Champion Sentence Examples
He was Queen Catherine's confessor and her only champion and advocate.
They in return gladly accepted a champion who lent them the prestige and influence of the church.
He is a two-time world heavyweight boxing champion.
Hence the strength with which a champion of the faith like Anselm insists on the subordination of reason.
The only link was to the Champion Pet Foods, and specifically Orijen.The company suspected that the problem was a result of irradiation.
As Apollo's champion Hercules is Daphnephoros, and fights Cycnus and Amyntor to keep open the sacred way from Tempe to Delphi.
He is now the champion of freedom and purity of life, like Nathan when he confronted David for the murder of Uriah.
The latter found their champion in Elijah, whose history reflects the prophetic teaching of more than one age.
Bad news for former champion jockey Kieron Fallon - the High Court on the Strand has refused to overturn his British riding ban.
Her career highlights also include interviewing champion boxer Amir Khan and veteran newsreader Trevor McDonald.
AdvertisementAnd the 2003 European Under 19 champion also got a nasty shock.
But when Augustine is concerned to reconcile the reality of individual freedom with humanity's universal need of redemption and with the absolute voluntariness of Divine Grace, he is constrained to contradict most of those postulates of which in his advocacy of libertarianism he was an eager champion.
Orijen cat food is made by Champion Pet Foods, ltd.
The winner from each of these seven groups then moves on to compete for the highly coveted Best in Show award and prestigious title of National Champion.
Out of a $225,000.00 pot, a whopping $50,000.00 is awarded to the dog lucky enough to be crowned the National Champion.
AdvertisementThis Champion of the Elder Gods is a very popular anti-hero among gamers.
He had, however, the advantage of now being able to present himself to the Greeks as the champion of Apollo in a holy war, and in 352 the Macedonian army won a complete victory over the Pheraeans and Phocians.
He appeared there as the champion of the king and encouraged him in his reactionary policy.
But the dispute lasted for many years (Leo of Armenia continuing to champion the cause of his great-nephew), and long occupied the attention of Innocert III.
In these debates Douglas, the champion of his party, was over-matched in clearness and force of reasoning, and lacked the great moral earnestness of his opponent; but he dexterously extricated himself time and again from difficult argumentative positions, and retained sufficient support to win the immediate prize.
AdvertisementThe king of WUrttemberg, ever the champion of German particularism, gave expression to his feelings by issuing a new constitution to his kingdom, and appealed to his relative, the emperor Alexander, who had not yet been won over by Metternich to the policy of war ii outrance against reform, and took this occasion to issue a fresh manifesto of his Liberal creed.
In 1874, with his brother Alexander Forrest (born 1849), he explored eastwards from Champion Bay, following as far as possible the 26th parallel, and striking the telegraph line between Adelaide and Port Darwin; a distance of about 2000 m.
During his service in the Senate (1849-1855) he was pre-eminently the champion of anti-slavery in that body, and no one spoke more ably than he did against the Compromise Measures of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854.
Leopold, therefore, who made his debut on the European stage as the executor of the ban of the Empire against the insurgent Liegeois, was free to pose as the champion of order against the Revolution, without needing to fear the resentment of his subjects.
He was also once more stirred up to play the part of a Hellenic champion in yet another Punic war.
AdvertisementPyrrhus (q.v.) came as the champion of the western Greeks against all barbarians, whether Romans in Italy or Carthaginians in Sicily.
He took the idea that the Bank of the United States was leading the money power against him, and that he was the champion of the masses of democracy and of the common people.
Wayne Rooney has ' challenged ' boxing champion Ricky Hatton to a fight.
He early became a Protestant champion, and the one extant anecdote of his youth occurs in his address "to the Godly and Christian reader" prefixed to his Plaine Discovery.
The Champion guys are all so enthusiastic and dedicated and it would be good to reward them with a rostrum finish.
The former British champion Bill Hartston said that " chess does n't drive people mad, it keeps mad people sane ".
A shortlist of six contenders also included boxer Lennox Lewis, tennis player Tim Henman and world triple jump champion Jonathan Edwards.
Let 12 burgers sizzle away on George Foremans versatile Double Champion indoor/outdoor grill - NOW WITH FREE STAND !
At this point, Champion Dogs and Bitches who are also entered for Breed Competition will also be called in and placed in front of the Winners Dog and Bitch.
The famous head-cutting challenge, so admirably told in Syr Gawayne and the Grene Knighte, was originally connected with the Irish champion.
The conflict assumed the character of a struggle between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, in which Philip appeared as the champion of the Church.
Charlemagne's wars in Italy, Spain and Saxony formed part of the common epic material, and there are references to his wars against the Sla y s; but especially he remained in the popular mind as the great champion of Christianity against the creed of Mahomet, and even his Norman and Saxon enemies became Saracens in current legend.
He also crossed swords more than once with the Dutch Presbyterian champion, Voetius, still remembered for his attacks on Descartes.
Then, the ancient heresy laws having been revived, came the burnings of Rogers, Hooker, Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer and many a less noteworthy champion of the new religion.
Champion of the papacy and in secret league with the Lombard cities he was able to defy the common enemy, Frederick II.
The Hungarian Government could claim the right to take independent economic measures for her own territory in war-time; a joint arrangement was only possible for the territories of the Dual Monarchy - which were united for tariff purposes - by agreements between the Austrian and Hungarian Governments; and since neither Government was exclusively concerned to carry out an adjustment of economic conditions solely in accordance with what was necessary for waging war and holding out with the supplies at their disposal, but each had also to champion the interests of one half of the monarchy against the other, the negotiations between the two Governments were often attended with the greatest difficulties, and constantly ended unsatisfactorily.
That his exploits made an exceptional impression on the popular mind is certain from the mass of legendary history that clustered round his name; he became, says Mr Davis, "in popular eyes the champion of the English national cause."
It not only brought him into unremitting conflict with the Protestants and the nobles of France, but also made him the enemy of his mother, of his brother Gaston of Orleans, who made himself the champion of the cause of the nobles, and sometimes even of his wife.
Throughout his early and married life he was the champion of Jewish rights, and he did not withdraw from public affairs until 1874, the year of the death of his wife Adelhei Beermann, whom he had married in 1822.
His abilities, and his zeal as a champion of the church, secured him rapid promotion.
When it was decided to elect decemvirs for another year, he who had formerly been looked upon as the champion of the aristocracy, suddenly came forward as the friend of the people, and was himself re-elected together with several plebeians.
This champion of freedom was very eloquent as to the wrongs of the szlachta, and proposed that the assembly should proceed in a body to Warsaw and there formally renounce their allegiance.
Cornwall is at this time in subjection to the king of Ireland, Gormond, and every third year must pay tribute; the Irish champion, Morolt, brother to the queen, arrives to claim his toll of thirty youths and as many maidens.
Coming forward as the champion of Islam against the infidels, Abd-el-Kader was proclaimed amir at Mascara in 1832.
From about 168 B.C. the head of the Pergamene school was Crates of Mallus, who (like the Stoics) was an adherent of the principle of " anomaly " in grammar, and was thus opposed to Aristarchus of Alexandria, the champion of " analogy."
It was on this account that Hippolytus, the champion of hypostasian subordinatianism, along with his adherents, withdrew from the obedience of Callistus, and formed a separate community.
A story is told that de Courci when imprisoned in the Tower volunteered to act as champion for King John in single combat against a knight representing Philip Augustus of France; that when he appeared in the lists his French opponent fled in panic; whereupon de Courci, to gratify the French king's desire to witness his prowess, "cleft a massive helmet in twain at a single blow," a feat for which he was rewarded by a grant of the privilege for himself and his heirs to remain covered in the presence of the king and all future sovereigns of England.
Although he was defeated at the elections of 1898 and was for four years outside the chamber, his eloquent speeches made him a force in politics as an intellectual champion of socialism.
Y g P relations with most of the powers, but also of having entered into a convention with the great powers of the North, which accorded him, in conjunction with the three emperors, a leading position as champion of the conservative interests of humanity.
He detected in his bishop Gnosticism, Manichaeism and Sabellianism, and was convinced that he himself was the champion of pure doctrine against heresy.
At last a sermon he was persuaded to preach in London exasperated John Stokesley, bishop of the diocese, and seemed to furnish that fervent persecutor with an opportunity to overthrow the most dangerous champion of the new opinions.
The factory was removed to Bristol about 1770, and the business was afterwards sold to Richard Champion and others and became the well-known Bristol Porcelain Manufactory.
He was bitterly disappointed that Becket, on whom he bestowed the primacy, left vacant by the death of Theobald (1162), at once became the champion of clerical privilege; he and the archbishop were no longer on speaking terms when the Constitutions of Clarendon came up for debate.
For a time, however, he stayed his hand, but the urgent solicitations of the western powers, and, above all, his fear lest Gustavus Adolphus should supplant him as the champion of the Protestant cause, finally led him to plunge into war against the combined forces of the emperor and the League, without any adequate guarantees of co-operation from abroad.
Thus, at his last diet, held at Piotrkow, in 1547, Lupa Podlodowski, the champion of the szlachta, o p enly threatened him with rebellion.
The duke, as a conscientious Protestant, refused to marry his mistress according to the rites of her Church, and she, the chosen champion of its cause, agreed to be married to him, not merely by a Protestant but by one who before his conversion had been a Catholic bishop, and should therefore have been more hateful and contemptible in her eyes than any ordinary heretic, had not religion as well as policy, faith as well as reason, been absorbed or superseded by some more mastering passion or emotion.
Du Croc, the French ambassador, obtained permission through the influence of Maitland to convey to the queen the terms proposed by their leaders - that she and Bothwell should part, or that he should meet in single combat a champion chosen from among their number.
To the right of the entrance is the tomb of Archbishop Heribert, the champion of Milanese liberty, while beside him rests Archbishop Otto Visconti, the founder of that family as a reigning house.
Although Amasis thus appears first as champion of the disparaged native, he had the good sense to cultivate the friendship of the Greek world, and brought Egypt into closer touch with it than ever before.
But as a champion of republican Greece against foreign enemies no other power of the age rendered equal services.
In 912 he returned to the faith of his fathers and became its most distinguished champion, using the philosophical methods he had learned in the school of heresy.
Charles of Lorraine thoroughly identified himself with the best interests of the country, and was the champion of its liberties, and though he had at times to make a stand against the imperialistic tendencies of the chancellor Kaunitz, he was able to rely on the steady support of the empress, who appreciated the wise and liberal policy of her brother-in-law.
Conspicuous as a champion of orthodoxy against atheists, Jews and Protestants - without resigning this position, and still upholding practical orthodoxy - Charron suddenly stood forth as the representative of the most complete intellectual scepticism.
Sparta could not only rely on voluntary co-operation but could undermine Athenian influence by posing as the champion of autonomy.
In August 1881 a small force sent by Raouf Pasha to arrest Mahommed Abmed was destroyed, and the latter, proclaiming himself the mahdi, stood forth as the champion of revolt.
The heir to the throne was John's eldest son, Sigismund, already king of Poland and a devoted Catholic. The fear lest Sigismund might re-catholicize the land alarmed the Protestant majority in Sweden, and Charles came forward as their champion, and also as the defender of the Vasa dynasty against foreign interference.
Shaftesbury had assiduously kept alive the anti-popery agitation, and Monmouth, as the champion of Protestantism, was received with every sign of popular delight.
Bernard of Clairvaux, Innocent's champion, built up against Anacletus and his " half heathen king " a coalition joined by Louis VI.
He had been reproved by Johann Eck for giving aid to Carlstadt ("Tace tu, Philippe, ac tua studia cura nec me perturba"), and he was shortly afterwards himself attacked by the great papal champion.
Lord Rosebery maintained for the most part a sphinx-like seclusion, but in July 1901 he at last came forward strongly as the champion of the Liberal Imperialist section.
The fact, no doubt, was that Mr Asquith, Lord Rosebery's chief lieutenant in the Liberal League, made himself from the outset a determined champion of free trade in opposition to Mr Chamberlain; and Lord Rosebery quickly came into line with the rest of the Liberal party on this question.
The lad was a born champion and buccaneer.
They were deposited in the heart of Athens, and henceforth escaped slaves and all persons in peril sought and found sanctuary at the grave of him who in his life had been a champion of the oppressed.
He threw his keen intellect and trenchant style into the cause of university reform, the leading champion of which was another fellow of University College, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley.
He studied both law and medicine, but found his real vocation in politics, and at once constituted himself a champion of the most advanced opinions.
Schelling was the main philosophical lion of the time; and in some quarters Hegel was spoken of as a new champion summoned to help him in his struggle with the more prosaic continuators of Kant.
The people also saw his position and rallied round him; and the Humanists discerned in him a champion against the old intolerance against which they had been revolting in vain.
Throughout he was conspicuous as an opponent of the extension of slavery, though he was never technically an abolitionist, and in particular he was the champion in the House of Representatives of the right of petition at a time when, through the influence of the Southern members, this right was, in practice, denied by that body.
Himself a Roman Catholic of birth and genius, unfairly kept back in the race of life, he devoted his heart and soul to the cause, and his character and antecedents made him the champion who ultimately assured its triumph.
Thus Antiochus entered Egypt as the champion of the rightful king and laid siege to Alexandria, which was held by the usurper.
To Mahommedans Mahmud is known, not only as a champion of the faith, but as a munificent patron of literature.
He won pitched battles at Aligarh and Laswari, and captured the cities of Delhi and Agra, thus scattering the French troops of Sindhia, and at the same time coming forward as the champion of the Mogul emperor in his hereditary capital.
Austria, once the champion of Europe against the Turk, saw in the Russian advance on the Danube a greater peril than any to be feared from the moribund Ottoman power, and made the maintenance of the integrity of Turkey a prime object of her policy.
Ali refusing to submit to this decision, Moawiya became the champion of the law,.
As the austere champion of the precepts of Islam, he soon restored order in the whole district.
He regarded himself as the champion of Islam and of the communion of the believers, and had among his intimates men of acknowledged devoutness such as Raja b.
He was an ardent champion of the orthodox faith, repudiating all the extravagant doctrine preached by the Abbasid missionaries and formerly professed by his father.
That meant that the masses recognized Jackson as their champion.
Instead of managing the land by the constant repetition of the same processes, by a customary immobility of tenure and service, by communalistic restrictions on private enterprise and will, local society began to try improvements, to escape from the bounds of champion farming.
The struggle fused with the personal contests of two men, rivals for the United States Senate, William McKendree Gwin (1805-1885, United States senator, 1850-1861), the leader of the pro-slavery party, and David Colbreth Broderick (1819-18J9), formerly a leader of Tammany in New York, and after 1857 a member from California of the United States Senate, the champion of free labour, who declared in 1860 for the policy of the Republican party.
During these years he was perhaps the foremost champion of Union in the South, and strenuously opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, which he declared prophetically would unite the various elements of opposition in the North, and render the breach between the sections irreparable.
Throughout the whole of Acts Paul never stands forth as the unbending champion of the Gentiles.
His appeal to musicians was made in a threefold capacity, and we have, therefore, to deal with Liszt the unrivalled pianoforte virtuoso (1830 - r848); Liszt the conductor of the "music of the future " at Weimar, the teacher of Tausig, Billow and a host of lesser pianists, the eloquent writer on music and musicians, the champion of Berlioz and Wagner (1848-1861); and Liszt the prolific composer, who for some five-and-thirty years continued to put forth pianoforte pieces, songs, symphonic orchestral pieces, cantatas, masses, psalms and oratorios (1847-1882).
If Beowulf, the champion of the Gautar, had already become a theme of epic song, the resemblance of name might easily suggest the idea of enriching history by adding to it the achievements of Beaw.
His faith in a strong nationalistic policy was gradually undermined, and he finally became the foremost champion of particularism and the recognized leader of what is generally known as the "States Rights" or "Strict Construction" party.
John Tulloch, principal of St Mary's College, St Andrews, wrote Theism, Leaders of the Reformation, Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in the 17th century, and many other works, and was an effective champion of doctrinal liberty.
Photius felt himself the champion of Eastern Christianity against Latin pretensions; and when in 863 Nicholas finally anathematized and deposed him, he replied by a counter-excommunication.
Under the influence of these two men, five successive popes between 1045 and 1073 attempted a radical reform; and when, in this latter year, Hildebrand himself became pope, he took measures so stringent that he has sometimes been erroneously represented not merely as the most uncompromising champion, but actually as the author of the strict rule of celibacy for all clerics in sacred orders.
To sink in five years from the position of the champion of Protestantism to that of the common enemy of every Protestant power was a degradation not to be compensated by any amount of military glory.
For this very reason the Sassanid Empire was the more constrained to champion Zoroastrianism.
Distinguished humanists might sneer at him as "a garrulous sophist"; but from this time his ambition was not only to be the greatest scientific authority in Germany but also the champion of the papacy and of the traditional church order.
He was undoubtedly the most conspicuous champion produced by the old religion in the age of the Reformation, but his great gifts were marred by greater faults.
Leo of Armenia was naturally the champion of his great-nephew, Raymund Rhupen; indeed he had already claimed Antioch in his own right, before the marriage of his niece to Raymund, in 119 4, when he had captured Bohemund III.
Juvenal is no organ of the pride and dignity, still less of the urbanity, of the cultivated representatives of the great families of the republic. He is the champion of the more sober virtues and ideas, and perhaps the organ of the rancours and detraction, of an educated but depressed and embittered middle class.
On the outbreak of the Revolution Couthon, who was now a member of the municipality of Clermont-Ferrand, published his L'Aristocrate converti, in which he revealed himself as a liberal and a champion of constitutional monarchy.
He has even gone so far as formally to express his sympathy with Paphnutius, the champion of the right of bishops to marry.
Nevertheless, we cannot regard Catiline as an honest enemy of the oligarchy, or as a disinterested champion of the provincials.
Rudolph never forgave the treachery of his brother, and was secretly negotiating (at the time when he again appeared as champion of Catholicism) with Christian of Anhalt, the leader of the German Protestants.
His nephew Henry (1801-1865) was champion at the coronation of George IV.
The alarm was greater, as theology was still unreconciled with the Darwinian theory; and Clifford was regarded as a dangerous champion of the antispiritual tendencies then imputed to modern science.
Her great champion Aetius showed less energy in her cause than he had shown in his defence of Gaul.
The Rohillas were defeated by Colonel Champion in April 1774, and the majority of them fled across the Ganges; but the charges of destroying a nation, brought against Hastings by Burke and Macaulay, were greatly exaggerated.
From this time she was the ardent champion of her husband's and son's rights; to her energy the cause of Lancaster owed its endurance, but her implacable spirit contributed to its failure.
As the courageous champion of the rights of her son and her husband, Margaret must command a certain sympathy.
He at once became the principal champion of Swiss Protestantism against the Lutherans as well as the Catholics, and was appointed chaplain to Protector Somerset.
For many years afterwards, Bellarmine was held by Protestant advocates as the champion of the papacy, and a vindication of Protestantism generally took the form of an answer to his works.
Roscellinus, the famous canon of Compiegne, is mentioned by himself as his teacher; but whether he heard this champion of extreme Nominalism in early youth, when he wandered about from school to school for instruction and exercise, or some years later, after he had already begun to teach for himself, remains uncertain.
One of them, who followed his father's profession, made himself the champion of the others in disputing Leonardo's claim to his share, first in the paternal inheritance, and then in that which had been left to be divided between the brothers and sisters by an uncle.
At the Reformation Lesley became a champion of Catholicism.
The republic rewarded her champion with the further distinction of state counsellor in jurisprudence, and, a unique mark of confidence, the liberty of access to the state archives.
In a speech in the Senate defending Van Buren against an attack by Henry Clay, Marcy made the unfortunate remark that " to the victors belong the spoils of the enemy," and thereby became widely known as a champion of the proscription of political opponents.
The senate and the aristocracy disliked and distrusted him, but they felt that, should things come to the worst, they might still find in him a champion of their cause.
At the great ecumenical council held at Constantinople in 381, he was a conspicuous champion of the orthodox faith; according to Nicephorus, indeed, the additions made to the Nicene creed were entirely due to his suggestion, but this statement is of doubtful authority.
The church that they founded struck root, as that of Paulinus and Edwin had failed to do, and was not wrecked even by Oswalds deatn in battle at the hands of Penda the Mercian, the one strong champion of heathenism that England produced.
But no sooner had he been promoted to the archbishopric than he put away his former manners, became the most formal and austere of men, and set himself to be the champion of the church party in all its claims, reasonable or unreasonable, against the state.
Beckets death, then, gave a qualified triumph to the church party, and he was rightly regarded as the successful champion of his caste.
From this depth of despair the party which, with all its faults, represented the national sentiment of France was rescued by the astonishing exploits of Joan of Arc. Charles and joan Of his counsellors had no great confidence in the mission of this prophetess and champion, when she presented herself to them, promising to relieve Orleans and turn back the English.
The king was bent on making the champion of the old order of Europe a peer.
Loisy may have successors who will champion theories of evolutionary transformation.
It was not until the rise of Christianity as an historical religion that the difficulty of reconciling a belief in human freedom with a belief in the Divine government of the world became hand is the great champion of indeterminism.
Such men were Egil, the foe of Eirik Bloodaxe and the friend of lEthelstan; Kormak, the hot-headed champion; Eyvind, King Haakon's poet, called Skaldaspillir, because he copied in his dirge over that king the older and finer Eiriksmal; Gunnlaug, who sang at Æthelred's court, and fell at the hands of a brother bard, Hrafn; Hallfred, Olaf Tryggvason's poet, who lies in Iona by the side of Macbeth; Sighvat, Saint Olaf's henchman, most prolific of all his comrades; Thormod, Coalbrow's poet, who died singing after Sticklestad battle; Ref, Ottar the Black, Arnor the earls' poet, and, of those whose poetry was almost confined to Iceland, Gretti, Biorn the Hitdale champion, and the two model Icelandic masters, Einar Skulason and Markus the Lawman, both of the 12th century.
The reformed doctrines were readily accepted in Strassburg about 1523, its foremost champion here being Martin Bucer, and the city was skilfully piloted through the ensuing period of religious dissensions by Jacob Sturm von Sturmeck, who secured for it very favourable terms at the end of the war of the league of Schmalkalden.
About this time Barlaam, the Calabrian monk, began his attacks upon the monks of Athos, and Palamas came forward as their champion.
But the anti-Semitic and antiDreyfusard spirit in certain French circles could not easily be quelled even then; and on the occasion of the translation of the remains of Emile Zola (Dreyfus's determined champion) to the Pantheon on the 4th of June 1908, Major Dreyfus was shot at and wounded by a fanatical journalist named Gregori, who was subsequently acquitted by a Paris jury of the charge of attempted murder, his own plea being that he had merely intended a "demonstration."
Still less can it be appreciated in all its large wisdom and sustained self-mastery if it is viewed merely as a duel between the ablest champion and the craftiest enemy of Greek freedom.
In the grasp of a more inexorable necessity, the champion of Greek freedom was borne onward to a more tremendous catastrophe than that which strewed the waters of Salamis with Persian wrecks and the field of Plataea with Persian dead; but to him, at least, it was given to proclaim aloud the clear and sure foreboding that filled his soul, to do all that true heart and free hand could do for his cause, and, though not to save, yet to encourage, to console and to ennoble.
Herault, who was an ardent champion of the Revolution, took part in the taking of the Bastille, and on the 8th of December 1789 was appointed judge of the court of the first arrondissement in the department of Paris.
This latter, indeed, appears to have been concocted by Gerald, an ardent champion of the English cause in Ireland, from genuine letters of Pope Alexander III., still preserved in the Black Book of the Exchequer, which do no more than commend King Henry for reducing the Irish to order and extirpating tantae abominationis spurcitiam, and exhort the Irish bishops and chiefs to be faithful to the king to whom they had sworn allegiance.'
The scheme for a Roman Catholic University - of which Mr Arthur Balfour, speaking for himself and not for the government, made himself a prominent champion - was much canvassed in 1899, but it came to nothing.
In fact, by the middle of the 6th century, and increasingly down to the period of the Persian Wars, Sparta had come to be acknowledged as the leading state of Hellas and the champion of Hellenism.
The Franchise Act of 1884 was also one in which he took a leading part as a champion of the opinions of the labouring class.
Cypron's dam was Selima by Bethel's Arabian from a mare by Graham's Champion from a daughter of the Darley Arabian and a mare who claims Merlin for her sire, but whose mother's pedigree is unknown.
The Philistines, seeing their champion killed, lost heart and were easily put to flight.
He now came forward as the professed champion and leader of the democracy, and, owing to the moderate abilities of his rivals and opponents, he was for some years undoubtedly the foremost man in Athens.
It was the maintenance of the constitution in the face of the overwhelming tide of reaction that established his position as the champion of Italian freedom and earned him the sobriquet of Re Galantuomo (the honest king).
One way of responding to breaches of Compact Plus commitments would be through publishing the adjudication of the Compact Champion.
They may champion the cause of certain neglected poets from the past, or be asked to put together a themed anthology.
As a former champion athlete Lord Coe had especially wanted to meet SINI athletes during his visit.
The box set contains 8 models and includes a heavy bolter, plasmagun and Champion components.
He was a gentle tough nut who went on to be a champion Scottish amateur boxer.
Latest News Boxing Clever for Mental Health Mind in Croydon have teamed up with three time world champion boxer, Duke McKenzie, .. .
Also, the former Commonwealth middleweight boxing champion Michael Watson praised the improvement in sports/leisure facilities for disabled people.
He emerged the champion, flying the burgee for Bembridge Sailing Club (BSC ).
In Athens, he became the first Olympic champion from Britain in the one-handed lift.
He remains determined to be boxing's undisputed heavyweight champion.
Do you know more than 1 former world champion?
The European junior champion won a fine men's singles tussle with Nathan Rice of Bucks.
He was proud of the fact that he once sparred with Bo-Bo Alson who was to become the middleweight champion of the world.
And took up the development of wsop champion joseph quot legends of.
The former chess champion Garry Kasparov, now active in Russian politics, wishes we wouldn't.
You never know, the next world champion may soon be knocking on your door!
The British champion from Eastbourne in Sussex brushed aside her sixth-seeded opponent in 37 minutes to set up a semi-final clash with Nicol David.
For further information on becoming a Champion or nominating a colleague, contact the Step team or look on the website.
The world champion table football team, challenge all comers!
Hereditary Champion of England who stood for the new Sovereign's right to rule following coronations.
Kelly Fisher found her match being watched by an enthusiastic crowd of German fans who had heard that the world champion was in town.
Malta's Tony Brincat inflicted a rare defeat on the 2000 champion Joe Delaney.
Each man considers himself to be the genuine champion of inductive empiricism in the attempt to relate faith to history.
Quotes and a Farewell It is with sadness 80 notes the passing of doughty evolution champion and prolific essayist Stephen Jay Gould.
Yorkshireman Harris, three times the British Supersport champion, made a good impression, running fourth fastest on his Honda overall.
He was a champion fencer, horseman and marksman, and did all the things expected of a man of his lineage.
A champion Irish fiddler, Mary's playing flows like only an Irish style would allow.
He started as a schoolboy boxing champion and UK quarter finalist in 1970.
Curry kids are full of all-round promise Former British Amateur champion David Curry's two sons followed in dad's footsteps over the weekend.
For the second year running he became National Age Group Champion for the 200m & 400m freestyle.
The former Australian Olympic champion at the 200m freestyle, Duncan Campbell, considered what his response to Thorpe would have been.
One possible champion is Lord Ron Oxburgh, the distinguished geologist who also happens to be chairman of Shell.
Elite Female Champion with new owner Nicholas Rogers who paid 2000 guineas.
She's a former champion gymnast and this sentence is expected to get her back into training and out of trouble.
Ross Brewer, British champion artistic gymnastics I am the current British Champion for menâs artistic gymnastics.
We also serve Gold Medal sausages, excellent haggis and Charlie MacLeod's champion Stornoway Black Pudding.
MotorSport Vision champion Dempsey was struggling with the set-up of his car and spun entering the hairpin.
Each champion will organize small-scale community events and signpost vulnerable householders to energy advice.
They span his remarkable 36 years as the US's foremost intellectual and anti-imperialist champion.
Lindsay, AAA champion at U15 level last year locked horns with the 1999 ESAA junior boys javelin champion Andy Robinson.
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First over the line was the rainbow jersey of the world champion, worn by the Spaniard Oscar Freire.
A former champion amateur flat jockey, her specialist subject is racing.
Kevin Darley ended up champion jockey riding a lot of horses I would have been on.
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Make no bones about it, there are limits to how tough a world judo champion can be.
Breaking into British waters, he took the British Youth Champion title in the 400m individual medley this year.
Lewis, the British middleweight and welterweight champion, and European middleweight, lost the world light-heavyweight championship of 1922 to Georges Carpentier.
They champion human rights and the protection of the Kurdish minority.
Keep an eye out for the Statue of Towser the Cat - the world champion mouser.
His rise back home was meteoric, and he is quite a champion of modern and contemporary Hungarian music.
The Eternal Champion is the original novella which was expanded to novel length, its most recent publication was in The Time Center Times.
John B Kelly Jr. grew into a champion oarsman also. but even greater fame befell his daughter.
Yeoh was teamed with blond American martial arts champion Cynthia Rothrock playing female " buddy " cops for that maiden action outing.
If sir Percy wins wins the champion stakes with a rating of 130 then that will be his rating for the season.
She is the UK slam poetry champion and former Private Secretary to Home Secretary David Blunkett.
Only one Theban champion died - and that was Eteocles who had faced his brother Polynices.
Privacy statement The Champion Group respects your right to privacy statement The Champion Group respects your right to privacy.
And Gerard, the tireless promoter of the solo class, is the champion.
Philip Wells has been nominated as a Reading Champion by Helen Dunning, who works as a freelance publicist.
For over 40 years, Mick Easterby has trained many champion racehorses.
A Champion chair user won't have to struggle to operate the recliner.
Now we must champion the cause of a flexible, free trading, low tax, lightly regulated Europe.
The working class was the only resolute champion of democracy and vanguard of a democratic revolution.
The current champion, at all the top four weight divisions, is sitting ringside with his pretty wife.
Who is going to be the ultimate champion ready to take on the challengers at the royal rumble.
The former British champion Bill Hartston said that " chess doesn't drive people mad, it keeps mad people sane " .
On the contrary, we should champion free expression, fight to roll back state power and promote secularism.
Selby parlayed the upset win into a semi-final showdown Saturday against Spanish national champion Golan.
Three days later at the Royal Bath and West Winter Fair, two three-quarter ewe lambs sired by Aladin won the supreme champion pair.
A champion jet skier down under, McConnell is now even more successful on dry land.
Steve Davis, former world snooker champion will also attend the event.
Heat fifteen provided some brilliant speedway as Crump and reigning Elite League Riders ' Champion Bjarne Pedersen were locked in an invigorating duel.
But one night in February 1983, armed and masked men burst into his stables and kidnaped the champion stallion.
He was neither a wit nor a croquet champion, a hypnotic force nor a begetter of amateur theatricals.
So, like a champion thoroughbred, Sideshow had to be put down.
Are you so good you fancy yourself as a champion tipster?
The Champion 14ft trampoline is ideal for young children.
Reserve Breed Champion was a two shear tup from M/s J & M Kerr.
In all my 30 years in badminton as an international umpire, I've never before played a world champion.
It was rather unbecoming of a champion to have lost against lower rung players for the second day running.
Linguists solve crimes, champion the underdog and even help secure the future of humanity.
When, however, in connexion with the quarrel about the archbishopric of Cologne (1837), political Catholicism raised its head menacingly, Leo turned against it with extreme violence in his open letter (1838) to Goerres, its foremost champion.
He proclaimed himself the champion of the old Roman gods, and as a response to the appeal of Ambrose, is said to have threatened to stable his horses in the cathedral of Milan, and to force the monks to fight in his army.
Paradoxically enough, it was now the turn for the papacy to exploit the name of Crusade for political ends, as the laity had done before; and it was left to the laity td champion the spiritual meaning of the Crusade even against the papacy.'
The united Germany which he was prepared to champion was not the democratic state which the theorists of the Frankfort national parliament were evolving on paper with interminable debate, but the old Holy Roman Empire, the heritage of the house of Habsburg, of which he was prepared to constitute himself the guardian so long as its lawful possessors should not have mastered the forces of disorder by which they were held captive.
The first and most famous of these rulers was Gabriel Bethlen (q.v.), who reigned from 1613 to 1629, perpetually thwarted all the efforts of the emperor to oppress or circumvent his Hungarian subjects, and won some reputation abroad by adroitly pretending to champion the Protestant cause.
It was only later that it was seen that if Great Britain intended effectually to champion the Uitlander cause, the moment for a test of strength had inevitably arrived.
He appeared also as a Hellenic champion in the defence of Cumae against the Etruscans, and he attempted after the victory to found a Syracusan colony on the island of Aenaria, now Ischia.
Of this hatred he was fully conscious; he knew that his subjects, even many of his own ministers, regarded Mehemet Ali as the champion of Islam against the " infidel sultan;" he suspected the pasha, already master of the sacred cities, of an intention to proclaim himself caliph in his stead.
It was in reference to this incident that Pope, whose Catholic rearing made him detest the abettor of the Revolution and the champion of William of Orange, wrote in the Dunciad- "Earless on high stands unabash'd Defoe" - though he knew that the sentence to the pillory had long ceased to entail the loss of ears.
The new movement began actively ology of with James Hutton in the later years of the 18th century, and was forwarded by the studies of William Smith in England and of Cuvier in France; but the really efficient champion of the conception that the earth is very old was Sir Charles Lyell, who published the first edition of his epoch-making Principles of Geology only a few years before Queen Victoria came to the throne.
He came boldly to the front in the middle of December as the champion of Saxony; and, as Russia and Prussia were still obstinate, Metternich and Castlereagh demanded the admission of France to the secret council.
The Lay Monastery, the Censor, the Freethinker, the Plain Dealer, the Champion, and other works of the same kind had had their short day.
The Prussian monarchy, the traditional champion of Protestant orthodoxy, found the new Catholic elements difficult to assimilate; and premonitory symptoms were not wanting of a revival of the secular contest between the spiritual and temporal powers which was to culminate after the promulgation of the dogma of papal infallibility (1870) in the Kulturkampf.
Sicily in truth never had a more hopeful champion than Hiero II.
Even though the opposition found so doughty a champion as the elder Cato (censor in 184), it was ultimately of no avail.
He was an early champion of Richard Wagner and of Henrik Ibsen, and indicated his aesthetic point of view in the pamphlets, The Quintessence of Ibsenism (1891) and The Perfect Wagnerite (1898).
He was conscious of his own intense unpopularity, the outcome of his efforts at reform; he knew that in popular opinion Mehemet Ali was the champion of Islam against the infidel caliph, and that the issue of a struggle with him was more than doubtful.
The funftions of the champion were to ride into Westminster Hall at the coronation banquet, and challenge all comers to impugn the king's title (see Champion).
Later authoritative pronouncements on the part of the Roman Catholic Church favour Thomism and disown the Occamites; though the keen hostile criticism of Harnack affirms that the Church had need of both systems - of Thomism, to champion its cause in the arena of thought, and of the Nominalist theology to aggrandize the Church as the ruling power in practice.
Such men were Egil, the foe of Eirik Bloodaxe and the friend of lEthelstan; Kormak, the hot-headed champion; Eyvind, King Haakon's poet, called Skaldaspillir, because he copied in his dirge over that king the older and finer Eiriksmal; Gunnlaug, who sang at Æthelred's court, and fell at the hands of a brother bard, Hrafn; Hallfred, Olaf Tryggvason's poet, who lies in Iona by the side of Macbeth; Sighvat, Saint Olaf's henchman, most prolific of all his comrades; Thormod, Coalbrow's poet, who died singing after Sticklestad battle; Ref, Ottar the Black, Arnor the earls' poet, and, of those whose poetry was almost confined to Iceland, Gretti, Biorn the Hitdale champion, and the two model Icelandic masters, Einar Skulason and Markus the Lawman, both of the 12th century.
Thus the English government was committed to the cause of one who was at best an adulterine bastard, while Shane appeared as champion of hereditary right (See O'Neill).
A Champion chair user wo n't have to struggle to operate the recliner.
We had a argument last year over the bird he wanted to take and he won reserve champion.
She afterward announced her retirement from athletics, as European, Olympic and World Champion.
This is a risible level of commitment for a national champion of the internet.
Only one roan horse has won the Champion Hurdle, Anzio in 1962.
However, the seven-times grand slam champion is certain she can again become a dominant force in the women 's game.
The World shot put champion in 1999, Hunter is reported to have tested positive for the anabolic steroid nandrolone, and testosterone.
Cassius just kept flicking jabs into the champion 's stolid face; Liston kept swinging at where Cassius had been a split second before.
Ever dreamed of being an air guitar champion, strumming along to your favorite tunes?
For new IBF light welterweight champion, Ricky ' The Hitman ' Hatton, the choice of anthem was always going to be simple.
Among the people being questioned is former British welterweight boxing champion Kirkland Laing, who was arrested on suspicion of drugs offenses.
Champion In Hand at BSPS winter woolies show in December.
Is World Champion Cassie Campion ready to wrest the title from Leilani Joyce?
The, placing down his now empty horn, he yelled encouragement for the mighty wrestling champion Ivar.
Not long after, in 1898, a Siamese cat named Wankee became the first British Siamese champion.
Canyon is a true champion when it comes to brightening up the face.
Obviously, the person who selects the national champion should get the most money.
Bratz Ice Champion Game - Create your own routine set to music.
If you're looking for women-only ski clinics, World Extreme Champion Kim Reichelm conducts a four-day ski workshop which begins with a morning yoga session, and continues with individualized instruction and video analysis on the hill.
Located in Champion, Pennsylvania, Seven Springs Mountain Resort has activities to satisfy the entire family.
The truth of the matter is bodily fluids are exchanged during intercourse, causing a risk of pregnancy whether or not the guy happens to be a pull out champion.
Before becoming an actress, Swank was a champion swimmer, competing in the Junior Olympics and Washington State Championships.
Marilyn Manson - The controversial rock star is the undisputed champion of Celebrity Deathmatch.
Trish is also a former WWE Hardcore Champion.
Almost immediately, he became the king of the endorsement deal and the champion of the green.
Through controversy and disease, divorce and tabloid allegations, Lance has proven to be a true champion, both on the bicycle and off.
Karina Smirnoff is a five-time U.S. National Champion.
With seven-time, All-Around World Champion bull rider Ty Murray teaching the stars about the finer points of holding on for dear life, it would seem that most would walk away with only minor bumps and bruises.
Tito Ortiz - This Ultimate Fighting champion is throwing his gloves into the "Celebrity Apprentice'' ring.
When rumors started circulating that the women's beach volleyball champion was injured and possibly pulling out of the competition, her reps denied it.
Donald Trump issued a statement saying that he was "deeply saddened" by the news and that Michaels is "…a champion."
Gervais is an outspoken champion for animal rights.
Whether you think Angelina Jolie is a homewrecker, great actress or champion of good causes, she continues to grab the spotlight wherever she goes (often with children in tow).
Zippy was the Florida champion for ugliest dog contests and the mother of PeeWee AKA son of SAM.
A newer kind, Champion, is also grown in the States.
Champion Running Shorts are a classic style that is perfect for running.
Champion's Double Dry compression shorts feature a system to efficiently wick away moisture and control any build-up.
This organization is aggressive in its efforts to champion for organic products in addition to environmentally responsible practices.
Fig Newmans - Along with their Alphabet Cookies and Champion Chips, you'll love these Fig "Newmans."
If you prefer something with a slightly airy cut, try a workout T-shirt (such as one designed by C9 by Champion) with a simple V-neck.
The flip up blinders can be found online at the Buffalo Arms Company or at Champion Shooters.
I have a team of brand managers that champion their brands.
Like most sportspeople, running stars, like world cross country champion, Paula Radcliffe, tend to get sweaty.
Do you have what it takes to be a champion in the NFL?
Champion of Shang Tsung's annual kombat tournament for 500 years, Goro is the Prince of the Shokan race of four-armed warriors.
The game's original protagonist and hero, Little Mac, has decided to strap on the gloves and boots again to recapture his crown as the boxing champion.
The beauty for many sports video game players is that the same traits that make someone a great baseball player are not required to be a champion at the video game.
Known as Nash in Japan, First Lieutenant Charlie is a two-time U.S. Fighting Tournament Champion, meeting defeat at his entry to Ken Masters.
He was an undefeated champion of underground wrestling until he encountered the trio of heroes from Final Fight.
Mario 64, in this humble reviewers opinion, still remains the undefeated champion of 3D platformers.
If you manage to defeat Matt, the Grand Champion, you will get some rather special hand coverings.
Players looking for even more of a challenge can participate in one of the many tournaments to try to claim the title of dominos champion.
Becoming the Pop n Drop champion of your friends list provides you with just another reason to keep playing this addictive little game.
Leonetti, from little ol' Washington State was the reigning champion of the WORLD!
Champion Tours and Events is an organization that hosts workshops, training sessions, and competitions.
Champion Tours and Events organizes several different types of events, including the annual dance competitions (in March).
From start to finish, Champion Tours and Events has the goal of making a positive and educational experience for the dancers who participate.
Champion Dance Shoes is one of the oldest establishments in Los Angeles to supply dancers with ballroom shoes of all types.
Julianne was Junior Latin American Dance Champion while Derek was a World Youth Latin Champion, and he is also the only dancer to win three Mirror Ball Trophies on the show.
Many other American performers on the hit show were also champion competitors in ballroom dance, such as Mark Ballas, Cheryl Burke, and Lacey Schwimmer.
Founded by hair styling sensation and two time world champion stylist Michael O'Rourke, the Sexy Hair product family was first introduced as Ecoly International in 1992.
These shorts are particularly noteworthy to avid surfing fans; they are designed with world champion Mark Occhilupo ("Occy") in mind.
The sort of technology available today would astound the champion swimmers of 100 years ago, to say nothing of 10 years ago.
Champion swimmers wearing the suits are seeing their own records fall by several seconds.
Of course, both Michael Phelps and Speedo acknowledge that what makes him a champion is a combination of talent, skill and discipline.
This bewitching tennis player and 2008 French Open Champion has left an indelible impression on tennis fans everywhere with her elegant style of play.
Most champion swimmers don't practice at top race speed, but using swim fins can keep you nearer that speed without the work, thus allowing you to condition your legs and improve your other muscles, ensuring you are race-ready.
Other popular brands include Hagen-Renaker, North Light, Royal Doulton, Schleich and Grand Champion.
Juicing conveys many health benefits, and investing in a good home juicer such as the Champion model is a good idea for serious juicers.
The Champion Juicer is the most famous masticating juicer, and is often recommended by people on a raw food diet since it can make many wonderful raw food dishes, like raw coconut ice cream.
It owes its namesake to George Foreman, a successful celebrity who is a heavyweight boxing champion, an Olympian who won a gold medal at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico city and of course, an entrepreneur.
The first world chess champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, took the crown in 1886; since that time there has been a world champion.
Perhaps you'll even become a chess-playing champion!
He was an exceptional attacking player who was champion from 1972 to 1975, when he lost the title to Anatoly Karpov due to non-participation.
He became world champion in 1985, beating Karpov.
Clara Harlowe Barton was a tireless champion of human rights.
As the champion of male accessories, briefcases are a staple product for working America.
Without these heavy hitters, you may in fact be all too happy to put marriage on the backburner and instead, champion one of your many causes.
In the end, Scorpio will be head over heels in love with her champion and may even let Capricorn carry her off to his mountain castle.
He's a true champion for the underdog and will defend your honor at the drop of a hat.
He's a champion and defender to the end.
He'll make an excellent provider and champion of his family.
Martin Lewis is often referred to by the media as a "consumer campaigner" or "consumer champion."