Chart Sentence Examples
He dropped her chart on the table.
She focused on the chart he held up to the light.
Show the children how to create a pie chart.
He frowned at her and lowered the chart.
He tucked the pen in his pocket and returned the chart to the end of her bed.
You will also learn how it can be very useful, even decisive, in chart rectification.
Primary objective Does the addition of induction chemotherapy to CHART improve overall survival over CHART alone?
Saturn in Libra is essentially dignified no matter where he is in the chart.
The chart shows drink driving and drug driving less a concern than speeding and reckless driving.
This alternative fan chart gives a clearer picture of the upside risks.
AdvertisementA check of our chart folio showed that we did not have the required charts.
Faversham Chart gunpowder mills The oldest gunpowder mill in the world is part of a complex which includes remains of three others.
No longer an arena for fancy and risk taking, the face of chart pop changed to gray, empty, gestural rock histrionics.
Specializing in party pop from the 60's to current chart hits - Abba to All Saints, The Monkees to Moloko.
I am angular in the chart and all my world class opponents are ill or injured or otherwise indisposed and I win.
AdvertisementChart 1 is a nocturnal nativity so it is ruled by the Moon.
Wherever it falls in your chart is that area of life in which you express your unique individuality.
As one who set out to chart the history of human interrelations with planet Earth, he may be called the founder of ecology.
Second is the pressure chart showing the isobars in the South Atlantic.
Standard results about normal forms, pumping lemmas, etc., are used to chart the scope and limits of the context-free grammars.
AdvertisementCreate a Column chart from the new data you created in the previous lesson.
We do not use flashing lights - we do not play chart music.
Remember, this applies to both the election chart and your own nativity.
Chart 2 is a diurnal nativity with the Sun in Aries.
The second chart has a slightly debilitated Mercury in an overwhelmingly negative chart, with the Moon applying by opposition.
AdvertisementBased on the historical novel by Philippa Gregory, the film will chart the Boleyn family's struggle for power via their daughters.
The registered nurse will indicate which doses have been supplied for the leave on the medicine chart.
But in the song Dear Mr President, she's going for the kind of target most chart stars consider off-limits.
They have an enviable reputation as an excellent all-round covers band playing a variety of great tunes from current chart hits to classic oldies.
The relative opacity of the colors is marked on the color chart.
In the harmonic chart all 3 aspects are within a 12 degree orb.
The chart below gave a clue as to when our first ospreys might arrive.
The room price of £ 200 per day + VAT includes an overhead projector, screen and flip chart.
To return to the pie chart analogy, you would not draw a pie chart of population density but one of total population.
Bavaria yachts built 2003 or newer have cockpit cushions, chart plotter & toilet waste holding tanks.
Each place which has tidal predictions done for it (eg Dover, Milford Haven etc) has its own local chart datum.
The center has a data/video projector, whiteboard, flip chart, OHP and TV/video for study purposes.
Below is the chart for the terrible earth quake.
The key for the chart is shown on the sidebar with colored rectangles against the plotted fields.
After sitting for weeks waiting for the chart rundown and checking the midweek chart.
Would you ever consider doing a one off chart show or drive time show on radio 1 for old times sake?
Then point to the schwa on the phonemic chart and make a schwa sound.
After learning basic seamanship, he joined the navy at the age of 27 and soon gained a reputation for his chart making skills.
Experience see chart page which govern short-term a consensus at.
His weight chart looked terrible and Aaron was still being violently sick and sleeping lots.
The 1851 census records the'School House ' occupied by William Chart aged sixty-nine.
Unlike mobile ring tones, which now have their own Top 20 hits chart, mobile video statistics are notoriously slippery.
Quick Size Guide Below is a sizing chart to better help you choose the snowboard with the right dimensions for you.
This morning I took a look at the event chart using the time/date stamp of the sent email.
Donovan's chart success was an important part of the second half of the sixties.
Chart summary by taxon group This shows a graphical summary of the number of species recorded for each taxon group This shows a graphical summary of the number of species recorded for each taxonomic group.
The film finished the weekend tenth in the overall UK chart, despite its limited release.
From the chart, one can see that the nominal, tierce and prime were barely touched, the hum lowered a little.
At the top of the chart, Hannibal gave way to the very topical Proof of Life.
With Band Aid finishing the penultimate week over 240,000 sales of its nearest rival it seems that this years chart topper is already determined.
The Hollies had four top twenty hits including chart topper " I'm Alive " .
How things change... How To have a Number One Vic Reeves presents a decent review of ways to have a chart topper.
The DJ spins records to suit all tastes, from classic 40s music to current chart toppers.
The band plays a wide repertoire of music featuring classic songs from past decades as well as the best of today's chart toppers.
The practical upshot of this is the first chart of the new chart year is issued on the fourth Thursday of November.
Pie chart of memory card usage, free spaces are also displayed for the best of your convenience.
Also included is a comprehensive explanation of the chord symbols as well as a sample voicings chart.
The chart clearly illustrates the plant zonation patterns in the wetland.
A chart on Mercator's projection is called Wassende graadkaart in Dutch, carte reduite in French.
He executed besides a chart and forty drawings of the moon (published at Göttingen in 1881), and calculated lunar tables from a skilful development of Euler's theory, for which a reward of boo() was in 1765 paid to his widow by the British government.
The Hydrographic Department of the British Admiralty, established in 1795, undertakes the making of charts for the admiralty, and is under the charge of the hydrographer to the admiralty (see Chart).
The ' echoes ' received by the radar are shown on the ' rainfall radar ' chart.
Sometimes, the chart recorders attached to the keys displayed signals which showed that several keys were bending at once.
A second approach is to use the regression equation Chart Wizard.
Please request a brochure to see the fulll chart.
Saga car insurance provides a nice clear chart on their web site to outline what their insurance covers.
Its symbolism is partly derived from the fact that a sextile aspect is a division of the whole chart into six.
The 1851 census records the 'School House ' occupied by William Chart aged sixty-nine.
The Floor of the cockpit accommodates two stowage lockers plus two chart pockets under the cockpit panel.
In our example, the SMITH chart construction to find the stub length is shown in the next picture.
On the synoptic chart, which front is moving toward Hatfield?
Pupils create a tally chart for the whole class for each topic.
Chart summary by taxon group This shows a graphical summary of the number of species recorded for each taxonomic group.
The Hollies had four top twenty hits including chart topper " I 'm Alive ".
How things change... How To Have a Number One Vic Reeves presents a decent review of ways to have a chart topper.
The band plays a wide repertoire of music featuring classic songs from past decades as well as the best of today 's chart toppers.
We focus on infants, children and adults and chart developmental trajectories.
Its symbolism is partly derived from the fact that a trine aspect is a division of the whole chart into three.
But the Hard Rock Cafe stakes as great a claim as any on chart supremacy as its unfussy menu contains some sure fire hits.
The system compared unfavorably with the University of Iowa videodisk project demonstrated a year earlier at the CHArt 1986 conference.
Keen watchers of the album chart may have noticed Barry White 's Greatest Hits package edging up the charts.
He 'd probably been about to burst, she realized as she recorded the volume on his chart and winced in sympathy.
The following chart shows the increase in stopping distance of worn tires.
More so than ever before, startups require a map to chart a course through innumerable and significant obstacles.
This is important for parents to note, as their breastfed baby may measure at the lower ends of the growth chart during his first year or so.
The more colorful and inviting her chart is, the more eager she will be to fill it up!
Once you and your child have created a chart, find a good place to put it in the bathroom.
Each time your child uses the potty, let him place a sticker in one of the designated spots on the potty training chart.
Finally, when your child has begun to successfully use the potty on a regular basis, it may be time to move away from the chart.
You will need to take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed and mark that temperature on a chart.
You can download a free basal body temperature chart from the Fertility Plus web site.
A premature infant's growth chart is typically adjusted because of his prematurity.
Growth Chart-This growth chart will keep up with baby as he grows through the years.
Create a chart (preferably before the babies are born and you have more time), and ask family members and friends to sign up by dates and times once the babies are born and safely home.
In the meantime, it is always a good idea to keep a log or chart of your baby's milestones.
A preemie growth chart will help you keep track of your early bird's progress as he develops and reaches milestones during the first few years of life.
A preemie growth chart is one way that parents can bring encouragement into the family, celebrating the physical development and personal victories of their special baby.
Finally, a chart can become a special keepsake, something you can show your preemie after he is an adult.
You can also create your own chart at home.
You can use a growth chart for many different purposes for outside of the above mentioned development marking.
If you prefer something even more homemade, you can create a colorful and simple growth chart and hang on the wall in the nursery.
It should go lengthwise for when baby is small, and then can eventually be measured and hung vertically if you choose to continue use of the chart after your tiny miracle has become an active toddler.
They may enjoy creating a special chart for their baby brother or sister, and it will often help them cope with their emotions of fear and helplessness when they see their smallest family member hooked up to machines and fighting for life.
A preemie growth chart can be further understood and utilized by visiting a baby-focused website such as Baby Center.
Today parents have tools at their disposal to easily chart their child's growth from infancy through childhood.
Referring to a height and weight chart for infants is a good way to track the growth and development of newborns.
Knowing how to form proper expectations while using a growth chart is essential in watching a new baby grow.
If you're a new parent, the best way to use a growth chart is for the simple joy of watching your baby grow up, not to compare his development with that of your friends' babies.
The chart helps doctors compare an infant's height, weight, and head circumference with other healthy babies of the same age and sex.
Here are some things that might show up on a growth chart.
Sometimes even significant changes in growth chart measurements don't necessarily mean your baby isn't developing properly.
Percentiles are the main feature of a height and weight growth chart for infants and may be confusing to new parents.
Once you learn the concept, it's easy to keep an accurate growth chart for your infant, and to better understand your doctor's interpretation of your baby's development.
If you'd like to track your baby's development with a height and weight growth chart for infants, there are many Internet resources that can help.
You might want to use a reward calendar or chart that allows your child to place stickers on each successful day.
Your healthcare provider will have a newborn growth chart that he or she will use to measure your child's growth in the first weeks and months of life.
Not to mention, understanding these percentiles can take a bit of work, which means that having the chart to consult at home is helpful.
There are several places online where you can either keep a digital chart of your baby's growth, or print out a growth chart on which you can make marks each time your child is weighed.
Keep a growth chart for your own peace of mind, not to mention a nice baby memento for several years down the road when you can't remember your little bundle of joy ever being so little.
Several websites offer child and newborn weight gain chart printables, as well as digital archives.
Be sure to select the right gender and age group in order to have a chart that suits your child.
Simply click on the link for the sex and age range of your baby in order to see the corresponding chart.
Keep Kids Healthy offers a similar chart (issued by the CDC) for both weight and height, allowing you to track your child's growth in both directions.
Displayed in pounds, this chart is also a good one to print out and place dots on it each time your child has a checkup so that you can watch your child's growth chart develop.
Be sure to print the chart that is appropriate for your child's sex, as boys and girls have different growth charts.
Keeping a chart is just the first step, as being able to interpret the chart is an entirely different issue.
Wherever your child's weight falls on the chart in accordance with his or her height, the line on which that point falls is your child's percentile.
This is why well-baby checkups are so important; let your doctor interpret your baby's growth chart alongside examining your child.
A pediatrician uses an infant growth chart to track the progress of your infant.
The average weights, heights and head circumferences were plotted on graphs; these curves were named the 50th percentile on each chart.
In any group of children, half would fall above this line on the graph, and the other half would be on the lower portion of the chart.
Height and weight graphs may also be combined on one infant growth chart.
Physicians become concerned if an infant's head grows either too fast or slow when compared with the growth chart.
You can see a chart of this setting at The Butler's Guild.
The chart does not show the champagne glass, and the dessert wine glass is labeled simply wine glass.
If you look at the chart you can see that the champagne glass forms a triangle with the two wine glasses.
For example, she recommends pairing sweeter wines with sweeter desserts.LoveToKnow's Easy Food Wine Pairing Chart is a great way to start your adventure in food pairing.
This simple-to-use chart shows you which red or white wine will bring out the high notes of a particular appetizer, main course or dessert.
Check the LoveToKnow wine calorie chart for the calorie contents of some of the most popular types of wines.
From their very thorough chart, you can then click to peruse users' comments and reviews for more details.
If there are a few phones that catch your eye, you can read the full review by clicking the button at the bottom of the appropriate column in the comparison chart.
Curved lines on the chart (percentiles) are used by healthcare professionals to identify children and adolescents at risk for overweight and obesity.
Audiogram-A chart or graph of the results of a hearing test conducted with audiographic equipment.
The chart reflects the softest (lowest volume) sounds that can be heard at various frequencies or pitches.
Patients are usually given the Snellen Chart (a chart with rows of large and small letters).
Failure to thrive (FTT) is a term used to describe children whose physical growth over time is inadequate when compared to a standard growth chart.
Children who fall below a particular weight range for their age or who dip below two or more percentile curves on the chart over a short period of time will likely have a more thorough evaluation to find out if there is a problem.
The results may be plotted on a growth chart that is specific for the child's age and gender (EpicCare Growth Chart) and compares a child's growth to other children of the same age and gender.
Parents may want to reinforce lessons the children learn in school by making a chart that shows basic money equivalents.
In order to accurately calculate fluid loss, it is important to chart weight changes every day and keep a record of how many times a child vomits or has diarrhea.
Myopia cannot be diagnosed by school screenings or by simply reading eye chart at the pediatrician's office.
A chart system may be used to visually illustrate the child's progress and encourage continued success with the use of larger rewards after a certain number of daily rewards are achieved.
To determine the size of pet casket you will need, measure your pet and consult the manufacturer's size chart.
By using a circular chart and dividing the main circle into six circles of concentric size, as well as twenty-four pie segments, the scholars were able to chart the sun's movements and determine how many days were in the average year.
By compiling all of this info and shading the resulting portion of the chart that marks the sun's position during the period from the summer to winter solstices, they created the basic form of the yin yang symbol that we know today.
This is determined by a flying stars chart for your home and each member of the family.
Regardless of what colors you select, the key elements in your bedroom design need to be suitable for your individual Kua number and the flying stars relationship in your chart and the chart for your house.
If your chart indicates that you need more fire elements, then you should introduce wood furniture and candles or a fireplace.
In your flying star chart analysis, it may be determined that there isn't enough metal element in your wealth sector to draw the water element that attracts wealth.
The tool kit includes an easy to understand Practical Feng Shui Chart and a compass to use on floor plans and blueprints.
A feng shui bagua chart is a tool that many practitioners use to identify the areas of your home that have positive or negative energy flows.
The bagua chart is an octagon shape that is divided into eight equal areas, with the ninth area located in the center.
Each of the sections of the eight sided chart is called a gua.
The bagua chart, also known as a bagua map, bagua diagram, eight trigrams, and pa kua, is often thought of as a blueprint of your home or place of business.
Before using a bagua chart, you must make a simple sketch of the layout of your home.
For detailed instructions on drawing a sketch of your home or space and placing the bagua chart correctly on your sketched floor plan visit Feng Shui Vibes.
Commonly referred to Western Feng Shui or the Power of Intention, The Black Hat Sect school of feng shui uses the bagua chart in their feng shui application.
To simplify working with a bagua chart, it is commonly changed from an octagonal shape with eight equal sectors to a square with nine equal sectors.
On this bagua chart your house or office is considered as a whole.
This chart is used for individual rooms in a house or office.
The application of a feng shui bagua chart can be used for any area both inside and outside your home or place of business.
Complete the chart on your computer and then print it out.
Print out the chart and fill it in with a pen or pencil.
Complete the chart on your computer, print it out on card stock, and place it in a frame for display.
Further your genealogy research by filling out the chart as much as possible and then print out multiple copies to give to family members to complete.
For many websites, click on the link for the family chart and it will automatically open in the PDF program.
You can then start typing information on the chart directly in the program or print it out.
This family tree, called a pedigree chart, will help you organize your information and pin point the areas where you need more information.
Interview your relatives, showing them your pedigree chart.
Print out your family tree in beautiful chart formats.
When you locate a new piece of information on a family member, simply fill in the corresponding chart.
If you locate a new ancestor, fill in a blank chart.
When you get home, the family chart makes it much easier to input the information into your computer or to share it.
They also offer an interactive family tree chart.
The Tree Maker family tree template is a bow-tie chart which can hold up to seven generations of family members.
At 24 inches by 18 inches, the chart makes an impressive wall hanging and gift.
As of 2009 prices for the plain chart began at $9.95.
There are several designs of lineage charts, including the pedigree chart, the descendent chart and the hourglass form.
When researching burials in a cemetery, it's helpful to have a chart to manage the data.
Also known as an ancestor tree, the pedigree chart tracks the direct ancestors of an individual.
It begins with the individual, then records vital information on the two parents, the four grandparents, the eight great-grandparents, etc. Usually, the chart will reflect four or five generations.
The reverse of a pedigree chart, the descendent tree traces only the descendents of an ancestor.
Almost every family tree chart documents the birth, marriage, and death dates and locations for a person.
The Tree Maker provides a five-generation blank diagram of a family tree genealogy chart.
You can make a semi-circular chart of your direct ancestors, or create tree projects for children.
It allows you to create a printable family tree chart right on your computer.
Ports of departure - A pie chart shows that 67 percent of Johnsons departed from Liverpool England and Queenstown, Ireland.
Civil War - A chart shows that about a third of the Johnsons fought as Confederates with the remaining two-thirds fighting for the Union.
A chart helps you navigate through the many generations of your ancestors.
Make sure you have a descriptive name for your chart so it will be easy to locate.
Names like "Horizontal Pedigree Chart" or "5-Generation Tree" will help you quickly find the chart you want on your computer.
While this is not a good choice for photos or graphics, it will work well with a simple family tree chart.
Print extras when you are printing any genealogy chart.
Be sure that you select the right chart format to best portray your family history.
Basically a family tree chart is a way to present and publish the information gathered through genealogy research.
This is the most common style of chart since it is easy to draw and understand.
The pedigree chart is created starting with the information about one person at the top or from the side of the page.
The pedigree chart can include any number of generations and can grow to any size chart.
You can draw your own chart or download a pre-designed template to complete with your research findings.
This is a pedigree-type chart with a different layout of the information.
This is a particularly good format to use when the person in the center of the chart has a somewhat equal number of ancestors and descendents.
The bow tie chart separates the paternal and maternal ancestors onto separate sides of the chart.
The fan chart is a very visually interesting format and is frequently used to display multiple generations of family history.
The Tree Maker - Five generation poster size chart with optional coat of arms and crest which is suitable for framing.
Microsoft Office provides a free six-generation chart which you can download and print out.
If you gather census records for several decades, you can chart the progress of your family across the country.
A blank pedigree chart is a useful genealogy tool.
A pedigree chart simply records the names of direct ancestors with their vital statistics.
Begin by locating a chart that you like.
If you can't find a chart you like, try making your own using a word processor or spreadsheet program.
A genealogist will want to complete the chart with all appropriate dates and names.
Each chart should be given a unique number.
You can use the chart number and the person number on each chart to give each ancestor a unique identifying number.
A blank pedigree chart can keep your research organized.
If you're planning to make a chart of your ancestors and their relationships, it might help to view an example of a family tree diagram.
You've probably heard of family trees, but there are actually several different chart styles to choose from.
Head circumference is recorded on a separate chart from height and weight.
During each well-baby appointment, the pediatrician or nurse will measure the baby's length, weight and head circumference and record it on a growth chart that is kept in the baby's permanent chart.
Your pediatrician can give you a growth chart of your own at the office.
Consult a delivery chart to make sure that you're ordering your flowers in time to get them to the recipient by their birthday, a holiday, or before they leave the hospital.
Check the age chart on the dog food you're considering-you don't want to buy a puppy formula for a dog that's ten years old!
Chart your course and keep track of your location.
Many include a combination of a GPS and chart plotter.
They also have a large selection of marine equipment, including fish finders, radars, and chart plotters.
Caddy Aid - extensive website including product comparison chart.
Star name kits contain the certificate, a booklet with the charts of constellations and a detailed chart with your star circled in red.
Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the Purchase page to check the size chart.
Use Intel's Processor Family Chart to help you determine the right processor for your computing needs.
Below is a sample chart comparing some features of the most popular models available for purchase.
This chart is meant not only to give you an idea of what these models have to offer, but also to show you a sample of how to go about creating a comparison-shopping chart of your own.
When you make your own chart, of course, you should choose the features that are most important to your purchase, and list those for comparison.
Once your chart is completed, you have an easy visual aid to help you consider your options and make the wisest choice for your money.
Here is a chart that gives the approximate comparison between kitten age and baby age.
If you want to view a year's worth of expenses, you should be able to create and print a chart or table of this particular information.
A complete list of state-specific fees can be found on the Innovis state fee chart on the website.
The following FICO chart may help you to determine where your score is in relation to others.
In many states, a judge relies on a chart or a formula to determine how much child support the non-custodial parent will pay.
In cases of joint legal custody where the child spends most of his or her time with one parent, child support will likely be calculated based on the chart or formula used in that state.
The website has published a chart showing how much child support must be paid at different income levels for one or more children.
Measure your office space and carefully chart the requirements of each employee so you purchase the right amount and type of used office furniture.
In fact, this theory is clearly depicted by the atmospheric chart shown on the United States Department of Energy Information Administration website.
To learn more, read the Energy Star pdf on High Efficiency Water Heaters; this short but easy to follow guide offers a handy comparison chart.
As you can see from the chart below, non-hybrid SUVS often achieve better mileage than hybrid models.
An n/a on the chart means the information was not available.
The chart highlights common fuel efficient SUVS, their average overall mileage per gallon, starting price and whether or not they are hybrid models.
Purdue University's horticultural department provides background information and a nutritional chart on mangosteen fruit for those who wish to examine the exact nutritional makeup of the fruit.
Download this chart to choose the right paint formula for your needs.
Select one of the main colors and match it to a paint chart.
For more information, visit the Specktra MAC color chart.
Use the chart below for tricks that you can use.
If you're familiar with the artist's color chart, you'll quickly get a grasp of the makeup color chart.
When looking at a color wheel chart, focus on which colors are directly across from each other.
Similarly, choosing a shade or colors found next to your eye color on the chart (this is called an analogous color scheme) will enhance the eyes without such dramatic contrast.
On a smaller scale, you can use the makeup color chart to hide imperfections.
To find out more about color theory and to view a color chart for a visual reference, visit Color Matters.
Use this chart to show you which colors look best on you.
Digital Photo Printing Comparison Chart - BestWebBuys has compiled a straightforward chart comparing the rates, specials and shipping costs of over two dozen sites specializing in digital printing.
An informative chart compares your options.
Whether you're planning a trip or just curious about the distance between two points, online maps will help you chart your course.
The package includes background paper, journaling cards, die cuts, stickers, photo mats, and even a growth chart.
One way to determine ski length is to use a chart or calculator.
Consulting a ski length chart can help guide you to the best ski for your needs.
A ski binding adjustment chart gives guidance on how to properly adjust ski bindings.
Using ski binding adjustment chart, adjust ski bindings anytime they do not give the right movement in your ski boot.
Once your bindings are installed, use the DIN chart to adjust the settings.
First, you will need to consult a ski bindings DIN chart.
Sierra Trading Post offers a chart that lists ski lengths according to weight.
A ski binding adjustment chart may be helpful in this case.
A ski binding chart can provide some basic information for an individual trying to adjust the binding himself, however this is not usually enough information to make an accurate adjustment.
Do use a proper ski binding adjustment chart to help you through this process.
The Terry Morse website offers a full DIN chart for ski binding adjustment.
A ski length chart can be a great guide to finding the proper size skis.
Consulting a ski length chart can be a great way to find a starting point for determining your ski size.
Any site or store that sells skis should have a chart for you to see.
A basic ski size chart consists of a column of heights in both inches and centimeters and the recommended ski length.
The tallest height given on a chart is for a skier who is 6'4" or 193 centimeters.
A chart will give length recommendations for various heights.
Are you looking for hourly chart to track your day and appointments?
The following chart will help you quickly spot and understand the physical changes happening in your body.
The following chart helps explain other significant changes taking place in your body.
One quick note of caution; once you do get your numbers, let's say 24-22-28, or 36-34-36, you'll want to carefully look at the size chart and check whether you should be shopping in the petites or tall section.
Take your measurements, then refer to the size chart for the appropriate dress size.
Dress sizes range from girl's size eight to a size 30 on a women's size chart.
Another way to judge a teen's weight, is on a growth chart.
The National Center for Health Statistics designed a growth chart which is used by professionals to determine whether or not a teenager's weight falls within normal range.
If a teen is graphed on the chart at below the 50th percentile mark, he may be considered underweight.
The growth chart may offer a place to start when trying to identify the normal weight for a teen, but a trained pediatric physician, nurse, or dietician may be better able to design an overall healthy weight plan for a teen.
Either try on Mori Lee dresses in a store to find out your size or take your measurements and then consult the Mori Lee size chart on the official website.
Follow the sizing chart for accuracy – don't assume a maternity size from one line is the same as another.
If you're looking for a specific color, you can even consult the color chart.
A fondant coverage chart helps determine how much of the icing you'll need.
The first single off the album, 1973, was inspired by an Ibiza night club, and hit number one on the Billboard European Hot 100 Singles chart.
James Blunt's popularity with women has risen just as fast as his singles have flown up the Billboard chart.
George Michael may be best know for his 1987 album Faith, featuring such chart toppers as I Want Your Sex, Faith, Father Figure, and One More Try, but that is only a small part of his continuing success.
Not only did Faith earn the Recording Industry Association of America (or RIAA) Diamond Award for selling more than 10 million copies, four singles from the album reached the top of the US Top 100 Chart.
While Michael's singles have been met with mixed reviews by US fans, all but four of his more than 35 singles have ranked in the top 50 on the UK singles chart.
Justin Timberlake's first solo album was an instant success, debuting at number two on the Billboard 200 album chart and selling 493,000 copies during the first week's release.
It debuted at number one on the Billboard chart and sold 684,000 copies during the first week.
In 1999 she emerged as a promising young artist with her album Baby One More Time, and her chart success continued to grow.
Since then she has recorded four more albums and become the youngest female artist to have ten singles chart in the Billboard Hot 100 list.
The album, released in July 2004, hit platinum and debuted at number one on the Billboard chart.
In 1988, Paula Abdul released her debut album, Forever Your Girl, and while it took more than a year, it finally reached number one on the Billboard 200 album sales chart.
Volume One reached number 71 on the U.S. Billboard Top 100 chart, and number eight on the Billboard Independent Albums chart.
After a few more chart successes, she ventured into television on Donny and Marie, a variety show that aired from 1976 to 1979, which she hosted with her brother.
Both bands became chart toppers after the release of these films.
However, the fun aspect of this dress up game is that you can choose items of clothing and then select colors for each item from an extensive chart of available shades.
Male Celebrities Chart - Here you'll find a simple chart that maps out the heights and weights of many popular male celebrities.
Use this online size chart to verify what size your child needs.
You can also call their customer service line for further advice if you still are unsure about sizing, however many find the perfect fit by using the complimentary chart.
The website offers a size chart and a fabric swatch section, so you can get an idea of what your girl's dress will look like upon arrival.
Check to make sure a company is reputable and take a moment to review their sizing chart so you won't have to deal with an inconvenient return through the mail.
Always review the often included size chart and measuring guide found on the store's website, and don't try to make your own guess.
If your professor doesn't already require it, suggest weekly meetings to chart your progress.
The site also offers several comparison charts and forms that can be used in conjunction with the calculators, such as the Stafford vs. PLUS Comparison Chart and the Dependency Status Form.
One very simple way to compare college tuition costs is to create a graph or chart with a school's name on one axis and the total average yearly cost of tuition on the other axis.
At its most basic level, the chart will show you which schools have the highest annual tuition and which schools are most affordable.
You can also modify a chart to exhibit other information.
Remember to make a chart of the layout of your vegetable garden, so that you can rotate crops next spring.
Simply call your county Extension Office or look on a garden zone chart.
Often they will have a chart detailing what can be planted each month.
Look at map and find the colored band closest to where you live, then look at the chart on the seed package for an idea of when to start the seeds.
Included with the instructional DVDS are an easy to understand course book, a handy guitar chord chart and extra music videos.
You can tell which is which using the "Type" column on the right-hand side of each chart.
If you're picking up the bass guitar for the first time, a bass fretboard chart might be just what you need to keep the beat.
In a nutshell, a fretboard chart tells you which notes sit where on the fretboard of your bass.
As a beginning player, you could be just a fretboard chart away from playing your first song.
For a good look at a bass fretboard chart, check out the article at LoveToKnow.
Your job is to memorize the chart so that you can play without it, not to become so dependent on it that you have to tape it at your feet if you want to perform live.
Fretboard charts are study guides only, so make sure your end game is to get off the chart and move on to knowing where the notes are by memorization.
Although most beginners start with the standard four string bass, if you happen to have a five or six string bass, remember you'll need a fretboard chart that covers that kind of instrument.
The Internet is filled with websites where you can find all of your bass chart needs.
This website has a DIY chart section that lets you fill out and print your own chart.
Now that you know what a fretboard chart for a bass guitar is, as well as where to find one and how to use it, it's time to get one for yourself and get to work!
Before you read any further, visit this LoveToKnow article to print out a free Guitar Chord Chart.
You can refer to the chord chart while reading the information below, and this will make understanding the main points of reading charts much easier for you.
In the chord chart you just printed out, look at the chord in the top left which shows a C chord written in chart form.
When you see a dot on a chord chart it corresponds to where your finger should go in order to play that particular chord.
All of the chords in the chord chart you have printed are written for open position.
For most chords you see written in chart form, this will be the case.In some instances, you might see a chord chart that has a number like 5 written next to one of the horizontal lines.
There is a YouTube video of the band playing the song to get you in the mood, followed by the guitar chord chart for the song and the tabs for the song's signature opening riff.
Chordie - Chordie has a classic chord chart for this song.
Have you been looking online for a free guitar chord chart?
There are lots of sites out there that have free guitar chord chart pages, but it's difficult to know which ones are best.
A printable guitar chord chart is available here at LTK Guitar.
A lot of people think that they need a complete chart in order to play guitar.
Don't think a chord chart is deficient just because it's not complete.
First figure out what your needs are, and then find the chart that fits them best.
If you are just beginning to get interested in guitar or you're looking for your first chord chart, it is important to find chord charts that show basic chords in tablature format. is another great free chart with simple guitar chords.
If you have an Internet connection and a guitar, there's no reason why you can't find a downloadable guitar chord chart to help you with your practice.
A chord chart is the ultimate resource for guitarists of all levels.
If you ever run across a need to play a chord you don't know, you can always consult your downloadable guitar chord chart to refresh your memory.
If you have a great chord chart handy, it will actually give your playing more confidence because you will never be in a situation where you can't figure out how to play a particular chord.
The chord chart is in PDF format and contains a comprehensive list of over 126 individual chords.
The chart is very clean, easy to read, and will provide you with all the chord diagrams you will ever need.
Guitar Notes - Another fantastic PDF guitar chord chart is available for free at Guitar Notes.
This chart is well organized and clearly labeled.
The PDF file will print out a chart that is seven pages long, so make sure you have a stapler handy to keep all the pages together.
Are you looking for a free printable guitar chord chart?
Often with the Internet, it is difficult to find a free guitar chord chart that can also be printed easily.
Printing a chord chart allows even a new player to play wherever he or she likes, and it can even be downloaded to your computer for safe keeping.
If players are trying to create their own song or pattern, printing a chord chart allows them to do it quicker than if they have to reference a chord on the Internet.
One of the best free printable guitar chord chart sites that one can use is at found right here on LTK.
The chart is also the right size to be printed on most common printers.
Another great printable guitar chord chart can be found at Guitar Warrior.
This chart also features many common and basic chords and is formated for easy reading.
However, the chart is not laid out in the same manner.
The chord chart at Guitar-Players-Toolbox is another great guitar chord chart to print.
The chart is limited, only having 15 or so chords, and is a great reference for beginning players to carry with them.
Some of the most popular chords can be found on the chart and played with ease.
Guitar Chords Magic has a similar chart.
Another great chord chart to print can be found at
The chart lists most major chords divided by section (A-chords, B-chords, etc.). For those looking for more advanced chord options, the site also offers alternative chord views.
This type of chord chart is a great fit for anyone just looking to carry a few chords around with them to learn.
There are many online guitar chord chart programs that you can find to help you.
Are you a beginning guitar player who is looking for a simple guitar chord chart to slowly start learning your way around the guitar?
Keep reading to find a guitar chord chart that best suits your needs.
If you are looking for a simple guitar chord chart that shows the basic chords, here are some of the clearest sites to help you reach your goal. features videos that show both the basic chords in chart form and a player actually playing the chord.
If you are interested in seeing which country artists are at the top of the charts, you can look at Billboard Top Country Albums chart or their Hot Country Songs listing to see whose on top this week!
Start by printing out a guitar chord chart, and then check out online jazz guitar lessons.
Referring to a bass guitar chart is one of the best ways to learn where the actual notes are on each fret without having to stop and think about it.
A bass note chart quickly shows where each note is positioned with a simple glance.
One of the greatest tools that an aspiring bass player can have is a bass guitar chord chart.
Even if you are a seasoned player of the four string, a chord chart can help you quickly get better at your craft.
Much like guitar chord charts, a bass guitar chord chart shows a player the chords that can be player on their instrument.
A chord chart is especially important to bass players because chords are not always as easily moveable as they may be on the guitar.
For instance, a chart for a given chord may have numerous fingerings.
Unfortunately, a quick Google search will not return a bass chord chart in most cases.
Walrusproductions provides a chart similar to what one would expect for guitar that shows the basic chords.
While it is not free, Sheetmusicplus features a bass guitar chord chart for only $3.
The chart features the 84 most common chords in an easy to reference book.
Another resource available for purchase is the Mel Bay Bass Guitar Chord Chart Book.
While one of the best resources for a bass player is a chord chart, it isn't the only tool that will help a player move on.
Use your chord chart to help you learn new elements and put them to use.
They are often color coded at the ball end; the back of the new packet will have a chart of the colors and the corresponding strings to help you make sure you get the right one.
You may also want to consider purchasing a fingerboard chart to help you learn.
You would look at your chart and see that the E is the first string.
Heartwood Guitar provides a chord chart for each chord in the song, along with the basic tabs.
For players that do not want to reference an external printable chord chart, this site can be a great tool.
His debut album, Waiting for My Rocket to Come, spawned the hit single, The Remedy (I Won't Worry), which reached number 14 on the Billboard chart in 2002.
This version of the song's chords can be great for you if you don't want to reference a chord chart to help you play.
Beyond any concerns about their chart placement, Fountains of Wayne, much like Weezer, are known for their high-energy, tongue-in-cheek songs and great performances.
Have you been looking for an acoustic guitar chords chart?
The guitar is a rare instrument in that a player can go a long way armed with just the guitar and a chord chart.
A chord chart is necessary in order to learn the chords you will need to know to play your favorite songs.
LoveToKnow - The best free, printable chord chart on the Internet is available right here at LoveToKnow.
There are 126 chords listed on this chord chart, so you'll be covered no matter which chord you want to play.
Chorderator - The Chorderator is a simple, effective, easy-to-use online chord generator that you can use as a dynamic chord chart.
The Ultimate Guitar Chord Chart - There are a million different chord books for sale, but this one has long been considered a standard.
Chord Chart Poster - This option might be perfect for hanging up in your practice space.
No matter which acoustic guitar chords chart you choose, the only way you will commit the chords to memory is if you use them to play songs.
Yes, it's easy to look at a chord chart and get a general idea for how a song goes, but a general idea is all you are going to get.
Once you know the shape of the song, put the chord chart away and focus on the rhythm of the song.
While you may not know how to play an "A" minor chord, a good chord chart can show you how to finger the individual notes that create that chord..
This includes an interactive transposition wheel, a chord finder, an ASCII chord chart, and music theory lessons.
The best thing to do is look at a chord progression chart for the song while you are playing along with the song.
A monochromatic color scheme selects one color, and moves up and down on the color chart to find coordinating tones.
If you think that a ring size chart is just for jewelers, its time to think again!
A ring size chart is pretty much what the name suggests, it is a chart that details the different sizes of rings.
This chart is used by jewelers to size their rings and to help purchasers make the perfect choice and to choose a ring that is their size.
A ring size chart is an essential tool for someone looking to sell jewelry.
A ring size chart will allow someone to find the perfect size by placing a favorite and well fitting ring on the chart and assessing the size.
When printing a ring chart is is important to follow any instructions that are given to ensure that the chart is printed off effectively.
A chart that prints slightly too large or slightly too small will give inaccurate results.
Check a birthstone chart before shopping to confirm what the birthstone is for a given month.
A mood ring color chart can be helpful in understanding what colors represent which emotions.
You can tell when you are getting close to the player's secret by using the color chart to gauge how she is reacting to the questions.
You can refer back to the color chart often.
Make up your own games with your friends, and soon you'll no longer need to refer to the mood ring color chart to know what emotion each color represents.
You'll be very happy to see that there is a detailed size chart on this company's website that's divided into a Tall section and a Big section.
Visit, but don't forget to check out the sizing chart before placing your final order.
If you aren't sure of your exact size, check out the size chart at the bottom of the page to determine your correct fit.
The Village Hat Shop offers a wide range and a good sizing chart.
Almost all online retailers feature a size chart, so if you're shopping for something unfamiliar, you can rely on your measurements to choose the right one.
The average big and tall size chart includes sizes LT (large tall) to 10XLT (6 extra large tall).
This is one of the best guides and shopping areas around - listing both problems and solutions in an easy to scan chart.
Compare this measurement against the specific size chart provided for the swimsuit you like.
The size chart provides guidance in finding the right fit for your dress, and The Evening Store also offers their designer's e-mail address and an invitation to send him your dress size information with a few measurements.
If you're new to catalog shopping, however, be sure and read the sizing chart that's included to help you get the perfect fit.
If shopping online, make sure you take a look at the site's size chart to determine what size you need.
The handy sizing chart allows for extra-large sizing, so you should feel confident in custom designing a hat that will fit your head just right.
If you shop online, always consult the site's size chart.
To ensure a perfect fit use the measurement chart for Italian bras from this website.
The chart includes detailed measurement instructions and size conversions that include the United States, Italy and international sizes.
If in doubt, try on the clothing before buying it, or if shopping online, double check your measurements with the store's size chart.
When buying plus size dancewear, it's important to take your measurements and check the manufacturer's plus size sizing chart for each item to ensure a comfortable fit that moves with your body.
Comparing the two sizes on the sizing chart will let you pinpoint the differences.
Not all manufacturers use the same size chart.
Be sure to check the size chart for the manufacturer of the dress you have selected.
They go up to size 3XL (but their sizes run big, so check the size chart) and are made from 100% organic cotton with no chemicals or heavy metals.
While you're there, visit the Generous Fashions plus size clothing chart to see how their sizing works for your body.
In that case, be sure to check the size chart for that particular brand.
Women's sizes range from 0 to 3X, and the Web site offers a helpful size chart to make online shopping easier.
If you decide to shop online, it is also important to check the size chart for each retailer.
You get to view a larger selection from the comfort of your own home and you have time to ponder the best prices, color selection, and to study the size chart for each publication to ensure a right fit.
Before you order anything from Torrid you'll want to check their size chart.
If you visit their website, you'll find a handy measurement conversion chart to guide you in how to measure to ensure a perfect fit.
To help make sure you get the right fit, take a moment to measure yourself and check the size chart provided.
When ordering online, be sure to check the sizing chart of the company you order from because cycling shorts sizing varies from one manufacturer to another.
If you do order your shorts online, be sure to check the size chart provided by the manufacturer and look into the return policy to be sure it fits with your expectations in case you must make a return.
Check Avenue's size chart to be sure to order the right size.
Take time to measure and read the appropriate size chart to ensure you buy the right size.
You can narrow your browsing by body shape - there are seven categories readily explained in their size chart.
The website also comes with a size chart, as well as guides on buying denim and bras.
When buying pantyhose, it is important to check the size chart for the particular brand you are purchasing.
To help customers get the best fit possible, they provide a size chart complete with measuring instructions.
Along with their standard size chart, Torrid offers a number of other charts, such as an Apparel International Conversion Chart, which makes it easier for people living in Europe, Japan and Australia to order their right size.
Take time to browse from the comfort of your own home to view the selections available, and when you do, be sure to visit the size chart for each individual store.
If you do decide to order your bike shorts from an online retailer, it is important to check their size chart and measure yourself.
According to the size chart on Tee Shirt Rock, a youth Small is size 6-8, Medium is 10-12 and Large is 14-16.
If your meat thermometer does not have temperature guidelines, visit What's Cooking America for an online temperature cooking chart.
The website also includes guidelines for safely thawing frozen meat, meat cooking guidelines and a cold storage food chart.
For a temperature-cooking chart online, visit What's Cooking America.
Here is a chart with a few different types of machines to show you which features to compare to find the best CPAP machine for your needs.
If you are having trouble with your mask, check the chart below to troubleshoot mask problems and to determine what changes you can make to improve the fit and efficiency of your mask.
For example, it's from this chart that one learns that Competivision, in teal green, is specifically designed for tennis.
You wouldn't purchase a pair of pants without first checking the sizing chart, would you?
You can get an overview of the contact lens brands they carry by visiting their contact lens chart online.
The chart at Visacuity can help you determine the diopter strength that you need.
Using the chart ahead of time and getting recommendations can send you in the right direction in those potentially overwhelming moments when you're browsing on your own while waiting for the optician to finish with another client.
For example, if you are training a linebacker on defense, it is perhaps in your best interest to substitute the running back on your team with someone who has a lower rating in your team's depth chart.
To keep track of it all, I actually got to a point where had to create a chart on a white board to make sure I knew how to get the technologies I needed!!
Genealogy Search has several free family tree charts and forms, including an excellent example of a pedigree chart., the paid subscription genealogy site, offers a free ascendency chart that can help you illustrate the pedigree of an ancestor.