Chattered Sentence Examples
Her teeth chattered and her body felt so hot she wanted to scream.
The china chattered in her trembling hands.
Dean wandered to the kitchen for pie and coffee for the guests while the others chattered in the parlor.
The two laughed and chattered like lifelong friends, perfectly comfortable in each other's company.
She shivered until her teeth chattered.
Toby chattered, his tone lifting in a question that didn't penetrate the in-between world in which she'd fallen.
When Morel had drunk some vodka and finished his bowl of porridge he suddenly became unnaturally merry and chattered incessantly to the soldiers, who could not understand him.
Flocks of macaws chattered busily among themselves and, unsurprisingly, the rare jabiru stork was nowhere to be seen.
He asked about mutual acquaintances, and she became still more animated and chattered away giving him greetings from various people and retelling the town gossip.
It seemed as if I chattered incessantly with other people and suddenly remembered that this could not please him, and I wished to come close to him and embrace him.