patch pocket with red and white dogtooth checked panel on the flap.
When she checked both drawers, she found that a 1-inch wide roll of tape and a scalpel appeared to be missing.
The vent position is initially checked with the pressure waveform but later confirmed with the trans-oesophageal echocardiography (TOE) (Figure 1 ).
Step 2 Get the item checked by a qualified electrician.
Electricity The wiring to the property should be checked and certified by a NICEIC registered electrician.
Potassium and other electrolytes may be upset by coincident illnesses and should always be checked if a dialysis patient is unwell.
For non-British passport holders and for British passports endorsed in any way, requirements should be checked with the nearest relevant embassy.
Checked and oiled all fishplates on our running line.
There were queues out of the door as curious Orcadians checked out the giant jars of gherkins, plastic flip-flops and tubs of sauerkraut.
To ensure that the composition of the alloy is correct, samples of the molten metal are routinely checked by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
On their mortgage checked for things like aig says gallant.
This musical piggy bank for a boy has a sheer blue and white gingham checked ribbon round his neck.
They can be checked by no external force; they must themselves dig their own grave, having previously created their own gravedigger.
Around midnight the train stopped, border guards appeared at my cabin door, checked my passport and scanned it with an ultraviolet machine.
I checked into the first and quite possibly the cheapest guesthouse I found and fell thankfully onto the bed without removing my rucksack.
He had a quick look at my head, checked my blood pressure and drew on my new hairline.
The specific gravity of each batch in the stock solution should be checked at least weekly by designated staff with a calibrated hydrometer.
He also opposed iconoclasm and checked the advancing Lombards.
I checked my watch to see how long I would have to endure this ignominy.
It was deemed impolite if people receiving a horse as a gift checked its teeth.
She could almost be angry herself at such angry incivility; but she checked the resentful sensation; she remembered her own ignorance.
She checked a number of nests in the breeding season when the females lay, and then incubate, eggs.
But the impious project was, by divine interposition, checked.
Perhaps they have a superior jukebox; I haven't actually checked it yet.
I had a lumpectomy in June 2003, where they also checked several lymph nodes - the results came back clear.
When the Normalize option is checked, the spectral magnitudes are adjusted so that power is conserved.
If travelers become sick after returning from areas in which chloroquine-resistant malaria is endemic, they need to be quickly checked for the disease.
I checked into a campground at Twizel and casually told the very friendly manageress that I was looking for Black Stilts.
Having checked this more throughly I think I'm now going to allow low (e.g. max of 75) use of rmse.
When the subtype is 32 - the bounded case - an applied modifier is checked against the bound field as for type 0 descriptors.
All of the cars in our Showrooms are fully serviced, PDI checked, with 12 month mot and three month manufacturer's warranty.
We then checked into the scenic Rwenzori Guest House, like a small motel with family style dining.
Time and current checked charge to avoid overcharge, memory effect and deep discharge.
I checked last night on the AA site using their route planner to double check on our route over.
Luckily we encountered no real problems on our 5-hour drive and we finally checked in to the really plush 4* Tower hotel.
The vet checked Sioux's liver and shocked me stating she had ingested poison!
And then checked again when you actually enter the stadium proper.
The depth was checked in our new channel, it seemed about five feet with no other protuberances.
An inspector later said that tires should be inflated to 15 lbs psi and checked for leaks, not 100 lbs psi.
Nurseries are governed by strict regulations and are checked every four years by Ofsted who publish a report on their findings.
Once in place, the needle should be checked for proper positioning by manipulation of the femur, and flushed with heparinised saline.
It featured a white scrim, some chairs and a black-and-white checked floor.
Sometimes, out of whole shiploads, perhaps containing 1000 containers, only about 10 might be checked with any thoroughness.
Battery-operated smoke detectors are supplied with fresh batteries at the start of each year; they are checked regularly.
If only they had checked the stats they too could have backed the outsider instead of an odds on loser.
The effect of Quinag on ice flow can be checked by measuring glacial striae on the quartzites.
Each access control subentry below these administrative points is then checked to see if the entry is included within scope of the subtree specification.
I checked out a couple of sunbirds and informed the gang that there was a pair of Collared Sunbirds just above their heads.
As he checked the settings, an uneasy suspicion formed in his mind as to what the console might be doing.
Checked out my laptop with a rather swish Toshiba video projector for tomorrows meeting.
Here we had tiled floor, blue and white checked tablecloths and fresh flowers on each table.
Anyway, we checked in and then went to the restaurant where I had sticky rice and... yes you guessed it... som tam!
The exhaust was in one piece, the timing was OK, we even took the valve covers off and checked the tappets.
Prior to delivery our skilled technicians will have checked your car point by point.
This could be checked by placing thermocouples (in air) at several points around the interior.
The author simply did not cross checked the original ukase of 1811 and the Deliberation of 1817.
The lorries were carefully checked before leaving the wharf, so that we could be sure the correct number of sacks were on board.
I would also be concerned if you have not checked that the winch wire used on the winch wire used on the winches matches the rated winching capacity.
Has the electrical wiring been checked within the last five years?
In this edition the fragmentary and jerky arrangement, the intricate style, and a peculiar and often purely conventional terminology seriously checked the diffusion of the work, which accordingly was little studied in Italy and remained almost unknown to the rest of Europe.
All opposition was, however, checked by the dissolution on the 18th of January.
With a view to determine this question, Governor Sir Ralph Darling, in the year 1828, sent out the expedition under Captain Charles Sturt, who, proceeding first to the marshes at the end of the Macquarie river, found his progress checked by the dense mass of reeds in that quarter.
This people, defeated at Scarpona (Charpeigne) and Catelauni (Chalons-sur-Marne) by Jovinus, were driven back to the German bank of the Rhine, and checked for a while by a chain of military posts and fortresses.
As his people pressed southward, they omitted to possess themselves of the coasts; and what was worse for the future of these conquerors, the original impetus of the invasion was checked by the untimely murder of Alboin in 573.
After Baldwin's death the prosperity of Trier was checked by wars and disputes between rival claimants to the see, and in 1456 the estates united for the purpose of restoring order, and secured the right of electing their archbishops.
Another innovation was the census; it was undertaken despite the protests of Joab, and was checked by the rebukes of the prophet Gad and the visitation of a pestilence (xxiv.).
From the Autobiography we learn that in 1826 Mill's enthusiasm was checked by a misgiving as to the value of the ends which he had set before him.
By Matthew Gregory Lewis again "Timour" is depicted as the conventional tyrant of a gorgeous melodrama, slaying, burning, slaughtering and committing every possible atrocity until checked by a violent death and a poetical climax.
The sparseness of the population throughout the Dutch territory is due to a variety of causes - to the physical character of the country, which for the most part restricts the area of population to the near neighbourhood of the rivers; to the low standard of civilization to which the majority of the natives have attained and the consequent disregard of sanitation and hygiene; to wars, piracy and head-hunting, the last of which has not even yet been effectually checked among some of the tribes of the interior; and to the aggression and oppressions in earlier times of Malayan, Arab and Bugis settlers.
The grass flames up on the hillsides like a spring fire--"et primitus oritur herba imbribus primoribus evocata"--as if the earth sent forth an inward heat to greet the returning sun; not yellow but green is the color of its flame;--the symbol of perpetual youth, the grass-blade, like a long green ribbon, streams from the sod into the summer, checked indeed by the frost, but anon pushing on again, lifting its spear of last year's hay with the fresh life below.
Kate Moss has checked herself into rehab in a bid to kick her cocaine addiction.
Anna Nicole Smith checked herself into the Betty Ford rehab clinic.
With the movement in Ecuador checked for the moment the focus for the continental revolt against neo-liberalism switched to Bolivia.
From there we came out into the Kremlin, a city within a city, every entrance guarded by sentries who checked our passes.
Anyway, we checked in and then went to the restaurant where I had sticky rice and... yes you guessed it... som tam !
We checked " Snowdrop " over quickly then I climbed into bed, put her to my breast and she suckled straight away.
Baggage Transatlantic flights allow two checked bags per person with neither to exceed 62 inches.
The errors checked for are transposed characters, a missing character, and a character too many.
A double-breasted navy jacket was teamed with a round red fur trimmed skirt, cowgirl boots and checked red trapper hat.
I also checked the freezer cabinet but there was no tubs of icecream.
Proofs must be checked immediately for errors and returned to the typesetter within forty-eight hours by express post.
The author simply did not cross checked the original Ukase of 1811 and the Deliberation of 1817.
I 've checked a number of anti-semitism bibliographies, the Israeli university union catalog and the book Zimmermann, Mosche.
Urethane bushes should be fitted and the original lever arm shock should be checked for wear in the spindle.
After trimming the wing panels they are then checked with a vertical vernier gage to confirm accuracy before shipping to you the customer.
I checked with X, who said, no, he could n't vouch for the person.
I would also be concerned if you have not checked that the winch wire used on the winches matches the rated winching capacity.
The details should be checked, signed off and returned withing 28 days with a small fee.
In almost all cases, the write-up of the interview was checked by the interviewee.
Flo triple checked her husband's itinerary before leaving to pick him up at the airport.
Or, feel free to write a comparison of several brands you checked out.
When it is time to travel, make sure all of the items that won't go in the quart size zip-top bag are packed into your checked luggage so you don't lose them at the security check point.
Decorate the tables with red and white checked table cloths.
Decorations can be simple for a barbecue bash-- picnic tables covered in checked tablecloths are highly appropriate.
With today's high-security procedures, flying with your infant can be a challenge as you try to get all of your luggage checked.
If you haven't checked one out, you really don't know what you are missing.
If you are a resident of the UK you've never checked this site out, you're in for a treat!
Therefore, even the mildest fever should be acknowledged and checked to ensure it is not becoming worse.
If you haven't checked out all that Nick Jr. has to offer, you and your toddler are missing out on some serious fun.
In many cases, once you've checked for safety issues, your decision boils down to how well a high chair matches your decor and how much space you have at your table and in your kitchen or dining area.
Most of us remember our shoe size from somewhere in our early college days and never bother to have it checked after that.
Every change that's made is checked and double checked to keep pesky spammers and other ne'er-do-gooders from ruining the fun for everyone else.
The windshield should be checked for any rock chips, cracks, pits, and the like.
If, for example, you've checked the Follett site, and found something that seems perfect, go to and look for it there.
These events give parents the opportunity to come in and have their car seats checked for safety, as well as to see if the seat is installed correctly.
Scoring a used trailer is nice on the pocketbook, but if the trailers aren't checked out thoroughly before you purchase, you could end up spending more to repair damages.
The trench is then covered and the propane tank is checked for leaks.
Refurbished Apple laptops, for example, can only be repaired and checked by an authorized Apple center or computer repair service.
All the laptops, including Dell, are refurbished and checked over and include a short warranty.
I ultimately hired a cat behavioral specialist who was referred to me by my vet after I had Dazzling fully checked out to rule out any medical problems.
We've had him checked out and there's nothing physically wrong with him, so I'm desperate.
She has been checked by the vet and has previously used hormone tablets, steroids and has been treated for fleas and wormed.
Fur loss can sometimes indicate underlying health problems, so it is a good idea to get him checked out by your vet.
It's always wise to have your cat checked out by your vet when there is any type of behavior change like this.
Take the cat to the vet and have him or her spayed or neutered, thoroughly checked for any stray cat diseases and vaccinated.
I have checked for fleas, bathed her, purchased a new collar and flea powder.
I would probably go ahead and take your second cat to the vet and have him checked over, just to be on the safe side.
Always take your cat be to be checked by your veterinarian if it is not using its litter box.
In the event of trauma, the faster you can get your pet checked, the better your pet's chances of survival.
Have your cat companion checked by his veterinarian to make sure there is not a medical problem.
This should be checked immediately upon unpacking.
While most breeders take care to make sure the kittens they produce in their cattery are healthy, you should be aware of any health issues prevalent in each breed and have the kitten checked for these issues by a veterinarian.
If your cat has always used her litter box and suddenly begins missing it, you should have her checked out by your vet to see if there is a medical reason for the change.
You'll also want to be sure the cat is checked for worms and given medication to treat for fleas or worms before you bring her into your home.
The coverage provides $500 for checked bags and $1,250 for carry-on bags.
Baggage Insurance - You are covered against loss or damage for up to $1,250 for carry-on baggage and up to $500 for checked baggage.
Balances can also be checked at Home Depot stores.
That's why it's important for anyone diagnosed with cancer to be thoroughly checked for additional cancer sites.
You can give the room a formal air with lace window dressings or a cozy, casual feeling with rich, flannel checked accessories.
Fall is also a good time to have your furnace checked by a technician.
Designs include striped and checked patterns, as well as plaids.