Chamber-music Sentence Examples
Richard Strauss, in his edition of Berlioz's works on Instrumentation, paradoxically characterizes the classical orchestral style as that which was derived from chamber-music. Now it, is true that in Haydn's early days orchestras were small and generally private; and that the styles of orchestral and chamber music were not distinct; but surely nothing is clearer than that the whole history of the rise of classical chamber-music lies in its rapid differentiation from the coarse-grained orchestral style with which it began.
The development of pianoforte technique since Beethoven has been in some ways even more revolutionizing than that of the brass instruments; and pianoforte instrumentation, both in solo and in chamber-music, is a study for a lifetime.
Chamber-music. - Bach's and his contemporaries' combinations with the harpsichord show the natural fondness, in his day, for instruments of a tone too gentle for prominent use in large rooms, or indeed for survival in modern times.
Classical and modern chamber-music in the sonata style consists mainly of string-quartets for 2 violins, viola and violoncello; string-trios (rare, because very difficult to write sonorously); pianoforte-trios (pianoforte, violin and violoncello); pianoforte-quartets (pianoforte with string-trio); pianoforte-quintets (pianoforte with string-quartet); string-quintets (with 2 violas, very rarely with 2 violoncellos), and (in two important cases by Brahms) stringsextets.
Wind instruments produce very special effects in chamber-music, and need an exceedingly adroit technique on the part of the composer.
Students of composition in music conservatoires in all European countries have always been expected to produce chamber music works alongside works in other genres.
The daily live music program at the hospital ranges from world-class chamber music to African drumming, and even full-scale opera.
He obtained many prizes in national violin and chamber music competitions.
And then when it got too dark to play table tennis or football outside, we'd come in and play chamber music.
Where this is so there need be no confusion of style; but the danger of such confusion is great, and with the rise of modern dramatic instrumentation it may be doubted whether there are any standards of criticism in current use for chamber-music of other than the sonata style.
AdvertisementKenneth Walton CD News New Chamber Music Releases The Kronos Quartet was... responsible for Steve Reich 's excursions into the string quartet repertoire.
And then when it got too dark to play table tennis or football outside, we 'd come in and play chamber music.
Smaller studios as well as the Chamber Music Hall provide other places for musicians to practice, learn, rehearse and eventually play for audiences.
Everything from pop music to jazz to chamber music features in the annual festival.
The organization also presents Sunday Morning Chamber Music performed by students who are attending the summer music programs.