Challenged Sentence Examples
Sand challenged her first couple of steps.
He poked thumbs into his pockets and challenged her.
Fred challenged as Dean entered the door.
Gabe snorted, knowing his assassins were unaccustomed to being challenged by anyone.
His intent gaze challenged her to deny the statement.
Your claim on the kingdom would be less challenged by the people than another's claim.
Any death is deeply regrettable... as I understand the situation, the man was challenged and refused to obey police instructions.
The number of people who want to be challenged by their work is encouragingly high.
Later, when they were alone, Carmen challenged Alex about his response.
A creature that bored with life was going to corner and sink his fangs into anything that challenged him.
AdvertisementChallenged by Natorp; see Theology.
Luther himself challenged them.
Most children with the benefit of a loving family environment, one where honesty is valued and modeled and dishonesty is appropriately challenged, will more often than not come to recognize that lying is not an acceptable behavior.
Single-parent families are challenged in other ways.
All council officers carry identity cards and are quite used to being challenged - if in doubt, check it out !
AdvertisementIf you are planning on eating out gluten-free in Marshfield, you will likely be challenged.
As your child grows, she needs to be challenged in all aspects of her environment, including school and home.
You should expect that your children will learn many new skills at summer camp and be challenged to try new and exciting things.
Sometimes, however, it was also her dislikes and texture preferences that challenged me to be more creative, to figure out how to make a vegetable appeal to kids.
Their good deeds were often challenged by the evil Professor Cold Heart, the evil wizard No Heart and the monstrous Dark Heart.
AdvertisementYou may find yourself challenged to try new recipes in order to use all of the items in the box.
Girls of any height can wear these vertically challenged shoes.
Many users have submitted personal reviews to Avon claiming that they've alleviated back pain and challenged new muscle groups with their purchase.
Cast members of DOOL are often challenged by multiple character studies that are the hallmark of the soap's storytelling.
Slezak has won a record six Daytime Emmy Awards for her portrayal as the psychologically challenged principal character on the popular ABC soap.
AdvertisementIn the 2008-2009 television season, Grey's Anatomy challenged fans when they brought the character Denny Duquette back in Izzie Stevens visions.
She challenged her interns to diagnose her symptoms as a mystery patient.
Life During Wartime - Owen Hunt rocks the boat and Bailey is challenged by an inoperable tumor.
One Life to Live challenged its audience with fantastic risks in storytelling.
Midir challenged the High King to three games of chess, and the prize for the winner was a kiss from Etain.
However, she also makes sure that people whose skill level does not require them to use a chair will also be challenged by her routine.
Yet, the validity of Wakefield's study was soon challenged by other members of the medical community.
Treatments target learning disabilities, skill building, communication and overall development for people challenged by Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and other developmental disabilities.
This was both costly and presented difficulties since long-distance defenses are communicationally challenged, not to mention expensive, both in long distance phone charges and attorneys billing by the minute for update calls.
Remember that you need to be able to defend your hiring practices as being clearly nondiscriminatory if the decision you make is challenged.
Players and cheerleaders where their uniforms, and the rest of the school is challenged to dress from head to toe in school colors.
If you're "organizationally challenged", having everything written down in one place is the key that unlocks the world of the organized.
However, having it all at hand in one easy reference is just what the organizationally challenged need sometimes to get it all together.
Change things up so you stay challenged and have fun.
Any diet that proposes a long-term drastic change in your eating habits should be challenged.
Celebrities challenged Pasternak to design an effective yet healthy diet that could fit into their hectic lifestyle.
For those who feel challenged when it comes to exercise, the book offers 27 strengthening and toning exercises along with photos and instructions and an exercise DVD can also be purchased.
Either way, the important thing is that you fit that sweet spot between not being challenged and getting in over your head.
Qualified instructors understand how to conduct a good class and how the body reacts to being physically challenged.
Then I challenged who they were, and they broke down saying, "We'll take you back to the room and you can see our portfolio.
Tye dying is a little bit messy, but it is super easy and even the most creatively challenged person can do it with no problem.
Though some people settled, some people challenged their cases, usually successfully.
Season 3 is perhaps best remembered for the caliber of the talent of contestants, not to mention the staying power of one arguably musically challenged Idol hopeful.
Similar to Hair in the 1960s, Rent came along in 1996 and challenged the conservatism of musical theater and forced audience members to consider controversial issues surrounding drug use, sexuality, and AIDS.
The jury is still out on the legality of P2P networks, and everyone who has challenged the RIAA lawsuits has won - but you can't assume that you will.
From classic rock to current teeny bopper tunes, contestants are challenged to remember the words to a diverse array of songs.
Host Ty Pennington and his team help out families in need including hurricane damage, financially and medically challenged families and military families.
Some of the original events remained while new games like "Vertigo" and "Snapback" challenged new contestants wishing to be a Grand Champion.
On the show, the contestants are challenged to subdue their bad-boy sides and control themselves.
Malik heads up The Definition, a hip hop crew challenged by Tyler.
The staff is frequently challenged through various missions and Marc works hands on with the staff to evaluate their needs, even when members are frequently late.
Viewership of these shows, such as the VH1 Flavor of Love/Rock of Love franchises, has often challenged non-reality based network television shows with larger promotional budgets.
He also competed on CMT's reality show Gone Country, which challenged musician from other genres to play country music and win the release of their own country single.
Hosted by Joe Rogan, the show challenged competitors to face their fears, complete tasks, and work their way toward the $50,000 grand prize.
Fear Factor was never more real to contestants and viewers than during tasks that challenged participants to eat something truly vile.
Carmen set her jaw and challenged them each with a stern look.
How does that work, Sofia? he challenged in a husky tone.
When we were on the beach last, you challenged me to win you over.
But if she challenged him on this point, she saw him making it impossible for her to die on her own terms.
She really didn't give a damn if he wasn't used to being challenged.
He's unaccustomed to having his authority challenged.
He wiped his face, and she sensed again he was unaccustomed to being challenged.
Most who challenged him soon learned just how wild and deep his power ran.
What if she chooses one of your brothers? she challenged.
No one challenged him, for the Immortals had no idea what he.d done.
She'd avoided the galley Evelyn had tried for three days to drag her to and said it would prove they were on a ship after she challenged Evelyn to prove it wasn't a dream.
Old enough to think you should have accumulated more by now, and young enough to feel challenged to do something about it while you have the time.
So why had he challenged Josh?
That's what you do every time your morals are challenged.
Guards hung back in a loose perimeter around him, but they had thus far not challenged him.
Hilden had greeted her at the walls and escorted her to the center of the city lest she be challenged by patrolling guards.
He had been challenged in nearly every way, but the idea that he might not be the best lover troubled him the most.
Marsyas found it, and having acquired great skill in playing it, challenged Apollo to a contest with his lyre.
Sella, uncertain of the loyalty of the Right, challenged a vote on the immediate discussion of further financial reforms, and on the 23rd of June was overthrown by a coalition of the Left under Depretis with a part of the Right under Minghetti and the Tuscan Centre under Correnti.
These views of Duhm, in which a severe distinction is thus drawn between the representation of Yahweh's servant in the servant-passages, and that which meets us in the rest of the Deutero-Isaiah, have been challenged by a succession of critics.'
The metals he produced are said to have proved genuine on assay; when, however, in the following year he was challenged to repeat the experiments he was unable to do so and committed suicide.
On reaching the country of the Bebryces, they again landed to get water, and were challenged by the king, Amycus, to match him with a boxer.
His fame was not confined to his own country, for it is said that Voltaire, when challenged to produce a character as perfect as that of Christ, at once mentioned Fletcher of Madeley.
Nobody would take his part, and at last, nearly three months after the outrage, he challenged Rohan, who accepted the challenge, but on the morning appointed for the duel Voltaire was arrested and sent for the second time to the Bastille.
The so-called first edition of the Speculum Majus, including the Speculum Morale, ascribed to Johann Mentelin and long celebrated as the earliest work printed at Strassburg, has lately been challenged as being only an earlier edition of Vincent's three genuine Specula (c. 1468-70), with which has been bound up the Speculum Morale first printed by Mentelin (c. 1 473-7 6).
A creature of the Arrabbiati, a Franciscan friar named Francesco di Puglia, challenged Savonarola to prove the truth of his doctrines by the ordeal of fire.
He slays a foe of Arthur's, the Red Knight, who has insulted the king, and challenged the knights of the court, who, for some mysterious reason, are unable to respond to the challenge.
These proceedings were challenged in the House of Lords by Lord Houghton, and the lord chancellor (Westbury), speaking on behalf of the government, stated that if there was any ' `synodical judgment" it would be a violation of the law, subjecting those concerned in it to the penalties of a praemunire, but that the sentence in question was "simply nothing, literally no sentence at all."
This conclusion has never been seriously challenged.
This decision was at once challenged, on the 19th of April, by the protest of the Evangelical states (whence the name Protestants); and the effect of this disclaimer was not small.
They at once took a place in English literature which has never been seriously challenged.
Turenne then laid waste the Palatinate, in order that it should no longer support an army, and fell back over the Rhine, ignoring the reproaches of the elector palatine, who vainly challenged him to a duel.
The school was denounced in the press, was not pecuniarily successful, and in 1839 was given up, although Alcott had won the affection of his pupils, and his educational experiments had challenged the attention of students of pedagogy.
They were especially anxious to gain Bern, and Zwingli challenged the Romanists to a public disputation in that city.
This was attributed by his opponents to personal motives, and a letter from Greeley to Seward, the publication of which he challenged, was produced, to show that in his struggling days he had been wounded at Seward's failure to offer him office.
Nor was it till late in the 18th century that criticism seriously challenged the dominance of the Protestant scholastic treatment of the Old Testament on the one hand, and the rough and ready, uncritical explanations or depreciations of the Rationalists on the other.
Even in the case of the two more important epistles, i Peter and James, we have to add the qualification " if genuine," but rather perhaps because of the persistence with which they are challenged than because of inherent defect of attestation.
He especially pointed out the laws of the " extinction of the specialized " and " survival of the non-specialized " forms of life, and challenged Darwin's principle of selection as an explanation of the origin of adaptations by saying that the " survival of the fittest " does not explain the " origin of the fittest."
He had on the 26th of November 1559, in a sermon at St Paul's Cross, challenged all corners to prove the Roman case out of the Scriptures, or the councils or Fathers for the first six hundred years after Christ.
These rolls are open to public inspection, and the names may be challenged at the polls, and " colonization " or repeating is therefore almost impossible.
The Celtic element, never quite extinct in those hills and, like most forms of barbarism, reasserting itself in this wild age - not without reinforcement from Ireland - challenged the remnants of Roman civilization and in the end absorbed them.
The genuineness of these so-called translations from the works of a 3rd-century bard was immediately challenged in England, and Dr Johnson, after some local investigation, asserted (Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 1775) that Macpherson had only found fragments of ancient poems and stories, which he had woven into a romance of his own composition.
Elizabeth, by the mouth of her chief justice, formally rebuked the audacity of the subjects who durst bring such a charge against their sovereign, and challenged them to advance their proofs.
Yielding to the wish of his party friends, on the 24th of July, Lincoln challenged Douglas to a joint public discussion.'
The gods of Olympus are challenged one by one, and shown to be either vile or helpless, or both at once.
In fact, the Koran boldly challenged its opponents to produce ten suras, or even a single one, like those of the sacred book, and they never did so.
In 1906 the question of uniting Allegheny with Pittsburg under one municipal government was submitted to a joint vote of the electorate of the two cities, in accordance with an act of the state legislature, which had been passed in February of that year, and a large majority voted for the union; but there was determined opposition in Allegheny, every ward of the city voting in the negative; the constitutionality of the act was challenged; the supreme court of the state on the 11th of March 1907 declared the act valid, and on the 18th of November 1907 this decision was affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Suffolk, realizing that an attack on himself was inevitable, boldly challenged his enemies in parliament, appealing to the long and honourable record of his public services.
Surrey, who was ill-provisioned, challenged him to fight on the open field of Wooler Haugh.
These declarations were never openly challenged, and in 1912-4 the British Government entered into far-reaching negotiations with the Turkish and German Governments with the object of regularizing the position.
And again, when they challenged His disciples for not observing the regular fasts, He gently reminded them that they themselves relaxed the discipline of fasting for a bridegroom's friends.
Moreover the very fact that there were two challenged a new and combined work which perhaps should supersede both.
It is as a lyric poet that Goethe's supremacy is least likely to be challenged; he has given his nation, whose highest literary expression has in all ages been essentially lyric, its greatest songs.
This supremacy was first challenged about the 8th century by Sparta.
The charge was that Rabirius had killed Saturninus in zoo B.C., and by bringing it the democrats challenged the right of the senate to declare a man a public enemy.
But there were numbers of cases when the discussion as to servile status turned not on these formal points but on an examination of the services performed by the person claimed as a villein or challenged as holding in villenage.
This point is challenged by all the many ideal theories of judgment already quoted.
They are not to be used as premises but as immanent laws of thought, save only when an inference from true or admitted premises and correct in form is challenged.
On the other hand, under stress of his revolt the papacy could not but develop in a strongly anti-Protestant direction, laying exaggerated emphasis on every point he challenged.
From 1258 to 1335 the Ilkhans were not seriously challenged.
The mode of electing officers, and the system of management generally, was challenged by three members who called themselves "artificers, poor men of the craft of goldsmiths."
Two great powers, Egypt and Turkey, challenged the naval and commercial supremacy of the Portuguese, but an Egyptian armada was destroyed by Almeida in 1509, and though Ottoman fleets were on several occasions (as in 1517 and 1521) despatched from Suez or Basra, they failed to achieve any success, and the Portuguese were able to close the two principal trade routes 1 Decadas, XII.
His second wife, the "wanton Shrewsbury" of Pope, a daughter of the earl of Cardigan, was seduced by the duke of Buckingham, whom the outraged husband challenged to a duel.
Leagues and counterleagues were formed; and a confederacy of cities, with Milan at its head, challenged the strength of Germany under one of its sternest emperors, Frederick Barbarossa.
At the same time he challenged Roberval and Fermat to construct the tangent; Roberval failed but Fermat succeeded.
In the earlier days of the agitation, he challenged the hostility which often mobbed the anti-slavery gatherings; in the later days he consulted with the political leaders, inspiring the patriotism of the North, and sedulously setting himself to create a public opinion which should confirm and ratify the emancipation proclamation whenever the president should issue it.
Mowbray denied it, ment of and challenged his accuser to a judicial duel.
One after another all the cardinal doctrines were challenged by writers who were generally acute, and almost invariably vituperative.
Brooks (1819-1857), for his assault upon Senator Charles Sumner, was challenged by Brooks.
There is no trace that any Jewish Christian critics challenged St Paul's Christology.
In Christology the tradition has been more frequently challenged since the Reformation.
Challenged by Arminianism in Holland, the Calvinistic theology replied in the Confession of Dort; at which Synod English delegates were present.
It is now, however, the chief means by which the policy or action of the ministry of the day is challenged.
From the first European traders set up factories here, and after the ruin of Satgaon by the silting up of the mouth of the Saraswati it gained a position, as the great trading centre of Bengal, which was not challenged until after the foundation of Calcutta.
Even in the time of Copernicus some well-meaning persons, especially those of the reformed persuasion, had suspected a discrepancy between the new view of the solar system and certain passages of Scripture - a suspicion strengthened by the antiChristian inferences drawn from it by Giordano Bruno; but the question was never formally debated until Galileo's brilliant disclosures, enhanced by his formidable dialectic and enthusiastic zeal, irresistibly challenged for it the attention of the authorities.
When he went to Frankfort he was still under the influence of the extreme Prussian Conservatives, men like the Gerlachs, who regarded the maintenance of the principle of the form of bitter personal hostility; in 1863 the ministers refused any longer to attend the sittings, and Bismarck challenged Virchow, one of his strongest opponents, to a duel, which, however, did not take place.
His high-handed course of action in defence of what he conceived to be the sovereign rights of his own province of Holland to decide upon religious questions within its borders may be challenged on the ground of inexpediency, but not of illegality.
Do you know what happens if you lose a wager to a deity? past-Death challenged.
He.d expected some towering monstrosity from the legendary demon who challenged the Dark One.
Landis's guards were many, but no one challenged a lowly page on his master's horse.
Taran's gaze went as often there as it did toward the Springs, but none of Landis's men challenged Vara to join the battle.
From the day he met her – when she needlessly challenged the fox in the chicken house – it had been apparent that she needed his protection.
At stage three, the prevailing paradigm of what it means to use a computer in school is challenged.
The old, traditionally Protestant, industries are in decline or are increasingly being challenged through the equality agenda.
Sensitive patients challenged with an extract of poison ivy orally developed degranulation of circulating basophils within an hour (Shelley & Resnik 1965 ).
Children are given a bean by Barnardo's and challenged to grow a beanstalk.
Being a cocky little devil, he challenged my bossy little collie bitch, who immediately put him in his place.
In many respects, the established canons of visual communication theory have been challenged.
Wayne Rooney has ' challenged ' boxing champion Ricky Hatton to a fight.
Even his final apparent acknowledgment of a form of direct complicity he challenged later himself.
Skeptics such as James Young have challenged the innate conservatism of most sites of memory.
Her beliefs are challenged, she re-evaluates her life, almost it seems, like a midlife crisis happening at the age of thirty.
Indeed, whenever animal owners challenged the legality of the contiguous cull, MAFF found some way to back down.
He stood six feet four inches tall and his stature helped to silence any of the illicit distillers who challenged the newly licensed distillery.
The RP that is now challenged only became a dogma in the late 19th century, fostered by the public school system.
They challenged me and made me realize that my potential as a blind equestrian lies beyond being given pony rides.
The TNCs must also be dismantled and the state must be challenged and their efforts to promote neo-liberal globalization must be resisted and overcome.
However, the government's go-ahead could yet be challenged in the courts.
Well now you automatically get challenged by three computer controlled training gremlins, to get you under way quicker.
Firstly, a selfish hegemony will also be a challenged hegemony.
These crops will grow very quickly and are more likely to be challenged by blight inoculum earlier in their growth.
Entrants were challenged to predict which of the chosen 10 jockeys would perform best.
I was so greatful I did cry and thanked wiry lad profusely as he ran away from hormonally challenged madwoman.
On the other hand, Serbian nationalists challenged the equation of the experience of the Serbs during the war.
Only washington minnesota baychang's petition challenged seen from players to for additional.
It is this arcane, pre-modern polity that is being challenged by the demand for Scottish independence.
In-work poverty must be challenged and that means addressing the problems of low pay and poor working conditions.
It is also taken to mean that no religious precept must be challenged by the organs of society.
The manner in which they did this challenged the conventions of human/animal interaction as well as the traditional wisdom of lion pride behavior.
He will be challenged to find bargains in an industry that has seen real estate prices skyrocket in recent years.
He challenged and encouraged the people who had returned from exile to rebuild the temple.
A famous 1996 no-go theorem by Lo, Chau, and Mayers claims that no such protocol exists, but has been repeatedly challenged.
A lawyer for the parents said the ruling was a " real vindication " for those families who challenged the school board.
They are a shared vision of how to create a world class future in some of the most challenged parts of London.
Second, the almost wilful refusal to accept evidence which challenged the thrust of the Bill.
If Socinianism had challenged natural theology - Christ, according to it, was the prophet who first revealed the way to eternal life - it had glorified the natural powers of man; and the learning of the Arminian divines (friends of Grotius and Locke) had helped to modernize Christian apologetics upon rational lines.
And it was directly challenged by the representatives of Mr Chamberlain's school of Imperialist thought (see Chamberlain, Joseph).
No less an authority than the ex-premier Protic publicly challenged the constitutional validity of such action.
In his early years he is known to have challenged Lord Grey for a supposed reflection on the veracity of the Irish people (September 1681), and in the December of that year he was run through the body in a duel in which he engaged as second.
His speculations were thoroughly in harmony with the ideas and sentiment of the time, and his historical arguments, especially his long array of testimonies to the work of Peisistratus, were hardly challenged.
On the other hand, the ethical optimism of Shaftesbury, rather broadly impressive than exactly reasoned, and connected as it was with a natural theology that implied the Christian scheme to be superfluous, challenged attack equally from orthodox divines and from cynical freethinkers.
He remembered the expression Dolokhov's face assumed in his moments of cruelty, as when tying the policeman to the bear and dropping them into the water, or when he challenged a man to a duel without any reason, or shot a post-boy's horse with a pistol.
That I shall be the laughingstock of all Moscow, that everyone will say that you, drunk and not knowing what you were about, challenged a man you are jealous of without cause.
And the memory of the dinner at the English Club when he had challenged Dolokhov flashed through Pierre's mind, and then he remembered his benefactor at Torzhok.
Challenged by this question Pierre raised his head and felt a need to express the thoughts that filled his mind.
Mr Walker challenged the quietly held belief that the pyramid builders were not black Africans.
The evidence had not been challenged by the registered proprietor.
Bandung challenged BNP 's title to sue in respect of the switched bills and the Batam bills.
Perhaps he had either challenged or compromised the territorial ambitions of his father.
But hard comparisons raise the issue of the truth of the trichotomy thesis, and it has been challenged in two ways.
The wishful belief of most pot smokers that it actually does them any good needs to be challenged.
When Kristin challenged the church's core beliefs, they began to see her as an apostate.
For those of us who are kitchen challenged, pancakes in a can gives us the opportunity to create beautiful pancakes or waffles without hunting for the necessary ingredients in our unorganized kitchens.
For those of you who may be creatively challenged, there are many easy ways to decorate your bottle for gift giving.
Some American libraries were challenged for having Goosebumps books due to the sometimes-violent content; these books are generally considered to be for ages 10 and over.
For the space challenged, create a home study that also functions as a guest room or exercise space.
Consider silk flowers and plants - If you are challenged in the plant growing area, buy beautiful silk flowers and plants as an easy-to-care-for alternative.
Many of us, Yours Truly included, are rather challenged when it comes to makeup application.
When parents engage in expressive art by painting or redecorating a room while the physically challenged child watches, they stimulate the child.
The old American melting pot metaphor is challenged as no longer being valid.
Suspecting that inherent individual differences among their young patients contributed to their developmental paths, two child psychiatrists, Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess, designed a study that challenged the nature-nurture dichotomy.
From basic to elite, all dancers need to be continually challenged, and there is no better way to stretch oneself than to get into the spirit of competitiveness.
Online jazz dance routines allow dancers and choreographers the opportunity to learn, create and be challenged with new moves and ideas as they work toward their highest potential.
If you're styling challenged, then by all means embrace the straightening iron trend.
The students will be challenged by other students who will spark the students' competitive nature.
If your student isn't being challenged or simply isn't thriving in a traditional school environment, consider homeschooling for high school students.
Guests brought gifts that represented their personalities and challenged the pregnant Mariska Hargitay to guess to identity of the giver.
Aquaflite also offers suits for physically challenged divers too; all the more reason to shop there.
Based on science, players are challenged to gather cards based on memory and strategy.
From Spider and Klondike to FreeCell and Pyramid, there are hundreds of solitaire card games and variations to keep even the most devoted solitaire player busy and challenged.
Many websites offer versions beyond those listed above to constantly keep you challenged and entertained while playing the game.
As more couples celebrate their engagement with organized engagement parties, family and friends may be challenged to find appropriate engagement gifts to offer their congratulations.
Your work must have a high degree of mental activity in it to keep you engaged and challenged.
Aries needs to be mentally and emotionally challenged in order to remain interested in whatever he's undertaken.
If you're more cerebral than physical, you may be challenged by his endurance and stamina in outdoor activities and sports.
They will even have such extra expenses allotted in their budget because they believe the lack of romance can lead to a quick death in any relationship, especially one challenged by the stars.
He’s admired by woman and men alike.He gets along with other men until he's challenged.
Make sure that your child is being properly challenged, but not overwhelmed.
Children are then challenged to find the various objects.
He even once publicly challenged ex Take That singer Robbie Williams to a boxing match!
Both carried audiences into fantasy worlds where monsters existed and challenged film makers to stretch their abilities to make special effects more believable.
She'd challenged Gabriel's new mate to win him over in one week, or one of them lost their souls.
She challenged me to win you over in a week like she did.
Erik challenged, ice blue eyes falling to him.
Retaining eye contact, she challenged him.
And yet, the only female heir there's been has challenged the demon and wants to kill it.
He challenged the legality of Horne's consecration, and a special act of parliament was passed to meet the point, while the charge against Bonner was withdrawn.
The precedence claimed by Judah was challenged by the northern tribes even on the day of David's victorious return to his capital, and a rupture ensued, headed by Sheba, which but for the energy of Joab might have led to a second and more dangerous rebellion.
The Maltese, at first, challenged the grant as a breach of the charter of King Alfonso, but eventually welcomed the knights.
A good summary of his position is found in his First Answer to Cardinal Perron, who had challenged James I.'s use of the title "Catholic."
I publicly challenged this in a recent open letter [6 ], which has drawn wide attention.
She challenged us starry-eyed idealists to go into areas like Dagenham with your meaningless slogans instead of concrete policies.
In 2001, the company introduced its Easy Share line of cameras and photo accessories aimed at making digital photography accessible to even the most technologically challenged shutterbugs.
The site is also filled with helpful hints and other directives to encourage the creatively challenged.
When it seems like you are constantly challenged in life by your computer and can't seem to get anywhere, the desktop games can be just the ticket you need to relax and laugh off problems.
Hey, my name is Nick I am from Nebraska, and I am fashionably challenged.
Surrender takes a look at what happens when you cause the death of a developmentally challenged older brother and then meet and form a destructive, but oddly freeing friendship with another.
Many are especially sensitive to others' dietary needs and concerns because they have personal experiences with struggling to find food to eat or talking with people who challenged their way of eating.
This is simple enough for even the most craft challenged person.
Stern, although this is being challenged by her former boyfriend.
Of course, these singers will be challenged by the unknown country music genre… although, Maureen McCormick has the most experience of the "bunch," having released a country album during her brief singing career.
When President Barack Obama took office in 2009, he challenged all adults, moms included, who didn't have a college education to go after it.
These working canines are painstakingly trained to safely assist their sight challenged handlers as they go about their daily lives.
Kolaj was the first in her country to build a full size, heated indoor pool specifically for the benefit of orthopedically challenged dogs.
For the mathematically challenged who find it hard to figure out how many bags of soil or mulch to buy, this calculator comes in handy.
With each new note you learn after that, you are continually challenged to keep arranging them in new and creative ways.
Its status as the outerwear of choice was challenged in this period by the great coat, which went a long way towards keeping a man warm and dry.
For both mental and physical health, long-term care residents need to be challenged with activities that are both entertaining and perceived as worthwhile by the resident.
With retirement comes the moment for seeking out new hobbies and continuing to be challenged and learn new things.
Do not print tickets with a near-empty ink cartridge - if the printing is not clear, its authenticity could be challenged and the ticket may be rejected.
As the ride begins, riders are "challenged" to perform tribal chants and dances, and the losing "tribe" is sprayed with water from mounted tribal masks facing the ride.
On your path to become the greatest rock legend ever, you will be challenged by a total of 40 songs, a small decrease over the original Guitar Hero's 47 songs.
Get challenged, get money, get pink slips, and own your own speedway in this addition to the street-racing genre.
I stepped up to the booth and an employee challenged me to a duel.
Nintendo's first main competitor to its Game Boy came from the same company that challenged its Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).
As you play, you will be challenged to improve your rank to become the ultimate word master.
The Sega Genesis challenged the Super Nintendo.
Most games can be played at a variety of skill levels so that every player can be challenged.
Kids love to be challenged, but finding new ways to do so can be difficult at times.
Whether contestants were challenged physically or through their stomachs, every participant on Fear Factor had to complete the challenges they were given in order to advance in the game.
In addition to special effects make-up, contestants are challenged to work with molds, casts, 3-D design, prosthetics and eye enhancers.
Moving forward to the 1980's, the first Star Trek Trivia game was created that challenged the fans of the original series.
Despite looking like the Terminator in the first movie, this time producers challenged the audience's imagination by making the Schwarzenegger is the protector from the future.
His shocking suicide in the early episodes challenged his co-workers and friends to change their futures.
The problem is that in addition to his human imprint, Marvin's brain is the size of a planet and he suffers from severe boredom and depression because he is never challenged to fully use his brain capacity.
The making of the Lord of the Rings trilogy challenged filmmakers to create a believable rendition of Middle Earth as well as finding the right Lord of the Rings cast to portray the mix of Hobbits, Elves, Wizards and more.
In Greg Bear’s Darwin’s Radio and its sequel Darwin’s Children, the author challenged the preconceived notion of birth defects and what happens when the “diseased” children are allowed to survive.
Nichelle Nichols challenged preconceptions, overcame barriers and inspired generations of young men and women to reach for the stars.
Luckily, many of these creative types also like to share, so it is easy for even the most artistically challenged to find the right image to meet their needs, whether it's for a personal email or a corporate press release.
The number of people who feel challenged by their work is depressingly low.