Chamber Sentence Examples
You remember the chamber where you were earlier?
He pushed the door open to his chamber and saw Katie on the bed with an unconscious Iliana.
In the center of the chamber was a small fountain whose waters had long gone dry.
Katie walked to Kris.s chamber on the floor below.
Kris had managed to create a barrier around the chamber to keep Immortals from trespassing via the shadow world.
She pushed the door open to the next chamber and ducked inside.
She crossed the stone tiles to the center of the chamber and circled the plain fountain.
The man's air cooled even further, and the men in the chamber tensed.
C.mon, Toby, Katie said and turned away, allowing Toby to pull her down the hall to the dining chamber, which had yet to fill up.
Long ago, before Sasha broke from the Council, he had stayed in a corner chamber overlooking the forest.
AdvertisementHe flung the door open and shoved the healer into the room, ignoring the two surprised occupants of the chamber as he closed the door without entering.
All the attractions of a house were concentrated in one room; it was kitchen, chamber, parlor, and keeping-room; and whatever satisfaction parent or child, master or servant, derive from living in a house, I enjoyed it all.
A quick look around the chamber showed no sign of his mate.
She left the bathroom light on and returned to her bed, chilled by the drafty chamber that was now hers.
Katie trotted to the chamber next to Kris.s, knowing the guest chambers were near but not sure which was which.
AdvertisementThere was no way for her to measure the size of the chamber, for the darkness inside was more impenetrable than night, with the exception of a circle of light ten meters from the door.
The small chamber holding the battle planner was silent, and he waved the computer on, unable to hold himself up any longer.
She expected another similar chamber with a low ceiling and plain walls and was stunned at the massive cave before her.
Decontam chamber is that way.
There was a long moment of silence from the chamber around her, filled by the sound of her breathing as it grew more erratic, louder.
AdvertisementShe returned to her chamber, where Lankha still worked his magic on an unconscious Toby under Ully.s watchful gaze.
They climbed a set of wide, sweeping stone stairs that led up to the building, past towering columns, and into an airy chamber without a ceiling.
Her gaze went around the chamber and settled on the alcohol in the corner.
Jade walked into Darkyn.s open chamber to find the demon arming himself for battle.
Kris's chamber was a burnt-out hull, and he lingered for a moment, regret in his belly.
AdvertisementHe.d paced in front of her chamber at some point every day for three weeks, wanting to tell her something, anything, to make her want to stay.
The decontamination chamber sealed itself.
The chamber beyond was dark, lit by the soft glow of a single torch beside a clear sarcophagus.
She knew Kris.s chamber, the guest chamber, Katie.s chamber, and the dining hall.
Tamer emerged from Kris's chamber into the hallway first, armed with a scythe and a bo, while Erik followed with a long sword.
The trail led him to Kris.s large chamber, and he strode in without knocking.
Katie covered her head as they trounced over her and rolled to the other side of the chamber, fighting.
Deidre opened the door into the familiar chamber and closed it behind her, leaning against it.
It took all her strength to shove the hefty door wide enough for her to enter the dark chamber beyond that was lit by a single torch.
She reached the beginning again and looked around the chamber, perplexed.
She envisioned Kris.s chamber on one of the upper floors and emerged from the shadow world into the chamber.
To the Norwood Catacombs, there is a hidden chamber where the Exemplars meet.
They dragged him out of the chamber, down the stairs, and into the streets.
I've been instructed to show you to your chamber, after which I'll be released.
Go to your chamber.
She walked into the chamber, awed by the drawings and writings on the walls.
Beyond the iron wall sliding away was a small portcullis, which stood between him and a small stone chamber with ensconced torches.
Dean sniffed the gun and opened the chamber, careful to not make a noise.
I knew you were in Hell in Jade.s chamber.
Inside was another small chamber.
As far as we know. I didn't see her enter the portal, but one of our spies was in her fortress when she entered the chamber you indicated.
Hilden glanced around the round chamber, which had fallen quiet after his words.
Directly under the altar is situated the pantheon or royal mausoleum, a richly decorated octagonal chamber with upwards of twenty niches, occupied by black marble urnas or sarcophagi, kept sacred for the dust of kings or mothers of kings.
It did little to satisfy the Radicals, who were angered by the refusal of the second' chamber to agree to their proposal for the summoning of a+.
In the new Chamber of 1816 Villele found his party in a minority, but his personal authority nevertheless increased.
It was accompanied by a vision of her chamber.
Cynthia had volunteered a couple of hours selling tickets for the Ouray Chamber's Jeep raffle.
They emerged in the chamber she'd been in before.
The door closed with an ominous boom that echoed throughout what sounded like a massive but empty chamber.
Her white hair and snowy skin glowed in the dim chamber.
They carefully lifted the sleeping angel and carried him up a flight of stairs to her large chamber.
He all but dragged the healer to Kris.s room, found it empty, then went to Katie.s chamber.
Another idea emerged from his dark thoughts, and he trotted out of the secretary.s office and to Katie.s chamber.
Kris nudged Ully awake, motioning for the scientist to follow him out of the chamber.
Without knocking, he strode into the chamber.
For the first time since arriving over three weeks ago, she missed her cavernous chamber.
His brother poked his head from the burnt-out remains of Kris.s own chamber.
She looked at Mansr, who nodded in encouragement, then stepped into the chamber.
The sound of a roaring ocean filled the chamber.
The door closed behind them as he strode through the lighted, vacant halls, following a familiar path on the way to the chamber.
The Council's scientist hunched as the demons took his arms and withdrew him from the chamber.
Darkyn was serious about letting them go. Wrenching open the door, Rhyn strode into the chamber.
Fear made Rhyn's chest seize. No sooner had Gabe spoken the words than the demons fell away. Coldness snapped over Rhyn, and his surroundings blurred. He blinked, uncertain what happened until he found himself standing in a dimly lit chamber. Kris and Gabe were still beside him, and instead of demons, there was only Death.
The two women in the outer office of the Rosewater and Atherton suite looked up and started to say something as Dean waltzed by to Ethel's closed-door chamber.
He took her arm and hauled her down the hall and up the stairs to his chamber.
She flung a knife against the wall in anger then strode out of the Black God's chamber to the ground floor.
The air of the bathing chamber was rendered moist and heavy by the awaiting bath.
She remained in the bathing chamber until the hearth was nothing but embers.
He checked the door again and retreated to the bathing chamber.
He placed the unsettling book on a table and crossed the chamber, watching the book as if it might decide to walk away on its own.
The woman rose, her honey musk teasing his senses as she moved around the chamber.
He moved into the shadows of the chamber and pushed up his eye-band to see her.
The air of the chamber stilled and grew heavy, as if it meant to suffocate him.
The brightly lit chamber was filled with tables and chairs.
He quickly dressed in clean clothing in the chamber assigned him.
The bright chamber blinded him.
He heard Hilden pause a short distance ahead and stopped, sensing only two men in the massive chamber.
Uneasy, he placed it across the chamber on the table once more.
He crossed the chamber and flipped the book over carefully.
He studied the pictures and began puzzling through the words, determined to discover why a woman who could not read books chose to keep this one in her chamber.
The fire provided the only light in the large, airy chamber, its glow and shadows flickering across the room.
Rissa started toward the bathing chamber once again, rattled and exhausted.
She slammed the door to the bathing chamber, flinching at the sounds of a loud curse and the clatter of a table smashing into the stone wall.
She locked the door and stepped back, waiting for him to barge into the bathing chamber.
The main chamber had been transformed into a centralized location for rallying warriors, supplies, and war planning.
She leaned over the single table at one end of the main chamber, several larger warriors around her.
He listened for her and heard her stir in the secondary chamber to his right.
He pushed up his eye-band, testing the chamber's darkness through squinted eyes before opening them.
The chamber's drapes were drawn, extinguishing all but enough light to see.
I was imprisoned within my chamber most of my life.
Midmorning light filtered into the circular chamber, the sounds of fighting distant.
She recognized the messenger boy the moment he was led into the chamber.
He strode out of the chamber.
In 1814 he was chosen a member of the chamber of representatives, and in 1815 he urged the claim of Napoleon's son to the French throne and protested against the restoration of the Bourbons.
The same year he entered the Chamber of Deputies, taking his place with the extreme left.
Bourgeois ministry of 1895-1896 as minister of commerce, industry, post and telegraphs, was vice-president of the Chamber from 1898 to 1902, and presided over the Budget Commission of 1899, 1901 and 1902.
During the Hundred Days he was deputy for Herault in the chamber of representatives, and pronounced himself strongly against the return of the Bourbons, and for religious freedom.
His talent in finance won him a distinguished place in the chamber.
His SOn, Georges Charles Paul, born in 1855, was in his father's department from 1879 till 1885, deputy from 1885, five times president of the Budget Commission, minister of finance (1895-1898) and vice-president of the chamber (1898-1902), and again finance minister in the Briand Cabinet, 1909.
In 1814 he voted for Napoleon's abdication, which won for him a seat in the chamber of peers; but during the Hundred Days he served Napoleon, and in consequence, on the second Restoration, was for a short while excluded.
In the chamber he still sought to obtain liberty for the press - a theme upon which he published a volume of his speeches (Paris, 1817).
After a year's imprisonment in the Tower Prynne was sentenced by the star chamber on the 17th of February 1634 to be imprisoned for life, and also to be fined f5000, expelled from Lincoln's Inn, rendered incapable of returning to his profession, degraded from his degree in the university of Oxford, and set in the pillory, where he was to lose both his ears.
He started down the hall then returned to the massive chamber, gathering the scattered pages of The Book of the Damned and placing them again in the wooden covers of the book.
The old ones say this chamber was built ages before man.
The warrior-king patted his shoulder and turned to look over the chamber again.
Vara, take my new mate to the slave's chamber and have her bathed.
Leery of the madman's summons, he followed the page to the round chamber.
Despite his foreboding, he left the chamber and sent word for Vara to meet him at the main gate.
Hilden nodded, his eyes darting around the chamber before settling on the throne.
Taran crossed the chamber, fearful of what he'd see.
Memon snapped into action, moving across the chamber with inhuman speed.
Taran's skin crawled with the charge of magic in the confined chamber, and he watched Memon bend over Rissa.
Darkness swept through the chamber as Memon finished off the demon.
Meet Dierdirien then go to your chamber and rest.
Her chamber smelled of jasmine, her scrubbed body of flower musk.
Dawn drenched the chamber in soft yellow.
In some cases the material traverses the chamber from the coolest to the hottest part on a conveyer or in wagons.
To effect this some of the nutrient gelatin containing yeast cells is placed on the under-surface of the cover-glass of the moist chamber.
Its public institutions include tribunals of first instance and of commerce, a council of tradearbitrators, a chamber of commerce and a branch of the Bank of France.
Its constitutional origin was analogous to that of the star chamber and the court of requests.
Batson gave him the lie and struck him in the council chamber.
Zaminddrs, or government renters, were arrested on mesne process; the sanctity of the zendna, or women's chamber, as dear to Hindus as to Mahommedans, was violated by the sheriff's officer; the deepest feelings of the people and the entire fabric of revenue administration were alike disregarded.
But he was now destined to learn that his enemy Francis, whom he had discomfited in the council chamber at Calcutta, was more than his match in the parliamentary arena.
He is assisted by the conseil colonial numbering sixteen members, six of whom are French citizens elected by the French, six natives elected by the natives, the other four being members of the chamber of commerce of Saigon and the conseil prive.
CochinChina is represented in the French chamber by a deputy.
At the general elections of 1881 after the fall of the Ferry cabinet he was returned to the chamber on a programme which included the separation of Church and State, a policy of decentralization, and the imposition of an income-tax.
In his initial declaration to the chamber the new premier had declared his intention of continuing the policy of the late cabinet, pledging the new ministry to a policy of conciliation, to the consideration of old age pensions, an income-tax, separation of Church and State.
Rouvier was able to make a statement of the whole proceedings in the chamber, which received the assent of all parties.
The architrave is flat, and there is a space over it, serving both to admit light and to relieve the pressure on it from above, and the size decreases slightly from the bottom to the top. Within the doorway is, as a rule, a niche on the right, and a staircase ascending in the thickness of the wall to the left; in front is another similar doorway leading to the chamber in the interior, which is circular, and about 15 ft.
The staircase leads either to a platform on the top of the nuraghe or, more frequently, to a second chamber concentric with the first, lighted by a window which faces, as a rule, in the same direction as the main doorway.
A third chamber above the second does not often occur.
Thus, there may be a platform round the nuraghe, generally with two, three or four bastions, each often containing a chamber; or the main nuraghe may have additional chambers added to it.
In 1820 he retired with a pension his estate at Hornau, near Hochst, in Hesse-Darmstadt; but as a member of the first chamber of the states of the grand-duchy he continued to take an active share in the promotion of measures for the welfare of his country.
In 1821 he began his official career as a lawyer in the grand-duchy of Hesse, and in 1832 was elected to the second chamber.
In 1871 he retired, and in 1881 was nominated a life member of the Upper Chamber (Herrenhaus).
Eastward of the present city, amongst the mounds and ruins of the old town, in a dilapidated chamber adjoining a bluedomed building over the grave of an imamzadeh, is the tomb of the astronomer-poet Omar Khayyam, an unsightly heap of plaster without inscription, and probably fictitious.
Having established his daughter Margaret as regent for Charles in the Netherlands, Maximilian met the diet at Constance in 1507, when the imperial chamber (Reichskammergericht) was revised and took a more permanent form, and help was granted for an expedition to Italy.
On the 15th and 16th Alexander caroused deep into the night at the house by man through his chamber to bid him farewell.
Praetor ius's Cammerton, or chamber pitch, formulated in his diagrams for voices and instruments, is, he says, a whole tone higher; equivalent, therefore, to a' 475.65.
Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley's comparison of the church and chamber pitches of Orlando Gibbons (vide Ellis's lecture) clearly shows the minor third in Great Britain in the first half of the 17th century.
The system is hermetically sealed after being pumped full of water, an expansion chamber in the shape of a pipe of larger dimensions being provided at the top of the system above the highest point of circulation.
The legislative power is vested in a congress of two chambers - the senate, composed of 30 members (two from each province and two from the capital), elected by the provincial legislatures and by a special body of electors in the capital for a term of nine years; and the chamber of deputies, of 120 members (1906), elected for four years by direct vote of the people, one deputy for every 33,000 inhabitants.
To the chamber of deputies exclusively belongs the initiation of all laws relating to the raising of money and the conscription of troops.
The members of both chambers owe their election to universal suffrage; but the Senate is not elected directly by the people and the Chamber of Deputies is.
No member of a family that has reigned in France is eligible for either chamber.
Bills may be proposed either by ministers (in the name of the president of the republic), or by private members, and may be initiated in either chamber, but money-bills must be submitted in the first place to the Chamber of Deputies.
The ministers, whether members of parliament or not, have the right to sit in both chambers and can address the house whenever they choose, though a minister may only vote in the chamber of which he happens to be a member.
If the demand for rehearing is refused such refusal is final; but if it is granted the case is then heard by the civil chamber, and after argument cessation (annulment) is granted or refused.
The financial year in France begins on the 1st of January, and the budget of each financial year must be laid on the table Budget of the Chamber of Deputies in the course of the ordinary session of the preceding year in time for the discussion upon it to begin in October and be concluded before the 31st of December.
It is then submitted to a special commission of the Chamber of Deputies, elected for one year, who appoint a general reporter and one or more special reporters for each of the ministries.
When the Chamber of Deputies has voted the budget it is submitted to a similar course of procedure in the Senate.
The portion of the lachrymal duct communicating with the cavity of the nose has, on the other hand, been abnormally developed, apparently for the purpose of cleansing that chamber from particles of sand which may obtain an entrance while the animal is burrowing.
On the whole it is most likely that the Temple was erected by Solomon on the same spot as is now occupied by the Dome of the Rock, commonly known as the Mosque of Omar, and, regard being had to the levels of the ground, it is possible that the Holy of Holies, the most sacred chamber of the Temple, stood over the rock which is still regarded with veneration by the Mahommedans.
The signatories drew up a petition, known as the " Request," which was presented by the confederates to the regent (April 5, 1566) in the council chamber at Brussels.
After a struggle the Protestant faction gained the upper hand, and on the 7th of February 1550 Bonner's deprivation was confirmed by the council sitting in the Star Chamber, and he was further condemned to perpetual imprisonment.
Cromwell's government seemed now established on the firmer footing of law and national approval, he himself obtaining the powers though not the title of a constitutional monarch, with a permanent revenue of £1,300,000 for the ordinary expenses of the administration, the command of the forces, the right to nominate his successor and, subject to the approval of parliament, the members of the council and of the new second chamber now established, while at the same time the freedom of parliament was guaranteed in its elections.
A man "that speaketh in a tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God; for no man understandeth;" and therefore it is expedient that he keep this gift for his private chamber and there pour out the mysteries.
Richard Strauss, in his edition of Berlioz's works on Instrumentation, paradoxically characterizes the classical orchestral style as that which was derived from chamber-music. Now it, is true that in Haydn's early days orchestras were small and generally private; and that the styles of orchestral and chamber music were not distinct; but surely nothing is clearer than that the whole history of the rise of classical chamber-music lies in its rapid differentiation from the coarse-grained orchestral style with which it began.
Each cell contains a zinc plate, immersed in a solution of zinc sulphate, and also a porous chamber containing crystals of copper sulphate and a copper plate.
In 1856 the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce began an agitation for the purchase by the government of the telegraphs, and other chambers of commerce in Great Britain joined the agitation, which was strongly supported by the Press.
In recent apparatus, to enable it to be used on board ship, a hydrogeneous spirit is used which is fed drop by drop into the chamber in which the arc is worked.
Not far off are ruins probably of ancient baths, and the concrete core of a large tomb with a vaulted chamber within.
The universities are maintained by the state and by their own ancient resources; while the higher special schools are maintained conjointly by the state, the province, the commune and (sometimes) the local chamber of commerce.
Parliaments are quinquennial, but the king may dissolve the Chamber of Deputies at any time, being bound, however, to convoke a new chamber within four months.
Each of the chambers has the right of introducing new bills, as has also the government; but all money bills must originate in the Chamber of Deputies.
The Italian Chamber decided that from the 1st of July 1901 until the 30th of June 1907 Italian military expenditure proper should not exceed the maximum of 1/29,560,000 per annum fixed by the Army Bill of May 1897, and that, military pensions should not exceed 1/21,440,000.
The hard but salutary training which they had undergone at his hands had taught them that they were the equals of the northern races both in the council chamber and on the field of battle.
When the terms of the Austro-Piedmontese armistice were announced in the Chamber at Turin they aroused great indignation, but the king succeeded in convincing the deputies Piedmont that they were inevitable.
Successes achieved in those provinces failed, however, to save Nicotera from the wrath of the Chamber, and on the 14th of December 1877 a cabinet crisis arose over a question concerning the secrecy of telegraphic correspondence.
Incensed by the elevation to the rank of embassies of the Italian legation in Paris and the French legation to the Quirinal, and by the introduction of the Italian bill against clerical abuses, the French Clerical party not only attacked Italy and her representative, General Cialdini, in the Chamber of Deputies, but promoted a monster petition against the Italian bill.
The mission appears not to have been an unqualified success, though Crispi afterwards affirmed in the Chamber (4th March 1886) that Depretis might in 1877 have harnessed fortune to the Italian chariot.
Though the cabinet had no stable majority, it induced the Chamber to sanction a commercial treaty which had been negotiated with France and a general autonomous customs tariff.
The Chamber, though convinced of the danger of this reform, the perils of which were incisively demonstrated by Sella, voted by an overwhelming majority for an immediate reduction of the impost by onefourth, and its complete abolition within four years.
While excitement over Tunisia was at its height, but before the situation was irretrievably compromised to the disadvantage of Italy, Cairoli had been compelled to resign by a vote of want of confidence in the Chamber.
In the long and important debate upon foreign policy in the Italian Chamber of Deputies (6th to 9th December) the fear was repeatedly expressed lest Bismarck should seek to purchase the support of German Catholics by raising the Roman question.
Again speaking in the Chamber, Mancini claimed for Italy the principal merit in the conclusion of the triple alliance, but declared that the alliance left Italy full liberty of action.
A vote of the Italian Chamber on the 4th of February 1887, in connection with the disaster to Italian troops at Dogali, in Abyssinia, brought about the resignation of the Depretis-Robilant cabinet.
On the 2gth of June 1881 the Chamber adopted a Franchise Reform Bill, which increased the electorate from oo,ooo to 2,000,000 by lowering the fiscal qualification from 40 to 19.80 lire in direct taxation, and by extending the suffrage to all persons who had passed through the two lower standards of the elementary schools, and practically to all persons able to read and write.
A month later (10th March I 882) Rubattino made over his establishment to the Italian government, and on the 12th of June the Chamber adopted a bill constituting Assab an Italian crown colony.
The general election of 1890 gave the cabinet an almost unwieldy majority, comprising four-fifths of the Chamber.
On the I4th of April 1892 dissensions between ministers concerning the financial programme led to a cabinet crisis, and though Rudini succeeded in reconstructing his administration, he was defeated in the Chamber on the 5th of May and obliged to resign.
Arrests of other prominent persons followed, and on the 3rd of February the Chamber authorized the prosecution of De Zerbi, a Neapolitan deputy accused of corruption.
On the 23rd of November the report of the commission was read to the Chamber amid intense excitement.
It established that all Italian cabinets since 1880 had grossly neglected the state banks; that the two preceding cabinets had been aware of the irregularities committed by Tanlongo; that Tanlongo had heavily subsidized the press, paying as much as 20,000 for that purpose in 1888 alone; that a number of deputies, including several ex-ministers, had received from him loans of a considerable amount, which they had apparently made no effort to refund; that Giolitti had deceived the Chamber with regard to the state banks, and was open tosuspicion of having,after the arrest of Tanlongo, abstracted a number of documents from the latters papers before placing the remainder in the hands of the judicial authorities.
On the 11th of December Giolitti laid these and other papers before the Chamber, in the hope of ruining Crispi, but upon examination most of thm were found to be worthless, and the rest of so private a nature as to be unfit for publication.
Before Nerazzini could reach Adis Ababa, Rudini, in order partially to satisfy the demands of his Radical supporters for the abandonment of the colony, announced in the Chamber the intention of Italy to limit her occupation to the triangular zone between the points Asmar, Keren and Massawa, and, possibly, to withdraw to Massawa alone.
Pressed by Cavallotti, Rudini in March 1897 dissolved the Chamber and conducted the general election in such a way as to crush by government pressure the partisans of Crispi, and greatly to strengthen the (Socialist, Republican and Radical) revolutionary parties.
Again obstruction precluded debate, and on the 22nd of July 1899 the decree automatically acquired force of law, pending the adoption of a bill of indemnity by the Chamber.
In February 1900 it was, however, quashed by the supreme court on a point of procedure, and the Public Safety Bill as a whole had again to be presented to the Chamber.
The general election of June 1900 not only failed to reinforce the cabinet, but largely increased the strength of the extreme parties (Radicals, Republicans and Socialists), who in the new Chamber numbered nearly 100 out of a total of 508.
The premiers programme was not well received by the Chamber, although the treasury ministers financial statement was again satisfactory.
In October 1904, after the September strikes, the Chamber was dissolved, and at the general elections in November a ministerial majority was returned, while the deputies of the Extreme Left (Socialists, Republicans and Radicals) were reduced from 107 to 94, and a few mild clericals elected.
Even this cabinet was still-born, and a hostile vote in the Chamber on the 3oth of January 1906 brought about its fall.
A motion presented by the Socialists in the Chamber for the immediate discussion of a bill to prevent the massacres of the proletariate having been rejected by an enormous majority, the 28 Socialist deputies resigned their seats; on presenting themselves for re-election their number was reduced to 25.
The elections of March 1909 returned a chamber very slightly different from its predecessor.
But he appeared again on the scene in the general elections of 1909, as a Christian Democratic candidate; he was elected, and alone of the Catholic deputies took his seat in the Chamber on the Extreme Left, where all his neighbors were violent anti-clericals.
The ANGIOSFERMS, which are much the larger class, derive their name from the fact that the carpel or carpels form a closed chamber, the ovary, in which the ovules are developedassociated with this is the development of a receptive or stigmatic surface on which the pollen grain is deposited.
The amount of watery vapour in the air passing through a stoma has no effect upon it, as the surfaces of the guard cells abutting on the air chamber are strongly cuticularized, and therefore impermeable.
The olfactory perceptive membrane is restricted to the posterior innermost region of the nasal chamber, where it covers a slight bulging-out prominence on the nasal wall.
In Plotus, the snakebird, the pyloric chamber of the stomach is beset with a mass of hair-like stiff filaments which permit nothing but fluid to pass into the duodenum.
The next chamber, the urodaeum, is small, and receives in its dorso-lateral wall the ureters and the genital ducts; above and below this chamber is closed by circular folds, the lower of which, towards the ventral side, passes into the coating of the copulatory organ when such is present.
The urodaeum serves only as a passage, the urine being mixed with the faeces in the chamber above.
The third or outermost chamber, the proctodaeum, is closed externally by the sphincter ani; the orifice is quite circular.
His speeches in the chamber were always eloquent and powerful.
In the following year he entered the chamber, being elected deputy for the Marne, in opposition to General Boulanger, and joined the radical left.
In 1902 and 1903 he was elected president of the chamber.
There are also two large chapels, containing altars, ornaments, &c., in rock-salt, a room called the dancing saloon (Tanzsaal), where the objects of interest found in the mines are kept; the Kronleuchtersaal, and the chamber Michatovice are also worth mention.
It has a chamber of commerce, the president of which has a seat on the superior council of Indo-China; a chamber of the court of appeal of Indo-China, a civil tribunal of the first order, and is the seat of the chamber of agriculture of Tongking.
The town is the seat of a sub-prefect, and has a tribunal of first instance, .a chamber of commerce and a communal college among its public institutions.
In March 1890 General Tajes handed over the presidency to Herrera y Obes, a clever but unscrupulous man, who filled every official post with his own friends and ensured the return of his supporters to the chamber.
The Colorados favoured Battle as his successor, and before the elections to the chamber in November 1910 the Blancos were again in arms.
It consists of a large stone chamber which communicates directly with two slightly slanting tubular retorts of iron.
The chamber has a safety value at the top of its vault, which is so balanced that the least surplus pressure from within sends it up. The first puff of sulphur vapour which enters the chamber takes fire and converts the air of the chamber into a mixture of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide.
By conducting the distillation slowly, so that the temperature within the chamber remains at a sufficiently low degree, it is possible to obtain the whole of the product in the form of "flowers."
Indianapolis is governed under a form of government adopted originally in a special charter of 1891 and in 1905 incorporated in the new state municipal code, which was based upon it, It provides for a mayor elected every four years, a single legislative chamber, a common council, and various administrative departments - of public safety, public health, &c. The guiding principle of the charter, which is generally accepted as a model of its kind, is that of the complete separation of powers and the absolute placing of responsibility.
With great reluctance the tsar consented to convoke a consultative chamber of deputies as a sop to public opinion, but that concession stimulated rather than calmed public opinion, and shortly after the conclusion of peace the Liberals and the Revolutionaries, combining their forces, brought about a general strike in St Petersburg together with the stoppage of railway communication all over the empire.
On the 20th of March 1413, whilst praying in Westminster Abbey he was seized with a fainting fit, and died that same evening in the Jerusalem Chamber.
In 1823 he had been made secretary of the archives, and in 1827 principal keeper of the royal library at Hanover; from 1832 to 1837 he edited the Hannoverische Zeitung, and more than once sat as a representative in the Hanoverian second chamber.
He was elected to the Chamber in 1881 as deputy for Leghorn, which he represented until 1895, and joined the party of the Left..
The Public Safety Bill for the reform of the police laws, taken over by him from the Rudini cabinet, and eventually promulgated by royal decree, was fiercely obstructed by the Socialist party, which, with the Left and Extreme Left, succeeded in forcing General Pelloux to dissolve the Chamber in May 1900, and to resign office after the general election in June.
Saul and his attendant are invited by the seer-priest Samuel into the banqueting chamber (lishkah) where thirty persons partake of the sacrificial meal.
He taught them that they would pass at death to a certain place, where they would enjoy all possible blessings for all eternity, and to convince them of this he had a subterranean chamber constructed, to which he withdrew for three years.
In the chamber he was president of the group of the left centre, standing strongly for the republic but against anti-clericalism.
In the republican chamber elected after the 16th of May, he became minister of public instruction (December 1877), and proposed var i ous republican laws, notably on compulsory primary education.
Some human bones found on this hill when the town waterworks were built in 1855 have been placed in a chamber in the top of the canopy over the Rock.
In 1855 he was elected a member of the second chamber; and as the government refused to allow him leave of absence from his official duties he resigned his post in the public service.
In May, however, an adverse vote of the Chamber on a purely technical matter led to his resignation.
In the older type the combustion chamber (of metal or glass) is sunk in the calorimeter proper, tubes being provided for the entrance and exit of the gaseous substances involved in the action.
In the newer type (which was first proposed by Andrews for the combustion of gases) the chemical action takes place in a completely closed combustion chamber of sufficient strength to resist the pressure generated by the sudden action, which is often of explosive violence.
The steel combustion chamber is of about 250 c.c. capacity, and is wholly immersed in the calorimeter.
He was returned to the Chamber of Deputies for the department of Bouches-du-Rhone in March 1888 and took his seat on the extreme Left, but died at Saint-Gratien on the 3rd of August 1889.
But he continued to play an active and in fact dominant part in Parliamentary politics, for the majority of the Chamber and of the Senate being thoroughly Giolittian, the Sonnino Ministry and that of Sig.
He succeeded in forming a Cabinet which comprised a number of non-Giolittians of all parties, but only a few of his own "old guard," so that he won the support of a considerable part of the Chamber, although the Socialists and the Popolari (Catholics) rendered his hold somewhat precarious.
In view of the annexation of new provinces under the peace treaties and of the altered state of public opinion on internal policy, he dissolved the Chamber on April 7 1921, and was confirmed in power by the elections on May 15.
Even members of the priestly families had intermarried with Tobiah and Sanballat; the former had his own chamber in the precincts of the Temple, the daughter of the latter was the wife of a son of Joiada the son of the high priest Eliashib.
He convokes, prorogues and dissolves the chamber, sanctions laws, exercises the right of pardon in case of political offences, represents the island in its foreign relations and is chief of its military forces.
The chamber (1 30vX17), which is elected in the proportion of one deputy to every 5000 inhabitants, meets annually for a session of two months.
The chamber exercises a complete financial control, and no taxes can be imposed without its consent.
A remarkable feature of this quarter is a small council chamber with a gypsum throne of curiously Gothic aspect and lower stone benches round.
The walls of the throne room show frescoes with sacred griffins confronting each other in a Nile landscape, and a small bath chamber - perhaps of ritual use - is attached.
A crisis came about in 1889, when the " Conservative " leaders, finding themselves in a minority in the chamber, took up arms and withdrew to the mountains.
Among the Oligochaeta the dorsal vessel in Dinodrilus and Megascolides is enclosed in a separate coelomic chamber which may or may not communicate with the main coelomic cavity.
Male ducts often open on to exterior through a terminal chamber which is variously specialized, and sometimes with a penis.
Joffrin was only admitted to the Chamber after a heated discussion, and continued to be attacked by the nationalists.
In 1848 he was elected to the lower legislative chamber of Baden, and in 1850 advocated the project of union with Prussia at the parliament held at Erfurt.
In 1859 he again took part in politics, resuming his place in the lower chamber, opposing in 1863 the project of Austria for the reform of the Confederation brought forward in the assembly of princes at Frankfort, in his book Die Reform des deutschen Bundestages, and becoming one of the leaders of the "little German" (kleindeutsche) party, which advocated the exclusion of Austria from Germany.
In September 1888 he was elected a member of the first chamber of the Riksdag, where he attached himself to the conservative protectionist party, over which, from the first, he exercised great authority.
The creator of the present edifice was Francis I., under whom the architect Gilles le Breton erected most of the buildings of the Cour Ovale, including the Porte Doree, its southern entrance, and the Salle des Fetes, which, in the reign of Henry II., was decorated by the Italians, Francesco Primaticcio and Nicolo dell' Abbate, and is perhaps the finest Renaissance chamber in France.
In these there are neither branchia nor osphradium, and the pallial chamber which retains its large open ing serves as a lung.
Two pairs of salivary ducts, each leading from a salivary gland, open into the buccal chamber.
Near this and less advanced into the branchial chamber is the single renal organ or nephridium r with its opening to the exterior r'.
It corresponds to the right of the two primitive ctenidia in the untwisted archaic condition of the molluscan body, and does not project freely into the branchial cavity, but its axis is attached (by concrescence) to the mantle-skirt (roof of the branchial chamber).
When the pericardium is cut open from above in an animal otherwise entire, the anterior face of the kidney is seen forming the posterior wall of the pericardial chamber; on the deep edge of this face, a little to the left of the attachment of the auricle to the floor of the pericardium, is seen a depression; this depression contains the opening from the pericardium into the kidney.
Close to the keep stands the ruined chamber wherein, according to local tradition, Henry VII.
Beneath the fine banqueting hall, a flight of steps descends into "the Wogan," a vast subterranean chamber giving access to the harbour.
The resulting Acte additionel (supplementary to the constitutions of the empire) bestowed on France an hereditary chamber of peers and a chamber of representatives elected by the "electoral colleges" of the empire, which comprised scarcely one hundredth part of the citizens of France.
The words rang hollow, as was seen when, on the 3rd of June, the deputies chose, as president of their chamber, Lanjuinais, the staunch liberal who had so often opposed the emperor.
The latest type of tomb is a flatly vaulted chamber approached by a horizontal or slightly inclined way, whose sides converge above.
Second, the main chamber is of what is known as the megaron type, i.e.
In some cicads the mature nymph ceases to feed and remains quiescent within a pillar-shaped earthen chamber.
Other buildings of local importance are the city hall (1865); the United tates government building (1871-1878, cost about $6,000,00); the county court-house (1887-1893, $2,250,000); the custom house (1837-1848); and the chamber of commerce (1892).
It provided for municipal elections in January; for the election of a mayor for four years; for his recall at the end of two years if a majority of the registered voters so vote in the state election in November in the second year of his term; for the summary removal for cause by the mayor of any department head or other of his appointees; for a city council of one chamber of nine members, elected at large each for three years; for nomination by petition; for a permanent finance commission appointed by the governor; for the confirmation of the mayor's appointments by the state civil service commission; for the mayor's preparation of the annual budget (in which items may be reduced but not increased by the council), and for his absolute veto of appropriations except for school use.
The second step in the evolution of spinning instincts was probably the making of a silken chamber for the reception of the cocoon itself and for the protection of the mother while guarding it and her newly-hatched young.
If an aperture for ingress and egress, for purposes of feeding, were left in the wall of such a chamber, there would arise in a rudimentary form what is known as the tubular nest or web; and the next important step was possibly the adoption of such a nest as a permanent abode for the spider., Some spiders, like the Drassidae and Salticidae, have not advanced beyond this stage in architectural industry; but next to the cocoon this simple tubular retreat - whether spun in a crevice or burrow or simply attached to the lower side of a stone - is the most constant feature to be observed in the spinning habits of spiders.
From 1848 he had been a member of the Bavarian second chamber, at first representing the district of Erlangen-Fiirth, and afterwards Nuremberg, which city also sent him after the war of 1866 as its deputy to the German customs parliament, and from 1871 to 1874 to the first German Reichstag.
For many years he was the reporter of the finance committee of the chamber.
In the next year the revolution opened for him, as for so many of his contemporaries, the way to public life, and he was elected as representative for his native district in the second chamber of the reformed Hanoverian parliament.
In 1851 he was elected president of the chamber, and In the same year minister of justice, being the first Catholic who had held so high an office in Hanover.
In 1818 he returned to Paris as deputy for Finistere, and sat in the Chamber till 1824, becoming one of the recognized liberal leaders.
It has tribunals of first instance and of commerce, a board of trade-arbitrators, a lycee, training-colleges and a chamber of arts and manufactures.
The name was subsequently applied to the cella, or eastern chamber, of the Parthenon, which is exactly ioo ft.
Frazer maintains the hitherto current theory that the earlier temple of Athena and Erechtheus was on the site of the Erechtheum; that the Erechtheum inherited the name apXa ios veclis from its predecessor, and that the " opisthodomos " in which the treasures were kept was the west chamber of the Parthenon; Furtwangler and Milchh6fer hold the strange view that the " opisthodomos " was a separate building at the east end of the Acropolis, while Penrose thinks the building discovered by Dorpfeld was possibly the Cecropeum.
A Doric colonnade with a double row of columns was found to have extended along the base of the Acropolis for a distance of 54 yds.; behind it in a chamber hewn in the rock is the sacred well mentioned by Pausanias.
Musk-rats are most active at night, spending the greater part of the day concealed in their burrows in the bank, which consist of a chamber with numerous passages, all of which open under the surface of the water.
He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies for the department of the Seine in 1885 as a radical socialist.
He had long had the ear of the Chamber in matters of social legislation, and after the Panama scandals had discredited so many politicians his influence grew.
Another civic improvement was the plan that a permanent committee of citizens should be engaged in the solving of the housing problem, and that the chamber of commerce, cooperating with the state, should employ a director in charge of the Americanization programme in which the public schools and corporations cooperate.
From 1875 to 1883 he sat in the Upper Chamber of the Baden Diet.
A tribunal and chamber of commerce, a board of trade-arbitrators and a nautical school, are among the public institutions.
He maintained his liberal and independent attitude in the Conseil des Anciens, the Senate and the Chamber of Peers, being president of the upper house during the Hundred Days.
The court was surrounded with arcades, all of which constituted the prayer chamber, so that its plan is necessarily different to the normal type; the existing buildings date only from the first half of the 17th century, as the whole mosque was destroyed by a torrent in 1626.
The most beautiful portion of the mosque, however, still exists in the prayer chamber of Hakim, where are to be found the earliest examples of the cusped arch and the origin of many of the geometrical patterns in stucco at the Alhambra.
The prayer chamber is a lofty structure, quite unlike those of Egypt and Kairawan, with a dome 75 ft.
As a rule, the mosques of India followed the normal plan, with a great central court and aisles round and a prayer chamber in front of the Mecca wall, which in India is always at the west end.
For Charles de Beauvillier, gentleman of the chamber to the king, governor and bailli of Blois, the estate of Saint Aignan was created a countship in 1537.
A tribunal and chamber of commerce, a board of trade-arbitrators, a lycee, a branch of the Bank of France, a school of industry, a school of cloth manufacture and a museum of natural history are among its institutions.
Tirard's ministry in 1888, and in 1893 was made vice-president of the chamber.
In spite of this opposition, he held chairs of philosophy at Turin, Milan and Rome in succession, and during several administrations represented the college of Gavirate in the chamber.
Being the great entrepot for the trade of Egypt, the city is the headquarters of the British chamber of commerce and of most of the merchants and companies engaged in the development of the Delta.
If the plants are subjected to some process, before mounting, by which injurious organisms are destroyed, such as exposure in a closed chamber to vapour of carbon bisulphide for some hours, the presence of pieces of camphor or naphthalene in the cabinet will be found a sufficient preservative.
Their plan is for the most part that of a house, with a door of entrance and passage leading into a central chamber or atrium, with others of smaller size opening from it, each having a stone-hewn bench or triclinium on three of its sides, on which the dead, frequently a pair of corpses side by side, were laid as if at a banquet.
From this a wide staircase leads directly down to a chamber, discovered in March 1881, of a very early date.
In 1901-1902 excavations in the cemetery of Santa Priscilla, near the Cappella Greca, revealed a polygonal chamber.
The town is the seat of a bishop, a prefecture, a court of assizes, and has tribunals of first instance and of commerce, a chamber of commerce, training colleges, a lycee for boys, a communal college for girls, and a branch of the Bank of France.
During the Hundred Days he was vice-president of the chamber of deputies, and when the allied armies entered Paris he drew up the declaration in which the chamber asserted the necessity of maintaining the principles of government that had been established at the Revolution.
From 1817 till 1849 he was uninterruptedly a member of the chamber of deputies, and he acted consistently with the liberal opposition, of which at more than one crisis he was the virtual leader.
In the following year, having failed to secure his re-election to the chamber, he retired into private life.
Since then the Chamber of Deputies has on several occasions taken advantage of the budget to attempt the suppression of the sous-prefecs by refusing to vote the amount necessary for the payment of their salaries.
The principal increase is due to the war departments, according to the budget speech of the minister of finance (April 23, 1910), although he states that some 1 On the 25th of June 1910 the chamber finally passed the budget for 1910-1911.
On the 24th the sultan yielded, and issued an irade, restoring the constitution of 1876, and ordering the election of a chamber of deputies.
The senate and chamber met at San Stefano, and, sitting jointly as a National Assembly, issued a proclamation in favour of the committee and its army (April 22, 1909), by which Constantinople was now invested.
Agen is the seat of a bishop. It is the seat of a court of appeal and a court of assizes, and has tribunals of first instance and of commerce and a chamber of commerce.
From the beginning of his career in the chamber of deputies, Briand was occupied with the question of the separation of church and state.
So far as the chamber was concerned his success was complete.
Especially has this been manifested by the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and by the Municipal Association, an organization of influential professional and business men, which, by issuing bulletins concerning candidates at the primaries and at election time, has done much for the betterment of local politics.
See also a Handbook of Cardiff and District, prepared for the use of the British Association, 1891; Cardiff, an Illustrated Handbook, 1896; the Annual Report of the Cardiff Chamber of Commerce; the Calendar of the University College.
It consisted of a circular chamber, surrounded on the outside by a Doric colonnade, and on the inside by a Corinthian one.
He sat for a short time (1845-1846) as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, but lost his seat owing to his enthusiastic adoption of the principles of free trade.
He was a conservative in theology, but an enthusiastic adherent of the progressive party in politics, and sat as member for Erlangen and Furth in the Bavarian second chamber from 1863 to 1868.
The dorsal skeletal elements of the thorax and of the anterior six abdominal segments unite with the wing-cases to form a large respiratory chamber, containing five pairs of tracheal gills, with lateral slits for the inflow and a posterior orifice for the outflow of water.
In most species of Balanoglossus each gill-slit may be said to open into its own atrial chamber or gill-pouch; this in its turn opens to the exterior by a minute gill-pore.
In 1904 Dr Carton and the abbe Leynaud discovered huge Christian catacombs with several miles of subterranean galleries to which access is obtained by a small vaulted chamber.
The town is the seat of a sub-prefect, and has a tribunal of first instance, a chamber of commerce and a communal college.
These are knocked off, ground up with water, freed from metal-particles by elutriation, and the paste of white lead is allowed to set and dry in small conical forms. The German method differs from the Dutch inasmuch as the lead is suspended in a large chamber heated by ordinary means, and there exposed to the simultaneous action of vapour of aqueous acetic acid and of carbon dioxide.
The proboscis, passing down this groove to the spur, becomes dusted with pollen; as it is drawn back, it presses up the lip-like valve of the stigma so that no pollen can enter the stigmatic chamber; but as it enters the next flower it leaves some pollen on the upper surface of the valve, and thus cross-fertilization is effected.
A is the condition of insinking of the sternal surface and consequent enclosure of the lamelligerous surface of the appendage in a chamber with narrow orifice - the pulmonary air - holding chamber.
In Scorpio the completion of the horizontal plate by oblique flaps, so as to form an actual diaphragm shutting off the cavity of the prosoma from the rest of the body, possibly gives to the organs contained in the anterior chamber a physiological advantage in respect of the supply of arterial blood and its separation from the venous blood of the mesosoma.
Opening in pairs in each somite, right and left into the pericardial sinus are large veins, which bring the blood respectively from the gill-books and the lungbooks to that chamber, whence it passes by the ostia into the heart.
As capital of an arrondissement, Bastia is the seat of a tribunal of first instance and a sub-prefect, while it is also the seat of the military governor of Corsica, of a court of appeal for the whole island, of a court of assizes, and of a tribunal and a chamber of commerce, and has a lycee, a branch of the Bank of France, and a library with between 30,000 and 40,000 volumes.
His term of office was clouded by the assassination of King Humbert (29th July 1900), and his administration was brought to an end in February 1901 by a vote of the chamber condemning his weak attitude towards a great dock strike at Genoa.
Another character is the absence of a hollow chamber, or sinus, within the frontal bone of the forehead.
The chief civil buildings are a large Chamber of Commerce, including the customs and port services, and a fine modern town hall.
His veto may be over-ridden by a two-thirds vote in each chamber, and permitting ten days to pass without signing an act is considered as acquiescence and it is promulgated by congress.
The chamber of deputies contains 212 members, the membership being distributed among the states on a basis of one for each 70,000 of population, but with a minimum representation of four for each state.
The chamber has the right of initiative in the organization of the annual budget laws and those relative to the numerical strength of the army and navy.
The regent was now accused of conniving at this rebellion, and the opposition of the chamber of deputies became so violent as to necessitate his resignation.
The secret chamber which hid him is preserved, but he also found refuge in a tree of the forest which then surrounded Boscobel.
It also has tribunals of first instance and of commerce, a chamber of commerce, a board of trade-arbitrators, an exchange and a branch of the Bank of France.
He became a member of the chamber of commerce, and soon infused new life into that body.
But Thurzo was the last Protestant palatine, and, on his death, the Catholics, at the diet of Sopron (1625), where they dominated the Upper Chamber, and had a large minority in the Lower, were able to elect Count Miklos Esterhazy in Thurz6's stead.
The diet of 1839 refused to proceed to business till the political prisoners had been released, and, while in the Lower Chamber the reforming majority was larger than ever, a Liberal party was now also formed in the Upper House under the brilliant leadership of Count Louis Batthyany and Baron Joseph EdtvOs.
About ioo,000 people assembled, and a deputation handed to Mr Justh, the president of the Chamber, a monster petition in favour of universal suffrage.