Channa Sentence Examples
He called out to know who was on guard, and finding it was his charioteer Channa, he told him to saddle his horse.
While Channa was gone Siddhattha gently opened the door of the room where Yasodhara was sleeping, surrounded by flowers, with one hand on the head of their child.
It is said to have been broad moonlight on the full moon of the month of July, when the young chief, with Channa as his sole companion, leaving his father's home, his wealth and social position, his wife and child behind him, went out into the wilderness to become a penniless and despised student, and a homeless wanderer.
There, on the sandy bank of the river, at a spot where later piety erected a dagaba (a solid dome-shaped relic shrine), he cuts off with his sword his long flowing locks, and, taking off his ornaments, sends them and the horse back in charge of the unwilling Channa to Kapilavastu.
Second meal was two types of curry, channa dal and multicolored rice.
Each time his charioteer, whose name was Channa, told him that such was the fate of all living beings.