Challenge Sentence Examples
I like a challenge once in a while.
However, when his father asked if he was ready for a greater challenge he declined.
We had no right to challenge his choices in spite of our lives being tied to his as tightly as a water-logged knot.
For the first time in her life, she thought she'd found someone she wasn't sure she could challenge without losing herself in the game.
At least the challenge and its terms were almost fair.
She wiped her eyes before turning to face whatever new challenge Damian brought with him.
He wanted challenge everywhere but here.
There was challenge and defiance in her gaze.
Too afraid to challenge him, she watched him destroy everything.
Taking two prizes is a challenge but the ultimate reward will be worth the aggravation!
AdvertisementHe still had the challenge of the mortal world to knock out.
She was enjoying the challenge and their repartee.
In my experience, people who challenge themselves and strive for goals are happier and healthier than those who don't.
She looked ready to challenge Darkyn.
No one normal would challenge an Other.
AdvertisementRather than submit to her unspoken challenge, he took the horse's reins and led the exhausted beast inside the fortress.
In spite of the protective gear worn, the challenge definitely excluded the weak of heart, and, in Dean's estimation, the strong of brain.
In the end, our fundamental challenge is to become better individuals, and technology offers little help on that front; it is up to each one of us to solve that for ourselves.
Our challenge is to learn how to choose the plowshares, not to abandon metallurgy.
Now, to address the challenge of getting there.
AdvertisementThe Englishman nodded, but gave no indication whether he intended to accept this challenge or not.
They would take each challenge and know the joy and pride of working through it together.
The playful challenge in her gaze stirred his competitive edge, the one that didn't lose and hated being out of control.
Taran stayed the sudden urge to challenge Sirian to a round.
Knowing him to be an only son, to challenge him and shoot so straight!
AdvertisementPrince Andrew did not think it proper to write and challenge Kuragin.
Dwindling supplies made surviving the day enough of a challenge without scaling a mountain at night.
Jackson ran his fingers through her hair, reflecting on the day and the new challenge they faced with her pack.
He couldn't shake the sense he'd reached the first challenge in his life he didn't know how to handle.
He liked the challenge.
Instead, however, of proceeding with the work of practical legislation, accepting the Instrument of Government without challenge as the basis of its authority, the parliament immediately began to discuss and find fault with the constitution and to debate about "Fundamentals."
If that pansy Ryland can ice climb, it can't be much of a challenge now can it?
A few close calls made it more of a challenge, as Claire bounced back to avoid Jenn's strategic strikes.
She held his gaze in silent challenge a moment longer before dropping back and stretching out once more.
You can challenge me and pay the consequences.
He had after the siege of Miletus disbanded the GraecoMacedonian fleet, surrendering for the time all attempts of Alex- to challenge the command of the Aegean.
Both generals are angry, and the result is a challenge on Buxhowden's part and an epileptic fit on Bennigsen's.
A sovereign should not be with the army unless he is a general! said Napoleon, evidently uttering these words as a direct challenge to the Emperor.
You'll not face anyone willing to challenge you for him, ikir, I assure you, though there may be some left who might help him.
Hell toughened him up, yet this was one challenge he couldn.t figure out.
The trail was not difficult by cross-country standards—just enough of a challenge to stir the blood and quicken the breath.
She didn't think he knew, but Xander loved the challenge of discovering other people's secrets.
Which meant – whatever her intentions were – she was a new kind of challenge, and Xander found himself intrigued.
Darian glanced at Xander, a look of warning or challenge in his gaze.
If we thought Howie was upset over the Youngblood matter, it was arsenic versus ice cream compared to how enraged he was over a challenge to his ability.
Naw. Nobody bothered to challenge anyone.
You use to meet a challenge head on.
I challenge you! he ejaculated, and, pushing back his chair, he rose from the table.
This I believe, is the great challenge now confronting humankind.
Finding the right gift can sometimes be a challenge.
The sloping golf courses provide golfers with a challenge that can entertain them for hours.
Battle erupted to the north, and the hidden Dierdirien warriors erupted from the forest to challenge Memon's allies.
A challenge that is, perhaps, more appropriate for the successful businessperson.
The challenge is to provide sufficient security commensurate with the risk.
They enjoyed the challenge of working through problems, adapting their design rather than growing despondent.
For excited parents who are enjoying delivering care to their newborn, the challenge of establishing a solid sleeping pattern can be a difficult one to face.
Potty training stubborn girls can challenge parents to the very limits of their patience.
If you're up for the challenge, start researching which type and brand of cloth diaper you'd like to try out.
Flatware is one of the few items that a dinner table cannot do without, but knowing how to buy flatware can be a challenge when consumers are confronted with a wide array of styles, settings, and prices.
Adding memory to newer machines is a challenge, mainly because newer machines are much more compact than older models, cramming more stuff in under the hood.
However, adding memory to newer machines is a challenge, mainly because newer machines are much more compact than older models.
Second, it can be a challenge to determine the best price on any piano, it is nearly impossible to comparison shop and dealers hold most of the knowledge in this area.
This isn't to say that these animals cannot be tamed, but it will be more of a challenge than if the hamster, rat, or rabbit is already accustomed to human touch.
Looking back, her words did sound like a challenge.
A surrender from someone like this was the kind of challenge he needed.
During and after the South African War of 1899-1902 many attempts were made by this procedure to challenge or review the sentences of courts martial; see re Fourie (1900), 18 Cape Rep. 8.
The bucolic verse of Quita, a hairdresser, has a tenderness and simplicity which challenge comparison with Bernardim Ribeiro, and the Marilia of Gonzaga contains a celebrated collection of bucolic-erotic verse.
None could presume to challenge the authority of the Committee of Public Safety, and in the committee none disputed the leadership of Robespierre.
If Talon was planning to challenge Czerno to a showdown here in Miami, Dusty would never get another wink of sleep again.
The climbers grumbled about the negative affect of the snow on their anticipated activities, all except Penny, who considered the weather a new and exciting challenge.
No one will challenge Death to kill her.
Lu called Beijing's military expansionism an " unprecedented challenge " for Taipei.
While safety is closely monitored, the challenge is not for the untrained or naive.
There are 5 different levels of difficulty to challenge the novice jigsaw puzzle maker and expert alike!
It is an area of stark beauty and a must for walkers who enjoy more of a challenge across the bleak moors.
Finding preemie dresses can be a challenge, especially if you have a particular style in mind.
Learning how to decorate a baby nursery for a small room can be a challenge, especially if you dreamed of modeling your baby's first dwelling space after a photograph from a posh children's catalog.
Finding PJs for preemies can be a bit of a challenge, as these tiny babies don't normally fit the size proportions of mainstream manufacturers.
If your preemie was small for gestational age, the challenge becomes even greater.
Properly illustrating this connection for your daughter alongside stressing the need for proper potty behavior is the real challenge.
Putting together a repertoire of recipes for your baby's meals is a challenge for many mothers, but the best part of learning how to make baby food is that so much of the early phase of an infant's diet depends on relatively simple meals.
Knowing what you are looking for and keeping track of all rented items can be a challenge, but cheaper than purchasing a full suit or tux.
This is even more of a challenge when you're traveling and have less access to a normal kitchen and refrigerator.
The challenge was accepted, and the disputation took place at Leipzig in June and July 1519.
Six years after his death Georges de Scudery edited his work with a Tombeau (copy of obituary verses), and a challenge in the preface to any one who might be offended by the editor's eulogy of the poet.
She had acquired such skill in the art of weaving that she ventured to challenge Athena.
When he was but nineteen he accepted a challenge put forth by Henry Fitzsimons, a learned Jesuit, then a prisoner in Dublin, inviting discussion of Bellarmine's arguments in defence of Roman Catholicism, and acquitted himself with much distinction.
John Bramborough, the English captain of Ploermel, having continued his ravages, in spite of a truce, in the district commanded by the captain of Josselin, Jean de Beaumanoir sent him a challenge, which resulted in a fight between thirty picked champions, knights and squires, on either side, which took place on the 25th of March 1351, near Ploermel.
The Philistines had come up to make war against Saul and, as the rival camps lay opposite each other, this warrior came forth day by day to challenge to single combat.
As nimble and spry as I am, it's hardly a challenge to venture closer and enter the chateau undetected.
He didn't know if a two-bit thug like Talon rated the attention of the King of Darkness or if Talon was stupid enough to challenge an immortal so much more powerful.
Demons loved a challenge and a fight.
The light of challenge was in Darkyn's eyes.
You dare challenge a full demon?
He raised an eyebrow in challenge, and she glared at him.
The trail was not difficult by cross-country standards—just enough of a challenge to stir the blood and quicken the breath.
The sport is called ice climbing—getting back up is the challenge.
It made his blood hum with impending battle fever, but he ignored the silent challenge.
The blatant challenge warmed the fire in his blood, and he approached.
The surrounding kingdoms were hesitant to challenge a man like Memon and had abandoned Tiyan at the first hint of Memon's ill-will.
Which meant – whatever her intentions were – she was a new kind of challenge, and Xander found himself intrigued.
The challenge was acknowledged when designing and implementing conservation programs.
I also want to briefly challenge organizations on the revolutionary left such as the SWP who are critical of feminism and women's autonomy.
The innocuous challenge by Moses saw a penalty awarded which Andy Stephens could do nothing about.
The India exchange was initiated to explore and challenge perceptions of India.
While Gordon Brown spouts platitudes about the challenge from the Far East, taxes in Britain are already rising to a 24-year high.
Working with partners and colleagues to achieve the results our client is seeking is another challenge I relish.
The challenge, however, comes not only from non-state actors.
High words arose, and they immediately adjourned to an inn where the challenge was settled.
The lack of a defense challenge does not mean that the evidence becomes automatically admissible.
Not one to duck a challenge, Azed manages to include several very substantial one-word anagrams in the grid.
All three had the same ambition - to improve their native cattle and challenge the English beef breeds.
Today, we face an added challenge - deep, institutional complacency.
Volunteer Challenge aims to achieve an active membership, which reflects the composition of the student and staff community it serves.
I mean a challenge so far-reaching in its impact and irreversible in its destructive power, that it alters radically human existence.
It was nice to be able to challenge the front-runners, which is what we are capable of doing.
The educators have already grappled with the challenge of second language learning.
A play which sets out to challenge such homophobia is therefore to be welcomed.
They wore their red ribbons to school on World Aids Day without prompting, and challenge homophobia in the playground.
By any standards, it's an exhausting program of races that would challenge the most carefully honed athlete.
Golf writers have always waxed poetic about the unique challenge of golf caused by the offset hosel.
The court's capacity to resolve the challenge of what has been called the implacably hostile parent is evident.
Challenge the hysteria whipped up by the press and politicians for political gain.
Known as the world's toughest yacht race, the Global Challenge was inaugurated in 1988 by round-the-world solo yachtsman Sir Chay Blyth.
Seven years ago Beckham reacted to a scything challenge from behind, which the referee did nothing about.
Never one to shirk a challenge, Stephen set about the task of making a new ewe 's milk cheese from scratch.
The body can also be a signifier of complex cultural identities that challenge received readings of ' the other '.
I challenge anyone to find an analog FM tuner that can come close to this... - Hi-Fi World magazine.
Reality can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be the end all.
In a situation where the spouse is unable to work because of a mental or physical challenge, spousal support may be ordered.
Otherwise, break into teams of two or more (depending on the size of your family) and have the teams brainstorm ideas and write them on slips of paper to challenge the others.
The life of the military family is one of pride, triumph and challenge.
Bunk beds can be a challenge on washday too because bed linens can be a hassle to take off and put back on, particularly if the bed is against the wall.
These days it seems like more and more people are incorporating offices into their homes, and decorating them can prove to be a challenge.
Over the course of the 100 day challenge, there were a variety of small rewards and prizes, but nothing topped the final prize package for Celebrity Fit Club 4.
She took on the celebreality show challenge to prove that she could dance despite the absence of the lower part of one leg.
In the case of Stephen Baldwin and Ty Murray's Celebrity Bull Riding Challenge, injury may have been inevitable.
His challenge on George McCluskey's shin provoked an all-out brawl from which only Hibs keeper Alan Rough remained aloof.
These monsters will provide an interesting challenge because some of them have abilities that require more than just brute force to defeat them.
Marine South East will play an important role in helping businesses to meet that challenge.
Caring for a seriously injured casualty in a remote area is a formidable challenge, even for the most experienced expedition medic.
The ever changing light in Scotland can pose a challenge to artists.
Jane and Luke will be tackling the challenge on a tandem provided by Specialized.
Three wins out of three, our biggest challenge was still to come against top of the table UWE.
Lyneham won all their matches in this round despite a tough challenge in the last with a narrow win.
Understanding the climate system is a major research challenge given urgency by global warming.
But the real challenge of withdrawing from a paid job having gone back to work might lie elsewhere.
Pit your web Sudoku puzzle solving skills against the rest of the world in our free sudoku speed challenge and when you have.. .
Manager Brian Rowland did express his disappointment with the league championship challenge.
Huxtable's challenge then came from Clark, who dived into fourth position approaching the chicane on the seventh of ten laps.
You're a respected HIV physician and researcher but becoming co-chair of the World Aids Conference must be a new challenge?
The world champion table football team, challenge all comers!
Back to reviews " invaluable compendium of information on the most pressing challenge in business today " Sean Kelly Comhra " At last!
The question whether European integration can articulate a conception of the social independent of national society is a major challenge for social theory.
Their bohemian way of living would challenge the dull conformity of everyday life under capitalism.
In the USA, any person can challenge the constitutionality of any law in any court.
Related sites Reflecting Britain campaign An challenge issued to the Lib Dem leadership contenders from the party's own equality taskforce.
His unifying theme - and challenge to conventional theory - is the radical contingency of the metropolis.
That's the end of Bingham's brave challenge as Ebdon has dominated frame ten for a 6-4 victory and a thoroughly convincing performance.
And nobody has dared to seriously challenge it. · William Keegan is the Observer's senior economics correspondent.
In the long run, however, they can prove even more corrosive, for they undermine cultural certainties and challenge long-held taboos.
It is an initiative to challenge the oil industry throughout the 100 day countdown to Kyoto climate conference in december 1997.
They overturn our thinking and challenge us to adopt the way of life of a radical counterculture.
Sudoku Fun - Online Sudoku Puzzle Speed Challenge Sudoku puzzles are addictive brain teasers that have been referred to as wordless crossword puzzles.
Stamford Holmes is a reluctant consulting detective in a modern age where the crimes are mundane, not offering challenge.
We also argue that a potent direct challenge to moral responsibility from causal determinism does not succeed.
Samuel Pepys, the famous diarist, took on the challenge.
The practice of our politics Of course it is for each individual party to frame its own response to the challenge of voter disengagement.
The single biggest challenge identified by the mediators was to maintain neutrality in the context of the diversity of their relationships with various disputants.
I evaluate three available readings of the say-show distinction which fail to meet this challenge.
To arrange meetings, contact Dom @ PC Zone Readers ' Challenge g. .
These features have often made the Japanese system appear enigmatic, creating a challenge for researchers.
Eu enlargement is Europe's greatest single opportunity and simultaneously its greatest challenge.
First step is to grasp the enormity of the challenge.
Erie home owner insurance check the coverage time worrying about a challenge for.
They share a united common interest, therefore, to challenge and abolish capitalist exploitation.
As part of the cure, therefore, intellectual challenge and dissent were to be ruthlessly expunged.
Farm Challenge For groups of between 12 and 100 " intrepid farmhands " !
Backgammon Experience the challenge and exhilaration of playing this all-time favorite against your handheld!
A messenger arrives demanding fealty to King John of France, to which Edward returns a challenge.
A former fireman, Golding's first professional success came in the 1990s with Challenge.
The player's challenge is to build and defend medieval desert fortresses and lay siege to fearless enemies as European nobles or Arabian warriors.
Voyages last between 2 and 7 days aboard our 76 foot gaff rigged ketch, Greater Manchester Challenge.
It provides a powerful challenge to the notion of German collective guilt.
Failed harvests In 1845, Peel faced the defining challenge of his career.
Nicolson writes about the challenge of moving from the hectic London life to the quiet rural idyll which is the title of the book.
We also should be looking to challenge the concept of an average maintained illuminance across the working plane.
The King's preliminary challenge, on the grounds of sovereign immunity, was upheld.
Are you an enthusiastic individual seeking an exciting challenge in national newspapers?
The rise in sexually transmitted infections among young people is a major public health challenge.
His immediate challenge will be how to prevent massive capital inflows from destabilizing domestic monetary conditions.
Susceptible and resistant responses to challenge with soil-borne virus inoculum were evident.
He has to do this because, for him, like the medieval inquisitors, no challenge to biblical truth is acceptable.
This book is an attempt to break the stifling consensus about arts policy today, and challenge the increasing instrumentalism of policy-makers.
We are left with a challenge that may seem insuperable, yet there are many early signs of a change in thinking.
Both issues present an extensive and possibly insurmountable challenge to the ideology and practice of continuous economic growth.
Our University Challenge Fund is designed to provide seedcorn finance to commercialize inventions.
Scrap Heap Challenge Build a tank transporter using household junk to transport one, two or three model tanks.
However, a challenge to this decision could be effected by invoking the wardship jurisdiction of the High Court.
Now, it isn't unusual to challenge the adjudicator's jurisdiction.
These factors strengthened the princes, who no longer faced a challenge to their position as great feudal landowners.
Liberal Democrats in Lewisham have selected leading Lib Dem Chris Maines as their candidate to challenge Lewisham's sitting Mayor, Steve Bullock.
It was the only credible national challenge to New Labor from the socialist left.
They plan to use their court case to challenge the legality of the road scheme.
Some wanted to teach a general lesson to Moslems not to challenge Western domination of the world.
The biggest challenge in writing the libretto for Sirius on Earth was to create a detached yet familiar reality within a short time frame.
In this unit we use literary extracts to challenge philosophy and highlight what we really admire in a good person.
Debut deck demons Funk The Lordz were set the challenge of keeping the vibes lively between the bands.
The index will also challenge those like ourselves who promote new localism to prove that it can make a difference.
For the adventurous the trip to loch Einich will provide a technical challenge, and a view of the remote loch long remembered.
But today, the challenge is how to engender that loyalty.
The approach used a nasal cold dry air challenge to induce a vagally mediated bronchoconstriction.
The biggest challenge is probably the need to effect a successful hybrid library ' on a truly mega scale ' .
The winning team will receive a memento of the challenge paid for by the losing team.
Asset prices and Inflation Targetting Asset price misalignments are likely to pose a rather different kind of challenge.
The only FC United yellow card of the evening was administered in stoppage time as debutant Simon Cardon badly mistimed a challenge.
The Sputnik UKBG Cocktail Challenge winner for this year has been announced and the winning mixologist hails from London.
He suggested that the challenge ahead is to maintain an upward momentum.
It is quite a challenge to obtain clear EXAFS signals from samples with a mean thickness of only 12 atomic monolayers.
Those working in school based provision and providers in mainly monolingual areas find EAL a particular challenge.
The challenge is to establish multidisciplinary, cross-Research Council programs to lead these developments.
Since it is so multifaceted Soul II Soul have been looking for various ways to take up the challenge of the NET.
Amazing Stuff designers can create a virtual multimedia challenge to travel through.
Our latest news releases and copies of all Skills Challenge publications can be found here.
Organizational structures become flatter, management becomes more entrepreneurial and results-oriented and more inclined to challenge accepted norms.
These butterflies are quite a challenge to photograph, sometimes you can't get within eight feet and other times they seem quite obliging.
The Japanese star stunned onlookers as he cut through the field from ninth position to challenge the front-runners for the lead.
Reliable in vitro maturation (IVM) of human oocytes is an intellectual, scientific and clinical challenge with a number of potential applications.
However, Jane plans shortly to challenge work orthodoxy even more.
The historical narrative which unfolds within this book presents a challenge to that accepted orthodoxy.
Having shown promise in pre-season testing the 20-year-old Finn is in no way overawed by the challenge in the year ahead.
But this version seems somewhat overdrawn and its gloss on the significance of the ' European challenge ' appears exaggerated.
The second challenge is to harness the information explosion to combat mental overload, thus improving decision making.
Still suffering from less space and faced with a central passed pawn tho he could not really mount a serious winning challenge.
The biggest peacetime logistical challenge the Army has ever faced.
The challenge is to develop the pedagogy for an ICT-rich world.
The main challenge facing today's perry maker is one of supply, for the perry maker is one of supply, for the perry pear is a delicate creature.
The gadfly petrels pose a challenge to modern taxonomists.
Senate primary challenge those who had private balconies playa del carmen.
In just one weekend can you rise to a totally pointless challenge?
To support or challenge a claim, one uses relations with either positive or negative polarity.
You may need to expand understanding of learning and challenge preconceptions both internally and externally.
Judicial Review If the above fails, a newspaper or broadcaster can initiate proceedings to challenge a court decision.
The League of Gentlemen opt out of the challenge to become the progenitors of a new wave of British film horror.
Sudoku Fun - Online Sudoku puzzle Speed Challenge Sudoku puzzles are addictive brain teasers that have been referred to as wordless crossword puzzles.
By contrast, the same fact appears to pose a serious challenge for the non-reductive realist.
So it was not possible to ideologically challenge reformism for a significant period of time.
Challenge your logic playing this really great mind teaser!
The challenge for any mechanistic theory, then, is to explain the teleology of the human world in non-teleological terms.
For the developing world tetanus is a major challenge with a high mortality among all age groups.
Cullen would have to walk the disciplinary tightrope for at least 80 minutes as referee Taylor cautioned him for the challenge.
The Tennis Tutor is portable enough to take anywhere, yet powerful enough to challenge even top-level players.
With less than an hour gone Rory went into a challenge near the left touchline just inside the United half.
I challenge anyone to find an analog fm tuner that can come close to this... " - Hi-Fi World magazine.
It can create community, build and support cultures, foster freedom and participation and challenge tyranny and oppression.
I will leave the challenge open to see if we can get a team together and we will let u know asap.
A key challenge is how to manage this pervasive uncertainty in a principled fashion and, most importantly, in real-time.
Many actually underachieve as their potential is masked by factors such as frustration, low self-esteem or lack of challenge.
Therefore, God instructed Moses to challenge all the people to encourage his young understudy.
She finds the work varied and interesting with the occasional challenge thrown in.
The challenge is to walk across the Southern Highlands through one of the most actively volcanic areas Iceland.
The challenge for the club was to install a product that could handle heavy volumes of high value transactions securely.
Challenge of the day is to call someone a Jim Dandy and see if anyone has any idea wat you're on about!
The unbeaten welterweight from Buckhaven faces by far his toughest challenge to date when he faces Glenn McClarnon for the Celtic title.
Of complaints followed the four refuse newmarket challenge whip.
The remainder are of the trails are ski-touring trails to provide a greater challenge and discover the wilderness.
Such a positive endorsement of school life should be encouraged, but creating a yearbook can be a challenge.
The Pharisees decided that they could not take action on either side, since the elder son of Alexandra was directed by the Idumaean Antipater; and the people had an affection for such Asmonean princes as dared to challenge the Roman domination of their ancestral kingdom.
In the middle ages the church showed no hesitation about persecuting unto death all who dared to contradict her doctrine, or challenge her practice, or question her authority.
The aim of the war, " limited " in so far that the Japanese never deluded themselves with dreams of attacking Russia at home, was to win such victories as would establish the integrity of Japan herself and place her hegemony in the Far East beyond challenge.
The challenge must be countered in a reductio ad iinpossibile in which the dilemma is put.
The funftions of the champion were to ride into Westminster Hall at the coronation banquet, and challenge all comers to impugn the king's title (see Champion).
He treated with supercilious contempt the National Convention, which had dethroned the king and proclaimed a republic. Above all, he took up a declaration by the Convention, that they would give help to all peoples struggling for liberty against their respective governments, as a challenge to England.
In the prosperous future, one group of people will rise to this challenge.
The challenge is to conserve the unique rangeland biodiversity while promoting improved livelihoods for pastoralists who are solely dependent on these ranges.
I think no-one could challenge the right of a young person to redress where negligence has blighted a career.
All manner of suffering and psychosocial challenge may be conceptualized as relational in nature.
Collaborative working with partners and colleagues to achieve the results our client is seeking is another challenge I relish.
April 2002 Recruitment to a single-dose Phase I/II allergic rhinitis challenge study completed.
As a result, in many cases RIAs have not offered a robust challenge to proposals to regulate.
The first two groups were immune to challenge with rinderpest virus.
Now, add to this cultural handicap some mildly autistic or schizoid tendencies such as I have and any intimate encounter becomes a challenge.
The meeting began with a characteristic tapes-to-flag victory from Adams, who comfortably shrugged off an early challenge from Hancock.
So the recent challenge has been to design a project that will answer the question posed by poor smolt survival.
When we finally went to bed we had to face the challenge of trying to sleep through someone 's really loud snoring.
Edgar 's brave challenge ended when the coil gave way, causing him to splutter back to the pits.
Morgan says one major challenge in the gaming industry is to standardize processes across business units.
Challenge A stimulus for creativity can be the challenge presented by a task.
The program 's most difficult long-term challenge is hydrogen storage in vehicles, the report says.
A crude challenge from Richard Langley sent Albion midfielder Jason Koumas crashing to the ground 20 yards from goal on the stroke of half-time.
It does not seek to challenge society or to wreck or subvert the conventions of jewelry making.
Integrating a subwoofer into your system to produce a seamless sound is a challenge for any home cinema enthusiast.
However, there is more than one way to challenge bad decisions so I predict a summer of discontent.
They had shown consistency throughout the design, build and teamwork aspects of the challenge.
Challenge your logic playing this really great mind teaser !
Are you the kind of person who would thrive on this challenge?
In the event of a tie, a tiebreaker question or some kind or challenge will be used to decide the winner.
Ocular toxoplasmosis associated with HIV infection is a particular challenge to the ophthalmologist.
The challenge is to obtain stable fixation of the ulna without violating the trochlear notch with screws.
Johnson followed but did not get a real chance to challenge as the two in front tussled for the lead till the end.
The Tower Tooth Challenge level will now be unlocked in challenge mode.
From the moment they are unpacked from the box they can be a challenge.
Britain seemed utterly unready to meet the challenge posed by the best-prepared and commanded army in Europe.
The court therefore upheld the parents ' challenge to the Secretary 's decision.
Birds should be floor-reared so that vaccinal immunity may be enhanced by natural challenge.
However, measurement of visual acuity in young children presents a challenge to the clinician.
We hope that Formica products offer a complete solution to the challenge of washroom design.
Challenge of the day is to call someone a Jim Dandy and see if anyone has any idea wat you 're on about !
Weird to think that there are people who would find reading 50 books in a year to be a challenge.
As I put this well-timed challenge into my pocket, I walked down the side, got into my boat, and put off.
The unbeaten Welterweight from Buckhaven faces by far his toughest challenge to date when he faces Glenn McClarnon for the Celtic title.
A trademark wiggle of the hips took him away from a challenge and he carried the ball goalwards.
Challenge, timed puzzle game Sudoku Solver, a winter wonderland...
In the 2004/05 Global Challenge she successfully skippered 18 amateur yachtsmen around the world.
Known as the world 's toughest yacht race, the Global Challenge was inaugurated in 1988 by round-the-world solo yachtsman Sir Chay Blyth.
Putting your product in the customer's hands for the first time can be a challenge in more ways than one.
Be ready for a challenge, since you built the company without these clear job boundaries and everyone weighed in on everything.
Being agile is a challenge to founders with cowboy mentalities; they resent having to submit an expense report to get reimbursed.
I find this struggle to stay relevant to be my biggest challenge.
The challenge for large organizations is allowing the chaotic process of invention free reign, and that's something many organizations find difficult to do.
Admitting failure, coming up with a fresh iteration, then repeating the process can be a major challenge in cultures where admitting mistakes is taboo.
Choosing nursery bedding doesn't have to be a big challenge.
Caring for a baby involves its share of hurdles, but most parents find that eventually a routine is developed and the overall challenge wanes.
The world has changed since your were a teen, and meeting new people can be quite a challenge.
Finally, meeting other single parents can be a challenge, but if you break out of your rut and use common sense, you can make lots of great new friends!
Finding a fun gift can be more of a challenge.
With today's high-security procedures, flying with your infant can be a challenge as you try to get all of your luggage checked.
Finding a bouncer for preemie babies can sometimes be a challenge.
Unless parents have had children before, this can be a daunting, if not slightly amusing, challenge ensuring that everything goes according to plan and without the baby opting to pee or poo at an in-opportune moment when the diaper is off.
If you feel up to the challenge, you might also think about adopting a spayed/neutered kitten from a shelter to provide Smokey with a new companion to further distract him from his old routine.
Therefore, the challenge has been to either isolate a cat breed that proved to be hypoallergenic, or create one through selective breeding or other means.
An adult cat that is wild can be a real challenge to tame, but it is still possible.
Teaching an outdoor cat to live indoors can be a challenge.
The challenge you have as a pet owner is to replicate these conditions.
However, once the fifteenth or sixteenth litter has arrived, the possibilities grow slimmer and naming becomes much more of a challenge.
In this way, chapter book series can be a great addition to your library, furthering their interest in reading and encouraging kids to read material that will challenge them.
It's a huge challenge to compile a definitive list of the best nonfiction children's books because of the variety of titles and genres available as well as the extremely diverse interests of kids around the world.
There's no doubt that in the short term, it's tough and a challenge and that's part of it - but it's the whole "good things come to those who wait" mindset.
For lawyers operating a plaintiff's practice, managing cash flow can raise a challenge as fees earned are most often dependent on winning the case.
If you have been married for many years, this may seem like a tremendous challenge.
However, keeping a clean, organized workspace can be a challenge.
As important as learning how to build a loft bed is, the challenge of teaching your child to use it safely will be critical too.
Products containing solvents present a challenge for the green living consumer.
Most types of paper can be recycled, and recycling technology has been refined in recent years so that mixed paper and staples do not present as much of a challenge.
It is a renewable resource if properly managed, unfortunately heavy deforestation in many areas presents its own challenge maintaining timber as a renewable resource.