Characteristics Sentence Examples
Among its characteristics the following points are noticeable.
The general characteristics of the distribution effected by these gears are similar.
I don't think local customs and national characteristics will go away.
Samantha adores men that have sensitive and sweet characteristics instead of tough guys always trying to show machismo.
Their distinctive and adaptive characteristics doubtless began to be established as soon as the phanerogamic flora was constituted.
The characteristics of the oak region, which comprises all central Russia, are totally different.
The relatively small size of the ear is one of the most distinctive characteristics of the dwarf race.
There appear to be no true distinctive characteristics for these two types.
All types of valves are with few exceptions operated by a link motion, generally of the Stephenson type, occasionally of the Allan type or the Gooch type, or with some form of radial gear as the Joy gear or the Walschaert gear, though the latter gear has characteristics which ally it with the link motions.
The Himalo-Chinese or Transgangetic province shows the characteristics of its avifauna also far away to the eastward in Formosa, Hainan and Cochin China, and again in a lesser degree to the southward in the mountains of Malacca and Sumatra.
AdvertisementProfessor Keane groups man round four leading types, which may be named the black, yellow, red and white, or the Ethiopic, Mongolic, American and Caucasic. Each may be subdivided, though not with great exactness, into smaller groups, either according to physical_; characteristics, of which the form of the head is most important, or according to language.
From a popular conception of the intellectual characteristics of the school comes the modern sense of "cynic," implying a sneering disposition to disbelieve in the goodness of human motives and a contemptuous feeling of superiority.
It is true that the situation in Israel or Samaria continues obscure, but a careful study of literary productions, evidently not earlier than the 7th century B.C., reveals a particular loftiness of conception and a tendency which finds its parallels in Hosea and approximates the peculiar characteristics of the Deuteronomic school of thought.
The characteristics of camels and their systematic position are discussed under the headings Tylopoda and Artiodactyla.
Since the passing of the Light Railways Act of 1896, which did not apply to Ireland, it is possible to give a formal definition by saying that a light railway is one constructed under the provisions of that act; but it must be noted that the commissioners appointed under that act have authorized many lines which in their physical characteristics are indistinguishable from street tramways constructed under the Tramways Act, and to these the term light railways would certainly not be applied in ordinary parlance.
AdvertisementA word must be said about physical characteristics.
The Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms are recognized and venerated standards in all the lands where British Presbyterianism, with its sturdy characteristics, has taken root.
Up to the present day the population retains strongly-marked Celtic characteristics.
In connexion with the present subject it is important to notice the three characteristics of a musical sound, namely, pitch, loudness and quality.
The necessary condition for a successful system of telephony is the ability to reproduce these characteristics.
AdvertisementThe Armenians of Venice maintain their traditional characteristics.
The former support a copious herbaceous flora, the characteristics of which in the Old and New Worlds have been already briefly summarized.
But the positive characteristics of the region as a whole are not its peculiar forms alone; there are at least four families which, being feebly represented elsewhere, here attain the maximum of development.
The general characteristics of the pupae in these two sections have already been described.
Of Celebes less is known than of Borneo, which it resembles in condition and natural characteristics.
AdvertisementGreek husbandry had no salient characteristics.
Upon the characteristics of the post-exilic priestly writings we need not dwell.'
But within this region there is a very great variation between the vegetation of the more humid and the more arid regions, while the characteristics of the flora on the higher mountain ranges differ wholly from those of the plains.
Bluff good-nature, a certain jocoseness, a humour pungent and ready, though somewhat coarse, a hot or even violent disposition, are characteristics of Mahratta chieftains.
They are true nomad Arabs, having intermarried little with the Nuba, and have preserved most of their national characteristics.
Although one of the characteristics of insects is the brevity of their adult lives, a considerable number of exceptions to the general rule have been discovered.
The peculiar characteristics of Syro-Hittite art, and its relation to that of Assyria, are matters of great interest to the student of the civilization and art of the Nearer East.
But the identification becomes undeniable, as further characteristics of this priestly dynasty come to light.
The people, more remote and less accessible to external influences, retained their Scandinavian characteristics longer than the Orcadians.
The following are the leading characteristics by means of which the sub-order Perissodactyla is distinguished from the Artiodactyla.
It will be seen that from the biological standpoint there fall under the stricter definition those hereditary modes of behaviour which are analogous to hereditary forms of structure; and that a sharp line of distinction is drawn between the behaviour which is thus rendered definite through heredity, and the behaviour the distinguishing characteristics of which are acquired in the course of individual life.
The physical characteristics of Bashan are noteworthy.
The climate of Cuba is tropical and distinctively insular in characteristics of humidity, equability and high mean temperature.
The characteristics of these two heroines (frequently confounded) point to their being secondary forms of the Arcadian Artemis.
An intense and passionate ardour breathes in his verses, and forms one of the most remarkable as well as one of the most attractive characteristics of his style; for, while few even among Turkish poets are more artificial than he, few seem to write with greater earnestness and sincerity.
In early times, though there is considerable variety in the cases treated and the methods of cure, there are certain characteristics common to the majority of the cases.
This "confusion of powers," which was contrary to the philosophical theories - those of Montesquieu especially - which had inspired the Revolution at first, was one of the essential characteristics of the Convention.
That there is no essential difference between the two is, however, shown by the facts that the seeds of the peach will produce nectarines, and vice versa, and that it is not very uncommon, though still exceptional, to see peaches and nectarines on the same branch, and fruits which combine in themselves the characteristics of both nectarines and peaches.
It may, however, well be that both peach and almond are derived from some pre-existing and now extinct form whose descendants have spread over the whole geographic area mentioned; but this is a mere speculation, though indirect evidence in its support might be obtained from the nectarine, of which no mention is made in ancient literature, and which, as we have seen, originates from the peach and reproduces itself by seed, thus offering the characteristics of a species in the act of developing itself.
The general characteristics of the lakes in the north differ from those of the south, the former being generally deep, with ragged rocky shores formed by glacial scouring which caused rock basins, the latter being mostly shallow.
Inscriptions and coins show that its civilization consisted of a layer of Roman ideas and customs superimposed on Celtic tribal characteristics.
Further, one-third of the Belgian provinces was inhabited by a Walloon population divided from the Flemings by racial characteristics and their use of a Romance instead of a Teutonic dialect.
From the time of Pheidias calm earnestness, self-conscious might, and clearness of intellect were the main characteristics of the goddess.
We have now to offer a classification of the Arachnida and to pass in review the larger groups, with a brief statement of their structural characteristics.
Its popularity remained unimpaired after the fall of Persia, and it was during the ferment following the conquests of Alexander that the characteristics which mark it during the Roman period were firmly fixed.
The bays of Espirito Santo, Paranagua and Sao Francisco have similar characteristics, but they are smaller and more difficult of access.
The Amazon region has a comparatively narrow frontage on the Atlantic. In Maranhao, which belongs to the coast region, open spaces or campos appear, though the state is well wooded and its forests have the general characteristics of the lower Amazon.
The special characteristics of its masters are freshness of colour, vivacity of expression and distinct originality.
This pure individualism, consistently interpreted, involves the denial of all real relation whatsoever; for things are related and classified by means of their general characteristics.
Accordingly, if these general characteristics do not possess reality, things are reduced to a number of characterless and mutually indifferent points.
It appears, however, from Russian explorations during the last third of the 19th North- century, that it has all the characteristics of an elevated western plateau, of a rhomboid shape (like Bohemia), bounded by four mountain ranges; namely, the Russian Altai on the N.W., the Sayans on the N.E., the Kentei range on the S.E., and the Ektagh Altai on the S.W.
Chiefly owing to the dryness of climate, its physical characteristics are similar to those of Mongolia proper, except that the altitude of the plains is much lower.
In Transylvania the climate bears the extreme characteristics peculiar to mountainous countries interspersed with valleys; whilst the climate of the districts bordering on the Adriatic is modified by the neighbourhood of the sea.
The metallic plate thus produced formed, when stripped from its support, a reflection grating reproducing many of the characteristics of the original.
The influence of Newcastle and Sandwich, however, was too strong for him; he was thwarted and over-reached; and in 1748 he resigned the seals, and returned to cards and his books with the admirable composure which was one of his most striking characteristics.
Doubtless many of the smaller objects with which primitive man adorned himself, especially trophies from the animal world, were supposed to exert some beneficial or protective influence on the wearer, or to produce in him the distinguishing characteristics attributed to the object, or to the whole of which the object was a part.
His great characteristics are humanity and urbanity, and to this may be attributed the attraction which he had for the two chief representatives of these qualities in Roman literature - Cicero and Horace.
The llanos have some distinguishing characteristics.
The manakins are nearly all birds of gay appearance, generally exhibiting rich tints of blue, crimson, scarlet, orange or yellow in combination with chestnut, deep black, black and white, or olive green; and among their most obvious characteristics are their short bill and feeble feet, of which the outer toe is united to the middle toe for a good part of its length.
When Virchow wrote, in 1850, " every animal presents itself as a sum of vital unities, every one of which manifests all the characteristics of life," he expressed a doctrine whose sway since then has practically been uninterrupted.
His characteristics in his prose fiction and descriptive work are not very different from those of his poetry.
It is not surprising when these characteristics of Lamartine's work are appreciated to find that his fame declined with singular rapidity in France.
The best specimen of this work, of which the outstanding characteristics are sheer whimsicality and topsy-turvy humour, is The Ballad of Kynd Kittok.
The principles of treatment just mentioned apply more especially to the cure of acute diseases; but they are the most salient characteristics of the Hippocratic school.
Galen classes them all as of the dogmatic school; but, whatever may have been their characteristics, they are of no importance in the history of the science.
Friedrich Hoffmann (1660-1742), like Boerhaave, owed his influence, and perhaps partly his intellectual characteristics, to his academical position.
Although our conception of the poet's life is necessarily vague and meagre, yet his personal force is so remarkable and so vividly impressed on his poem, that we seem able to form a consistent idea of his qualities and characteristics.
It is more difficult to infer the moral than the intellectual characteristics of a great writer from the personal impress left by him on his work.
London south of the Thames has none of the grander characteristics of the wealthy districts to the north.
The survival of names of obliterated physical features or characteristics is illustrated in Section I.; but additional instances are found in the Strand, which originally ran close to the sloping bank of the Thames, and in Smithfield, now the central meat market, but for long the " smooth field " where a cattle and hay market was held, and the scene of tournaments and games, and also of executions.
By the help of these maps we are able to obtain a clear notion of the extent and chief characteristics of Tudor London.
It is necessary to have the work directed by men thoroughly familiar with the characteristics of mineral deposits, and with wide experience in mining.
For the characteristics of these ships and of the " Lord Nelson " and "Inflexible " see 24.897.
The Burmese in person have the Mongoloid characteristics common to the Indo-Chinese races, the Tibetans and tribes of the Eastern Himalaya.
These tiny animals, commonly known as mousedeer, are in no wise nearly related to the true deer, but constitute by themselves a special section of artiodactyle ungulates known as Tragulina, for the characteristics of which see ARTIODACTYLA.
We shall now consider (I.) Apocalyptic, its origin and general characteristics; (II.) Old Testament Apocalyptic; (III.) New Testament Apocalyptic.
From his time onwards various names of tribes are enumerated, and to some extent geographically located, most of these appellations being Greek words, applied to the tribes by strangers in virtue of what seemed to be their leading characteristics, e.g.
For other characteristics see Pecora.
Of the first the physical characteristics are a small, thin-limbed body, hair black, short and woolly, projecting jaws, rounded, narrow, retreating forehead, long and narrow head, enormous eyebrow ridges, flat nose and dark skin.
It would then have produced a system which would have been feudal, in the wide sense of the term, but it would have been marked by different characteristics, it would have operated in a somewhat different way.
Apart from these characteristics, the most distinctive feature of earwigs is the presence at the end of the abdomen of a pair of pincers which are in reality modified appendages, known as cercopods, and represent the similar limbs of Japyx and the caudal feelers of Campodea and some other insects.
This distinction between the characteristics of the two races is only true in a general sense, for a considerable population of true Bedouin origin has settled down to agricultural life in the oases of Hejaz and Nejd, while in southern Arabia the tribes dwelling on the fringe of the great desert have to a certain extent adopted the nomad life.
In his public life he displayed many noble characteristics, - perfect simplicity and sincerity, intense moral earnestness, sturdy independence, absolute fearlessness.
The consequence is that they take a pride in accentuating their national characteristics, a circumstance which threatens to develop into a new source of discord.
Of the tribal distribution of this race, of its linguistic, social and political characteristics, and of the history of its relation to the other peoples of Spain, we have only the most general, fragmentary and contradictory accounts.
On the whole, the historical evidence indicates that in Spain, when it first became known to the Greeks and Romans there existed many separate and variously civilized tribes connected by at least apparent identity of race, and by similarity (but not identity) of language, and sufficiently distinguished by their general characteristics from Phoenicians, Romans and Celts.
This Neolithic race has consequently been nicknamed " Iberians," and it is now common to speak of the " Iberian " ancestry of the people of Britain, recognizing the racial characteristics of " Iberians " in the" small swarthy Welshman," the " small dark Highlander," and the " Black Celts to the west of the Shannon," as well as in the typical inhabitants of Aquitania and Brittany.
One of the characteristics of the Tatra are the numerous mountain lakes (112 in number), called by the people "eyes of the sea."
But from the fact that the bulk of the Tunisian population belongs to the Iberian section of the Berbers, and to this being no doubt the fundamental stock of most Italian peoples, the intermixture of the Italianized Berber with his African brother has not much affected the physique of the people, though it may have slightly tinged their mental characteristics.
Many of the chief characteristics of the ancient Greek heroes are reproduced in those of the Teutonic North, the parallel being in some cases very striking; Siegfried, for instance, like Achilles, is vulnerable only in one spot, and Wayland Smith, like Hephaestus, is lame.
The idea of the god of love in Roman poetry is due to the influence of Alexandrian poets and artists, in whose hands he degenerated into a mischievous boy with essentially human characteristics.
Solidity of mass and simplicity of detail are among the characteristics of this period.
General characteristics are hot and humid though short summers, and long, cold and clear winters.
Yet in other physical characteristics the Japanese, the Koreans and the Chinese resemble each other so closely that, under similar conditions as to costume and coiffure, no appreciable difference is apparent.
Its characteristics are exceptional tallness combined with slenderness and elegance of figure; a face somewhat long, without any special prominence of the cheekbones but having more or less oblique eyes; an aquiline nose; a slightly receding chin; largish upper teeth; a long neck; a narrow chest; a long trunk, and delicately shaped, small hands with long, slender fingers.
When we come to dissect it, we find several striking characteristics.
To alter it in any way would be to deprive it of all distinguishing characteristics.
Concerning tht five schools into which the NO is divided, their characteristics and their differencesthese are matters of interest to the initiated alone.
This estimate of Spencerian philosophy may be substantiated by a brief survey of its origin and leading characteristics.
The numerous residences of the daimyos were the chief characteristics of the old town, especially in the Kojimachi-ku.
The lexicographers mention as characteristics of the Eupatridae that they are the autochthonous population, the dwellers in the city, the descendants of the royal stock.
The combination of these two characteristics suggests some connexion with the legend of Orestes.
They may have contributed to the formation of the style of comedy which appears at the very outset much more mature than that of serious poetry, tragic or epic. They gave the name and some of the characteristics to that special literary product of the Roman soil, the satura, addressed to readers, not to spectators, which ultimately was developed into pure poetic satire in Lucilius, Horace, Persius and Juvenal, into the prose and verse miscellany of Varro, and into something approaching the prose novel in Petronius.
Thus far Latin literature, of which the predominant characteristics are dignity, gravity and fervour of feeling, seemed likely to become a mere vehicle of amusement adapted to all classes of the people in their holiday mood.
The characteristics of the great writers are essentially national, not provincial nor cosmopolitan.
The new extraneous element introduced into Roman literature draws into greater prominence the characteristics of the last great representatives of the genuine Roman and Italian spirit - the historian Tacitus and the satirist Juvenal.
The western slope of Lebanon has the common characteristics of the flora of the Mediterranean coast, but the Anti-Lebanon belongs to the poorer region of the steppes, and the Mediterranean species are met with only sporadically along the water-courses.
The mixed population, as a whole, displays the usual characteristics of mountaineers, fine physique and vigorous independent spirit; but its ancient truculence has given way before strong government action since the middle 10th century, and the great increase of agricultural pursuits, to which the purely pastoral are now quite secondary.
The doubt already suggested as to language applies still more to such characteristics as Dorian music and other forms of art, and to Dorian customs generally.
According to Roscher (in his Lexikon der Mythologie), who identifies the ciris with the heron, the story of Nisus and Scylla (like these of Acdon, Procne, Philomela and Tereus) was invented to give an aetiological explanation of the characteristics of certain birds.
Roughly we may distinguish three main divisions of the calendar year, the festivals of Spring, of the Harvest and of Winter, preserving on the whole their peculiar characteristics.
Modern preaching, like ancient preaching, has been so varied, depending, as it so largely does, on the personality of the preacher, that it is not possible to speak of its characteristics.
Kattenbusch does not shrink from suggesting that he shows acquaintance with the Roman Creed, and that Justin Martyr also knew it, in which case all the so-called Eastern characteristics have been imprinted on the original Roman form, and are not derived from an Eastern archetype.
His occupations were now almost exclusively literary, and from this time forward he was probably engaged in writing, completing or revising the treatises which were afterwards included in the Characteristics.
In 1711 appeared the Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, in three volumes, also without any name or initials on the title-page, and without even the name of a printer.
His principal occupation at this time must have consisted in preparing for the press a second edition of the Characteristics, which appeared in 1713, soon after his death.
Naples, in writing the little treatise (afterwards included in the Characteristics) entitled A Notion of the Historical Draught or Tablature of the Judgment of Hercules, and the letter concerning Design.
Shaftesbury's amiability of character seems to have been one of his principal characteristics.
The Letter on Design was first published in the edition of the Characteristics issued in 1732.
No sooner had the Characteristics appeared than they were welcomed, in terms of warm commendation, by Le Clerc and Leibnitz.
Translations of separate treatises into German began to be made in 1738, and in 1776-1779 there appeared a complete German translation of the Characteristics.
Their coins show a remarkable union of characteristics, derived from many nations.
The characteristics of these groups will be found under their respective headings, with the exception of the Barypoda and Condylarthra, for which see Arsinoitherium and Phenacodus.
Like geography, oceanography may be viewed in two different ways, and is conveniently divided into general oceanography, which deals with phenomena common to the whole ocean, and special oceanography, which has to do with the individual characteristics of the various divisions of the ocean.
In 1804 were also delivered the noble lectures entitled Grundziige des gegenwdrtigen Zeitalters (Characteristics of the Present Age, 1804), containing a most admirable analysis of the Aufkltirung, tracing the position of such a movement of thought in the natural evolution of the general human consciousness, pointing out its inherent defects, and indicating as the ultimate goal of progress the life of reason in its highest aspect as a belief in the divine order of the universe.
For the characteristics of the family Sciuridae and the different squirrel-like genera by which it is represented, see Rodentia.
Its buildings present Venetian characteristics; it has some good palaces, notably the fine early Lombard Renaissance Palazzo dei Rettori, now the seat of the prefecture.
In short, if we recall the characteristics of the Church in the Weft from the times of Constantine to those of Theodoric - its reliance upon the civil power for favours and protection, combined with its assumption of a natural superiority over the civil power and its innate tendency to monarchical unity - it becomes clear that Gregory VII.
These last characteristics also separate them essentially from the Pycnogonida, some members of which resemble them to a certain extent in having only four pairs of limbs, no gnathites, no respiratory organs, a ganglionated ventral nervous system, and the abdomen reduced to a mere rudiment projecting between the last pair of legs.
Since the tribes practised far more in-breeding than out-breeding, the tendency was toward forming not only verbal linguistic groups, but biological varieties; the weaker the tribe, the fewer the captures, the greater the isolation and harder the conditions - producing dolichocephaly, dwarfism and other retrogressive characteristics.
The special characteristics of each are to be seen partly in the skill and genius of their makers, and partly in the exigencies of the site and the available materials.
Racial and national ideals, characteristics, laws and languages of these subject peoples were to be suppressed, by force if necessary, and an Ottoman population created which, outwardly at least, should be homogeneous within the empire's wide confines.
In general physical characteristics the province resembles East Prussia, but the climate is less harsh and the fertility of the soil greater.
The present article will first describe its general structure and more obvious contents; compare it with the Synoptic Gospels; and draw out its leading characteristics and final object.
C. Burkitt's The Gospel History (1906) vigorously sketches the book's dominant characteristics and true function.
Then do= I do dx The Characteristics of Sound Waves Corresponding to Loudness, Pitch and Quality.
The action of water and ice upon the soft sandstone of which the hills here are chiefly composed has produced deep gorges and isolated fantastic peaks, which, however, though both beautiful and interesting, by no means recall the characteristics of Swiss scenery.
The political characteristics of these ministers are hardly distinguishable one from another; they all took their stand on a middle course of loyalty to the state and party impartiality.
Waitz is often spoken of as the chief disciple of Ranke, though perhaps in general characteristics and mental attitude he has more affinity with Pertz or Dahlmann.
It was not until the 19th century that "ultramontane and " ultramontanism " came into general use as broad designations covering the characteristics of particular personalities,.
He had no great tincture of learning, he was by no means a profound logician, and he was impulsive and emotional in the extreme - characteristics which in political matters predispose the subject to the preference of equality above all political requisites.
Yin, Meo and Musur have Yunnanese characteristics, are met with in the Shan States north of Siam and in Yun-nan, and are supposed to have found their way into northern Siam since the beginning of the 19th century.
These last three have Negrito characteristics, and probably represent a race far older even than the ancient Ka.
The fusion of races may be said to have begun then, for it was during the succeeding centuries that the kings of Swankalok-Sukhotai gradually assumed Lao characteristics, and that the Siamese language, written character and other racial peculiarities were in course of formation.
With some allowance for the purpose for which they were originally written, they present much the same characteristics as his earlier historical books.
His chief characteristics were lucidity, an intimate acquaintance with the principles of civil and natural law, and an unrivalled power of expression.
Although these several ranges, or systems of ranges, differ considerably in their orographical characteristics, the following description will apply generally to the entire region from the Astin-tagh southwards to the Arka-tagh.
From his mother, Elizabeth Vitlitsaya, he inherited most of his characteristics, an insatiable love of work, an almost pedantic love of order and the most rigorous sense of duty.
A train of ideas which strongly impressed itself on Clerk Maxwell's mind, in the early stages of his theoretical views, was put forward by Lord Kelvin in 1858; he showed that the special characteristics of the rotation of the plane of polarization, discovered by Faraday in light propagated along a magnetic field, viz.
It cannot be said that she developed as did the Western Church during this period, for she remained what she had been; but she freely developed her original characteristics, consistently, in every direction.
In external form and appearance the Hydrozoa exhibit such striking differences that there would seem at first sight to be little in common between the more divergent members of the group. Nevertheless there is no other class in the animal kingdom with better marked characteristics, or with more uniform morphological peculiarities underlying the utmost diversity of superficial characters.
We have already seen that a strict imitation of Cicero was one of the characteristics of the Italian humanists.
Southward from the sea the country falls naturally into three divisions, clearly distinguished by their broad physical characteristics.
It was one of the characteristics of the early Christian teachers that they rarely stayed for any length of time in a place; they moved on, and the little congregation was left to wait for another visitor, who might be some time in coming.
Besides these works the chief efforts of textual critics since WH have been directed towards the elucidation of minor problems, and the promulgation of certain hypotheses to explain the characteristics either of individual MSS.
She was the unmistakable child of the age so far as Englishmen shared in its characteristics, for with her English aims she combined some Italian methods and ideas.
The rugged east section of the state, a part of Appalachian America, is inhabited by a people of marked characteristics, portrayed in the fiction of Miss Murfree (" Charles Egbert Craddock ") and John Fox, Jr. They are nearly all of British - English and Scotch-Irish - descent, with a trace of Huguenot.
It should be mentioned that in most tables of trigonometrical functions, the number io is added to all the logarithms in the table in order to avoid the use of negative characteristics, so that the characteristic 9 denotes in reality 1, 8 denotes a, io denotes o, &c. Logarithms thus increased are frequently referred to for the sake of distinction as tabular logarithms, so that the tabular logarithm =the true logarithm -IIo.
Napier said that he had already thought of the change, and pointed out a further improvement, viz., that the characteristics of numbers greater than unity should be positive and not negative, as suggested by Briggs.
It contains seven-figure logarithms of numbers from I to 100,000, with characteristics unseparated from the mantissae, and was formed from Vlacq's table (1628) by leaving out the last three figures.
Cockerell, including the plants of its shores, the insects which lived upon them, the fluctuations of its level, and many other characteristics of this extinct water body, now in the heart of the arid region of the Rocky Mountains.
The devil here assumes very much the characteristics of the punishing and just God of the Old Testament, and the prospect is even held out of his ultimate pardon.
The white race is of Spanish descent and has the characteristics common to other Spanish-American creoles.
The varying climatic conditions of Mexico have produced breeds of cattle that have not only departed from the original Spanish type, but likewise present strikingly different characteristics among themselves.
The characteristics of Lelewel as an historian are great research and power to draw inferences from his facts; his style is too often careless, and his narrative is not picturesque, but his expressions are frequently terse and incisive.
These characteristics reappear (accompanied, however, by frequent touches of the epigrammatic power above mentioned, which seems to have come to Thiers more readily as an orator or a journalist than as an historian) in his speeches, which after his death were collected in many volumes by his widow.
The strongly marked characteristics which determined Isaac D'Israeli's career were displayed to a singular degree even in his boyhood.
As an historian D'Israeli is distinguished by two characteristics.
Burchell (1811-1812), both distinguished naturalists, and other explorers, had made familiar the general characteristics of the southern part of the country.
It has all the characteristics of an acid, dissolving many metals with evolution of hydrogen and formation of salts, called iodides.
There seems little in the characteristics of these fairies of romance to distinguish them from human beings, except their supernatural knowledge and power.
The community of characteristics that is suggested by the association of six north-eastern states under the name New England The North- is in large measure warranted by the inclusion of easternA all these states within the broadened crystalline belt palachians of the north-eastern Appalachians, which is here 150 m.
In virtue of these physical characteristics, the air over the land becomes much warmer in summer and much colder in winter than the air over the oceans in corresponding latitudes; hence the seasonal changes of temperature in the central United States are strong; the high temperatures appropriate to the torrid zone advance northward to middle latitudes in summer, and the low temperatures appropriate to the Arctic regions descend almost to middle latitudes in winter.
It is evident that the characteristics of the factory age to which reference is made above would have acted upon native British as upon any other stock; and that it has universally so acted there is abundant statistical evidence, in Europe and even in a land of such youth and ample opportunities as Australia.
The assumption explicitly made by General Walker that among the immigrants no influence was yet excited in restriction of population, is also not only gratuitous, but inherently weak; the European peasant who landed (where the great majority have stayed) in the eastern industrial states was thrown suddenly under the influence of the forces just referred to; forces possibly of stronger influence upon him than upon native classes, which are in general economically and socially more stable, On the whole, the better opinion is probably that of a later authority on the vital statistics of the country, Dr John Shaw Billings,i that though the characteristics of modern life doubtless influence the birth-rate somewhat, by raising the average age of marriage, lessening unions, and increasing divorce and prostitution, their great influence is through the transmutation into necessities of the luxuries of simpler times; not automatically, but in the direction of an increased resort to means for the prevention of child-bearing.
It was suggested that the seals had some of the characteristics of the domestic animals, and could therefore be the subject of something in the nature of a right of property.
In topography and characteristics and in the difficulties of its regulation the Arkansas is in many ways typical of the rivers in the arid regions of the western states.
All these characteristics are accentuated below Little Rock.
The connexion, however, though it may be early, is probably not primitive, and it seems reasonable to conclude that Hephaestus was a general fire-god, though some of his characteristics were due to particular manifestations of the element.
The fauna and flora of Alabama are similar to those of the Gulf states in general and have no distinctive characteristics.
North of the line mentioned, and collectively known as North Georgia, are the four other regions, each with well-defined characteristics.
Capybaras belong to the family Caviidae, the leading characteristics of which are given in Rodentia.
It seems unwarranted to make this Sarapsi= Sarapis travel to Sinope and thence to Alexandria as the type of the Egyptian god; but whether or no the Egyptian appellation Sarapis was applied to express the Babylonian Sarapsi, the part it played in the last days of Alexander may have determined the choice by which the Egyptian Osiris-Apis supplied the name and some leading characteristics to the god of Alexandria.
In 1859 there appeared his Characteristics of the Gospel Miracles.
Among his publications are Characters and Characteristics of William Law (1893); Bunyan Characters (3 vols., 1894); Samuel Rutherford (1894); An Appreciation of Jacob Behmen (1895) Lancelot Andrewes and his Private Devotions (1895); Bible Characters (7 vols., 1897); Santa Teresa (1897); Father John of Cronstadt (1898); An Appreciation of Browne's Religio Medici (1898); Cardinal Newman, An Appreciation (1901).
The characteristics of the Muridae are those of the Myoidea generally, as given above under the heading of the Spalacidae.
Short fibre silks are still put through cards and treated like cotton; but the value of silk is in its lustre, elasticity and strength, which characteristics are obtained by keeping fibres as long as possible.
The language then underwent certain changes which gradually distinguished it from the French spoken in France; but, except for some graphical characteristics, from which certain rules of pronunciation are to be inferred, the changes to which the language was subjected were the individual modifications of the various authors, so that, while we may still speak of AngloNorman writers, an Anglo-Norman language, properly so called, gradually ceased to exist.
The Solomon islanders are of Melanesian (Papuan) stock, though in different parts of the group they vary considerably in their physical characteristics, in some islands approaching the pure Papuan, in some showing Polynesian crossings and in others resembling the Malays.
Projecting brows, deeply sunk dark eyes, short noses, either straight or arched, but 'always depressed at the root, and moderately thick lips, with a somewhat receding chin, are general characteristics.
The object of this proposal was to give effect to the idea that the existing " permanent " court lacked the essential characteristics of national courts of justice in not being ready at all times to hear cases, and in needing to be specially constituted for every case submitted to it.
The different series have certain characteristics which they seem to maintain wherever they have been obtained.
The characteristics of Pappus's Collection are that it contains an account, systematically arranged, of the most important results obtained by his predecessors, and, secondly, notes explanatory of, or extending, previous discoveries.
And the fruits of much of that older study of the Gospels, which was largely employed in pointing out the special characteristics of each, will still prove serviceable.
Thus a West African native who wants a suhman takes a rudely-cut wooden image or a stone, a root of a plant, or some red earth placed in a pan, and then he calls on a spirit of Sasabonsum ("a genus of deities, every member of which possesses identical characteristics") to enter the object prepared, promising it offerings and worship. If a spirit consents to take up its residence in the object, a low hissing sound is heard, and the suhman is complete.
The western branch became russified, so that the Meshcheryaks of the governments of Penza, Saratov, Ryazan and Vladimir have adopted the customs, language and religion of the conquering race; but their ethnographical characteristics can be easily distinguished in the Russian population of the governments of Penza and Tambov.
One of the characteristics of actual experience is that its object is, or has been, present to an experiencing subject; and of possible experience that it can be present.
Its characteristics were a flamboyant and fantastic treatment of plant and animal (though not of human) forms, a free use of the geometrical device called the " returning spiral," and much skill in enamelling.
Besides them we trace a larger number of country towns, varying much in size, but all possessing in some degree the characteristics of a town.
It is a sandy tract, in parts well wooded, diversified with several small sheets of water, and to a great extent preserves its natural characteristics unaltered.
Chatham's residence was at North End, a picturesque quarter yet preserving characteristics of a rural village; here also Wilkie Collins was born.
But the moral characteristics which they most earnestly cultivated and enjoined will best appear in their rules of initiation.
The linguistic characteristics of the various Teutonic peoples have been dealt with under Teutonic Languages.
But whether we are justified in speaking of a Teutonic race in the anthropological sense is at least doubtful, for the mcst striking characteristics of these peoples occur also to a considerable extent among their eastern and western neighbours, where they can hardly be ascribed altogether to Teutonic admixture.
But the most noteworthy characteristics of the province are, perhaps, the brilliancy of its climate, the beauty of its scenery (which ranges in character from the alpine to the tropical), and the interest of its art and antiquities.
The quaint characteristics of the hilly site of the old town have largely been destroyed by modern improvements, which began in 1836 and were not quite completed in 1910.
Windroses with these characteristics are found in Venetian and Genoese charts of early 14th century, and are depicted similarly by the Spanish navigators.
These characteristics of his scientific spirit lie on the surface of his work, and are manifest to all who read his writings.
Its intense pride, its fatalistic indolence and ignorance, its honesty and its bigotry, tempered by a keen sense of humour, are well-known characteristics.
For the distinctive characteristics of the family Muridae and the genus Mus, to which true rats and true mice alike belong, see Rodentia.
We find Philo Judaeus endeavouring to free the concept of the Old Testament Yahweh from anthropomorphic characteristics and finite determinations.
Another goddess, specially honoured at Carthage, is Tanith (pronunciation uncertain); nothing is known of her characteristics; she is regularly connected with Ba'al on the Carthaginian votive tablets, and called " the face of Ba'al," i.e.
The study of the physical characteristics of criminals is discussed at great length by Lombroso, L` Uomo delinguente (1897); Ferri, L'Omicidio (1895); von Baer, Der Verbrecher (1893); Laurent, Les Habitues des prisons (1890); and Havelock Ellis, The Criminal (1901).
As to its characteristics and relation to other languages of the same stock, see Semitic Languages.
After a period of stress and uncertainty, due very largely to the variety of denominational creed and polity, matters assumed an easier condition, the missionaries recognizing the national characteristics and aiming at guidance rather than control.
The Anglican Church began work in 1890, the work was thoroughly planned, the characteristics of the people were carefully considered, and the successes and failures of other missionfields were studied as a guide to method.
The result of working the Beurre Clairgeau upon the Aston Town was the production of fruits precisely intermediate in size, form, colour, speckling of rind and other characteristics.
In modified forms of plants there is frequently a tendency to " sport " or revert to parental or ancestral characteristics.
It will have been gathered from what has been said that seeds cannot always be depended on to reproduce exactly the characteristics of the plant which yielded them; for instance, seeds of the greengage plum or of the Ribston pippin will produce a plum or an apple, but not these particular varieties, to perpetuate which grafts or buds must be employed.
Certain characteristics in the skin reveal to the expert from what section of territory they come, but in classifying them it is considered sufficient to mention territories only.
No definite conclusion can be drawn from the fact that the language stands in marked contrast to that of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, &c., since writings presumably more or less contemporary did not necessarily share the same characteristics (observe, for example, the prose parts of Job).
This last, together with some of the Mysidae and the species Glyptonotus entomon, exhibits Arctic characteristics, which has suggested the idea of a geologically recent connexion between the Caspian and the Arctic, an idea of which no real proofs have been as yet discovered.
A case of special interest and importance is that in which the flow is periodic. The general characteristics of such a flow are illustrated in fig.
This fact determined its general characteristics.
It is strange to see how the national characteristics appeared in them.
The obvious sincerity which underlies this statement, combined with a certain lack of humour which peers through its naivete, points to two of the principal characteristics of Patmore's earlier poetry; characteristics which came to be almost unconsciously merged and harmonized as his style and his intention drew together into unity.
If the home of the Periodoi was the region of the Syrian Laodicea, we can readily explain most of its characteristics.
But certain general characteristics distinguished at once Greek society after the Macedonian conquests from the society of the earlier age.
Already before Alexander pan-hellenic feeling had in various ways overridden the internal divisions of the Greek race, but now, with the vast mingling of Greeks of all sorts in the newlyconquered lands, a generalized Greek culture in which the old local characteristics were merged, came to overspread the world.
The principal characteristics of this second period are the magnificent portals, rising sometimes, as in the mosque of sultan Hasan, to 80 or 90 ft., with elaborate stalactite vaulting at the top, and the deep stalactite cornices which crown the summit of the building.
Among his characteristics it is mentioned that "his ample fortune absolutely sank under the benevolence of his nature"; and, far from having enriched himself in the appointment of governorgeneral, he returned to England in circumstances which obliged him still to seek public employment.
East of Menzala is the site of Serbonis, another driedup lake, which had the general characteristics of the Delta lagoons.
Of Osiris we can only state that he was originally local god of Busiris, whatever further characteristics he iitively possessed being quite obscure.
It is often much affected by contemporary speech, but preserves in the main the characteristics of the language of the Old Kingdom.
In spite of the ferocious characteristics which have been suggested in the above sketch, Ali Pasha is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable, as he is one of the most picturesque, figures in modern history; and as such he was recognized in his own day.
Its northern part is actually insular, divided from the mainland by the Limfjord or Liimfjord, which communicates with the North Sea to the west and the Cattegat to the east, but this strait, though broad and possessing lacustrine characteristics to the west, has only very narrow entrances.
Fiinen, geologically a part of southern Jutland, has similar characteristics, a smiling landscape of fertile meadows, the typical beech-forests clothing the low hills and the presence of numerous erratic blocks, are the superficial signs of likeness.
Steen Steensen Blicher (1782-1848) was a Jutlander, and preserved all through life the characteristics of his sterile and sombre fatherland.
The Danish public, grown tired of realism, and satiated with pathological phenomena, returned to a fresh study of their own national characteristics.
Owing to the uncompromising character of the Mahommedan religion and the contemptuous attitude of the dominant race, the subject nationalities underwent no process of assimilation during the four centuries of Turkish rule; they retained not only their language but their religion, manners and peculiar characteristics, and when the power of the central authority waned they still possessed the germs of a national existence.
He had joined a sect of seceders from the kirk, and had all the characteristics of the typical Scottish Calvinist.
Among the valleys certain prevailing characteristics have been recognized in their popular names.
Whether the influence of Cymric blood may be traced in these characteristics is a dubious question.
The historical student will be mainly interested in discovering anticipations of the later style and purpose of Ramsay, Fergusson and Burns, and in finding therein early evidence of what has been too often treated as the characteristics of later Scotticism.
The colour of the wood of the different growths of northern pine varies considerably, the generu1 characteristics being a light reddish yellow colour.
The inhabitants of this tract are Persians or Arabs who by domicile and intermarriage with Persians have lost nearly all their racial and most of their social characteristics, but retain a dialect of Arabic as their mother tongue.
It is not easy to point out the characters in which the family approximates to the Camelidae, and only its general characteristics can be indicated.
The characteristics of his work confirm the early belief that St Mark wrote this Gospel for the Christians of Rome under the guidance of St Peter.
Next, we see that wherever we are able to observe its method of relating an incident, as in the case of the healing of the centurion's servant, we have the same characteristics of brevity and simplicity which we admired in St Mark.
It shows the disturbing forces of these characteristics, which aroused the envy and apprehension of the leaders of religion.
St Luke's use of his two main sources has preserved the characteristics of both of them.
For this reason the book is at once the most brilliant and the most difficult of Hegel's works - the most brilliant because it is to some degree an autobiography of Hegel's mind - not the abstract record of a logical evolution, but the real history of an intellectual growth; the most difficult because, instead of treating the rise of intelligence (from its first appearance in contrast with the real world to its final recognition of its presence in, and rule over, all things) as a purely subjective process, it exhibits this rise as wrought out in historical epochs, national characteristics, forms of culture and faith, and philosophical systems. The theme is identical with the introduction to the Encyklopddie; but it is treated in a very different style.
The southern region (Lower Galilee) shows somewhat different characteristics.
The great variety of altitude and of surface characteristics gives rise to a considerable number of local climatic peculiarities.
Down to and at the time of the Assyrian supremacy, Palestine in religion and history was merely part of the greater area of mingled peoples sharing the same characteristics of custom and belief.
The men who design and work in metals have to take account of these vital differences and characteristics, and must be careful not to apply treatment suitable to one kind to another of a dissimilar character.
The general characteristics of the climate of Havana are described in the article Cuba.
Marked characteristics are the great differences of summer and winter temperature and of day and night temperature, as well as the extent to which change of climate can be attained by slight change of place.
The principal characteristics of Socrates's theory of education were accepted, mutatis mutandis, by the leading Socratics.
On the north, the Himalaya range and the plateau of Afghanistan shut it off from the climate of central Asia, and give it a continental climate, the characteristics of which are the prevalence of land winds, great dryness of the air, large diurnal range of temperature, and little or no precipitation.
His life and characteristics are typical of the old shepherds and goatherds.
The Nabataean type starts from the simple pylon-tomb with a door set in a tower crowned by a parapet ornament, in imitation of the front of a dwelling-house; then, after passing through various stages, the full Nabataean type is reached, retaining all the native features and at the same time exhibiting characteristics which are partly Egyptian and partly Greek.
Besides the shortness of the period these variables possess other characteristics which differentiate them from the long-period variables.
The physical characteristics of these nomadic armies were very variable, since they continually increased their numbers by slaves, women and soldiers of fortune drawn from all the surrounding races.
A prodigiously long tail, beetling eyebrows with long black hairs, black ears, face, feet and hands, and a general greyish-brown colour of the fur are the distinctive characteristics of the langur.
One of the characteristics of Greek philosophers is their growing tendency, in investigating any subject, to turn round and ask themselves what should be the method of investigation.
Apart from the more obvious characteristics of the serpent likely to impress all observant minds (§ 1), its essentially chthonic character shows itself markedly when it is associated with the treasures and healing herbs of the earth, the produce of the soil, the source of springs - and thence of all water - and the dust unto which all men return.'
They have the chief characteristics of the Polynesian, with Malay affinities, and peculiarities such as the use of suffixes and inseparable pronouns and, as in Tagal, of the infix to denote changes in the verb; in the west groups there is a tendency to closed syllables and double consonants, and a use of the palatals ch, j, sh, the dental th, and s (the last perhaps only in foreign words), which is alien to the Polynesian.
These characteristics were naturally emphasized in the Aramaic writing on papyrus which, beginning about 500 B.C., during the Persian sovereignty in Egypt, lasted on there till about zoo B.C. The gradual development of this script into the square Hebrew, and the more ornamental writing of Palmyra, may be traced in the works of Berger and Lidzbarski.'
The characteristics of the Sabaean are great squareness and boldness in outline.
But he rejects Taylor's derivation of this alphabet from the Sabaean script, and contends that it is borrowed from the North Semitic. To the pedantry of the Hindu he attributes its main characteristics, viz.
Where the land was unsuitable for nomad occupation the agricultural population remained, and it still retains some of its original characteristics.
Carapanos as a temple of Aphrodite, on the insufficient evidence of a single dedicated object; it does not seem to have any of the characteristics of a temple.
Upon the whole, therefore, it would seem that not only was there no one middle age common to all branches of human evolution, except the period more definitely marked as the dark age, but that those characteristics which are generally regarded as "medieval" were by no means limited to a single epoch of European history.
The physical characteristics of a normal mode are that an impulse of a particular normal type generates an initial velocity of that type only, and that a constant extraneous force of a particular normal type maintains a displacement of that type only.
The grossly idolatrous practices, however, still so largely prevalent in the Dravidian South, show how superficial, after all, that influence has been in those parts of India where the admixture of Aryan blood has been so slight as to have practically had no effect on the racial characteristics of the people.
The red wines of Australia, particularly those of South Australia, somewhat resemble French wines, being intermediate between claret and burgundy as regards their principal characteristics.
Many of these physical and moral characteristics they have in common with the so-called " Mongolian " race, to which they are no doubt ethnically, if not also linguistically, related.
The most prominent characteristics of his public life were his predisposition to "compromises" and "pacifications" which generally failed of their object, and his passionate patriotic devotion to the Union.
One of the characteristics of the ancient state was its extensive control over the persons and property of its citizens.
It has the same general characteristics as the latter river, being a mountain stream near its source, and after leaving the highlands becoming sluggish and losing much of its water.
To discover exactly the characteristics and the object of natural philosophy it is necessary to examine the place it holds in the general scheme furnished in the Advancement or De Augmentis.
The chief characteristics of the Albion are its lightness of build and its ease in running; the pull is short, the power great, and the means whereby it is attained so simple that the press does not readily get out of order.
Viewed as a whole they have the characteristics of other Palestinian literature, the merits and defects of other oriental works.
It is celebrated for the beauty and remarkable physical characteristics of its situation.
These characteristics are preserved in a portrait in oil in the Wolfenbiittel library, which was probably the original of the (in that case unsuccessfully rendered) engraving prefixed to the Opera posthuma of 1677.
About the other peoples of Sweden he gives a few details, chiefly of physical or moral characteristics, commenting upon the warlike nature of the Visigauti, the mildness of the Finns, the lofty stature of the Vinovii and the meat and egg diet of the Rerefennae.
His best work is classic in its breadth of style, exquisite in local colour and fidelity to the national characteristics of Sweden.
These earthquake shocks have two distinct characteristics, a slight vibration, sometimes almost imperceptible, called a temblor, generally occurring at frequent intervals, and a violent horizontal or rotary vibration, or motion, also repeated at frequent intervals, called a terremoto, which is caused by a fracture or displacement of the earth's strata at some particular point, and often results in considerable damage.
It has the characteristics of a tidewater river and drains an extensive region.
The marine fauna is less known than the others, but it is rich in species and highly interesting in its varied forms and characteristics.
Kurdish, a language nearly, akin to New Persian, with which it has important characteristics in common.
It distances perhaps every other German university in the extent to which it carries out what are popularly regarded as the characteristics of German student-life - duelling and the passion for Freiheit.
The general characteristics of the climate are determined more by the physical conformation of the land than its proximity to the equator.
The words and phrases which are common to the pastorals and the rest of the Pauline epistles are neither so characteristic nor so numerous as those peculiar to the former, and the data of style may be summed up in the verdict that they point to a writer who, naturally reproducing Paul's standpoint as far as possible, and acquainted with his epistles, yet betrays the characteristics of his later milieu in expressions as well as in ideas.'
Nor can it be argued that the characteristics of the pastorals are those of private letters; they are not private, nor even semi-private as they stand; besides, the only private note from Paul's hand (Philemon) bears no traces of the special diction exhibited in the epistles to Timothy and Titus.
It shares in the general characteristics of the great north German plain, but, though low, its surface is by no means absolutely flat, as the southern half is traversed by a low ridge or plateau, which attains a height of 1025 ft.
The colour of the eyes and their prominence or depression are relatively very constant characteristics.
The chief characteristics of the Karroo are the absence of running water during a great part of the year and the consequent parched aspect of the country.
Many of the Himalayan forms are Indian fish which appear to go up to the higher streams to deposit their ova, and the Tibetan species as a rule are confined to the rivers on the table-land or to the streams at the greatest elevations, the characteristics of which are Tibetan rather than Himalayan.
To his personal characteristics can be traced the hair-splitting and formal pedantry which ever afterwards marked the activity of the school, the dry repellent technical procedure of the Dialecticians par excellence, as they were called.
Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcellos, who produced in the Eufrosina the first prose play, really belongs to the Spanish school, yet, though he wrote under the influence of the Celestina, which had a great vogue in Portugal, and of Roman models, his types, language and general characteristics are deeply national.
It was completely destroyed in the fire of 1906, and its inhabitants removed temporarily across the bay to Oakland, but by 1910 the quarter had been practically rebuilt in an improved manner, yet retaining its markedly oriental characteristics.
To them great stature, fair hair, and blue or grey eyes were the characteristics of the Celt.
Not only do animals change their physical characteristics in new environment, but modern peoples when settled in new surroundings for even one or two centuries, e.g.
Here he imbibed in his earlier years a good measure of the hardy simplicity and strong seriousness which the later Romans attributed to the men of the early republic - characteristics which were supposed to linger in the Sabine land after they had fled from the rest of Italy.
The Karatoya river flows from north to south, dividing it into two portions, possessing very distinct characteristics.
They are independent and there is considerable variety in the characteristics of the different tribes.
He is distinguished from the two men who alone can be compared with him in character of work and force of genius combined - Lucian and Swift - by very marked characteristics.
This exclusive interest in Rome was doubtless encouraged by the peculiar characteristics of the history of the state.
Indeed the distinctive characteristics of the language are very marked, and there is good reason for believing that it differed considerably from the various northern and western languages, whereas the differences among the latter at this time were probably comparatively slight (see Teutonic Languages).
The reasons for its having impressed itself in this way and become thus familiar are in large part to be found in the characteristics noticed below.
Many of these differ widely from the parent race, but all the Melanesian peoples have certain common characteristics which distinguish them sharply from the inhabitants of Polynesia and Micronesia.
During his ten years' tenure of the finance ministry he nearly doubled the revenues of the empire, but at the same time he made for himself, by his policy and his personal characteristics, host of enemies.
The Stenopidea, another primitive group, differing from the Penaeidea in the character of the gills,, appear in the Trias and Jurassic. The Caridea or true prawns and shrimps appear later, in the Upper Jurassic, some of them presenting primitive characteristics in the retention of swimming exopodites on the walking-legs.
The water and air, moreover, have characteristics of their own.
A wider grouping according to natural characteristics may now be recognized only in the cases of Wales, East Anglia, Wessex and such less definite groups as the Home Counties around London or the Midlands around Birmingham.
The characteristics of the inhabitants of this region are well summed by Casati, who states that the Mege are considered the most skilful in elephant-hunting, the Azandeh in iron-work, the Mangbettu in wood-carving, the Abarambo in ivory-carving, and the Momfu in agriculture.
Loyalty and good faith became the characteristics of the men, and chastity and docility those of the women.
Ignoring, concealing and misrepresenting are the characteristics of the Spring and Autumn.
To the east of the Sarikol chain is the Taghdumbash Pamir, which claims many of the characteristics of the western Pamirs at its upper or western extremity, where the Karachukar, which drains it, is a comparatively small stream.
The Demon of Tedworth, the Black Dog of Winchester and the Padfoot of Wakefield all shared the characteristics of the Barghest of York.
The external unlikeness of the apes to man depends much on their hairiness, but this and some other characteristics have no great zoological value.
The mixture of the Israelites in Europe by marriage with other nations is probably much greater than is acknowledged by them; yet, on the whole, the race has been preserved with extraordinary strictness, as its physical characteristics sufficiently show.
The rusine or sambar group of Cervus, of which the characteristics are given above, comprises a considerable number of longtailed species with three-tined antlers from the Indo-Malay countries and some parts of China.
The special characteristics of his generalship were imagination, fiery energy, and a tactical resolution which was rare indeed in the 18th century.
It is therefore necessary first to examine the nature and characteristics of her Eastern prototype, and then to see how far they reappear in the Greek Aphrodite.
The characteristics of this section point to its composition about ro090 B.C., when Simon ben Shetah was president of the Sanhedrin.
But this old Latin deity was in historical times entirely absorbed by the Greek Aphrodite, and assumed the characteristics of a cult of human love, which in her original form she had never possessed.
To account for the stripes on the subsequent foals, it is only necessary (now that the principles of cross-breeding are better understood) to assume that in the cross-bred chestnut mare there lay latent the characteristics of the Kattiawar or other Indian breeds, in which stripes commonly occur.
In considering telegony it should perhaps be mentioned that some breeders not only believe the dam is liable to be "infected" by the sire, but also that the sire may acquire some of the characteristics of his mates.
In Taxus, Torreya (California and the Far East) and Cephalotaxus the absence of resin-canals and the presence of spiral thickeningbands on the tracheids constitute well-marked characteristics.
One of the bestknown anatomical characteristics of the genus is the occurrence of numerous spindle-shaped or branched fibres with enormouslythickened walls studded with crystals of calcium oxalate.
Such classifications are, however, uninstructive, and it has been found practically necessary in financial writing to take the principal taxes by name, or by such a general grouping as that of import or stamp duties, and then describe their nature, characteristics and incidence.
The forests of the granitic land, of which typical patches remain, had the characteristics of a tropical moist region, palms, shrubs, climbing and tree ferns growing luxuriantly, the trees on the mountain sides, such as the Pandanus sechellarum sending down roots over the rocks and boulders from 70 to 100 ft.
Speaking generally, the Ozark region is characterized by reddish clays, mixed with gravels and stones, and cultivable in inverse proportion to the amount of these elements; northern Missouri by a generally black clay loam over a clay subsoil, with practically no admixture of stones; the southern prairies, above referred to, share the characteristics of those north of the Missouri.
The Colombian flora is richer in species and individual characteristics than the fauna, owing in part to its greater dependence on climatic conditions.
The isolation of these distant inland settlements has served to preserve the language, manners and physical characteristics of these early colonists with less variation than in any other Spanish-American state.
Its chief characteristics are the dryness and clearness of the atmosphere and the considerable daily range in temperature; whilst nevertheless the extremes of heat and cold are rarely encountered.
Whilst the general characteristics of the climate are as here outlined, in a country of so large an area as Cape Colony there are many variations in different districts.
Nevertheless, the west coast north of the Olifants river is practically rainless and there is great difference between day and night temperatures, this part of the coast sharing the characteristics of the interior plateau.
The British settlers have developed few characteristics differing from the home type.
The municipality of Debreczen owns between three hundred and four hundred square miles of the adjoining country, which possesses all the characteristics of the Hungarian puszta, and on which roam large herds of cattle.
Often a single letter of his occupied from fifty to a hundred or more closely written pages, all devoted to the minute consideration of every feature of some particular problem; for it was one of the peculiar characteristics of his mind never to be satisfied with a general understanding of a question; he pursued it until he knew it in all its details.
Herr Burkli confines his criticism to the first struggle, in which alone mention is made of the driving back of the Swiss, pointing out also that the chronicle of 1476 and other later accounts attribute to the Austrians the manner of attack and the long spears which were the special characteristics of Swiss warriors, and that if Winkelried were a knight (as is asserted by Tschudi) he would have been clad in a coat of mail, or at least had a breastplate, neither of which could have been pierced by hostile lances.
In general characteristics and the beauty of their scenery these islands resemble those of the Sesse archipelago.
The characteristics of the latter are retained in the black face and legs of the Suffolk, but the horns have been bred out.
In age he retained most of these characteristics, refined by a serene expression of peace after contest.
Of these elements [which, according to Aristotle, were, or rather were analogous to, the Ent and the Nonent respectively] all things consist, and from them they derive their several characteristics.
The universality of the Ent, he conceived, necessarily carries with it certain characteristics.
On the island of Ceylon there still exists, or existed till recently, a system which combines some of the characteristics of the later Greek (or Semitic) and the modern European notation; and it is conjectured that this was the original Hindu system.
The characteristics of the town are quite in keeping with its political position; it is as handsome as it is fashionable, and was rightly described by de Amicis in his Olanda as half Dutch, half French.
The Jurua is the next great southern affluent of the Amazon west of the Purus, sharing with this the bottom of the immense inland Amazon depression, and having all the characteristics of the Purus as regards curvature, sluggishness and general features of the low, half-flooded forest country it traverses.
But Chasles in the first of his papers (February 1864), considering the conics which satisfy four conditions, establishes the notion of the two characteristics (µ, v) of such a system of conics, viz.
As general characteristics of the Lycopodiales, the simple form of the leaves, which are generally of small size, and the situation of the sporangia on the upper surface of the sporophylls, which are often associated in cones, close to their insertion on the axis, may be mentioned; there are both homosporous and heterosporous forms, the prothalli exhibiting corresponding differences.
We can gather no indication of the forefathers of the Hexapoda or of the Chilopoda less specialized than they are, whilst possessing the essential characteristics of these classes.
In his letters and otherwise we have pleasant pictures of its inmates and domestic life and the occasional visits of his friends, among others Lord Peterborough, Lord Shaftesbury of the Characteristics, Sir Isaac Newton, William Molyneux and Anthony Collins.
Hence we only allude to some of the principal variations and to those characteristics which are found to be unstable.
Wheats of dry countries and of those exposed to severe winds have, says De Vilmorin, narrow leaves, pliant straw, bearded ears, and velvety chaff - characteristics which enable them to resist wind and drought.
Sometimes characteristics appear in the crossed wheats which are not found in the parent varieties, although they occur in other wheats.
The characteristics of the sub-family Bovinae, or typical section of the family Bovidae, are given in the article Bovidae; for the systematic position of that family see Pecora.
There are reports as to these cattle having been formerly crossed with the humped eastern species; and their characteristics are all in favour of such an origin.
The Scandinavian portion of Lapland presents the usual characteristics of the mountain plateau of that peninsula - on the west side the bold headlands and fjords, deeply-grooved valleys and glaciers of Norway, on the east the long mountain lakes and great lake-fed rivers of Sweden.
The characteristics of this practical goodness in Plato's matured thought correspond to the fundamental conceptions in his view of the universe.
It was natural that the earlier Stoics should be chiefly occupied with delineating the inner and outer characteristics of ideal wisdom and virtue, and that the gap between the ideal sage and the actual philosopher, though never ignored, should yet be somewhat overlooked.
It will be convenient to consider first the new form or universal characteristics of Christian morality, and afterwards to note the chief points in the matter or particulars of duty and virtue which received development or emphasis from the new religion.
They are naturally connected with the more general particu- characteristics just stated; though many of them may also be referred directly to the example and precepts of Christ, and in several cases they are clearly morality.
In the preceding account of Christian morality, it has been already indicated that the characteristics delineated did not all exhibit themselves simultaneously to the same extent, or with perfect uniformity throughout the church.
The appearance of Shaftesbury's Characteristics (1713) marks a turning-point in the history of English ethical thought.
Their characteristics are further considered in the History of Ethics, p. 186 seq.
As regards moral sentiments generally, the view suggested by Mill is more definitely given by the chief living representative of the associationist school, Alexander Bain; by whom the distinctive characteristics of conscience are traced to " education under government or authority," though prudence, disinterested sympathy and other emotions combine to swell the mass of feeling vaguely denoted by the term moral.
Moreover, the very fact itself of the possibility of inheriting acquired moral characteristics is still hotly debated by those biologists with whom should rest the ultimate verdict.
The vegetation presents the characteristics of an Arctic European type, and is tolerably uniform throughout the island, the differences even on the tableland being slight.
The characteristics of this Western school are no doubt the result of the contact of Scandinavian colonists of the Viking-tide, living lives of the wildest adventure, with an imaginative and civilized race, that exercised upon them a very strong and lasting influence (the effects of which were also felt in Iceland, but in a different way).
With regard to the bacillary type, at first both organisms were considered to be identical, and the name bacillus dysenteriae was given to them; but later it was shown that these bacilli are different, both in regard to their cultural characteristics and also in that one (Shiga) gives out a soluble toxin, whilst the other has so far resisted all efforts to discover it.
It is known that, while infinite diversity is found among the bodies of the universe, there are also common characteristics throughout its whole extent.
The following are some broad characteristics of the Papuan languages.
The Boro-khoro Mountains, with an average elevation of at least 11,500 ft., have all the characteristics of a border-ridge.
In the Vedic scriptures his only anthropomorphic characteristics are the frequently mentioned strides that he takes, and his being a youth vast in body.
The Fijians have other characteristics of both Pacific races, e.g.
Sincerity and intensity are, indeed, to the modern reader, the most obvious characteristics of Demosthenes.
If the limited use of the word according to our sources is not purely accidental, at all events there were many Greek leagues, not expressly termed amphictyonies, which had the characteristics here stated.
Concrete terms are further subdivided as Singular, the names of things regarded as individuals, and General or Common, the names which a number of things bear in common in virtue of their possession of common characteristics.
The first two characteristics provide for the functions and rights of the individual as well as those of the community or race.
Though a moral action may have these four characteristics at various degrees of strength, it ceases to be moral if one of them is quite absent.
All moral products may be classified according to the predominance of one or the other of these characteristics.
All religions are positive, or their characteristics and value are mainly determined by the manner in which the world is conceived and imagined.
The Syntagma is thus an essentially unsystematic work, and clearly exhibits the main characteristics of Gassendi's genius.
His only great predecessor, Scotus Erigena, had more of the speculative and mystical element than is consistent with a schoolman; but in Anselm are found that recognition of the relation of reason to revealed truth, and that attempt to elaborate a rational system of faith, which form the special characteristics of scholastic thought.
Of these, the Archaeolemurs seem to have combined the characteristics of lemuroid animals with those of the monkeys, while Hadropithecus is pronounced to be the nearest known link with them.
In the 17th century the characteristics which so clearly mark off Deuteronomy from the other four books of the Pentateuch were frankly recognized, but the most advanced critics of that age were inclined to pronounce it the earliest and most authentic of the five.
The law of the Single Sanctuary, one of D's outstanding characteristics, is, for him, an innovation, but an innovation towards which events had long been tending.
On the other hand, the gender-terminations were survivals from an early stage of thought in which personal characteristics, including sex, had been attributed to all phenomena.
Curiosity and credulity, then, are the characteristics of the savage intellect.
It will appear that, while the non-civilized gods are often theriomorphic, made in accordance with the ideas of non-civilized men, the civilized gods retain many characteristics of the savage gods, and these characteristics are the " irrational element " in the divine myths.
It is easy, however, to detect certain peculiar characteristics of each god.
The question of the origin of the marks and characteristics of various animals and plants has also produced a class of myths in which the marks are said to survive from some memorable adventure, or the plants and animals to be metamorphosed human beings.
Some of the characteristics thus indicated may have suggested the bitterness of attacks afterwards made upon Ricci's theology.
The fauna again shows the effect of the characteristics of the vegetation.
Many of the distinguishing characteristics of the two regions are doubtless due simply to environment, even the difference in religion.
Circumcision, as is usual among Mahommedan tribes, is universal, and tooth-mutilation absent; of other characteristics, the use of the sword has penetrated to the northern portion of the forest area.
Since the union with Italy, Tuscany has ceased to constitute a separate political entity, although the people still preserve definite regional characteristics.
The lateral characteristics of a polarized stream lead at once to the conclusion that the stream may be represented by a vector, and since this vector must indicate the direction in which the light travels as well as the plane of polarization, it is natural to infer that it is transverse to the direction of propagation.
Silvela lacked the energy and decision which had been the characteristics of Canovas.
As regards general characteristics, all muntjacs are small compared with the majority of deer, and have long bodies and rather short limbs and neck.
Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac is credited with its own characteristics and influence, and is the controlling sign of its "house of life."
Species The distinctive characteristics of the family, and its position in the zoological system, are given in the articles Equidae and Perissodactyla.
Three main characteristics of a successful horse-breaker are firmness, good temper and incessant vigilance.
The Gonds are the most numerous among the aboriginal tribes, but so great an intermixture has taken place between them and the Hindu races that they have lost their language and most of their ethnical characteristics, such as the flat forehead, squat nose, prominent nostril, dark skin, &c., and are scarcely distinguishable from the other classes of the Hindu labouring population.
From the various characteristics associated with this idea, the term has come to be applied by analogy in many different senses.
This perhaps explains the diversity of type and characteristics amongst the modern Armenians.
The main physical characteristics of the province are described in the article Arabia.
The Nicobarese may be best described as a Far Eastern race, having generally the characteristics of the less civilized tribes of the Malay Peninsula and the south-eastern portion of the Asiatic continent, and speaking varieties of the Mon-Annam group of languages, though the several dialects that prevail are mutually unintelligible.
He had all the Bourbon characteristics, especially their love of power, combined with a certain nobility of demeanour, and a consciousness of his dignity as king.
Indeed, Thames whitebait which have been compared with that from the mouth of the Exe, the Cornish coast, Menai Strait, and the Firth of Forth seemed to be better fed; but, of course, the specific characteristics of the herring and sprat - into which we need not enter here - were nowise modified.
To say that they evince precocity of intellect gives no idea of their main characteristics.
Apart from national characteristics, the individual has far more to gain under the British system of private enterprise.
Formerly, when substances were principally classified by obvious characteristics, the word included such a body as "oil of vitriol" (sulphuric acid), which has of course nothing in common with what is now understood under the term oils.
Among the characteristics of this Miocene flora are the large number of families represented, the marked increase in the deciduous-leaved plants, the gradual decrease in the number of palms and of tropical plants, and the replacement of these latter by Mediterranean or North American forms. According to Heer, the tropical forms in the Swiss Miocene agree rather with Asiatic types, while the subtropical and temperate plants are allied to forms now living in the temperate zone in North America.
This was a good example of one of Gordon's marked characteristics, that, though a man of strong personal feelings, he was always prepared to subdue them for the public benefit.
Although the governmental and religious influences which moulded Connecticut were similar to those which moulded New England at large, the colony developed certain distinctive characteristics.
He thinks that in the 4th century there were in existence three recensions of the text, which he distinguishes as K, H and I, with the following characteristics and attestations.
Kant insists upon treating these as Begriffe, notions, and assigns to them certain characteristics of notions.
Reason was, for Kant, an organic whole; the speculative and moral aspects are never severed; and the solution of problems which appear at first sight to belong solely to the region of speculative thought may be found ultimately to depend upon certain characteristics of our nature as practical.
The general characteristics of this progenitor of the horses are those given above as distinctive of the group. The cheek-teeth are, however, much simpler than those of Anchitherium; the transverse crests of the upper molars not being fully connected with the outer wall, while the premolars in the upper jaw are triangular, and thus unlike the molars.
The material was analyzedto determine its characteristics.
It may take the form of examining the demographic antecedents of the characteristics in question.
Clusters Areas are grouped into a three-level hierarchy of clusters, within which areas share similar combinations of characteristics.
Many of the characteristics portrayed are the consequences of untreated acromegaly.
The linguistic characteristics of natural argumentation, including discourse markers, sentence format, referring expressions, and style.
The design of the town displays several characteristics of a medieval burgh.
The goal is to find visual characteristics of the domain which determine or at least estimate the lowest eigenvalue.
Risk Factors All predicative characteristics for acute emesis should be considered a risk factor for delayed.
Nevertheless, we were unable to identify any studies examining the epidemiology, characteristics or management of dysphagia in a typical primary care population.
However, there is still a sizable, and at least partly explicable, variance in impacts across household characteristics.
Not many sherry characteristics in the nose; raisin and chocolate flapjacks with runny honey, pineapple cubes and bitter chocolate orange.
A forward genetic screen using Drosophila melanogaster that provides insight into these characteristics is described here.
Despite the growing size and distinctive characteristics of urban Aboriginal populations, they have received relatively little attention among Canadian geographers.
Flight measurements from accelerometers and rate gyros provide airplane motion characteristics relative to axes fixed within the airframe.
This is an essential characteristics of many Japanese traditional handiwork and artiste, whose techniques are refined by means of repetition of simple things.
Landscape Key Characteristics Rolling drumlins with broad areas of wetland and bog in inter-drumlin hollows; small rounded loughs are fringed by moss.
The majority of the flint appears to be fairly homogenous in raw material characteristics.
Genetically modified ingredients are those which have had their genes modified to give them additional or improved characteristics.
The concept of the world is generated by direct inversion of the characteristics of ordinary experience.
Image characteristics such as foreshortening, layover, and shadowing will be subject to wide variations, across a large incidence angle range.
General sign linguistics tries to describe the characteristics of sign languages in general.
General characteristics These beautiful, emerald green lizards can grow up to 2m in length, two thirds of this can be their tail.
Landscape Key Characteristics Farmed ridges enclosing a lough with tidal mudflats.
Owners will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed not falsely advertize dogs nor mislead any person regarding the quality of the dog.
We've therefore developed Monarch - a synthetic alternative that mimics the characteristics of the natural hair, it even looks like natural mongoose!
General characteristics The body of the dwarf mongoose is dark brown, almost black in color.
The laser 'light ' to emerge from a source has the characteristics of being highly directional and essentially monochromatic (single wavelength ).
However, like everything in the abduction mythos, it does have American characteristics.
Each had a nemesis in the house capable of bringing out their worst characteristics.
Among other things, changes of gene dosage and/or oncogene activation are mentioned as factors possibly influencing the characteristics of this non-random pattern.
Wouldn't it be nice (perhaps even parsimonious) if our low level and high level accounts shared the same characteristics of computation?
Their characteristics are patient plodding and indomitable perseverance, with, in many instances, great ingenuity.
Module 3B5 covers principles of solid state electronic devices ranging from the underlying semiconductor physics to the operating characteristics and design of advanced transistors.
These data show that placental Igf2 regulates the development of the diffusional exchange characteristics of the mouse placenta.
General characteristics There are four other species of crested porcupine, the Cape porcupine, Himalayan porcupine, Indian porcupine and Malayan porcupine.
The characteristics of worthwhile activities were not defined by the researchers but emerged out of interviews with teachers and school principals.
One of Elizabeth's most notably characteristics is her rather promiscuous bestowal of the Embrace.
The low and high redshift quasars are found very similar in their emission characteristics, although differences exist.
The monsoon ragas are defined by various characteristics, all inspired by the personality of the rain.
This is why Buddha thought that no actual entity reincarnated; in his view only bundles of psychological characteristics were being endlessly recycled.
For investigation of flow characteristics we have used a modern control stress / strain rate rheometer.
Please refer also to the ribavirin summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) when Pegasys is to be used in combination with ribavirin summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) when Pegasys is to be used in combination with ribavirin.
General characteristics Red ruffed lemurs have a distinctive ruff under their chin and around their cheeks.
Formal characteristics of the compound such as rhythm and presumably also length determine the interpretation of linking schwas as plural markers.
Other characteristics included scoliosis in 62% of those alive.
The program addresses the characteristics of learning organizations and offers a framework for school self-improvement whilst helping schools achieve Investor in People status.
The DC characteristics of the standard devices were then calibrated and modeled using a compound semiconductor Monte Carlo device simulator.
Digital signal processing can be applied to these stored values to modify the characteristics of the signal processing can be applied to these stored values to modify the characteristics of the signal.
A full span leading edge slat helps the wing maintain optimum lift and stall characteristics.
Their health contains individual characteristics these data vista health insurance south florida are.
Glass has highly specular surface characteristics at high glancing angles and polarized luminaires adjacent to extensive glazing should be avoided.
It exhibits many of the characteristics of Church and brings a welcome pendulum swing back to the emphasis on the small unit of church.
The thick delta wing was chosen to give good high-Alpha characteristics and its large volume allowed fuel tankage to give long range.
Some units have promoted Day case tonsillectomy, but its use is dependant upon favorable population characteristics.
Characteristics The Afghan Hound is a square built dog with a proud head carriage, eastern expression and a long silky topknot.
General characteristics Barn owls have beautiful plumage with buff colored topsides, flecked with gray and white undersides and face.
It shows the typical characteristics of Turbinicarpus species in the early seedling stage, i.e.. plumose or feather-like spination and low rounded tubercles.
There remains a great deal of work to be done to determine the characteristics of deaf wellness.
Developed exclusively for the GR DIGITAL, the wide conversion lens enables ultra wide-angle 21mm photography while preserving its superior optical characteristics.
Show Characteristics The Irish wolfhound should have a large head with a long muzzle.
The origins of naturally occurring zeolites are given together with the chemical and physical characteristics.
As the distinctive characteristics of the sub-order, and also of the single existing genus Elephas, are given in the article Proboscidea, it will suffice to point out how the two existing species are distinguished from one another.
In the first period (Italic) cremation burials closely approximating to the Villanova type are found; in the second 1 (Venetian) the tombs are constructed of blocks of stone, and situlae (bronze buckets), sometimes decorated with elaborate designs, are frequently used to contain the cinerary urns; in the third (Gallic), which begins during the 4th centilry B.C., though cremation continues, the tombs are much poorer, the ossuaries being of badly baked rough clay, and show traces of Gallic influence, and characteristics of the La-Tene civilization.
The area of Australia is so large that the characteristics of its climate will not be understood without reference to the individual states.
This theory has been supported by the investigations of Dr Klaatsch, of the university of Heidelberg, who would, however, date Australian ancestry still farther back, for his studies on the spot have convinced him that the Australians are " a generalized, not a specialized, type of humanity - that is to say, they are a very primitive people, with more of the common undeveloped characteristics of man, and less of the qualities of the specialized races of civilization."
A permanent place in the history of German literature belongs to Friedrich Schlegel and his brother August Wilhelm as the critical leaders of the Romantic school, which derived from them most of its governing ideas as to the characteristics of the middle ages, and as to the methods of literary expression.
Bacteria (see BACTERIOLOGY) and Cyanophyceae (see ALGAE), which are often grouped together as Schizophyta, are from points of view of both structure and reproduction extremely simple organisms, and stand apart from the remaining groups, which are presumed to have originated directly or indirectly from the Flagellatae, a group of unicellular aquatic organisms combining animal and plant characteristics which may be regarded as the starting-point of unicellular Thallophytes on the one hand and of the Protozoa on the other.
It appears to have some of the characteristics of nucleic acid, and according to Meyer may be a combination of nucleic acid with an unknown organic base.
Parasites, again, were derived from normal autotrophic plants, which, as the parasitic habit became more pronounced, acquired the corresponding characteristics of form and structure; there is, in fact, the group of hemi-parasites, plants which still retain autotrophic characters though they are root-parasites.
The extreme north of Liberia is still for the most part a very well-watered country, covered with a rich vegetation, but there are said to be a few breaks that are rather stony and that have a very well-marked dry season in which the vegetation is a good deal burnt up. In the main Liberia is the forest country par excellence of West Africa, and although this region of dense forests overlaps the political frontiers of both Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast, it is a feature of physical geography so nearly coincident with the actual frontiers of Liberia as to give this country special characteristics clearly marked in its existing fauna.