Cheaper Sentence Examples
When the light bulb was cheaper and better, we ditched kerosene.
For such buried deposits boring is cheaper than sinking.
Through the advent of German and American fur sewingmachines since about 1890 fur work has been done better and cheaper.
In the case of the cheaper and more abundant minerals, such as coal and iron ore, and of large deposits of low-grade ores, the extent and character of the deposit can generally be determined by surface examinations at comparatively small expense.
This is in general a cheaper and quicker method of development for inclined deposits than by a vertical shaft, and it has the added advantage that much information as to the character of the deposit is obtained as the shaft is sunk.
Machinery is now employed for forming and moulding the fillings of the cheaper grades of cigars.
Certain duties were reduced (though in no case greatly reduced) such as those upon wool, some woollens, cheaper grades of cotton cloths, iron, steel rails, copper.
Linseed is subject to extensive and detrimental adulterations, resulting not only from careless harvesting and cleaning, whereby seeds of the flax dodder, and other weeds and grasses are mixed with it, but also from the direct admixture of cheaper and inferior oil-seeds, such as wild rape, mustard, sesame, poppy, &c., the latter adulterations being known in trade under the generic name of " buffum."
An honourable exception to the indolent and rapacious divines of this stamp was Thomas Burgess (bishop of St Davids), to whose exertions is mainly due the foundation of St David's College at Lampeter in 1822, an institution erected to provide a better and cheaper education for intending Welsh clergymen.
Takes a while, but you should travel cheaper, ESP if one journey is at a cheaper time of day.
AdvertisementThis compares to an average spend of £ 25.37 at cheaper supermarket forecourt sites.
If you are involved in a large project it is cheaper to make your own lime putty by slaking quicklime.
Choosing to marry abroad can be wildly romantic, not to mention cheaper.
A cheaper solution is to use multi-stage sampling which starts by dividing the country into a number of regions.
The reason for going for the quality option is mostly for comfort, but also because cheaper clothes can look scruffy very quickly.
AdvertisementLower labels save money on production by using cheaper materials.
These outlet stores sell label merchandise, but at a far cheaper price.
Some degrees are significantly cheaper than others.
Suction gas is being tried in some offices as a supplanter of electricity and is said to be much cheaper as a power producer.
The silver boliviano, however, is rarely seen in circulation because of the cheaper paper currency.
AdvertisementFor smoking the Chinese use an extract of opium known as prepared opium or chandoo, and a cheaper preparation is made from 60% used opium known as " opium dross " and 40% native opium.
The process is suited to easy ores and a region where the climate is warm and dry, and horseor mule-power, labour and quicksilver are cheaper than fuel and water.
It thus receives the produce of these fertile river valleys, while the rivers afford a cheaper mode of conveyance than any railway.
Colwyn Bay has become a favourite bathing-place, being near to, and cheaper than, the fashionable Llandudno, and being a centre for picturesque excursions.
Notwithstanding these disabilities, there has been in modern times a new development in the trade of some canals, born of a realization that for certain classes of goods water-transport is cheaper than the swifter railtransport.
AdvertisementA mixture of the cinchona alkaloids, consisting principally of cinchonidine sulphate, with smaller quantities of the sulphates of quinine and cinchonine, is sold under the name of "quinetum" at a cheaper rate than quinine.
Owing to the low price of steel it is possible to make a steel column of equivalent strength cheaper than one in cast iron.
He had proposed to double the tobacco duty, but on reconsideration came to the conclusion that with this burden it would be impossible to keep down the price of the cheaper kinds, and so reduced the additional duty to one of 50%.
Inter- cast-lead pipes, but they were regarded as luxuries, mittent supply, not as necessaries, and gave way to cheaper conduits made, as pump barrels had long been made, by boring out tree trunks, which are occasionally dug up in a good state of preservation.
There is a considerable potato cultivation, which can be indefinitely extended when cheaper means of export are provided.
Since the completion of the railway named goods can be put on the world's markets at a much cheaper rate.
Though still the market of the nomads, the surer and cheaper sea route has almost destroyed the transit trade to which it once owed its wealth, and has even diminished the importance of the annual pilgrim caravan to Mecca.
Indeed, a useful side-effect of easier and cheaper voting should be higher voting levels and greater investor activism.
These are quicker, cheaper, less adversarial and provide a better outcome for the court user.
Mr Singleton, 11 Jul 05 This seemed like a slightly amateurish service which is cheaper than the standard airport parking.
There is no cheaper way of having a car than to run old bangers from the cheapest end of the market.
Bikes with smaller engines also attract cheaper motor bikes with smaller engines also attract cheaper motor bike insurance than large powerful bikes like Tunstall's Honda.
Stool antigen tests do not require a separate appointment at the practice and are cheaper than carbon urea breath testing.
Irish Spiced Beef is a good way of using brisket, one of the cheaper cuts of beef.
Cars with LPG engines give out 75% less carbon monoxide than normal gasoline engines and its 50% cheaper than gasoline.
At the starting batch size of 100, sand casting is cheaper than die casting.
The price of all these books is considerably cheaper than buying from your local bookshop.
Disastrous results after eat hot chile cheaper in the system that has.
Fuel cells will have to be much cheaper to become commercial in vehicles.
For a cheaper alternative, many people use a home built vacuum pump made from one, or preferably two small refrigeration compressors.
This enables users to print laser output for less than 1 penny a page, cheaper than most network copiers.
They are cheaper and easier to produce than nuclear weapons and they are, as we know, extremely deadly.
Early evidence indicates a cheaper more flexible solution is needed which can be rapidly deployed.
Don Amott stocks the slightly cheaper fixed bed Sloop 1 and rear dinette Sloop 3 models too.
They may last for several years and so may be cheaper than disposable earplugs for regular, long-term use.
A much cheaper solution is a set of good earplugs.
A cheaper and safer alternative to chemical control has proved highly effective against several key insect pests.
Like Kuiper, it offers a cheaper alternative to launching space telescopes.
So to give staffers a holiday, which managements like to do because it is cheaper, everyone has to work harder.
Scooters are cheaper, more fun to ride and have a lot more street cred.
Surrogacy is becoming more acceptable because it is cheaper than conventional IVF treatment and some NHS clinics now use surrogacy is becoming more acceptable because it is cheaper than conventional IVF treatment and some NHS clinics now use surrogacy as a treatment method.
Any sugar imported at a cheaper price must pay a surtax that brings the final price up to $ 385 a ton.
Those in the home sweatshop must work cheaper than those in the factory sweatshops.
Superbass 4.4 is the latest bass synth to imitate the classic acid house sound of the TB-303 at a cheaper price.
Lower prices and cheaper access will encourage takeup as well as improve content and services.
Drinking tankards, jewelry, picture frames and decorative gifts as a cheaper alternative to silver.
Shop around for cheaper supplier, turn the thermostat down just a little.
He also raised concerns about imported clay roof tiles entering the UK around 10 per cent cheaper than domestic clay roof tiles.
Alternatively, we would consider exchanging for a small, cheaper, fully fitted trad + cash for anyone wishing to upgrade.
Cheaper turmeric products simply use culinary turmeric products simply use culinary turmeric which contains only a fraction of the curcumin.
Find out if you could get a discount or cheaper package or supplier for your digital satelite TV.
Every Angle is covered in a 100% cotton velvet cover rather than cheaper, less breathable composite materials.
Passage of a is generally cheaper to remember wright 's sell more women's.
In this retirement he gave himself to Oriental studies and carried through his great work, a Polyglot Bible which should be completer, cheaper and provided with a better critical apparatus than any previous work of the kind (see Polyglot).
The manufacture of the wrought-iron " I " beam in 1855 made cheaper fire-proof construction possible, and, with the introduction of passenger lifts (see Elevators; Lifts or HoIsTs) about ten years later, led to the erection of buildings to be used as hotels, flats, offices, factories, and for other commercial purposes, containing many more storeys than had formerly been found profitable.
Adulteration of expensive oil with cheaper oils is now more extensively practised, and such tests as the determination of the saponification value (see above) and of the optical rotation, and in special cases the isolation and quantitative determination of characteristic substances, leads in very many cases to reliable results.
Because of Moore's Law, computers will get faster and storage will be cheaper.
However, authorities could also recover the VAT making the cost of the computer cheaper to the employe.
It 's not hard to make a case for composting and recycling when it 's cheaper than putting waste in the dustbin.
The most price-conscious drivers were found to be those that refueled at normally cheaper supermarket sites (48 %).
Dr. Ross Perry from Cosmedics Clinics UK says Restylane will not be replaced by rival product Juvederm, despite the latter being cheaper.
The report notes that current price comparisons are influenced by sterling 's appreciation (which makes overseas prices appear cheaper).
Surrogacy is becoming more acceptable because it is cheaper than conventional IVF treatment and some NHS clinics now use surrogacy as a treatment method.
Cheaper turmeric products simply use culinary turmeric which contains only a fraction of the curcumin.
And still, it is probably cheaper to do this than to use some turnstile mechanism.
Find out if you could get a discount or cheaper package or supplier for your digital satelite tv.
Patrick Dunnigan, the UK manager, says the business is based on personal attention and appears unconcerned by cheaper rivals.
You may find that it 's easier (and cheaper) to get a car body from a wrecker 's yard.
Passage of a is generally cheaper to remember wright 's sell more women 's.
You can find cheaper child care by swapping child care duties with a relative or friend.
If ordering online is much cheaper than a store where you are measured, don't be afraid to get your size (and the brand name that you are trying on), leave the store and order the bra online.
Sometimes free shipping on one item will actually make it a better deal than a crib that is cheaper but has high shipping costs.
Although you may have to factor in laundry detergent and more laundry use, any way you look at it, reusable diapers are cheaper, and they'll save you money.
In many cases, the more invitations you order the cheaper the price will be per card.
This can also be a precaution parent's can take against potential metal allergies which are likely to occur when kids are exposed to cheaper metals.
For a cheaper solution, shop for art posters and wall decals to add on to a freshly painted wall.
All in all, cloth diapering is not only better for the environment, it's also a cheaper way to keep your baby's bottom clean and dry.
Playtex is a lingerie staple, and one of the cheaper brands of nursing bras.
Classifieds and yard sales-Finally, don't forget to peruse classified ads in your local newspaper and sift through yard and garage sales for even cheaper deals.
Analog monitors are usually much cheaper than digital baby monitors.
While some commercial options may be within financial reach, putting together your own gift is almost always cheaper, not to mention that you get to give the present your own personal touch while collecting items to put into the basket.
Many websites now offer cheaper concert tickets or discount event tickets compared to the door price.
Some laptops are even cheaper than desktops.
Still, you may be able to get a printer for cheaper than you would otherwise.
Remember that cheaper alternatives will ultimately cost you more in the long term because they will have a shorter lifespan and you will incur periodic repair and maintenance costs.
Cheaper pool tables are made with Slatron synthetic plastics layered onto particle board, and Permaslate, a honeycombed plastic set between two plastic sheets of plastic and medium density fiberboard (MDF) commonly used in construction.
Cheaper tables use MDF and paper or plastic laminates for the table's cabinet.
The latter resists wrinkles and is often cheaper than 100 percent cotton garments.
Aluminum is widely used in cookware sets as it performs almost as well as copper and is generally cheaper.
Cast iron cookware sets can be even cheaper than aluminum, but it does takes longer to heat and is heavy.
Buy the best that you can afford and avoid cheaper bargain alternatives that claim to be "the next best thing to the real thing".
Write down the bike name, year, and model number, then go home and get online to see if you can find it at a cheaper price (also check the classifieds in your local newspaper).
The usual cut-off point for cheaper plane tickets is 21 days before the flight date.
For instance, in the San Francisco Bay Area, it can be cheaper to fly into the Oakland or San Jose airports than to land at the San Francisco Airport.
It is cheaper to fly out on a Thursday and come back on a Tuesday or Wednesday than to fly out on Friday and come back on Monday.
Traveling midweek is cheaper simply because most people do not travel this way.
Early morning or late night flights are also cheaper.
Internet deals are sometimes cheaper, but shipping a television subjects it to shipping damage.
Most cheaper models have monochrome black and white screens, perfect for those consumers who want only basic audio and video.
You can probably buy a bike a little cheaper through eBay or classifieds, but a good bike shop will more than make up this small difference with quality service.
Some shipping services providers are cheaper when shipping from specific store-front or pickup locations from your hometown because they have shipping centers located in your destination city.
Cheaper brands may look attractive at first but will prove to be very expensive in the long term.
Anything less than $10 is cheaper to replace with another purchase rather than hassle with useless warranty requirements.
Look for one-year warranties on the cheaper ones and two years for more expensive models.
If you've found the pole you want in a sporting goods store but its price is steep, jot down its name and model number, go home, turn on your computer, and see if you can't find it cheaper online.
They are generally up to 40% cheaper than new and many professional argue that pre-World war II pianos are better than those made today.
Raised ink looks good and is sometimes cheaper than offset.
You will generally find quality and capability diminished with cheaper models.
You can probably pick up an iPod Nano on eBay or other online auction and classified sites for a substantially cheaper price than that of more conventional means.
Older games and used games, however, can be substantially cheaper to buy than their brand new counterparts.
By contrast, Windows-based PCs are usually more easily upgraded (more RAM, bigger hard drives, faster optical drives, etc.), have more programs (both free and for purchase), and are usually cheaper.
If you already have a set that will work with the new system, inquire if the price would be any cheaper if you opted out of these extra peripherals.
Knowing what you are looking for and keeping track of all rented items can be a challenge, but cheaper than purchasing a full suit or tux.
And if the ability to play UMDs is any incentive, remember that UMDs are usually only slightly cheaper than DVDs.
You can look elsewhere for sites with cheaper shipping, but when it comes to collectibles, sometimes you just have to have it, no matter what the cost.
This is a cheaper way to go, but the downside is that it is a lot bigger than other MP3 players, and you will have some music skipping.
One, they are cheaper than having one custom built.
If you don't mind replacing these machines on a yearly basis, you may sacrifice quality for a cheaper price.
One way to avoid this problem, especially if you use these appliances on a daily basis, is to invest in the heavy-duty models instead of the cheaper ones.
Those pillows made completely of down will be the most expensive; those made mostly of feathers will be much cheaper.
Buffets may offer cheaper prices during lunch hours.
Asian groceries may offer cheaper prices on some products, as they aren't considered specialty or gourmet products in that venue.
It's cheaper to buy early, otherwise you may find yourself hoping for a last minute flight in order to get the best deal.
Rarely will you find large lots of one particular DVD.You might be able to get the DVDs even cheaper by haggling.
They are generally cheaper than the average bookstore even if you're simply wandering in and prepared to pay cash exclusively.
Uprights are good beginner pianos, often cheaper, but won't have the rich tones as a grand.
Student violins tend to be cheaper because of the materials used and the amount of time used to construct it.
Gravity flush systems, on the other hand may give you a few more clogs, but they're quieter, cheaper, and require less maintenance overall.
If name-brand isn't important to you, RadioShack carries their store brand two-way radios, which often run $20-$50 cheaper.
Unbeknownst to the average 4th of July and New Year's celebrators, however, fireworks can often be purchased online cheaper than they can be bought from local suppliers.
While purchasing fireworks from a stand may be the most convenient option, the cheaper way to acquire them is through an online retailer.
Plus, you can acquire fireworks for even cheaper if you sign up as a wholesale distributor, though the minimum order goes up to a whopping $1,000.
You can sometimes get shipping prices negated or cheaper.
If you didn't think that the iPod could get cheaper than the universal pricing, then think again.
Buying in bulk can net you cheaper prices the more you buy.
Cheaper blades use a tang that is mounted on the front or backside of the sword.
Nice clubs can help your game while cheaper sets of clubs is a good choice if you just starting.
There are two ways to find cheaper iPods at retail stores.
What happens if your favorite store has the item you want, but not on sale and you find it cheaper at another store?
There are other ways that can be cheaper, quicker, and more practical, which will allow you to have fresh flowers at home at all times, or which can help you find the perfect gift.
Clear sheets and colored sheets tend to be cheaper than the specialty sheets, with the fluorescent and the mirrored sheets being the most expensive.
Still, do a comparable search at other sites incase someone else has it cheaper.
While you can find these types of carts cheaper than refurbished, you'll still want to inspect the unit yourself.
Most homeowners will buy the consumer saw because it is cheaper as it is designed for occasional use.
WiFi is used for going online in the cheaper models and more expensive models offer 3G data service.
Although the clothing is offered at rock bottom prices, you should not be surprised to find that you will get the newest trends and the most current styles at these cheaper prices.
New laptops--both in terms of recent models and unopened--are generally priced the same, if not competitively, so you don't have to worry that one Asus laptop will be hundreds cheaper somewhere else.
You can get this printer cheaper than a new one and if it is refurbished you will also have the peace of mind that comes with buying new.
Many of the cheaper laptops have Linux/Ubuntu installed as the operating system, so if you want Windows, be sure to read the specifications.
The cheaper model is around $1200, with the higher-end model around $1450.
Considering what you might spend to replace cheaper beds, this could turn out to be a good investment.
You will likely notice right away that the most expensive models can actually be simpler in design than some of the cheaper options, but this is usually due to the environmentally-friendly construction.
First, high quality vodka is essentially tasteless; therefore, cheaper vodka may end up cheapening your drink and giving it a bitter or unpleasant aftertaste.
Cointreau is on the opposite end of the scale from some cheaper triple sec liqueurs since it is more expensive, has about twice the alcohol volume, and is extremely bitter on its own.
If you are creating a Champagne cocktail where the mixers have a stronger presence in the drink, you can probably get away with using cheaper Champagne since the mixers will cover up any flavors that lower quality champagne might have.
Try to find necessities at a cheaper price.
An international country-specific card is often cheaper than a card that can be used to dial any country.
You can buy your score for as little as $15.95, which makes this a safer and cheaper deal than most free FICO offers.
These cost a bit more to set up and come with various usage fees, but if it's a commonly recurring gift situation, it can be significantly more convenient -- and cheaper -- than hauling boxes to the local UPS store.
The cheaper the processing, however, the fewer features that may be available to the merchant.
Free airline miles or cheaper airfare can make a card particularly attractive.
They also have a cheaper service for $12.95 a month that offers $25,000 in insurance.
If a lawyer charges more per hour, but can get the work done in half the time or less than "cheaper" lawyers, you come out ahead.
These kits tend to be cheaper than online divorce services because there are no attorneys walking you through the questions and reviewing the final documents.
Hiring a knowledgeable attorney with experience could be substantially cheaper than hiring one who charges what seems to be a cheaper flat rate.
Court systems all over America suffer from overscheduling, so if you are interested in a faster and cheaper divorce, filing the papers yourself can greatly expedite the process.
In some cases, it can be cheaper and easier to just replace your couch rather than try to find proper cushion replacements.
It might be time- and work-intensive, but making your own couch cushions and cushion covers is always an option, and it's sure to run much cheaper than what you'll pay a manufacturer for couch replacement cushions.
Wooden and iron ones will tend to be on the more expensive side while aluminum and plastic will be cheaper.
When you compare Broyhill chairs to cheaper versions you'll see that there really is no comparison.
Consumers can also purchase paper products made from recycled materials, often at cheaper prices than virgin wood pulp products.
These are far cheaper and more attractive than they used to be, so you can enjoy a soft, pleasing light while saving a lot on utilities.
Going meatless is also cheaper and healthier.
The costs are continually coming down and environmental activists are working with architects to develop cheaper eco home plans so that they can be more widely implemented.
Building a backyard chicken coop can be significantly cheaper than buying one.
Of course, the interest in cheaper energy and use of natural power (sunlight) has always held an attraction for those searching for an alternative lifestyle.
While it may be economically cheaper to get goods manufactured in other countries, it can have a high cost on the environment.
It is obviously cheaper to build your own bin and you can use recycled materials.
Home produced compost is much cheaper than buying fertilizer or soil nutrients and is an important way of reducing the amount of waste that is placed in landfills.
They are cheaper yet offer good quality.
These will have met certain key standards and will use less energy and will therefore be cheaper to run.
Many of the green materials used in construction are actually cheaper than conventional materials.
On top of the benefits of unique styles and environmentally sound technology, modern lighting can be significantly cheaper than the traditional alternatives.
Comfy seats, PJs as acceptable attire, and much cheaper snack choices - what's not to like?
Antique furniture is often better constructed, and sometimes cheaper, than contemporary furniture options.
Many houses built today come with wall-to-wall carpeting because it's cheaper than ceramic tile or hardwood floor.
The sources were renewable and the furniture could be made cheaper than harvested hardwoods.
For every look there's always a cheaper alternative.
This type of rug is much cheaper than individually woven color patterns.
These range from very expensive hand-sheared rugs to cheaper ones machine sheared.
Shopping for an area rug that's not only cheaper than regular priced rugs but is also of good quality might seem challenging.
These fibers are cheaper to produce and drive the retail cost down.
Manmade fibers are cheaper to produce than wool or silk, so the cost-savings is often passed on to consumers.
The other thing to consider when purchasing a cheaper rug is the yarn twist.
Many homeowners opted for this rug style since it was easy to clean, durable and cheaper than pile rugs.
The price is certainly cheaper and the scent will be similar to the original brand-name perfume, but it will never match exactly.
Bismuth and paraben are commonly found in cheaper brands, so check the ingredients list to make sure you're not buying a potentially harmful formula.
It is more convenient and much cheaper than dental procedures like laser tooth whitening.
In past years the store has offered special 25% off discounts, which can make your favorite makeup kit much cheaper.
Coupons are a great way to help make your MAC makeup kit even cheaper than it already is.
For every great expensive or even mid-priced product, though, there's a cheaper alternative.
The second avenue and a substantially cheaper one, is through
Speaking of the long run, it may actually prove cheaper to buy these two products in a set, as opposed to buying them separately.
It's cheaper, but it's also typically much slower, depending on how far the package has to travel.
If a seller doesn't list this as a cheaper shipping option, it doesn't hurt to ask.
Still, you'll never be able to use the price guarantee if you don't look for possible cheaper prices.
As with traditional photography, you might consider starting off with a cheaper line of equipment and work your way up to more advanced offerings.
Digital scrapbooking supplies are cheaper than traditional paper scrapbooking supplies.
Scrapbooking is cheaper than a therapist.
Rubber stamped tags and die cuts made with a Cricut will almost always work out to be cheaper than expensive stickers that can only be used on one particular layout.
When the cost is figured per sheet, paper stacks such as those sold at Hobby Lobby and Michaels Crafts are usually much cheaper than patterned papers purchased separately.
Plain chipboard is significantly cheaper than accents that are already decorated for you.
If you need stickers for a single holiday layout, but don't want to invest in an expensive package of embellishments, it's much cheaper to print off a Santa or Christmas tree sticker from your favorite website.
Non-profits seeking to outfit hobby groups with scrapbooking supplies will also gain from this cheaper alternative to craft stores.
In fact, most of the cheaper supplies are just as interesting as more expensive ones and can give your layouts that same personal touch.
While cheaper skis can certainly be found on the market, with Fischer you are getting skis that are backed by over 80 years of experience and excellence.
The cheaper, early season ticket prices are tempting, but keep in mind; you get what you pay for.
Since you will be traveling during the New Zealand winter, it might be easier to find cheaper airfares.
Some resorts offer a cheaper midweek lift ticket, and others may offer half-day tickets.
If you are on a tight budget, you can find cheaper dresses on sale or borrow one from a friend or sister.
Additionally, because cropped jackets are much cheaper than traditional jackets, you can probably afford to buy more than one at a time in some of the hottest hues, like purple.
This will be cheaper than buying a pre-made kit and it gets more people involved in the prom planning process.
If the company does both, consider which package will be cheaper and go with that one.
Teen babysitters are also popular because it is cheaper to hire a teenager to watch your children than it is to leave them at a day care center, especially if you only need your children watched over for one or two nights.
Also, be aware that discount dresses sometimes are made of cheaper materials, so you may need to accessorize more to make your look perfect.
Since used dresses are cheaper, you can get exactly what you want without settling for a dress you don't love.
Finally, not only will you eat better, you'll eat cheaper.
Since cheese makers have found cheaper ways to get the enzymes needed to make cheese, even common commercial types can be vegetarian.
Often, this can be cheaper than paying the boutique to preserve the dress.
Many couples also consider titanium because it is often cheaper than other metals commonly used in rings, such as gold or platinum.
It can be much cheaper to rent a dress than to purchase a new one and ship it to your destination.
Using stamps to customize your wedding stationery can be a cheaper alternative than buying pre-printed paper with the same theme.
Do the rates appear to be cheaper at the beginning of the week than towards the end?
Time of the day -- Daytime service is also significantly cheaper.
This is more elegant looking than using business envelopes but cheaper than purchasing special envelopes just for your invitations.
Picking seasonal winter flowers will be cheaper than using flowers that are out of season.
However, it can be much cheaper to do it yourself, rather than hire a wedding planner.
Renting supplies, like fish bowls, mirrors, or candle holders can sometimes be cheaper than purchasing.
Don't forget that it's almost always cheaper to go with flowers of the season, so if at all possible, try to incorporate as many autumn flowers into your October ceremony as you can!
Blank programs are also often cheaper than the printed alternative.
Sometimes this can be cheaper than buying one.
Another way to keep costs down is to purchase cheaper six-packs of wine bottles available and split them up as favors.
Depending on your location and the outdoor space, the cost of renting the area may end up cheaper than an extravagant hotel ballroom.
In many cases, commissioning a cake decorator to make a topper rather than decorate an entire cake is cheaper, as you can simply arrange the topper on the cake yourself.
You can save money by hiring less experienced decorators, simplifying your design, choosing just a topper instead of an entire cake design, and requesting ingredients and flavor combinations that are on the cheaper end.
In a package, the types of blooms and flower colors will be beautifully coordinated, and many times a pre-arranged package will have a cheaper cost than choosing flower arrangements individually.
Choosing seasonal flowers is an easy way to ensure less expensive blooms, and using greenery or cheaper flowers as filler in larger arrangements can keep costs manageable.
For knockout imitations that last much longer and may be cheaper, try using gum paste flowers.
This is a great idea for a harvest themed wedding, as pumpkins are often far cheaper and more festive than flower decorations.
Wedding accessories, like cakes, flowers, and disc jockeys, can usually be procured on short notice and may even be far cheaper than you'd pay back home, wherever home may be.
Out-patient treatment provides a cheaper alternative to in-patient programs, though it is important that you check with your doctor for a complete physical before making a decision.
Some heroin addicts have found Vicodin a cheaper substitute.
Since crack is cheaper to produce and buy compared to cocaine, crack grew in popularity during the 1980s and has continued to be a problem ever since.
However, Macy's also runs sale prices and special discounts that may still end up being cheaper.
You'll spend more money than you would on a typical, cheaper comforter, so you should take time to learn about goose down before buying.
Duvets are cheaper and easier to clean than a comforter and don't forget, you can still enjoy the look of your comforter whenever you want.
If there is a local store that sells the same brand, you can check out the products at the store and purchase online if it's cheaper.
Making your own fondant is much cheaper than buying store-bought fondant, and it often tastes better.
Even if you're able to find bulk wrappers at a discount, it's still cheaper to make your own.
Today, Electra is best known for playing sexy bombshell characters in movies such as Scary Movie, Starsky & Hutch, American Dreamz, Cheaper by the Dozen 2, and Date Movie.
Her first album was a Christmas collection, with singles from the album also appearing on the soundtracks for The Santa Clause 2 and Cheaper by the Dozen.
This led to other roles, including Cheaper By the Dozen 2 with Steve Martin, Bonnie Hunt, and Tom Welling.
The fact that you can skip these items makes shopping for sun dresses not only easier, but also cheaper.
For this reason, buying the cheaper suit (with only a vest) can be a good option if you think the jacket will be too dressy for the occasion you're thinking of.
If you find a dress that's expensive in one place, type the brand name into a search engine and see if you can't find it cheaper.
If you foresee your child wearing this jacket for several months out of the year, it will probably be to your advantage to purchase a more expensive garment as opposed to a cheaper variety.
This was cheaper for everyone and practical, as well as eco-conscious before anyone thought that was important.
You can find discounted designs at stores, on eBay, or you can have someone sew one for you for much cheaper than the cost of some robes you'll find.
Because the jeans cost more, it is better to buy a single pair and take good care of them - they will ultimately last longer than cheaper jeans.
Cheaper cotton versions will not only fade with repeated washing, but will shrink and stiffen.
However, choosing a fabric and having it cut to the size you need is rarely cheaper than buying an item of clothing from a store.
This allows you to complete your basic education requirements while paying cheaper tuition.
You'll build up your savings while qualifying for cheaper tuition.
If you live far away from the nearest university, online learning may even be cheaper since you won't need to pay for gas or other travel expenses.
Community colleges offer cheaper tuition but have the stigma of being of "lower" quality.
They're much cheaper than new and are often available online as well as in school bookstores.
Normally, netbooks are several hundred dollars cheaper than laptops that are bigger and more powerful, and they may be as much as a thousand dollars cheaper than premium, high-end laptops.
It's never a good idea to automatically eliminate a grad program from consideration because of its price tag, but it is worth taking the time to find out if there's a cheaper and better-quality alternative.
Passengers can make the already low rates for this inexpensive cruise even cheaper by arrange group reservations for a family reunion, wedding cruise, or other special event.
Alaska cruises are cheaper between May and September.
Another option, and probably a cheaper one, is to find New Year's Eve cruises in a major city.
Generally, these cruises have lower bookings, so they are priced cheaper than a traditional sailing.
In most cases, you can pay more upfront for a high-tech collar and skip the monthly fee, or you can purchase a cheaper brand that may require a monthly fee to access any necessary features.
Yet, if your normal brand of dog treats is one of the better brands at a pet supply store or your veterinarian's office, the treats you make yourself could be cheaper and healthier.
Through websites, discussion boards and gardening e-books there is a wealth of information waiting to be discovered that is often free or much cheaper than a traditional printed book would be.
If it is not locally available, it is often cheaper to deliver than other forms of mulch.
While it may be a much cheaper alternative, you must consider if it compromises the aesthetics of your home, especially if it is a historic home.
If the cheaper version does not have this coating, it will mean more leg work on your part to keep your stone looking great as well as the added cost of sealers over time.
The same forced hot water that heats your old clanking radiator can be redirected into a new system that is far more efficient and cheaper to run.
You will pay more upfront for good quality house paint than you will for a cheaper brand, but you'll save in the long term.
While pricier paints are typically better quality than their cheaper counterparts, simply picking the most expensive gallon of paint on the shelf isn't enough to guarantee the house paint quality you're after.
If you're installing carpet in a small area yourself, you may want to consider using cheaper carpet tiles for the first install.
Rather than beginning your first project with expensive carpet tiles, use cheaper ones in an entry way, basement or kids' room to practice.
Cheaper tiles may also be thinner and less stain resistant, so make sure you take padding and cleaning into the budget to ensure you're getting the best deal.
This can often confuse people and in many cases they will often automatically go with the cheaper number, which can sometimes actually wind up costing you more money.
Steel siding costs more than vinyl siding, but it is often cheaper than aluminum.
While prices like this might appear to be great bargains, you may want to avoid very low-priced navel jewelry since the materials these cheaper rings are made of may aggravate the skin and piercing.
Rings with tarnish-reduction metals may be more expensive, while rings plated with silver will often be considerably cheaper.
As such, while it is significantly cheaper than sapphires and other precious stones, it is more expensive than other semi-precious stones.
Cheaper hollow gold hoop earrings may have thin walls that, although makes them light and comfortable, also means that they may be fragile and need to be handled with care and stored safely when not being worn.
A high quality natural gemstone will often be set in a precious metal, whereas a low quality stone is typically set in a cheaper setting.
The cost can vary widely, with cheaper rings being available for just a few dollars while high quality rings can cost many thousands of dollars.
A cheaper solution than a commercial cleaner is ordinary toothpaste.
Children often loose things, so unless you or another adult will oversee the wearing of expensive jewelry pieces, you may wish to purchase a cheaper ID bracelet.
Most tailored shirts will last longer than the average ready-to-wear item, so it often works out to be either cheaper or a wash.
Cheaper ties don't always have the texture needed to accompany a busy pattern.
You can often score a suit perfect for work as well as all accoutrements for a much cheaper price than you'd pay by going to an exclusive boutique.
You can get advance notice of sales and take advantage of the cheaper prices.
If you want something stylish but a bit cheaper, their best-selling Crushable Ventilated Canvas hat may be for you.
On the other hand, the natural fit is roomier in the seat and the legs (it's also cheaper at $29.95), and more colors, from faded to black, are available.
A cheaper hat, while it may look the part, might not breathe and might be prone to cracking.
Rather than try and pay extortionate rents on the main streets of cities, Slaters menswear stores are located on side streets and on upper floors of buildings, making them harder to find but cheaper to maintain.
The poorer wore cheaper grades of wool which were coarse and rough.
In Henry Thew Stephenson's extensive article on Elizabethan Fashion, he explains that the commoner in Elizabethan England would emulate the nobles but with less elaboration and using "cheaper materials."
This makes baked goods cheaper and longer lasting, but it really isn't any healthier.
Mainstream products that use cheaper, synthetic chemicals often use ingredients that are poorly regulated.
Bulk Buying - large packs of organic milk can work out cheaper than buying small packs.
Buying in bulk - it can be significantly cheaper to buy powdered organic soy milk in bulk and this is a great way to experience the benefits of organic products while also saving money.
Why should you buy organic pancake mix over the cheaper conventional varieties?
Buy in bulk, it is nearly always cheaper that way.
If your recipe calls for a fruit or vegetable that is out of season, check to see if the canned or frozen version will be cheaper.
The cost of shipping for most deliveries is significant, but it may be cheaper for local organizations, or you may be able to pick up pre-assembled groceries and meals and avoid the shipping cost altogether.
They're usually cheaper and fresher than items that are imported or out of season.
Many natural-foods markets have bulk bins containing a wide variety of items, and the per-ounce price is almost always cheaper than it is with a packaged counterpart.
While synthetic mattresses are usually cheaper, that obviously doesn't matter if they are causing or worsening your allergy symptoms.
Higher thread counts do cost a bit more, but they will wear well and last much longer than the cheaper varieties.
Because meat producers would be able to produce faster, the costs of certain meats could potentially fall, making it cheaper for customers.
They are cheaper to produce and to control the purity of the vitamins.
With so many nutritionally-poor choices that are often quicker and ch