Charms Sentence Examples
He is a wild man who lives with the animals of the field until lured away from his surroundings by the charms of a woman.
These charms can only be made by the possessor of the suhman.
Here the charms of his niece, the princess Eudoxia, attracted him.
The enjoyment of their charms is, however, generally qualified by some restriction or compact, the breaking of which is the cause of calamity to the lover and all his race, as in the notable tale of Melusine.
The town has considerable repute as a health resort, owing partly to its elevation (737 ft.) and partly to the natural charms of the district.
Her personal charms were not potent enough to wean Charles away from the society of his mistresses, and in a few weeks after her arrival she became aware of her painful and humiliating position as the wife of the selfish and licentious king.
Lord Byron resided at Ravenna for eighteen months in 1820-21, attracted by the charms of the Countess Guiccioli.
Although Andronicus was at that time fifty-six years old, age had not diminished his charms, and Theodora became the next victim of his artful seduction.
Although the poets of the time are unwearied in celebrating her charms, she does not, from the portraits which exist, appear to have been regularly beautiful, but as to her sweetness of disposition and strength of mind there is universal consent.
Gilgamesh, recalling to the goddess the sad fate of those who fall a victim to her charms, rejects the offer.
AdvertisementHuman nature seldom resists the charms of a fixed standard - least of all when it is applied by a live judge in a visible court.
The process was usually explained as the result of the action of a spirit, angel or devil, and many unessential formulae, invocations, "calls," written charms with cabbalistic signs, and fumigations, were employed.
Myths, folk-lore, hunting charms, fetishes, superstitions and customs were based on the same idea.
During a visit to Geneva in 1754 Rousseau saw his old friend and love Madame de Warens (now reduced in circumstances and having lost all her charms), while after abjuring his abjuration of Protestantism he was enabled to take up his freedom as citizen of Geneva, to which his birth entitled him and of which he was proud.
Thus in New Zealand "a priest by repeating charms can cause the spirit to enter into the idol.
AdvertisementAfter four days Holofernes, smitten with her charms, at the close of a sumptuous entertainment invites her to remain within his tent over night.
We hear also a good deal of witches and valkyries, and of charms and magic; as an instance we may cite the fact that certain (Runic) letters were credited, as in the North, with the power of loosening bonds.
The varied plumage of the cock - his bright red breast and his grey back, set off by his coal-black head and quills - is naturally attractive; while the facility with which he is tamed, with his engaging disposition in confinement, makes him a popular cage-bird, - to say nothing of the fact (which in the opinion of so many adds to his charms) of his readily learning to "pipe" a tune, or some bars of one.
Early voyagers to West Africa applied this term to the wooden figures, stones, &c., regarded as the temporary residence of gods or spirits, and to charms. There is no reason to suppose that the word feitico was applied either to an animal or to the local spirit of a river, hill or forest.
The suhman can, it is believed, communicate a part of his powers to various objects in which he does not dwell; these are also termed suhman by the natives and may have given rise to the belief that the practices commonly termed fetishism are not animistic. These charms are many in number; offerings of food and drink are made, i.e.
AdvertisementThe company was held in unity by the charms of his personality, and by the free intercourse which he inculcated and exemplified.
Tharandt is a favourite summer resort of the people of Dresden, one of its principal charms being the magnificent beech woods which surround it.
On her monument at Bromley he placed an inscription extolling the charms of her person and of her manners; and when, long after her decease, he had occasion to mention her, he exclaimed with a tenderness half ludicrous, half pathetic, "Pretty creature !"
The Saadia are famous for charming and eating live serpents, &c., and the Ilwania for eating fire, glass, &c. The Egyptians firmly believe in the efficacy of charms, a belief associated with that in an omnipresent and over-ruling providence.
With all this, however, there has long existed a kind of idolatry, which in its origin is simply fetishism - the belief in charms - as having power to procure various benefits and protect from certain evils.
AdvertisementAmong the Hova in modern times four or five of these charms had acquired special sanctity and were each honoured as a kind of national deity, being called " god," and brought out on all public occasions.
The Christmas markets held their usual charms and were very festive.
Auntie's Beads offers all of the beads, wire, charms, and tools you need to create beautiful beaded jewelry.
Trinkets such as lockets and small charms add character and whimsy to bohemian clothing.
Among the Egyptians, as in other lands,, llnesses were supposed to be due to evil spirits or the ghosts of lead men who had taken up their abode in the body of the fufferer, and they could only be driven thence by charms and;pells.
Encouraged by his mother, and under the influence of his governess Madame de Roucoulle, and of his first tutor Duhan, a French refugee, he acquired an excellent knowledge of French and a taste for literature and music. He even received secret lessons in Latin, which his father invested with all the charms of forbidden fruit.
This was due to the king's relations with the Spanish dancer Lola Montez, who appeared in Munich in October 1846, and soon succeeded by her beauty and wit in fascinating the king, who was always susceptible to feminine charms. The political importance of this lay in the fact that the royal mistress began to use her great influence against the clerical policy of the Abel ministry.
They also give out that they render snakes harmless by the use of charms or music, - in reality it is by extracting the venomous fangs.
On his passage through Cilicia in 41 he fell a victim to the charms of Cleopatra, in whose company he spent the winter at Alexandria.
The Santa Cruz valley, however, has much older annals of a past that charms by its picturesque contrasts with the present.
As the stronger side of Gotama's teaching was neglected, the debasing belief in rites and ceremonies, and charms and incantations, which had been the especial object of his scorn, began to spread like the Birana weed warmed by a tropical sun in marsh and muddy soil.
In the r3th century this undeveloped stage has passed, and a fine, but still restrained, quality of engraving ensues, which, like all the allied arts of that century, charms with its simple and unpretending precision.
Antony committed suicide, in the mistaken belief that she had already done so, but Octavian refused to yield to the charms of Cleopatra who put an end to her life, by applying an asp to her bosom, according to the common tradition, in the thirty-ninth year of her age (29th of August, 30 B.C.).
It was natural that a personality invested with such charms should be regarded as the ideal of womanly beauty, but it is remarkable that the only probable instance in which she appears as such is as Aphrodite, uop4co form ") at Sparta (0.
The attention of antiquarians to the charms against the Evil Eye used by the inhabitants of the Neapolitan provinces was first drawn in 1888, when it was shown that they were all derived from the survival of ancient classical legends which had sprung from various sources in connexion with classical sites in the neighbourhood.
This vase dates about 250 B.C., and the Siren charms represent her in the same way, but usually mounted on two sea-horses.
The sea-horse and the Siren alone are commonly found as charms; the Siren being sometimes in her fishtail form and sometimes in the form of a harpy.
The peasants reassure themselves by the use of charms and spells, and by a strict observance of the forms which their creed prescribes.
For years he had looked at all earthly good through the medium of a philosophy which taught him that it,, without exception, contained within itself the seeds of bitterness, and was altogether worthless and impermanent; but now to his wavering faith the sweet delights of home and love, the charms of wealth and power, began to show themselves in a different light, and glow again with attractive colours.
Omar, Othman and Ibn Jubair had all a share in this work, but the great founder of the mosque in its present form, with its spacious area and deep ' The old kiswa is removed on the 25th day of the month before the pilgrimage, and fragments of it are bought by the pilgrims as charms. Till the 10th day of the pilgrimage month the Ka`ba is bare.
Mary Stuart returned to Scotland with nothing but her brains and her charms on which to rely in her struggle with her people and her rival.
Like others who have gone through the conventional course of instruction, he kept a place in his memory for the various charms of Virgil and Horace, of Tacitus and Ovid; but the master whose page by night and by day he turned with devout hand, was the copious, energetic, flexible, diversified and brilliant genius of the declamations for Archias the poet and for Milo, against Catiline and against Antony, the author of the disputations at Tusculum and the orations against Verres.
Over the upper surface was stretched a white-dressed reindeer skin, and at the corners (so to speak) hung a variety of charms - tufts of wool, bones, teeth, claws, &c. The area was divided into several spaces, often into three, one for the celestial gods, one for the terrestrial and one for man.
The peasants believe in charms and omens, in vampires, were-wolves, ghosts, the evil eye and vile or white-robed spirits of the earth, air, stream and mountain, with hoofs like a goat and henna-dyed nails and hair.
When the succession of Cleves and of Julich, so long expected and already discounted by the treaty of Halle (1610), was opened up in Germany, the great war was largely due to an access of senile passion for the charms of the princesse de Cond.
This Spaniard of waning charms, who had been neglected by her husband and insulted by Richelieu, now gave her indolent and full-blown person, together with absolute power, into the hands of the Sicilian.
Others, again, come and take away anything they can find, which they keep as charms and mementoes.
This life of unwearied industry, of universal honour, has left Lord Kelvin with a lovable nature that charms all with whom he comes in contact."
She was of noble birth and seems to have attracted Sigismondo's notice as early as 1438, for at the age of twenty he produced verses of some merit in praise of her charms. She was indeed widely celebrated for her beauty and intellect, culture, firmness and prudence; and even Pope Pius II.
Link love spells, free love spells, love charms and love potions together in the same area of the book.
Taj Arts Discounted prices on an extensive collection including anklets, chains, charms, nose studs and religious pieces in silver and gold.
They used charms to ward off evil spirits, often in the shape of a scarab beetle.
Bohemian lifestyle might be alien to you, yet demonstrate an easy way of relaxation that has its charms.
A rare example of a peaceful setting within easy reach of London, Ascot is an idyllic town that charms at a gentle canter.
Market's gallic charms Channel isle airport plans fail to.. .
Thankyou wine glass charms - Gold or silver tone high quality pewter wine glass charm carrying 4 Swarovski crystals in your choice of colors.
The Main River flows east-west through the city, separating the north bank's skyscrapers and bustle from the south's more laid-back charms.
China's charms must not dazzle us I bumped into the FA's executive director David Davies at Heathrow this week.
And now, you can can have opal in your jewelry collection on necklaces, earrings, and even charms.
They are a set of eight scrolls with a wooden pagoda in which the charms were originally issued.
I might well be sitting next to you in your local pub chatting about the charms of the latest draft ale.
These include printed leather handbags from Kimchi, embroidered silk purses from Alice Caroline and Swarovski crystal belt charms from Virginie Brisset.
You bet, says Deborah Ross, who was immediately seduced by the charms of Sydney.
Charms and words of power being supposed to possess efficacy in themselves are guarded with great secrecy by their owners, and hence, in so far as prayer verges on spell, there will be a disposition to mutter or otherwise conceal the sacred formula.
There seems moreover to have been a sort of rivalry between mother and daughter for the chief place in Necker's affections, and it is not probable that the daughter's love for her mother was increased by the consciousness of her own inferiority in personal charms. Mme Necker was of a most refined though somewhat lackadaisical style of beauty, while her daughter was a plain child and a plainer woman, whose sole attractions were large and striking eyes and a buxom.
She had little beauty, no education or understanding, and few charms that his friends could discover, besides which she had a detestable mother, who was the bane of Rousseau's life.
As Frazer notes (Golden Bough, 2 227), this festival appears to belong to the large class of mimetic charms designed to quicken the growth of vegetation; the marriage of Zeus and Hera would in this case represent the union of the king and queen of May.
This simple thought could not occur to the doctors (as it cannot occur to a wizard that he is unable to work his charms) because the business of their lives was to cure, and they received money for it and had spent the best years of their lives on that business.
And he vividly pictured to himself Natasha, not as he had done in the past with nothing but her charms which gave him delight, but for the first time picturing to himself her soul.
She looked up at him in a roguish sidelong way, with the bright mischievous smile which was one of her charms.
All I can say is shame about the weather p.s. Fawkes was looking very sexy You could advertize for General Mills Lucky Charms cereal !
Europe 's youngest capital, Cardiff is a busy city with small-town charms to suit any mood.
But music hath charms to soothe even the technocrat of 1851.
Wearing a sprig of the Rowan also protected against charms.
Strange then, that Londoners prefer to spurn what is a superior machine, seduced instead by the retro charms of the Vespa.
Your womanly charms are NO MATCH against another impossibly gorgeous indie boy.
Begin arranging baby charms, buttons, ribbons, etc. on your pot until you find a pattern that you like.
Allow project to dry for several hours, and apply one more coat of the Clearcote hi-shine glaze to the pot and charms.
Buy a solid red or green album and embellish with ribbons, stickers, charms or anything else festive, and be sure to include "My First Christmas" somewhere on the front before you start adding pictures.
From this point, you'll want to add filler like silk leaves or baby's breath and finishing touches like ribbon or baby charms.
Decorate the top part of the fan with additional ribbon, small flowers and baby charms.
Add curled ribbons and charms to complete the corsage.
For example, for a boy you can add traditional blue ribbons and sports charms such as baseball bats, footballs or other sports-related choices.
For little girls, pink ribbons add that feminine touch, and princess and ballerina charms are popular.
For example if the shower follows a Noah's ark theme, adding animal charms creates the coordinating touch.
Gather round the fire, get cozy, put your feet up, and relax in a home decked out with Country style Christmas charms.
Choose soft velvets or chenille fabrics and embellish with laces, beads and charms.
Recycle buttons, charms, ribbon, fabric scraps, and other decorative elements around your home by adding them to your layouts.
If you have a broken bracelet or necklace, string the beads and charms with a piece of craft wire to make a unique border for your scrapbook layout.
You can find a variety of stickers, rub-ons, rubber stamps, charms, chipboard embellishments, and decorative patterned papers in Halloween themes wherever scrapbook supplies are sold.
Thick metal charms, buttons, and acrylic accents can make it hard to keep your album closed.
Scrapbookers who like to use Jolee stickers next to chipboard, rub-ons, metal charms, and other accents may find that they prefer to use labeled cardboard or plastic photo boxes to keep all their supplies organized.
Attach the Cricut labels, then add buttons, charms, ribbons, or other decorations if desired.
Today's scrapbookers have a variety of choices for embellishing their layouts, ranging from chipboard tags and silk flowers to metal charms and plastic transparencies.
Dangling from the silver chain strap are small charms that are guitar straps and stars.
Future graduates may even include their favorite photos on the invitations and small charms.
You can also buy a clunky charm bracelet that can be worn with or without charms.
Discount websites like Wrap With Us have collections of charms, buttons and rhinestones you may buy by the gross.
Visit any paper crafts or scrap booking store to find a wide variety of ribbons, charms, brads, rivets, die cut shapes, and other embellishments.
Choose a box, bag, tin, wrap, or other container that fits your style and wedding, and add special touches such as ribbon, silk rosebuds, raffia, charms, tags, or special messages.
Cake Charms - Use cake charms to give a little something back to the bridal party.
Cake charms are tied to a ribbon and placed inside the cake for members of the wedding to pull.
Butterfly-shaped wedding favor charms with coordinating ribbons.
Choose your plants in several shapes and sizes, wire, charms, container, and more.
Affixing small charms, like hearts, palm trees, cowboy boots, or rings to the center of a ribbon bow can add a certain appeal to your invitation that preprinted ones lack.
You could also give out wine accessories, like a wineglass, bottle opener, wine stopper, or wine charms, as your favors.
Stoppers and charms are especially popular, and come in a wide range of themes.
You could also decorate a wine bottle with Halloween stickers or favor charms.
Rumors abounded that he was found passed out in a ditch and even tried to work his southern charms on a few Nicaraguan beauties.
A dress that is too flashy or too gaudy will actually detract from her charms.
Accessories often include studded black belts and leather bracelets, strand upon strand of hemp necklaces with wooden charms, horn-rimmed glasses, hand-knit toboggans and scarves, and pins featuring anti-establishment slogans.
My recommendation is to enjoy your Shih Tzu just for her own charms; then if you're seriously interested in breeding, purchase a young healthy bitch from a breeder willing to be your mentor.
Consider block and Tiffany style letters, block slide on charms and decorations that you can change simply by sliding them off of the collar.
Their fine forms in summer or autumn, when they throw up flowering-shoots to a height of 10 feet or so, are remarkable enough; but their appearance when breaking up in spring charms us most.
Young plants bloom long, which adds to their charms.
Italian charms are a popular modern variation of the traditional charm bracelet.
The individual modular link charms connect to form a continuous bracelet.
You can purchase charms in sets or individually, and they come in many artistic styles.
In the 1990s, other jewelry manufacturers in Italy and the United States started designing composable charms and modular bracelets similar to Gensini's model, and they called them Italian charm jewelry.
The best quality charms use gold, real gemstones, hand painting or enameling in the designs, and are made with rust-free and tarnish-free stainless steel.
If you prefer a chunkier style, you might enjoy mega charms that are eighteen millimeters wide.
Italian Bracelet Charms has a large selection of theme charms.
Italian Charms produces photo image charms.
ReFlorence manufactures licensed Disney charms.
Talexia makes many licensed cartoon character charms, such as Sesame Street and Looney Tunes.
Combination links include a small ring to attach your favorite hanging charms.
In addition to the sites mentioned above, you can find Italian-style modular charms at local jewelers in many locations as well as through online jewelry retailers.
Small bands will accommodate seventeen charms.
Medium bands hold up to eighteen charms.
Large bands can accommodate nineteen charms.
The interchangeable nature of the charms allows you to collect as many as you please.
Charms, charm bracelets, necklaces, pendants, earrings, and rings make up this Chanel Jewelry collection.
Unique charms or designs such as dangling martini glasses, holiday designs, sports team logos, and much more are worn to show fun and individual expression.
Birthstone jewelry is available as necklaces, rings, charms, bracelets, watches, and is appropriate for everyone from the young to the old.
Different types of charms can easily symbolize the mother-child bond.
Charms can also be personalized with birthstones.
Most 14K gold picture locket charms come in either heart shapes or oval, to best fit photographs of faces, but you can also find round or octagonal styles.
Most 14k gold picture locket charms have space for one picture, but others come with two.
As personalized jewelry, 14K gold picture locket charms make exceptional gifts.
You can buy vintage 14k gold picture locket charms in antique or vintage shops and online at auction sites like eBay.
The bracelet itself is a 7.25 inch long strand of sterling silver marcasite links with a standard clasp, but as always with charm bracelets, it's the charms themselves that garner all the attention.
Individual charms sell for approximately $38-$48, and the bracelet set retails for $209.95, so if you want one, buy one now because Judith Jack only produces a limited number of each piece.
The only sure thing is that the popularity of these charms assures there will be more.
Marcasite and sterling silver charms and jewelry require extra care to preserve their finish and luster.
It's too harsh and can ruin the finish on your charms.
If you want some charms of your own, the time to start your collection is now.
Most are chains with pendants or charms.
Add into the mix that pre-teen girls are highly attracted to jewelry with the Playboy logo, jewelry which is, after all, ensconced with glittery charms and bedecked with rhinestones, and the pairing starts sounding off alarm bells.
Charms just never seem to go out of style.
The Hello Kitty charm bracelet pairs Kitty with cute enameled flowers and has plenty of links to hold charms.
The bracelet retails for $10.00 US and the charms sell for $5.00.
Birth charms became very popular, especially if you shared your birthday with a Celtic hero of legend, or the feast day of a particular deity.
Hanging Heart Bracelet, with pink beads and dangling silver accented heart charms.
Tiny seahorse charms are also a popular choice.
Seahorse charms can be found in silver, gold and a variety of other metals and can be used to decorate bracelets, necklaces or even to add a bit of glamour to a mobile phone or handbag.
Baby shoe charms with either pink or blue edging.
Boy and girl-shaped profile charms with each child's name engraved on the back of his or her charm.
The charms can either be worn on a chain necklace or they can be added to a charm holder which, in turn, can be worn on a necklace.
You might want to consider a necklace of tiny charms with birthstones if a grandmother has, or might eventually have, more than six grandchildren.
Some grandmothers might enjoy the convenience of tiny charms but have a personal style that would prefer something with a simpler design.
Future matching - Avoid purchasing one-of-a kind, or unusual charms if you will be needing additional charms in the future.
You may not be able to find matching charms.
Birthstones can also be found as charms and this is a lovely idea for a mother bracelet with birthstones.
The birthstone charms can hang from the bracelet along with special charms that signify other important occasions.
Another bracelet set that holds special mother daughter charms is offered by the Bradford Exchange.
For added memories, search small lockets or charms and see if you can find a piece that will compliment the bracelet design.
The Pandora collection also includes charms and these act as a lovely complement to the beads.
The charms allow customers to create their own 'new generation' charm jewelry.
Rather than the more traditional form of charm necklace or charm bracelet, Pandora charms have been designed to work with the beads and to form part of the Pandora mix and match range.
Customers can choose charms that mark a special occasion such as birth of a baby, wedding, anniversary or perhaps just to celebrate a special day.
These charms can then be threaded with beads and formed into lovely jewelry with a strong sentimental attachment.
This is the center part of the necklace or bracelet and is the piece that the beads and charms are threaded on to.
With literally hundreds of components to choose from including beads, charms and clasps, the combination possibilities are almost endless.
The wearer can create their own unique style by choosing beads, charms and other components that have been made from a wide range of materials.
The beads and charms are threaded onto a special patented wire.
There are many different types of charms and beads and the range is constantly changing.
It is possible to create a bracelet using charms or beads which each hold a special meaning.
Special Birthday - a special birthday could be marked with a bracelet made with Pandora charms or beads.
Family and friends can buy special beads or charms that have a significance, or perhaps club together to buy one of the more expensive ones.
A few well chosen charms would have a special meaning as well as ensuring the the special day was remembered for years to come.
As the beads and charms are threaded onto a central wire they are less likely to get caught in clothing or even machinery.
Clean beads and charms are more likely to catch and reflect the light and give a more pleasing sparkle.
A bracelet created using Pandora beads and charms is a lovely way to own something unique and special and will provide many happy memories and thoughts for years to come.
The bracelets are created using a mix of Swarovski birthstone crystals, silver or gold beads and other features such as charms.
Birthstones are often incorporated into charms and these are one of the most flexible styles of jewelry available.
You can buy your own charms or be given them as presents, building a collection over the years.
Many precious metal charms, such as those made from gold and silver, are set with birthstones and these are extra special and can be high in value.
Charms are often fitted to a bracelet using jump rings or other fastenings and this makes them easy to put on and take off.
Anyone can put charms onto a bracelet without needing specialist jewelers tools.
Strings of beads can be worn around the wrist as a bracelet or small charms hung from bags.
Belts also offer an interesting way to add glamor to an outfit and many stylish people can be seen with jewelry charms attached to a belt buckle.
In addition to the popular bakelite bracelets, these 'new' materials were a popular choice for charms.
Whereas before these would have been heirloom pieces that were precious and delicate, the 1960's charm bracelets were full of fun and interesting charms that were accessible to all.
The styles of charms are varied and it is possible to buy complete charm bracelets as well as the individual charms.
The charms often reflect the fashions of the time, therefore anything to do with space and space travel was popular as was music.
In addition to original versions of charms and charm bracelets, there are many modern and contemporary bracelets that are inspired by the era.
Types of charms include funky television sets, striking black and white charms and anything to do with the music of the time.
Check that the clasp, links and charms are not damaged.
Establish what the charms are made from.
Some charms might be made from materials that are not used today or whose use for jewelry is prohibited.
Look for jewelers who specialize in unusual charms.
Photo charms look lovely on any style charm bracelet.
Whether your favorite style is the classic look of the 1960's link charm bracelets, sparkling charm bracelets of gemstones and beads, or trendy Italian charm bracelets, there are photo charms to fit each style.
The main difference in the photo charms is the way they attach to the different bracelet styles.
The charms that attach to link style bracelets have a small jump ring used to secure the photo charm onto the bracelet.
The charms made for Italian photo bracelets attach using a clasp that is spring loaded located inside the charm that links the charms together.
Custom made photo charms from Pictures on Gold are photo color laser or photo laser engraved directly onto the charms of 14k gold or sterling silver.
On Italian photo charms the picture is set into the charm and then laminated with an enamel coating.
Photo charms also come in the following sizes and styles.
Photo charms and charm bracelets range from approximately $20 to $4,000 depending on quality, craftsmanship and materials of each piece.
Planet Jill offers exquisite heavy linked charm bracelets and photo charms in 14K with diamond accents.
Kathy Lo offers a lovely selection of charms and bracelets in 14k and sterling silver.
They also offer many other styles of photo charms to fit linked charm bracelets.
In modern times charms of all descriptions remain popular and this includes silver charm bracelets and photo charm bracelets.
Many people enjoy charms that have a special significance, such as those that represent a birthday of a loved one or a anniversary.
Charms that are simply beautiful or unusual are also very popular and are lovely when formed into bracelets.
Unlike traditional charms that are hung from the links of a bracelet, Pandora charms are a mix of all types of bead that are threaded onto a special bracelet.
Pandora charms are available in both silver and gold.
These innovative style of charm jewelry combine the unique nature of charms with contemporary Italian styling.
Instead of charms that hang off links like silver charm bracelets or beaded charms, Italian charms are clipped onto a central stretchable band.
There are many different types of Italian charms.
The most expensive being charms that are created with gold or silver and set with gemstones.
The charms can represent a wide range of things from special birthdays to favorite sports teams.
One of the great features of Italian charms is that they are uniform in size and compatible across brands, and this makes collecting charms very straightforward.
Holiday themed jewelry may get sold off cheaply at the start of the new year and this includes Italian charms.
Many charms are also sold off at the end of a season which are suitable for wearing all year round.
Charms that feature hearts, for instance, may well be sold off cheaply after Valentine's day to make space for Easter charms, however a charm featuring a heart will look lovely throughout the whole year.
This is a good way of buying a ready made bracelet or individual charms.
The best way to find stores that are discounting their Italian charms is to keep a look out for local advertisements.
There are many websites that specialize in Italian charms.
These can often offer an excellent range of charms for very reasonable prices.
There are often other deals that can reduce the cost of buying Italian charms.
Christian jewelry charms are a lovely way to combine decorative jewelry with charms that hold special meanings.
Bracelets are formed from individual charms that are fastened onto the bracelet in a variety of ways.
Necklaces may have a single charm or a variety of charms.
Charms can even be used in creative ways, such as zipper pulls or other adornment.
The charms each have their own meaning and this means that the jewelry can be packed full of special memories or thoughts.
In addition to charms that are simply decorative or hold memories of special vacations or other occasions, Christian charm bracelets are perfect for someone of the Christian faith.
Christian jewelry charms represent different aspects of the Christian religion.
This might include different saints, representations of Christian figures, charms that signify Christian holidays such as Easter and Christmas, Christian icons or anything else that is significant to a person with Christian beliefs.
There are many different kinds of saint charms.
This includes wooden saint charms and also cast charms that are beautiful and intricate.
Special Christian charms that represent different holidays and festivals is a special way to build up a Christian charm bracelet.
Suitable charms include representations of the baby Jesus or the nativity scene for Christmas and the cross for Easter.
Christian Jeweler - In addition to a wide range of charms and charm bracelets, this website also offers many other Christian themed items.
Christian Bracelets - There are a range of different bracelets, many featuring charms such as fancy crosses, hinged prayer boxes and other Christian symbols.
Confirm how the charms are fitted - There are different ways of fitting charms to bracelets and it is important to establish how a charm fits to an existing bracelet.
Christian jewelry charms are a lovely way to combine attractive jewelry with charms with special meaning that represents your faith.
Several popular styles of monkey pendant charms are manufactured by Rembrandt Charms which is the world's largest collection of charms.
A contemporary take on a traditional idea is the use of birthstone charms.
Several charms together make a dramatic statement and each one can be different.
They are made up of several individual charms and these together give a bracelet a very individual style.
Charms are manufactured from quality materials such as precious metals like platinum, gold or sterling silver or from low cost materials such as plastic or acrylic which are perfect for fashion jewelry.
One of the most sought after types of charm bracelet is a bracelet that features designer charms.
One popular form of Chanel charm bracelet features charms that represent the Chanel range.
The charms include the distinctive Chanel logo, a shoe representing the Chanel designer range of shoes and a bag that is encrusted with glass pearls.
Another very novel charm bracelet is created using lots of charms that again represent the other aspects of the Chanel brand.
These charms are made from resin which means that they are lightweight to wear.
Other Chanel bracelets that include charms are the bracelets that are designed with a tiny Chanel logo incorporated into the clasp.
In addition to charm bracelets by Chanel, necklaces that feature charms are also popular.
To keep a charm bracelet looking its best it is a good idea to give it a regular clean and to check that all of the charms are securely fitted.
Charms - many Chanel bangles and bracelets have charms which give a bit of extra interest.
This beautiful type of family jewelry is available in many styles, from traditional link bracelets through to contemporary charms.
A very contemporary choice is the use of charms to represent children in mother's bracelets and these can take many different forms.
Charm bracelets are a good solution as charms can continue to be added over time.
There are even special family jewelry options for fathers, including charms, meaning that every member of the family can have a special piece of jewelry.
Rings, bracelets, charms, earrings, anklets, cuff links, and belly rings are all available with a palm tree motif.
If you are a fan of the Twilight books or movies, you may love Twilight jewelry charms.
Fans can find fully assembled charm bracelets and individual charms for jewelry-making projects.
Twilight jewelry charms come in many different styles that are suitable for casual or dressy occasions.
Assembled jewelry and individual charms are available.
Twilight charms come in materials such as sterling silver, wood and crystal.
However, there are many other styles of wolf and heart charms available if you prefer another type.
Determine which links on the bracelet will hold the charms.
Since the bracelet design is comprised of two charms, it is best to choose links that are equally spaced on the bracelet.
You can also pick the desired charm location by fastening the bracelet and holding the charms in place at specific links to see how they will lay against your wrist.
There are several other jewelry items available to match these earrings, including pendants, charms, and bracelets.
While it is more difficult to find macramé styles at this site, you'll find some unique examples featuring beads and charms.
Ball necklaces look great on their own or can be used to hang pendants or charms.
Silver-plated bracelets hold enamel charms that make a great memento of your latest excursion.
Brighton offers some personalized jewelry charms in the Treasures Collection.
Names and dates can be stamped onto the charms, making it a special personalized gift.
You can also add a bundle of three or four charms on a short length of chain.
Make sure earrings are secure and that the child cannot swallow small charms from rings and pendants or other jewelry accessories.
The Vicenza district is known as the 18KT gold leader of middle to high-end gold jewelry, including mold-cast pieces like religious charms and pendants, as well as gold necklace chains.
Some of the most popular religious jewelry pieces are charms, medals, and pendants.
These are available as charms, pendants, and medals.
Charms and pendants are the most popular items you'll find in many collections.
There are several popular religious jewelry charms that are immediately identified as Christian.
Many of the charms are available in yellow, white, and rose gold.
Some charms depict Jesus blessing the food.
These charms are important religious mementos of two monumental spiritual events in a Christian person's life.
Patron saint charms can be attached to keyrings, bracelets, necklaces, or even worn as a pendant.
Love charms come in a wide range of designs, but religious versions usually include a cross.
Love charms are usually personalized with an inscription on one side.
Cherubs are a favorite for pins, earrings, and charms.
The rose has been a religious symbol since the first mention of God, and it is used in many religious charms.
The crown of thorns that was placed on Christ's head is often featured in Christian charms.
Christmas charms are usually seasonal items and make excellent holiday gifts, and you can start a charm bracelet for someone and add a charm each Christmas and on other special occasions.
There are quite a few message charms that you may like to add to your bracelet.
Gold charms are available in several kinds of finishes.
If you opt for Italian gold charms, then you'll probably find more choices available in 18KT and higher gold content.
You probably know that a locket is a piece of jewelry that can hold a special photograph, but many people aren't aware that these designs can take the form of clip-on charms.
The Disney website sells a jewelry set that includes a bracelet, several charms, and two charm lockets.
These three Disney Couture locket charms are coming soon to Zappos.
Girls of all ages love locket charms because they're versatile and can be interchanged with other bracelets, necklaces, and various objects.
You may want to order more than one of the Disney charms to trade with your friends.
You can also have charms engraved to make them more personal.
He can find charms and artifacts that have different abilities and bonuses.
Harry, Hermione and Ron all cast spells, charms and jinxes using single buttons.
Use Charms, Jinxes and Accio to defeat enemies, find goodies and do some amazing things.
Once you have spells charged to your wand and you've tempered some charms you should start using them.
It is also better to cast spells and use charms when your Sim is in a good mood and in some cases, when they are not able to be seen by anyone else.
Wine glass charms are available where wine glasses are sold, and they allow your guests to identify which glass is theirs by attaching to the stem.
You might also include wine accessories such as wine charms, bottle stoppers, or openers.
Wine charms are a great gift alone or when paired with a beautiful set of wine glasses.
Wine charms can be found in a wide variety of styles and prices.
You can find charms with animal themes to ones that reflect a specific hobby.
Use Wine Glass Charms for tasters to keep track of their glasses.
Wine charms - It is very easy for wine glasses to become mixed up during a holiday gathering leaving everyone asking "Is this my glass?"
Buy wine charms as a small gift to be paired with a beautiful set of wine glasses.
Along with logo items, many of the wineries offer unique gifts such as interesting wine holders, charms and many other unique gifts that are not readily available at your local market or Costco.
Once the wine bottle is removed, gift recipients may decide to use the box to hold small wine accessories such as a corkscrew and wine charms, their wine notes or as a decorative item in their home.
Wine glass charms - It is much easier to keep track of which wine glass belongs to which guest with some cute parrot wine glass charms.
Give an accessory basket - Stock it with items like rabbit or pneumatic corkscrews, stemless wine glasses and wine glass charms.
A relatively new way to customize your cell phone is by using unique charms.
They are easy to change and you can even add more charms to the same holder.
Cell phone charms are available in almost any imaginable motif, including Disney characters, gemstones, awareness ribbons, animals, and initials.
Cell phone charms are one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to personalize your mobile phone.
Charms give that extra touch of personality and they are becoming very popular, especially among teen and pre-teen girls.
There are some boys that have cell phone charms as well, but they are definitely more popular among the fairer sex.
Try to find the best compromise between the two extremes if possible, though most cell phone charms are sold with a string already attached.
Some people choose to change their cell phone charms from time to time, and it is sometimes appropriate to find a charm that resembles awareness ribbons, for instance.
In fact, necklace pendants and cell phone charms are usually interchangeable.
They've also got a huge assortment of different charms that you can use on your cell phone.
Customize the look of your Helio Ocean with cell phone charms or cell phone skins.
These include certain skins, charms, and other fashion accessories.
Throughout history, the people of all cultures, faiths and beliefs have used various types of good luck charms and objects.
Feathers - These are ancient good luck charms.
Hand shaped charms - Powerful good luck symbols in the Mediterranean countries.
There are countless additional good luck objects, charms, amulets and talismans that exist in cultures around the world.
From four leaf clovers and the nuts of a Rudraksh tree to lucky coins and Cleopatra's wheels, there is a vast array of good luck charms to attract good luck and positive energy while keeping away evil.
Since ancient times lucky charms play important roles in cultures throughout the world.
Also known as amulets and talismans, some types of lucky charms are meant for people to wear or carry, while others are meant for placement in special areas of homes or offices.
The popularity of many of today's lucky charms grew from the legends and folklore that families passed down from generation to generation through the centuries.
Natural lucky charms that bring good fortune such as ladybugs, scarab beetles and rainbows are often replicated in jewelry or statue form.
There are a large number of animals and mystical creatures that people of various cultures and religions think of as good luck charms.
Many lucky charms find their origins in religious traditions, beliefs and customs.
Good luck charms are symbols that make us feel good about ourselves, attract positive energy and provide a deeper spiritual connection to the universe.
The mystic knot is one of the best-known feng shui good luck charms.
Placing all kinds of good luck or good health charms and Chinese symbols creates clutter and becomes the opposite of intention.
These charms are available in a variety of styles and a gold or silver finish.
Some charms include the full year, while others only state the last two digits of the graduation year.
You can also try adding glitter, beads, charms, or fancy ribbons to make the ornaments more unique.
It's true that one of the charms of paper folding is that really any paper will do - newspaper, loose-leaf notebook, stationery, a business card.
To really appreciate the City's charms nothing beats putting on a pair of walking shoes and hitting the pavement.
While it is true that there had been indigenous tribes living in the area, Portolá's visit marked the beginnings of foreign visitors coming and falling prey to San Francisco's charms.
Crochet is a great way to look sexy without exposing all your charms.
For example, the "I Am…Creative" Moxiemini has guitar, paint brush, palette, and camera charms.
Small trinkets and lockets, along with rock and roll charms like daggers or skulls, blend effortlessly together and capture a whole new bohemian fashion style that is deeply alluring and chic.
Another alternative is to look for heart shaped beads or charms as these can look lovely when strung around a candle holder.
Crafty people can also make homemade candle labels using charms, beads, stamps and other scrapbooking supplies.
Hanging a few birthday charms from a candle holder or decorating it with birthday themed ribbon can transform a candle holder and make it a lovely birthday centerpiece.
The transparent nature of the gel allows for you to experiment with creative embed possibilities such as marbles, art glass, glitter, shells, metal charms, or gel cut outs.
The Relay for Life Store has a wide selection of Relay items such as purple and white magnets,notebooks, key chains, drink wear, apparel, mini fans, frames, luggage tags, mouse pads, charms and beach balls.
For the familiar but decidedly more commercial look of the Irish elf, purchase the Lucky Charms leprechaun costume.
Both decorate well with belts that wrap around the hips and are decorated with bells, beads, fringe or charms.
Some charms use gemstones for even more distinction.
Gemstone rings are available in a limited number of styles, as well as many different necklaces, pendants, earrings, bracelets, charms, and other pieces.
Depending on the ring design, symbols may be etched, carved, or engraved on a band, or they may be charms or figures attached to a simple band.
You may think that buckles and clasps are just devices to hold your bag together, or that large collections of charms belong on bracelets.
Expect chain straps, large gold-tone clasps, and hanging charms within this line, often nestled up to feathers, sequins, or fur for an air of loveable ostentatiousness.
From cascading charms to bold contrasting piping, the details of Kathy Van Zeeland handbags are definitely attention-grabbing.
We're talking bows on tweed with riveted handles and pewter charms.
A sleek black backpack purse is instantly trendy when it's complemented by dangling charms (a la Juicy Couture), boasts rich hardware or is accented by some sort of embellishment.
The focal point - once attention is diverted from the plentiful rhinestones and bold color, that is - is the cluster of charms that absolutely scream Vegas.
It's accented by the signature Dior charms and stands on protective feet to keep it upright.
Its low-key hobo shape suggests everyday appeal, and it's made with soft-grain calfskin and accented by the signature Dior charms.
Accents like nautical rope handles, cute charms, beading, and sequins or rhinestones make a bag sweet and charming.
Sagittarian men are truly some of the most terrific people to be around, and once the male archer turns his charms on you and flashes that brilliant smile, it won't be long before you fall head over heels.
A smart Leo knows how to work her charms and guide her lover into seeing both sides of the issues.
You can also shop for charms, mousepads, book marks, lip gloss, body spritz and even clothing for your pet.
There are also bracelets and charms available as well.
Another great idea is to start a charm bracelet by purchasing the bracelet and one or two charms.
If you make cards that include patterned paper, vellum, metal charms, and expensive Christmas sticker embellishments, however, you're likely to find there is no significant cost savings.
Attach silk flowers, buttons, or charms to the clip for a cute finishing touch.
For example, the fact that you may not have liked generic peanut butter as a child doesn't mean your children won't easily swap their Lucky Charms for a store-brand equivalent.
Not only can you decorate your shoes with the charms you like, you choose the placement of the jibbitz for a unique footwear look.
You can find a huge selection of decorative charms at the Croc website.
Also, Amazon carries the popular charms as well.
If you have an animal lover in mind, these animal charms are a perfect gift.
Wild animals, cute and cuddly animals and sea creatures are just some of the furry (or scaly) charms a kid will love.
They've also got shiny resin charms and pastel tones with gold edging.
Sparks Fly Out Bill charms Gran's church group with his Civil War recollections.
True Blood episodes blend sex, danger and desire in a thrilling cocktail that titillates and charms fans in equal measures.
Even if your chosen animated character isn't portrayed as a pixie per se, you can flaunt your love for her small charms and embrace her minute stature.
The closure is a toggle closure and there are 14 different charms, all resembling coins.
A ruby colored cabochon crown highlights the champagne dial and ten charms are scattered around the rest of the bracelet representing various Burberry and British icons.
The woven leather bracelet comes in brown or white and features six charms and the watch.
The charms and watch are similar to the silver or gold-plated, but the woven leather band creates a more casual look for everyday wear and less charms adds to the informal appeal.
The bracelet might include ordinary beads with one large silver paw print charm hanging down, or several smaller paw print charms spaced at regular intervals along the bracelet.
These charms are worn from purses, gym bags, diaper bags and pants.
The new giant watches are fun and funky to wear, available in a wide range of colors and styles and often having additional unusual touches such as watch charms dangling from the strap.
One style of watch charm bracelet for girls is a charm bracelet which includes a watch as one of the charms.
This means that the watch charm is attached to the bracelet and hangs like the other charms.
This type of watch charm bracelet is distinctive by the fact that the watch and band are similar to a normal bracelet watch, with the addition of charms for decoration.
This type of watch often comes with some charms ready fitted.
The range of charms available is almost endless!
There are watches to mark special occasions such as holidays, graduation or birthdays as well as a whole range of other charms such as animals and characters.
Many girls like to collect charms and swap them among friends.
Charms are normally attached to bracelets with a split ring.
The split ring has been designed to be easy to open and close meaning that charms can be fitted without the need for any special equipment.Charms can be purchased from many jewelry and fashion stores.
Fashion charms are often formed from stainless steel or silver plated metal.
Valuable charms are typically made from silver or gold and are set with precious stones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds.
Other types of charms include charms made from glass or even charms that are carved from shell, wood or bone which are ideal for the girl who likes natural styles of clothes and jewelry.
Practicality - The charms may get caught in clothes and other things.
Valuable - A watch bracelet with a number of charms can become quite valuable.
The manufacturer may provide special instructions for the care of the watch and charms and it is useful to follow these to ensure that the watch looks great and keeps perfect time!
Create your own unique watch by combining Italian charm watch faces with your favorite selection of Italian charms.
Italian charms have taken the fashion world by storm.
These tiny charms are available in a huge variety of styles and designs giving an almost limitless choice for the fashion conscious shopper.
Italian charms were originally designed in Europe and became hugely popular.
Celebrities and even famous football (soccer) stars were seen sporting bracelets made from Italian charms.
The trend was soon spotted and before long these tiny Italian charms became a world wide phenomenon.
Charms are available in school colors, with photos embedded in the surface, engraved with customized messages, with a design featuring a hobby - to name just a few!
Unlike traditional charm bracelets, Italian charms do not hang or dangle from a chain bracelet.
They can be clipped on or taken off and replaced with other charms quickly and easily which makes this a fun yet flexible option.
These make great gifts and are perfect for someone who is already collecting Italian charms.
Most stores that sell Italian charms offer a good range of watch faces.
Keep the charms and watch face clean by wiping it over with a cloth every week.
This will help to stop the build up of dust and grime that can take the shine off the charms and make the bracelet appear dull.
Mudd charm watches have been carefully designed to display Italian charms.
Unlike traditional or conventional watches, which are created with a fixed strap or watch band, Italian charm watches allow a number of these attractive little charms to be displayed.
Italian charm Mudd watches are sold complete with fourteen Italian charms.
Twelve of these can be replaced with any other Italian charm, the remaining two charms are permanently fixed in place.
Italian charms and charm watch bracelets are taking the fashion world by storm!
They are small stainless steel charms which clip onto a strap.
People are able to swap the charms around as they please, making this a highly flexible style of jewelry.
The charms feature a wide range of designs and these are either enameled or etched into the charm.
Some charms are created using precious metals such as silver or even gold.
Popular charms include signs of the Zodiac, initials or letters and designs of animals.Italian charm watches are a popular choice with people who are looking to customize their watch.
They are also a great way to display charms that are of a special or sentimental significance, for instance the birth sign or initials of a loved one.
They also sell loose charms in a variety of styles as well as other items of jewelry.
Change the charms as often as you like to create a different look depending on your mood!
Whether this is the fashionable Italian charm style watch with the tiny charms that clip onto a watch bracelet or a more traditional watch charm bracelet, red really adds to the style.
Red charms can signify romance and love and a red heart is a very popular choice.
A great way of combining watches and bracelets is through watch charms.
Nursing themed watch charms are a lovely way to customize and personalize a watch.
Some nursing supply stores sell watch charms.
Before making a personalized nurse watch using charms, however, it is important to make sure that this is going to be suitable for everyday wear in a nursing environment.
These include nursing themed charms or decorations on the watch face.
Another way to personalize or customize a watch is to add special charms.
Nursing themed charms are readily available both online and at many jewelry stores, and these are a great way to add style with a special meaning.
An option for a personalized watch for a girl is the addition of relevant charms.
Charms can be fixed so they hang off the watch.
There are charms available in many different styles and there are bound to be charms that will meet the interest of a young girl.
Other ways of customizing watches includes customizing the face or adding special nurse themed charms to the watch strap.
Gucci's ladies charm bracelet watches remain as classically stunning as its other timepieces while adding an array of intricately detailed charms and trinkets.
Available charms include cowboy boot, Gucci emblem dog tag, bamboo design bark and the iconic Gucci double G emblem.
Add your own charms or shop Gucci's collection and choose only the trinkets that tug insistently at your heart strings.
In addition to its array of watches that sport charms, Gucci also offers an extensive line of women's bracelet watches suitable for dangling trinkets of all kinds.
In any case, jewelry such as the items sold on the website Sacred Charms is beautiful and colorful, and loved by many yogis.
Located in Dallas, Texas, Big Paw Designs delivers top quality, made in the USA, lead-free adorable pet charms, car accessories, and gifts and encourages retail stores to sell Big Paw Design items to support local pet rescues.
Along with rescue stickers and magnets, Big Paw Designs also offers charms, collars, leashes and great gift ideas.
Woof Fleur de lis - Each of these pewter charms can be used on your pet's collar or as key chain.
A portion of every sale of Woof Fluer de lis charms goes directly to animal rescues in New Orleans.
These charms are priced at fifteen dollars and you choose the option of buy a gift bag or box.
World War II GIs were the first Americans to discover the charms of sporting European cars, MGs included.
According to the whim of the quilt maker, little bits of lace, buttons, ribbons, charms, beads, yarn, and brooches added extra beauty and texture to these designs.
You can also find Irish and Celtic charms to incorporate into jewelry.
Purchase earring findings and jump rings (if there aren't rings already attached to your charms) in a coordinating color.
Swarovski beads, which are delicate, beautiful, and come in shapes from teardrops to cones to shaped charms and rounds, likewise run the gamut on pricing.
Ribbon, lace, eyelets, brads, charms, buttons, and beads also make great additions to handmade cards.
Add buttons to the center of flowers, tie a ribbon bow around a teddy bear's neck, or dangle colorful charms from a package.
Earrings and wine charms are popular projects for using hoops.
As wine drinking rises in acceptability, the use of wine charms also increases.
Wine charms are wonderful to use at parties.
Wine charms typically come in sets of four or eight, though certainly you could make them in any number.
For example, a beach-themed set may have several brightly-colored beads with charms such as a sandal, hat, bag, or sun to identify each glass.
Earrings and wine charms are just the beginning.
Use pliers and wire cutters to remove interesting charms and beads.
While this project is intended for winter, it could be customized to fit other seasons by adding beads, charms, or other embellishments.
If you'd like to add a bit of extra decoration to your fan, try adding glitter to the paper before folding it or tying beads and metal charms to the ribbon bow at the bottom of the fan.
Make the gift extra personal by adding metal charms that symbolize some aspect of your relationship, such as a special vacation you've taken together.
Cover your work area with newspaper, and sort through your pottery, beads, charms, and other embellishments to decide what items you want to use in your mosaic.
Techniques such as rubber stamping or die cutting paper shapes will be cheaper than using metal charms or rub-ons for each card.
Some kits even have instructions on how to make friendship bracelets for kids that include adding beads or charms to your bracelet.
Eden Charms features women wearing sexy, modern, classic, and romantic lingerie.
Their thongs are very reasonably priced and incorporate sparkle, charms, and more, though you can still find relatively plain styles to go under even the most close-fitting bottoms.
Small trinkets like keychains, cell phone charms, picture frames or candles are another choices.
Small charms can also add a thematic touch to a wrist or lapel corsage.
Merlin was both mentor and advisor to King Arthur until Merlin fell to the persuasive charms of Nimue (although some tales say it was the Lady of the Lake) and imprisoned for all time.
Use cute nail art accessories like charms, rhinestones or stick-on appliqués for a quick and easy antique themed manicure.
All this had charms for me alone and did not deserve to be revealed to idle curiosity.
Cotton, paper and pilgrims' charms are the chief articles of manufacture.