Charitable Sentence Examples
The city has a highly developed system of charitable and corrective institutions.
My dear Helene, be charitable to my poor aunt who adores you.
Charitable institutions take, as a rule, the two forms of outdoor and indoor relief and attendance.
Towards the close of his life he confined his ministry to charitable institutions, hospitals and prisons, where his sympathetic discourses and conciliatory manners were always effective.
He made various charitable bequests by his will, and among them a gift of $50,000 to found an institution, opened as the "Astor House" in 1854, for the education of poor children and the relief of the aged and the destitute in his native village in Germany.
The charitable and benevolent institutions are numerous, and there are also a library and several learned associations.
In this are included the expenses of the administration of both the central and provincial departments of the finance ministry, the mint, charitable allowances, expenses and presents in connexion with the holy cities (£T121,410), pension funds of state officials (£7628,038), administrative allowance made to the agricultural bank (ET225,380) and various other expenses.
Public charity is exercised through the permanent charitable foundations (opere pie), which are, however, very unequally distributed in the different provinces.
Building materials can be used by various groups and organizations as well as sold to make a profit for a charitable cause.
The commissioners supervise the penal and charitable institutions, schools, roads, bridges and finances of the county.
AdvertisementBrowne was a man of abstemious habits, charitable disposition, and impressive eloquence.
The city has several public parks, a public library and various charitable institutions, among which are a children's home, a home for aged men, a home fort aged women and a deaconesses' home.
The outdoor charitable institutions include those which distribute help in money or food; those which supply medicine and medical help; those which aid mothers unable to rear their own children; those which subsidize orphans and foundlings; those which subsidize educational institutes; and those which supply marriage portions.
Anglo-Jewry is rich, however, in charitable, educational and literary institutions; chief among these respectively may be named the Jewish board of guardians (1859), the Jews' college (1855), and the Jewish historical society (1893).
Dresden has several important hospitals, asylums and other charitable institutions.
AdvertisementIn 1876 he fiercely assailed the practice of receiving interest or rent, and he henceforth lived on his capital, which he gave freely to friends, dependants, public societies, charitable and social objects.
Hampstead has numerous charitable institutions, amongst which are the North London consumptive hospital, the Orphan Working School, Haverstock Hill (1758), the general hospital and the north-western fever hospital.
Charitable schools for orphan girls (hence called Faustinianae) were founded in her honour, like those established by her father Antoninus in honour of his wife, the elder Faustina.
Penal and charitable institutions are under the supervision of a board of public charities of ten members, established in 1869, and a committee in lunacy, composed of five members of this board, appointed under an act of 1883.
Having learned that there were many charitable institutions in Moscow he mentally decided that he would shower favors on them all.
AdvertisementThere are a number of charitable institutions devoted to the education of orphans, the blind and the deaf and dumb, which are admirably equipped and administered.
There are also a number of private hospitals maintained by church brotherhoods and charitable associations; among them are the Portuguese hospital in Rua de Santo Amaro and the Strangers' Hospital (American and British) in Botafogo.
Among the charitable institutions are the City Hospital (1886), the Santa Rosa Infirmary (1869), maintained by Sisters of Charity, a House of Refuge (1897), a Rescue Home (1895), a home for destitute children and aged persons (1897), the St Francis Home for the Aged (1893), St John's Orphan Asylum (1878), St Joseph's Orphan Asylum (1871) and the Protestant Home for Destitute Children (1887).
The hospitals and the charitable and correctional institutions are numerous and are well administered.
Among the charitable institutions are the Home for the Friendless, the Buffalo, St Vincent's and St Joseph's orphan asylums, St John's orphan home, St Mary's asylum for widows and foundlings, and the Ingleside home for erring women.
AdvertisementThe charitable institutions comprise the royal infirmary,, in the Italian style, considerably enlarged since its foundation in 1836; the Murray royal lunatic asylum in Bridgend; the Hillside House in Kinnoull and the small-pox hospital.
Burlington's charitable institutions include the Mary Fletcher hospital, the Adams mission home, the Lousia Howard mission, the Providence orphan asylum, and homes for aged women, friendless women and destitute children.
The principal charitable foundations are the Casa de Caridad or house of charity, the hospital general, dating from 1401, and the foundling hospital.
The knighthood of St Maurice and St Lazarus is now a dignity conferred by the king of Italy (the grand master) on persons distinguished in the public service, science, art and letters, trade, and above all in charitable works, to which its income is devoted.
Its nominal subject is freemasonry, but its real aim is to plead for a humane and charitable spirit in opposition to a narrow patriotism, an extravagant respect for rank, and exclusive devotion to any particular church.
At the head of the charitable institutions stand the agricultural colonies belonging to the Society of Charity (see Drente).
Its action is often economical or charitable, e.g.
The educational qualification was to be able to write, the social that of not receiving charitable 1 Ce has also divided parties.
Among charitable institutions are the Royal Alexandra Infirmary, the Victoria Eye Infirmary (presented by Provost Mackenzie in 1899), the burgh asylum at Riccartsbar, the Abbey Poorhouse (including hospital and lunatic wards), the fever hospital and reception house, the Infectious Diseases Hospital and the Gleniffer Home for Incurables.
The city's charitable institutions consist of two general hospitals, each of which has a training school for nurses; a municipal hospital, an orphan asylum, a home for the friendless, two old folks' homes, and a bureau of charities; here, also, on a bluff, within a large enclosure and overlooking both lake and city, is the state soldiers' and sailors' home, and near by is a monument erected to the memory of General Anthony Wayne, who died here on the 15th of December 1796.
Coblenz has also handsome law courts, government buildings, a theatre, a museum of antiquities, a conservatory of music, two high grade schools, a hospital and numerous charitable institutions.
The charitable institutions and professional schools included in 1908 about thirty hospitals, several children's homes and homes for the aged, an industrial home, the Kansas City school of law, the University medical college, and the Scarritt training school.
Valuable property is held by the Moslems in trust for thepromotion of religion and for charitable purposes, and is known as the Wakfs administration.
Among penal and charitable institutions are the Riverside State Penitentiary, three hospitals, three homes for orphans, a home for the friendless and an industrial school.
Beautiful, charitable and pious, she mollified the fierce manners of her husband, who, according to her director and biographer, Turgot, acted as interpreter between her and the Gaelic-speaking ecclesiastics at their conferences.
So long as the number of pilgrims remained comparatively small, and the difficulties in their path proportionately great, they obtained open letters of recommendation from their bishops to the clergy and laity, which ensured them lodging in convents and charitable foundations, in addition to the protection of public officials.
Among the public buildings are the governor's and bishop's palaces, townhall, cathedral and 9 churches, national college, episcopal seminary and schools of law and medicine, theatre, two hospitals, custom-house, and several asylums and charitable institutions.
The law recognized that a child should not be treated like a mature malefactor, and provided that there should be no criminal procedure, that the child should not be imprisoned or prosecuted, that his interests should be protected by a probation officer, that he should be discharged unless found dependent, delinquent or truant, and in such case that he should be turned over to the care of an approved individual or charitable society.
The charitable institutions of the state are under the management of local trustees appointed by the governor.
Minden contains a gymnasium and several hospitals, besides other charitable institutions.
The State Central Hospital for the Insane (opened in 1851), the State School for the deaf (established in 1839, opened in 1845, and the first charitable institution of the state) and the State School for the Blind (1849) are also in Jacksonville.
Among various charitable institutions are the National Sailors' Home and the Gordon Boys' and Victoria Seaside Orphanages.
Among the numerous charitable institutions the most important hospital is the Casa de Beneficencia y Maternidad (Charity and Maternity Asylum), opened in 1794, and containing an orphan asylum, a maternity ward, a home for vagrants, a lunatic asylum and an infirmary.
The people of Montevideo maintain more than forty charitable associations, including the Caridad (charity) hospital on Calle 25 de Mayo, and the insane asylum in the suburb of La Union, both built and largely supported from the proceeds of frequent lottery drawings.
Brooklyn is well provided with charitable institutions, and has long been known as the "city of churches," probably from the famous clergymen who have lived there.
The state charitable institutions - insane asylum, deaf-mute and blind institutes - and the penitentiary, are at Little Rock.
Under an act approved on the 25th of March 1903 a state board of charities and corrections, - consisting of six members, not more than three being of the same political party, appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, and holding office for twelve years, two retiring at the end of each quadrennium, - investigates, examines, and makes " reports upon the charitable, correctional and penal institutions of the state," excepting the Veterans' Home at Yountville, Napa county, and the Woman's Relief Corps Home at Evergreen, Santa Clara county.
The constitution limits the state tax for other than the support of educational and charitable institutions and the payment of the state debt and the interest thereon to four mills on the dollar; the county tax for other than the payment of the county debt and the interest thereon to twelve mills on the dollar; the tax of an incorporated city or town for other than the payment of its debt and the interest thereon to eight mills on the dollar.
This company of faithful but not always sufficiently charitable men represented their people, so that it might be said that Israel itself (the second Isaiah's "Servant of Yahweh" - see IsAIAH) had taken up its duty, but in an ungenial spirit which grieved the All-merciful One.
But why, then, does not Paul refer to the public charitable object of his visit?
The Roman Catholic Charities Act 1860 enables the court to separafe a lawful charitable trust from any part of the estate subject to any trust or provision deemed to be superstitious.
It also provides that in the absence of any written document the usage of twenty years is to be conclusive evidence of the application of charitable trusts.
The charitable institutions in the Church are very numerous.
The other charitable institutions are 992 in number, and include every form of public and private charity; no diocese is without one or more such establishments.
They have 47 churches conducted by 43 white clergymen; 114 schools, in which 6294 children are educated by 31 sisterhoods, who also conduct i i charitable institutions.
An interesting feature of the Cote d'Or is the Hospice de Beaune, a celebrated charitable institution and hospital, the revenues of which are principally derived from certain vineyards in Beaune, Corton, Volnay and Pommard.
Of charitable and reformatory institutions a soldiers' and sailors' home (1889) is maintained at Monte Vista, a school for the deaf and blind (1874) at Colorado Springs, an insane asylum (1879) at Pueblo, a home for dependent and neglected children (1895) at Denver, an industrial school for girls (1887) near Morrison, and for boys (1881) at Golden, a reformatory (1889) at Buena Vista, and a penitentiary (1868) at Canyon City.
Landgrants amounting in 1907 to 1,343,080 acres had also been made for the benefit of various educational, charitable and correctional institutions, and for irrigation purposes.
Among the benevolent and charitable institutions are the royal national hospitals for consumptives (founded in 1869), the seaside home of the London city mission, the St Catherine's home for consumptives and the convalescent home of the Royal Hants Hospital.
When the charitable purpose intended by a testator cannot be carried into effect, the court will apply the funds to some other purpose, as near the original as possible (whence the name).
In the United States, charitable trusts have become more frequent as the wealth of the country has progressed, and are regarded with increasing favour by the courts.
There are also two state-subsidized hospitals, a college, a school of mines, a technological museum, several large and handsome churches, and numerous subsidized charitable institutions.
In conjunction with other young men he founded in May 1833 the celebrated charitable society of St Vincent de Paul, which numbered before his death upwards of two thousand members.
At Durham he was very charitable, and expended large sums in building and decorating his church and residence.
The one characteristic which has clung to them throughout is that of owners of property and managers of charitable trusts.
There are also various charitable and educational institutions, Protestant and Roman Catholic churches and a synagogue.
Berlin is also very richly endowed with charitable institutions for the relief of pauperism and distress.
Among its public institutions are a national college, an athenaeum, the Madero Institute with a good library, some fine churches, and the charitable institutions common to all Mexican cities.
The state supports the following charitable and correctional institutions all under the inspection of a State Department of Charities and Correction (1905); hospitals for the insane at Trenton and Morris Plains; a training-school for feeble-minded children (partly supported by the state) and a home for feeble-minded women at Vineland; a sanatorium for tuberculous diseases at Glen Gardner; a village for epileptics, with a farm of 700 acres, near Skillman, Somerset county; a state home (reform school) for boys near Jamesburg, Middlesex county, and for girls in Ewing township, near Trenton; a state reformatory for criminals sixteen to thirty years of age, near Rahway; a state prison at Trenton; a home for disabled soldiers at Kearney,' Hudson county; a home for disabled soldiers, sailors and their wives at Vineland"; and a school for the deaf at Trenton.
There are, besides, the Edward Latymer foundation school for boys (1624), part of the income of which is devoted to general charitable purposes; the Godolphin school, founded in the 16th century and remodelled as a grammar school in 1861; Nazareth House of Little Sisters of the Poor, the Convent of the Sacred Heart, and other convents.
There are large charities, and Walsall was the scene of the charitable work of Sister Dora (Miss Pattison) whom a statue commemorates.
The charitable institutions include the infirmary; the cholera hospital; the eye infirmary; the fever reception house; Sir Gabriel Wood's mariners' asylum, an Elizabethan building erected in 1851 for the accommodation of aged merchant seamen; and the Smithson poorhouse and lunatic asylum, built beyond the southern boundary in 1879.
There is no definition of the expression " common lodging-house " in the Public Health Acts, and at one time the courts decided that shelters for the destitute kept by charitable persons were not common lodging-houses.
That idea is now exploded, and the acts apply to charitable institutions which receive persons of the class ordinarily received into common lodging-houses.
Besides the strictly state institutions, there are a number of private charitable institutions which are assisted by state funds; among these are the eye and ear infirmary at Portland, the Maine state sanatorium at Hebron for the treatment of tuberculosis, and various hospitals, orphanages, &c. The national government has a branch of the national home for disabled volunteer soldiers at Togus, and a marine hospital at Portland.
Among other charitable institutions are the Curtis Home (1894) for destitute women and girls, the Bethesda Home (1890) for homeless girls and their children, the Florence Crittenton Home (1893) for homeless and unfortunate women, the Roselia Foundling Asylum and Maternity Hospital (1891), the Protestant Home for Incurables (1883), the Pittsburg Newsboys' Home (1894), the Children's Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, the Pittsburg Association for the Improvement of the Poor and the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society.
Charitable institutions are numerous in Naples.
In addition to the government offices, its buildings include a handsome university, a wooden cathedral, a national theatre, an academy of science and literature, a chamber of commerce, and astronomical observatory and a number of hospitals and charitable institutions.
Charitable and Penal Institutions.-The charitable and penal institutions of the state include the penitentiary at Jefferson City, opened in 1836, which is self-supporting; a training school for boys at Boonville (opened 1889), an industrial home for girls at Chillicothe (established 1887), hospitals for the insane at Fulton (1847), St Joseph (opened 1874), Nevada (1887), and Farmington (1899); a school for the blind at St Louis (opened 1851); a school for the deaf at Fulton (opened 1851); a colony for the feeble-minded and epileptic at Marshall (established 1899); a state sanitorium, for consumptives, at Mount Vernon (established 1905, opened 1907); a Federal soldiers' home at St James, and a Confederate soldiers' home at Higginsville (both established 1897).
Amongst the more conspicuous secular buildings in the street may be mentioned the Town and County Bank, the Music Hall, with sitting accommodation for 2000 persons, the Trinity Hall of the incorporated trades (originating in various years between 1398 and 1527, and having charitable funds for poor members, widows and orphans), containing some portraits by George Jamesone, a noteworthy set of carved oak chairs, dating from 1574, and the shields of the crafts with quaint inscriptions; the office of the Aberdeen Free Press, one of the most influential papers in the north of Scotland; the Palace Hotel; the office of the Northern Assurance Company, and the National Bank of Scotland.
Other charitable institutions include the hospital, John Watt's hospital and the smallpox hospital.
Of the numerous charitable institutions, the Infirmary, erected in 1831, is housed in a building of the Doric order.
The charitable institutions of Baltimore are numerous.
A large number of charitable and other public institutions have been established in the United States and elsewhere by the order, of which may be mentioned the large orphan asylum in Cleveland, the home for the aged and infirm at Yonkers, N.Y., the National Jewish hospital for consumptives at Denver, and the Maimonides library in New York City.
The charitable and correctional institutions of Indiana are well administered in accordance with the most improved modern methods, and form one of the most complete and adequate systems possessed by any state in the Union.
The principal other buildings are the provincial government offices, the royal school of music, the college of art, the large building (1874) of the society for arts and sciences, the ethnographical institute of the Netherlands Indies with fine library, the theatres, civil and military hospitals, orphanage, lunatic asylum and other charitable institutions; the fine modern railway station (1892), the cavalry and artillery and the infantry barracks, and the cannon foundry.
In the number and equipment of its reformatory, charitable and penal institutions, Wisconsin stands high.
This charitable activity, however, distinguishes the modern sister from the nuns of primitive and medieval times, who were cloistered and contemplative, and left external works to deaconesses, or to laywomen of a " third order," or to the freer societies like the Beguines.
Bolsward also possesses a beautiful renaissance town-hall (1614-1618) and various educational and charitable institutions, including a music and a drawing school.
With the growth of hospitals and other charitable institutions, however, the functions of deacons became considerably curtailed.
There are state hospitals and many other charitable institutions.
The commissioner must inspect once each year all penal, correctional and eleemosynary institutions, including public hospitals, jails, poorhouses and corporations and organizations doing charitable work; and the commissioner appears as next friend in cases affecting the property of orphan minors, and has power to investigate complaints against public and private institutions whose charters may be revoked for cause by the commissioner.
The city has several parks, the Union county court house (1905), a public library and several charitable institutions.
His second wife died of smallpox in 1698, and in 1700 Burnet married again, his third wife being Elizabeth (1661-1709), widow of Robert Berkeley and daughter of Sir Richard Blake, a rich and charitable woman, known by her Method of Devotion, posthumously published in 1710.
The chief buildings of Scarborough apart from those already considered are the town hall, market hall and public hall, several modern churches and chapels, and charitable and benevolent institutions.
It had a remarkable record in the exposure of shams and organized impostures, especially frauds on the charitable.
Among the hospitals and charitable institutions are the Minneapolis city hospital, the state hospital for crippled and deformed children, and Asbury Methodist, the Northwestern, the Deaconess', the Swedish, the St Mary's, the Maternity and the St Barnabas hospitals, Bethany Home, the Catholic orphan asylum, the Washburn orphans' home, the Pillsbury House (1906) where settlement work is carried on by the Plymouth Congregational Church, and several free dispensaries.
Most of the religious orders carry on active educational or charitable work.
Among the charitable institutions are the general hospitals (Harper, Grace and St Mary's); the Detroit Emergency, the Children's Free and the United States Marine hospitals; St Luke's hospital, church home, and orphanage; the House of Providence (a maternity hospital and infant asylum); the Woman's hospital and foundling's home; the Home for convalescent children, &c. In 1894 the mayor, Hazen Senter Pingree (1842-1901), instituted the practice of preparing, through municipal aid and supervision, large tracts of vacant land in and about the city for the growing of potatoes and other vegetables and then, in conjunction with the board of poor commissioners, assigning it in small lots to families of the unemployed, and furnishing them with seed for planting.
Among the charitable institutions are Blessing Hospital (1875), St Mary's Hospital (1867; in charge of the Sisters of the Poor of St Francis), the Woodland Home for Orphans and Friendless (1853), St Aloysius Orphans' Home (1865), and several homes for the aged and infirm.
Charities, &c. - The charitable and penal institutions of the state consist of the Central Hospital for the Insane near Nashville; the Eastern Hospital for the Insane near Knoxville; the Western Hospital for the Insane near Bolivar; the Tennessee School for the blind at Nashville; the Tennessee Deaf and Dumb School at Knoxville; the Confederate Soldiers' Home near Nashville, on the " Hermitage," the estate formerly belonging to Andrew Jackson; and the Penitentiary and the Tennessee Industrial School, both at Nashville; and in 1907 the legislature passed an Act for the establishment in Davidson county of the Tennessee Reformatory for boys.
Traditionally, most charities have chosen the structure of an unincorporated association or charitable trust.
These wandering beggars are said to have consecrated their life to music-making for God, and Uyghurs are very charitable toward them.
There are various charitable bequests for distribution among the poor.
These terms alone lack the certainty required of charitable objects.
The objects of a charity must be capable of being exclusively charitable.
The purpose for which you are applying must be legally charitable and your constitution must allow you to carry out the work you propose.
It is not charitable to provide the services of a bar or social club.
It is also charitable to advance the physical education of young people not undergoing formal education.
What sort of sports clubs could not be regarded as charitable?
By establishing exemptions and tax deductibility, government policies made charitable giving attractive to donors.
Gifts to assist clergy to retire are good charitable purposes for the advancement of religion.
There is no need to write codicils or produce an entirely new will each time their charitable preferences change.
To qualify for the tax concession the profits obtained from holding the event must be applied for charitable purposes.
Some non-profit charitable corporations threaten boycotts and then ask for and get grants from targeted companies.
The deal will involve the creation of a charitable company with University Trustees.
The hospital escaped dissolution under Henry VIII's Act of 1547, probably because of its charitable activities.
Failure to exercise adequate protection of charitable funds may leave the trustees personally liable for any liabilities that the charity incurs.
The remaining money was put into a trust fund with charitable status.
The Foundation's major investment is the first from a charitable funder.
Fundraisers should ensure that they are aware of the full range of legislation that regulates charitable fundraising and should take legal advice if necessary.
A unified advice and assistance function can only be a c h i e ved if the regulator is responsible for awarding charitable status.
Now it seems we see it almost as a charitable handout.
Keep records of expenses such as automobile mileage incurred for business purposes and get receipts for charitable contributions.
Basses are charitable people, but their charity does not extend so far as tenors, whom they consider effete poseurs.
It is estimated that, using 2004/2005 average non-domestic rate poundages, charitable exemption amounts to approximately £ 46 million in revenue foregone.
The Commissioners considered in what circumstances a body set up to regulate the profession could be charitable.
Consequently to ensure the long term future ability of the trustees to provide for its charitable objectives some retention of income was deemed prudent.
It should not interfere with the use of the premises for the stated charitable purpose.
The project is provided by charitable organization quarriers for the local authority.
An approach to Ryanair regarding O'Leary's charitable donations just receives a rebuff.
The term charity operator shall be defined as an organization of a charitable, social, sporting, religious or political nature.
Donors are entitled to accurate information about the charitable organizations that seek support.
In the past, any charitable giving required companies to deduct tax from the gift, which the charities then had to claim back.
In 1997 he established a charitable trust to fund self-help projects in rural Zambia, many of which have conservation objectives.
Or perhaps you want to set up a charitable trust or donate a minibus?
She died on the 31st of December 1705, bequeathing her great wealth, the result of long hoarding, after the payment of divers charitable legacies, to King Pedro; and was buried with great ceremony and splendour at Belem.
All charitable institutions were under the protection of provincial administrative junta, existing in every province, and empowered to control the management of charitable endowments.
The law of 1890 also empowers every citizen to appeal to the tribunals on behalf of the poor, for whose benefit a given charitable institution may have been intended.
Zanardelli, minister of justice, secured in June 1888 the adoption of a new penal code; state surveillance was extended to the opere pie, or charitable institutions; municipal franchise was reformed by granting what was practically manhood suffrage with residential qualification, provision being made for minority representation; and the central state administration was reformed by a bill fixing the number and functions of the various ministries.
The charitable institutions include Moorhead's hospital (1753) for reduced householders; the Dumfriesshire and Galloway royal infirmary, dating from 1778, but now housed in a fine edifice in the northern Italian style; the Crichton royal institution for the insane, founded by Dr James Crichton of Friars Carse, and supplemented in 1848 by the Southern Counties asylum; the new infirmary, a handsome building; the contagious diseases hospital, the industrial home for orphan and destitute girls and a nurses' home.
The charitable and correctional institutions of Minnesota have been since 1901 under the supervision of a State Board of Control consisting of three paid members appointed by the governor and serving for terms of six years; this board supplanted an unpaid Board of Corrections and Charities established in 1883, and the boards of managers of separate institutions (except the schools for the deaf and the blind at Faribault, and the state public school at Owatonna) and of groups of institutions were abolished.
Between 1580 and 1581, when Browne formed in Norwich the first known church of this order on definite scriptural theory, and October 1585, when, being convinced that the times were not yet ripe for the realization of the perfect polity, and taking a more charitable view of the established Church, he yielded to the pressure brought to bear on him by his kinsman Lord Burghley, so far as partially to conform to parochial public worship as defined by law (see Browne, Robert), the history of Congregationalism is mainly that of Browne and of his writings.
It is required to inspect both state and county charitable and correctional institutions, except the state prison and the state hospital, to recommend such changes to the state government as may seem desirable, and to have a special care for dependent children whether in institutions or placed in permanent homes.
Among the hospitals and charitable institutions are the Syracuse hospital (1872) for infectious diseases, the Hospital of the Good Shepherd (1873), the Syracuse homoeopathic hospital (1895), the Syracuse hospital for women and children (1887), St Mary's infant and maternity hospital (1900) under the Sisters of Charity, St Joseph's hospital (1869) under Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis, the Syracuse home for aged women (1852), Onondaga county orphan asylum (private; 1841), and two other orphan asylums controlled by the Sisters of Charity, and the state institution for feeble-minded children (1896).
There have also been numerous congregations of Augustinian Tertiaries, both men and women, connected with the order and engaged on charitable works of every kind (see Tertiaries) .
Among the state charitable and reformatory institutions are state hospitals for the insane at Topeka and Osawatomie and a hospital for epileptics at Parsons; industrial reform schools for girls at Beloit, for boys at Topeka, and for criminals under twenty-five at Hutchinson; a penitentiary at Lansing; a soldiers' orphans' home at Atchison and a soldiers' home at Dodge City; and schools for feeble-minded youth at Winfield, for the deaf at Olathe, and for the blind at Kansas City.
State penal and charitable institutions include soldiers' and sailors' homes at Grand Island and Milford, an Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City (1875), an Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha (1867), an Institute for Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice (1885), an Industrial School for Juvenile Delinquents (boys) at Kearney (1879), a Girls' Industrial School at Geneva (1881), an Industrial Home at Milford (1887) for unfortunate and homeless girls guilty of a first offence, asylums or hospitals for the insane at Lincoln (1869), Norfolk (1886) and Hastings (1887), an Orthopedic Hospital (1905) for crippled, ruptured and deformed children and a state penitentiary (1867), both at Lincoln.
Strictly speaking a charity must apply its income for charitable purposes in order to qualify for exemption from corporation tax on that income.
The project is provided by charitable organization Quarriers for the local authority.
An approach to Ryanair regarding O'Leary 's charitable donations just receives a rebuff.
While there, he published a sixpenny book, Soyer 's Charitable Cookery, giving part of the proceeds to various charities.
The Diabetes Charitable Trust Fund is a major source of funding for diabetes initiatives.
To be charitable there needs to be sufficient evidence of the efficacy of the method to be used.
Do you want to set up a charitable trust or donate a minibus?
Love or hate the Californian wiz kid, even the most cynical of observers must agree that he has been charitable.
Blue wristbands will be available in exchange for a small charitable donation (50p minimum).
Non-profit companies are funded by grants and charitable gifts and do not generally charge consumers for their services.
Some consumer spending, such as charitable donations and business expenses, may even be tax deductible, helping save more money in the long run.
Cardholders choose a particular team, league, or sport for their card, and a few of the cards have special features for discounts or charitable donations with purchase.
Charitable giving is important in many families and many parents teach their children to be compassionate toward those who have less in the world.
This is often done through tithing and church programs, but other charitable acts also demonstrate the same compassion and sharing.
Talking about people and causes that need support can inspire charitable attitudes.
Pose a hypothetical question to each family member such as, "What if you had a million dollars that could only be used for a charitable cause?
You'll find articles that detail popular furniture stores with information on how a company got started, the types of furniture they sell and even which charitable organizations they contribute to.
Many thrift outlets receive charitable donations of office equipment from local businesses that are upgrading, and these deals usually sell at rock bottom prices.
Many schools accept electronics in working order, and many charitable organizations are grateful for old phones that are easily refurbished.
Charitable organizations such as Cell Phones for Soldiers provide those serving overseas with prepaid phones to connect with family members.
For example, there was a color that we were promoting that supported the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation (which raises funds against domestic violence).
Most of these hotlines are free and are supported by public school systems, government or other charitable funding.
Many couples these days are opting to make a charitable donation in lieu of favors.
Telling why you picked that charitable cause will resonate with guests.
Depending on the social circle you are involved in, you may decide to donate money to a charitable organization in lieu of giving favors that will end up lost or discarded within days of your wedding.
If you are not aware of any charities, contact your local golf club for information on tournaments and charitable organizations that supports various groups.
This is a good option for charitable donations if you would prefer to go national with your money.
Your guests and you will feel pride in knowing you helped sponsor a tournament or charitable organization that benefits those in need.
Couples who have been living together for a long time, are on their second marriage, or who have no need for household items can choose to set up an online wedding gift registry for charitable causes.
If you still feel uneasy about creating a registry, you may opt to create a bridal registry with a charitable organization.
Many charitable organizations and churches offer free or low-cost care.
To add insult to injury, just one year earlier, in December of 2007, her grandfather pledged ninety-seven percent of his fortune to a charitable organization, severely cutting away at Paris' inheritance.
While his dad made sure he started out being of service to his country, Blunt has continued to provide service to others through charitable efforts.
Proceeds go to various charitable causes through the AmeriCone Dream Fund.
She's a program manager for the charity First Descents, a charitable organization that focuses on young adult cancer patients.
All that talk seems to be just another desperate attempt to cling to the spotlight because she has yet to follow through on any of the charitable things she claimed she was going to do.
He is also well known for his involvement with charitable causes such as Pets & Their Stars and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
He is also well known for his involvement with charitable causes, such as Pets & Their Stars and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
She is also the head of a charitable program called Together Strong, benefiting youth.
Matlin also supports numerous other charitable efforts, including the Red Cross and pediatric AIDS awareness.
Galas and balls are held for various organizations, from the charitable to political.
Another charitable organization, Seed Savers has heirloom varieties of many different vegetables and herbs.
It may be relatives, friends, or charitable organizations.
I had reached a time in my life where I was truly happy with the idea that I didn't have to be raising money for a charitable organization or doing a service project in order to justify spending time enjoying the company of friends.
If you're 70 1/2 or older, you can make a charitable gift through your IRA.
Under the PPA, these charitable gifts count toward your mandatory annual withdrawal if you're 70 1/2 or older.
If you transfer that $20,000 to a qualified charitable organization before taking any distribution, you can cut your federal taxes by $5,600.
The amount of the charitable rollover counted toward your RMD, so IRA charitable rollovers became less attractive for 2009 because of the RMD suspension.
Other centers have funding from religious organizations or charitable groups.
The child learns how to be kind and charitable to others.
It is logical and only right to thank people for gifts, cards, charitable donations and practical acts of support, but for some it is as important to thank someone for the meaningful and much appreciated psychological support they offered.
The tax commissioner bought the estate and declared it for "government use, for war, military, charitable and education purposes" according to Arlington National
The company founded a charitable organization called Hair Club For Kids in 1992.
Membership in local civic organizations or charitable group will be an advantage when applying for a job at a Target department store.
If you are looking for free job training classes, contact the center in your area and inquire about what types of career training opportunities may be available through public assistance, charitable grants, and employer sponsored programs.
You may also want to contact various charitable organizations in your community that provide educational and employment services to inquire about free job training classes in the area.
Some nonprofits, like The Salvation Army or the Red Cross, have hundreds of employees with multiple branches of service, while other charitable organizations are small and focused in nature.
Examples of these types of organizations would be churches, charitable organizations, labor unions, and any other groups locally that are willing to help single moms with purchasing a home.
AmeriDream is a charitable organization with ten years of history operating in the United States.
You may also want to consider making a charitable donation to your favorite non-profit organization in honor of your lost child.
Why is charitable involvement important to you?
Local services in your own community may include food bank help, housing through local charitable programs, or even monetary help from certain organizations.
We also are looking into donating funds to charitable organizations in Colombia.
This collaboration is an intriguing one because it fosters the growth of the company's charitable efforts while also promoting a fun time in the restaurant itself.
Aside from their intricate dance routines and high energy performances, these cheerleaders are all either enrolled in college (as full-time students), or are full or part-time employees that participate in numerous charitable events.
One of the stars of the show was Naomi Campbell who, in conjunction with the creators of line, helped design a collection of bikinis and cocktail dresses for the supermodel's charitable foundation, the Fashion For Relief Association.
We feature articles on various topics from fundraising ideas to charitable donations.
We will be adding new articles and interviews often, so come back and check out what is new and exciting in the world of charitable giving.
Articles are featured on various topics from fundraising ideas to charitable donations.
New articles and interviews are added often, so come back and check out what is new and exciting in the world of charitable giving.
There is even information on grants for nonprofit organizations, accounting, non profit salaries and other information relevant to operating a charitable organization.
The top-performing fundraising charitable events in the country tell you a lot about what makes a fundraiser work, as well as what doesn't.
Her charity efforts seem focused on charitable causes that are centered on improving the quality of life for minorities across the world.
If charitable giving provides a window into a celebrity's personal beliefs and convictions, then Oprah's giving reveals that she has a very strong sense of personal heritage, and believes in the importance of giving back to the community.
Check your local yellow pages for local charitable organizations that may accept furniture donations.
Luckily, there are already a variety of excellent charities, or charitable donation brokers, that provide Americans with a very easy method for donating vehicles to support worthy American causes.
It also reveals an organization that serves as a liaison with the American government while remaining an independent charitable organization.
The Chamber of Commerce should have a list of charitable organizations and local businesses.
Giving the charitable foundations doesn't always have to mean signing a check.
The Foundation was founded in 2000 by Bill and Melinda Gates and is the largest openly operated charitable foundation in the world.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has 15 guiding principles that define their charitable work and grant making endeavors.
Founded in 2000 by Bill and Melinda Gates, the Foundation is the largest openly operated charitable foundation in the world.
It's a fact that having an online presence can be a valuable marketing and outreach tool for any charitable organization.
A charitable organization's web site plays an important role in establishing the entity's image in the community.
Now that you've decided you want to make a donation to a charitable organization, there are two questions that need to be answered.
Many charitable organizations hold a capital campaign fundraising drive each year.
You'll need to research the requirements of the state where you plan to open your charitable organization to find out what paperwork and filing fees you will need to complete in order to form the legal entity.
If you decide to outsource this function, be sure to hire someone who has experience working with charitable organizations in your state.
The most common types of exempt organizations are those that exist for charitable or social welfare purposes, as well as trade associations.
In addition to taking care of making sure that your organization is properly set up, you'll also need to learn how to raise money if you plan to build a successful charitable organization.
Past efforts include increasing charitable giving incentives, protection of lobbying activity rights, voter education provisions and preserving tax exemptions for Minnesota nonprofits.
When approaching potential donors to request items to include in the auction, volunteers should be prepared to make arrangements to pick up donations and to provide those who agree to participate with a charitable donation receipt.
If you're looking for a fun product to sell to raise money for your school, team, or charitable organization, consider fundraising with popcorn.
Others may do it because they have a personal interest in the cause or charity while others see the value in providing a charitable service through board membership.
Style doesn't matter, as the thrift store does not have current fashion trends in mind as much as functionality, resale and the ability to earn more proceeds toward their charitable endeavors.
Many people wonder what exactly happens when they donate clothing to this charitable organization.
When you donate goods to a charitable organization, it's important for you to get a receipt for your gift.
The charitable organization is not required to place a value on the non-cash goods received from donors.
When you donate a vehicle to a qualified charitable organization, the value that you are able to claim on your taxes as a charitable gift depends on what the gift recipient does with the item.
If you donate an automobile, boat, or aircraft to a charitable organization, you'll need to consult A Donor's Guide to Vehicle Donations (IRS Publication 4303) to verify the requirements that apply to your gift.
If you're planning to make a sizeable charitable donation, it's in your best interest to seek advice from a qualified tax advisor before doing so.
Many organizations are more than willing to accept your used furniture as a charitable donation.
There are many worthy charitable organizations in the Chicago area that accept furniture as a donation.
Do not use the charitable organization as a dumping ground for your broken furniture.
Are you wondering if a bottled water fundraiser is a good option for your charitable organization?
Undoubtedly you've made a charitable contribution that is tax deductible at some point in life, but what about this year?
Filling out a form committing to pledge or sponsor an organization financially does not count as a charitable gift.
A "grant" is a financial gift from a federal or private agency, and is to be used to better the business or charitable goals of groups that better the world in a variety of ways.
How do you raise money for a non-profit or other charitable organization?
Donation letters are those letters requesting a donation from individuals to help with a charitable cause.
People have many different options for their charitable contributions, so make sure to make your request for a donation stand out from the crowd somehow.
Most charitable donations to approved organizations are tax deductible.
People will appreciate your gratitude and manners and will likely want to reward your organization with continued charitable giving.
Writing a charitable donation letter is quite simple, once you know what needs to be included and how to gather that information.
Donations and charitable contributions often make or break a group that exists to better the world.
Since grant applications can be very competitive and time consuming, many groups, especially smaller ones, turn to charitable donation letters instead.
Writing a charitable donation letter can also be a vital way to form relationships and network within your community.
There are literally thousands of legitimate charitable organizations, so do not think that most are charity scams.
Charities must be 501 (c) 3 and be either an educational, religious or charitable organization.
Habitat for Humanity stores, called ReStores, accept and sell donations of home building materials, appliances, furniture, and other similar items as a way of raising money to help fund charitable construction and renovation projects.
Habitat for Humanity focuses is a Christian organization that focuses its charitable efforts on providing decent, affordable places to live for people who are in need.
Doing so can either give your car a second chance at life or give a charitable organization the opportunity to sell it for parts.
People who say "I need free samples of donation letters" are probably trying to get people to donate money or goods to their charitable organization.
Charitable organizations frequently write donation letters.
When an organization accepts a charitable donation, receipt language is important.
The Internal Revenue Service states that the deductible amount of a charitable contribution is limited to the value of cash or property donate minus what the donor receives in return in exchange for the contribution.
Income tax filers may only claim such a discount for qualified charitable donations.
See How to Value a Charitable Donation for tips on assigning a monetary value to donations.
Prior to 2006, individuals could keep diaries or notes on the charitable donations they made.
Government agencies may not be listed in the publication either, but they too qualify as charitable organizations.
It is always best to check with your tax professional before claiming significant charitable donations on your tax documents.
You cannot list a charitable donation if you claim the standard deduction on your taxes.
This means anyone who uses a 1040A or 1040EZ form to file their taxes may not list the charitable donation on their taxes.
If you are a regular air traveler and you'd like to support a charitable cause, you may be happy to find out that you can donate frequent flyer miles to many organizations.
Funds can be named something related to the charitable interest as well.
Nonprofit organizations are always looking for new ways to raise money to support their charitable projects and programs, as well as to provide support for their operating expenses.
This charitable program, which is sponsored by a larger organization called Samaritan's Purse, is designed to provide less fortunate children with gifts during the holidays.
While not every charitable organization is required to have this type of document, it is necessary for any nonprofits that are incorporated.
In addition to following state specific incorporation procedures, those who are incorporating nonprofit organizations should also be familiar with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements specific to charitable entities.
Are you trying to find out where you can make charitable donations of building materials in West Virginia?
By donating excess or unwanted materials used in construction of homes and buildings, you can support a charitable organization as well as get a tax deduction.
Making charitable donations of building materials in West Virginia is a great way to help those less fortunate while doing your best to recycle unwanted supplies.
Many people rely on the charitable donations of goods.
The charitable donations of goods may help you to qualify for a tax deduction.
Many foundations not only give grants to charitable organizations but to others such as schools and hospitals as well.
Making charitable donations of building materials for houses in Maryland can help many families to get into affordable housing.
To make charitable donations of building materials for houses in Maryland to organizations outside of these, consider contacting local government or churches to learn about the needs of your community.
Before choosing one of the 100 best charities to donate to or volunteer with, confirm its legal status to ensure it is a charitable organization according to IRS rules.
Additionally, review the charitable purpose and donor policy to ensure that your donation will be used to as you intend.
It is home to a range of industries as well as service organizations and charitable foundations.
The donor may receive an income tax deduction, though writing off a car donation is more complicated than with other types of charitable gifts.
While not everyone has a used car to donate, the declining economy can make this a fiscally responsible way to be charitable, save money and earn some tax benefits, but only if you have done your homework.
Make sure the charity you have selected will directly benefit from your donation and that your gift is covered under the IRS guidelines for charitable donations if you want to write it off on your taxes.
Then you may report the Kelly Bluebook Value for fair market value as your charitable contribution.
The process is simple, but there are some requirements you must fulfill if you plan to take a tax deduction for your charitable gift.
The organization may have been in desperate need of a vehicle to help them in their charitable work, or they could need to sell the automobile to provide a quick infusion of funds.
Verify with your tax advisor that you will qualify to take a tax deduction for your charitable contribution.
While there are no guarantees, many charitable organizations around the United States receive Santa letters from the postal service and use them to grant children's wishes.
The Animal Rescue Site is a charitable organization that works to help provide food for unwanted animals at shelters across the United States.
If you don't want to go through the trouble of creating a gift closet, or you're just fed up with the materialism surrounding the Christmas holiday, you may want to consider making charitable donations as a last minute gift idea.
In fact, there are probably a few charitable organizations local to you.
The company also prides itself on its charitable efforts; a portion of its donation program supports organizations that contribute to the development, health and education of children and their mothers.
Pisces is quite the charitable sign, so it makes sense that these men are attracted to individuals who are generous, giving and helpful, both of their time and of their emotions.
She'll be inspired by the poverty she witnesses to start a charity drive or establish a charitable organization.
Harkins is additionally committed to charitable causes such as schools and social organizations, and has assisted in raising funds through benefits and fundraising premieres, charity gift sales, and public service announcements.
For more deals on discount furniture, try yard sales, or charitable organizations such as Goodwill, the Disabled Veteran's Store, and the Salvation Army.
Charitable organizations are treasure troves of discount furniture.
Civic organizations like the Lions Club, Kiwanis, and American Legion are filled with men and women who are charitable by nature.
From spiritual activities such as home sermons to secular assistance with household chores or running errands, outreach groups demonstrate many charitable and Christian qualities.
In addition to buying and selling gift cards, some companies also allow you to donate your unwanted gift cards to a charitable cause.
Now is the time to work on things like leaving an inheritance for your children and supporting charitable causes that you feel strongly about.
You may notice that Dave Ramsey forms include a spot for charitable giving.
This view is controversial, however, and not all of Ramsey's fans follow his charitable giving recommendation.
In addition to the government funded welfare programs, you and your family may be eligible for assistance through charitable foundations and private donation programs in your area.
If your financial crisis is related to a basis issue such as finding food or shelter, there are government organizations and charitable groups that may be able to help.
The charitable project and the shoes' easily identifiable style and comfort are defining factors for the company's image.
In addition to numerous local appearances, Scott devoted a great deal of time to charitable endeavors including serving as a founding board member of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center.
Now, Iyengar has instructors furthering his method in more than 40 countries, and four institutes dedicated to instruction and charitable work.
If you are active in civic or charitable organizations in your community, this optional section provides you with a way to share that information with prospective employers.
You can even build your professional network by doing volunteer work for charitable organizations in your community.
Also, because of UCLA's notoriety, the UCLA Spirit Squad spends a fairly substantial amount of time making public appearances representing the University at charitable events and other venues.
Consider taking apparel that you never wear to a consignment store or donating it to a charitable organization.
This charitable organization collects handmade blankets to distribute to seriously ill children.