Changed Sentence Examples
His breath suddenly changed to short bursts.
Finally she changed the subject.
My opinion hasn't changed.
She changed the decorating tip and wrote "Happy Birthday Dad!" on the top of the cake.
They changed the antibiotic again.
Still we live meanly, like ants; though the fable tells us that we were long ago changed into men; like pygmies we fight with cranes; it is error upon error, and clout upon clout, and our best virtue has for its occasion a superfluous and evitable wretchedness.
What if he had changed his mind?
So her plans were changed.
Had he changed his mind about marriage?
When had he changed from the unattractive older man she met in the diner to the good looking young man who now lay beside her?
AdvertisementHe hadn't changed a thing, as if expecting Papa to come home at any minute.
Almost immediately his breathing changed and she knew he was asleep.
Or have you changed your mind about leaving tomorrow?
She showered and changed into her new nightgown, but Alex was still downstairs when she crawled into bed.
I did, but apparently that status changed.
AdvertisementSince the time of Humboldt, however, the aspect of these plains would seem to have changed.
Some people changed together and others went in different directions.
After adding a bottom border, she changed to the red icing.
Five years hadn't changed the wild hills of Madison County, but she had forgotten how truly remote the area was.
She changed into a sleeveless blouse and shorts, wondering as she did so if he would object to the shorts.
AdvertisementWhen Lisa questioned Sarah about the car, she passed it off as a friend of Giddon's, and quickly changed the subject.
At his affirmative nod, she hurried to her room and changed into jeans and sneakers before he could change his mind.
There she changed into jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers.
Once inside, she raced to her room and changed her shirt.
Each day they changed positions in line so that no one ate the dust from all the wagons every day.
AdvertisementShe heard him stretch out on the ground and within minutes his breathing changed.
But then, a lot of things had changed since that day.
Mary had never been the jealous type, but then, where love was concerned, people changed.
Quinn, sensing his wife's discomfort, changed the subject back to the game.
Howie started to say something but changed his mind, interested to hear everyone's opinion.
In less than a month in early spring our lives were totally changed and we loved it.
She changed the subject.
The memory-- fuzzy for fifteen years-- grew crisp, and surprise and hope went through her as she recalled the night that'd changed everything.
Something in his voice had changed.
She wore a soft nightgown and changed into the clothing left for her.
He changed into all black and strapped a sword to his back before closing his eyes and envisioning the interior of NOVA Sector.
Dean planned to spend his free time biking, but changed his mind when he saw the crowds in town and remembered the traffic that would clog the narrow roads.
Times had definitely changed.
A lot has changed in so short a time.
I guess they changed their mind.
Had she changed so much?
These are places where the mode of travelling or of transport is changed, such as seaports, river ports and railway termini, or natural resting-places, such as a ford, the foot of a steep ascent on a road, the entrance of a valley leading up from a plain into the mountains, or a crossing-place of roads or railways.'
Fashions changed in quick succession; upper clases were successively copied by those beneath them and were forced to ensure their dignity by assuming new styles.
Foreign coins were formerly legal tender in the republic, but this has been changed by the exclusion of foreign silver coins and the acceptance of foreign gold coins as a commodity at a fixed value.
Then we have the property of adaptation, in which the negative reaction may be changed into a positive; a given toxin may at first repel the cell, but by a gradual process the cell becomes accustomed to such a toxin and will move towards it.
He was now over seventy; his powers had deserted him, and even if they had not the public taste had entirely changed.
Not that the spirit of the science, or of its corresponding practice, was at once changed.
Just above them, and almost on a level with their platform, were banks of rolling clouds which constantly shifted position and changed color.
But here comes Ozma; so I'd better hush up, for the Princess doesn't like me to chatter since she changed her name from Tip to Ozma.
Then he turned quickly and said, Mother, I have changed my mind.
I used to say I did not like arithmetic very well, but now I have changed my mind.
Now he remembered Denisov with his changed expression, his submission, and the whole hospital, with arms and legs torn off and its dirt and disease.
Together they had redecorated the room and changed it into a nursery.
A roll of the dice changed the lives of all of us and hundreds of others forever.
I wasn't ready to dwell on motives or feelings so I changed the subject.
Maybe he's grown up and changed; God knows I have but back in the day, he was a little piss head, always getting in fights, picking on little kids.
Satisfied, the nurse swept up the linens she'd changed and left.
She changed and took the shears, hiding them against her body as she approached the door.
He'd changed into a sweater and dark jeans and gazed down at her, disapproval in his hard features.
Those around him moved away, and those on a path towards his side of the hall changed their minds and turned around.
He touched it with some trepidation, fearing it'd changed back into the scarred maze that was him for so long.
After a quick stop at a clothier to pick up a long wool skirt and sweater, she changed in her car and drove home.
Some things have changed.
She changed quickly out of her sleepwear and loaded her body down with weapons then drew a knife and her gun.
She paused to listen, looked at the ground, and changed directions three times before she heard the sound of water flowing.
Something had changed with him, too, and she sensed the subtle power that hadn't been there at the monument.
He quickly changed her out of her clothes and into one of his own long T-shirts, fearing her clothing would be bugged.
She tried not to let it affect her but suspected by his look of satisfaction that he saw how quickly her face changed colors.
Before she could tell him she'd changed her mind, sharp pain penetrated her neck.
She willed her hair shorter and blonde once again, knowing he'd already read her mind and seen the reason why she changed her hair.
Dean changed the subject by holding up the shopping bag from his lap.
Cynthia was super pleased to hear her son's voice, but her mood changed abruptly when he blurted out the news.
The town had sure changed in all the time I was away, but not these mountains.
Joseph changed the subject abruptly.
He didn't want to tread in that direction, so he changed the subject.
We couldn't have been happier, and it never changed for a moment for the whole twelve years before he died.
He changed the subject by pointing out Brandon Westlake standing near the boys, his arm about Billy, as with animated motions he seemed to be giving last-minute instructions.
The couple changed into shorts and boots, more satisfactory attire for their mountain drive with Jennifer Radisson.
Jennifer Radisson had changed to jeans and a sweatshirt advertising Ouray, and carried a day pack slung over her shoulder.
We based the age on when the ownership of the mine changed hands and when it was last worked.
He changed into a clean shirt as he briefly described hearing the accident, climbing down to investigate and discovering Billy Langstrom's body.
Fred's changed his bow tie three times and you're bouncing around here like a November turkey.
By the time he'd nibbled at a salad for lunch and changed into a suit, he was a nervous wreck.
Dean changed the subject.
She had changed into a halter and shorts and brushed past him without a word.
He changed the subject before Dean could ask more.
There's a chance the offer for the mine was completely innocent—simply someone who was legitimately interested in The Lucky Pup and then changed his mind.
But then the little girl Martha came forward and changed everything before I had a chance.
It was the second strongest memory in human-Deidre's mind, the day when both of their lives changed.
Things have changed, Deidre.
What if he fell for this Deidre and she changed once again?
He'd been too shocked yesterday to notice how much she changed.
Nothing – not even Darkyn – could change that, even if the Immortal mating script changed again.
It was possible that he never had the will changed from the time that he considered Carmen his only choice as a partner.
Long after they returned home and changed clothes, it stayed on her mind.
Nothing about that has changed.
His expression changed as he gazed down at her.
With shaking hands, she changed her blouse.
She hugged his pillow, thankful that she hadn't changed the sheets yet.
She indicated her face with a wave of the hand and then changed the subject.
He changed so gradually, he didn't notice how much different he'd become, until he realized how much he was enjoying talking to his friend.
His eyes were white then black then changed from every color in between, his brown hair of medium length and wavy, ruffled by the sea breeze.
He flipped backwards in the book to the portion that no longer changed.
Instead, she went to her bedroom, changed into her clothing and packed a bag.
She changed into pajama boxers.
A lot has changed.
She changed into her own clothes and gathered the most important of her belongings before bracing herself to leave the room.
But he was changed.
Still cold from the chilly beach, she went up to her room and changed into jeans and a sweater.
She changed out of her familiar clothing into the dress that matched the black world around her.
Gabriel turned the pages of the Oracle's book, watching as words scribbled themselves across the parchment, updating a chain of events that changed with every decision made by the Council That Was Seven.
He saw only the Present, like fractured scenes of a movie where the actors continually changed their lines and settings.
She was beautiful, a woman of sunshine, smiles, and eyes that changed from white to black and every color in between.
A touch of coolness grazed his heated frame, which always grew hotter than Hell when he changed forms.
He changed again and this time recognized his human form.
Its colors rippled and changed before the flower bent and delicate wings spread apart, revealing a creature that was surely a fairy.
Some things never changed, like the blue sky, the sun orb, the grass and oceans.
His eyes had changed color to a deep violet-blue, a beautiful shade of tanzanite.
The geometric shapes changed as they circled her neck rather than stuck to a pattern; she assumed it was some kind of writing.
He changed mechanically, as if accustomed to removing bloody clothing several times a day.
At his sharp tone, she quickly changed the subject, saying, "After the meeting, I have to go."
Megan disappeared, and Katie changed into one of the outfits she'd chosen.
He changed shape before descending behind Kris.
She bent down to pick up a yet unscathed pillow, startled to stand and see Rhyn had changed to his human form.
Visions of her sister.s death fresh in her mind, she changed into warm clothes and her running shoes, tucked the perfume bottle into a pocket, then sat on the edge of the bed.
Jared changed to his human form and held up one hand, holding his back with the other.
Fire slid through his body as he contorted and changed shapes.
He changed forms in midair and dropped the half dozen feet to the ground, smelling Toby.s blood as he landed near it.
He jogged through the castle and ran out into the snow, launching himself into the cold air as he changed into the bird form.
Something was really wrong if Gabriel.s thousands-year-old habit changed suddenly.
She changed quickly into dry clothing before hurrying down the back stairwell.
I have to check on Toby, she said and moved past him before she changed her mind.
I haven.t even changed your apartment in Hell.
Just when she thought she understood the rules of the Immortals, they changed.
Her guards changed every eight hours, and this one started his shift at midnight.
He dropped fast and changed shapes too soon, landing hard on the ground near them.
Darkyn changed into his demon form and tackled Rhyn, who threw him off.
She changed into the comfortable clothing.
When the doors opened, she realized everything had changed.
I don't expect anyone to talk to me, Kiera muttered as she changed.
The tiny specs indicating crafts or personnel in the 3D image moved and changed; the image itself spun slowly, as if to present her with all sides of the battle at once.
Waiting until nightfall, he changed into clothing more suited for the Qatwali society and covered his face with a hood to creep into the city.
The cool toss of his head-- a blatant dismissal-- changed her mind again.
Something had changed him.
His whole face had changed upon seeing his nishani and children, had gone from tired to hopeful.
She had changed to the white dress, the one she'd worn to dinner that night and the hem touched the tops of her bare feet, which pointed downward.
Fred O'Connor changed the subject.
However, with a burst of uncustomary loquaciousness, she changed the subject.
Claire rolled her eyes and changed the subject.
Hell, the man changed his history like he changed his shorts.
My mind won't release me from all that has happened since Rev. Martin first visited me, and changed my life.
The mountains haven't changed and there are a lot of buildings still standing from the last century.
Janet cleaned your room and changed the linens.
He then added, "But when your sister was so snooty about the coins and other items and short changed Fred O'Connor, we decided to keep the notebook."
He went on to add judiciously that elevation changed Mother Nature's rules about the weather every few hundred feet.
Corday never volunteered any information and when Dean asked him outright if Shipton was still alive, the officer ignored the question and changed the subject.
We were about to run out so I got smart and just changed the front door lock after Christmas.
Instead, Dean changed the subject.
After washing himself, he changed into the waistcoat left on the bed.
The only thing that has changed is your knowledge.
I'm happy you changed your mind, and I will be forever grateful to my friends here.
Their relationship had changed him inextricably.
He told Sam about the dream and how it had changed.
Do you want me to tell Sarah I changed my mind?
After Gerald left, Alex showered and changed into jeans, a western shirt and square-toed boots.
In his absence, Alex had changed into clothes more suitable for farm work.
In her concern for his safety, she hadn't showered or changed clothes - or even combed her hair.
Had Alex contemplated kissing her, and if so, why had he changed his mind?
I never intended to be a salesman all my life, and the company hasn't been the same since it changed hands.
Alex took her home, changed into his western garb, and helped her with the chores.
What if the mother changed her mind?
I changed my flights and I'm leaving tomorrow.
She'd removed her personal identifiers, hacked into the government's tracking mainframe to deactivate the implant in her brain, and changed into the black tactical uniform Elise brought her over her civilian grays.
Is that why you hadn't changed it?
But now, things had changed.
Lana changed quickly, her body sore from the night with her Guardian.
Their relationship had changed to one far more dangerous, less open.
I guess she wouldn't play this morning at all but changed her mind this afternoon.
She ducked into the small room and changed clothes.
She changed, grateful to be out of the cold, wet clothing.
They were pressed and waiting for her, as if no one had told them her life had changed.
In fact, standing in her apartment, she had the surreal sense that life hadn't changed, as if she could open the door and go to work like any other day.
She changed and placed her micro and vault into her pockets then followed Kelli out of the warehouse, through the front office space and into the street.
I don't know how you changed your profile, but you appearing the same day the soldiers came by looking for someone new and suspicious can't be a coincidence.
Rhyn stripped and changed into the demon's warm clothes.
What if this business with Katie changed him?
Katie ate her food and water cubes, waiting for Gabriel. She fingered the second necklace he'd given her, not convinced Andre was wrong. The beads felt like plastic, and something about Gabe had changed.
The neighborhood had slowly changed over the years.
Fred O'Connor, at 74, had long since finished his working career, a calico collection of jobs which changed with the telling, none of which gave him a pension.
The lunchtime pastrami more than eliminated the need for an early dinner, so he drove home, changed into shorts and set out at a leisurely pace on his 18-speed touring bike.
In Dean's playing days the high school was still in town, but otherwise, nothing had changed.
A suit jacket and pants were laid out across the bed, and underwear was dropped on the floor next to it, apparently discarded by Byrne when he changed to his bathing suit.
He had changed before Dean's eyes to a perfect balance of charm and elegance, guaranteed to have any female eating out of his hand.
Later she went by to meet him, but not only was he not in, he had changed the lock.
Fred answered innocently and then changed the subject.
Dean thanked him and changed the subject.
Dean ignored the remark and changed the subject.
Sometimes when I wake up I can't believe my life has changed so much in three weeks.
Finally Randy changed the subject.
She quickly changed the subject.
I thought afterwards seven was too early and changed the reservation to eight.
We got his picture—even if it is a few years old—and my money says he hasn't changed much.
He changed the subject.
After locating his gear, he found a campsite, showered and changed.
And," he added, "we underestimated you—he'd changed names so much we didn't think you'd ever find him."
That's why you changed the lock so snoopy Mrs. Glass wouldn't stumble on it.
What changed his mind?
After the drinks were placed before them, he changed the subject.
For her, the lazy days of summer hadn't changed much since she was a child.
Racing to her room, she changed into jeans and a light shirt.
Had she really changed or would she regret this marriage after the new wore off of their relationship?
Have you changed your mind?
Was this where he changed?
So, have you changed your mind about spending our honeymoon here?
Surely she would have had to sign papers if he had changed that.
Carmen had tried to talk to Alex about his parents on several occasions but he simply gave brief answers and then changed the subject.
Conversation came to a total stop for a few minutes, and then Bill changed the subject.
I don't think I could stand it if the mother changed her mind.
At midnight he came home, changed into his pajamas and crawled into bed.
After nearly two years of marriage, nothing had changed – absolutely nothing.
Once they were like brother and sister, but he had changed.
The days drug into weeks and nothing changed between them.
Katie thought things had changed between them, but actually little had changed at all.
In their room she changed into a charcoal gray suit and combed her hair.
She changed, left her folded clothing on the bench outside the locker, and slammed the locker closed.
He'd changed again over the course of the two weeks she'd been assigned to the Black God.
I know you've changed.
The Schism hadn't changed everything; she'd thrown everything away.
The Schism changed that, severing the tie between Damian and the source.
But he'd changed again.
But neither has his choice changed.
Desperate to maintain her position as her people's protector and outlive those threats hedging closer, she washed her face and changed clothing to prepare for her return journey.
You do not think it could have changed in the past half a day?
The city changed as she wandered the zigzag roads toward its center until she came upon an inner wall - -now open - -leading to stone structures gleaming with gold and silver artwork.
Taran escaped before the madman changed his mind.
Taran smiled tightly as the grizzled warrior bowed, recalling how much had changed since he first lay eyes on the man.
As the curtain lifted, the props had been changed so the room looked like a kitchen, with cardboard cut-out's of stove, sink and refrigerator.
She had changed her clothes and washed the makeup from her face.
Carmen changed filters and turned on the air conditioner for the summer.
Though, in all fairness, ten years had changed some people enormously.
Alex had changed, but had she?
His breathing changed and he moved, kissing her bare shoulder before he spoke.
People change … had he changed again?
People changed and grew, but she hadn't been growing.
Unless he had changed, that wasn't what he wanted.
Of course, he could have changed - in which case they would drift further apart if she reverted.
His expression changed and he groaned his desire.
Had he changed his mind again now that passion wasn't ruling his mind?
Did it actually matter why he had changed his mind?
But then, he had changed his mind about divorce, hadn't he?
His expression never changed.
She blushed and changed the subject.
Well, the traditional roles of men and women have changed in the last generation.
His expression changed to incredulity when he saw the confusion on Justin's face.
In the last year you've changed considerably, but in the last few months you've been unbearable.
Even Denton was a changed man.
But then, he hadn't really changed.
Yes, life had changed in the last six months, but they were fortunate that those changes had been for the good.
He debated following Jonny then changed his mind.
Fire shot through her, and the world around her warped and changed like in a dream.
He checked her thoughts to confirm she changed her ticket then rose.
He changed directions and pulled on loose judo pants that settled low on his hips before replacing the red gem at his throat.
I changed my mind.
She tried to unlock it twice before realizing he changed the password.
Ignoring his guests, Xander changed into clothes certain to let him move freely, preparing for his dinner to arrive.
It was likely why Jessi changed her mind so many times about last night.
In the rainy season the barriers are submerged in succession, the reaches are filled and the plains of the lower Senegal are changed into immense marshes.
His grandfather, Gregorio Brunacci, of an ancient family of Pisa, had changed his name in order to become heir to a certain marchese di Consalvi.
The duchy afterwards changed hands several times, one of its holders being Charles of Valois, natural son of Charles IX.
But the causes that changed the character of the advocatus operated also in the case of the vidame.
On his marriage in 1823 with Elizabeth, daughter of Dawson Turner of Great Yarmouth, he had become a Christian, and had changed his name to Palgrave, the maiden name of his wife's mother.
The later English artists have somewhat changed the mode of communicating motion to the slides, by attaching the screws pdrmanently to the micrometer head and tapping each micrometer screw into its slide.
The end-plane of this cylinder receives the pressure of the micrometer screw, so that by turning the small drum-head the coincidence-reading of the movable web with the fixed web can be changed, and thus any given angle can be measured with different FIG.
During his residence in Holland he lived at thirteen different places, and changed his abode twenty-four times.
For a short period the day was changed to Tuesday, but the market was given up before 1888.
She was helpless, and the violence of her grief and anger soon changed to passive resistance, and than to a complete forbearance and complaisance which gained the king's regard and favour.
It formerly joined the Kura; but in 1897 it changed its lower course, and now runs direct to the Kizil-agach Bay of the Caspian.
The emperor Hadrian, when he rebuilt the city, changed the name to Aelia Capitolina.
A family or group of families had the same hunting-ground, which was seldom changed, and descended through the males.
Augusta was originally a part of the township of Hallowell (incorporated in 1771); in 1797 the north part of Hallowell was incorporated as a separate town and named Harrington; and later in the same year the name was changed to Augusta.
Later her character changed and she came to be regarded as a witch.
At the time of her accession to office Charles changed the form of administration by the creation of three separate councils, those of State, of Finance, and the Privy Council.
Beyond Notre-Dame d'Afrique is the beautiful Valley of the Consuls, very little changed since the time of the deys.
It was the chief town of the Samnites, who took refuge here after their defeat by the Romans in 314 B.C. It appears not to have fallen into the hands of the latter until Pyrrhus's absence in Sicily, but served them as a base of operations in the last campaign against him in 275 B.C. A Latin colony was planted there in 268 B.C., and it was then that the name was changed for the sake of the omen, and probably then that the Via Appia was extended from Capua to Beneventum.
Toward the end of his career at the bar, however, he changed from a general practitioner to a patent lawyer, and as such had a lucrative practice.
The depositions of witnesses were returned to Rome in 1632, but meantime the forms of the Roman chancery had been changed by Urban VIII., and the advocates could not at once continue their work.
Fichte's general views on philosophy seem to have changed considerably as he advanced in years, and his influence has been impaired by certain inconsistencies and an appearance of eclecticism, which is strengthened by his predominantly historical treatment of problems, his desire to include divergent systems within his own, and his conciliatory tone.
If a suitor changed his mind, he forfeited the presents.
The government again changed its policy.
In the struggle between France and Austria from the 17th century onwards the Breisgau frequently changed masters.
Thus the titular king of Italy found himself simultaneously at war with those great vassals who had chosen him from their own class, with the turbulent factions of the Roman aristocracy, with unruly bishops in the growing cities and with the multitude of minor counts and barons who occupied the open lands, and who changed sides according to the interests of the moment.
In 1521 he changed sides, allied himself to Charles, and died after hearing that the imperial troops had again expelled the French from Milan.
Italy, handled and rehandled, settled and resettled, upon each of these occasions, changed masters without caring or knowing what befell the principals in any one of the disputes.
After war broke out, he changed sides and supported the Habsburg-Lorraine party.
Reduced in number to less than one hundred, and radically changed in spirit and composition, the Right gave way, if not to despair, at least to a despondency unsuited to an opposition party.
The noble qualities of the child attracted the attention of Hadrian, who, playing upon the name "Verus," said that it should be changed to "Verissimus" (Bhpiccimoc on medals).
Inasmuch as its action changed very materially with age, " the buyer should in all instances be informed, so that he may not be deceived."
A statue was erected to his memory at Sens in 1861, and in 1865 the name of his native village was changed to Louptiere-Thenard.
These vary considerably in completeness with its age; in its younger parts the outer cells wall undergoes the change known as cuticularization, the material being changed both in chemical composition and in physical properties.
If formed, as it probably is, it is immediately changed into some more complex combination, and so rendered incapable of exerting its poisonous action.
The direct action of changed conditions leads to definite or indefinite results.
If these change, as we know they have changed, the organisms must change too, or perish.
His great-grandson Charles Howard, although fledged in a nest of cavaliers, changed sides and fought at Worcester for the parliament.
Under his auspices the instrumental equipment at Greenwich was completely changed, and the number of assistants increased from one to six.
He never changed, though he developed and perfected, the manner which he had adopted in Padua; his colouring, at first rather neutral and undecided, strengthened and matured.
These two conquests, wrought in the great island of the Ocean and in the great island of the Mediterranean, were the main works of the Normans after they had fully put on the character of a Christian and French-speaking people, in other words, after they had changed from Northmen into Normans.
The other fair has been discontinued, and the market day has been changed to Wednesday.
The commune of Venice, the ancient style of the commonwealth, changed into the seigniory of Venice.
It was a primitive institution which gradually changed its character by force of circumstances.
Their weak point lies in their necessary conservatism; they cannot advance and adapt themselves to changed circumstances, as either monarchy or democracy can.
The nobles of many cities were simply the nobles of the surrounding country changed, sometimes greatly against their will, into citizens.
The English thegn sometimes yielded to, sometimes changed into, the Norman baron, using that word in its widest sense, without any violent alteration in his position.
The notion of holding land of the king became more prominent than the notion of personal service done to the king; but, as the land was held by the tenure of personal service, the actual relation hardly changed.
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich (1711-1765), Russian poet and man of science, was born in the year 1711, in the village of Denisovka (the name of which was afterwards changed in honour of the poet), situated on an island not far from Kholmogori, in the government of Archangel.
The triungulin searches for the eggs, and, after a moult, becomes changed into a soft-skinned tapering larva.
It should be observed that the tyranny of Peisistratus is one of the many epochs of Greek history on which opinion has almost entirely changed since the age of Grote.
This was changed in consequence of the emancipation of the serfs.
Forests are still numerous where they have not been destroyed by the hand of man, but their character has changed.
The innovations, it must be admitted, did not prove so efficient as he expected, because human nature and traditional habits cannot be changed as quickly as institutions.
On the whole, the new Duma was fairly representative of the changed temper of the Russian people, disillusioned and weary of anarchy.
Afterwards, probably through his father's influence, he changed sides.
It enacted that published rates should not be changed except on thirty days' notice, whether the change involved an increase or a decrease, and it required annual reports to be made under oath, penalties being prescribed for failure to comply with the Commission's requests for information.
It forbids a railway which has reduced its rates while in competition with a water route to raise them again when the competition has ceased, unless the Commission permits it to do so because of other changed conditions.
Therefore the horse-power which must be developed in the cylinders to effect this change of speed is from (21) H.P.280X2240X0 113X59 = _237 55 0 X 32 The rate of working is negative when the train is retarded; for instance, if the train had changed its speed from 41 to 40 m.
On the death of Mamiani in 1885 he became editor of the Filosofia delle scuole italiane, the title of which he changed to Rivista italiana di filosofia.
According to the Thelpusan story, Demeter, during her wanderings in search of Persephone, changed herself into a mare to avoid the persecution of Poseidon.
After passing the House it was sent to the Senate, where it was much changed.
In the Centaur battle, having been crushed by rocks and trunks of trees, he was changed into a bird; or he disappeared into the depths of the earth unharmed.
But his fortunes changed soon after the accession of Justin II.
It is on this occasion that Jacob's name is changed to Israel.
The high priest changed his name to Jason and made a gymnasium near the citadel.
The number of senators was reduced to 50, the number of commoners to 120, and the manner of choosing senators and commoners was changed as directed in the act providing for the convention.
The course of oriental conquest followed the events of European politics, and the possessions of European powers in the East generally changed hands according to the fortunes of their masters at home.
It is nevertheless certain that during the first half of 1794 he was very strictly secluded; he had no special guardian, but was under the charge of guards changed from day to day.
A sham contest was changed into a fatal fray by the treachery of Ishbaal's men; and in the battle which ensued Abner was not only defeated, but, by slaying Asahel, drew upon himself a bloodfeud with Joab.
He, too, must be remodelled as the conceptions of God were changed."
The name of Pomore, or Pommern, meaning "on the sea," was given to the district by the latter of the tribes about the time of Charlemagne, and it has often changed its political and geographical significance.
The second account, which Herodotus follows, is a rationalized version of the first, where the dog is changed into a woman (the wife of the shepherd) named Spako (bitch).
His violent disposition now led him to quarrel with a country gentleman who had insulted his sister, and his semi-exile was changed by lettre de cachet into imprisonment in the Chateau d'If.
During the 13th and 14th centuries the castle and lordship changed hands very frequently; they were granted successively to Hubert de Burgh, whose son forfeited them after the battle of Evesham, to Richard, earl of Cornwall, whose son Edmund died without issue; to Piers Gaveston, and lastly to John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, and so to the Crown as parcel of the duchy of Lancaster.
Early in the next century the name was changed by Lysimachus to Alexandria Troas, in honour of Alexander's memory.
Already by the beginning of the 14th century these conquests had fundamentally changed the character of the Order.
In the troublous times that followed it often changed hands.
Its name was changed from Guamanga to Ayacucho by a decree of 1825.
It was speedily crushed; but from that moment Domitian's character changed.
In the last generation all that has changed, and the change is of a permanent character.
The relations between general theory and special studies conducted on the lines we have indicated have completely changed.
In a moment all was changed by the death of Edward I.
They are true Pectinibranchia which have taken to a pelagic life, and the peculiarities of structure which they exhibit are strictly adaptations consequent upon their changed mode of life.
Others again saw no marked change in him; while Mollien, who knew the emperor well, attributed the lassitude which now and then came over him to a feeling of perplexity caused by his changed circumstances.
The taking of the Bastille, however, and the events by which it was preceded, were a sign that the times had changed; and on the 18th of July Desmoulins's work was issued.
The title of the publication changed after the 73rd number.
He changed his name from Gemistus to the equivalent Pletho ("the full"), perhaps owing to the similarity of sound between that name and that of his master Plato.
The ganglia become greatly changed in position during the later life, and it is usually said that there are only ten pairs of abdominal ganglia even in the embryo.
But in none of these latter cases have the wings to be changed from a position inside the body to become external and actively functional organs.
The more important monographs will usually be found cited in the separate articles on birds contained in this work, though some, by reason of changed views of classification, have for practical purposes to be regarded now as general works.
With the destruction of the mainland cities by repeated barbarian invasions, and thanks to the gradual development of Venice as a centre of coasting trade in the northern Adriatic, the aspect of the city changed.
Owing to a fire which gutted a great part of the palace in 1574, the internal appearance of the rooms was completely changed, and the fine series of early Paduan and Venetian paintings which decorated the walls of the chief rooms was lost.
The disturbances among the underlying rocks of Ohio have been slight, and originally the surface was a plain only slightly undulating; stream dissection changed the region to one of numberless hills and valleys; glacial drift then filled up the valleys over large broken areas, forming the remarkably level till plains of northwestern Ohio; but at the same time other areas were broken by the uneven distribution of the drift, and south-eastern Ohio, which was unglaciated, retains its rugged hilly character, gradually merging with the typical plateau country farther S.E.
About this time he changed his views on the Eucharist and swung clean over from transubstantiation to the advanced Zwinglian position.
The great English writers of Queen Anne's reign seem to have been but little known in the colony, and the local literature, though changed somewhat in character, showed but scant improvement.
But times changed.
This letter corresponds to the second symbol in the Phoenician alphabet, and appears in the same position in all the European alphabets, except those derived, like the Russian, from medieval Greek, in which the pronunciation of this symbol had changed from b to v.
In 1767 he was appointed to the charge of Mill Hill Chapel at Leeds, where he again changed his religious opinions from a loose Arianism to definite Socinianism and wrote many political tracts hostile to the attitude of the government towards the American colonies.
The settlement was first called "Boston Plantation," or "Poontoosuck," but in 1761, when it was incorporated as a township, the name was changed to Pittsfield, in honour of the elder William Pitt.
Of the other great powers of Europe, England and Germany had been little changed by the Crusades, save that Germany had been extended towards the East by the conquests of the Teutonic Order; but the Eastern empire had been profoundly modified, and the papacy had suffered a great change.
In 196 B.C., when the town first appears in history, it was already in the possession of the Boii, and had probably by this time changed its name, and in 189 B.C. it became a Roman colony.
Potash soap with the same reagent undergoes double decomposition - a proportion being changed into a soda soap with the formation of potassium chloride.
Later, however, as in the Commentary on this work written by Synesius to Dioscorus, priest of Serapis at Alexandria, which probably dates from the end of the 4th century, a changed attitude becomes apparent; the more practical parts of the receipts are obscured or omitted, and the processes for preparing alloys and colouring metals, described in the older treatise, are by a mystical interpretation represented as resulting in real transmutation.
Thus he says that the silver which has been changed into gold by the projection of the red elixir is not rendered resistant to the agents which affect silver but not gold, and Albertus Magnus in his De Mineralibus - the De Alchemia attributed to him is spurious - states that alchemy cannot change species but merely imitates them - for instance, colours a metal white to make it resemble silver or yellow to give it the appearance of gold.
On these points he was grievously wrong, and on all he changed his views after a good deal of bitter experience.
The town charter of 1843 changed the name to Marthasville, in honour of the daughter of Governor Wilson Lumpkin; and the city charter of 1847 changed this to Atlanta.
Most of the measures were rejected and the whole plan seemed likely to fail, when the situation was changed by the death of President Taylor and the accession of Millard Fillmore on the 9th of July 1850.
Matter can neither be created nor destroyed; however a chemical system be changed, the weights before and after are equal.'
This institution was taken over by the Government in 1853, becoming the Royal College of Chemistry, and incorporated with the Royal School of Mines; in 1881 the names were changed to the Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines, and again in 1890 to the Royal College of Science.
The cardinal was brought to trial at Westminster (17th of June 1535) on the charge that he did "openly declare in English that the king, our sovereign lord, is not supreme head on earth of the Church of England," and was condemned to a traitor's death at Tyburn, a sentence afterwards changed.
With regard to the changed state of affairs in the Church, it must be said that this can be a conclusive argument only to one who holds the view of the Tubingen scholars, that the Apostolic Age was all of a piece and was dominated solely by one controversy.
More, who knew her in old age when she was "lean, withered and dried up," says that in youth she was "proper and fair, nothing in her body that you would have changed, but if you would have wished her somewhat higher."
Meanwhile the struggle changed its character in an important respect.
The family, which changed its name from Bourke to de Burgh in 1752, and added that of Canning in 1862, still own a vast estate in County Galway.
The slavery of the working classes was not directly changed into the system of personal freedom.
A light but strong portfolio, to which pressure by means of straps can be applied, and a few quires of this paper, if the paper be changed night and morning, will be usually sufficient to dry all except very succulent plants.
Another sheet of blottingpaper is then laid over it; and, a number of similar specimens being formed into a pile, the whole is submitted to pressure, the paper being changed every hour or two at first.
The pressure is increased, and the papers are changed less frequently as the specimens become dry, which usually takes place in thirty-six hours.
But after the Ottoman defeat at Vienna in 1683, the situation changed.
In 1762, by an act of the assembly, a town was laid out including Cross Creek, and was named Campbelltown (or "Campbeltown"); but in 1784, when Lafayette visited the town, its name was changed in his honour to Fayetteville, though the name Cross Creek continued to be used locally for many years.
Under the new regime this system, which had greatly cramped the military strength and efficiency of the Ottoman Empire, has been changed, and all " Ottomans " are now subject to military service.
In 1835 the " ministry of administration " was formed; two years later its title was changed to ministry of the interior.
But the news from Dresden was so alarming that at the last moment he changed his mind, and sending Vandamme alone over the mountains, he hurried with his whole army to the threatened point.
Suddenly; Napoleon's plans are again reviewed and completely changed.
Napoleon's solution grew, as time went on and circumstances changed, in scope and complexity.
Agen changed hands more than once in the course of the Albigensian wars, and at their close a tribunal of inquisition was established in the town and inflicted cruel persecution on the heretics.
He intended taking monastic orders, but in 1798 the occupation of the city by the French troops drove him from Rome and changed his proposed career.
He soon changed his mind, however, and, admitting them to the circle of his intimates, loaded them with favours.
Fibrinogen occurs in the blood plasma, and is changed by a ferment into fibrin, to which the clotting of blood is due.
But as Moore was moving forward, the whole situation in Spain changed.
But these were soon changed, and he now took the important resolution of striking a blow for Spain, and for the defenders of Madrid, by attacking Napoleon's communications with France.
The battle is chiefly notable for the steadi- donor, ness with which the allied right, covered by the Light Division in squares, changed position in presence of the French cavalry; and for the extraordinary feat of arms of Captain Norman Ramsay, R.H.A., in charging through the French cavalry with his guns.
Santander was now evacuated by the French, and the allied line of communications was changed to that port.
Afterwards, however, his views changed and he opposed the bank.
In Arran there are pitchstone dikes, some of which are very completely vitreous, while others are changed to spherulitic felsites more or less silicified.
It is found that, in such cases as this, where it seems necessary to imagine the existence of complex ions, the transport number changes rapidly as the concentration of the original solution is changed.
Thus in the case of cyanacetic acid, while the volume V changed by doubling from 16 to 1024 litres, the values of k were 0.00 (37 6, 373, 374, 361, 362, 361, 368).
In ordinary cases possible changes in the concentrations only affect the electromotive force by a few parts in a hundred, but, by means such as those indicated above, it is possible to produce such immense differences in the concentrations that the electromotive force of the cell is not only changed appreciably but even reversed in direction.
From the 9th century onwards, however, this was changed; everywhere in the West the Roman use ousted the regional uses.
Of the greatest importance is the alcoholic fermentation brought about by yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae seu vini); this follows the equation CH120 6 =2C 2 H 6 0+2CO 2, Pasteur considering 94 to 95% of the sugar to be so changed.
The rough experience of this voyage did more than endow him with renewed health; it changed him from a dreamy, sensitive boy, hereditarily disinclined to any sort of active career, into a selfreliant, energetic man, with broad interests and keen sympathies.
Among these are the precise extent of demand, the limit of the inevitable fall in price with largely increased production, the cost of labour as increasing amounts are required, and the effect of changed conditions on the output of " wild " rubber and the competition of the new plantations which are being established in tropical America.
Now a11A11= alla22a33...ann, wherein all is not to be changed, but the second suffixes in the product a 22 a 33 ...a nn assume all permutations, the number of transpositions necessary determining the sign to be affixed to the member.
In 1791 the town was incorporated, and through the influence of the Rev. Seth Noble, the first pastor, the name was changed to Bangor, the name of one of his favourite hymn-tunes.
Their bodies lay for nine days unburied, for Zeus had changed the people to stone; on the tenth day they were buried by the gods.
Yet he found time, amid these multifarious occupations, to elaborate an entirely new system of astronomy, by the adoption of which man's outlook on the universe was fundamentally changed.
The planets in question appeared in the telescope as star-like objects which could be compared with the stars with much greater accuracy than a planetary disk like that of Mars, the apparent form of which was changed by its varying phase, due to the different directions of the sun's illumination.
The dimensions of a piece of iron, for example, its elasticity, its thermo-electric power and its electric conductivity are all changed under the influence of magnetism.
Changes Of Dimensions Attending Magnetization It is well known that the form of a piece of ferromagnetic metal is in general slightly changed by magnetization.
Among other things, it was found that the behaviour of cast cobalt was entirely changed by annealing; the sinuous curve shown in Fig.
Each was under the command of a sevir (`'Xapxos), who was appointed by the emperor and changed every year.
At all events, on the death of Tiglath-pileser,, he succeeded to the throne the 25th of Tebet 727 B.C., and changed his original name of Ulula to that of Shalmaneser.
Fredrikshald is close to the Swedish frontier, and had previously (1660) withstood invasion, after which its name was changed from Halden to the present form in 1665 in honour of Frederick III.
In this connexion it should be observed that the word patrimonium gradually changed in meaning.
Modified though never essentially changed, (1) by contact with the star-worship of the Chaldaeans, who identified Mithras with Shamash, god of the sun,(2) by the indigenous Armenian religion and other local Asiatic faiths and (3) by the Greeks of Asia Minor, who identified Mithras with Helios, and contributed to the success of his cult by equipping it for the first time with artistic representations (the famous Mithras relief originated in the Pergamene school towards the 2nd century B.C.), Mithraism was first transmitted to the Roman world during the 1st century B.C. by the Cilician pirates captured by Pompey.
Since the naval revolt of 1893-1894 the name of the capital of Santa Catharina has been changed from Desterro to Florianopolis in honour of President Floriano Peixoto.
At first the revolutionary propaganda produced no personal animosity against the emperor, who continued to be treated by his people with every mark of respect and affection, but this state of things gradually changed.
Modern conditions have changed the character of Edinburgh society.
Campbell also devoted himself a good deal to criminal business, but in spite of his unceasing industry he failed to attract much attention behind the bar; he had changed his circuit from the home to the Oxford, but briefs came in slowly, and it was not till 1827 that he obtained a silk gown and found himself in that "front rank" who are permitted to have political aspirations.
Legislative power was vested, nominally, in the volksraad (consisting of twenty-four members),while the president and executive were changed every three months.
This feeling was, however, changed by what Sir George (and many of the Dutch in Natal also) thought a wilful and unjustifiable attack (December 1840) on a tribe of Kaffirs on the southern, or Cape Colony, frontier by a commando under Andries Pretorius, which set out, nominally, to recover stolen cattle.
The commission declared that the chasm between the native and white races had been broadening for years and that the efforts of the administration - especially since the grant of responsible government - to reconcile the Kaffirs to the changed conditions of rule and policy and to convert them into an element of strength had been ineffective.
The distribution of the great satrapies was changed occasionally, and often two of them were given to the same man.
After long struggles the city fell into the hands of the Lucanians (who nevertheless did not expel the Greek colonists) and in 273 B.C. it became a Latin colony under the Roman rule, the name being changed to the Latin form Paestum.
In 1838 an anti-Corn-Law association was formed at Manchester, which, on his suggestion, was afterwards changed into a national association, under the title of the Anti-Corn-Law League (see Corn Laws).
One most striking instance of how completely he changed the current of the national mind may here be given.
The withdrawal of Tisza scarcely changed the situation, but the period of brief ministries now began.
Thus, while of German periodicals ap p earing in Hungary there were in 1871 only 85, they increased in 1880 to 114, in 1885 to 141; and they were, at the beginning of 1895, still 128, in spite of the constant spread of that process of Magyarization which has, since 1880, considerably changed the linguistic habits of the people of Hungary.
It was formerly the custom to assign the invention of algebra to the Greeks, but since the decipherment of the Rhind papyrus by Eisenlohr this view has changed, for in this work there are distinct signs of an algebraic analysis.
But eventually they may in turn become, in changed conditions, of selective value.
The whole position was changed by the acquiescence, which became universal, in the doctrine of Darwin.
The path of a ray from the wave-surface A 0 B 0 to the point A is changed; but in virtue of the minimum property the change may be neglected in calculating the optical distance,as it influences the result by quantities of the second order only in the changes of refrangibility.
If now we suppose the aperture AB to be covered by a great number of opaque strips or bars of width d, separated by transparent intervals of width a, the condition of things in the directions just spoken of is not materially changed.
It was to no purpose that he appealed to the emperor and empress for restitution or redress; and it was perhaps the hope of extorting his reappointment to Bobbio, as a reward for his services to the imperial cause, that changed the studious scholar of Reims into the wily secretary of Adalbero.
On his appearance the Scots hastily changed front and took post on Branxton Hill, facing north.
From that day the role of the Natal Field Force was changed from that of a mobile field army into that of a garrison, and two days later it was completely isolated, but not before General French had succeeded in escaping south by train, and the naval authorities had been induced by Sir George White's urgent appeals to send into the town a naval brigade with a few guns of sufficient range and calibre to cope with the heavy position artillery which Joubert was now able to bring into action against the town.
But the tide of war had changed.
Another translator from Greek was Paul, Monophysite bishop of Callinicus or ar-Rakkah, who, being expelled from his diocese in 519, retired to Edessa and there occupied himself in translating into Syriac the works of Severus, the Monophysite 1 So called " because his dress consisted of a barda`tha, or coarse horse-cloth, which he never changed till it became quite ragged " (Wright).
Hindus, the Egyptians have maintained to the present day; and, although they have changed their religion, the use of incense among them continues to be as familiar and formal as ever.
No doubt the coming of the Saxons, which entirely changed the condition of the country, must have greatly injured trade, but although there was not the same freedom of access to the roads, the Londoners had the highway of the river at their doors.
This allegiance therefore frequently changed, but Lo ndon retained its identity and individuality all Y Y through.
In 1571 Queen Elizabeth changed its name to the Royal Exchange.
In the middle of the period occurred the civil wars, and then the fire which changed the whole aspect of London.
While a shift of men is being lowered the miners of the preceding shift are usually raised to the surface in the ascending cages, the entire shift being thus changed in the time required for lowering.
To replace the ore-skip expeditiously by the man-car when the shifts are to be changed a crane is often erected over the shaft mouth.
In 1644, with the transfer of New Netherlands to English control, the name "Beverwyck" was changed to "Albany" - one of the titles of the duke of York (afterward James II.).
By converting ferrous into ferric oxide the green tint is changed to yellow, which is less noticeable.
The men who manipulate the stirring bars are therefore changed at short intervals, while the bars themselves have also to be changed at somewhat longer intervals, as they rapidly become oxidized, and accumulated scale would tend to fall off them, thus contaminating the glass below.
The metals to be referred to are always understood to be given in the compact (frozen) condition, and that, wherever metals are enumerated as being similarly attacked, the degree of readiness in the action is indicated by the order in which the several members are named - the more readily changed metal always standing first.
The extension to the case where the liquid is bounded externally by a fixed ellipsoid X= X is made in a similar manner, by putting 4 = x y (x+ 11), (io) and the ratio of the effective angular inertia in (9) is changed to 2 (B0-A0) (B 1A1) +.a12 - a 2 +b 2 a b1c1 a -b -b12 abc (Bo-Ao)+(B1-A1) a 2 + b 2 a1 2 + b1 2 alblcl Make c= CO for confocal elliptic cylinders; and then _, 2 A? ?
The day appears to have been afterwards changed to the 29th of June, and in the 18th century was mainly important for the sale of toys.
Cardinal Latino to some extent succeeded, and was granted a kind of temporary dictatorship. He raised the 12 buoni uomini to 14 (8 Guelphs and 6 Ghibellines), to be changed every two months; and they were assisted by a council of loo.
The pope too was against them, but when they induced the Venetians to intervene the tide of fortune changed, and Visconti was finally defeated and forced to accept peace on onerous terms (1427).
The Greater Council was to elect another council of 80 citizens over forty years old, also to be changed every six months; this body, which the signory must consult once a week, together with the colleges and the signory itself, was to appoint ambassadors and commissaries of war, and deal with other confidential matters.
The adherents of Savonarola were called the Piagnoni, or snivellers, while the Neutrali changed sides frequently.
Later, in the Roman period, the type in sculpture changed from the Egyptian.
These separators are carefully protected by non-conducting cement and wood lagging, and are closed at the top to prevent loss of heat; and they will run for many hours without requiring to be changed, the duration of the run depending on the quality of the liquor treated and amount of impurities therein.
All this has now been changed.
Towards the end of the 3rd century its name was changed to Constantia, in honour of the emperor Constantius Chlorus, who fortified it.
The nitrogen in decaying roots, in the dead stems. and leaves of plants, and in humus generally is sooner or later changed into a nitrate, the change being effected by bacteria.
It had indeed begun to break down under the strain of frequent and distant campaigns, but it was long before it was changed as the recognized rule of medieval service.
When conditions so changed that government could free itself from its dependence on the baron, feudalism disappeared as the organization of society; when a professional class arose to form the judiciary, when the increased circulation of money made regular taxation possible and enabled the government to buy military and other services, and when better means of intercommunication and the growth of common ideas made a wide centralization possible and likely to be permanent.
Filangieri was a very distinguished soldier, and a man of great ability; although he changed sides several times he became really attached to the Bourbon dynasty, which he hoped to save by freeing it from its reactionary tendencies and infusing a new spirit into it.
After a very hot summer the bright weather changed to clouded skies on the 2nd of October, rain fell tempestuously the same evening, and there were showery days and nights till the 14th.
He had not, however, changed his views, and this was generally recognized.
From this moment fortune changed.
The story of Vienna begins in the earliest years of the Christian era, with the seizure of the Celtic settlement of Vindomina by the Romans, who changed its name to Vindobona, and established a fortified camp here to command the Danube and protect the northern frontier of the empire.
His original name, Mahommed, was changed by his father, with whom he was a favourite, into Aurangzeb, meaning ornament of the throne, and at a later time he assumed the additional titles of Mohi-eddin, reviver of religion, and Alam-gir, conqueror of the world.
Allentown was first settled in 1751; in 1762 it was laid out as a town by James Allen, the son of a chief-justice of the province, in honour of whose family the city is named; in 1811 it was incorporated as a borough and its name was changed to Northampton; in 1812 it was made the county-seat; in 1838 the present name was again adopted; and in 1867 the first city charter was secured.
Napoleon had here double the force of the allies; Kutusov, however, displayed great energy, changed front to his right and called up his reserves.
Its official name was changed from Columbia College to Columbia University.
With the progress of the Revolution, however, this attitude was changed.
Just as Arthur was eclipsed by his companions, so Charlemagne's vassal nobles, except in the Chanson de Roland, are exalted at the expense of the emperor, probably the result of the changed relations between the later emperors and their barons.
But his content speedily changed to horror.
Pleasure-loving Florence was completely changed.
In March the aspect of affairs changed.
He refers to de Maistre's memorable book, Du Pape, as the most profound, accurate and methodical account of the old spiritual organization, and starts from that as the model to be adapted to the changed intellectual and social conditions of the modern time.
On the 13th of March 1644 the Portsmouth-Newport General Court changed the name of the island from Aquidneck to the Isle of Rhodes or Rhode Island.
Standard Chinese soon became easier to understand than archaic Japanese, as the former alone was taught in the schools, and the native language changed rapidly during the century or two that followed the diffusion of the foreign tongue and civilization (CnAMBERLAIN).
All that has been changed, however.
Moreover, all securities underwent such sharp depreciation that, on the one hand, the government hesitated to hand over the bonds representing the purchase-price of the railways, lest such an addition to the volume of stocks should cause further depreciation, and, on the other, the former owners of the nationalized lines found the character of their bargain greatly changed.
Queen Ulrica elevated him and his family to the rank of nobility, by which his name was changed from Swedberg to Swedenborg, the "en" corresponding to the German "von."
About 488 B.C. Anaxilas and the Samians occupied Zancle in the absence of Skythes, and it was then that the name was changed to Messene, as the existence of coins of the Samian type, bearing the new name, proves.
During the next fifty years Messina changed masters several times, till Timoleon finally expelled the Carthaginians in 343 B.C. In the wars between Agathocles of Syracuse and Carthage, Messina took the side of the Carthaginians.
The Panoplist (1805) changed its name to the Missionary Herald, representing the American Board of Missions.
Since 1903 the organization of the publication has changed.
According to Sostratus, author of an elegiac poem called Teiresias, he was originally a girl, but had been changed into a boy by Apollo at the age of seven; after undergoing several more transformations from one sex to the other, she (for the final sex was feminine) was turned into a mouse and her lover Arachnus into a weasel (Eustathius on Odyssey, p. 1665).
Both Oxford and Bolingbroke warned James that he could have little chance of success unless he changed his religion, but the latter's refusal (March 13) does not appear to have stopped the communications.
But now the queen's sudden death on the 1st of August, and the appointment of Shrewsbury to the lord treasurership, instantly changed the whole scene and ruined Bolingbroke.
Megara was captured, and Nisus, who died fighting (or slew himself), was changed into a sea-eagle.
Minos, disgusted at Scylla's treachery, tied her to the rudder of his ship, and afterwards cast her body ashore on the promontory called after her Scyllaeum; or she threw herself into the sea and swam after Minos, constantly pursued by her father, until at last she was changed into a ciris (a bird or a fish).
The birds were regarded as originally human beings, whose acts and characters were supposed to account for certain habits of the birds into which they had been changed.
Antonius offered him the command of the expedition against the Parthians and the province of Syria he changed sides at once.
Matthiessen and Bose obtained large crystals of the alloy Au 2 Sn 5, having the colour of tin, which changed to a bronze tint by oxidation.