Cervical Sentence Examples
Thirteen to fifteen cervical vertebrae.
Ardeae.-Piscivorous, nidicolous, waders; with complicated hypotarsus and with long cervical apteria.
It may be added that in the Oreodontidae the vertebral artery pierces the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae in the normal manner.
The cervical and thoracic vertebrae seem to be biconcave; the cervical ribs are much reduced and were apparently still movable; the thoracic ribs are devoid of uncinate processes.
The commonest seat is the groin, and next to that the axilla; the cervical, submaxillary and femoral glands are less frequently affected.
The number of vertebrae is - in the cervical region 7, dorsal 13, lumbar 6, sacral 2, caudal varying according to the length of the tail, but generally from 21 to 25.
To it contributes the balance of the skull on the cervical vertebrae, while the human form of the pelvis provides the necessary support to the intestines in the standing attitude.
The vertebral column consists of seven cervical, eighteen dorsal, six lumbar, five sacral, and fifteen to eighteen caudal vertebrae.
The bodies of the cervical vertebrae are elongated, strongly keeled, and markedly opisthocoelous, or concave behind and convex in front.
To these is attached the powerful elastic ligament (ligamentum nuchae, or " paxwax ") which, passing forwards in the middle line of the neck above the neural arches of the cervical vertebrae - to which it is also connected - is attached to the occiput and supports the weight of the head.
AdvertisementIn anatomy, it is, among other uses, applied to the second cervical vertebra, and in botany itmeans the stem.
Mouth cancers have a higher proportion of deaths per number of cases than breast cancer, cervical cancer or skin melanoma.
It might be a good idea to include a cervical collar in the rescue kit.
The foramen magnum is flanked by two large knobs or occipital condyles that form a joint with the first cervical vertebra of the neck.
There should be a minimum workload of 25 new patients presenting with abnormal cervical cytology over the six month period.
AdvertisementIt is generally accepted that the ' normal ' rate of cervical dilatation is 1 cm per hour.
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You do need an examination to exclude the possibility of a cervical erosion, or perhaps there may be a polyp.
Rarely cervical eversion is associated with excessive mucous discharge warranting treatment.
However, in a minority of cervical cancer cases, the HPV viral genome fails to integrate into the host genome.
AdvertisementCervical mucus is secreted by tiny glands lining the canal.
Cervical cancer jab ' in a year ' Gardasil worked against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV ).
It is called Cervical insufficiency (basically her cervix is opening to soon ).
A subset of HPVs infects the female genital tract, to induce cervical lesions that can progress to malignancy in some women.
Detection and treatment of precancerous cervical lesions can prevent cancer of the cervix from occurring.
AdvertisementPatients with FDCS usually present with cervical or axillary lymphadenopathy, but extranodal disease has been described.
Where necessary, treatments that include mammograms, cervical smears, hormone tests, bone density scans, are available.
Some can cause changes in the cells of the cervix, called cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN ).
The presence of oncogenic high risk HPV DNA is, at present, the best molecular marker for assessing the risk of cervical neoplasia.
In high-grade cervical neoplasia, cells expressing the viral E7 protein can be found close to the epithelial surface.
A. Yes, the cervical pillow uses materials that cannot effect any human tissue.
We applied vidarabine ointment and/or podophyllin to cervical epithelium in 28 cases of CIN I-II to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of these agents.
Definition of total spinal Total spinal is a local anesthetic depression of the cervical spinal cord and the brainstem.
His doctor diagnosed a soft tissue or mild whiplash injury to his cervical spine.
Severe injury may still be treated with a surgical collar, cervical traction, heat or ice.
Alternatively, adrenaline stimulates the uterus, stalling further cervical dilatation (1997 ).
The Chi Machine can adjust the whole spine all the way up to the cervical vertebra.
The cervical, dorsal and lumber vertebrae are normal and extremely straight, which is unusual.
The brachial plexus is formed by four or five of the lowest cervical nerves; the last nerve of this plexus often marks the boundary of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.
The serial number of these nerves depends chiefly upon the length of the neck, the extremes being represented by Cypselus (loth-14th cervical) and Cygnus (22nd-24th), the usual numbers of the common fowl being the 13th-17th nerves.
Injections are commonly given in the lumbar region, sacroiliac region, thoracic and cervical spine.
During this time he investigated the presence of herpes simplex virus genome in cervical cancer, graduating MD in 1983.
Cervical smear screening for women should be done every two years or so from the age of first sexual activity onwards.
Early detection with cervical smear testing can limit the risk of cancer.
Repeat cervical spine x-rays as needed for Special Olympic participation.
Cervical spondylitis is inflammation of the synovial joints between the cervical vertebrae.
Cervical smear tests aim to detect the early changes of squamous cell cancer.
Your health care provider will insert suppositories into your vagina to stimulate cervical dilation.
Cervical sympathectomy for upper limb disease has been shown to offer little benefit.
The isthmus usually lies over the second and third tracheal rings opposite the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae.
Alternatively, adrenaline stimulates the uterus, stalling further cervical dilatation (1997).
What is the role of the wart virus in the development of cervical cancer?
If there have been no cervical changes after a week, increase the tincture to ten drops and drink two cups a day.
As additional studies are conducted, the use of milk thistle may be targeted at the cancer cells that cause prostate, cervical, and breast cancers as those are the ones that show the most reaction to milk thistle in laboratory studies.
Female smokers are also face a great risk of dying from cervical cancer than non-smoking women.
Smoking and chewing can also cause cancers such as kidney, pancreatic, cervical, and stomach, acute myeloid leukemia, and numerous oral cancers such as lip, tongue, cheeks, gums, and the floor and roof of the mouth.
The likelihood of getting esophageal or cervical cancer is also lowered by 50 percent.
Guests with cervical collars, neck braces, broken collar bones or any type of arm or leg casts are not allowed on the ride.
If a woman is experiencing contractions and makes no cervical change, then this is false labor.
Although the woman having the contractions may feel like she is really experiencing labor, true labor is determined by cervical change.
In rare instances, such as a spinal fluid blockage in the middle of the back, a physician may perform a spinal tap in the cervical spine.
Vietnamese females who live in the United States have five times more new cases of cervical cancer when compared to Caucasian women.
Hispanic females also have a greater incidence of cervical cancer than Caucasian females.
For cancer, the diagnosis can be made through screening procedures such as mammography (for breast cancer), PAP smear (for cervical cancer).
Botox is commonly used for cosmetic treatment of wrinkles but is also used to treat neuromuscular problems, including migraine and cervical dystonia.
The nerves of the brachial plexus are the fifth through the eighth cervical nerves (C5, C6, C7, and C8) and the first thoracic nerve (T1).
Cervical nerves-The eight pairs of nerves (C1C8) originating in the cervical (neck) region of the spinal cord.
Erb's palsy or paralysis-A condition caused by an injury to the upper brachial plexus, involving the cervical nerves C5, C6, and sometimes C7, affecting the upper arm and the rotation of the lower arm.
Klumpke's palsy or paralysis-A condition caused by an injury to the lower brachial plexus, involving the cervical nerves C7 and C8, and sometimes the thoracic nerve T1, causing weakness or paralysis in the hands and fingers.
Herpetic gingivostomatitis-A severe oral infection that affects children under five years of age; vesicles and ulcerations, edematous throat, enlarged painful cervical lymph nodes occur; chills, fever, malaise, bed breath, and drooling.
Research shows that folic acid can be used to successfully treat cervical dysplasia.
This condition is considered to be a possible precursor to cervical cancer and is diagnosed as an abnormal Pap smear.
Daily consumption of 1,000 mcg of folic acid for three or more months has resulted in improved cervical cells upon repeat Pap smears.
Indications that are more controversial include breech presentation, previous c-section, major congenital anomalies, cervical cerclage, and severe Rh isoimmunization.
With a complete previa, a c-section is mandatory as cervical dilation would cause bleeding.
Cervical cerclage-A procedure in which the cervix of the uterus is sewn closed, it is used in cases when the cervix starts to dilate too early in a pregnancy to allow the birth of a healthy baby.
Cervical collars are widely used by emergency personnel at the scene of injuries when there is a potential neck or head injury.
Barrier methods include male condom and female condom, diaphragm, and cervical cap.
The same is true for condoms and the cervical cap.
Some methods of birth control must be used specifically at the time of sexual intercourse (condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap, spermicides).
Progress in labor is determined by cervical dilation.
A good labor pattern that facilitates cervical dilation can be calculated by taking the difference in pressure between the peak of the contraction and the resting tone and adding them up over a ten-minute period.
The unit of measurement for this calculation is called a Montevideo unit, and ideally the sum total of the pressures should be between 150 and 250 Montevideo units to achieve cervical dilation.
They are not recommended for genital or cervical warts.
Since genital and cervical warts are transmitted sexually, they should be treated by a physician.
The HPV can cause tissue changes in the cervix of women with cervical infection.
Babies can be born infected with CMV, either becoming infected in the uterus (congenital infection) or during birth (from infected cervical secretions).
The segments in the neck (cervical region), referred to as C1 to C8, control signals to the neck, arms, and hands.
The most common injury level for the five to 13 age group is the high cervical spine (C1-C4).
A person suspected of having a spinal cord injury should not be moved and treatment of SCI begins with immobilization, commonly achieved by enclosing the cervical spine in a rigid collar and use of rigid backboards.
This muscle is involved in the complex movements of flexing the neck bones (cervical spine) and rotating the head up and down and sideways.
After surgery children are fitted with a soft cervical collar that is worn continuously except during physical therapy and bathing or a stiff orthopedic collar that is worn during waking hours except for physical therapy.
Cervical spine-The seven bones of the neck that form the uppermost part of the spinal column.
If this happens, it is referred to as a cervical or abdominal pregnancy, depending upon where the egg becomes implanted.
You may notice your elevated basal body temperature and increased cervical mucus, but there are lots of things happening that you can't see too.
The pills also thicken a woman's cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to reach an egg in the event that ovulation does occur.
The mini-pills also work by preventing ovulation and making the cervical mucus less hospitable to sperm.
Cervical ripening agents have been known to cause uterine over-stimulation, uterine rupture and fetal distress.
They also must offer preventive care including patient education and counseling; breast and pelvic examinations; screenings for cervical cancer, STD's, and HIV; and pregnancy tests and counseling.
You can also try observing changes in your cervical mucus or monitoring your body temperature, to look for changes which signal your most fertile days.
Doctors still can't predict exactly when any one woman will ovulate, even with precise information about body temperature, cervical mucus, and menstrual cycle.
Changes in cervical mucus can decrease the chances of sperm reaching the uterus.
Additionally, they change the cervical mucus and uterine lining to make it harder for the sperm to reach an egg, should one be released.This pill is commonly used as a 28-day cycle pill.
It is also used in women who have endometriosis, thick cervical mucus, and ovulation problems.
Sometimes a cancer treatment can be chosen that does not affect fertility, such as a radical trachelectomy (used when a woman has cervical cancer) or oophorectomy (early stage ovarian cancer treatment).
That said, it's truly the human papillomavirus (HPV) that is the major cause of cervical cancer.
You're more likely to avoid cervical cancer by engaging in healthy sexual behavior and having timely health care check-ups then you are by avoiding the birth control pill.
It's not conclusive, but many studies show that the hormone based birth control can increase the risk of some cancers, such as liver and cervical cancer.
It works by thickening the cervical secretions, which then acts as a barrier against sperm entering the female reproductive tract.
It also thickens cervical secretions in the same way as the mini pill.
The cervical cap and diaphragm can be used either with or without spermicide.
For the cervical cap, 14 out 100 women who have not delivered a baby vaginally previously will get pregnant each year.
An easy approach to determining the best time to get pregnant is to monitor changes in cervical mucus.
Right before ovulation, cervical mucus becomes slippery and transparent, similar in consistency to raw egg whites.
Monitoring changes in cervical mucus and taking basal body temperature daily are easy techniques but they are not the most reliable.
The mucus plug is a protective substance that is lodged in the cervical opening.
This information is useful for making predictions about coming months only; in order to detect ovulation and get pregnant in the same month, an ovulation test or an examination of your cervical mucus is advisable.
A thin cervical mucous enables X sperm to reach the egg easier.
Manipulating the cervical mucous or the acidity of the vagina can encourage the X or female sperm to reach the egg faster and more often than the Y sperm.
Some women report that they are able to observe their own pre-ovulation symptoms, such as ovarian pain and changes in body temperature and cervical mucus.
This type of birth control doesn't suppress ovulation; it works by thickening cervical mucus to make it more difficult for sperm to unite with an egg.
Not only are genital herpes painful and uncomfortable, they can cause cervical cancer in women and complications to the baby if the woman is pregnant.
The cervix produces cervical mucus, which may be described as a jelly-like substance that resembles an egg white.
Cervical fluid changes consistency throughout your monthly cycle, which can help you predict your ovulation window.
For example, when you are approaching your ovulation window, you should be able to see an increase of white cervical fluid.
Mini pills come in 28-day packs and work by thinning the uterus lining and thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the released monthly egg.
I was diagnosed with class 3 cervical dysplasia, which is cancer on my cervix.
Women's Health Medicaid is a program designed for female Georgia residents who need assistance with paying for breast and cervical cancer treatments.
In the cervical region the ribs are much reduced, fused with their verte brae and enclosing the transverse canal or foramen.
In many birds some of the thoracic vertebrae are more or less coOssified, in most pigeons for instance the 15th to 17th; in most Galli the last cervical and the next three or four thoracics are coalesced, &c. The pelvic vertebrae include of course the sacrum.
In the region of the neck lateral strands pass through the transverse canal of the cervical vertebrae; but from the thoracic region onwards, where the cardiac branch to the heart is given off, each strand is double and the basal ganglia are successively connected with the next by a branch which runs ventrally over the capitulum of the rib, and by another which passes directly through the foramen or space formed between capitulum and tuberculum.
The head is usually connected with the thorax by a distinct membranous neck, strengthened in the more generalized orders with small chitinous plates (cervical sclerites).
Unlike sloths, the megatherium has seven cervical vertebrae; and the spines of all the trunk-vertebrae incline backwards.
The least specialized genus is Zapus, containing the jumping-mice of North America, with one outlying Siberian species, in which the five metatarsals are free, as are also the cervical vertebrae, the small upper premolar being retained.
Some of the cervical vertebrae are also united in at least the better-known genera.
The argument in favor of removing the cervix pre-dates cervical smears.