Charge-d-affaires Sentence Examples
From 1825 to 1827 he acted as assistant viceconsul at Lisbon, where his uncle, Barthelemy de Lesseps, was the French charge d'affaires.
When his father was sent as minister to Great Britain in 1825 he accompanied him as secretary of the American legation, and when his father returned home on account of ill health he remained as charge d'affaires until August 1826.
In 1604 he was sent to Rome as charge d'affaires de France; when Clement VIII.
After serving in the legations in Switzerland and the Cisalpine republic, he was appointed in 1799 attaché to the French legation at Berlin, of which three years later he became charge d'affaires.
He was employed at the congress of Munster, where he remained after the signing of peace in 1648 as charge d'affaires until his death on the 5th of October of the next year.
The diplomatic agent of Belgium at Buenos Aires, e.g., is minister-resident and consul-general, and the minister of Ecuador in London is consulgeneral charge d'affaires.
In an address before the Pan-American Commercial Congress, 1919, certain of his remarks about Mexico brought protest to the State Department from the Mexican charge d'affaires and led the Mexican Government to withdraw its delegates.
That is the actual phrase used by the Vienna cabinet, said the Danish charge d'affaires.