Characterization Sentence Examples
Gamers decide how to act and respond based on their characterization.
This characterization originated with Henry Lee.
St Gregory's characterization of the Rule as "conspicuous for its discretion" touches the most essential quality.
His researches, in particular instances, prove their high importance for the history of disease, for characterization of the races inhabiting Egypt, and in other ways.
Fey's characterization of Palin was perfectly executed, and she returned to the show several times to resume the role.
These picks are based on "talent, versatility, influence, characterization, charisma, and success in the movie business," according to the site.
The PSP data allowed direct characterization of long term vegetation changes.
The characterization of Holmes, his ability of ingenious deductive reasoning, was based on... Continue reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 's Biography.
Viral induced gene silencing has been demonstrated for the characterization of gene function in diploid and tetraploid potato.
Characterization of the band's sound remained elusive despite hints of heavy metal infused with a bluesy style, but the efficient and ferocious beat of Buck Dharma's guitar was the perfect driver for this new musical vehicle.
AdvertisementThis unique combination of history, characterization and storyline collision is what makes daytime serial drama so appealing.
Rowlings is master of ceremonies when it comes to characterization, dishing out scoops of real life crisis, whether they are light-hearted or not, in increasing portions, sized to perfection with each delivery.
Order of the Phoenix is the squinting eyes of the series, peering in for a closer look at Harry's dark side and is another brilliant example of Rowling's keen eye for characterization.
The Faerie Queene herself is a direct characterization of Queen Elizabeth I.
While she is a confident leader, her stoic characterization is cast in a new light when Laura Roslin sees visions that lead her to believe she will be the one to lead the humans to a new home on a planet called Earth.
AdvertisementBut the progress in all directions has been too rapid to admit of any one adequate characterization.
Although Mexico is usually described as a nonmanufacturing country, its industrial development under President Porfirio Diaz will warrant some modification of this characterization.
For proposition and judgment involve subject and predicate and exhibit what a modern writer calls " identity of reference with diversity of characterization."
Almond's brilliant characterization and ability to evoke atmosphere, time and place mixes the real and unreal in a totally believable way.
Isolation, characterization and expression of a gene coding for a 2S albumin from Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut ).
AdvertisementGrowth and characterization of diamond-like carbon, carbon nanotubes and nanowires for coating, electronic and sensing applications.
This line of experiment came out of a fusion of bacterial genetics with the biochemical characterization of an inducible system of sugar metabolizing enzymes.
Our longer term aim to achieve functional characterization of these components.
The resulting bands were independently removed for biochemical and structural characterization.
Application note on using light scattering for protein characterization.
AdvertisementA report on historic landscape characterization in the Elan Valley will appear on the CPAT website in due course.
Whether this is due to shortcomings of the model, or the limitations of the material characterization, remains open for discussion.
Identification and molecular characterization of viruses infecting cucurbits in Pakistan.
Genetic characterization of the legs at odd angles angles locus, a new mutation causing motor neuron degeneration in a gene dose dependent manner.
This complexity has thus far proven as resistant to detailed chemical characterization as it is to microbial degradation.
It is unfortunate, but to be honest Dominic Purcell is probably the worst performance and characterization of Dracula to ever don the screen.
Cloning and characterization of a theta class glutathione transferase from the potato pathogen Phytophthora infestans.
Generation and characterization of ovine dendritic cells derived from peripheral blood monocytes.
The characterization of Holmes, his ability of ingenious deductive reasoning, was based on... Continue reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Biography.
This discovery was followed by many other examples of acutely transforming retroviruses, together with the structural characterization of the viruses involved.
The early 17th-century attempts at their independent use and characterization are historically interesting, but artistically almost barbarous.
Palaeotropical Ethiopian Region 4 Oriental In the following account the characterization of the various regions and subregions has to a very great extent been adopted from Newton's article in his Dictionary of Birds, and from the chapter on distribution in the article on " Birds " in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th edition.
Bunsen, and its application to the detection and the characterization of elements when in a state of incandescence, rapidly led to the discovery of many hitherto unknown elements.
The spectroscope has played an all-important part in the characterization of the elements, which, in combination with oxygen, constitute the group of substances collectively named the " rare earths."
The style is that of the classic school, that of Prescott and Motley, full of colour, characterization and spirit.
But in the characterization of their heroes the Celtic imagination runs riot, and the quality of their persons and their acts becomes exaggerated beyond the bounds of any conceivable probability.
The following characterization of the families is based upon more accessible features.
To these causes we attribute the pathological observation of Seneca and Tacitus, the new sense of purity in Persius called out by contrast with the impurity around him, the glowing if somewhat sensational exaggeration of Juvenal, the vivid characterization of Martial.
The generous scorn and pathos of the historian acting on extraordinary gifts of imaginative insight and characterization, and the fierce indignation of the satirist finding its vent in exaggerating realism, doubtless to some extent warped their impressions; nevertheless their works are the last voices expressive of the freedom and manly virtue of the ancient world.
The story of Siegfried in Richard Wagner's famous opera-cycle Der Ring der Nibelungen is mainly taken from the northern version; but many features, especially the characterization of Hagen, are borrowed from the German story, as is also the episode of Siegfried's murder in the forest.
Within this broad characterization are found many varieties of cult, organization and creed (see Church History).
Let me explain this characterization.
A particular recent focus of my research interest has been the characterization of skewness preference or downside risk aversion.
Our characterization was thoughtless and stupid, and we are sorry."
Some westerns may focus their plot on more of a Zorro type scenario while others may focus more on true characterization of an unlikely townperson.
As a ballad poet, Schiller's popularity has been hardly less great than as a dramatist; the bold and simple outline, the terse dramatic characterization appealed directly to the popular mind, which did not let itself be disturbed by the often artificial and rhetorical tone into which the poet falls.
In a special excursus of considerable length he has paid a tribute of the highest order to monachism, and in his characterization of Theodosius II.
The hydrazones are crystalline substances which are of value in the characterization of the aldehydes.
We may conclude this brief characterization of astronomy with a statement and classification of the principal lines on which astronomical researches are now pursued.
By all means let universal characterization be attempted - we are about to attempt one here, though well aware of the difficulty in the present state of our knowledge - but they must at least model themselves on the composite photograph rather than the impressionist sketch.
An earnest attempt to satisfy this demand was made by Fichte whose single principle was the activity of the pure Ego, while his single method was the assertion of a truth revealed by reflection on the content of conscious experience, the characterization of this as a half truth and the supplementation of it by its other, and finally the harmonization of both.
Neither play is as spontaneous or inspired as Die Rduber had been; but both mark a steady advance in characterization and in the technical art of the playwright.
The strength of this remarkable tragedy lay, not in its inflated tone or exaggerated characterization - the restricted horizon of Schiller's school-life had given him little opportunity of knowing men and women - but in the sure dramatic instinct with which it is constructed and the directness with which it gives voice to the most pregnant ideas of the time.