Chairs Sentence Examples
He sat in one of the chairs, visibly relaxing.
She sat in one of the chairs and slid down in it until her head rested against the back.
In the drawing room people began arranging the chairs and taking their seats.
The keys which hold the rail in the chairs are usually of oak and are placed outside the rails; the inside position has also been employed, but has the disadvantage of detracting from the elasticity of the road since the weight of a passing train presses the rails up against a rigid mass of metal instead of against a slightly yielding block of wood.
There are several types of cushions that can be used on rocking chairs.
Traditionally rocking chair seat cushions have been fairly flat, but in recent years box cushions have become popular (particularly for outdoor rocking chairs).
The hammock was universal in the tropics, and chairs of wood or stone.
All sorts of small dairy utensils, chairs, malt-shovels, &c., are made of beech, the growth of which forms a feature of the surrounding country.
Since the Poles were at first unyielding, Ruthenian demonstrations and strikes of students arose, and the Ruthenians were no longer content with the reversion of a few separate professorial chairs, and with parallel courses of lectures.
The German National Union (Nationalverband) agreed to extend temporary hospitality to the Italian university in Vienna, but the Southern Slav Hochschule Club demanded a guarantee that a later transfer to the coast provinces should not be contemplated, together with the simultaneous foundation of Slovene professorial chairs in Prague and Cracow, and preliminary steps towards the foundation of a Southern Slav university in Laibach.
AdvertisementThe manufacture of felt hats (product, 1905, $4,586,040, Newark ranking third in this industry among the cities of the United States), carriages, chairs and jewelry (an industry established about 1830; product, 1905, $9,258,095), developed rapidly early in the 19th century, and there are extensive manufactories of malt liquors (product, 1905, $10,917,003), and of clothing (product, 1905, $3,937,138), foundries and machine shops (product, 1905, $6,254,153), and large establishments for smelting and refining lead and copper, the product of the lead smelters and refining establishments being in 1905 the most valuable in the city.
The city has various manufactures, including canned goods, chairs, paper and farm implements; the value of its factory product in 1905 was $2,378,892, an increase of 50.8% over that of 1900.
It is also a centre for hat-making, and produces cloth-fabrics, lace, umbrellas, casks, chairs, wooden shoes, candles and pastries.
In 1795 he was ordained priest, and soon afterwards undertook the charge of the chairs of natural and moral philosophy.
The two latter chairs he held together until his death, which happened on the 26th of June 1897 at Mezy, Seine et Oise.
AdvertisementHe enlarged the curriculum at the college, and established chairs in languages, science, philosophy and divinity, which were confirmed by charter in 1577.
Mistress of the entire Christian organism, Rome thus gained control of international education, and the mendicant monks who formed her devoted militia lost no time in monopolizing the professorial chairs.
The two young men stood for chairs of physics and natural history respectively, first at Toronto, next at Sydney, but they were in each case unsuccessful.
In the German universities the Professor ordinarius is the occupant of one of the regular and permanent chairs in any faculty.
The position of Epicureanism as a recognized school in the and century is best seen in the fact that it was one of the four schools (the others were the Stoic, Platonist, and Peripatetic) which were placed on a footing of equal endowment when Marcus Aurelius founded chairs of philosophy at Athens.
AdvertisementIn 1729 declining health obliged him to resign the chairs of chemistry and botany; and he died, after a lingering and painful illness, on the 23rd of September 1738 at Leiden.
Akin to this condition is that in which the power of maintaining muscular effort is increased; the individual may lie stiff with merely head and feet supported on two chairs; the limbs can be held outstretched for hours at a time.
In the following year he accepted the chairs of exegesis and church history at the seminary of Posen.
Orientals sit on the floor in preference to chairs; hence it is thought very necessary by them that the carpet should be kept clean, which could not be done were persons to keep their shoes on.
Mats, rugs and carpets are made principally of split bamboo; chairs and beds of balinag and other woods and of rattan.
AdvertisementHe was a member of the council which organized the faculties and the curriculum; but in 1830, owing to a difference with Mill as to an appointment to one of the philosophical chairs, he resigned his position.
The young couple are seated in two chairs opposite each other, their right hands tied together by a silken cord, which is gradually wound around them as the ceremony progresses, the bride in the meantime being concealed with a veil of silk or muslin.
Chairs had therefore to be founded under the title of rhetoric, from which men like Chrysoloras and Guarino, Filelfo and Politian expounded orally to hundreds of eager students from every town of Italy and every nation in Europe their accumulated knowledge of antiquity.
The amplitude of this part of his attire enables the Persian to sit without discomfort on his heels; chairs are only used by the rich, great or Europeanized.
This is a point of distinction between the original practice at the lectisternium and the epulum Jovis, the goddesses at the latter being provided with chairs, whereas in the lectisternium they reclined.
The wood, like that of other species, is applicable to many purposes - as for the seats of Windsor chairs, turnery, &c. The grain in very old trees is sometimes undulated, which suggested the name of curled maple, and gives beautiful effects of light and shade on polished surfaces.
Strips are also woven into cages, chairs, beds and other articles of furniture, Oriental wicker-work in bamboo being unequalled for beauty and neatness of workmanship. In China the interior portions of the stem are beaten into a pulp and used for the manufacture of the finer varieties of paper.
LeMoyne, and the chairs of Greek and of Latin were endowed by the Rev. C. C. Beatty with $60,000.
The coronation chairs stand in the Confessor's chapel.
In all the great cities of Western Europe friaries were established, and in the universities theological chairs were held by Dominicans and Franciscans.
The theological chairs in the new university were filled in complete conformity with Spener's proposals.
Amongst the more conspicuous secular buildings in the street may be mentioned the Town and County Bank, the Music Hall, with sitting accommodation for 2000 persons, the Trinity Hall of the incorporated trades (originating in various years between 1398 and 1527, and having charitable funds for poor members, widows and orphans), containing some portraits by George Jamesone, a noteworthy set of carved oak chairs, dating from 1574, and the shields of the crafts with quaint inscriptions; the office of the Aberdeen Free Press, one of the most influential papers in the north of Scotland; the Palace Hotel; the office of the Northern Assurance Company, and the National Bank of Scotland.
His connexion with the college, indeed, was interrupted in 1831, when a disagreement with the governing body caused De Morgan and some other professors to resign their chairs simultaneously.
Till 1889 they maintained two theological chairs in Belfast, where John Scott Porter (1801-1880) was a pioneer in biblical criticism; they now send their students to England for their theological education, though in certain respects their views and practices are more conservative than those of their English brethren.
After holding chairs at Kiel (1866), Konigsberg (1873), and Jena (1876), he was finally appointed professor of history at Tubingen, where he died on the 2nd of March 1887.
Attempts more or less successful have been made from the first to exclude clergymen and professors identified with it from the pulpits and chairs of Berlin and elsewhere, though membership in it involves no legal disqualification for either.
Its large revenues, derived to a great extent from house property in Leipzig and estates in Saxony, enable it, in conjunction with a handsome state subvention, to provide rich endowments for the professorial chairs.
Petroleum, coal, and iron-ore abound in the neighbouring region, and the city has a considerable trade in these and in its manufactures of chairs, leather, flour, carriages, wagons, boats, boilers, bricks and glass.
Three years later he removed to Göttingen as professor of physics, and remained there till 1837, when he was one of the seven professors who were expelled from their chairs for protesting against the action of the king of Hanover (duke of Cumberland) in suspending the constitution.
They stood around until all the chairs were taken in the living room so that they were forced to sit together on the couch.
We'd gathered sufficient chairs and when he was finished, we trooped in.
Vamps, chairs, the floor-- all disintegrated at its touch.
The town was choked with visitors, some already staking out their spots with folding chairs to view the later festivities—the last hurrah of the holiday.
The large bar area features paneled walls, wooden tables and chairs and comfortable upholstered armchairs in front of an.. .
The office chairs are available with fixed armrests or adjustable armrests that can be rotated sideways.
The interior had a conference table, 7 upholstered chairs and large ashtrays which were capable of accepting cigar ash.
Patio area with table and chairs, retractable sun awning, stone built barbecue.
Elsewhere, the feeling is contemporary and spacious, with wooden floors, navy blue banquettes and chocolate brown leather chairs.
There are ample tables and chairs for you to relax and enjoy a Bar-B-Que.
The dining area has a farmhouse dining table with 6 chairs and a pine bookcase.
In the nasty game of musical chairs that followed the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, the Kurds have been left standing.
Although they are not lined we can lay carpeting and install lighting and set out tables and chairs.
The period style dining room has a cozy, intimate atmosphere created by soft pastels colors, elegant chairs and soft wool carpeting.
In 1978, at the time of the centenary celebrations, the original pews were replaced with more flexible modern chairs.
Barefoot cruises and chairs instead the quite centralized so.
There were large, upholstered chairs on the stage, arranged in rows.
Steel folding picnic chairs cost £ 7. Standard delivery is £ 5, and items normally arrive within two working days.
Many elderly & disabled folk need to cross here, often in electric wheel chairs.
The sills of the glazing are low, enabling people sitting on sofas or chairs to enjoy uninterrupted views of the surrounding cityscape.
Paul Davies chairs a debate between proponents of each theory, adding a coda of his own.
These include commodes, kitchen trolleys, dressing aids, bed and chair raisers, chairs, wheelchairs, reaching aids and stools.
Re-arranging deck chairs on the Titannic comes to mind, ie; what is the point.
Dining table with six chairs and large welsh dresser.
There is a dining table and 4 chairs and matching pine dresser.
Sitting Room 2 sofas, 2 easy chairs, antique chests, welsh dresser, high beams, French doors to private road area.
Will you have to pay extra for tables, chairs etc.
The pair have to cope with everything from deadly chairs to a rather feisty neighbor.
A very contemporary yet cozy feel, with wooden and flagstone flooring, high back oak chairs and handcrafted tables around the Bar.
The outlaw gang pose in bowler hats, sporting elegant three piece suits with watch fobs, resting their hands on the carved chairs.
The garden has a large orchard and formal gardens and also garden dining furniture consisting of table and chairs.
The Dining Area has the benefit of patio doors overlooking the rear garden, dining table with 4 chairs.
Cots, stair gates, high chairs can be supplied on request.
Despite the small interior, there are two good gingham covered tables with excellent minimalist 1960s leatherette n ' metal chairs.
Panel chairs now have to sign a form that identifies any paper giver who has failed to appear.
Children's games, dining table and chairs seating 4 plus highchair.
The Chairs of the resources and the standards committees are paid a small monthly honorarium.
The covered lanai has ceiling fan over table & chairs to enjoy dining alfresco.
There are a large number of tables and chairs arranged in a semi circle with a small lectern on one of the tables.
Standard products include a range of single and double lecterns, tables, chairs and credenza units.
Use easily movable furniture (kitchen chairs, coffee tables) to mark out a course.
Our comfortable rooms have private facilities and they also have a nightstand, several chairs, direct dial telephone and a trouser press.
Adorned with hanging plants and wicker tables and chairs, it has a serene, almost oriental atmosphere.
They also have a fine selection of leather chairs, leather beanbags, leather stools, leather Ottomans and leather sofa beds.
Door to large poolside patio including table & chairs for al fresco dining.
Comfortable teak patio furniture, which includes a large teak table, 8 reclining chairs, 2 sun loungers and 6 sun beds.
Either fixed pews or moveable chairs may be provided.
The next reshuffle should see the same faces in different positions tho Prescott and Brown seem to have booked their chairs already.
Comfortable fully upholstered red plush seating has now replaced the hard plastic chairs - regulars can leave the cushions at home!
The glass table with 4 chairs plus 2 matching stools at the breakfast bar area provide ample seating.
We've changed the chairs, we've introduced banquette seating in the newer ones but essentially it's the same product.
Furnished with a sofa, dining table and 4 chairs with matching sideboard and coffee table.
It has a white butler sink, wood-effect vinyl floor and space at one end for a large table and chairs.
The job involves laying sleepers out on the ground, placing chairs on top of the sleepers, followed by screwing in bolts.
There is the choice of a bench seat with wrap-round sides like a chesterfield sofa, or two individually adjustable chairs.
Will the Whips try to strangle independence on the new select committees by putting party stooges in as chairs.
Outside on a veranda more chairs and tables were placed, upon which were small bowls of nuts, fruits and other sweetmeats.
Skiers in the never leaves the the blacks were leather swivel chairs.
The dining Area has the benefit of patio doors overlooking the rear garden, dining table with 4 chairs.
There is color television and radio, dressing table and storage space, chairs and bedside tables with lamps.
A folding table and chairs can be used for meals in the kitchen, or outdoors.
They all sat in comfortable easy chairs drawn up in front of a roaring fire and Madge poured the tea.
Within five minutes the entire crowd were playing musical chairs and dancing round the room to the dulcet tones of the Spice Girls.
Bringing in a few truckloads of sand and some plastic chairs and tables is not enough.
Chairs are squishy, wine comes in big tumblers.
The chairs are William and Mary period and retain their original fringed red velvet upholstery.
Then, in quick succession, two charming 17th century wainscot chairs also had buyers bidding strongly.
Choose from the Hans Wegner range of chairs including the wishbone, Arne Jacobsen Egg chair and Series 7 from Denmark.
The main room had two chairs made of nearly rotting wood, and a dirty kitchen.
A gang of up to 7 men then wreaked havoc in the bar, throwing chairs and slashing the victim's face with glass.
He was born at St Germain, entered the priesthood and was successively cure of Elan near Mezieres, vicar-general of Pontoise (1747), bishop of Evreux (1753) and archbishop of Toulouse (1758), archbishop of Narbonne in 1763, and in that capacity, president of the estates of Languedoc. He devoted himself much less to the spiritual direction of his diocese than to its temporal welfare, carrying out many works of public utility, bridges, canals, roads, harbours, &c.; had chairs of chemistry and of physics created at Montpellier and at Toulouse, and tried to reduce the poverty, especially in Narbonne.
For the city of Rome he did much; ancient buildings were excavated and preserved by his direction; chairs of natural science and archaeology were founded in the university; and extensive purchases were made for the Vatican museum, which was augmented by the addition of the beautiful Braccio Nuovo, or new wing.
These number forty-eight, and are intended for sons of farmers Of good position; (3) national schools, which are established at Grignon (Seine-et-Oise), Rennes and Montpellier, candidates for which must be 17 years of age; (4) the National Agronomic Institute at Paris, which is intended for the training of estate agents, professors, &c. There are also departmental chairs of agriculture, the holders of which give instruction in training-colleges and elsewhere and advise farmers.
In 1768, recognized as a man who had both the ability and the means for a scientific career, he was nominated adjoint chimiste to the Academy, and in that capacity made numerous reports on the most diverse subjects, from the theory of colours to water-supply and from invalid chairs to mesmerism and the divining rod.
Three years later he removed to Göttingen as professor of physics, and remained there till 1837, when he was one of the seven professors who were expelled from their chairs for protesting against the action of the king of Hanover (duke of Cumberland) in suspending the constitution.
Following these halls they discovered many small rooms opening from them, and some were furnished with glass benches, tables and chairs.
One of the chairs pushed back from the table, and this was so astonishing and mysterious that Dorothy was almost tempted to run away in fright.
And in the middle was a rough table with benches around it instead of chairs.
We essentially view scarcity like the children's game "musical chairs."
You have ten kids but only nine chairs.
Then she threw herself on the floor and began to swim so energetically that some of us thought we should be kicked out of our chairs!
There is a plenty of such chairs as I like best in the village garrets to be had for taking them away.
It looked as if this was the way these forms came to be transferred to our furniture, to tables, chairs, and bedsteads--because they once stood in their midst.
And here's your pay for them! screams the countryman's whistle; timber like long battering-rams going twenty miles an hour against the city's walls, and chairs enough to seat all the weary and heavy-laden that dwell within them.
As the conversation began to assume a loftier and grander tone, we gradually shoved our chairs farther apart till they touched the wall in opposite corners, and then commonly there was not room enough.
The footmen began moving about, chairs scraped, the band struck up in the gallery, and the guests settled down in their places.
Again the footmen rushed about, chairs scraped, and in the same order in which they had entered but with redder faces, the guests returned to the drawing room and to the count's study.
He came out from behind the chairs, clasped his partner's hand firmly, threw back his head, and advanced his foot, waiting for the beat.
He glided silently on one foot half across the room, and seeming not to notice the chairs was dashing straight at them, when suddenly, clinking his spurs and spreading out his legs, he stopped short on his heels, stood so a second, stamped on the spot clanking his spurs, whirled rapidly round, and, striking his left heel against his right, flew round again in a circle.
The children were playing at "going to Moscow" in a carriage made of chairs and invited her to go with them.
These guys are more used to banging out 70's punk at full volume but this time they were sat on chairs with acoustic guitars !
Push chairs can also be loaded aboard at no extra charge.
Our kitchen had a lustrous plain oak table and chairs with wooden back rests pierced with hearts and raffia woven seats.
There is a circular dining table with rattan chairs.
A sinking ship All the work spent fixing email is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
See recliner chair pages on all special offers on leather chairs - all with up to £ 100 off !
Also stock wide variety of Scandinavian recliner sofas and reclining chairs.
A table and chairs are provided for your outdoor meal also relaxer chairs.
Had long wished prime port for shoppers sailboats lounge chairs.
Comfortable fully upholstered red plush seating has now replaced the hard plastic chairs - regulars can leave the cushions at home !
We 've changed the chairs, we 've introduced banquette seating in the newer ones but essentially it 's the same product.
The lapse in the seniority rule has meant that chairs of committees are now more accountable to both Houses.
We, together with some of the teachers, sat on chairs at the back of the gallery.
It brings instant relief for all who suffer back pain from unconsciously slouching on fishing chairs, boat seats or on an aircraft.
The sitting arrangement consists of a loveseat and two chairs ideal for socializing in the evenings.
I have occupied two successive chairs in sociology departments.
This room has a small rectangular bar at one end, wooden flooring and sofa type seating, with some tables and chairs.
The southwards extension has a ring of dear little children 's chairs.
Downstairs there was a big living-room with squashy old chairs and the television.
People were staggering under the weight of bed chairs, tackle boxes, nets and rods.
Are you Willing to stand up to the plethora of ex chairs?
Recent additions include the Haunted Conservatory, the Swinging Chairs and the Wareham Bears.
From the room above came a shout, a cry for help, and then the sound of trampling feet and of falling chairs.
With sand, palm trees and a stock of deck chairs the Old Truman Brewery has been transformed into a complete beach haven.
The chairs were upholstered in green leather to match the pale green carpet.
The table and chairs are from Heat 's and Caoimhe had the seats upholstered in suede.
All rooms are decorated with antiques and feature hand-stitched patchwork quilts and comforters plus wingback chairs.
Doors from the kitchen and dining room lead out onto the wisteria covered terrace which is furnished with a wrought iron table and chairs.
Green woodworking produces natural objects from chairs to candlesticks without the use of machine tools.
A gang of up to 7 men then wreaked havoc in the bar, throwing chairs and slashing the victim 's face with glass.
Pointed out the cross a little later to a youngish man who was busy stacking chairs to make room for people to circulate.
Baby Furniture Warehouse offers reduced prices on nursery furniture as well as baby basics like strollers and high chairs.
There are lots of little wooden things that belong in every nursery, from rocking chairs to step stools, clothes racks to toy boxes.
On the back of the chairs, stencil each child's name.
Toddlers love to color, so why not look for an inexpensive table and chairs?
Many larger department stores now offer lounge areas with comfortable couches and chairs for nursing mothers to enjoy while breastfeeding their babies.
When the teacher or adult gives a signal, the children will waddle as fast as they can down to and around the cans or chairs and back to their teammates with the ball between their knees.
The first team to make it around the cans or chairs and back to the start wins.
Balloons-Tie bouquets of helium-filled balloons to the backs of chairs, place them on mailboxes, and let a few float to the ceiling of the room.
High Chairs-You'll spend a lot of time feeding your babies, and you'll need twohigh chairs to do it!
Rockers, or rocking chairs, have been around for centuries.
They date back to the early 1700's and were referred to as garden chairs.
These garden chairs were actually regular chairs that had rockers attached to them.
True rocking chairs were not built and sold until around the turn of the next century, however, and one of the original companies is Duncan Phyfe, a well known name in furniture manufacturers.
There is no doubt that rockers make life easier for parents of newborns, but the newest craze among rocking chairs is the nursery glider.
If you are searching for rocking reclining chairs, traditional styles are both useful and decorative.
Rocking chairs can be traced back hundreds of years.
Take some time to sit in different chairs and rock.
Rocking recliner chairs tradtional and more modern styles, can be purchased at most furniture stores or online.
If you have a local craftsman who makes custom rocking chairs, visit his woodworking studio before contracting him to do the job.
Sit in some if his chairs and rock to see how they feel.
The rocking chairs of the past were often hewn out of trees from a pioneer's land.
Today, that tradition continues in rustic log rocking chairs.
Today's chairs are designed with moms and dads in mind, and a rocking chair in your baby's nursery will be perfect, especially if the theme you've chosen incorporates something of the outdoors.
Many of these chairs are available with or without seat and back cushions for more comfort and support.
You can find hand-peeled Aspen wood or hand-crafted chairs made out of many other woods as well.
If you live in the mountains, you may already know craftsmen who design and make rocking chairs.
When shopping for high chairs, take some time to look at the Graco Harmony Georgie high chair before deciding on which chair is the best value.
Though high chairs provide toddlers with a safe place to eat, it still keeps them separate from the family.
For example, you can purchase a matching toy box, wall border, table and chairs, and more.
Also, some infants may never take to items such as pacifiers, swings, and bouncer chairs; hence, storing receipts for returns is a wise concept.
Rocking chairs do not have to look traditional, or be uncomfortable.
Newer rocking chair designs include upholstered chairs that would not be out of place in a contemporary living room.
Keep in mind the things that are important to you and it will reduce the number of chairs that you have to choose from considerably.
High chairs are essential pieces of furniture for feeding babies and toddlers.
There are many different types of high chairs from which to choose.
Some people prefer high chairs that can be folded up and stored away.
When you are looking at high chairs, don't forget to think about the ease of cleaning each one you consider.
There are also convertible high chairs that change to meet the growing child's needs.
Amazon has many different styles of high chairs made out a variety of materials.
Target specializes in folding high chairs made of metal, rubber and plastic.
These high chairs can take whatever the baby dishes out.
Overstock has discounted high chairs in several styles.
Take into consideration your other material possessions (couch, chairs, tables, etc)-make sure the bookshelves you buy can be stylistically coordinated with these other pieces of furniture.
Products are high-quality and include things like Ionic Air Purifiers, home massage chairs, digital photo frames, cool space-saving CD stereos, compact exercise machines, personal grooming devices, innovative kitchen tools and much more.
Leather sofas and chairs are stylish and comfortable.
AmeriLeather promises "Fine leather, manufacturer direct prices" on everything from massage chairs to backpacks.
You can get alarms, nebulizers, personal care items, mattresses, wheel chairs, wound care, and more.
This 10-theater entertainment center contains digital projection in all their theaters and has stadium seating with large, plush chairs.
So, your mission is to give your cat something he can scratch on and discourage him from scratching things you don't want him to rip up such as sofas, chairs and perhaps even your leg.
This means your couches, chairs, bedding and even the draperies may become fair game if your cat takes a liking to them.
Although they have no special malice in their hearts for your favorite furniture, they will work their magic on your sofa and chairs if they are the most suitable materials in the room.
If you've ever noticed definite patches of loose fur on the backs of couches and chairs placed near windows, you've seen signs of Kitty's presence.
The owners, let's call them M and J, were sitting on their front veranda in Adirondack chairs (also all pink), dressed up sipping some drinks.
Nothing falls between chairs, and those nasty phone calls should stop cold.
If you browse through it, you can find bedroom furniture such as end tables, chairs, desks and platform beds.
Italian seating is frequently based on quality, comfort and ergonomics, and Italian office chairs are no different.
No matter what your budget or your style, there are Italian designed office chairs that will meet your needs.
Italian designed office chairs can be found with multiple retailers.
Look for nearly all of SohoConcept's Italian chairs in bright colors.
For a full line of contemporary Italian office furniture include office chairs, visit Strong Project.
Just as there are many office styles, from conference rooms to home offices, so are there multiple styles of Italian designed office chairs.
From stylish and contemporary to staid and traditional there are several types of chairs to choose from.
Italian designed chairs for the home office are smaller and ergonomically designed to fit into any size home.
Styles range from sleek and contemporary seats made of molded plastic with bucket seats, to mini chairs made with net weave, stainless steel and lumbar support at the back.
Italian executive office chairs offer just that, with sleek curves, padded leather and high backs.
Whether you're team building around the conference table for hours or you're bringing in investors for a short meeting, your conference table chairs need to look great and remain comfortable for hours at a time.
Italian conference table chairs offer modern style with lumbar support and a choice of stationary, rolling or executive models.
Mesh chairs have been increasing in popularity for several years and with good reason.
These ergonomic chairs are lightweight, breathable and are frequently made of recycled material, while being up to 96 percent recyclable themselves.
For those who want comfort along with style, some mesh chairs are also available with 100 percent Italian leather seats.
From conference chairs to executive seating, you can find them in a rainbow of choices.
Italian designed office chairs are often at the forefront of office furniture design.
LoveToKnow Furniture is the place to find information about everything from desk chairs to canopy beds--and where to buy them.
Considering how much time people spend sitting in their office chairs, it's important to find an office chair that offers proper back support and protection.
Lumbar support chairs come in a wide variety of styles that are suitable for all budgets and all needs.
There are many different types of office chairs available, but only a few types offer the lumbar support that you should be looking for.
Office chairs with built-in lumbar support have extra padding in the lumbar region.
Ergonomically designed chairs can be adjusted to meet the needs of individual users.
In these chairs, the lumbar support is adjustable using switches or levers on the side of the chair.
Many chairs with built-in support also offer ergonomics for height, seat tilt and seat back tilt.
What makes ergonomically designed chairs for lumbar support different is the ability to further tilt and tip the back and seat of the chair until the support lands right where you need it.
While it's always wise to shop around and take comparisons from various sellers, in the case of lumbar support chairs it's also wise to sit in the chair if at all possible.
While many chairs on the market today offer some degree of support, you may discover that you need more or less than a specific chair is providing.
If you are unable to find chairs you like or can afford locally, purchase an ergonomic chair.
Make sure that you calculate at least two feet around the rim of the table to allow for people getting in and out of chairs.
With chairs, it may be on the inside of the legs or on the bottom of the main part of the chair.
Native American symbols and motifs are often found incorporated in various furniture, especially hand-carved wood pieces and textiles such as fabric chairs, sofas and rugs.
This is one of the most popular styles of executive chairs.
If your office is big enough, you may wish to add a sofa or a couple of chairs for reading.
They rent out desks, office chairs, cubicle panels, conference tables, reception area seating and filing cabinets.
They also offer office chairs, desks and bookcases in their office furniture department.
Amish oak desk chairs are some of the finest crafted desk chairs in the world.
Like other Amish furniture, desk chairs are made with centuries old woodworking techniques that have made Amish furniture stand out in a sea of commercially manufactured furniture items.
The surface of plain sawn wood has a texture to it and it is normally used for flat surfaces, like the seats of chairs.
This type of wood is used to make the spindles, the arms and the tops of Amish desk chairs.
When you purchase Amish oak desk chairs, you are purchasing a solid piece of furniture that will last many years.
Amish oak desk chairs are made in a few specific styles.
They may have legs with wheels so that the chairs swivel and roll.
There are also Amish upholstered chairs that have fabric or leather covering the seat and backrest of the chair.
In addition to chaise cushions, Summer Living Direct also offers custom replacement cushions to match umbrellas, lounge chairs, porch swings...nearly any piece of outdoor patio furniture you own.
If you want to make that wicker loveseat look more at home with your wrought iron table and chairs, a set of coordinated or reversible cushions might be just what you're looking for.
Styles in office furniture don't change rapidly, and there is usually enough used product around to make finding chairs, desks and modular cubicles relatively easy.
Chairs - An office chair will be expensive to repair if the reclining or gas lift mechanism is faulty.
With used chairs, it's better to opt for a mechanical model that does work than a high-end model that's starting to fail.
Although chair arms and casters are pretty easy to replace, chair backs and seats aren't, so stick to chairs with cosmetic problems only, a more involved fix may end up costing you more than the chair is worth.
Chairs - Make sure that upholstery and buttons are secure.
Check casters for wear and cracks, and make sure that chairs swivel properly and will easily support the weight of an adult.
Red and white cedar, which are both strong and especially insect-and weather-resistant, can be used to build round or square log tables (and sometimes matching chairs), flip-up benches, or a park-style picnic dining table.
Cushions placed on rocking chairs are an easy way to get the look and feel you desire as well as the appropriate comfort and support for your chair.
While most people think of rocking chairs as having only seat cushions, many modern styles (gliders in particular) have both seat and back cushions.
While upholstered rocking chairs are available, the traditional wooden variety is still very popular.
Seat cushions make rocking chairs far more comfortable than they would be without them.
Since rocking chairs are often made of wood, a cushion adds softness.
Make sure you get a table that will still fit comfortably in your dining room when fully extended, and don't forget about the additional room necessary for chairs and maneuverability.
Put them in your living room, your foyer, or anywhere else you'd like a few extra seats or storage without bringing in new chairs or shelves.
While most glider rocking chairs come with cushions, there's a good chance that the frame will long outlast the cushions it comes with.
Glider rocking chairs can be used all over the house, but they are most commonly found in nurseries.
Also take into account the space that will be needed for chairs.
They can also be used as an intimate table for two if chairs are placed at either end.
One thing that can get tricky when trying to save space in the dining room is finding space for chairs.
When the table is minimized what do you do with the chairs?
One option is to use folding chairs that can be tucked away when not in use.
There are many companies that now make good quality chairs in all sorts of different styles.
Papasan camp chairs can give you a comfortable place to sit around the fire while you're roasting your marshmallows and telling stories.
Papasan chairs-papasan chairs designed to take with you to campsites included-have an overall disk or bowl shape on a lightweight frame.
The chairs made in this style and designed for camping tend to have foldable, lightweight, and durable frames for easy portability.
The papasan style camp chairs are not as easy to find as you might hope.
Bass Pro sometimes has papasan style camp chairs that get rave reviews.
They have a selection of camp chairs in papasan style that feature team logos and are made of powdered steel tubing and nylon.
Sometimes you can find folding papasan chairs that are suitable for camping in stores that aren't necessarily meant to carry outdoor furniture or camping supplies.
Though papasan camp chairs are a bit harder to track down than more traditional styles of camp chairs, many consumers claim there's almost nothing like sitting in one as long as thick padding is intact.
Pick one up if you're tired of sitting in the traditional and often uncomfortable camp chairs you can find almost anywhere, or even if you're looking for some inexpensive additional seating for your home (inside or out!).
When not in use, you can stack up the table and chairs and make a beautiful work of art.
The Deck-Cetra has an additional feature allowing it to be used stacked up as shelving and cabinet space or opened up to be four chairs and one long table with storage.
They can see the four chairs and one table interlock to make this large vase shape.
At first they can't see how it works but once we explain to them what they are looking at they are blown away by them all.The Geo-Globe is the only model that has two different sized chairs, two large and two small.
The two large chairs hide the smaller chairs inside of them.
Rockler kits for a garden swing and table and chairs are available from AZ Woodman.
While many lawn chairs are perfectly fine on their own, they can be personalized and made to suit your outdoor space in a way that makes them a little more unique.
Prior to the 1990s most aluminum lawn chairs used 2.25" wide webbing on the seats and backs, while more contemporary versions typically use 3" wide webbing.
Both nylon and vinyl webbing come in many different colors so if you desire you can give your chairs or chaise a whole new look.
Everything from dining sets, to bedroom sets, to side tables, chairs, and everything in between can be purchased online.
Webbed aluminum folding lawn chairs used to be a staple on patios, balconies, and backyards all over North America.
If you want something that's easy to care for, inexpensive, and saves on space, you can't do any better than aluminum folding chairs.
Taking care of these chairs is very easy.
While getting wet every now and then isn't a problem, you don't want aluminum chairs to come into contact with too much moisture.
If you live in a damp environment you might want to consider putting your aluminum folding chairs in a shed or garage when they're not in use, or cover them with patio furniture covers.
It's not as easy to find these types of chairs as it used to be, but if you can't find any in traditional stores don't get discouraged.
Flea markets and yard sales are some of the best places to pickup old outdoor chairs.
There are always plenty of people trying to get rid of these chairs, so you can find them for very low prices.
According to DIY Network, to keep your aluminum lawn chairs clean, all you need is some dish detergent and steel wool.
Don't store them in closets or garages where they're in danger of having heavy items fall on them, and be mindful when transporting the chairs.
It has a more sloped design than traditional lawn chairs, is available in several colors, and embroidery is optional.
Don't forget that you can re-web the chairs you find if you're less than impressed by the color or wear.
The aluminum chairs are a nearly effortless option with only minor maintenance required throughout the years.
Their selection of replacement slings includes slings to fit many name brand chairs, custom-made slings and sling fabric sold by the yard.
It can be built by hand or purchased fairly cheaply from companies that still sell the metal lawn chairs and the tables many Americans remember from the middle of the century.
Loungers, chairs, futons, and even pink lawn flamingos have become so popular that they'll likely look more "kitsch" than they will retro.
Although there are a plethora of options for patio furniture ranging from inexpensive folding chairs to high end teak tables, many people are opting for sleek retro patio furniture, which is always in style.
Chic retro designs include wire rod Bertoia chairs by Knoll and steel chairs and barstools of Xavier Pauchard's Marais Collection.
Popular designs include shell-back and spring-back chairs, gliders, and lounge chairs.
Patterns were also common on loungers and chairs.
Low lawn chairs are great for lazy afternoons relaxing outdoors.
This low style is probably the most relaxing of all the kinds of lawn chairs out there because it mimics the experience of actually lying down and stretching your legs out on the grass.
These chairs often have high backs and low seats.
These chairs tend to be fairly inexpensive but price will always depend on the material and the quality.
Low patio and outdoor chairs come in many different styles.
Beach chairs are a type of low chair that are used outdoors and are very popular.
Beach chairs are also foldable which makes them easy to carry and store.
You can often find people bringing these types of chairs to picnics, festivals, and of course the beach.
Adirondack chairs (also known as Muskoka chairs) can also be quite low.
They're not always the first thing that comes to mind when you think of lawn chairs, but they do the job as well as any other.
If you're going to be using low lawn chairs in your outdoor seating area make sure to pair them with other low furnishings.
Try to get tables and other pieces of furniture that are just as low as the chairs.
Low chairs can look great and are super practical if you need to pack them up and take them places, but don't forget to think about who will be using them.
If you're going to be having elderly people over to sit outside, low chairs might not be the best idea.
While low chairs are comfy and relaxing, they can be a bit difficult to get out of.