Check-off Sentence Examples
Best of all, you won't be paying for it, so why not just go ahead and check off all of the most adorable items?
Simply check off the type of living arrangement needed, type in Denver and choose Colorado from the drop down menu.
One procedure for diagnosing children aged 24 to 36 months asks parents to complete a standardized questionnaire in which they check off the vocabulary the child knows and write down examples of the child's two-word sentences.
All you need to do is select the model, select the year and series, and the check off all of the features that the tent camper has.
Tips for Flipping a House- A rather extensive checklist is provided here, complete with spaces to check off for those who need to print and run, with all of the necessary areas to be inspected.
This way when people RSVP you can check off if they are a yes or no.
This printable download allows you to check off standard cleaning items as well as add your own.
Dieters would dutifully check off each box on their little paper chart to ensure they met the day's quota for each macro nutrient.
When you see your images on the right, check off the boxes of the ones you want to send to your space, by clicking on each box.
You will see some options for you to check off.
AdvertisementHe seems to be waiting for the inevitable while I try to check off my bucket list.
Print it and check off the symptoms you are experiencing, how long they have bothered you and write down any other issues you have been dealing with since the trauma.
This scale is a check-off list of 186 skills.
Then, check off the shape and click calculate. - Interesting site that allows parents to create checklists, which their children then check off as they complete tasks.
AdvertisementYou can check off each step when the child has completed it, place as sticker on the square, or let the child color it in.
You'll check off the types of skin care products you use, the brands you have used in the past and the types of makeup you regularly wear.
Under "account," check off the box marked "Protect my updates." This will only allow people who follow you to see what you post, and will give you control over who is able to follow you.