Charm Sentence Examples
Her father's wealth had come from his whore-daughter's ability to charm any man she chose.
The Fred O'Connor charm extended beyond the blue haired set to children as well.
Maybe that's part of her charm.
All my charm and diplomacy is hitting a brick wall.
Her greatest charm was, however, her pleasant behaviour; for she was "merry in company, ready and quick of answer."
We must be very careful to retain that charm.
I let myself be carried away by the secret charm of the air I breathed; my native air, I might almost call it.
He did not see her marble beauty forming a complete whole with her dress, but all the charm of her body only covered by her garments.
That charm was not expressed so much in his relations with him as with all his family and with the household.
At the two Diets held by him, at Kassa and Talya, in 1683, the estates, though not uninfluenced by his personal charm, showed some want of confidence in him, fearing lest he might sacrifice the national independence to the Turkish alliance.
AdvertisementIn the 17th century the corms were worn by some of the German peasantry as a charm against the plague.
Only the dead-looking evergreen firs dotted about in the forest, and this oak, refused to yield to the charm of spring or notice either the spring or the sunshine.
All these conversations, especially the joking with the girls, were such as might have had a particular charm for Petya at his age, but they did not interest him now.
Anyway, with all the money in his family and the good looks as well, he couldn't hold a candle to Brandon in the charm department.
What proposals he made to any were sure to charm them, because they saw him always the same."
AdvertisementThat innocence was part of her charm.
But after all the misinterpretation, the book as a whole leaves upon us an impression of peculiar strength and charm.
The great charm of Maecenas in his relation to the men of genius who formed his circle was his simplicity, cordiality and sincerity.
The secrecy of the undertaking heightened its charm and they marched gaily.
He didn't have that look of money or polished charm.
AdvertisementAll his work shows a judicial tone of mind, and is remarkable for the charm of its style.
From the 6th century onwards he was looked upon as one of the chief poets and musicians of antiquity, the inventor or perfecter of the lyre, who by his music and singing was able not only to charm the wild beasts, but even to draw the trees and rocks from their places, and to arrest the rivers in their course.
The iris is in most young birds at first brown or dull-coloured, but with maturity attains often very bright tints which add considerably to the charm of the bird; sexual dimorphism is in this respect of common occurrence.
As a lecturer, he was inferior in charm and eloquence to Brown and Stewart; the latter says that "silent and respectful attention" was accorded to the "simplicity and perspicuity of his style" and "the gravity and authority of his character."
These lectures reveal all the charm of style and directness of presentation which made Hausser's work as a professor so vital.
AdvertisementHis friends speak of his charm and gaiety in intimate intercourse, but among strangers he was silent and awkward, and produced the impression of being reserved and disdainful.
The work, which is thus a pragmatical chronicle of the calamities that have happened to mankind from the fall down to the Gothic period, has little accuracy or learning, and even less of literary charm to commend it; but it was the first attempt to write the history of the world as a history of God guiding humanity.
Her beauty, grace and vivacity exercised a great charm over her contemporaries, the enthusiasm for her, however, being probably not merely personal but one inspired also by her misfortunes and by the fact that these misfortunes were incurred in defence of the Protestant cause; later, as the ancestress of the Protestant Hanoverian dynasty, she obtained a conspicuous place in English history.
It is therefore from the point of view of its "charm" that the genius of Stevenson must be approached, and in this respect there was between himself and his hooks, his manners and his style, his practice and his theory, a very unusual harmony.
Spring sets in with remarkable rapidity and charm at the end of April; but in the second half of May come the " icy saints' days," so blighting that it is impossible to cultivate the apple or pear.
Thanks to all these architectural treasures, the narrow Sienese streets with their many windings and steep ascents are full of picturesque charm, and, together with the collections of excellent paintings, foster the local pride of the inhabitants and preserve their taste and feeling for art.
The bulla was a circular gold locket containing a charm of some kind against evil.'
It is full of his peculiar verisimilitude and has all the interest of Anson's or Dampier's voyages, with a charm of style superior even to that of the latter.
The sand is superb and there are a great number of sand dunes which lend unique charm to the place.
You are staying at Vizzavona where our hotel boasts a fine charm especially in its cuisine and decor.
It has invested in all the modern equipment for a modern resort but has maintained its old-world charm.
They retain much of the olde world charm you would expect from that era.
While most properties within the group have an olde worlde charm, neither of them feels outdated or stuffy.
Thankyou wine glass charms - Gold or silver tone high quality pewter wine glass charm carrying 4 Swarovski crystals in your choice of colors.
Once an aristocratic private mansion for the late The Queen Mother's Family, this hotel ouzes charm and grace.
Last time we played here England won the football, so I can only assume the combination is some kind of good luck charm.
Dirty and run down in parts, incredibly chic and modern in places, Budapest has an unshakeable charm.
The piece was beautifully choreographed, the characters were very well portrayed & engaged the audience with humor & charm.
A man of enormous energy and great personal charm, Simpson was a keen controversialist and much loved physician.
Echo The World (We Live In) has a ramshackle charm, off-kilter melodies and delightfully crisp vocals abound.
The appearance of this rugged medieval church of Saxon origin and originally cruciform matches the charm of its dedication.
The soft hair, luminous eyes and sweet faces charm many who see them.
Remember that part of the charm of these hanging lamps comes from their positioning and appearance; look for lightweight appearing lamps that seem to float above an area, giving direct light to the space below.
You can also buy a clunky charm bracelet that can be worn with or without charms.
One of the most exciting features of charm jewelry is the fact that every piece can be different.
The soft voice and the little dimple that played at the corner of her mouth when she teased him... she was so beautiful – and so utterly unaware of her charm.
Kris can't keep everyone together. He needs your … charm.
The Meditations were written, it is evident, as occasion offered - in the midst of public business, and on the eve of battles on which the fate of the empire depended - hence their fragmentary appearance, but hence also much of their practical value and even of their charm.
Rouelle, while in England Humphry Davy expounded the same idea in the experimental demonstrations which gave his lectures their brilliant charm.
The red matter proves to be the remains of wine, not of blood; and the conclusion of the ablest archaeologists is that the vessels were placed where they are found, after the eucharistic celebration or agape on 'the day of the funeral or its anniversary, and contained remains of the consecrated elements as a kind of religious charm.
To this list we must add the short but incomparable feuilletons (tdrezalevelek) of Dr Adolf Agai (writing under the nom de plume of Porz6), whose influence on the formation of modern Hungarian literary prose is hardly less important than the unique esprit and charm of his writings.
It has the strength of an analytical treatise, the charm of a popular dissertation.
The charm of his pastorals is the Italian sentiment which pervades them.
But his greatest attraction to both ancient and modern writers has been the purity and charm of his style.
But of the three claims which he makes to immortality, the importance of his subject, his desire to liberate the mind from the bonds of superstition and the charm and lucidity of his poetry - that which he himself regarded as supreme was the second.
The principal charm of his "Minutes" lies in the amusing details he has to recount about his personages, and in the plainness and truthfulness that he permits himself in face of established reputations.
The peculiar charm which this Gospel has been generally felt to possess is largely due to the spiritual and ethical traits which have been noted.
One day there appeared upon the scene a piper clad in a fantastic suit, who offered for a certain sum of money to charm all the vermin into the Weser.
On entering the Second Chamber of Baden in 1842, he at once began to take part in the opposition against the government, which assumed a more and more openly Radical character, and in the course of which his talents as an agitator and his personal charm won him wide popularity and influence.
To this year, 1376, belongs the admission to Catherine's circle of disciples of Stefano di Corrado Maconi, a Sienese noble distinguished by a character full of charm and purity, and her healing of the bitter feud between his family and the Tolomei.
The Perceval story is an admirable folk-tale, the Grail problem is the most fascinating problem of medieval literature; the two combined form a romance of quite unique charm and interest.
The charm of these methods is that certain parts of the decorative design seem to float, not on the surface of the metal, but actually within it, an admirable effect of depth and atmosphere being thus produced.
They possess - not in Hebrew, of which they are altogether ignorant, but in Ethiopic (or Geez)- the canonical and apocryphal books of the Old Testament; a volume of extracts from the Pentateuch, with comments given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai; the Te-e-sa-sa Sanbat, or laws of the Sabbath; the Ardit, a book of secrets revealed to twelve saints, which is used as a charm against disease; lives of Abraham, Moses, &c.; and a translation of Josephus called Sana Aihud.
But no important writer of antiquity has less literary charm than Persius.
Its succession of word pictures, conventional and yet vigorous as the illuminations of a medieval manuscript, and in their very conventionality free from all thought of literary presentation, must charm all readers.
The very inconsistency with which Villehardouin is chargeable, the absence of compunction with which he relates the changing of a sacred religious pilgrimage into something by no means unlike a mere filibustering raid on the great scale, add a charm to the book.
The charm of Villehardouin can escape no reader; but few readers will fail to derive some additional pleasure from the two essays which SainteBeuve devoted to him, reprinted in the ninth volume of the Causeries du lundi.
For its charm the story is comparable with the account of Jacob's experiences in the same land (xxix.).
In antiquity it was a common ceremony to arrange a holy marriage between male and female images, and such unions acted on the earth as a fertility charm.
The charm was finally dropped into a well at Aix, which thenceforward became Charles's favourite residence.
Alexander was also an idealist, but his ideals were apt to centre in himself; his dislike and distrust of talents that overshadowed his own were disarmed for a while by the singular charm of Speranski's personality, but sooner or later he was bound to discover that he himself was regarded as but the most potent instrument for the attainment of that ideal end, a regenerated Russia, which was his minister's sole preoccupation.
Making it his main object in his "introduction" to set before his readers the previous history of the two nations who were the actors in the great war, he is able in tracing their history to bring into his narrative some account of almost all the nations of the known world, and has room to expatiate freely upon their geography, antiquities, manners and customs and the like, thus giving his work a "universal" character, and securing for it, without trenching upon unity, that variety, richness and fulness which are a principal charm of the best histories, and of none more than his.
Various attempts have been made to analyse the charm which is so universally felt; but it may be doubted whether any of them are very successful.
He was an eloquent preacher, and a man of great charm of character.
A common called the Stray, of 200 acres, secured by act of parliament from ever being built upon, stretches in front of the main line of houses, and on this account Harrogate, notwithstanding its rapid increase, has retained much of its rural charm.
This system of divination has the charm of simplicity and definiteness, as an application of the "doctrine of signatures" which formed so extensive an element in the occult writings of the past six centuries.
Herzl's personal charm was irresistible.
It is a study of social and ethnological conditions, and contains many passages of literary charm, describing bird life, animal life and natural scenery.
On Prince Albert's position the change had a marked effect, for in the absence of Melbourne the queen relied more particularly on his advice, and Peel himself at once discovered and recognized the prince's unusual charm and capacity.
Accordingly, while it has nothing of Froude's carelessness and inaccuracy, it has nothing of his charm of style.
Along with the charm of style, the great attraction of the writings of Erasmus is this unconscious freedom by which they are pervaded.
Eminent among the novelists of this generation were Nemcova, a good observer of social conditions who reproduced in her works the charm of Bohemian peasant life; her kinswoman Svetla, Arbes and Zeyer.
While his scientific work procured him an extraordinary reputation among his contemporaries, his private character and virtues, the charm of his social manners, his wit and powers of conversation, endeared him to a large circle of personal friends.
It was certainly a work of great merit and charm.
His sensibility, social charm, liberal ideas (he was one of the earliest of the Magyar freemasons) and personal beauty, opened the doors of the best houses to him.
But These Very Digressions' Give The Book Its Intimate And Abiding Charm; For They Keep The Reader In Close Personal Touch With Every Side Of Canadian Life, With Songs And Tales And Homely Forms Of Speech, With The Best Features Of Seigniorial Times And The Strong Guidance Of An Ardent Church, With Voyageurs, Coureurs De Bois, Indians,., Soldiers, Sailors And All The Strenuous Adventurers Of A Wild, New, Giant World.
His Pelerinage Au Pays D'Evangeline (1888) Is A Splendid Defence Of The Unfortunate Acadians; And All His Books Attract The Reader By Their Charm Of Style And Personality.
His strong facial resemblance both to Lord Beaconsfield and to Sir John Macdonald marked him out in the public eye, and he captured attention by his charm of manner, fine command of scholarly English and genuine eloquence.
The charm of the Orkneys does not lie in their ordinary physical features, so much as in beautiful atmospheric effects, extraordinary examples of light and shade, and rich coloration of cliff and sea.
Larminie cited an instance of a rhyme current in the Orkneys as a charm against nightmare, which confuses Arthur with Siegfried and his winning of the Valkyr.
Fors and in Praeterita, will be found passages of tenderness, charm and subtlety which have never been surpassed in our language.
Nevertheless, the personality of an ambassador can play a great part, if he possesses charm, breadth of understanding and interest in the social, intellectual and industrial life of the country to which he is accredited.
On certain days the cross was washed, and the water in which it had been washed was a sovereign charm for curing sickness in men and animals and for bringing fertility to the land.
Her son George Douglas fell inevitably under the charm.
Anthony Babington, in his boyhood a ward of Shrewsbury, resident in the household at Sheffield Castle, and thus subjected to the charm before which so many victims had already fallen, was now induced to undertake the deliverance of the queen of Scots by the murder of the queen of England.
Beside or behind the voluptuous or intellectual attractions of beauty and culture, she had about her the fresher charm of a fearless and frank simplicity, a genuine and enduring pleasure in small and harmless things no less than in such as were neither.
The Macdonalds of Clanranald and Kinloch Moidart, along with other chieftains, again attempted to dissuade him from the rashness of an unaided rising, but they yielded at last to the enthusiasm and charm of his manner, and Charles landed on Scottish soil in the company of the "Seven Men of Moidart" who had come with him from France.
In its picturesque desolation, contrasting so strongly with its prosperity in Roman times, immediately surrounding a city of over half a million inhabitants, and with lofty mountains in view from all parts of it, it is one of the most interesting districts in the world, and has a peculiar and indefinable charm.
Guillaume de Nogaret, his minister, draws a far more flattering picture, enlarging on his charm, his amiability, his modesty, his charity to all men, and his piety; and the traits of this over-coloured portrait are more or less repeated by Yves, a monk of St Denis.
The principal charm of this region is derived from its fine and extensive woods, of which that called St Hubert is the best known.
Miss dough's personal charm and high aims, together with the development of Newnham College under her care, led her to be regarded as one of the foremost leaders of the women's educational movement.
The unfailing freshness and charm of the contrast between the importance, the gravity, in some cases the dry and abstruse nature, of their subjects, and the lightness, sometimes almost approaching levity in its special sense, of the manner in which these subjects are attacked is a triumph of literary art of which no familiarity dims the splendour, and which no lapse of time can ever impair.
Happily for his honour, the charm which held him captive was at length broken by no gentle or friendly hand.
For his adventurous and imaginative spirit Italy and the imperial title had an irresistible charm, and in 1154, two years after he had ascended the throne, he crossed the Alps, being crowned emperor at Rome in June 1155.
The men of the new learning did not sever themselves from Christianity, but they became indifferent to it; its conceptions seemed to them dim and faded, while there was a constantly increasing charm in literature, in philosophy and in art.
Charles Lowell had a rare sweetness and charm, which reappeared in his youngest son, James Russell Lowell.
And his style has an additional charm for modern readers, because it is employed in describing scenes from the everyday life of Athens.'
On the whole, the charm of the style is passing away.
The inspiring idea of the poem was accepted, purified of all alien material, and realized in artistic shape by Virgil in his national epic. He deliberately imparted to that poem the charm of antique associations by incorporating with it much of the phraseology and sentiment of Ennius.
His inspiration may be traced in some measure to the Pre-Raphaelites and also to Blake, Shelley and Maeterlinck; but he found in his native Irish legend and life matter apt for his romantic and often elfin music, with its artful simplicities and unhackneyed cadences, and its elusive, inconclusive charm.
Thus the doors of houses are inscribed with sentences from the Koran, or the like, to preserve from the evil eye, or avert the dangers of an unlucky threshold; similar inscriptions may be observed over most shqps, while almost every one carries some charm about his person.
There is a certain charm even about these monotonous tracts, and it cannot be said that Denmark is wanting in natural beauty of a quiet order.
His exquisite strains, in which pure imagination is blended with most accurate and realistic descriptions of scenery and rural life, have an extraordinary charm not easily described.
Although without charm, she was a woman of many noble qualities; and, like her husband, she wrote French books, some of which attracted a certain attention in their day.
Racial, administrative, and economic problems of an intricate kind pressed upon him and were not always wisely decided; and it says much for his personal charm that he carried away with him on his retirement the warm affection of the Rhodesians.
All authorities combine in praising his handsome presence and the affability and charm of his address, together with a certain simplicity of personal tastes, which led him in his intercourse with his friends or with the representatives of friendly powers to dispense with ceremonial and etiquette.
No public man of his time was more fitted to act as unofficial national orator; none more happy in the touches with which he could adorn a social or literary topic and charm a nonpolitical audience; and on occasion he wrote as well as he spoke.
Lady Ashburton, a woman of singular social charm and great ability, appreciated the author, but apparently accepted the company of the author's wife rather as a necessity than as an additional charm.
His personal relations with his pupils were of a singularly close and affectionate nature, and the charm of his social gifts and genial character won him friends on all sides.
In India from the soma frenzy in the Vedas, through the mystic reveries of the Upanishads, and the hypnotic trances of the ancient Yoga, allied beliefs and practices had never lost their importance and their charm.
In this thinker, who was his senior by five years, Goethe found the master he sought; Herder taught him the significance of Gothic architecture, revealed to him the charm of nature's simplicity, and inspired him with enthusiasm for Shakespeare and the Volkslied.
The marriage was a very unhappy one, the husband having no qualities that could appeal to a woman who, whatever the censorious might say of her moral character, was distinguished to the last by a lively intellect and a singular charm.
They are not represented as having any immediate religious importance; they really lie outside of the chronological scheme, and their history is plainly not related from such lively and detailed reminiscence as gives charm to the longer episodes of the book.
Thus the inspirations of genius, appropriated by those who imperfectly appreciate their subtle beauty and quality, become hackneyed and lose their charm and interest.
There was grace, nevertheless, in his manners; and his frank and earnest address, his quick sympathy (yet he seemed cold to strangers), his vivacious, desultory, informing talk, gave him an engaging charm.
The Afghans vaunt the salubrity and charm of some local climates, as of the Toba hills above the Kakar country, and of some of the high valleys of the Safed Koh.
The European, especially if he come from India, is charmed by their apparently frank, openhearted, hospitable and manly manners; but the charm is not of long duration, and he finds that the Afghan is as cruel and crafty as he is independent.
She had great social charm, and upon Madison's entering Jefferson's cabinet became "first lady" in Washington society.
Becker is an attempt in a similar direction, but, though superior in scholarship, it wants the charm of style of the Anacharsis.
He never learned to read or write, though late in life he mastered colloquial Arabic; yet those Europeans who were brought into contact with him praised alike the dignity and charm of his address, his ready wit, and the astonishing perspicacity which enabled him to read the motives of men and of governments and to deal effectively with each situation as it arose.
The music is generally emotional, the expression direct and passionate; there is no lack of melodic charm and originality, yet the total effect is frequently disappointing.
No grave note, warning us that the pleasures of this earth are fleeting, that the visible world is but a symbol of the invisible, that human life is a probation for the life beyond, interrupts the tinkling music as of castanets and tripping feet which gives a novel charm to these unique relics of the 13th century.
Prose had now the charm of simplicity combined with grace.
Whether by his prestige as a hermit and ascetic or by his personal charm, he soon acquired enormous influence over the people.
Messenius was a genuine poet; the lyrics he introduces have something of the charm of the old ballads.
Dr Boyd was a very famous preacher and talker, and his desultory essays have very much of the charm of his conversation.
There are few things in literary history more remarkable than this friendship. The gifted Dorothy Wordsworth described Coleridge as "thin and pale, the lower part of the face not good, wide mouth, thick lips, not very good teeth, longish, loose, half-curling, rough, black hair," - but all was forgotten in the magic charm of his utterance.
Although Coleridge had, for many years before his death, almost entirely forsaken poetry, the few fragments of work which remain, written in later years, show little trace of weakness, although they are wanting in the unearthly melody which imparts such a charm to Kubla Khan, Love and Youth and Age.
But even his most hostile teachers were amazed by the brilliance of his natural gifts, and, while still a boy, he possessed that charm of manner which was to make him so fascinating and so dangerous in later life, coupled with the strong dramatic instinct which won for him his honourable place in Swedish literature.
The events were too near and too well known, and hardly admitted the picturesque sallies into the blue distance which make the charm and the danger of his larger work.
The verse is most carefully constructed, and is also most effective, but it is so with the rhetorical effectiveness of Lucan, not with the musical charm of Virgil.
But his style altogether wants the charm of ease and simplicity.
The Lima of Bernardes contains some beautiful eclogues as well as cartas in the bucolic style, while the odes, sonnets, and eclogues of Frei Agostinho are full of mystic charm.
Reitor, depict country life and scenery with loving sympathy, and hold the reader by the charm of the characters, but Diniz is a rather subjective monotonous writer who lacks the power to analyse, and he is no psychologist.
The Landwehr Canal, leaving the Spree near the Schlesische Tor (gate), and rejoining it at Charlottenburg, after a course of 6 m., adds not a little to the charm of the southern and western districts, being flanked by fine boulevards and crossed by many handsome bridges.
It is a mistake to say that he grew more conservative in later years; but his judgment grew more generous and catholic. He was a greater orator than man of letters, and his sermons in New York were delivered to large audiences, averaging one thousand at the Masonic Temple, and were printed each week; in eloquence and in the charm of his spoken word he was probably surpassed in his day by none save George William Curtis.
When only about twenty years of age she had already risen to fame with her portraits of Count Orloff and the duchess of Orleans, her personal charm making her at the same time a favourite in society.
For it was on the artistic rather than on the critical side of history that stress was almost universally laid in antiquity, and the thing that above all others was expected from the historian was not so much a scientific investigation and accurate exposition of the truth, as its skilful presentation in such a form as would charm and interest the reader.
The doctrine which in others seemed to produce all sorts of extravagances - communistic experiments at Brook Farm and Fruitlands, weird schemes of political reform, long hair on men and short hair on women - in his sane, wellbalanced nature served only to lend an ideal charm to the familiar outline of a plain, orderly New England life.
The simplicity and symmetry of his sentences, the modulations of his thrilling voice, the radiance of his fine face, even his slight hesitations and pauses over his manuscript, lent a strange charm to his speech.
Finally, all idea of the divine vanished, and the artists merely presented her as the type of a beautiful woman, with oval face, full of grace and charm, languishing eyes, and laughing mouth, which replaced the dignified severity and repose of the older forms. The most famous of her statues in ancient times was that at Cnidus, the work of Praxiteles, which was imitated on the coins of that town, and subsequently reproduced in various copies, such as the Vatican and Munich.
To splendid beauty and activity of person he joined a winning charm of temper and manners, a tact for all societies, and an aptitude for all accomplishments.
From the beginning of his residence with Ludovico his combination of unprecedented mechanical ingenuity with apt allegoric invention and courtly charm and eloquence had made him the directing spirit in all court ceremonies and festivities.
In this lady he had found a sitter whose face and smile possessed in a singular degree the haunting, enigmatic charm in which he delighted.
Of things communicable he was at the same time, as we have said, communicative - a genial companion, a generous and loyal friend, ready and eloquent of discourse, impressing all with whom he was brought in contact by the power and the charm of genius, and inspiring fervent devotion and attachment in friends and pupils.
His fame rests on his lyrical poetry alone, which retains some of the charm of popular poetry.
The ceremony of the Adonia was intended as a charm to promote the growth of vegetation, the throwing of the gardens and images into the water being supposed to procure a supply of rain (for European parallels see Mannhardt).
Soon the irresistible charm of a book which gratified the imagination of the reader with all the action and scenery of a fairy tale, which exercised his ingenuity by setting him to discover a multitude of curious analogies, which interested his feelings for human beings, frail like himself, and struggling with temptations from within and from without, which every moment drew a smile from him by some stroke of quaint yet simple pleasantry, and nevertheless left on his mind a sentiment of reverence for God and of sympathy for man, began to produce its effect.
Towards her parents her conduct was uniformly exemplary, and the charm of her unselfish kindness made her a favourite in the village.
But it lacks both accuracy of fact and charm of style, and is to-day deservedly quite forgotten.
But his work gained character and added, to merely academic correctness, character and charm.
The green rusticity of Whittier's farm and village life imparted a bucolic charm to such lyrics as " In School Days," " The Barefoot Boy," " Telling the Bees," " Maud Muller," and " My Schoolmate."
His manner, which is partly imitated from Montesquieu, has considerable charm; and he was the first and has remained the chief writer to put the orthodox liberal ideas which governed European politics during the first half or two-thirds of the 19th century into an orderly and attractive shape.
Laromiguiere taught the philosophy of Locke and Condillac, happily modified on some points, with a clearness and grace which in appearance at least removed difficulties, and with a charm of spiritual bonhomie which penetrated and subdued."
His chief work, the Commentary on the Pentateuch, is distinguished by originality and charm.
He gave to his birthplace the free library and public baths, and, in 1903, the estate of Pittencrieff Park and Glen, rich in historical associations as well as natural charm, together with bonds yielding 25,000 a year, in trust for the maintenance of the park, the support of a theatre for the production of plays of the highest merit, the periodical exhibitions of works of art and science, the promotion of horticulture among the working classes and the encouragement of technical education in the district.
His popularity in Bosnia was partly due to the tact and personal charm of his wife.
A belief in its potency as a charm continued to be entertained throughout medieval times; and even to the present day in Italy it is worn as a preservative from the evil eye, and by females as a cure for sterility.
But revolutionary ideas kept their charm.
Mignet's Histoire de la Revolution Francaise (2 vols., Paris, 1861), short and devoid of literary charm, has the merits of learning and judgment and is still useful.
He met with various adventures, being present at the famous tournament given by Lord Eglinton, and yielded to the charm of his passionate admirer Miss Howard.
Though these have been made more edifying, they have not lost their charm and interest.
The personal charm of Caesar and the prestige of Rome are not of themselves sufficient to explain this double conquest.
Rashi unites homily with grammatical exegesis in a manner which explains the charm of the commentary.
Refusing to be made a tool for the furtherance of Perdiccas's ambitions, Brasidas set about the accomplishment of his main object, and, partly by the rapidity and boldness of his movements, partly by his personal charm and the moderation of his demands, succeeded during the course of the winter in winning over the important cities of Acanthus, Stagirus, Amphipolis and Torone as well as a number of minor towns.
His lectures were attended by persons of the highest distinction from all parts of Europe, and such was the charm of his demonstrations that a hall capable of containing 2000 people had eventually to be assigned for the accommodation of the overflowing audiences which they attracted.
No farming country is richer in quiet and diversified scenic charm than the prairies of the eastern half of the state.
Among the too-numerous writings of Feuillet, the novels have lasted longer than the dramas; of the former three or four seem destined to retain their charm as classics.
His prose style, especially in his Catholic days, is fresh and vigorous, and is attractive to many who do not sympathize with his conclusions, from the apparent candour with which difficulties are admitted and grappled with, while in his private correspondence there is a charm that places it at the head of that branch of English literature.
His poems, to which their musical accompaniment is almost essential, have not ceased, in half a century, to be universally pleasing to Swedish ears; outside Sweden it would be difficult to make their peculiarly local charm intelligible.
The captivating charm of his manners and conversation is attested by all who knew him, and in familiar life he was artlessly simple.
While the scenery of the western slope of the Andes is exceedingly grand, with its deep fjords, glaciers and woods, yet the severity of its climate detracts considerably from its charm.
The upshot proved the diplomatic value of Nicholas's apparent sincerity of purpose and charm of manner; the " Iron Duke" was to the " Iron Tsar" as soft iron to steel; Great Britain, without efficient guarantees for the future, stood committed to the policy which ended in the destruction of the Ottoman sea-power at Navarino and the march of the Russians on Constantinople.
Maybe it was actually part of his charm - intrigue, or something like that.
Hannah used that smile to charm everyone from waiters to potential boyfriends, but it was nice to have her sister smile at her rather than remark about how disappointed she was.
The soft voice and the little dimple that played at the corner of her mouth when she teased him... she was so beautiful – and so utterly unaware of her charm.
The little laugh lines around those delicious eyes, and that cute dimple, gave his smile irresistible charm.
As the chief of the spies in this hemisphere, she'd been in a lot of really bad situations with nothing but her charm and mind control to keep her safe.
She was dressed in a hospital gown, the silver A charm she received for her birthday resting at her neck.
The narrow streets and cobbled alleyways are full of old world charm.
Mojacar has a real charm which I find alluring.
The cottages are built of wonderful honey-toned Cotswold stone, and the whole village exudes an aura of charm and relaxed timelessness.
One of the most delightful aspects of Daphne's charm was her aura of slightly batty femininity.
The area has a natural charm and beauty, and the sweeping bays along the coastline provide the basis for a scenic relaxing break.
It did not take long for the gipsy charm offensive to turn bitter.
The anchors look like they might fit on a tiny charm bracelet.
Wapping, however, exudes an old Elizabethan charm; with its cobbled streets and listed buildings.
The historic, listed building dates back to 1423, and inside boasts original beams and sloping floors, oozing charm.
The fact that she does n't dazzle you with over the top of anything is exactly her charm.
As I entered the main grand foyer I was soon to learn how my youthful charm could make a fool of a man.
A daisy candle holder is as fresh as a spring day, while a beaded picture frame adds glitz and charm to a room.
Orchard Pig stands out as a particularly graceful piece, full of the music of hidden rhyme, and assonance; a true charm.
The Abbey combines the intimacy of a luxury townhouse hotel with the historic charm of a listed building.
He then cast second spell releasing Trimus from the charm that had kept him from attacking the mage.
The large vaulted kitchen, once the stables, retains its rustic charm, with the original manger now used for storage.
The action and charm of the story is the epic battle between Santiago and a giant marlin and his rigorous journey back home.
One U.S. official called it a " charm offensive.
Old World their old-world charm, thatched cottages tend to be a little dark inside.
Nevertheless, I saw some beautiful sights; this is a particularly photogenic city, with bags of charm.
A great self publicist he had enormous energy and charm.
How was the theory extended to include the charm quark?
However there were plenty of birds around Sierpe, which had a rather rakish charm.
It has a slightly ramshackle atmosphere, which adds to the charm.
The coin of Menander could have been a lucky charm, and given the perils of ancient seafaring he needed one.
Birds twitter gently in the background as Iain quite literally tries to charm them from the trees with his sweetest serenade.
Plus it's slightly shabby, which adds to its charm.
The house was built in 1740 and oozes Georgian splendor and Victorian charm.
Kelly Link has strangeness, charm and spin to spare.
The hotel was recently refurbished to restore its Art Nouveau charm with decorative stuccoes and copies of etched glass window panes.
Each room is decorated to the highest standard, retaining the original charm of the place, which also forms the popular village tearooms.
We are thrilled to introduce Gabrielle, a beautiful, exotic temptress with a seductive, enchanting charm.
Been served by a waitress with dazzling charm, or didn't a pizza quite hit the mark?
Modelled on Plato's dialogue of the samename, Mendelssohn's work possessed some of the charm of its Greek exemplar.
Alliteration, assonance, plays upon words and happy coinages of new terms, give his plays a charm of their own.
But after all the misinterpretation of contemporaries and the destructive criticism of later times, the book as a whole leaves upon us an impression of peculiar strength and charm, and imparts a sense of the relations of things truer, because less mechanical, than the laboured reasoning of smaller men.
As a great part of the charm of the book lies in the unconscious record of the collector's own character, the establishment of Holkot's authorship would materially alter its value.
The fortunes of the book are not known in detail, but it is clear that its merciless criticism of life and its literary charm made it popular, while its scepticism excited the apprehensions of pious conservatives.
The charm of the Thames is indeed maintained throughout its course; the view of the rich valley from Richmond Hill, of the outskirts of London, is celebrated; the river is practically the only physical attribute to the beauty of the metropolis itself, and the estuary, with its burden of shipping and its industrial activity, is no less admirable.
The passage possessed for them a mysterious charm, largely due to its isolation and to their ignorance of the historic speculations which suggested it.
His relations with these "adopted children of his thought" possessed a singular charm of affectionate simplicity; their intellectual progress and material interests were objects of equal solicitude to him, and he demanded in return only diligence in the pursuit of knowledge.
But it possesses much to charm the eye in the deep glens of the Riesengebirge, amid which its sources spring, and in the bizarre rock-carving of the Saxon Switzerland.
The deposits of the actual valley here, belonging to the Miocene group of the Tertiary system, are older than the deposits either farther up or farther down the river; but they are contemporaneous with the basalts of the Rhine, which at Coblenz and in the peaks of the Seven Mountains also contribute to the scenic charm of the river.
These mannerisms undoubtedly help and emphasize the extraordinary faithfulness to nature of his fictions, but it would be a great mistake to suppose that they fully explain their charm.
The influences which had inspired republican and Augustan literature were the artistic impulse derived from a familiarity with the great works of Greek genius, becoming more intimate with every new generation, the spell of Rome over the imagination of the kindred Italian races, the charm of Italy, and the vivid sensibility of the Italian temperament.
The charm of Italian scenes still remained the same, but the fresh and inspiring feeling of nature gave place to the mere sensuous gratification derived from the luxurious and artificial beauty of the country villa.
Of the epic poets of the Silver Age P. Papinius Statius (c. 45-96) shows the greatest technical skill and the richest pictorial fancy in the execution of detail; but his epics have no true inspiring motive, and, although the recitation of the Thebaid could attract and charm an audience in the days of Juvenal, it really belongs to the class of poems so unsparingly condemned both by him and Martial.
In the Silvae, though many of them have little root in the deeper feelings of human nature, we find occasionally more than in any poetry after the Augustan age something of the purer charm and pathos of life.
Martial represents his age in his Epigrams, as Horace does his in his Satires and Odes, with more variety and incisive force in his sketches, though with much less poetic charm and serious meaning.
Undoubtedly this half-poetic style (animated as it is and redeemed from any charge of bastardy by the freshness and vigour which pervade it) adds not a little to the charm of the book.
His homilies, though tediously minute, still breathe a charm and power (see Bernard, St).
The children are pretty but soon lose their charm, and the race, generally speaking, is ugly from the European standpoint.
He has not, indeed, the elegance of Bacon, whom he emulated, and he is often obscure and affected; but his copious imagery and genuine penetration give his reflections a certain charm.
Thus or otherwise he had become sufficiently known by 1645 to be chosen as a referee, with Descartes, Roberval and others, in the famous controversy between John Pell and the Dane Longomontanus over that problem of the squaring of the circle which was seen later on to have such a fatal charm for himself.
The music, vocal and instrumental, is generally of little compass, and in the minor key; it is therefore plaintive, and strikes a European ear as somewhat monotonous, though often possessing a simple beauty, and the charm of antiquity, for there is little doubt that the favorite airs have been handed down from remote ages.
The king, owing to his charm of manner, his handsome face, and his brilliant personality, gained many sympathies, and began to aspire to absolute independence.
His training, the practical bent of his understanding, his strong but morose character, the circumstances of his time, and the materials available for his art, all fitted him to rebuke his own age and all after-times in the tones of a powerful preacher, rather than charm them with the art of an accomplished poet.
His cheerful serenity of manner, his tranquil mirthfulness, and the steady charm of his personality made him a favourite with his fellows, in spite of a certain reserve.
But we have to picture him as anon coming out and gathering about him a tatterdemalion company, and jesting with them until they were in fits of laughter, for the sake of observing their burlesque physiognomies; anon as eagerly frequenting the society of men of science and learning of an older generation like the mathematician Benedetto Aritmetico, the physician, geographer and astronomer Paolo Toscanelli, the famous Greek Aristotelian Giovanni Argiropoulo; or as out-rivalling all the youth of the city now by charm of recitation, now by skill in music and now by feats of strength and horsemanship; or as stopping to buy caged birds in the market that he might set them free and watch them rejoicing in their flight; or again as standing radiant in his rose-coloured cloak and his rich gold hair among the throng of young and old on the piazza, and holding them spellbound while he expatiated on the great projects in art and mechanics that were teeming in his mind.
Yet, while these are essential merits of the book, its endearing charm lies deeper, in the sweet and kindly personality of the author, who on his rambles gathers no spoil, but watches the birds and field-mice without disturbing them from their nests, and quietly plants an acorn where he thinks an oak is wanted, or sows beech-nuts in what is now a stately row.
Mabillon never allowed his studies to interfere with his life as a monk; he was noted for his regular attendance at the choral recitation of the office and the other duties of the monastic life, and for his deep personal religion, as well as for a special charm of character.
But he didn't know the right charm.
She never cried from pain or vexation, but always from sorrow or pity, and when she wept her radiant eyes acquired an irresistible charm.
In her face there was none of the ever-glowing animation that had formerly burned there and constituted its charm.
Yet despite this, much of Clifton still retained a raffish charm which appealed across generations and classes.
The 17th century Inn is steeped in history and has been sympathetically renovated to retain its original charm and character.
During refurbishment in 2005, the hotel has retained the original victorian charm and character.
He does however have a likeable roguish charm and a very quick wit.
Roger, the man driving the car responsible for her memory lapse, has a cool seductive charm Angela finds irresistible.
Plus it 's slightly shabby, which adds to its charm.
Lord Lyttleton took with him two guns, one of which he loaded with silver sixpenny pieces which were considered a charm against evil.
By Alastair Campbell I bumped into David Cameron recently and immediately experienced the charm that currently has our media slurping out of his hands.
Whilst somewhat straggling in formation, the old heart of the village has considerable charm.
She spoke excellent French, with a trace of an accent which lent it charm.
Its steel disk wheels, white walled cross ply tires and blue hood and tonneau lend it extra period charm.
A great choice for families, Austria boasts an undeniable charm.
Been served by a waitress with dazzling charm, or did n't a pizza quite hit the mark?
But you probably would n't imagine the chip on the their shoulder beneath their winsome charm.
It cleverly combines the charm of Bangkok 's yesteryears with modern amenities.
Carol excellently abridges her story about her time hiking the Appalacian Trail, without losing any of the charm or humor of the longer version.
Using her looks and charm to beguile innocent people, the con artist made thousands through her scam.
My mother surprised me with a necklace decorate with an Ankh charm.
However, if you are purchasing a necklace or charm bracelet, you might want to consider purchasing extra links that can be added as baby grows.
Add the Blue Tropical Fish Rug from Rugsmart to bring the floor some classic fishy charm.
Add even more girly charm with the Sea Sweeties Crib Bedding Set sold at
Some diamond bracelets also feature the dangling Italian charm style diamond settings.
Charm City Cards sells used and new sports cards, including cards that are graded and autographed.
Charm City carries baseball, basketball, golf, and hockey cards in addition to several non-sport trading card collections.
Chances are it'll work like a charm, but if it doesn't you can try temporarily placing some nylon netting over your furniture.
Clients that sign up for the "Pampered Pet" or "Royal Treatment" packages will receive a sterling silver collar charm and are able to order featured products on our website for 30% off retail prices.
The book has Victorian charm and character and it includes a stunning pop-up at the end of the story.
Southwestern furniture has an old world charm that creates a feeling of romanticism and nostalgia. is a charming website with a beautiful collection of antique-looking jelly cabinets that will add charm to any interior.
Whether you love the really rugged look of rough rustic or the more refined style generally called rustic elegance, log furnishings convey feelings of country charm, warmth and ambiance.
Using log furniture plans makes it easy to create beautiful furniture pieces that bring the warmth and ambiance of country charm to your home.
A cedar entertainment center made of beautiful natural cedar adds the look of rustic charm to any room.
Made form northern white cedar, the wide screen TV stand entertainment center is hand crafted and full of country charm.
A couple of nicks just add to the beadboard's charm.
A wrought iron hanging pot rack filled with cast iron and hammered copper pots adds warmth and charm to a rustic log cabin kitchen.
Garden accessories such as rustic log cabin birdhouses, cast iron bird baths and wagon wheel or whiskey barrel planters add rustic charm to a rugged lodge backyard.
Whether pine or oak or mahogany, wood gives a warm and traditional charm to any design scheme.
Raleigh, North Carolina, is a city that melds traditional Southern charm with an increasingly modern and international feel, and as such, Raleigh interior design encompasses many traditions and tastes.
Beautiful weather, beautiful beaches, and Southern hospitality - Wilmington, North Carolina has it all, and interior design in Wilmington, North Carolina incorporates all of the wonderful elements that give this place its charm.
The old world charm of this region can be brought home with the use of rich colors, natural materials, and unrefined textures.
Top off the western bed frame with bedding and linens brimming with rustic charm.
The kitchen Italian décor found in these kinds of homes epitomizes the old world charm most often associated with Italy.
French Country style emulates the rustic, homey charm of homes in the French countryside, and like these homes, French Country interior design takes its inspiration from the French countryside itself.
All in all, the French Country look is all about simple charm.
French country decorating is a great way to bring warmth and charm to your home.
This interior design style is inspired by the natural environment of the French countryside, and it also incorporates the rustic character and charm of old French farmhouses and country homes.
Accessorize until your heart is content in Country decorating; it adds to the rustic charm.
Regardless of whether or not that is true, the charm of rooster accents will never go out of style.
Whether you choose a traditional floral design or a clean-lined Misson style Tiffany lamp, the colorful glass will infuse the room with charm.
Rugs-Handmade needlepoint rugs will add a unique look of charm as well.
Cottage chic decorating is all about taking the old and bringing out its character and charm.
They will immediately add character and charm to any room.
This style can have a rustic or old world charm.
A tin chandelier can add tons of charm to your interior design scheme, particularly one that leans towards a more rustic or country style.
There are also less-expensive mass produced versions that are lovely, but don't possess the same charm that a hand-made version will imbue.
The Tuscan style takes the Old World charm and brings it into the home.
Older homes have lots of charm, but you must consider several factors when looking for historic houses for sale.
Known for its 21 squares, delicious food and Southern charm, Savannah, Georgia offers exquisite examples of early American residential architecture.
Artistica - Looking for a little Old World or Tuscan charm?
Crewel doilies give an added charm to your nightstands and dresser.
For this reason, a hammered copper sink is the perfect vehicle for bringing old world detail and charm to the home.
Add one to your kitchen or bathroom today to bring old world charm to your home.
He enjoys melding the formal and genteel charm of the south with global design themes influenced by his clients' travels.
Wrought iron curtain rods are a perfect way to add rustic charm to any window treatment.
Thread streams of lights through house plants or place a strand inside a large crystal bowl along with snow tipped pine, ivy or holly, add cranberries and silk magnolia blossoms for a touch of Southern charm.
From wall prints to backsplash tiles, sunflowers are sure to bring some charm to your day.
Southwest bathroom décor can transform any bathroom into a warm, inviting room filled with rustic charm.
Whether you are completing a full remodel or just updating your accessories, there are plenty of ways to get the Southwestern charm you desire.
Copper cookware will also add rustic charm, especially when displayed in overhead pot racks.
Vintage mirrors tend to add a touch of class, charm, and good taste, as well as the pride of stumbling across a great find online or in a second-hand shop.
If you're looking to spruce them up with some country-style charm, you're in luck.
So, it is only appropriate that her scent be sexy and alluring, while still eluding to girlish charm.
However, pink is now winning fans with its girlish charm and subdued glamour.
Old world charm is easily achieved with this delicate Chentil Vanity and Chair Set.
Of course, you don't have to use this brush, any fluffy shadow brush will work like a charm, while a smooth, flat brush will do the trick for cream application.
Celebrities and pop stars inspire many hair and beauty trends and Rhianna has joined the ranks of women with enviable beauty and charm.
With retro charm and a generous dose of glamour, red lipstick is sure to dress up your vivid hair color properly.
Give Me Liberty of London evokes old world charm.
Glitter or rhinestone lashes will only add more fairy charm to your costume, so be sure to indulge in any special effects if available.