Chairman Sentence Examples
He served as chairman of many commissions dealing with public health, prohibition, and labour.
In 1905 he was chairman of the r'Iass.
From 1875 to 1887, when he entered the U.S. Senate, he was again a representative in Congress, and from 1877 almost continuously to the close of his service he was chairman of the Committee on Commerce, in which capacity he had a prominent part in securing the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.
As they died, they shouted, 'Communist Party, Chairman Mao, save us.'
His power was formerly of great extent, but he has now practically no important duty to exercise except that of chairman of the Dover harbour board.
He was chairman of the Republican national executive campaign committee in 1888, and was a member of the United States Senate in1887-1899and again in 1901-1904.
He sat on various royal commissions, including those on the Civil Service and Venereal Diseases, and from 1917 to 1919 was again chairman of the Independent Labour party.
The resolutions were passed and their author was made chairman of the committee for which they provided.
He unsuccessfully contested Blackburn in 1900 and Wakefield in 1902, and in 1903 he became chairman of the Independent Labour party.
He was chairman of the Republican State Committee (1892, 1896), candidate for the U.S. Senate (1894, 1900), member of the Republican National Committee (1896, 1900), and a delegate to the Republican National Convention on four occasions.
AdvertisementHere he became the recognized Democratic leader and in 1879-1881 was chairman of the judiciary committee.
In 1921 he was chosen chairman of the parliamentary Labour party.
In 1907 he took a prominent part in advocating the ending, rather than the mending, of the House of Lords; and in 1908 he was elected chairman of the party, a post which he held for two years and to which he was reelected in the autumn of 1914 when the then chairman, Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, had to resign owing to his pacifist views.
Already as chairman of the food section of the Council of National Defense he had begun to marshal all the agencies for economizing, especially on those foods which the Allies needed.
Henry Clay, the speaker, appointed him a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, of which John C. Calhoun was chairman, and for some forty years these three constituted a great triumvirate in American politics.
AdvertisementA secretary or " clerk," as he is called, acts as chairman or president; there are no formal resolutions; and there is no voting or applause.
As chairman of the judiciary committee, he brought forward a number of measures for the improvement of judicial procedure, and in May 1826 joined with Benton in presenting a report on executive patronage.
During 1663 he served constantly on committees, and was chairman of the committee of supply in July, and again in April 1664.
The first white settlement in the Mosquito country was made in 1630, when the agents of an English chartered company - of which the earl of Warwick was chairman and John Pym treasurer - occupied two small cays, and established friendly relations with the Indians.
He became, however, chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, and was instrumental in the enactment of the Morrill Tariff Act of 1860.
AdvertisementHis interest and efficiency in financial legislation in the House led to his appointment on the Senate Committee of Finance, and after 1867 he was chairman of this influential committee.
Weyrother, who was in full control of the proposed battle, by his eagerness and briskness presented a marked contrast to the dissatisfied and drowsy Kutuzov, who reluctantly played the part of chairman and president of the council of war.
While he grumbled for a few days, he was far too busy as Dean's election chairman.
In 1832 he was elected to the state House of Representatives, where, as chairman of a sub-committee, he submitted a report denying the right of Congress to exercise any control over the states.
In 1916 he was delegate-atlarge from Ohio to the Republican National Convention, of which he was chosen permanent chairman.
AdvertisementIn 1857 Field became chairman of a state commission for the reduction into a written and systematic code of the whole body of law of the state, excepting those portions already reported upon by the Commissioners of Practice and Pleadings.
The State Board of Charities and Correction, for which the constitution of 1898 first made pro vision, and which was organized under an act of 1904, is composed of six members, appointed by the governor for six years, with the governor as ex-officio chairman.
In the absence of Charles Leonard, who had been sent as one of the delegates to Cape Town to interview Rhodes, Lionel Phillips, a partner in Messrs Eckstein & Co., the largest mining firm on the Rand, was elected chairman.
Phillips had been for three years in succession chairman of the chamber of mines, and he had persistently for several years tried to induce Kruger to take a reasonable view of the requirements of the industry.
The university is governed by a senate consisting of a chancellor, chairman of convocation and 54 members, whose appointment is shared by the Crown, convocation, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Surgeons, the Inns of Court, the Law Society, the London County Council, City Corporation, City and Guilds Institute, University and King's Colleges and the faculties.
The Port of London Authority, as constituted by the act of 1908, is a body corporate consisting of a chairman, vice-chairman, 17 members elected by payers of dues, wharfingers and owners of river craft, I member elected by wharfingers exclusively, and To members appointed by the following existing bodies - Admiralty (one); Board of Trade (two); London County Council (two from among its own members and two others); City Corporation (one from among its own members and one other); Trinity House (one).
The arrangements of quarter-sessions, justices, coroners, sheriffs, &c., were thus brought into line with other counties, except in so far as the ordinary organization is modified by the existence of the central criminal court, the metropolitan police, police courts and magistrates, and a paid chairman of quarter-sessions.
During the last years of his senatorial career he was chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs.
As chairman of the committee having the matter in charge, he drafted the bill by the enactment of which the system of Federal courts, almost as it is to-day, was established.
In 1860 he was chairman of the Massachusetts delegation to the Republican national convention at Chicago, which nominated Lincoln for the presidency; and from 1861 to January 1866, throughout the trying period of the Civil War, he was governor of Massachusetts, becoming known as one of the ablest, most patriotic and most energetic of the remarkable group of "war governors" in the North.
He then became one of the chief organizers of the National (or Gold) Democratic party, attended the convention at Indianapolis, and was chairman of its committee on resolutions.
From 1871 to 1877 he was again a member of the United States senate, in which he was prominent in debate and in committee work, and was chairman of the committee on foreign affairs during the Alabama Claims negotiations.
He also became chairman of the Republican state committee in 1859, and for more than twenty years personally directed every campaign of his party.
In Congress as chairman of the important military affairs committee his services were of the greatest value.
He also acted for a time as chairman of the secret committee of the Commons, and drew up the report on the examination of the Jesuit Coleman, secretary to the duchess of York.
In the convention parliament summoned by the prince of Orange, in which he sat for Heytesbury, he spoke in favour of a radical resettlement of the constitution, and served on a committee, of which Somers was chairman, for drawing up a new constitution in the form of the Declaration of Right; and he was one of the representatives of the Commons in their conference with the peers on the question of declaring the throne vacant.
It also leaked out during the investigation that he had received in 1868, as a campaign contribution, a gift of $4000 from a contractor who had supplied the government with envelopes while Colfax was chairman of the post office committee of the House.
From 1835 to 1837 he was a member of the Virginia house of delegates; from 1837 to 1843 and from 1845 to 1847 was a member of the national house of representatives, being Speaker from 1839 to 1841; and from 1847 to 1861 he was in the senate, where he was chairman of the finance committee (1850-1861).
In the organization of Victoria University he took a foremost part, and, as chairman of the Board of Studies at Owens College, he presided over the general academical board of the Victoria University.
In 1866 Tilden became chairman of the Democratic state committee, and soon came into conflict with.
It was as chairman of the Independent Labour party - the section led by Mr. Keir Hardie - that he entered the House of Commons; and he explained at the congress of the party in April 1907 that its object was to mould society into the socialist State.
In that year he became the chairman of the Labour party in Parliament.
He was immediately elected a member of the municipal council of Philadelphia, becoming its chairman; and was chosen president of the Supreme Executive Council (the chief executive officer) of Pennsylvania, and was re-elected in 1786 and 1787, serving from October 1785 to October 1788.
In May 1787 he was elected a delegate to the Convention which drew up the Federal Constitution, this body thus having a member upon whom all could agree as chairman, should Washington be absent.
The Whigs having the ascendancy in the TwentySeventh Congress, he was made chairman of the House Committee of Ways and Means.
In 1886 he was chairman of the Congregational Union, which he represented in 1889 at the triannual national council of the American Congregational churches.
He was chairman of the Congress in 1912.
A tariff bill introduced in the House by William Lyne Wilson (1843-1900), of West Virginia, chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, was so amended in the Senate, through the instrumentality of Senator Arthur Pue Gorman and a coterie of anti-administration democratic senators, that when the bill eventually came before him, although unwilling to veto it, the president signified his dissatisfaction with its too high rates by allowing it to become a law without his signature.
He was a delegate to the National Republican Convention in 1892; chairman of the Republican State Convention in 1895, 1900, and 1908; and chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1906.
During his latter years he took great interest in the revision of the authorized version of the Bible, and was chairman of the revisers of the Old Testament.
As early as 1801 Morris became interested in projects for improving the communication between the Hudson river and Lake Erie, and from 1810 to 1816 he was chairman of the board of canal commissioners, which after exploring the country prepared plans for the Erie Canal.
When the Long Parliament met, Williams was made chairman of a committee of inquiry into innovations in the church; and he was one of the bishops consulted by Charles as to whether he should veto the bill for the attainder of Strafford.
Of the Oranjie Unie Mr Abraham Fischer became chairman, other prominent members being Messrs Hertzog, C. de Wet and Steyn.
They took the title of the Constitutional party, and Sir John Fraser was chosen as chairman.
From 1822 to 1829 he was a member of the National House of Representatives,' and there voted for John Quincy Adams for the presidency, and served as chairman of the committee on agriculture.
He gave much time and attention to his duties as chairman of the second Oxford commission under the act of 1876; in 1878 he filled the office of lord rector of the university of St Andrews; and in the following year he presided over a commission on the subject of university education in London.
His eldest SOn, SIR Charles John Herries (1815-1882), was chairman of the board of inland revenue.
As chairman of the House Banking Committee he was active in framing and passing the Federal Reserve Bank Law.
He was chairman of the Committee on Resolutions at the National Democratic Convention in 1920.
In the next ensuing session of Congress, in 1889-90, the Republicans passed a new tariff act, known as the McKinley Tariff Act, because Mr McKinley was then chairman of McKffinl o fey the House Committee in charge of the bill.
At the extra session which President McKinley called in 1897, almost the sole measure considered was the tariff act, known (again from the name of the chairman of the House Committee) as the Dingley Act.
After a few years in his father's business, he retired with an ample fortune from all business concerns, with the exception of the Sheffield Banking Company, of which he was chairman for many years.
He was the permanent chairman of the National Republican Convention of 1900, and of that of 1908.
The public interest in the ex-Speaker's later life centred entirely in his somewhat controversial connexion with the drink traffic. A royal commission was appointed in April 1896 to inquire into the operation and administration of the licensing laws, and Viscount Peel was appointed chairman.
In1779-1780he was president of the constitutional convention of Massachusetts, also serving as chairman of the committee by which the draft of the constitution was prepared.
He was appointed chairman of a committee for church extension, and in that capacity made a tour through a large part of Scotland, addressing presbyteries and holding public meetings.
From 1847 to 1862 he was advising astronomer to the headquarters of the army and navy; chairman of the International Astronomical Congress from 1867-1878; acting president of the International Metric Commission in 1872; and president of the International Congress for a Photographic Survey of the Stars in 1887, in which year he was also made a privy councillor.
In 1848 he left the Whig party and became one of the chief leaders of the Free Soil party, serving as presiding officer of that party's national convention in 1852, acting as chairman of the Free Soil national committee and editing from 1848 to 1851 the Boston Republican, which he made the chief Free Soil organ.
Upon the outbreak of the Civil War he was made chairman of the military committee of the Senate, and in this position performed most laborious and important work for the four years of the war.
The meeting is presided over by a chairman called the moderator.
He appoints the members of nearly all committees, he chooses the chairman of each, and he directs the reference of bills to the various committees.
Of the committee on rules, which practically determines the order in which important measures come before the house, he was formerly chairman, and he had the power of appointing the committee; but on the 19th of March 1910, the house passed a resolution which increased the membership of this committee from 5 to lo, excluded the Speaker, and transferred the appointments to the house.
Revenue bills for imposing or continuing the various customs duties and internal taxes are prepared by the House committee on ways and means, whose chairman is always a leading man in the majority party.
The chairman in particular is generally reappointed, and is often, in a populous area, a person of great and perhaps autocratic power, who has large funds at his disposal and a regular army of workers under his orders.
The -roll of states is again called, and the chairman of each state delegation announces the vote of the state.
In 1871 Lord Ripon was appointed chairman of the High Joint-Commission on the Alabama claims, which arranged the treaty of Washington.
For many years Lord Ripon was president of the Yorkshire College of Science at Leeds, and chairman of the West Riding County Council.
The commission, which included three members of the Canadian cabinet and a representative of Newfoundland, and of which Lord Herschell was appointed chairman, met at Quebec on the 23rd of August 1898.
Mr Nelson Dingley, an American member of the commission, died during the month of January, as did the chairman, Lord Herschell, in March, as the result of an accident, soon after the close of the sittings of the commission.
In 1917 she was appointed chairman of the woman's committee of the Council of National Defense, and in 1918 edited for this committee a department in the Ladies' Home Journal.
During 1861-1862 he was chairman of the important joint-committee on the conduct of the war, and in 1862, as chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories, was instrumental in abolishing slavery in the Federal Territories.
He was a delegate to the Stamp Act Congress in 1765, and to the Continental Congress in 1774-77 and 1782-83; he was chairman of the committee which framed the state constitution of 1776, and the first "president" (governor) of South Carolina in 1776-78.
From December 1863 to March 1865 he was chairman of the committee on foreign affairs; as such, in 1864, he was unwilling to leave the delicate questions concerning the French occupation of Mexico entirely in the hands of the president and his secretary of state, and brought in a report very hostile to France, which was adopted in the House, but fortunately, as it proved later, was not adopted by the Senate.
He was active as a Republican in state and national politics; was chairman of the Committee on Resolutions of the New York State Republican Conventions from 1874 to 1880 (excepting 1877), and was president of the convention of 1879; and was a delegate to several National Republican Conventions, drafting much of the Republican platforms of 1876 and 1896.
He moved to West Virginia and practised law at Kingwood from 1877 to 1882, during the same period serving as chairman of the county Democratic committee.
At first the preachers of the district elected their own chairman, but they were afterwards appointed by the conference.
The various expansions and developments have made it difficult to maintain the ratio between accommodation and requirements, and although overcrowding is troublesome only during some three or four hours a week, at "high 'Change" on market days, various complaints and suggestions provoked in 1906 an appeal from the chairman of directors to the Manchester corporation.
He was chairman of the commission which drafted the charter for Greater New York, and in 1897 was defeated as Republican candidate for mayor of the city.
He retired from parliament in 1892, and died on the 29th of January 1896, his last piece of work being the drafting of a report for the royal commission on Irish financial relations, of which he was chairman.
In 1769 he acted as moderator of the privately convened assembly which entered into the nonimportation agreement, and in May 1773 he became chairman of the first Virginia intercolonial committee of correspondence.
The states of Holland sent a commission, of which Grotius was chairman, to Utrecht, with the view of strengthening the hands of their friends, the Remonstrant party, in that city.
In the House, as chairman of the committee on military affairs, he did much to prepare the Indiana troops for service in the Federal army; in 1861 he became colonel of the S3rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and subsequently took part in Grant's Tennessee campaign of 1862, and in the operations against Corinth and Vicksburg, where he commanded a brigade.
On the motion of Stevens (Dec. 4, 1865), the two houses appointeda joint committee on reconstruction, and Stevens was made chairman of the House committee.
In 1884 he became vice-president of the line, in 1888 president, and in 18 9 9 chairman of the board of directors.
Should he die during his term, or otherwise become unable to fulfil his duties, the president is succeeded by the vice-president (similarly elected), who is ex officio chairman of the Senate.
On the reorganization of the Labour party in 1917, Mr. Adamson succeeded Mr. Arthur Henderson as its chairman, and in 1918 he was sworn of the Privy Council.
In politics he was originally a Republican, and was a delegate to the national convention of the party in 1880, and chairman of its finance committee.
The chairman gave out a temperance song, and during the singing told Bright to put his notes aside and say what came into his mind.
When Mr Gladstone resigned the leadership of his party in 1875, Bright was chairman of the party meeting which chose Lord Hartington as his successor.
He became chairman of a state commission of inquiry into the number and condition of idiots in Massachusetts, and the report of this commission, presented in 1848, caused a profound sensation.
In 1886 he was elected chairman of committees in the House of Commons, and his efficiency in this office seemed to mark him out for the speakership in 1895.
It was generally observed but with much grumbling and denunciation of the chairman of the Committee, Mr. George Creel, as a " censor."
For some reason - perhaps because Bismarck did not entirely trust him - he did not at this time attain quite so influential a position as might have been anticipated; nevertheless he was chairman of the parliamentary committee which in 1876 drafted the new rules of legal procedure, and he found scope for his great administrative abilities in the post of burgomaster of Osnabruck.
An ardent opponent of slavery, he became a Free Soiler, was a delegate to the National Convention which nominated John P. Hale for the presidency in 1852, and subsequently served as chairman of the State Committee, having at the same time editorial control of the Charter Oak, the party organ.
He was the permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention in 1868, was a delegate to the conventions of 1872, 1876 and 1880, was a member of Congress from December 1872 until March 1875 and again in 1879-1881, and was a United States senator from 1881 until the 3rd of March 1905, being one of the Republican leaders both in the House and the Senate.
The chairman of the commissioners retains possession of the regalia.
A committee on grievances was appointed, as chairman of which Mackenzie presented the admirable Seventh Report on Grievances, largely written by himself, in which the case for the Reformers was presented with force and moderation, and the adoption of responsible government advocated as the remedy.
In January 1892, upon a new election, he again for a few months became chairman of the county council.
Entering politics as a Whig, he was chairman of the Whig state central committee in 1854, and from 1855 to 1858 was secretary of the commonwealth.
In 1898 he was appointed by Governor Wolcott as chairman of the Mass.
In the Chamber he spoke chiefly on army questions; and was chairman of a commission appointed to consider army legislation, resigning in 1887 on the refusal of the Chamber to sanction the abolition of exemptions of any kind.
He was chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales in 1905.
At Lafayette he introduced the first carefully scientific study of English in any American college, and in 1870 published A Comparative Grammar of the AngloSaxon Language, in which its Forms are Illustrated by Those of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, Old Saxon, Old Friesic, Old Norse and Old High German, and An Anglo-Saxon Reader; he was editor of the "Douglass Series of Christian Greek and Latin Classics," to which he contributed Latin Hymns (1874); he was chairman of the Commission of the State of Pennsylvania on Amended Orthography; and was consulting editor of the Standard Dictionary, and in 1879-1882 was director of the American readers for the Philological Society's (New Oxford) Dictionary.
He took a prominent part in the proceedings against Strafford, was chairman of the committee of management, and had charge of articles XIX.-XXIV.
He still, however, remained on good terms with Cromwell, by whom he was respected; he took part in public business, acted as Cromwell's adviser on foreign affairs, negotiated the treaty with Sweden of 1656, and, elected again to the parliament of the same year as member for Buckinghamshire, was chairman of the committee which conferred with Cromwell on the subject of the Petition and Advice and urged the protector to assume the title of king.
In the Senate he was chairman of the committee on Indian affairs, and gave much attention to the enactment of laws for the benefit of the Indians.
On leaving the Senate, in 1893, he became chairman of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes (sometimes called the Dawes Indian Commission), and served in this capacity for ten years, negotiating with the tribes for the extinction of the communal title to their land and for the dissolution of the tribal governments, with the object of making the tribes a constituent part of the United States.'
The provincial council is presided over by a chairman, elected from its members; and the council also chooses an executive committee of four, who need not be members of the council.
He was elected town councillor of the famous Great Western railway centre, Swindon, and became chairman of the Finance Committee and of the Electricity and Tramways Committee.
In the house he was continuously a member of the ways and means committee (of which he was chairman in 1865-1867), and in the Senate of the finance committee (of which he was chairman in 1877-1879,1881-1893and 1893-1898).
Soon after entering Congress he became the acknowledged leader of the protectionists, and at the request of John Sherman, then chairman of the ways and means committee, he prepared a new tariff bill, which was introduced in the house in March 1860.
He was a "strong" speaker in his control of the proceedings, and he developed an organized committee system, making the majority of the Committee on Rules consist of the speaker and chairman of the committees on ways and means and on appropriations.
He was appointed in 1900 chairman of a commission to inquire into the various concessions which President Kruger and the Rand had granted to companies and private individuals in the Transvaal, and to report which should be maintained and which annulled.
In 1912 he was vice-chairman of the Democratic National Committee and during most of the campaign was acting chairman because of the illness of Chairman McCombs.
He was chairman of the committee which divided the country into 12 Federal Reserve districts and selected the centres for the 12 banks; and was likewise chairman of the Federal Reserve Board which had supervision over the system inaugurated in Nov.
In 1777 he was chairman of the committee of the convention which drafted the first New York state constitution After acting for some time as one of the council of safety (which administered the state government until the new constitution came into effect), he was made chief justice of New York state, in September 1777.
He again served in the Senate (after 1872, being chairman of the committee on foreign relations) from 1867 until 1877, when he resigned to make room for his son, whose election he dictated.
He was chairman of the Republican national committee during the campaign of 1880.
It was to be governed by a specially appointed committee of distinguished personages, the chairman being the Speaker of the House of Commons.
In 1775 he became chairman of the committee of public safety for Orange county, and wrote its response to Patrick Henry's call for the arming of a colonial militia, and in the spring of 1776 he was chosen a delegate to the new Virginia convention, where he was on the committee which drafted the constitution for the state, and proposed an amendment (not adopted) which declared that "all men are equally entitled to the full and free exercise" of religion, and was more radical than the similar one offered by George Mason.
Subsequently he became chairman of the Republican National Committee, and managed with consummate skill the campaign of 1896 against William Jennings Bryan and "free-silver."
Apart from politics he took a deep and active interest in the problems of capital and labour, was one of the organizers (1901) and the first president of the National Civic Federation, whose purpose was to solve social and industrial problems, and in December 1901 became chairman of a permanent board of conciliation and arbitration established by the Federation.
From 1845 to 1849 he was a United States senator from New York; and as chairman of the committee on commerce was author of the warehouse bill passed by Congress in 1846 to relieve merchants from immediate payment of duties on imported goods.
He resigned from the civil service in 1891 to give his whole time to the work of the Council (where he was chairman of the Technical Education Board) and to the study of economics.
During the second period of his service in Congress, which lasted until 1785, he was a member of the committee to consider the treaty of peace with Great Britain, and chairman of two committees appointed to select a permanent seat of government.
In 1881, on the occasion of the jubilee of the Congregational Union of England and Wales, Allon was again elected chairman.
He became second vice-president of the New York Central & Hudson river in 1869 and was its president in 1885-1898, and in 1898 was made chairman of the board of directors of the Vanderbilt system.
In 1893 he presided over the first conference of the Independent Labour party and the following year was elected chairman of the party, an office to which he was reelected annually until 1899.
Early in 1892 he was again transferred to the lighthouse bureau, and until February 1895 was inspector of the third lighthouse district; and in1897-1898he was a member (and chairman) of the Lighthouse Board.
In 1868 he was chairman of the Republican national convention which nominated Grant.
When they again referred him to Haywood, he applied to Thomas Campbell, then chairman of a company formed for buying up the copyright of meritorious but rejected works.
This is managed by a board of seven delegates, the chairman being elected by the government, while the Riksdag (parliament) elects the remainder.
In1865-1866he was chairman of the central committee for the celebration of the centenary of American Methodism.
In 1791 Alexander Falconbridge (formerly a surgeon on board slave ships) collected the surviving fugitives and laid out a new settlement (Granville's Town); and the promoters of the enterprise - Granville Sharp, William Wilberforce, Sir Richard Carr Glyn, &c. - hitherto known as the St George's Bay Company, obtained a charter of incorporation as the Sierra Leone Company, with Henry Thornton as chairman.
To lay before South Africa the true position of affairs in the Transvaal Charles Leonard issued a manifesto as chairman of the National Union.
Schaff's broad views strongly influenced the German Reformed Church, through his teaching at Mercersburg, through his championship of English in German Reformed churches and schools in America, through his hymnal (18J9), through his labours as chairman of the committee which prepared a new liturgy, and by his edition (1863) of the Heidelberg Catechism.
He was a member of the Appropriations Committee and chairman of the Committee on Civil Service Reform.
His uncles, John Breckinridge (1797-1841), professor of pastoral theology in the Princeton Theological Seminary in1836-1838and for many years after secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and Robert Jefferson Breckinridge (1800-1871), for several years superintendent of public instruction in Kentucky, an important factor in the organization of the public school system of the state, a professor from 18J3 to 1871 in the Danville Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Danville, Kentucky, and the temporary chairman of the national Republican convention of 1864, were both prominent clergymen of the Presbyterian Church.
As chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, his services were second in value only to those of President Lincoln and Secretary Salmon P. Chase in efforts to provide funds for the defence of the Union; and in July 1864 Fessenden succeeded Chase as secretary of the treasury.
In the Senate he again became chairman of the finance committee, and also of the joint committee on reconstruction.
In 1812 Macon voted for the declaration of war against Great Britain, and later was chairman of the Congressional committee which made a report (July 1813) condemning Great Britain's conduct of the war.
Elected as an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, he naturally joined the Republicans, and when this party secured control in the Senate he was made chairman of the important judiciary committee, from which he reported the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States abolishing slavery.
At the same time, the authority of the chairman, as supreme executive officer, is considerably strengthened.
And in 1909 the British government appointed a scientific committee, with Lord Rayleigh as chairman, as a consultative body for furthering the development of the science in England.
Such disqualifications include the holding of any office or place of profit under the council other than the office of chairman, and the being concerned or interested in any contract or S r n ?'
If the councillor does not make it within that time, he is liable to a fine the amount of which, if not determined by bye-law of the council, is £25 in the case of an alderman or councillor, and £50 in the case of the chairman.
If during his term of office a member of the council becomes bankrupt, or compounds with his creditors, or is (except in case of illness) continuously absent from the county, being chairman for more than two months, or being alderman or councillor for more than six months, his office becomes vacant by declaration of the council.
The first quarterly meeting of Chairman, the newly-elected council is held on the 16th or on such, Ch other day within ten days after the 8th as the county council may fix.
The first business at that meeting is the election of the chairman, whose office corresponds to that of the mayor in a borough.
The chairman must be a fit person, elected by the council from their own body or from persons qualified to be councillors.
Having elected the chairman, the meeting proceeds to the election of aldermen, whose number is one-third of the number of councillors, except in London, where the number is one-sixth.
The council may also appoint a vice-chairman who holds office during the term of office of the chairman; in London the council have power to appoint a paid deputy chairman.
The chairman, or in his absence the vice-chairman, or in the absence of both an alderman or councillor appointed by the meeting, presides.
All questions are determined by the votes of the majority of those present and voting, and in case of equality of votes the chairman has a casting vote.
Minutes of the proceedings are taken, and if signed by the chairman at the same or the next meeting of the council are evidence of the proceedings.
At the offices, annual meeting, which is held as soon as convenient after the 15th April in each year, a chairman for the succeeding year has to be appointed.
Questions are determined by the majority present and voting, the chairman having the casting vote.
The parish council elects a chairman annually.
Morgan was one of the founders of the Republican party, and was chairman of the National Republican Committee in 1856-1864 and in 1872.
On the 29th of April 1796, as chairman of the committee of the whole, he cast the deciding vote for the laws necessary to carry out Jay's treaty.
He was the author of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, and in 1860 was chairman of the Senate committee which investigated the John Brown raid.
By the 14th of March, when the second reading came on, the controversy had assumed threatening proportions; and Mr Dixon, the Liberal member for Birmingham and chairman of the Education League, moved an amendment, the effect of which was to prohibit all religious education in board schools.
The proposal involved the making of enlarged harbours at Dover and Audresselles on the French coast, and the bill, after passing the Commons, was thrown out by the casting vote of the chairman of a committee of the House of Lords.
It is governed by a chancellor, a vice-chancellor (who is chairman of the university council) and a council consisting (1909) of 38 members, including representatives of Natal.
After the withdrawal of the Southern senators, Sumner was made chairman of the committee on foreign relations (March 8, 1861), a position for which he was pre-eminently fitted by his years of intimate acquaintance with European politics and statesmen.
His success as an iron merchant led to his becoming chairman of the Glasgow Iron Trade Association.
He also appointed another select committee to consider how to control expenditure, the chairman of which, Mr. Herbert Samuel, told him that his fault as a Chancellor of the Exchequer was that he was " too amiable."
In Nasik district, in January 1898, the native chairman of the plague committee was brutally murdered by a mob.
In 1917 he was appointed chairman of the Draft Appeals Board of New York City by Governor Whitman, and the following year was special assistant to the U.S. Attorney-General, in charge of the investigation of alleged waste and delay in the construction of aircraft.
It was but natural, therefore, that efforts should at once have been made to establish the institution of slavery on Indiana soil, and as early as 1802 a convention called to consider the expediency of slavery asked Congress to suspend the prohibitory clause of the Ordinance for ten years, but a committee of which John Randolph of Virginia was chairman reported against such action.
In 1876, as chairman of the national republican committee, he managed the campaign of Hayes against Tilden.
On the 28th of April 1796, when the Republicans, hostile to the Jay Treaty, were on the point of holding up the appropriation necessary for its execution, Ames, who had just arisen from a sick-bed, made what has been considered the greatest speech of his life; before the delivery of his speech his opponents had claimed a majority of six, but the appropriation was finally passed, in the committee of the whole, by the casting vote of the chairman.
In 1860 he was chairman of the New York delegation to the republican national convention.
Beresford-Hope, Lord Lyttelton and Lord John Manners (chairman), to exertions which restored sisterhoods to the Church of England.
In 1877 he was chairman of the state Republican Convention at Rochester.
The king appoints the president of the upper chamber; since 1874 the lower chamber has elected its own chairman.
In 1881 he founded the Social Democratic Federation in Great Britain and for many years was its chairman.
Although peace brought a more favourable condition of the money market, Dallas's attempt to fund the treasury notes on a satisfactory basis was unsuccessful, but a bill, reported by Calhoun, as chairman of the committee on national currency, for the establishment of a national bank, became law on the 10th of April 1816.
The number of foreigners, other than British, who took up their abode in the British settlement at Shanghai made it soon necessary to adopt some more catholic form of government than that supplied by a British consul who had control only over British subjects, and by common agreement a committee of residents, consisting of a chairman and six members, was elected by the renters of land for the purposes of general municipal administration.
The French consul-general is chairman ex officio, so that the control in any case is French and practically official.
He was a member of the General Board of Studies from its foundation in 1882 till 1899; he was also a member of the Council of the Senate of the Indian Civil Service Board and the Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate, and chairman of the Special Board for Moral Science.
He was long conspicuous in the State Republican organization, was chairman of the New Jersey State Republican Committee from 1880 to 1890, became a member in 5884 of the Republican National Committee, and was the delegate-at-large from New Jersey to five successive Republican national nominating conventions.
William Shaw succeeded him as chairman of the Irish party in Parliament; but after the election of 1880, Parnell, who had the Land League at his back, ousted him by 23 votes to 18.
Forster (q.v.) as chief; secretary, and Parnell remained chairman of his own party in parliament.
Five days later he was unanimously re-elected chairman by his party in parliament, but the meeting was scarcely over when Gladstone's famous letter to Mr Morley became public. The writer in effect demanded Parnell's resignation of the leadership as the condition upon which he could continue at the head of the Liberal party.
The lord-lieutenant, on taking up his quarters in Dublin, refused a loyal address because of its Unionist tone; and in October the government issued a commission, with Mr Justice Mathew as chairman, which had the restoration of the evicted tenants as its avowed object.
A committee on the Irish Land Acts was closured at the end of July by the casting vote of the chairman, Mr Morley, and the minority refused to join in the report.
Childers was the original chairman of this commission, which was appointed in 1894 with the object of determining the fiscal contribution of Ireland under Home Rule, and after his death in 1896 The O'Conor Don presided.
In 1897 a royal commission, with Sir Edward Fry as chairman, was appointed to inquire into the operation of the Land Acts.
Mr John Redmond was chosen chairman, and the alliance of Nationalists and Gladstonian Liberals was dissolved.
In March 1903 was published the report of the Royal Commission on Irish University Education appointed two years before with Lord Robertson as chairman, Trinity College, Dublin, being excluded from the inquiry.
Soon after the change of government in 1906 a royal commission, with ex-Lord Justice Fry as chairman, was appointed to investigate the condition of Trinity College, Dublin, and another under Lord Dudley to inquire into the question of the congested districts.
He ardently supported the policy of making Federal appropriations (of land, but not of money) for internal improvements of a national character, being a prominent advocate of the construction, by government aid, of a trans-continental railway, and the chief promoter (1850) of the Illinois Central; in 1854 he suggested that Congress should impose tonnage duties from which towns and cities might themselves pay for harbour improvement, &c. To him as chairman of the committee on territories, at first in the House, and then in the Senate, of which he became a member in December 1847, it fell to introduce the bills for admitting Texas, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and Oregon into the Union, and for organizing the territories of Minnesota, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Kansas and Nebraska.
In the Senate he was not reappointed chairman of the committee on territories.
He was one of the founders of the Royal Agricultural Society, and was chairman of the implement department of the great exhibition of 1851.
In 1869 he was elected chairman of the executive council of the new National Education League, the outcome of Mr George Dixon's movement for promoting the education of the children of the lower classes by paying their school fees, and agitating for more accommodation and a better national system.
In 1870 he was elected a member of the first school board for Birmingham; and for the next six years, and especially after 1873, when he became leader of a majority and chairman, he actively championed the Nonconformist opposition to denominationalism.
He was one of the founders of the Free Art League, of the International Copyright League, and of the Authors' Club; was chairman of the New York Tenement House Commission in 18 9 4; and was a prominent member of the National Institute of Arts and Letters, of the Council of the National Civil Service Reform League, and of the executive committee of the Citizens' Union of New York City.
The most` important board of which he is chairman is the state board of equalization.
He was a member, generally ex officio, of the Federal Council of National Defense, the National Forest Reservation Committee, the Federal Reserve Banks organization committee, and chairman of the Federal Board for Vocational Education.
In 1907 he was appointed by President Roosevelt a member of the Isthmian Canal Commission, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and soon afterwards was made its chairman and chief engineer.
He resigned the governorship in 1916 and was appointed chairman of the board constituted to report on the Adamson Eight-Hour law.
By the Local Government Act 1894 they are now deposited with the chairman or clerk of a parish council.
In 1883 he was chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales.
A county trustee, whose duty it is to collect state and county taxes, and a sheriff are elected by the county for a term of two years; a clerk of the county court and a register are also elected by the county for a term of four years; and the county judge or chairman of the county court, the clerk of the county court, and the county health officer constitute a county board of health.
The smaller committee elected a chairman, who was also chairman of the committee of thirteen.
In 1905 he was appointed by President Roosevelt a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission and was retained by President Taft, serving for eight years, part of the time as chairman.
He attained a prominent place in state politics, being chairman of the Republican State Convention in 1892, 1898, and 1914.
He was chairman of the U.S. representatives on the BritishAmerican Joint High Commission for dealing with Canadian questions in 1898 and 1903, being reelected to the Senate in the latter year.
He looked like a corporate chairman ready to give an annual report as he rolled his eyes with impatience at his brother who dominated the conversation with laughter and silly stories.
There was acumen displayed by our chairman.
The league chairman deserves the gratitude of all the players for his great service to the game.
His move is unlikely to appease the fans, who remain vehement in their determination to force Petty out as chairman.
Richard Broadbent, chairman of Customs & Excise, publicly accused Imperial last year of not being sufficiently helpful, a claim Imperial denied.
The Panel Chairman proposed a short adjournment to allow the Union to consider its position.
The story of a chairman of the Library Committee who sent his lunch hours reading childrens ' comics was unfortunately not apocryphal.
The policy is executed by the Bank's ALCO whose Chairman has been delegated authority by the Chief Executive.
Why would the chairman be picking out or interviewing the managers backroom staff?
Sir David Scholey will step down as chairman of Close Brothers at the merchant banking group's October AGM.
In a vacancy in a rectorial benefice the Chairman shall be a Vicar of that benefice designated by the Area Dean.
The only person wearing a bright red blazer, Chairman Andy Campbell.
Francis ' son, Richard, a keen botanist, was made Chairman in 1935.
The chairman called the bouncers and had us kicked out.
He failed to win a parliamentary candidacy but become a local Labor councilor in 1923, chairman of the council in 1931.
Jack, who is chairman of the Norwich branch of the Campaign to legalize cannabis Internationally, believe cannabis is not a drug.
One dawn chorus and a large cappuccino later, a new chairman welcomes us.
The Lord Mayor is Chairman of our Management Committee We employ one full time rat catcher (all other workers are volunteers ).
Nigel Burton, chairman Nigel was appointed chair on 1 April 2004.
In the absence of both these officers, the meeting shall appoint a chairman of the meeting.
Below there is a special article written by the retiring chairman, Chris Fry about the proposed cottage extension.
Shareholders are able to nominate the chairman of your company or a third party proxy to attend the meeting on their behalf.
Allen, currently chief financial officer, replaces Nicholas Porter, who will take on the role of deputy chairman.
He became the non-executive chairman of Betfair in March last year.
Mr A Marquis, former chairman of the Uniform Review Group spoke against the motion on behalf of the Brigade Executive.
Dr. Chris Gibson-Smith, the service's outgoing chairman, believes the company has finally turned the corner following a major post-9/11 slump.
In 2002 Bill also became the founding chairman of the UK Association of Online Publishers, a position he still holds.
Contacts Barrie Pearson is executive chairman of Livingstone Guarantee.
He joined the Church of Scotland Trust in 2000 as vise chairman and was appointed chairman in 2004.
A tribunal chairman struck out this part of their claim.
This reports that the committee chairman asked ' for any declaration of interest ' from the members.
Brooks Mileson, the club chairman was interviewed about his philosophy about community focused football club chairman was interviewed about his philosophy about community focused football clubs.
The Chairman of the Diversity Steering Group also sits on the company's executive committee.
She is chairman of the hospital's audit committee.
Chairman ed gillespie wander into town true-believing conservative congressman our day.
Euan Baird has resigned as chairman of Rolls-Royce due to a long convalescence.
Every year the chairman's award celebrates the dedication and professionalism of RD&E staff.
The Chairman thanked the delegation on behalf of Council for attending the meeting.
Alf Morris representing the Chairman at a dinner for a visiting Korean delegation.
The Chairman of the Content Board, or designated deputy, will decide whether to grant a further appeal or not.
Day-to-day management will rest with the remaining executive directors who will report to a management committee chaired by Allen Thomas, the Chairman.
The chairman of Lothian NHS Board, Brian Cavanagh said there is no simple solution to reducing the problem of delayed discharges.
Tube for ten matriarch Elaine who he was chairman majestic star used.
On retirement Weill will be given the honorary title of chairman emeritus.
The Chairman and Convenor work voluntarily, while the Secretary receives a small emolument for a part-time job.
Chairman - an executive position filled ex officio by the Tower Captain.
Chairman of the Committee was Sir Alexander B. King, an independent cinema exhibitor.
The Chairman advised that the Parish Council was accountable for any monies expended on any project.
Growth boss stephen luxury staterooms for the cruise director taken to a. Chairman ed gillespie that nr brings exclusive extras that.
Our first Chairman was Michael Young, founding father of numerous public interest organizations, among them Consumers Association.
Darren Kirby, Chairman of Towcester Junior FC said; We have several age groups using the floodlights during the week.
It is felt with the planned flotation that the chairman of the public company should also be chairman of the Football Club.
A monumental folly of the highest order which would have seen any respectable company or trade union chairman vacate his seat.
Then [Newcastle chairman] Freddie Shepherd started inviting us to watch football.
Also included is a new foreword by Henry Kaufman, former vise chairman of Salomon Brothers.
Niall is chairman of the King's Fund, a large independent charitable foundation working for better health.
The meeting with Phoenix Venture Holding's Deputy Chairman was very fruitful, with the company offering their full support for the event.
One possible champion is Lord Ron Oxburgh, the distinguished geologist who also happens to be chairman of Shell.
By falling stock markets chairman sir George by business users.
The Chairman receives an honorarium of £ 10,000 per annum.
Chairman Stephen Holmes and a team of experienced dental and business people became impassioned by the vision of this brave new world.
Outgoing FCC chairman Michael Powell said it would have been " wholly improper " to force " must-carry " rights on all digital channels.
The chairman, Chung Mong Koo, 68, was formally indicted Tuesday.
He is Chairman of BioCity Nottingham, a healthcare and bioscience innovation and incubation center founded in 2002.
Alastair is Chairman at Admiral, the FTSE 250 direct motor insurer.
First, following, a brief intermission and an introduction by the Chairman, is ' The Immortal Memory ' .
The number of chairman Jim saxton by her condition manes includes a. Us to view of murder defines for programs run.
In 1983 the BCN Society, under the then Chairman John Phillips, undertook to signpost the main junctions.
The latter occasion was made possible by the President who is also Chairman of the British library.
Whilst the director is chairman of the meeting, to all intents and purposes the meeting is run by the proposed liquidator.
I've taken cruises to the heart my money back chairman MAO 's summer.
Along with Bill McConnell, the then chairman, Kay helped mastermind the tour of America.
The chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality has called multiculturalism " outdated " .
It became necessary to apply to the Chairman of the Militia.
Those companies reviewing Ned pay this year on average increased chairman fees by 37% and other NED fees by 32% .
If insufficient nominations are received, the Chairman can invite nominations from the floor at the AGM.
The chairman said ' You're a very obdurate young man ' .
This will be followed by a meeting of the officers elected under the Chairmanship of the AGM Chairman - to elect officers elected under the Chairmanship of the AGM Chairman - to elect officers to posts.
Mulembue, a former attorney-general, is also chairman of the Mozambican parliament, the Assembly of the Republic.
Mr. Chairman, events of the last few years in Indonesia paint a vivid picture of a state struggling to regain stability.
Yet I would probably plump for " Being sick in the Chairman's car and keeping my job.
The latter occasion was made possible by the President who is also Chairman of the British Library.
A Word From The Chairman Rye Bonfire and torchlit procession has become one of the great family events in the local calendar.
The sale of exhibits or other dairy products is not permitted without the prior consent of the Dairy Produce Chairman.
Kate Bunce was the daughter of John Thackray Bunce who was Chairman of the City Art Gallery and a wealthy newspaper proprietor.
Indeed, he gave vent to his feelings in such a vehement fashion that he drew a sharp rebuke from the Chairman.
At each stage the chairman has discretion to allow reciprocal questioning by the various parties.
In the longer term, Mr. Chairman, cross-strait relations can be even more volatile because of Beijing's military modernization program.
The CHAIRMAN said, he would be glad to hear any remarks on that very interesting paper.
The chairman of North Cornwall District Council will formally reopen the lock on 8th November, following the summer repair work.
The Chairman shall have power to take such steps as are deemed necessary to prevent tedious repetition.
Letter to the Chairman 21 April (awaiting revised ria ), 13 June.
In 1991, David founded Halladale and served as Executive Chairman until March 2001 when he assumed the role of Chief Executive.
Was destroyed at himself heads up chairman Rupert murdoch common shares are.
Ron Evans, the Branch Chairman, received the silver salver on behalf of the Branch.
Luncheon was served in the boys ' schoolroom, MR THOMAS TUCKER (Chairman of the Homes Committee) presiding.
The Chairman asked the secretariat to produce a further case study on planning for waste water.
But despite the division, parish chairman Betty Hunter says Avebury must not become an archeological showpiece.
Supplementary EM sifted in Chairman's Sift of 25 October.
Former chairman Clive Thompson earned the sobriquet Mr 20% for the regularity with which the company met this earnings target during the nineties.
The title " Campaign for democratic socialism " was chosen and a six-man Executive Committee set up with Rodgers as full-time paid Chairman.
One interested spectator on Saturday was Mr John Weeks, the Chairman of the United Counties League.
Choose two or three people in the group to represent its views â probably the chairman and secretary, maybe appoint a spokesman.
Maidenhead United chairman Jon Swan has paid tribute to club stalwart Brian Connor for his staunch service over the past nine years.
Aegis shareholders voted today not to allow Mr Bollore, Havas chairman, to appoint two stooges onto Aegis board.
The Chairman said that draft B also contained amendments suggested by the Home Office's Freedom of Information Unit.
In the event of a ballot being held the chairman shall appoint tellers who nevertheless may vote.
McGavin supported temperance, and for 20 years was a member and ultimately chairman of the Scottish Temperance League.
The gift was an inscribed marble timepiece, which was presented to Mr Sherburn by the chairman.
The loyal toast was observed, proposed by the Chairman.
George Vickers has been a most effective chairman and hon. treasurer.
Swansea City chairman Steve Hamer was today dumped from office in a Vetch Field boardroom upheaval.
The Chairman thanked Jo for all that she had done and presented her with an engraved vase.
District and parish councilor, Coun John Ferguson was elected chairman and Coun Hazel Charlton was elected vice-chairman.
Ivan Cooper was the first chairman and John Hume the first vice-chairman of the DCAC.
Trust chairman and club vice-chairman Leigh Dineen explains why he believes fans should dig deep to help pay Britton's wages.
McClure, chairman of Swansea's owner Silver Shield and the club's vice-chairman, added his support for Hollins.
A change of national chairman from Robert Robinson to Duff Burrell has had little effect on the course of the increasingly vitriolic argument.
The Chairman, Mr LEES said she was a rather weakly girl and was at present receiving instruction to a considerable extent.
Capacity for work brought him places on important committees - he was chairman successively of the committee on military affairs, the committee on banking and currency, and the committee on appropriations, - and his ability as a speaker enabled him to achieve distinction on the floor of the House and to rise to leadership. Between 1863 and 1873 Garfield delivered speeches of importance on "The Constitutional Amendment to abolish Slavery," "The Freedman's Bureau," "The Reconstruction of Rebel States," "The Public Debt and Specie Payments," "Reconstruction,'" The Currency," Taxation of United States Bonds," Enforcing the 14th Amendment," National Aid to Education,' and "the Right to Originate Revenue Bills."
For many years he was chairman of the finance committee, and in that capacity may be looked upon as a chief founder of the constitutional Prussian Budget system.
The patronage attached to the office consists of the right to appoint the judge of the Cinque Ports admiralty court, the registrar of the Cinque Ports and the marshal of the court; the right of appointing salvage commissioners at each Cinque Port and the appointment of a deputy to act as chairman of the Dover harbour board in the absence of the lord warden.
Other formal resolutions were also agreed to, and on the 31st of March Sir Samuel Griffith, as chairman of the committee on constitutional machinery, brought up a draft Constitution Bill, which was carefully considered by the convention in committee of the whole and adopted on the 9th of April, when the convention was formally dissolved.
Its central enactment was to bring into existence (1) " Special Boards," consisting of an equal number of representatives of employers and workmen respectively in any trade, under the presidency of an independent chairman, and (2) a Court of Industrial Appeals.
Green was chairman of the Old Testament committee of the Anglo-American Bible revision committee.
A select committee of the House of Commons (with Mr Arnold Morley, Postmaster-General, as chairman) was appointed " to consider and report whether the provision now made for the telephone service in local areas is adequate, and whether it is expedient to supplement or improve this provision either by the granting of licences to local authorities or otherwise."
A select committee was appointed with Mr Hanbury as chairman to consider " whether the telephone service is calculated to become of such general benefit as to justify its being undertaken by municipal and other local authorities, and if so under what conditions."
In 1871 he was prominent in the re-organization of Tammany after the fall of the "Tweed Ring"; from 1875 until the end of 1886 (except in 1879-1881) he was a representative in Congress; in 1876 he left Tammany for the County Democracy; in the Hayes-Tilden campaign of that year he was chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and in Congress he was one of the House members of the joint committee which drew up the famous Electoral Count Act providing for the Electoral Commission.
He was a terse, able and lucid speaker, master of wit and sarcasm, and a fearless critic. He gave liberally to Cooper Union, of which he was trustee and secretary, and which owes much of its success to him; was a trustee of Columbia University from 1901 until his death, chairman of the board of trustees of Barnard College, and was one of the original trustees, first chairman of the board of trustees, and a member of the executive committee of the Carnegie Institution.
He was active in the trade-union movement, and eventually became president of the National Union of General Workers, and chairman of the executive council.
In 1860 he was chairman of the House "Committee of Thirty-three," consisting of one member from each state, and appointed to consider the condition of the nation and, if possible, to devise some scheme for reconciling the North and the South.
He was appointed chairman of a strong committee to consider the evidence of such outrages not only in Belgium but in France; and his report convinced the most incredulous of the reality of the charges.
Thus Sir John Wolfe Barry, as chairman of the Council of the Society of Arts in 1899, proposed to alleviate congestion of traffic by bridges over and tunnels under the streets at six points, namely - Hyde Park Corner, Piccadilly Circus, Ludgate Circus, Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road, Strand and Wellington Street, and Southwark Bridge and Upper Thames Street.
In 1778 he was selected chairman of the committee to treat with Lord North's conciliation commissioners, and as such presented the famous report, adopted by a unanimous vote of Congress, which declared that the recognition of independence must precede any negotiations for peace.
For example, it was ruled by Lord Chancellor Jeffreys, as steward at the trial of Lord Delamere, that, in trials of peers which take place during the recess of parliament in the steward's court, the steward is the judge of the court, the court is held before him, his warrant convenes the prisoner to the bar, his,summons convenes the peers for the trial, and he to determine by his sole authority all questions of law that arise in the course of the trial, but that he is to give no vote upon the issue of guilty or not guilty; during a session of parliament, on the contrary, all the peers are both triers and judges, and the steward is only as chairman of the court and gives his vote together with the other lords.
In the longer term, Mr. Chairman, cross-strait relations can be even more volatile because of Beijing 's military modernization program.
Lassus ' shares became available after he resigned as chairman of Gemplus following a long battle for control of the company last year.
Mr Atkinson and Mr Burks retired as chairman and secretary to be replaced by Mr Joseph Henry Sutcliffe and Mr Donald F Wormald respectively.
Letter to the Chairman 21 April (awaiting revised RIA), 13 June.
Was destroyed at himself heads up chairman rupert murdoch common shares are.
What other hotel cra chairman sam your hmo will those members that.
The Chairman asked the Secretariat to produce a further case study on planning for waste water.
The severance arrangements with the former chairman of Shell, Sir Phillips Watts have also been agreed.
The Chairman raised the issue of the possible skateboard ramp location, the most likely siting was the present BMX track.
The title " Campaign for Democratic Socialism " was chosen and a six-man Executive Committee set up with Rodgers as full-time paid Chairman.
The Portrait shows the former Conservative councilor in traditional chairman 's regalia during his stint as district council chairman in 1984.
In 1960 I was appointed subcommittee chairman for the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.
The Chairman said that draft B also contained amendments suggested by the Home Office 's Freedom of Information Unit.
The top prize, a 2002 Mini Cooper car, was donated by BAE Systems Chairman, Sir Richard Evans.
A creaking, top-heavy management structure was created - with our chairman seemingly at the center of every web.
Ipswich chairman David Sheepshanks is a true believer in the power of positive thought.
If the supporter is unhappy with the reply they can refer the matter to the Club Chairman.
Made ' vise chairman ' of the Conservative party in June last year.
Trust chairman and club vice-chairman Leigh Dineen explains why he believes fans should dig deep to help pay Britton 's wages.
McClure, chairman of Swansea 's owner Silver Shield and the club 's vice-chairman, added his support for Hollins.
In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman of the committee 's consent shall be required.
In 1995, Barry Diller, former chairman of the board and CEO of Paramount Pictures and FOX, bought the company and began serving as chairman of the board.
Paris' paternal great-grandfather was the founder of the Hilton Hotel chain, and Barron Hilton, her grandfather, is the current Hilton chairman, with a net worth of over $1 billion.
The company will be based in the city of Beil, Switzerland and will be chaired by Swiss billionaire Nicolas Hayek, who is also the chairman of the executive board at Swatch Group AG.
When Francois stepped down as CEO, his son, Francois-Henri took over chairman duties.
Mark Dacascos - Actor and martial artist best known as "The Chairman" on Iron Chef America.
Caleb Saleeby, for example, was a fervent advocate of nudism, heliotherapy, and eugenics (he was Chairman of the National Birthrate Commission and author of a number of books on eugenics).
In 2000, the founders retired and appointed Robert Nardelli as chairman, president, and CEO.
In September 2004, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told the House Budget Committee that, "As a nation, we may have already made promises to coming generations of retirees that we will be unable to fulfill."
A fun fact about Tom Clancy is that he is part-owner of the Baltimore Orioles and sits at the Vice Chairman of their Community Activities and Public Affairs.
A year later, founder Trip Hawkins resigned as CEO of the firm although he stayed on as Chairman of the Board until 1994.
Today, Electronic Arts is headquartered in Redwood City, California and Larry Probst is the CEO and Chairman.
A murder spree follows, including an attack on the office of "Take This", killing the chairman "Paula Eibeler" and her family.
New, Founder, Chairman and CEO of New Beverage Insights Juiceworks LLLP (NBI Juiceworks) manufacturer of Sun Shower Fruit Drink and a number of premium branded juices under the Sun Shower brand label.
His student, Dr. Jeanne Drisko, Chairman of the Department of Complementary Medicine at the Kansas University Medical Center received FDA approval for trial tests to take up where Dr. Riordan's work left off.
I have recently been appointed as their National spokesperson as well as Chairman of the Board.
He went on to serve in the Georgia House of Representatives and became Chairman of the Board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1998.
In 2003, because tensions were strained between Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures, the then-Disney Chairman Michael Eisner had planned to go forward with the movie, but not with Pixar.
Dr. Charles Zwerling MD, an ophthalmologist and chairman of the American Academy of Micropigmentation, has conducted extensive research on pigments (especially in correlation with permanent makeup).
When Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of the News Corp., made the official announcement the Fox Business Channel would be launched, he told reporters that his new venture would be "more business friendly than CNBC."
Microblogging has become so popular that China's Chairman maintains a microblog.
Top executives such as Virgin Group Ltd. Chairman Richard Branson and Google Inc. Chairman Eric Schmidt are tweeting in a way that increases the perception of authenticity for their companies.
Railways.The first important line in France, from Paris to Rouen, was constructed through the instrumentality of Sir Edward Blount (1809-1905), an English banker in Paris, who was afterwards for thirty years chairman of the Ouest railway.
He served on various royal commissions, and from 1877 was the chairman of the managing body of the meteorological office.
In 1661 he acted as chairman of the Savoy conference.
In 1879 he was appointed president of the Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften (Academy of Sciences) at Vienna, and in 1896 succeeded von Sybel as chairman of the historical commission at Munich.
He first came into public notice as a member of the factory commission of 1874, and afterwards acted as chairman of many other commissions, including that on educational endowments (1882-9).
In 1903 he became chairman of the commission on food supply in time of war, and in 1909 of that on trade relations with Canada and the West Indies, receiving in 1911 the G.C.M.G.
From 1916 to 1917 he was chairman of the committee on commercial and industrial policy after the war.
He was chairman of the committee on territories, and took an active part in urging the admission as states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, Idaho and Montana, which finally came into the Union during his presidency.
He served in the Virginia house of delegates in 1823-1827, in the state constitutional convention of 1829-1830, and from 1831 to 1837 in the National House of Representatives, being chairman of the committee on foreign affairs in 1835-1836.
As chairman, at the opening of the new session in that autumn, Mr. Henderson promised the full support of organized labour in maintaining the " splendid unity " of the nation.
After America's entrance into the World War the work had to be carried on by neutrals, but Mr. Hoover remained chairman of the Commission.
Throughout he kept up his work of relief, and at the beginning of 1921 was collecting funds as chairman of the European Relief Council, for the starving children of central Europe.
In 1886 he was made under secretary for foreign affairs; in 1892 he joined the cabinet as chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster; in 1894 he was president of the Board of Trade, and acted as chairman of the royal commission on secondary education; and in Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's cabinet (1905) he was made chief secretary for Ireland; but in February 1907 he was appointed British ambassador at Washington, and took leave of party politics, his last political act being a speech outlining what was then the government scheme for university reform in Dublin - a scheme which was promptly discarded by his successor Mr Birrell.
In politics an active Republican, he was chairman of the Republican state committee in 1887 and 1888, and contributed much to the success of the Harrison ticket in New York in the latter year.
Shirley, who, after acting as its chairman for many years, was elected the president, and occupied that position until his death in March 1904.
In August 1865 he was mustered out of the service, and from 1865 to 1873 he was again a representative in congress, serving as chairman of the committee on foreign affairs.
Milner returned to England in 1892, and was appointed chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue, being made C.B.
On the bank question he was at first at variance with the president; in January 1832 he presented in the Senate a memorial from the bank's president, Nicholas Biddle, and its managers, praying for a recharter, and subsequently he was chairman of a committee which reported a bill re-chartering the institution for a fifteen-year period.
As a member of the latter body he became chairman in January 1778 of the committee appointed to visit Washington at Valley Forge, and confer with him concerning the reorganization of the army.
Tudhope, an ex-minister in the Cape government, was elected chairman of the union.
As chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives in1887-1889during President Cleveland's first administration, he led the fight for reform.