Challenging Sentence Examples
You are challenging me already.
As if challenging his statement, the bay jerked his nose up and sucked in a breath.
There was no point challenging him, though.
At the base they checked in with Fred and Donnie, who were doing fine without them, so they moved to even more challenging terrain.
He issued a challenging look in return.
Buying a new truck can be a challenging task.
She crossed her arms and looked up at him, meeting his steady look with a challenging one of her own.
It was obvious Donald, and to a lesser extent Dean, would enjoy steeper, longer and more challenging runs.
Carmen lifted her chin, challenging him.
Without challenging or adopting this speculation, it may be safely affirmed that nothing so pregnant of results has happened as this exploration of the globe.
AdvertisementIt's actually not as challenging as it may appear!
Challenging spiritual endeavors could prove to be beneficial.
Babysitting can be a challenging business to start.
Perhaps because this group included what appeared to be very new choristers, the program for Monday was not challenging.
Successful single parenting is challenging and rewarding.
AdvertisementTeen birthday party ideas can be challenging since they need to appeal to both parents and teenagers.
For teenagers who have never been camping or haven't spent a considerable amount of time in the wilderness, this new environment can be challenging and uncomfortable.
Puberty is often a challenging time of change for both boys and girls as they move into the stages of adolescence and adulthood.
While Dean was anxious to retrieve his Jeep without having to make a round trip from town and pay a service station bill to boot, the wisdom of challenging the mother of all storms was looking less prudent by the second.
Social care services could play a key role in challenging such ageism.
AdvertisementUnconditional positive regard never involves collusion and does necessitate the challenging of certain forms of behavior.
Students have been combining the comfort of city hotels with more challenging cultural activities.
Colette Mann landed the challenging role of Doreen and she was an early front-runner with fan-mail.
The hints, trays, shuffle jigsaw puzzle maker and color arrangement features help you solve even the most challenging puzzle.
I want to make a difference, play my part in changing attitudes and challenging preconceptions.
AdvertisementScholastic Aptitude Test scholastic Aptitude Test Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) The SAT is a test that is quite challenging.
A touching and sensitive book on the unbending determination and strength of Chinese women living under extremely challenging conditions.
It can often be challenging to make the best use of space in a small bedroom.
Scrapbook organization remains a challenging task for many crafters.
Transverse challenging terrain and escape from danger in this epic adventure game.
It sets out a challenging agenda for Departments in terms of identifying their major impacts, planning improvements, and monitoring and reporting performance.
Combe is renowned for its challenging corners and tight bends.
The battles are fun and challenging and you will find that you have to use a certain way in which to defeat the bosses.
Basically, it's serious foul play when you're challenging for the ball and violent conduct when the ball isn't there.
For example people corralled by police in Oxford Circus during the May Day 2001 demonstrations are currently challenging this action.
Pointing Devices The standard mouse is quite a challenging device for many people with reduced dexterity.
Step adds a new dimension to your aerobic workout, challenging heart & mind!
But there were some challenging issues, including pupil apathy and students disheartened at the pace of change.
Paroxysmal dystonia can be a challenging condition to live with.
While all things equestrian make up the bulk of his work he has been known to tackle some unusual and challenging commissions.
The golf course is developed on a hillside and offers challenging and exciting golf on rolling fairways.
This challenging par four features a tight fairway, placing a premium on accuracy off the tee.
With the ability to work well under pressure, you must consistently deliver first-rate, cost-effective solutions and meet challenging deadlines.
There is a need to maintain personal fitness, to be able to cope with stress and also when operational to confront challenging situations.
The introductory class is not designed to make officers fluent in the challenging language.
Consistently challenging gremlins that give you close match results can result in consistently recieving challenges from those grems.
Once inside the game, you will play the role of a skilled hacker in several challenging missions.
From a gentle countryside ramble to a challenging hike up Skiddaw, there really is something for everyone.
The black runs also got very icy toward weekend, making them far more challenging.
Multimedia Networking for inhabited television The objective of the project was to explore Inhabited Television as a challenging application for multimedia networks.
It was an odd and challenging film (and I was still suffering some jet lag ).
The encouraging thing is there is a whole group of people starting to rise up who are challenging this materialism.
Challenging skiing and a wonderful cultural experience, this trip is a must for Ski mountaineers with a sense of adventure.
Bikes with front and rear suspension are ideal for more challenging off-road riding or for simply reducing fatigue on big days out.
Even more challenging is the problem of asymptotically optimal tracking of parameters which may change slowly through time.
The 195 yard, 16th hole, is a challenging par 3 requiring an accurate drive through large trees to a well protected green.
The Ring Flyer is a challenging chest exercise first popularized by former Mr Universe Larry Scott.
There's no pretense here to be creating new concepts or challenging any preconceptions.
Dialing the prefix 141 does not block your identification Call Challenging Use it - don't abuse it!
But the popularity brings an inevitably challenging price tag.
We have recently won a landmark Judicial Review challenging the crown prosecution services decision not to prosecute his employers for corporate manslaughter.
Taking pictures proved to be very challenging due to their incessant movement at the slightest puff of wind!
The Planning process was very challenging and there was a major restructure of the MPS planning team involved part way through the year.
Challenging some tenets of the resilience thesis, this article seeks to broaden the discussion of welfare-state retrenchment.
David says that he was surprised at how challenging Lhakpa Ri was and commented on the spectacular 50 meter knife-edge summit ridge.
The challenging 9 Hole Par 3 Course is situated in a beautiful riverside setting in the grounds of Bisham Abbey National Sports Center.
Caring for patients with severe mental health problems, e.g. schizophrenia, drug/alcohol related problems, challenging behaviors.
Well, in his mind, he was challenging preconceptions, possibly the audiences, possibly his own self-doubt.
This is an interesting and challenging role and would suit a confident self-starter, willing to work with others and on their own initiative.
Phase 1 trials throw up some challenging problems for a medical statistician.
The large industrial towns of the north were finally challenging the supremacy of London.
This sequel to Campbell's 1998 hit The mask of Zorro made the fatal mistake of undermining the masked swordsman by challenging his very relevance.
These centers have large budgets, staff from a wide range of professional backgrounds and challenging targets.
The aim of this consultation was to set challenging yet realistic targets for each area of our service in each local area.
The added third dimension of depth offers endless scope for design and can be much more exciting and challenging than flat, two-dimensional work.
Attending international events like this, where simultaneous translation is often used, can be challenging.
This game is more challenging to your neural transmitters than punishing to your carpel tunnels.
But in spite of its apparently unassailable position, opposition has emerged from a variety of states intent on challenging the status quo.
The idea of urban vigilantes challenging an untouchable crime boss was staid even then, following Double Dragon, Final Fight and their ilk.
In these spaces the dramaturgical is prioritized over the purely visual in challenging and novel ways.
Indeed, the singing ranged from sensual whispering to feverish screams, as the singer investigated more challenging subjects.
Fighting helmet zealots with reason is not only challenging, arguably it's no longer an option.
Burgundy, and he exalted his office by challenging Anthony, comte de la Roche, the bastard of Burgundy, to single fight in what was one of the most famous tournaments of the age (see the elaborate narrative in Bentley's Excerpta Historica, 176182).
It is a challenging task to study these problems in the setting of quantum computation.
Classroom RE will be a challenging educational engagement between the pupil, the teacher and the authentic subject material.
The subjects were challenging, all embracing and leading edge - certainly difficult to reconcile with any notion of conventional compartmentalized learning.
Others include sabbaticals for experienced teachers in challenging schools; research opportunities, study visits and exchanges abroad.
This means that there are small numbers of men actually challenging the feminist status quo.
During this time he built up England 's fleet with the objective of challenging Spanish supremacy at sea.
This sequel to Campbell's 1998 hit The Mask of Zorro made the fatal mistake of undermining the masked swordsman by challenging his very relevance.
Li Jing introduces these challenging movements of this 32 tai chi sword.
Fighting helmet zealots with reason is not only challenging, arguably it 's no longer an option.
Mia found it challenging to find a prom dress that met her modest standards.
Sticking to this new diet is challenging, but sipping on water throughout the day allays hunger pangs.
If your product is technologically challenging, you may have to put everything on hold until you get all the bugs out and can release a product that works.
If you accept that the task before you is a challenging one, you'll approach this task with energy and commitment.
As challenging as it might be, take the time to get lots of photos of your baby since you will certainly cherish the memories that pictures help you to resurrect.
When you add dating into the mix, single parenting can become downright challenging.
Finding Dr. Seuss nursery ideas can be challenging because Dr. Seuss nursery décor items are somewhat scarce.
Guessing can also utilize the other senses, such as melting different types of candy bars into diapers and challenging all of the ladies to guess the brand of candy bar by smell and feel.
Taller cakes are a little more challenging, but they also make a bigger impact.
Diaper cakes are a challenging but rewarding shower gift.
While most people realize that adoptable infants are typically high on the list of parents waiting to adopt a child, they may not realize that adopting a toddler can be challenging as well.
It provides its enthusiasts with plenty of time to zone out in a peacefully meditative state, while at the same time challenging them to hook and haul dinner for the evening.
For a newbie, starting with saltwater fish may be a bit challenging.
Whether it's a regular, crew, or extended cab, choosing the right truck can be a challenging experience.
These are built for challenging terrain, mountains, roads with potholes and so forth.
It can be really challenging owning a self-storage warehouse, with laws, payment collections, and city ordinances often coming into play.
Some ceiling fans are substantially more challenging to put in your home.
On the other hand, some crossword puzzles, like the New York Time's puzzle is challenging and are more enjoyable when you receive a little help from a dictionary.
Hopefully you now know where to buy a crossword dictionary and can use it to finish that hard or challenging crossword puzzle that's been bugging you.
If you're wondering where you can buy mini muffin pans, you'll be glad to know they're not that challenging to find.
Choosing the best food can be challenging.
These provide a more natural feel and challenging climb.
All kittens are cute, and finding a name that will reflect the fun and loving nature of the newest addition to your household can sometimes be a little challenging.
Dealing with the problems of cat urine can be challenging.
Cat flea control can be challenging, but you can overcome and eradicate the fleas if you are consistent.
The art of cat catching is challenging, tricky and not without its risks.
Finding discount cat furniture with free shipping can be challenging, but the search is worth the effort.
Books are categorized in reading levels, so as the child gets more skilled, the books will become more challenging.
The Washington apple is considered by some to have the ultimate apple flavor, but reproducing the taste in a cocktail can be challenging.
Settlement can be challenging, but some lenders will reduce debt by 20 or more percent if you can make a one-time large payment.
The complexity of these calculations is challenging even when using a regular calculator to do the math for you.
When a couple decides that a divorce is the only solution to marital problems, learning how to file for divorce can be a challenging process.
Complicated designs like those with octagonal or hexagonal shapes or designs that include a shelter of some sort are more challenging for a first time woodworker.
If you're looking for a classic outdoor table that won't be too challenging for the beginning woodworker, these are some great options.
Changing the bed linens on a top bunk can be challenging, especially if you are short.
In these challenging economic times, you may feel that a greener lifestyle is impractical because of the higher cost of things like healthy, organically grown food and alternative energy sources.
You have to make the most of the small area and this can be especially challenging if you have a lot of clothes, books and other items you need to keep.
This route is especially challenging as it combines both design and running a small business -- not always compatible skills.
With some creativity, bay window treatments can help solve a challenging window arrangement.
Maintaining a minimalist look is a little more challenging than most other home décor styles.
Shopping for an area rug that's not only cheaper than regular priced rugs but is also of good quality might seem challenging.
The program can be challenging for first time users, but the website offers tons of tutorials and user tips to help you navigate the process.
Take a careful look at your new bedroom and evaluate things like the available light and storage, ceiling height, floor space, recesses, bump-outs, heat registers, challenging windows, and dated carpet or wall treatments.
All the things that make Empire chandeliers challenging for small spaces make them ideal for large, open foyers.
If you are considering a career as a makeup artist, know the competition is fierce and the road can be a challenging one.
The popular online fashion site features a few of the most challenging online fashion and makeup oriented games.
If drawing an even line is too challenging, then draw little dots and then just connect them.
If you already know you suffer from the all too common shaky hand, rest your elbow on a table and lean forward to apply your liquid eyeliner (which is always more challenging to master).
However, getting your hands on the collection can be challenging.
Clinique Workout Makeup is being discontinued after 20+ years on the market and could already prove to be challenging to find, so if you're interested in trying it out, make your purchase when you see that your shade is available.
The more members, or team fantasy owners, are included in the league, the more split the players are, equaling a tougher and more challenging season.
Draft leagues are much more challenging than bracket pools.
The challenging part of this game is to keep the character happy while balancing their needs and wants, much like real life.
The Sim's virtual animal world is a less well-known version of The Sims, but fun and challenging nonetheless.
This is a perfect game for kids or adults because the clues are challenging enough for all age groups.
It's more challenging that sitting in your living room where the entire family solves the puzzle together.
Learning how to take sexy pictures is one of the more challenging assignments for a photographer.
Learning how to take sensual photographs of women can be more challenging than other types of photography that use human subjects.
Possible disadvantages to using GIMP are its challenging learning curve and its three-window interface.
Without a doubt the greatest and potentially most challenging part of a photographer's experience working at a portrait studio will be working with people.
Figuring out what is the best digital camera to buy can be challenging.
There may be few keepsakes more cherished than a stunning shot of your entire clan, but coming up with fresh family portrait ideas year after year can be challenging.
Photographing the moon can be especially challenging for amateur shutterbugs.
Framing fireworks is challenging given that you don't know where the first ones will explode and how many will be set off at the start.
Keep in mind that capturing traffic patterns is a lot like time lapse photography and initially can be challenging for the novice photographer.
The goal is to draw attention to your photo by thinking outside the box and challenging conventional norms.
However, given the staggering amount of digital models on the market, this too can be a challenging task.
The Mojito has rapidly become the quintessential drink of the summer, challenging such classics as gin and tonics, margaritas, mint juleps, daiquiris, and the ever-popular martini.
To be able to invent recipes, entrees, and desserts that are 100 percent raw organic and yet look and taste cooked, baked or deep fried is amazingly challenging!
Start out with something easy and move on to more challenging designs as your skill level improves.
One of the more challenging aspects of scrapbooking with printable stickers involves how to cut out your design.
Coming up with a suitable scrapbook paper storage solution is often a challenging task, but staying organized will make it much easier for you to create layouts for your album.
Whether you are looking for a weekend getaway or a one night stay, there is sure to be an area that meets your needs and allows you to not only enjoy the scenic mountains of Pennsylvania but the challenging slopes as well.
Even experienced meteorologists in towns located near ski resorts find it challenging to accurately predict exactly how much fluffy snow you're likely to have during the five days you'll be visiting a resort.
In snowy weather, this can be pretty challenging.
The Nordic Track allow you to the adjust the elevation, so you can get in shape for those challenging ascents.
Eight lifts serve 76 extremely challenging trails.
What the Treetops ski resort lacks in challenging terrain it makes up for in sheer, picturesque beauty.
Every day of the year the company tests new developments on some of the world's most challenging terrain.
The long, impeccably groomed Vasa Pathway is characterized by its challenging hills and varied scenery.
Its high altitude glaciers offer challenging terrain for skiers and snowboarders.
This ski area also has backcountry trails along with some of the most challenging terrain in the area.
Black Diamond is the most challenging and unpredictable.
This resort only has two ski lifts and a challenging terrain park, but it's the only resort in the state of California to offer lighted night skiing for cross country skiers.
The mellow slopes are idea for beginners and families, although there are plenty of more challenging runs as well if you're more advanced.
The same number can only show up once in a given row or column, making this game challenging and potentially time consuming.
Getting fit doesn't have to be expensive, and it's easy to do a challenging, stress-relieving workout at home.
This creates a dangerous cycle that is challenging to stop.
In the past, many experts recommended having a six-month energy fund; however, in response to these economically challenging times, the recommendation is a year's worth of emergency money.
Spending a quiet moment alone doing nothing but breathing and relaxing your body will lower your heart rate and make it easier to focus and handle challenging situations.
A pressure to conform to the group is particularly challenging when you already feel different.
Because you go to an all-girl school, it can sometimes make it challenging to date, as you already know.
Lastly, physical science, quite possibly the most challenging of all taught science in the middle school, is presented through textbooks and demonstrations.
As awkward and intimidating as it may sound, administering sex education for teens is one of the most important jobs you can have as an advocate, mentor, teacher, or friend to this diverse and often challenging demographic.
Parenting teens can be a challenging experience.
Making the final decision on a theme can be challenging.
The short and long term effects of teen abortion can be both mentally and physically challenging.
As anyone who has ever had to shop for a preteen knows, gifts for tween girls can be challenging to say the least.
Finding actual modeling jobs is challenging.
Even better is setting different activity goals, like challenging yourself to a new exercise or sport each week.
Parenting a pre teenage girl might seem harder than parenting a pre teenage boy, but both genders go through the same mood swings and emotional changes and can be just as challenging.
Not surprisingly, choosing someone to record the major milestone can be challenging.
Finding the perfect wedding gift that is meaningful and different can be challenging, but there are many options available today sure to please even the most discerning couples.
Choosing a hairstyle is more challenging than just finding a pretty look, however.
Shopping for a plus size bridesmaid dress can be a challenging experience.
The wedding planning process can be challenging for many couples.
The wedding registry for Macy's stores are run by the and since they are two separate companies, ordering and returning items may be challenging in some cases.
The mother of the bride outfit can be challenging to find, but there are many different dress and suit options for stylish mothers to feel comfortable and fashionable on their daughter's wedding day.
Choosing a date is one of the first hurdles you will take on, and it can either be simple or challenging.
It can also be daunting and challenging.
Knowing someone who suffers from pathological lying is challenging.
Confronting someone about a lying problem is challenging.
It's also why, if you are dealing with a challenging situation, you may not be able to overcome it as easily as someone else would.
You may need to take some medication temporarily to help you get on that stable platform so you can finally overcome your challenging situation.
For those who do, it can be challenging to stay smoke-free.
Picking just one out of the myriad of creative birthday cake designs available is a fun and challenging part of decorating.
They do require special equipment, however, and many may be too challenging for beginning decorators.
Making a domed ladybug birthday cake is just slightly more challenging than making a round ladybug cake, so it's well suited to beginning or intermediate decorators.
Her superb acting talent is well-utilized in "Ugly Betty," and her versatility is obvious through the diversity of unique and challenging roles she takes.
The school is a non-profit "wilderness" school that takes groups of children out into the wilderness and teaches them things like self-reliance, teamwork and leadership via challenging outdoor adventures.
She went on to star in the highly successful films Bobby and Mr. Brooks, and continues to pursue challenging Hollywood movie roles.
In addition to his Hollywood roles, Jackman has continued to take on challenging spots in theater productions and musicals, including Carousel and The Boy from Oz.
Known for being exceptionally self-assured and poised, Kristen Stewart seems to have a talent for finding challenging roles that showcase the best of her skills.
Jewish movie stars have been a part of Hollywood since the very beginning, since the days of Mae West challenging men to come up and see her sometime and the Three Stooges doing slapstick.
Discount girls dresses have become more popular than ever as a result of today's challenging economic times.
The flipside to this is if your child absolutely adores a marked down item the chances of finding an exact replica down the road may be challenging.
I have to wear many hats every day, the creative designer and the practical business owner which is often challenging.
These can all be challenging for parents to work with, but manageable with the right attention and efforts.
Shopping for Wubbzy pajamas can be challenging, as supplies appear limited.
Students who are searching for an academically challenging collegiate environment may find themselves looking for a list of Ivy League schools.
Independent workers and people with lots of self-discipline may find the process easiest, but all students should be aware that the curriculum will be challenging and may take a long time to complete.
A program should be challenging with a successful graduation rate.
Though the curriculums and classes online are just as challenging as others, having the opportunity to learn independently and self-paced progress can make all the difference for many students.
It's important to note that even in print-based courses, typing assignments is almost always required, so students that do not have computers or consistent computer access may find it challenging to complete the requirements.
Students who live abroad or in remote locations with unreliable Internet access may find it very challenging to access the course materials for electronically advanced programs.
The degree programs are expensive and challenging for a reason.
Fortunately, for educational purposes, distance learning graduate courses are as challenging for the student as on-campus courses and in some instances, more so.
Some courses will build on those types of assignments by challenging the plan with sudden alterations, problems and unforeseen issues.
For college freshmen, the situation can be even more challenging because they're adjusting to new, independent lifestyles at the same time they're trying to keep their schedules straight.
Locating the one that has the programs you are interested in pursuing may be a bit more challenging.
The program requires 30 hours in order to complete and it is rigorous, demanding, and extremely challenging.
Recent graduates of paralegal schools traditionally find entry-level positions with law firms or in corporate legal departments and pursue more challenging and financially rewarding jobs as they gain experience.
You can learn a lot about a school's academics and how challenging it might be by visiting the institution yourself, talking with professors, and sitting in on classes.
For example, Penn State is known for offering challenging, enriching classes and expecting a lot of its students.
With so many different wardrobe items to take, it can be challenging to fit it all in a limited amount of luggage, especially for passengers who will also be navigating air travel before and after their cruise.
If you are a novice cruiser, then you might find it challenging to figure out what to bring along on your weeklong voyage.
Finding the cheapest Christmas cruises can be challenging.
Selecting a river cruise through Austria can be challenging because there is so much to see and do.
Selecting the ideal Avalon river cruises for your needs and wants can be challenging since there are so many options available.
The economic crisis has made finding sailings on the Mighty Mississippi from Memphis an extremely challenging proposition.
This can be challenging since the window for Antarctica voyages is so limited.
Many dogs will also struggle to return to the owner, making the grooming more challenging for the mobile groomer.
Training any size dog can be challenging, especially for canine owners who aren't dog behavior experts.
Housebreaking a dog is one of the more challenging and frustrating aspects of pet ownership.
Cutting a dog's nails is one of the more challenging aspects of dog ownership, but it's critical to maintaining the health and wellness of your dog.
Trying to determine which breed a mutt is can be a fun but challenging task.
For the home gardener, using PVC or plastic compounds to create raised beds may be challenging.
This set covers the basics and primes you for a more challenging follow up course.
This is one of the most challenging aspects of learning the lap steel, and it will take practice to learn correct finger picking techniques.
Acoustic guitar sheet music gives guitar players a chance to learn challenging and historical musical pieces.
Cable track lights provide a practical solution to challenging design situations.
This no-nonsense magazine offers detailed instructions and doesn't shy away from challenging jobs.
A basement renovation can be more challenging than working on a room above ground.
So not only is it challenging to find storage space for your new rooms, sometimes you also need to find a place to move your stored items before you begin remodeling.
Working on rooftops can be challenging and dangerous.
Handling a vinyl sheet flooring installation yourself can be challenging.
Sometimes this can be challenging, especially of the showerhead is old.
It sounds easy enough but it is challenging to many people to achieve a smooth finished result.
The track can be bent to contour any challenging application, like a curved wall or ceiling.
Choosing jewelry for 11 year old girls can sometimes be challenging.
They can be a perfect gift if your friend is going through a challenging life event or if you've recently received support from a friend.
Tailors used to work with silk all the time, but there are many who now prefer not to, or will charge you considerably more money for designing a suit in pure silk, because the fabric can be a little more challenging to work with.
It is commonly worn with a tuxedo and is known for being notoriously challenging to tie.
A small man will find it challenging to shop in a department full of clothing geared toward average-size males, while exceptionally tall men can expect to experience the same thing.
A soft, supple leather will move with you rather than making it challenging to move as a heavier coat would, but the dense material will offer all the warmth you could need on a crisp night without bulk.
A healthy organic pregnancy diet gives your baby the best chance to develop and thrive while also providing you with the nutrients you need during this physically challenging time.
This means that those looking for high quality organic foods may find it somewhat challenging if they do not live in a highly populated area.
Shopping for a garment like cargos, complete with zippers, pockets, and buttons that draw attention to your lower half, doesn't have to be challenging.
Buying a flattering plus-sized swimsuit can be challenging enough.
Even though there are many choices available in plus size active wear, athletic clothing in extended sizes in this style of women's apparel may be a bit more challenging to find.
Just like other clothes for full figures, plus size formal wear can be challenging to find.
This can be very challenging when searching for orthodox women's plus size clothes, conservative outfits and wedding gowns.
Bringing all of the elements together is challenging but you may find your dream gown just by browsing through a selection of modest plus size bridal gowns.
Shopping for plus sized Gothic dresses can be challenging but some stores are dedicated to making darkly gorgeous outfits specifically for fuller figures.
One of the most challenging garments to find is plus sized button fly jeans.
Patterns can be challenging for a different reason.
This classic look is flattering for many women but it can be challenging for those who prefer to keep their arms covered.
Special occasion dresses for summertime can be challenging to find in brick-and-mortar stores but many online options are available.
Unfortunately, finding plus size Dallas Cowboys lingerie proves a bit more challenging.
Shopping for upscale clothing in particular has long proven quite challenging.
It's often rather challenging to order garments online, especially if you've never had the opportunity to try them on before.
As with any piece of lingerie, it can be challenging finding a selection that genuinely flatters your body - particularly when the item in question is so revealing.
While there is a larger selection of plus size formals, finding size 22 formal dresses is more challenging than finding plus size options in sizes 20 and lower.
Its appeal is universal, but tracking down a cute little black dress size 18 style might prove challenging.
It may seem a tall order to track down a petite misses dress in size 16, but it's really not as challenging as you might think.
While dresses in a size 18 petite can be challenging to find, there are great finds out there, many by top-name designers.
Formal gowns and dresses can be challenging at times for plus size women.
Though it may seem challenging at first to track down plus size 3X western belts, rest assured that they are available!
Put the two together, though, and you have an even more challenging beast altogether.
For example, a fabulous evening dress or a great interview suit might be challenging to find - if only because both need to look absolutely flawless!
Though it can certainly be challenging finding clothes that meet all of your requirements, it's not impossible.
Finding affordable, fashionably pants for full-figured women can be challenging, and to make matters more difficult, many manufacturers label garments as either women's sizes, plus sizes, or a mixture of both.
Finding tunics in extended sizes is challenging and the selectionssomewhat limited, but you can find an extensive range of sizes, colors, and styles when you shop online.
Finding plus size clothing can be challenging enough, but sourcing a specialty item such as a leather jacket can seem overwhelming.
Shorter days in the fall can make it more challenging to see hazards on the road.
Dealing with the public can be challenging at the best of times, and a cashier is often on the front lines dealing with customers who have issues with a product, pricing or the service they received while shopping.
This can be challenging for even the most mature individual and when you factor in the relatively low pay for this job, the fact that there is a high turnover for cashiers should come as no surprise.
Shift work can make it challenging for a worker to adjust to his or her schedule and get the proper amount of rest.
Learning to sleep during daylight hours and working at night can be very challenging for the miner, as well as his or her family members, who may need to make concessions to their schedule or activities because of the schedule.
Even in the best of circumstances, persuading a loved one to spend his or her time at an adult center can be challenging.
In depression, cognitive skills such as speaking, reading and writing are rarely effected, while in dementia these skills often disintegrate and become challenging to the patient.
Everyone loves receiving gifts, including seniors, but sometimes finding the right gift for them seems very challenging.
The reduced cardiac function can make physical activity challenging, cause dizzy spells (especially when someone stands up for too long) and lead to falls and other injuries.
Individuals in this stage are unable to perform challenging mental arithmetic, such as counting backward from 75 by 7s.
Many family members are happy to help out seniors on a casual basis, but it can be more challenging when rides are needed every day or week.
They enjoy solving puzzles, doing creative or challenging activities, and will be looking forward to pursuing hobbies and exploring new territory.
Coloring gray hair can be tricky and challenging.
Seniors are no different, but aging can bring changes that make shopping for fashionable attire challenging, at best.
In addition, it can provide a source of fashion information and up-to-date fashions for seniors for whom shopping is challenging.
Finding helpful information about Del Mar snoring treatment options can be very challenging.
Determining the causes of snoring can be challenging in some cases.
In addition, interpreting dream symbols using words becomes challenging.
Ideally, the equipment should be replaced before problems occur, which can make timing new purchases challenging.
Identifying hypopnea can be more challenging because the sleeper does not necessarily snore or stop breathing.
While continuous positive airway pressure is the most effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, it can be challenging.
The challenging thing is extracting meaning from this type of dream before the events happen.
It is challenging to have to face the day on little to no sleep.
Finding one you feel confident in when it comes to choosing the best lenses for your eyes and any eye trouble you have could be even more challenging.
We understand that shopping for eyewear online can be challenging.
However, finding thin, sleek cases may prove more challenging than finding their bulkier counterparts.
Learning how to put in contact lenses can be a bit challenging at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will find that there is absolutely nothing to it.
The square shape is more challenging to come by than round, for example.
It's a durable option for those wanting to protect their eyes while taking part in challenging activities.
They could be challenging to find since they've been discontinued.
They can be challenging to find, though, so eBay may be your best bet.
As riders draw closer to the boarding platform, they are surrounded by tribal masks, 40 foot high burning torches, and other exotic theming that sets the mood for this challenging ride.
Challenging the fastest roller coaster in the world is the ultimate theme park getaway for thrill-seekers, and there are several astonishingly speedy coasters to choose from at parks around the world.
Challenging speed limits can be an instant thrill, and the fastest roller coaster designs in the world offer a safe and fun way to enjoy tremendous speeds.
Varied elevations contribute to the diversity of this challenging course, and the layout both begins and ends near the resort for guests' convenience.
Individual discounts can be challenging to find for specific parks, however, and savvy visitors who know how to find the best deals can score great savings when they visit theme and amusement parks.
By allowing users to manipulate different factors that affect how a coaster performs, any would-be engineer can begin to understand how complex and challenging it can be to build a roller coaster.
Working as a Disney performer is both a challenging and rewarding experience, providing you the opportunity to bring a little magic into the lives of countless individuals every day.
In order to get through some of the most challenging sections, you might need to read a guide to Gamecube walkthroughs.
Whether you're looking for a retro side-scroller, a new fighting game, or a challenging puzzle title, the PlayStation Network has something for you to enjoy at a reasonable price.
The original Mega Man series on the Nintendo Entertainment System was very popular, but also very challenging.
If you're having trouble getting through some of the more challenging parts in your favorite games, you may want to consider using some new GameCube codes to get you through to the next stage.
Just be forewarned that this glitch can be challenging to do.
Rock Band 3, for instance, introduced the incredibly challenging and increasingly realistic Pro Mode.
In Bungee mode, the game zooms in and out, making game play a little challenging.
Try making it more challenging for yourself by creating one type of mech and try to beat the game again without modifying it in any way.
The action is intense, challenging, and richly rewarding.