Charities Sentence Examples
They're into the arts, and charities to raise money for our war.
The charities of the city are co-ordinated through the associated charities.
Private charities have always occupied a distinguished position in the Netherlands, and the principle of the law of 1854 concerning the relief of the poor is, that the state shall only interfere when private charity fails.
Among the charities are a hospital founded in 1476 by Richard Moore.
Charities on a large scale and unbounded nepotism exhausted the papal treasury.
The city's charitable institutions consist of two general hospitals, each of which has a training school for nurses; a municipal hospital, an orphan asylum, a home for the friendless, two old folks' homes, and a bureau of charities; here, also, on a bluff, within a large enclosure and overlooking both lake and city, is the state soldiers' and sailors' home, and near by is a monument erected to the memory of General Anthony Wayne, who died here on the 15th of December 1796.
There are large charities.
We 're working with CSV to support more charities in this two week period.
My dearest Joshua has been absent for near a week now, bound to the duties of his calling, and those of his wife who is much involved in the charities of our city.
There are a grammar school, a free school and a number of charities.
AdvertisementThe Associated Charities is an incorporated organization for systematizing the various charities of the city.
Schools, police, charities, water, streets and parks are the items of heaviest cost.
At the same time the conditions of indoor relief were improved, and the various charities were co-ordinated, by co-operation with the Charity Organization Society and the parish board of guardians.
The insular government, however, has created a seventh administrative department - that of health, charities and corrections - and requires that the head of this shall be chosen by the governor from among the five members of the Executive Council who are not heads of the other departments.
The Associated Charities of Atlanta was organized in 1905.
AdvertisementCharities and benevolent foundations are numerous.
There are several old charities, including the hospital of St John the Baptist, founded in 1109 but modernized; the hospital of St Anne, founded probably in the reign of Henry VI.
In addition to the institutions under state control a large number of local charities receive aid from the public treasury.
Finally, the pope has his special secretary, his auditor, with his offices, as well as the papal almonry, the officials of which administer the papal charities.
There are numerous hospitals and charities.
AdvertisementPrivate institutions for the care of the insane, idiots, feeble-minded and inebriates may be established, but must be licensed and regulated by the state board and become legally a part of the system of public charities.
There are numerous charities.
The State Board of Charities and Correction, for which the constitution of 1898 first made pro vision, and which was organized under an act of 1904, is composed of six members, appointed by the governor for six years, with the governor as ex-officio chairman.
Finally, the government sustains about two score of penal establishments, reform schools, hospitals, dispensaries and asylums, which are scattered all over the island, - every town of any considerable size having one or more of these charities.
The various charity and benevolent institutions are closely bound together on a co-operative basis by the agency of the associated charities.
AdvertisementThe establishment of polytechnics was provided for by the City of London Parochial Charities Act 1883; the charities being administered by trustees.
A few free libraries are supported by donations and subscriptions or charities.
In 1878 he organized, and became president of, the Brooklyn Bureau of Charities.
His wit generally inclines towards sarcasm, and it was probably the knowledge of his quarrelsome temperament that prevented his promotion to a bishopric. He was noted for the extent of his charities.
Prisons, Poor Law, Charities, &c. - Penal institutions for sane adults, except reformatories for women, are under the general supervision of a state commission of prisons; hospitals for the insane are under the general supervision of a state commission in lunacy; and all other charitable and penal institutions, maintained wholly or in part by the state, or by any county, city or town within the state, are under the general supervision of a state board of charities.
This board of charities consists of one member from each of the nine judicial districts and three additional members from the City of New York, all appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate for a term of eight years.
In some counties there is no distinction between town and county poor, but in 1910 only one county had not a county superintendent for the general supervision and care of the poor; towns and cities not subject to special provisions intrusted public relief to one or more overseers of the poor or to commissioners of charities.
In counties lacking adequate hospital accommodation a poor person requiring medical or surgical treatment may be sent to the nearest hospital approved by the state board of charities.
On the decease of his parents in 1838 he was received into the Casa Barolo, where he remained till his death, assisting the marchesa in her charities, and writing chiefly upon religious themes.
They are all under the supervision of a state board of charities and reform.
Peel on this subject in the early days of the Tory administration, and the queen talked of reducing her establishment in order that she might give away larger sums in charities.
There are also several charities.
In that year Sacred Trinity Church ("Salford Chapel") was built and endowed under the will of Humphrey Booth the elder, who also founded charities which have grown greatly in value.
With an insatiable love of pleasure he combined a certain external piety and a magnificent generosity in his charities.
Penal and charitable institutions are under the supervision of a board of public charities of ten members, established in 1869, and a committee in lunacy, composed of five members of this board, appointed under an act of 1883.
It is said that he even impoverished the treasury of the Roman Church by his unlimited charities.
There are a grammar-school (founded in 1521 at Milton Abbas, transferred to Blandford in 1 775), a Blue Coat school (1729), and other educational charities.
All the ordinary social virtues such as truthfulness, honesty, kindness, chastity are emphasized and a great stress is laid on care for the poor (a social necessity at a tine when there were no well organized public charities).
The relatives and friends then hand the priest a list of the contributions and charities which have been subscribed in memory of the deceased, which concludes the ceremony of "rising from mourning," or "the resurrection of the dead."
Several years after his death the secret of the hiding-place of his vast stores of wealth is said to have been revealed by an old man to the emperor Tiberius II., for whose charities to the poor and the captives they furnished an opportune supply.
Under an act approved on the 25th of March 1903 a state board of charities and corrections, - consisting of six members, not more than three being of the same political party, appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, and holding office for twelve years, two retiring at the end of each quadrennium, - investigates, examines, and makes " reports upon the charitable, correctional and penal institutions of the state," excepting the Veterans' Home at Yountville, Napa county, and the Woman's Relief Corps Home at Evergreen, Santa Clara county.
He has the power to veto bills, to pardon, to grant reprieves and commutations, and to remit fines and forfeitures, but the Board of Charities and Reform constitutes a Board of Pardons for investigating all applications for executive clemency and advising the governor with respect to them.
The general supervision and control of all these institutions is vested in the Board of Charities and Reform, consisting of the governor, the secretary of state, the treasurer, the auditor, and the superintendent of public instruction; the same officers also constitute the Board of Pardons.
Most of the companies administer charities of large value.
Charities, &c. - The National Soldiers' Home (1851), founded by General Winfield Scott, comprises five buildings, with accommodations for 800 retired or disabled soldiers, and 512 acres of beautiful grounds.
A Juvenile Court and a Board of Children's Guardians have extensive jurisdiction over dependent and delinquent children, and a general supervision of all charities and corrections is vested in a Board of Charities, consisting of five members appointed by the president of the United States.
A general supervision of all state, county, municipal and private charities and corrections is vested by a law enacted in 1908 in a board of charities and corrections consisting of five members appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate.
The effect of the Roman Catholic Charities Act 1832 is to place Roman Catholic schools, places of worship and education, and charities, and the property held therewith, under the laws applying to Protestant nonconformists.
The Roman Catholic Charities Act 1860 enables the court to separafe a lawful charitable trust from any part of the estate subject to any trust or provision deemed to be superstitious.
Large pension charities are administered by the governing body, and part of the income of the hospital (about L60,000 annually) is devoted to apprenticing boys and girls, to leaving exhibitions from the school, &c.
For instance, a testator having left a fund to be divided into four parts - one-fourth to be used for "the redemption of British slaves in Turkey and 2 Barbary," and the other three-fourths for various local charities - it was found that there were no British slaves in Turkey or Barbary, and as to that part of the gift therefore the testator's purpose failed.
Towards the close of the 18th century Mr Hugh Boyd, obtaining the estate, devoted himself to the extension and improvement of the town, establishing manufactures, endowing charities and building churches; and succeeded in producing a temporary vitality.
Two parties threatened to attack them - on one side those who were anxious for extensive reforms in the municipal organization of London; on the other, those who wished to carry forward the process of inspection and revision of endowments, which had already overtaken the universities, schools and other charities.
He now showed that he had not by his charities wronged his relations by settling on his greatnephew and heir Thomas Wykeham, whom he had educated at Winchester and New College, Broughton Castle and estates, still held by his descendants in the female line, the family of Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes (peerage of Saye and Sele).
No bureau of charities is in existence, but there is a Labor Commission, and a Commissioner of Immigration and a Commissioner of Public Lands to investigate the industrial resources.
Each of these institutions is under the control of a board of three or more members appointed by the governor with the approval of the Senate, and at the head of the department is the State Board of Corrections and Charities, consisting of the governor and four other members appointed by him, with the approval of the Senate, for a term of eight years, one retiring every two years.
Rene died on the Toth of July 1480, his charities having earned for him the title of "the good."
The state supports the following charitable and correctional institutions all under the inspection of a State Department of Charities and Correction (1905); hospitals for the insane at Trenton and Morris Plains; a training-school for feeble-minded children (partly supported by the state) and a home for feeble-minded women at Vineland; a sanatorium for tuberculous diseases at Glen Gardner; a village for epileptics, with a farm of 700 acres, near Skillman, Somerset county; a state home (reform school) for boys near Jamesburg, Middlesex county, and for girls in Ewing township, near Trenton; a state reformatory for criminals sixteen to thirty years of age, near Rahway; a state prison at Trenton; a home for disabled soldiers at Kearney,' Hudson county; a home for disabled soldiers, sailors and their wives at Vineland"; and a school for the deaf at Trenton.
There are large charities, and Walsall was the scene of the charitable work of Sister Dora (Miss Pattison) whom a statue commemorates.
See further Charity And Charities, Public Health, Education, Justice Of The Peace, Vestry, &C.
This has been done almost universally, as far as regards the power to appoint overseers and assistant overseers, and in many cases urban councils have also obtained powers to appoint trustees of parochial charities.
The mayor holds office for three years, has the powers and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, appoints the heads of departments (public safety, public works, collector of delinquent taxes, assessors, city treasurer, law, charities and correction, and sinking fund commission), and may remove any of the officers he has appointed, by a written order, showing cause, to the select council.
There are many denominational charities, especially Mormon, the entire state being divided into ecclesiastical units or " stakes " for charity organization.
The charities belonging to the town, which include John Perrot's bequest (1579), yielding about X350 annually for the improvement of the town, and Tasker's charity school (1684), are very considerable.
They number only some 46,000 all told, but most of the great business houses are owned by Parsee millionaires and most of the large charities are founded by them.
The Smith Charities is a peculiar institution, endowed by Oliver Smith (1766-1845) of Hatfield, who left an estate valued at $370,000, to be administered by a board of three trustees, chosen by electors representing the towns of Northampton, Hadley, Hatfield, Amherst and Williamsburg in Hampshire county and Greenfield and Whately in Franklin county - the beneficiaries of the will.
The chief public buildings are a gild hall and a mechanics' institute; there are several charities.
There are six administrative departments (the number is often less in cities of the lower classes, where several departments may be combined under one head)-departments of public works, public safety, public health and charities, law, finance, and collection and assessment.
The whole system of public charities is under the supervision of a bi-partisan Board of State Charities (1889), which is appointed by the governor, and to which the excellent condition of state institutions is largely due.
In the counties there are unsalaried boards of county charities and correction and county boards of children's guardians, appointed by the circuit judges.
Nowhere else have the principles of organized charities in the administration of public outdoor relief been applied to an entire state.
No child can be made a public ward except upon order of the juvenile court, and all such children may be placed in family homes by agents of the Board of State Charities.
The city has numerous hospitals and charities, and there is a state penitentiary here.
A lieutenant-governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, examiner, and inspector, commissioner of labour, commissioner of insurance, chief mine inspector, commissioner of charities and corrections, and president of the board of agriculture are elected each for a term of four years, and the secretary of state, auditor and treasurer are, like the governor, ineligible for the next succeeding term.
Under the constitution the supervision and inspection of charities and institutions of correction is in the hands of a State Commissioner of Charities and Corrections, elected by the people.
She was a member of the State Charities Aid Society, and from 1877 to 1889 was a member of the New York State Board of Charities, being the first woman appointed to that board.
Charities, eec. - The state has no board of public charities, and under the present constitution the county commissioners are overseers of the poor, except in Charleston and Columbia whose poor are provided for by the municipal authorities.
He had few personal friends, and rarely mingled in general society; though bitter to opponents, he was gentle to those who knew him, and his munificent charities gave him a warm place in the hearts of many to whom he was personally unknown.
Though she made no special distinction of creed in her charities, she was a notable benefactor of the Church of England, building and endowing churches and church schools, endowing the bishoprics of Cape Town and of Adelaide (1847), and founding the bishopric of British Columbia (1857).
A state board of charities has supervision over all philanthropic and penal institutions in the state, including hospitals, which numbered 103 in 1907; and the board visits the almshouses supported by seventy-eight (of the 168) towns of the state, and investigates and supervises the provision made for the town poor in the other ninety towns of the state; some, as late as 1906, were, with the few paupers maintained by the state, cared for in a private almshouse at Tariffville, which was commonly known as the " state almshouse.
Charities, &c. - The charitable and penal institutions of the state consist of the Central Hospital for the Insane near Nashville; the Eastern Hospital for the Insane near Knoxville; the Western Hospital for the Insane near Bolivar; the Tennessee School for the blind at Nashville; the Tennessee Deaf and Dumb School at Knoxville; the Confederate Soldiers' Home near Nashville, on the " Hermitage," the estate formerly belonging to Andrew Jackson; and the Penitentiary and the Tennessee Industrial School, both at Nashville; and in 1907 the legislature passed an Act for the establishment in Davidson county of the Tennessee Reformatory for boys.
A general control of all public charities and correctional institutions is exercised by an unsalaried Board of State Charities consisting of the governor and six members appointed by him for a term of three years, two retiring every two years.
Like a small cadre of the like-minded Ouray citizens, she was enthusiastically active on a dozen local boards and charities.
Campaigners from both charities visited four beaches in Cornwall, and handed out free portable ashtrays.
Traditionally, most charities have chosen the structure of an unincorporated association or charitable trust.
People who have convictions for dishonesty or who are un discharged bankrupts are not allowed by law to manage or control charities.
National childrens Homes One of the UK's leading childrens ' charities, working with vulnerable children, young people and their families.
There are also various charities dedicated to the needs of carers, some of which run respite schemes or can help with finance.
Our SMS based donations application provides charities with the ability to accept donations through the mobile channel.
Our online auction enables employees from around the world to place bids on items donated by suppliers or charities.
In reality many charities with an expendable endowment depend on the income it produces to fund core or continuing activities.
The independent examiner of the Charities accounts for the 2005 financial year is Mr Peter Patrick.
Charities are not able to waive exemption where the letting is to another charity that will use the building for non-business purposes.
Charities are arguing the drugs have been shown to extend life expectancy by four to five months in some patients.
In August 2003, Michelle was the inspiration behind a hugely successful fashion extravaganza, which helped raise £ 110,000 for local charities.
Charities Each year the RAF falcons support a local charity.
We are left wondering if the birth family themselves have donated any media cash they may have received to any charities?
The school has great improved facilities and resources for sport through tireless fundraising through local trusts and charities.
Charities are not permitted to undertake trading activity unless it is in direct furtherance of the organization's objects.
The run up to Christmas is a busy time for many charities and for charity givers.
Appointing the Official Custodian for Charities Land holding Service to hold a leasehold or freehold property.
At the moment, charities exist in a form of political limbo.
And already malnourished people could be deprived of food if charities cannot get in to ensure the distribution of vital supplies.
As well as being more generous to charities, Chariot's aggressive marketing promised punters a better chance of winning.
Cedric the Dragon was at the festival - the charities cuddly green charity mascot.
First, the cancer charities are very minor buyers of services.
The broadening of marketing to include not-for-profit, services, good causes (charities) and even politics.
Concerts also include occasional Organ Recitals and are usually in aid of the various charities that St. Mary's supports.
The main burden for small charities is not ongoing regulation but the process of registration itself.
Charities - The Hospital was built by the parishioners, and endowed in 1632, by Mr. Hen.
Most have specific topics for research or patient groups they prefer to fund; some small charities give pump priming for pilot projects.
We donate money, time and expertise to promote science and engineering education and to support charities and good causes.
Over 160 years later, mutual self-help is still the cornerstone of the Foresters ' activities helping charities through hundreds of fund-raising events.
The proceeds from selling the shares go to a wide range of UK charities.
There are many charities like hers which are aiming to provide material sustenance.
In the past, any charitable giving required companies to deduct tax from the gift, which the charities then had to claim back.
This would be of no benefit to small charities who do not reclaim tax.
In larger charities trusteeship may imply that the individual concerned is a person who can properly be trusted with vulnerable beneficiaries.
Childrenâs charities and campaign groups have welcomed the appointment of a child poverty tsar following the governmentâs failure to meet its own poverty targets.
Both charities seek to find out all they can about diseases in young or even unborn babies, to help prevent similar occurrences.
National equine welfare Council Represents about 60 equine welfare charities and equine based organizations having equine welfare as a main aim.
The charitable and correctional institutions of Minnesota have been since 1901 under the supervision of a State Board of Control consisting of three paid members appointed by the governor and serving for terms of six years; this board supplanted an unpaid Board of Corrections and Charities established in 1883, and the boards of managers of separate institutions (except the schools for the deaf and the blind at Faribault, and the state public school at Owatonna) and of groups of institutions were abolished.
Mahommed was a singular character, full of pretence at least to many accomplishments and virtues, the founder of public charities, and a profuse patron of scholars, but a parricide, a fratricide, and as madly capricious, bloodthirsty and unjust as Caligula.
In other words, civil government steps in to take over roles traditionally provided by private charity only when charities no longer provide the service.
Dr. Howe was an experimental scientist and had in him the spirit of New England transcendentalism with its large faith and large charities.
With his wife, he has been involved in fund raising for several charities.
This is about the same as the total of grants given to charities by the UK government (excluding public service contract funding).
All the charities she 's involved with, the luncheon clubs, her friends and their trips to the seaside in summer.
Where CAF performs services on an agency basis for other charities, the related investments are maintained in segregated portfolios.
It is also simpler to administer which makes it more suitable for smaller charities.
While there, he published a sixpenny book, Soyer 's Charitable Cookery, giving part of the proceeds to various charities.
The type of return required will be specified in the notice issued to those charities concerned.
A wide range of stalls from many Cheltenham based charities will set out their wares to tempt shoppers throughout the day.
The relative lack of popularity of UK Christian charities is a worrying trend, particularly for the smaller ones.
National Equine Welfare Council Represents about 60 equine welfare charities and equine based organizations having equine welfare as a main aim.
People visit the site to vote for the charities they wish to receive donations.
There are many charities starting up to help families effected by the catastrophic event.
There are many charities starting up to help families affected by the catastrophic event.
Donate funds to charities or pay membership fees.
Many charities take used furniture donations, either making pieces available to needy families or selling them in thrift shops.
Charity - There are some charities that work on behalf of certain disadvantaged groups and are always on the look out for reasonable quality used goods.
Some charities who work on behalf of young families, for instance, seek good clean baby clothes.
Recycle 4 Charities - If you are interested in helping others, there are many charities that will take your old cartridges and use the money they receive from recycling them.
This link is one such program that benefits Habitat for Humanity, The Smile Train, and many other worthy charities.
Recycling For Charities - Recycling For Charities is another great organization that takes your used ink cartridges and turns them into valuable cash that charities can use to continue their good works.
You have several other cell phone donation options, including charities, other electronics retailers or manufacturers, or a county recycling drop off center.
Your local charities can use donations of clothing.
The organization is a long time contributor to charities, both through monetary donations and employee volunteering.
The American Cancer Society is one of the charities that has benefited from Blinc, and they also support overseas organizations such as Doctors Without Borders and Children International.
On this day, a beginner's lift, equipment and lesson package is available for a fee and all proceeds go to local charities.
Study hard, volunteer your time to charities, read great books, give back, mentor, stand up straight, and walk tall.
Many of the sites donate a portion of their profits to charities, in addition to being eco-friendly and offering great deals.
If you are not aware of any charities, contact your local golf club for information on tournaments and charitable organizations that supports various groups.
Visit the to find charities and non-profit organizations you can contact to find out how to make a donation.
Couples can give small pieces of cake away as favors, offer leftovers to family and bridal party members, or donate leftovers to local care facilities or charities.
Some registries work in conjunction with retailers to provide a portion of profits to the designated charities, allowing couples to register for a few items. has a massive listing of charities available, with over 1.5 million listed.
Couples that do not have a particular charity in mind can use their handy guide to choose from 1,000 charities that have passed rigorous public requirements.
Macy's also donates to registered couples' favorite charities each time a guest makes a purchase from a registry.
One of the most frequently cited criticisms is that it is wasteful and consumerist to ruin a gown that can be donated to charities or even resold.
In fact, he announced in 1992 that all proceeds from his singles would be donated to AIDS charities.
Applegate is a breast cancer survivor and currently works toward raising funds and awareness for related charities.
The weeklong celebrity tournament features three different celebrities each day, competing for the charity (or charities) of their choice.
Sleep Like a Star Charity Auction, sponsored by Select Comfort, auctioned dozens of beds autographed by celebrities to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities.
However, the next installment of The Apprentice will have a slightly different twist -- celebrities will vie against each other in a number of different tasks as a means of raising funds for a variety of charities.
The seventh season of the series will feature celebrities competing to raise money for their favorite charities.
In order to bring more attention to the charities that are dedicated to helping the less fortunate, celebrities are tapped to participate in various tournaments.
Celebrity contestants for this long-running T.V. game show donate their winnings to charities of their choice.
Bono - The lead singer for U2 supports over 20 different charities and was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his work.
Angelina Jolie - Jolie has donated over $3 million dollars to various charities over the years.
She is a lifelong supporter of animal welfare charities and has begun some of her own, and she dedicates much of her time and money to these causes.
She continues to act in movies and on television and works as a spokesperson for a number of charities.
She continues to act in movies and on television, and works as a spokesperson for a number of charities.
She has proven all of her critics wrong, and gives generously to Jewish charities and causes in memory of her late father.
Gibson also gained public favor as a philanthropist, donating to various charities in the US and Central America.
The company produces over 150 different products and donates to many animal charities.
Check out clothing swaps at local churches and charities.
There are also features related to living within your means, getting the most for your money, and sharing your finances with others, including your children and favorite charities.
There are thousands of charities and civic organizations crying out for helping hands, people with valued experience and time to make changes happen.
They also help raise money for charities such as the Larry King Cardiac Foundation.
From holiday parties that benefit local charities, to night club boot camps that allow you to learn all forms of club social dance, 3rd Street Dance is always bustling with both beginning and intermediate students.
If you do choose to chop your long locks, however, consider donating hair for cancer victims through an organization such as Locks of Love or other similar charities that provide wigs and hairpieces for individuals in need.
If you aren't sure where to start looking for charities to check, visit the Find a Volunteer Center page on
Billabong also has a division called Design for Humanity, which organizes fundraisers for assorted charities.
It's important to note that Hooters has raised over $8 million for national charities through the Hooters Community Endowment Fund (HOO.C.E.F.), one of the largest corporate endowment funds in the state of Georgia.
She is also an ambassador for Childhelp Inc. and is involved with a number of animal charities.
You can also look for a local social service organization, which may be able to direct you to nearby charities that will gladly accept your toy gifts.
The charities of Princess Diana reflected her investment in the future of not only her country, but the world.
Although her charity work began in part due to her position as a member of the royal family, Princess Diana was personally involved with many of the charities she supported.
When Princess Diana's divorce from Prince Charles became final in 1996, she decided to dedicate her focus to six or seven specific charities.
The proceeds of the concert were divided amongst her favorite charities.
Prior to her death, Princess Diana terminated many of her ties as president or patron of the hundreds of charities she was involved in as the Princess of Wales.
If you are wondering how your philanthropic organization is rated, check out our list of charities rated or see if your organization is in the Top 100 Charities list.
If you are wondering how your philanthropic organization is rated, check out the list of nonprofits or see if your organization is in the Top 100 Charities list.
If you're thinking of giving your home an overhaul - furniture included - you may want to check out a few furniture recycling charities.
You help others in need, whether your furniture goes straight to them or money from a furniture sale goes to charities that will then give back to the community.
There are quite a few charities that accept furniture.
Anyone who has ever visited a charity thrift store, like the Salvation Army or Goodwill, recognizes that charities take used furniture.
There are a number of ways that used furniture can help non-profit charities assist those in need.
Resell the furniture and donate the proceeds to those in need or to charities that help the poor.
Provide used furniture and equipment to support the operation of non-profit charities.
Generous individuals and corporations from around the country donate many thousands of pieces of furniture and supplies to non-profit charities.
In December of 2008, the Catholic Charities of Paterson, New Jersey, organized a large furniture "give-away" to households that were destroyed by flooding from the April storms of 2008.
Princeton University developed a wonderful recycling program that offers departing students the option to donate furniture, bikes, clothing, books, or even food, in order to help local charities.
University volunteers collect donations of furniture and supplies and then either resell them or donate them directly to local charities.
The profits of all sales also go to local charities.
Princeton leads the way for other Universities around the nation to follow in order to reduce waste during student moves, and instead to tremendously help the charities in surrounding communities.
Goodwill focuses its proceeds on charities that help fund job training and career services to help disadvantaged families get back on their feet.
If you're nervous about donating to a charity, check to see if they're on the list of UK registered charities that are in good standing.
United Kingdom charities are required to report to the Charity Commission, providing documents and updating their information as it changes.
You can visit the Charity Commission website to find out which charities are listed there and to get a snapshot of information about them.
There are dozens of registered charities in the United Kingdom.
This site will give you the tools you need to find out information about charities and organizations in the UK.
By looking through the list of UK registered charities, you can find out anything you'd like to know about the charity you're considering donating to.
What is interesting is the fact that several charities appear multiple times in the top 10.
In these events, the charities relied on participants to raise donations.
All of this wealth begs the question; does Oprah Winfrey donate to any charities?
According to, Oprah has "supported" a list of twelve charities, including the Clinton Foundation, Free the Children, Women for Women International, and Project Cuddle.
Often charities will directly donate the furniture to a needy family.
Some charities will use the revenue from the sale of the furniture to help cover charity expenses.
Some charities will pick up your furniture while others require you to drop it off on your own.
Certain charities will only accept specific furniture donations so be sure to contact them first to inquire about their furniture donation specifications.
For example, some charities may not accept upholstered pieces of furniture.
Other charities may be looking for specific items such as office furniture that they want to use for their administrative office.
Luckily, there are already a variety of excellent charities, or charitable donation brokers, that provide Americans with a very easy method for donating vehicles to support worthy American causes.
In some cases, those causes may be buried within a much larger list of charities, but in every case your donated automobile will go toward a charity that you truly believe in.
However, there are charities that seek to remedy this problem, such as Veteran's Lodging, Inc or the New England Center for Homeless Veterans.
In addition to helping Veterans who are homeless, there are also other charities that provide support for American veterans in general.
Donating a vehicle to any of these charities is an excellent way to show your true patriotism.
DonateCarUSA is a donation broker that handles your car donation to benefit any charity of your choice that's on their list of supported charities.
The list of charities that this broker supports is long, but the organizations relevant to American causes includes the following.
You can choose any one of these charities to donate your care to, fill out the online form, and the organization will send you the number to call to schedule a pick-up time.
Donation Line supports the following charities.
Many charities were created to collect human hair and make it into wigs.
Bleaching changes the chemical composition of hair and many charities do not accept it because it interacts with other chemicals used during the wig-making process.
To donate your hair, first check with one of the many charities that donate hair to cancer patients.
There are charities to help cancer victims from all walks of life.
Check out the following charities that accept hair donations before choosing one to support.
One of the best-known charities for hair donation is Locks of Love.
If you are planning on redecorating your home and replacing your sofa and chairs, find charities to donate furniture to instead of throwing out your old pieces.
There are many charities that accept furniture donations.
By looking through your local yellow pages, you may be able to identify local charities to donate your unwanted furniture to.
Foundations in Kansas City that work to better the community, encourage people to give to charities or raise funds abound.
Here are just a couple of the available charities.
They invite other animal charities to join them in supporting endangered animals as well.
They research a wide range of projects in strategic locations throughout the World and they also work closely with local conservation and animal charities to create solutions to the problems threatening the endangered animals of the area.
There are many charities supported by Oprah Winfrey.
Oprah has charities that she personally is involved with these are the Angel Network and the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation.
In addition to her own charities, Oprah gives generously to various causes.
Since many charities are geared toward family life and health & fitness, a Family Fitness Day can fit in well with the theme of many a group.
If you live on the west coast and would like to donate a car, California has a lot of charities who will enthusiastically accept your generous contribution.
Various charities accept vehicle donations that enable them to better the communities they are a part of.
Some charities, namely those who rehabilitate individuals, will sometimes fix up old cars and motorcycles and then give them to people or families in need.
No matter what the car is used for, when you donate a car, California charities will almost always issue you a tax deduction for your donation.
For a complete list of charities that you can accept car donations in California, visit Donate Car USA, which shows an extensive list of donation opportunities.
There are literally thousands of charities to choose from, depending upon what type of organization you are looking for.
Narrowing down the charities out there until you have a shorter list of those you are genuinely interested in helping will greatly assist you in making the right decision.
The media coverage of Oprah Winfrey giving to charities has been expansive over the years.
This article will focus on the latter, as the U.S. government gives a generous amount of money away to worthy charities that go on to make a difference in their communities.
It's also a good idea to select an item to sell that is different from the products that other charities in your area are marketing as part of their fundraising efforts.
When sending out your Christmas greetings, check out one of the many charities that recycle Christmas cards.
There are several ideas for finding charities that recycle Christmas cards.
You may have local charities that do this annually and sell cards in your community.
Artline donates 10% of the card price to over 17 different charities.
Do something special for Christmas and send out a card from one of the charities that recycle Christmas cards.
If you live in Chicago, donate furniture that you are no longer using to one of the many charities that accepts this type of item.
The Economy Shop raises money for local charities through selling gently used items such as clothing and furniture.
Some charities that they support include Animal Care League, The Children's Clinic and Thrive Counseling Center.
Charities are looking for items that they can use immediately and pass on to someone in need.
From couches to kitchen tables, many charities across the nation will accept your gift in exchange for a receipt you may use for a tax deduction.
Most donations to charities are tax deductible.
Keep in mind that some charities, such as churches or other religious establishments, are not required to abide by this status and still can offer tax deductions.
Some charities and other "do gooder" groups cannot help you get a tax deduction.
You can look at other local charities and organizations to see what works, or even ask your friends and neighbors what type of fundraisers they would be most likely to attend.
The main difference between private foundations and public charities is how they get their funding.
A thank you for your donation letter is an essential piece of mail that charities send.
When people donate money to charities, they have done so both because they want to help the charity and because they want to feel as if they made a difference and a valuable contribution to a cause they believe in.
Many charities or organizations send a form letter thanking donors for their contribution.
This behavior is commonplace following other disasters, and there are plenty of crooks who operate fraudulent charities on an everyday basis as well.
Charities must be 501 (c) 3 and be either an educational, religious or charitable organization.
You may also wish to speak to several charities in your area to determine what is the best match for you.
Many charities that will accept vehicles for donation.
Making a car donation to charities may be simpler than you thought.
Most charities turn around and sell these cars for cash, which is how they earn the money they need.
A car donation to charities is a great way to make a difference, and with so many groups nationwide willing to accept such a gift, your biggest task will be choosing who to help.
Many charities that accept cars have some kind of agreement with a towing company.
At Sample Charities, our mission is to provide meals to kids who do not get them at home.
Name of the organization - Believe it or not, many charities forget to include this essential information.
Now, it is necessary to have records from the charities you have donated to showing what you donated, especially for cash donations.
Churches, temples, synagogues and other religious organizations may be eligible charities, but may not be listed in the IRS Publication.
Not all charities will accept a donation of miles, mostly because they do not have any use for them.
Delta - With the SkyWish program, you can give your miles to over 15 charities, including the American Cancer Society, Children's Miracle Network, Habitat for Humanity and the Nature Conservancy.
To donate your miles, go online and see the complete list of charities.
All you have to do is go the donation page and look at the list of charities, which includes organizations like the Red Cross and the March of Dimes.
It supports more than 100 organizations, many of which are medical charities that need to transport patients for treatment.
Some of the charities it helps are Guide Dogs of American, AmeriCares and the Salvation Army.
There are many charities based in Canada that make a difference locally and around the world.
In Canada, there are about 80,000 registered charities.
The Canada Revenue Agency keeps a listing of charities on file in a public database.
There are several ways to find charities based in Canada.
Another resource to check out is CanadaHelps, a valuable tool for finding Canadian charities.
This organization maintains a website that is devoted to making donations to charities a simple task.
Charities can also use this site as a way to promote their organization and awareness for their specific cause.
CanadaHelps has a complete listing of charities on their site.
There are numerous charities in Canada that exist to better the lives of their citizens and those around the globe.
Charities form to address matters of concern and to work on finding solutions to the many of the problems in the country and around the world.
You can find charities in Canada that work to eliminate poverty or protect the wildlife and environment.
There are charities that are set up to support those living with an illness or those who need help coping with addiction.
In Canada there are also many charities that address health related issues.
From those dedicated to research to those that address a specific condition, health-related charities exist for just about any condition you can think of.
Like anywhere around the world, charities exist in Canada to better the lives of their citizens.
Canadian charities not only work on issues that affect their country but affect the world around them as well.
Learn more about this type of holiday card fundraiser in Charities that Recycle Christmas Cards and Charities That Collect Used Christmas Cards.
The 100 best charities are considered such because they allocate the majority of their financial resources to their cause and not their daily operations.
The American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP) and Charity Navigator rank charities based on efficiency.
The AIP rates charities with letter grades, giving efficient ones at least an "A".
Charity Navigator ranks charities with stars, giving those with superior efficiency three or more stars.
Each of the charities listed below received at least an "A" or three stars.
Animal charities raise funds to provide free or low-cost veterinary care, provide shelter to homeless animals, match animals with individual wanting to adopt, prevent animal cruelty and protect endangered species.
Children's charities offer emotional and financial support to underprivileged or at-risk children through mentoring programs or monetary gifts.
Education and Literacy charities usually work to increase the quality of teaching, classroom tools or end illiteracy.
Environmental charities focus on preserving Earth's natural resources and wildlife by protecting specific pieces of land from development, prosecuting parties responsible for causing environmental hazards and cleaning public areas.
Housing charities build new homes for low-income families, assist in obtaining low-interest mortgages and provide lodging to homeless individuals.
Charities focused on hunger feed the homeless and enhance the quality and quantity of the food and water available to poor or disadvantaged persons.
International affairs charities work to end hunger, provide medical care or alleviate the strains of war in foreign countries.
Mental illness charities work with individuals diagnosed with mental illness, their families and mental health practitioners to increase awareness of different illnesses and decrease their stigma.
Physical illness charities focus on eradicating a specific disease, sometimes in a specific age or population group.
Poverty charities provide clothing, low-cost housing and employment counseling to homeless or unemployed persons.
Veteran's charities work to alleviate the emotional and financial strain caused by war injuries, cope with the loss of a loved one or support service members while abroad.
Before choosing one of the 100 best charities to donate to or volunteer with, confirm its legal status to ensure it is a charitable organization according to IRS rules.
In addition to this, note that in some cases, charities can receive grant funding through local and state governments.
The competition is often significant for most charities and other nonprofit organizations.
Fundraising in South Carolina for charities or special groups can be challenging, but with a bit of professional aid and a few creative ideas, your next event can be successful.
This organization provides support and organization at a corporate level for charities and nonprofit organizations.
It's better to locate reputable charities that accept car donations on your own and donate directly to them.
Charities such as the American Red Cross, United Way and Easter Seals are examples of nonprofits that accept car donations.