Ceremonies Sentence Examples
After the usual ceremonies Pierre rose and began his address.
An aide-de-camp, the Master of Ceremonies, went up to Countess Bezukhova and asked her to dance.
They also reject the use of crucifixes and other symbols and ceremonies retained by the Lutherans.
Demosthenes (De corona, p. 313) mentions various ceremonies practised during the celebration of the mysteries of this deity.
In Australia, among the Hottentots, in the Malay Peninsula and elsewhere, blood ceremonies are in use which are unconnected with the slaughter of a victim; in this blood ritual we may see another possible source of sacrifice.
An Athenian came to be the missionary of Hellenism and to direct its ceremonies, which were established by force up and down the country.
In other cases the inclusion of documents relating to the temple business, payments of tithes and other dues, salaries to temple officials, and such ceremonies as marriages, &c., which may have demanded the presence of the congregation and were at least partly religious in nature, have been allowed to complicate the matter.
When Kildare became viceroy in 1524, O'Neill consented to act as his swordbearer in ceremonies of state; but his allegiance was not to be reckoned upon, and while ready enough to give verbal assurances of loyalty, he could not be persuaded to give hostages as security for his conduct; but Tyrone having been invaded in 1541 by Sir Anthony St Leger, the lord deputy, Conn delivered up his son as a hostage, attended a parliament held at Trim, and, crossing to England, made his submission at Greenwich to Henry VIII., who created him earl of Tyrone for life, and made him a present of money and a valuable gold chain.
But the Australians are distinguished by possessing elaborate initiatory ceremonies.
This chair, now placed in the gallery referred to, was used for centuries in the imperial coronation ceremonies.
AdvertisementIn the Sinan Tekke or Dervish monastery the ceremonies of the howling and dancing Dervishes may be witnessed.
Ritual flagellation existed among the Jews, and, according to Buxtorf (Synagoga judaica, Basel, 1603), was one of the ceremonies of the day of the Great Pardon.
The teachers, who are chosen by vote, may also exhort or preach, when their services are needed for such purposes, and may, at the request of a bishop, perform marriage or baptismal ceremonies.
Of a far more complicated nature than these offerings are the Soma-sacrifices, which, besides the simpler ceremonies of this class, such as the Agnishtoma or "Praise of Agni," also include great state functions, such as the Rajasuya or consecration of a king, and the Asvamedha or horse-sacrifice, which, in addition to the sacrificial rites, have a considerable amount of extraneous, often highly interesting, ceremonial connected with them, which makes them seem to partake largely of the nature of public festivals.
He was an important court official whose duties comprised the superintendence of the Chapel Royal and all the religious ceremonies of the court.
AdvertisementAt the consecration of a church the sacrifice of a dove (the bird of Ishtar) has place among the ceremonies.
Between the lessons the ass was solemnly fed, and at the conclusion of the service was led by the precentor out into the square before the church (conductus ad ludos); water was poured on the precentor's head, and the ass became the centre of burlesque ceremonies, dancing and buffoonery being carried on far into the night, while the clergy and the serious-minded retired to matins and bed.
A young Piute Indian medicine-man, known as Wovoka, and called Jack Wilson by the whites, proclaimed that he had had a revelation, and that, if this ghost dance and other ceremonies were duly performed, the Indians would be rid of the white men and restored to power.
Considering however the two sections of the Passover separately, it is remarkable how many of the ceremonies associated either historically or ceremonially with the Passover have connexion with the idea of a covenant.
Except at Athens, little is known of the ceremonies or festivals which attended her worship. There we have the following.
AdvertisementThe impressiveness and the stimulating power of the mystic ceremonies, the consciousness of being the privileged possessor of the secret wisdom of the ancients, the sense of purification from sin, and the expectation of a better life where there was to be compensation for the sufferings of this world - were all strong appeals to human nature.
In 1858, the centennial year of his birth, his remains were reinterred with impressive ceremonies at Richmond, Virginia.
Cyrus appears in the unassailably authentic cylinder inscription "as a complete religious indifferentist, willing to go through any amount of ceremonies to soothe the prejudices of a susceptible population."
When the king symbolizes both the god and the extent of his kingdom, ceremonies which could appear commonplace often acquire a new significance, any discussion of which belongs to the intricacies of the history of religion and pre-monarchical society.
In their funeral ceremonies, the moment the spirit has fled incense is burnt before the corpse until it is carried out to be buried.
AdvertisementIt is the scene from time to time of splendid ceremonies, and contains the tombs of many great men; but in this respect it cannot compete with the peculiar associations of Westminster Abbey.
Besides giving to the world the first accurate description of the holy city and the Haj ceremonies, he was the first to fix the position of Mecca by astronomical observations, and to describe the physical character of its surroundings.
He first visited Taif at the invitation of the pasha, thence he proceeded to Mecca, where he spent three months studying every detail of the topography of the holy places, and going through all the ceremonies incumbent on a Moslem pilgrim.
The greater part of March (the birth-month of Mars), beginning from the 1st, on which day the ancile was said to have fallen from heaven and the campaigning season began, was devoted to various ceremonies connected with the Salii.
Forms and ceremonies should only be judged as they promoted the great object of life, a clean heart and a right spirit, love to God and one's neighbour.
He had, however, already begun to look sourly upon Aristotle and the current scholastic theology, which he believed hid the simple truth of the gospel and the desperate state of mankind, who were taught a vain reliance upon outward works and ceremonies, when the only safety lay in throwing oneself on God's mercy.
A conservative Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies after the Use of the Church of England - commonly called the First Prayer Book of Edward VI.
A group of abodes, however joined together, constituted the village or home of the tribe, and there was added to these a town hall or large assembly structure where men gathered and gossiped, and where all dramatic and religious ceremonies were held.
The chief religious purpose of the society was the worship of the generative powers of nature, and the ritual and ceremonies of initiation were grossly licentious.
The ceremonies of his worship were of the most bloodthirsty character, and hundreds of human beings were murdered annually before his shrine, their limbs being eaten by his worshippers.
Religious or semi-religious ceremonies, however, play a great part in the life of the Siamese, and few weeks pass without some great function or procession.
Among these the cremation ceremonies are especially conspicuous.
The palace contains two fine rooms used for court ceremonies, and a considerable number of pictures.
The emphasis accordingly came to be laid increasingly upon the formal side of worship, and a value was given to the ceremonies as such, and their proper and correct performance by duly qualified persons, i.e.
It may be noted that in all the ceremonies in the religion of the Avesta, incantations, prayers and confessions play a very large part.
The sanctuary thus became a seat of judgment, and here, too, compacts were sealed by oaths and sacrificial ceremonies.
It was intended as an effort to conciliate the Poles, and was opened by the emperor William IL, with imposing ceremonies, on the 10th of August 1910.
It contemplates the assumption of the vow for a limited period only, and gives particular details as to the atoning ceremonies at the sanctuary by which the vow must be recommenced if broken by accidental defilement, and the closing sacrifice, at which the Nazarite on the expiry of his vow cuts off his hair and burns it on the altar, thus returning to ordinary life.
He proceeded to impose by authority the religious ceremonies and usages to which he attached so much importance.
They are youths aged from twelve to sixteen, selected by the sovereign in person, to attend on him at state ceremonies, when two of them, arrayed in an antique costume, assist the groom of the stole in carrying the royal train.
Of religious ceremonies the most important was sacrifice.
On the second and principal day of the festival the ceremonies were conducted in the grove of the Dea Dia.
The graduating senior class of (high school name) proudly announces commencement ceremonies on (date, time, location).
The ceremonies are often Christian-based.
Officers wear the Blue Dress uniform for formal events and ceremonies.
Peet, resulted in interesting discoveries, some of which tend to show that the cult of the Aten or Solardisk was not so rigidly enforced by the heretic king Akhenaton as has been supposed, and that ordinary people were allowed to worship other gods than the sun-disk, at any rate in connexion with funerary ceremonies.
He was represented by a stone or post, set up in the ground with the following religious ceremonies.
He is the tutelary deity of women and presides over marriage ceremonies.
They declare that moral righteousness, the gaining of wisdom, divine contemplation, charity and the cultivation of devotional feelings are their rites and ceremonies.
Another Sikh ceremony is the kara parshad or communion made of butter, flour and sugar, and consecrated with certain ceremonies.
As the continent of America was opened up and explored, it became evident that the consumption of tobacco, especially by smoking, was a universal and immemorial usage, in many cases bound up with the most significant and solemn tribal ceremonies.
The capture of Mecca (630) was not only an evidence of his growing power, which induced Arabs throughout the peninsula to join him, but gave him a valuable centre of pilgrimage, in which he was able by a politic adoption of some of the heathen Arabian ceremonies into his own rites to win men over the more easily to his own cause.
Mecca itself was taken; plundering was forbidden, but the tombs of the saints and all objects of veneration were ruthlessly destroyed, and all ceremonies which seemed in the eye of the stern puritan conqueror to suggest the taint of idolatry were forbidden.
The new capital was inaugurated with special ceremonies, A.D.
This meant an extension of the TOkaidO (under a different name) nearly a hundred miles northward, for the magnificent shrines erected then at NikkO and the periodical ceremonies thenceforth performed there demanded a correspondingly fine avenue of approach.
It is more profitable to turn from the life of the household to the outdoor occupations of the fields, where the early Roman settler met with his neighbours to celebrate the various stages of the agricultural year in religious ceremonies which afterwards became the festivals of the state calendar.
The influence that Rosicrucianism had in the modernizing of ancient Freemasonry early in the 18th century must have been slight, if any, though it is likely that as the century advanced, and additional ceremonies were grafted on to the first three degrees, Rosicrucian tenets were occasionally introduced into the later rituals.
So far, however, as the real foundation ceremonies of Craft Masonry are concerned, whether before or after the premier Grand Lodge was formed, it is most unlikely that such a society as the Freemasons would adopt anything of a really distinctive character from any other organization.
From it many of the religious rites and ceremonies of Rome are said to have been derived, and even in imperial times a collegium of sixty haruspices continued to exist there.
Medieval ceremonies are described as useful but without power to remit sins.
He is a god who lives among men, miraculously reborn each day by the fire-drill, by the friction of the two sticks which are regarded as his parents; he is the supreme director of religious ceremonies and duties,and even has the power of influencing the lot of man in the future world.
The Christian festival which seems to have taken the place of these ceremonies is the Rogation or Gang week of the Roman Church.
In 1527, supported by the diet, he carried his measures for secularizing such portions of the Church property as he thought fit, and for subjecting the Church to the royal power (Ordinances of Vesteras); but many of the old religious ceremonies and practices were permitted to continue, and it was not until 1592 that Lutheranism was officially sanctioned by the Swedish synod .2 Charles V., finding that his efforts to check the spread of the religious schism were unsuccessful, resorted once more to conferences between Roman Catholic and Lutheran theologians, but it became apparent that no permanent compromise was possible.
The ceremonies were attended by the President and Vice-President of the United States, the Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court, and a large number of eminent public men of both parties, who followed the hearse in a solemn procession, preceded by the mayor and other civic authorities, down Broadway.
This capitulary ordered the celebration of baptism and other Christian rites and ceremonies in addition to the payment of tithes, and forbade the observance of pagan customs on pain of death.
So far as public ceremonies were concerned, the prince and princess of Wales were now coming forward more and more to represent the royal family.
The funeral rites of the Mexicans are best seen in the ceremonies at the death of a king.
Common people would not thus be provided with a ghostly retinue, but their simpler funeral ceremonies were as far as they went similar to those of their monarch.
All over the world agricultural peoples practise elaborate ceremonies explicable, as Mannhardt has shown, on animistic principles.
Phenomena of this kind play a large part in primitive ceremonies of divination and in our own day furnish much of the material of Psychical Research.
All over the earth we meet with such periodically recurrent ceremonies of expelling demons and ghosts, who usually are given a meal before being hunted back into their graves.
But an account of such ceremonies belongs rather to demonology than to the history of the worship of Manes, which are peaceful, well-conducted and beneficent beings, endowed and, so to speak on the foundation, like the Christian souls for whose masses money has been left.
The worship of the Manichaeans must have been very simple, and must have essentially consisted of prayers, hymns and ceremonies of adoration.
It may be held as undoubted that the later Manichaeans celebrated mysteries analogous to Christian baptism and the Lord's Supper, which may have rested upon ancient consecration rites and other ceremonies instituted by Mani himself and having their origin in nature worship.
The Indians then took possession, destroyed the crops, churches and archives, and revived their pagan ceremonies.
We consecrate ourselves either in a ritual act, as of baptism or ordination, vows or monkish initiation; or, without any implication of particular ceremonies, a man is said to consecrate himself to good works or learning.
The formal transfer of sovereignty took place on the 12th of August 1898, when the flag of the United States (the same flag hauled down by order of Commissioner Blount) was raised over the Executive Building with impressive ceremonies.
Taking as our starting-point the teaching of the heretical sects in Russia, notably those of the 14th century, which are a direct continuation of the doctrines held by the Bogomils, we find that they denied the divine birth of Christ, the personal coexistence of the Son with the Father and Holy Ghost, and the validity of sacraments and ceremonies.
Through his machinations the crucifixion took place, and Satan was the originator of the whole Orthodox community with its churches, vestments, ceremonies, sacraments and fasts, with its monks and priests.
Of the actual ceremonies practised at marriage not very much is known.
Their father, Niiir6r, the god of wealth, who is a somewhat less important figure, corresponds in name to the goddess Nerthus (Hertha), who in ancient times was worshipped by a number of tribes, including the Angli, round the coasts of the southern Baltic. Tacitus describes her as " Mother Earth," and the account which he gives of her cult bears a somewhat remarkable resemblance to the ceremonies associated in later times with Frey.
The mineral was made known to white men by the Indians, who sold it, under the name of Seneca oil, as a cure for various ills, and burned it at some of their ceremonies.
Since 1870 the great pontifical ceremonies have lost much of their splendour.
Both the Turkish hodja and the Greek priest are present to perform the necessary ceremonies; the whole process takes place before daybreak.
Again, it was owing to the crusades that the church took the profession of arms under her peculiar protection, and thenceforward the ceremonies of initiation into it assumed a religious as well as a martial character.
There are several obscure points as to the relation of the longer and shorter ceremonies, as well as the origin and original relation of their several parts.
If there was a difference in the meaning of the two ceremonies, the difficulty as to the knighting of Earl Harold (supra, p. 852) is at least partly removed.
But as Ashmole, speaking of Knights of the Bath, says, " if the ceremonies and circumstances of their creation be well considered.
Knights of the Bath, although they were allowed precedence before knights bachelors, were merely knights bachelors who were knighted with more elaborate ceremonies than others and on certain great occasions.
There may possibly be "survivals" of the influence of some such celebrations both on the Book of Esther and on the ceremonies of Purim, but there is absolutely no evidence that the Jews took over the interpretation of these festivals with their celebration.
To preside over these festivities it was customary to have a master of the ceremonies, who was called king in Provence, somewhat after the manner of the Feast of Fools.
The Syrian god was proclaimed the chief deity in Rome, and all other gods his servants; splendid ceremonies in his honour were celebrated, at which Heliogabalus danced in public, and it was believed that secret rites accompanied by human sacrifice were performed in his honour.
In the Western Church, Palm Sunday 4/counted as the first day of Holy Week, and its ceremonies usher in the series of services, culminating in those of Good Friday, which commemorate the Passion of the Lord.
The modern revival, in certain churches of an "advanced" type, of the ceremonies of blessing the palms and carrying them in procession has no official warrant, and is therefore without any significance as illustrating the authoritative point of view of the Church of England.
A mysterious symbol much used in their ceremonies of initiation consists of the three letters these being the initials of `Ali, Mahomet and Salman.
Various ceremonies are performed, and a spirit connected with the Sasabonsum is finally asked to enter an object.
In either case the ceremonies must be commenced afresh.
Though he took his proper place in the ceremonies at Richard's coronation, he showed a tactful moderation by withdrawing for a time from any share in the government.
In the Homeric hymn to Demeter, Triptolemus is simply one of the nobles of Eleusis, who was instructed by the goddess in her rites and ceremonies.
The Perfect alone knew God and could address him in this prayer, the only one they used in their ceremonies.
Elaborate ceremonies are observed at funerals.
The chief ceremonies take place in some large open spot round which are erected the tents of the khedive, of great state officials, and of the dervishes.
As with the rites and ceremonies, so also the temples were early modelled upon a common type.
It became the theory that the temples were the gifts of the Pharaoh to his fathers the gods, and therefore in the scenes of the cult that adorn the inner walls it is always he who is depicted as performing the ceremonies.
Among the former were the kher-heb, a learned man entrusted with the conduct of the ceremonies, and the divine fathers, whose functions are obscure.
At the door of the tomb the final ceremonies were performed; they demanded a considerable number of actors, chief among whom were the sem-priest and the lrher-heb priest.
This cult was a positive duty binding on the children of a dead man, and doubtless as a rule discharged by them with some regularity and conscientiousness; at least, on feast-days offerings would be brought to the tomb, and the ceremonies of purification and opening the mouth of the deceased would be enacted.
The religious rites and ceremonies are full of it.
Akhenaton died in or about the seventeenth year of his reign, c. 1350 B.C. He had a family of daughters, who appeared constantly with him in all ceremonies, but no son.
De Officiis (Ilepi TW V '040cxicov), a sketch, written in an unattractive style, of court and higher ecclesiastical dignities and of the ceremonies proper to different occasions.
Another branch of meaning stresses the formal, customary aspect; and hence in such phrases as "solemn act," probate in "solemn form," it means that which is done with all due forms and ceremonies.
In the former group Stanley would, without doubt or hesitation, have placed all questions connected with Episcopal or Presbyterian orders, or that deal only with the outward forms or ceremonies of religion, or with the authorship or age of the books of the Old Testament.
The whole pantheon of the Vedic gods, with the ceremonies and the sacrifices associated with them, passed indeed away.
This legend probably arose from the connexion of Acca Larentia, as mater Larum, with the Lares who had a part in the religious ceremonies of the Arvales.
But apart from this, there is proof of the high antiquity of the college, which was said to have been older than Rome itself, in the verbal forms of the song with which, down to late times, a part of the ceremonies was accompanied, and which is still preserved.
To another critic, who had taken occasion to point out the resemblance between Catholic and pagan ceremonies, Wiseman replied, boldly admitting the likeness, and maintaining that it could be shown equally well to exist between Christian and heathen doctrines.
He was a faithful son of the medieval church, with its doctrines, ceremonies and usages.
It may be said generally that while Luther insisted on a service in the vernacular, including the singing of German hymns, he considered it best to retain most of the ceremonies, the vestments and the uses of lights on the altar, which had existed in the unreformed church, while he was careful to explain that their retention might be dispensed with if thought necessary.
As various old-fashioned ceremonies are observed at the meetings and the members each appear with his girded sword, the sight of a meeting of the Landsgemeinde is most striking and interesting.
He eschewed the pomp and ceremonies, natural inheritances from English origins, that had been an innocent setting to the character of his two noble predecessors.
Religion is always the original pretext of these gatherings or melas, at some of which nothing is done beyond bathing in the river, or performing various superstitious ceremonies.
The more or less elaborate ceremonies prescribed for the occasions when the gods were approached are directly connected with the popular elements of the religion.
A shrine or image of St Mary (Our Lady of Willesden) was in the 15th century an object of pilgrimage, but by the middle of the century following the ceremonies had fallen into abuse, and the shrine was suppressed.
The funeral ceremonies of the Parsees are solemn and imposing.
On each successive anniversary of the death of a Parsee funeral ceremonies are performed in his memory.
These ceremonies are called miiktad, or "ceremonies of departed souls."
This day is especially set apart for the performance of ceremonies for the dead.
When going to solemn ceremonies he is carried on the sedia, a portable chair of red velvet with a high back, and escorted by two flabelli of peacock feathers.
In Bali near Java, where the Naga-cult flourishes, a serpent is carried at the funeral ceremonies of the Kshatriya caste and burned with the corpse.
Wilson remarks," notwithstanding the acknowledged purport of this worship, it is but justice to state that it is unattended in Upper India by any indecent or indelicate ceremonies, and it requires a rather lively imagination to trace any resemblance in its symbols to the objects they are supposed to represent."In spite, however, of its wide diffusion, and the vast number of shrines dedicated to it, the worship of Siva has never assumed a really popular character, especially in northern India, being attended with scarcely any solemnity or display of emotional spirit.
Natesa (Hindu Feasts, Fasts and Ceremonies)," the several forms of the god Siva in these sacred shrines are considered to be the bodies or casements of the soul whose ' Siva is said to have first appeared in the beginning of the present age as Sveta, the White, for the purpose of benefiting the Brahmans, and he is invariably painted white; whilst Vishnu, when pictured, is always of a dark-blue colour.
This impression no religious ceremonies, nor even the execution of a number of Christians, as convenient scapegoats, could altogether dispel.
Among his best-known orations are that delivered at the unveiling of the Bartholdi statue of Liberty enlightening the World (1886), an address at the Washington Centennial in New York (1889), and the Columbian oration at the dedication ceremonies of the Chicago World's Fair (1892).
He refused to crown Elizabeth because she would not have the coronation service accompanied with the elevation of the Host; and ecclesiastical ceremonies and doctrine could not, in Heath's view, be altered or abrogated by any mere national authority.
His marriage, which was obliged to be performed with the ceremonies of confarreatio, was dissoluble only by death, and on the death of his wife (called flaminica Dialis) he was obliged to resign his office.
Or, again, we may note the earnestness and solemnity that characterize all their sacred ceremonies.
Almost every tribe has its initiation ceremonies, and in many tribes adult life may almost be described as a continuous initiation.
A decisive " moment " in the evolution of chiefship is the recognition of hereditary mana, bound up as this is with the handing on of ceremonies and cult-objects.
Thus in Australia the initiation ceremonies, concerned as they partly are with marriage, always an affair between the kin-groups, are tribal, whilst the totemic rites are the prime concern of the members of the totem clans.
Thus in process of time birth-rites, marriage-rites, funeral rites, not to mention subordinate ceremonies such as those of name-giving and food-taking, become domestic sacraments.
Thus among the tribes of south-eastern Australia described by Mr Howitt, 10 the native rites and laws handed down from generation to generation were supposed to have been first imparted by some higher being such as Nurrundere, who made all things on the earth; or Nurelli, who created the whole country, with the rivers, trees and animals; or Daramulun, who (like Nurrundere) bestowed weapons on the men, and instituted the rites and ceremonies connected with life and death.
He raises sufficient food for his wants with very little labour, and, with the exception of a few religious ceremonies, he has no demand made upon him for money, saving the light rental of his fields.
Even at the synod of Orebro, summoned in February 152 9, "for the better regulation of church ceremonies and discipline according to God's Word," there was no formal protest against Rome; and the old ritual was retained for two years longer, though it was to be explained as symbolical.
Such time as the officials could spare from the main object of enriching themselves by extortion and corruption was given up to endless official and religious ceremonies and to petty disputes of etiquette and precedence.
Many of the ministers would have been considered in Europe merely as chiefs of departments of a ministry, as, for instance, the minister for Crown buildings, that for Crown domains, the minister of ceremonies, those for arsenals, army accounts, &c.; also an accumulation of several offices without any connection between their functions, in the hands of a single person, was frequently a characteristic departure from the European model.
The mullahs are referred to in questions concerning religious law, hold religious assemblies, preach in mosques, teach in colleges, and are appointed by the government as judges, head-preachers, &c. Thus the dignitaries, whose character seems to us specially a religious one, are in reality doctors, or expounders and interpreters of the law, and officiating ministers charged with the ordinary accomplishment of certain ceremonies, which every other Mussulman, true believer, has an equal right to fulfil.
A probable explanation of the confusion between the lectisternia and genuine old Italian ceremonies is that, as the lectisternia became an almost everyday occurrence in Rome, people forgot their foreign origin and the circumstances in which they were first introduced, and then the word pulvinar with its associations was transferred to times in which it had no existence.
In Greece the Lampadedromia or Lampadephoria (torch-race) had its origin in ceremonies connected with the relighting of the sacred fire.
The use of " wax lights and tapers " formed one of the indictments brought by P. Smart, a Puritan prebendary of Durham, against Dr Burgoyne, Cosin and others for setting up " superstitious ceremonies " in the cathedral " contrary to the Act of Uniformity."
He was buried on the 17th in Henry VII.'s chapel in Westminster Abbey with funeral ceremonies criticized by contemporaries as mean and wanting in respect, but the scantiness of which was probably owing to the fact that he had died a Roman Catholic.
Home-controversy engaged him again, and he prepared his Fresh Suit against Ceremonies - the book`which made Richard Baxter a Nonconformist.
His "Replies" to Bishop Morton and Dr Burgess on "Ceremonies" tell us that even kinship could not prevent him from "contending earnestly for the faith."
Either because running water was not always at hand, or as part of the growing tendency of the church to multiply ceremonies, rituals arose late in the 3rd century for consecrating water.
They hold the clergy in great fear and reverence, however, and are deeply influenced by the forms and ceremonies of the church, which have changed little since the first Spanish settlements.
He is practically free from the multifarious duties which the English consul has to discharge in connexion with the mercantile marine, nor has he to perform marriage ceremonies; and financially he is much better off, being allowed to retain as personal all fees obtained from his notarial duties.
The bishops are still authorized by law to dedicate and set apart buildings for the solemnization of divine service, and grounds for the performance of burials, according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England; and such buildings and grounds, after they have been duly consecrated according to law, cannot be diverted to any secular purpose except under the authority of an act of parliament.
As the stronger side of Gotama's teaching was neglected, the debasing belief in rites and ceremonies, and charms and incantations, which had been the especial object of his scorn, began to spread like the Birana weed warmed by a tropical sun in marsh and muddy soil.
Ecclesiastical ceremonies are part of the divine service; most of them have apostolic origin; and those connected with the sacrament must not be omitted by priests under pain of mortal sin.
In the Eumenides of Aeschylus" the Erinyes are reproached in that by aiding Clytemnestra, who slew her husband, " they are dishonouring and bringing to naught the pledges of Zeus and Hera, the marriage-goddess "; and these were the divinities to whom sacrifice was offered before the wedding," and it may be that some kind of mimetic representation of the " Holy Marriage," the IEpos ydpos, of Zeus and Hera formed a part of the Attic nuptial ceremonies.'
There seems to have been at times a pardonable confusion between some quasilegitimate unions and those marriages by mere word of mouth, without ecclesiastical or other ceremonies, which the church, after some natural hesitation, pronounced to be valid.
Cranmer, Ridley, Bucer and others urged him to submit in vain; confinement to his house by order of the Council proved equally ineffectual; and it was not until he had spent some weeks in the Fleet prison that the "father of nonconformity" consented to conform, and Hooper submitted to consecration with the legal ceremonies (March 8, 1551).
The rest of the Jews rated the Sadducees as atheists, just as the rest of the Greeks rated the Epicureans as atheists and discerned, as Plutarch said, the sardonic grin behind the mask of their obsequious devotion to the ceremonies at which the force of public opinion compelled their attendance.
There were ancient histories and poems, and codes of laws, and books of ceremonies.
The Li ki, or Books of Rites and Ancient Ceremonies and of Institutions, chiefly of the Chow dynasty, have come down to us in a sadly mutilated condition.
The Vendidad, the priestly code of the Parsees, contains in 22 chapters (fargard) a kind of dualistic account of the creation (chap. 1), the legend of Yima and the golden age (chap. 2), and in the bulk of the remaining chapters the precepts of religion with regard to the cultivation of the earth, the care of useful animals, the protection of the sacred elements, such as earth, fire and water, the keeping of a man's body from defilement, together with the requisite measures of precaution, elaborate ceremonies of purification, atonements, ecclesiastical expiations, and so forth.
Evidence of this class, proving the derivation of modern civilization, not only from ancient barbarism, but beyond this, from primeval savagery, is immensely plentiful, especially in rites and ceremonies, where the survival of ancient habits is peculiarly favoured.
From the beginning of his residence with Ludovico his combination of unprecedented mechanical ingenuity with apt allegoric invention and courtly charm and eloquence had made him the directing spirit in all court ceremonies and festivities.
Mayor's show in London is the most conspicuous survival; the processions connected with royal coronations and with court ceremonies generally; the processions of friendly societies, so popular in Great Britain and America; processions organized as a demonstration of political or other opinions; processions forming part of the ceremonies of public worship. In a narrower sense of "going forth, proceeding," the term is used in the technical language of theology in the phrase "Procession of the Holy Ghost," expressing the relation of the Third Person in the Triune Godhead to the Father and the Son.
Such were those of the Ambarvalia, Robigalia, &c., which were essentially rustic festivals, lustrations of the fields, consisting in a procession round the spot to be purified, leading the sacrificial victims with prayers, hymns and ceremonies, in order to protect the young crops from evil influences.
The observance or variation of the discipline belongs to the Congregation of Rites; in pontifical processions, which are regulated by the masters of the ceremonies (magistri ceremoniarum pontificalium), these points are decided by the chief cardinal deacon.
With the consent of "a general assembly of the chief representatives of the people" he commuted the burdensome land tax for a fixed money payment; he protected all castes in the celebration of their religious ceremonies; and he forbade any compulsion of natives to carry burdens against their will.
The ceremonies which accompany a wedding preserve the tradition of marriage by capture; a peasant bride must enter her new home carrying bread and salt, and in parts of Walachia a flower is painted on the outer wall of cottages in which there is a girl old enough to marry.
The time at which his festival was held (after harvest and seed-sowing), the nature of its ceremonies and amusements, his altar at the end of the Circus Maximus always covered with earth except on such occasions, all point to his connexion with the earth.
These attendants afterwards became the bodyguard of Zeus and the priests of Rhea, and performed ceremonies in her honour.
The first of the series of fairs in which the Meccans had an interest was at Okaz on the easier road between Mecca and Taif, where there was also a sanctuary, and from it the visitors moved on to points still nearer Mecca (Majanna, and finally Dhul-Majaz, on the flank of Jebel Kabkab behind Arafa) where further fairs were held, 3 culminating in the special religious ceremonies of the great feast at `Arafa, Quzah (Mozdalifa), and Mecca itself.
The latter closes with a visit to the Ka`ba, but its essential ceremonies lie outside Mecca, at the neighbouring shrines where the old Arabs gathered before the Meccan fair.
The triviality of these rites is ill concealed by the legends of the sa'y of Hagar and of the tawaf being first performed by Adam in imitation of the circuit of the angels about the throne of God; the meaning of their ceremonies seems to have been almost a blank to the Arabs before Islam, whose religion had become a mere formal tradition.
Rajab was one of the ancient sacred months, and the feast, which extended through the whole month and was a joyful season of hospitality and thanksgiving, no doubt represents the ancient feasts of Mecca more exactly than the ceremonies of the bajj, in which old usage has been overlaid by traditions and glosses of Islam.
The central and essential ceremonies of the hajj or greater pilgrimage are those of the day of Arafa, the 9th of the "pilgrimage month" (Dhu'l Hijja), the last of the Arab year; and every Moslem who is his own master, and can command the necessary means, is bound to join in these once in his life, or to have them fulfilled by a substitute 1 The latter perhaps was no part of the ancient omra; see SnouckHurgronje, Het Mekkaansche Feest (1880) p. 115 sqq.
Arafa lay quite near Dhul-Majaz, where, according to Arabian tradition, a great fair was held from the 1st to the 8th of the pilgrimage month; and the ceremonies from which the bajj was derived were originally an appendix to this fair.
We know that the rites at Mozdalifa were originally connected with a holy hill bearing the name of the god Quzah (the Edomite Koze) whose bow is the rainbow, and there is reason to think that the ifadas from Arafa and Quzah, which were not made as now after sunset and before sunrise, but when the sun rested on the tops of the mountains, were ceremonies of farewell and salutation to the sun-god.
Yet there is not much evidence that the church directly borrowed many of its ceremonies or interpretations from outside sources.
When Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 he was employed in leading religious ceremonies (Chronicle of Nabonidus), and in the cylinder.
All they demanded was to be allowed permission, whilst remaining as ministers in the church, to omit the usage of certain ceremonies to which they objected.
Scarcely any one wished to see the Laudian ceremonies upheld.
The idea prevalent with the more liberal minds amongst the clergy was that of comprehensionthat is to say, of so modifying the prayers and ceremonies of the church as to enable the dissenters cheerfully to enter in.
In current usage the term" nonconformist " is applied in Great Britain to any member of a church not conforming to the ceremonies, worship and doctrines (" forms ") of the Church of England, but is generally used of a member of the so-called Free Churches, or Protestant Dissenters, and is not usually applied to Roman Catholics.
Strictly a " dissenter " is one who dissents from the church as an " established " body, or who dissents from the establishment of a state church, while conforming or not to its forms, ceremonies or practice.
Even while the Akils are assembled, strangers are readily enough admitted to the khalwas; but as long as these are present the ordinary ceremonies are neglected, and the Koran takes the place of the Druse Scriptures.
The drum (tungur) is an important instrument in his ceremonies; it may be assumed that in many cases the effect of the preliminary performances is to induce autohypnotic phenomena.
As lay abbot of the abbeys of St Martin at Tours and of St Denis he was interested in clerical reform, was fond of participating in religious ceremonies, and had many friends among the clergy.
One of Isaac D'Israeli's reasons for quitting the tents of his people was that rabbinical Judaism, with its unyielding laws and fettering ceremonies, "cuts off the Jews from the great family of mankind."
Doubtless the merchants practised their religious ceremonies from the first, but their god Mercurius was not officially recognized by the state till the year 495 B.C. Rome frequently suffered from scarcity of grain during the unsettled times that followed the expulsion of the Tarquins.
By the recognition of this law the church was constituted as an ordered community, essentially distinct from the State; the distinction between the two was emphasized by the withdrawal of the early Christians from civic life, to avoid the performance of idolatrous ceremonies imposed as official expressions of loyalty, and by the persecutions which they had to endure, when the spread of an association apparently so hostile to the framework of ancient society had at length alarmed the imperial government.
They declared that they would yield in the matter of ceremonies so far as to employ unleavened bread in the eucharist, to use fonts in baptism, and to allow festival days, provided the people might pursue their ordinary avocations after public service.
They also interpreted all portents or unusual phenomena of nature, especially thunder and lightning, and prescribed the expiatory ceremonies after such events.
Now this conception may be rude enough, and it is nearly related to purely magical ideas, to efforts to secure supernatural aid by magical ceremonies.
As an almost universal rule, in the lowest culture, no prayers are addressed to this being; he has no sacrifices, no dwelling made with hands; and the images of him, in clay, that are made and danced round with invocations of his name at the tribal ceremonies of initiation, are destroyed at the close of the performances.
In Dieri they are called Mura-Mura, and to them prayers are made for rain, accompanied by rain-making magic ceremonies, which in this case may be a symbolical expression of the prayers.
Plutarch remarked the fact that the Greek myths of Cronus, of Dionysus, of Apollo and the Python, and of Demeter, " all the things that are shrouded in mystic ceremonies and are presented in rites," " do not fall short in absurdity of the legends about Osiris and Typhon."
To this petition Ambrose replied in a letter to Valentinian, arguing that the devoted worshippers of idols had often been forsaken by their deities; that the native valour of the Roman soldiers had gained their victories, and not the pretended influence of pagan priests; that these idolatrous worshippers requested for themselves what they refused to Christians; that voluntary was more honourable than constrained virginity; that as the Christian ministers declined to receive temporal emoluments, they should also be denied to pagan priests; that it was absurd to suppose that God would inflict a famine upon the empire for neglecting to support a religious system contrary to His will as revealed in the Scriptures; that the whole process of nature encouraged innovations, and that all nations had permitted them, even in religion; that heathen sacrifices were offensive to Christians; and that it was the duty of a Christian prince to suppress pagan ceremonies.
They both abstain from meat and liquor, marry at the age of puberty, ordinarily celebrate their ceremonies through the agency of the elders of their own caste and bury their dead.
The religion is an undisguised animism, and all their frequent and elaborate ceremonies and festivals are aimed at exorcising and scaring spirits.
But the creation is almost the self-same with that in the old French ceremonies by the solemn delivery of a banner charged with the arms of him that is to be created, and the cutting of the end of the pennon or streamer to make it a square or into the shape of a banner in case that he which is to be created had in the field his arms on a streamer before the creation."
Pupils will learn about other faith's marriage ceremonies including agnostics.
Many commemorative ceremonies are planned to celebrate the bicentennial of the French Revolution in 1989.
Many have facilities for ceremonies, such as chapels or garden bowers with glorious suites or rooms in which to dine in style.
The main elements of almost all ceremonies conducted by humanist celebrants are rehearsed in advance.
The Humanist Society of Scotland provides trained celebrants to conduct non-religious ceremonies, as alternatives to traditional funerals.
Only those in the authorized wedding celebrants table can conduct marriage ceremonies that have legal status.
Ceremonies Austrian law recognizes only civil marriages however, a religious ceremony may be performed after a civil marriage has been solemnized.
Any certificates issued after the ceremonies have taken place are purely commemorative.
They are wonderful additions to weddings, anniversaries, funerals, memorials, birthdays, holidays, ceremonies, and even corporate events.
Graduands, guests and staff attending a graduation should be aware that graduation ceremonies and receptions are regarded as public events.
However there were still reports of breaking an oatcake over the bride's head in wedding ceremonies in Scotland during the 19th century.
The BHA can provide officiants to help plan the occasion, or information to help people organize their own ceremonies.
Madame du Rumain performed the ceremonies with all the dignity of an ancient priestess of Baal.
Whilst working in Sri Lanka she was able to observe rites and ceremonies among women to which men would not have been allowed access.
Primarily a singer and song stylist, Eddie also performed a soft shoe dance and was often the show's Master of Ceremonies.
Alleged initiation ceremonies for new players includes them having to eat sheep's testicles.
The Mistress of Ceremonies, Crystal, opened the day with the play-off of the Annual Unity Shield 5-a-side football tournament.
Christianity 1, key figures, sacred writings, ceremonies and symbols.
On the r4th of October 190r his eightieth birthday was celebrated in Berlin amid a brilliant gathering of men of science, part of the ceremonies taking place in the new Pathological Museum, near the Charite, which owes its existence mainly to his energy and powers of organization.
A truce (bessa, literally "faith," "pledge"), either temporary or permanent, is sometimes arranged by mediation, or among the Ghegs, by the intervention of the clergy; a general bessa has occasionally been proclaimed by special irade of the sultan, the restoration of peace being celebrated with elaborate ceremonies.
On the 25th of November he was pronounced contumacious by the pope and excommunicated, and a commission was sent to England to degrade him from his office of archbishop. This was done with the usual humiliating ceremonies in Christ Church, Oxford, on the 14th of February 1556, and he was then handed over to the secular power.
We may observe how even a very primitive people such as the Arunta of Australia behaves with the greatest solemnity at its ceremonies, and professes to be made "glad" and "strong" thereby; whilst of his countrymen, whom he would not trust to pray in private, Plato testifies that in the temples during the sacrificial prayers "they show an intense earnestness and with eager interest talk to the Gods and beseech them" (Laws, 887).
This raises the problem of how far the catharsis dealt with above is in its original form an elimination of impurity, and how far something more definite - a spirit or other principle of evil - is held to be expelled by scapegoat and allied ceremonies.
The candidate for orders must be at least nineteen years old and have undergone twelve years' preparation; he is then qualified to assist the priesthood in the ceremonies of religion.
By far the most frequent and important of the religious ceremonies is that of baptism (masbutha), which is called for in a great variety of cases, not only for children but for adults, where consecration or purification is required, as for example on all Sundays and feast days, after contact with a dead body, after return from abroad, after neglect of any formality on the part of a priest in the discharge of his functions.
Sometimes the spirits were summoned to appear as did the phantoms of the Greek heroes to Odysseus; sometimes they were called to enter a crystal (see Crystal-Gazing); sometimes they are merely asked to declare the future or communicate by moving external objects without taking a visible form; thus among the Karens at the close of the burial ceremonies the ghost of the dead man, which is said to hover round till the rites are completed, is believed to make a ring swing round and snap the string from which it hangs.
In these customs originated perhaps the scapegoat, some forms of sacrifice and other cathartic ceremonies.
In 1865 he published Primitive Marriage, in which, arguing from the prevalence of the symbolical form of capture in the marriage ceremonies of primitive races, he developed an intelligible picture of the growth of the marriage relation and of systems of kinship (see Family) according to natural laws.
The slave was introduced with certain customary rites into his position in the family; he was in practice, though not by law, permitted to accumulate a private fund of his own; his marriage was also recognized by custom; though in general excluded from sacred ceremonies and public sacrifices, slaves were admissible to religious associations of a private kind; there were some popular festivals in which they were allowed to participate; they had even special ones for themselves both at Athens and in other Greek centres.
But at least in private circles the festive character of the ceremonies predominated.
In religious ceremonies, the magistrate presiding at the sacrifice drew the back of the toga over his head; see in the same illustration the priest with veiled head, rite Gabino, who also wears his toga with the cinctus Gabinus.
They use it at the ceremonies of circumcision, bismillah (teaching the child "the name of God"); virginity and marriage.
After intermingling their blood in the earth and performing other peculiar ceremonies, the two contracting parties with grasped hands swore to avenge any injury done to either of them.
As Durga (so named from having slain the demon Durga) she is warlike and ferocious, and to her in this form are offered bloody sacrifices, and such ceremonies as the Durgapuja and Churrukpuga are held in her honour (see Kali).
On the other hand there still subsists a belief in innumerable evil spirits, which manifest themselves in the phenomena of possession, lycanthropy, disease, &c. The fear of evil spirits has given rise to ceremonies of expulsion of evils (see Exorcism), designed to banish them from the community.
The steward's ancient and particular services at coronations are practically obsolete; the full ceremonies, procession from Westminster Hall and banquet in which he figured prominently, were abandoned on the accession of William IV.
To the popular mind the great distinction between the Lutheran and the medieval church service, besides the use of the vernacular and the supreme place assigned to preaching, was that the people partook of the cup in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; and the Lutheran service became popularly distinguished from the Reformed because it retained, while the Reformed did away with, most of the medieval ceremonies and vestments (see Lutherans).
Among the Nayars of Malabar at the ceremonies of the Pambantullel, the household serpent-deities show their benevolence by inspiring with oracles certain women who must be of perfect purity.'
The Aeneid of Virgil, the Fasti of Ovid, suited well with his own restoration of the ancient temples, his revival of such ancient ceremonies as the Ludi Saeculares, his efforts to check the unRoman luxury of the day, and his jealous regard for the purity of the Roman stock.
Another ritual, fascinating for the glimpse it affords of very old-world thought, is that of the Diipolia, the yearly sacrifice to Zeus Polieus on the Acropolis at Athens.6 In this an ox was slaughtered with ceremonies unique in Greece; the priest who slew him fled and remained in exile for a period, and the axe that was used was tried, condemned and flung into the sea; the hide of the slain ox was stuffed with hay, and this effigy of the ox was yoked to the plough and feigned to be alive.
The pilgrimage retained its importance for the commercial well-being of Mecca; to this day the Meccans live by the Hajj - letting rooms, acting as guides and directors in the sacred ceremonies, as contractors and touts for land and sea transport, as well as exploiting the many benefactions that flow to the holy city; while the surrounding Bedouins derive support from the camel-transport it demands and from the subsidies by which they are engaged to protect or abstain from molesting the pilgrim caravans.
The austere simplicity of the ritual which Farel had introduced, and to which Calvin had conformed; the strictness with which the ministers sought to enforce not only the laws of morality, but certain sumptuary regulations respecting the dress and mode of living of the citizens; and their determination in spiritual matters and ecclesiastical ceremonies not to submit to the least dictation from the civil power, led to violent dissensions.
Next morning they all assembled for the final parting, and many of the officials and courtiers came to look upon the impressive ceremonies.
It was on these benches that the worshippers reclined when taking part in the ritual meals which marked the initiation ceremonies.
Their ceremonies were secret and involved fasting and ritual purification.
Rogation Day Ceremonies, with their blessing of the fields, is probably a Christianisation of such activities.
Primarily a singer and song stylist, Eddie also performed a soft shoe dance and was often the show 's Master of Ceremonies.
They were instrumental in the ceremonies, tending the altar fires, and offering prayers to Mithra at dawn, noon and dusk.
Alleged initiation ceremonies for new players includes them having to eat sheep 's testicles.
Transubstantiated bread, as also other theyre supersticious ceremonies and hipocritycal seruyce.
For most ceremonies, the interlude is the unity candle, memorial candle, or rose presentation.
The area north of the winter solstice line is designated for ceremonies.
People, places, events and material items can all be a sign of the times, but naming your child after the Olympic Games because she was born during the opening ceremonies can be a bit much.
This is often demonstrated through church weddings and religious components of many wedding ceremonies, and many religions require pre-marital counseling before a couple weds to ensure they understand the sacred bond of marriage.
They are a staple of emergency lighting (done with caution and protection), regularly used in many different kinds of religious ceremonies, and of course, where would we be without candle lit dinners?
Ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians were familiar with the concept of using fragrant plants as part of their religious ceremonies, for medical purposes, and to make cosmetics.
In some Asian bridal ceremonies turmeric is used to stain the skin and improve the look of the skin tone.
While committee members are certainly capable of knowing how to plan middle school graduation ceremonies, liability is an important issue that must be addressed.
There are many gray areas when it comes to prayer and graduation ceremonies, but such prayers are traditional at many schools.
Even after all the ceremonies and parties are over, you can still send your graduate words of encouragement through e-mails, phone calls, or even by sending a care-package that includes a letter with your chosen poem in it.
Teenage senior quotes can be used for graduation ceremonies, cards, or just as words of encouragement to a high school senior.
In 1992, the Supreme Court ruled that prayers led by clergy, specifically for invocations and benedictions at graduation ceremonies in public schools, should be banned.
However, just one year later, a federal appeals court ruled that prayers led by students should be allowed at graduation ceremonies, and justices refused to review the case.
There are many small wedding items needed for ceremonies and receptions, but they don't have to cost a fortune.
A destination wedding here includes beach ceremonies and buffet receptions on the sand.
Traditional civil ceremonies are followed by dining and dancing in the property's elaborately designed Mizner Center.
Many flower girls wear tiaras in today's wedding ceremonies.
Therefore, it is very important for same sex couples to carefully research the legislation concerning same sex wedding ceremonies in the state in which they want to be married.
It may be a good idea to compile a list of vendors and wedding sites that have already had experience in dealing with same sex wedding ceremonies.
The unity candle is a relatively recent development in marriage ceremonies.
While the basic idea of the candle is to show the unity of the two individuals in marriage, it can be adapted in a variety of ways to fit different types of ceremonies and include multiple meanings.
For Christian ceremonies, the candle can incorporate a meaningful reference to Christ as the center of the marriage.
For non-Christian ceremonies, it may symbolize a union of lineages and/or nature as well as the union of the new couple.
During the mid to late 1500', however, this practice began to change as priests from the Catholic church began to perform marriage ceremonies.
Protestants also began to follow suit and have legal ceremonies conducted, with the exception of the Scots.
Civil ceremonies can be performed just about anywhere.
Again, the laws regarding civil ceremonies differ from state to state.
Elaborate ceremonies including formal church ceremonies.
From simple ceremonies on the sand to elaborate celebrations at local beach parks, there is no limit to the details of a Hawaiian beach wedding on Oahu.
In Indian wedding ceremonies, the aisle runner leads up to what is called the "mandap."
They can have flower petals scattered along them, or along the edges, just as in American ceremonies.
With the head of an elephant and four arms, this statue is often present at many important Indian and Hindu religious ceremonies, including weddings.
Recently, the trend of making wedding ceremonies unique and personalized towards the individual couple has seen a rise in the replacement of traditional vows with original vows.
The Knot explains why vow renewal ceremonies are becoming increasingly popular.
At secular ceremonies, readings can be passages from marriage poems or authors who wrote extensively about love, romance or marriage.
Flowers, garlands and arches are all used in numerous outdoor ceremonies.
Ceremonies held outdoors often means additional time for setting up the area unless the location offers services that include set-up.
Religious buildings and religions themselves often have dress codes for ceremonies and services.
The mere anticipation of an engagement brings images of wedding bells to mind, and few icons of matrimonial ceremonies have such a rich tapestry of history and sentimental appeal.
Bells have strong traditional ties to wedding ceremonies because they are packed with symbolism.
Ask your wedding coordinator for photos of past ceremonies to get some ideas, and brainstorm with your bridal party for more great ideas that you otherwise may not have come up with on your own.
Beach wedding ceremonies are a popular romantic alternative to the more traditional church nuptials.
While beach ceremonies have become more popular over the years, they are still less common than church and garden weddings.
Beach ceremonies are different from church events in many ways.
Since most beach wedding ceremonies are minimalistic, your altar will set the stage for the rest of the event's theme.
Beach wedding ceremonies can be as unique or as traditional as you desire.
As one of the top 10 outdoor wedding locales in Southern California, this company's packages offer lakefront options as well as ceremonies at the south shore Beach Club.
Indoor ceremonies and receptions are usually air-conditioned, making them anywhere from ten to even twenty degrees cooler than the outdoor temperature.
This is a simple but meaningful ritual often included in both secular and religious wedding ceremonies, which represents the two family units becoming one.
Wedding dresses worn during the customary Japanese wedding ceremonies are called shiromuku.
Although traditional wedding kimonos remain popular in Japan and in Japanese-American wedding ceremonies, many modern brides are opting to have a more modern bridal look in their choice of dress.
Japanese or Chinese gardens might also have pagodas available for wedding ceremonies or receptions.
As the world becomes smaller, this fusion of cultures is more and more common in traditional ceremonies and makes for a beautiful celebration of the couple.
What was written as a song to depict a psychotic stalker was assumed to be a love song by many couples and was used in countless wedding ceremonies.
He or she will have a good idea of all the best beach locations for wedding ceremonies and may already be familiar with the possible layouts possible for chairs and other necessities.
In the present day, black is appropriate for formal evening ceremonies and receptions.
When choosing words for simple wedding ceremonies it is important to consider what message you are trying to convey.
Wedding dresses for garden ceremonies tend to be informal, breezy, and fun while still allowing a bride to look and feel beautiful.
LoveToKnow has written original romantic vows for readers to use in their ceremonies.
Though everyone knows that weddings are meant to celebrate love, it's sometimes easy to forget the core reason that so many people come together for marriage ceremonies and wedding receptions.
Religious wedding ceremonies are traditionally fairly solemn and serious, so having silly or crazy vows could offend the church or religious leader.
Couples may choose to have vow renewal ceremonies for many reasons, and these ideas for renewing your vows can make this second ceremony just as meaningful and romantic as your initial wedding day.
Many couples even find that renewal ceremonies can be more personalized and meaningful than their wedding day, because they do not have to be constrained by as many traditions or legal requirements for a vow renewal.
While the number of attendants varies based on the event formality, there will generally be fewer attendants for vow renewal ceremonies.
There are many things couples need to consider when planning vow renewal ceremonies, but the most important of all is their love for one another.
While many people focus on the reception decorations and assume that the garden itself is the décor for their ceremonies, it is still important to add a few personal touches to your garden venue.
Wedding ceremony readings, musical selections and prayers are also common in many wedding ceremonies within the Jewish faith.
Small wedding ceremonies are a great way to celebrate the unique love shared between partners without breaking the bank in the process.
Though large, lavish weddings are often depicted as the norm in film and television programs, many couples opt to have small ceremonies.
These spaces often have limitations on event attendance, making them perfect for small ceremonies.
Some religious ceremonies only allow practicing members of that particular faith to witness the ceremony, leaving out some guests.
German weddings usually only include one attendant for the bride and one for the groom, unlike the many bridesmaids and groomsmen commonly included in American wedding ceremonies.
This is the perfect choice for thrill-seeking couples who want to add some adventure to their ceremony and who don't mind skipping the typically more involved large ceremonies and receptions.
It includes treatment ceremonies for Native Americans and faith-based methods.
Beyonce can pull off the most form-fitting body suit and still look classy, but she truly shines when she gets glammed up for awards ceremonies and other events.
With that many ceremonies, it would have seemed that they were triply committed to one another.
Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock had so much fun getting married in July 2006 that they planned multiple ceremonies in different locations.
Stewart spoke at the 2004 commencement ceremonies at William and Mary, where he was also presented with an honorary Doctor of Arts degree.
The public may attend star ceremonies, which are officiated by Hollywood's honorary mayor, Johnny Grant.
When a celebrity couple announces their plans to wed, the celeb-obsessed spring into action to gather as much information and as many photos as possible, but sometimes the stars are really good at keeping their ceremonies private.
From royal wedding ceremonies to "D-List" duets, you can find at least one photo from almost any celebrity wedding you can think of and probably some that you didn't even know about.
A click over to Bridalwave will help bring you up to speed on celebrity wedding news and though not all of their photos feature celebs at their ceremonies, you will find plenty of pictures focused on Hollywood's brides and grooms.
With his quick wit and easy enthusiasm, Harris is also a popular event host and has hosted both the Tony and Primetime Emmy Awards ceremonies.
There have been many memorable acceptance speeches in the People's Choice Award ceremonies.
The course teaches students how to arrange for wedding photography, plan ceremonies and receptions, handle floral arrangements, organize invitations, and become start-up entrepreneurs.
Alaska has some particularly stunning locations where couples can hold wedding ceremonies, although some locations may be a little harder to reach than others.
Wedding ceremonies conducted within the state of Alaska can be conducted anywhere and by anyone, as long as the person applies for a one-day marriage commissioner's licence.
However, while vow exchange ceremonies on the high seas are still trendy, these days most Christian cruises cater to married couples seeking to enrich their relationships through faith-based activities.
These ceremonies are typically performed by on-board pastors and can take place privately or in mass sessions involving all the couples participating in the cruise.
You have the option of making these ceremonies as low-key or extravagant as you desire.
From quiet sunsets and sweet musical tributes to sentimental ceremonies and elegant embellishments, rededicating yourself to your beloved onboard a luxury ocean liner has never been so memorable.
This mummy had numerous tattoos, which were hypothesized as being used for medicinal cures, spiritual ceremonies, or indicating social status.
They were worn on the head during important religious ceremonies and as a symbol of power and prestige.
Purity rings are sometimes given in purity commitment ceremonies.
These types of rings also make great gifts for purity pledge ceremonies.
Religious ceremonies are often times when friends and family present children with gifts of jewelry.
Traditionally, American Indian tribes viewed turquoise as a sacred stone and used it in various ceremonies and religious rites.
People also give pendant medallions to markcommemorative milestones of faith, such as the tradition of bestowing a Saint Christopher necklace at the time of confirmationor other religious ceremonies.
Garden weddings, those that take place in the early part of the day and any that request more casual dress are usually suitable ceremonies for women who want to wear pantsuits.
A plus size ivory wedding dress has much to offer brides and it is suitable for casual and formal ceremonies.
Usually these dances are performed at community festivals and during religious ceremonies.
This amphitheater hosts ceremonies and funerals that are often broadcast on television.
This moment does not replace traditional parades or ceremonies, but is an act that is meant to unify all Americans.
Although not as common, some brides have freelance hairstylists present at their ceremonies to fix and fluff their coifs prior to their grand entrance.
Flower girls play a traditional role in ceremonies.
The use of the term stems from tea ceremonies and other events in which a folded document went to someone.
Due to the high cost of paper, most early origami works were created for display during important formal functions or ceremonies.
Many stars have been spotted wearing gorgeous Mandalay formal dresses on the red carpet at awards ceremonies, movie premieres, and other events.
Even the Oscar ceremonies during the war saw women wearing cocktail dresses.
Windows were lined with glowing tapers, Christmas trees were lit with smaller candles, and of course religious ceremonies and seasonal celebrations featured many candles.
Although candles made from beeswax are very high quality, the cost of the materials has limited the use of beeswax candles to religious ceremonies and other special occasions.
Girl Scout ceremony candle holders are sold by the Girl Scout store for use in investiture and annual rededication ceremonies.
Candle holders are an important part of both ceremonies because lighting candles are done for each promise and law that the members are pledging to.
The investiture and rededication ceremonies are typically held with the girls standing in a horseshoe format.
Candles light the dark, are used in many different types of ceremonies and are simply fun to make.
In Christian religions votive candles are also known as prayer candles and are generally burned during religious ceremonies as an offering.
Candles are often used in religious ceremonies or at home to remind Christians of their faith during this special time of year.
Officials also hoped this would be a way to dissuade individuals from participating in ceremonies of debauchery, and celebrate with reverence instead.
These ceremonies ensured the sun would return, and bring with it the warmth of spring.
Asian families put a great store in their cultural traditions, so expect to be included at celebrations and ceremonies.
Teenagers with strong Christian values and connections to their church may participate in purity ceremonies to affirm their commitment to abstinence, and a ring is often given to them as a physical symbol of that promise.
Many churches arrange purity programs and ceremonies to encourage young Christians to embrace the values and vows of purity.
Different churches may have different types of purity ceremonies.
These more elaborate ceremonies often take place in front of the whole congregation, though a private ceremony can be arranged if desired, since pledging one's purity is a very private and solemn commitment.
Before the 1920s, most wedding ceremonies included a single wedding band, which the groom would slip onto the bride's finger as they became man and wife.
Just before the Great Depression, couples began to incorporate two rings in their ceremonies.
In some Irish wedding ceremonies, the priest or minister blesses the rings before the couple slips them on one another's fingers.
The idea took several decades to really take off, but by the late 1940s, matching wedding bands were a part of most marriage ceremonies.
Some readers have elaborate ceremonies, while others keep the experience simple.
At the 1933 ceremonies, host Will Rogers called out the name of the Best Director.
Numerous religions across the world incorporate some form of out-of-body experience or astral travel into their ceremonies, rituals and practices.
Many Native American ceremonies involved drumming and ingesting the smoke of specific plants in order to induce these experiences during a waking state.
The series continues to come out of various awards ceremonies victorious, thanks in large part to a dynamic and engaging cast with great chemistry and endless talent.
Of course, this list provides just a taste of the numerous awards handed out at both ceremonies.
Dobrev's performance earned critical acclaim and helped the actress secure two Teen Choice awards, nominations for People's Choice Awards and a role in the opening ceremonies of the Prime Time Emmys with Jimmy Fallon and the cast of Glee.
Originally, Adinkra cloth was only for solemn ceremonies, but now it is used in festive occasions as well.
This is extremely important in the greater context of Pagan beliefs because communications between the two worlds is paramount to many religious ceremonies.
These diviners worked for the Shang kings; most of the "forecasts" found on these Oracle bones dealt with warfare, weather, hunting, and best days for ceremonies.
The Middle East is filled with many ceremonies that hold a strong symbolic meaning to its people.
The ease of obtaining a license, the colorful ceremonies, and the pure fun Las Vegas has to offer all make a Las Vegas wedding truly unforgettable.
The marriage must be performed at the local Civil Register Office (Oficina del Registro Civil) in order to be legal; however many couples choose to also have sentimental or religious ceremonies.
Ceremonies take place on the island of Las Caletas, which is accessible only by sea.
Each day of the weekend offers several workshops, lectures, panels and ceremonies, plus plenty of time to meet new people who share a passion for yoga.
Some fans were used as props in religious ceremonies, while others were used to hide a woman's face when she was attending a public event.
In France, like in America, there are ceremonies and special events on Armistice Day; however, the majority of the crowd attending these events is aging.
Due to her beauty and popularity, Gisele has made numerous appearances on different TV talk shows and award ceremonies as a guest and a spokeswoman.
The Tony's offers something that other televised, entertainment ceremonies don't.
Christening Essentials - This site is a good choice for both christening gowns and gowns for Bris ceremonies.
Christening ceremonies are second only to wedding ceremonies in some families, and they can bring just as much stress.
When the party begins, the Master of Ceremonies will introduce each member of the Quinces Court and they will each stand in their assigned (and rehearsed places).
Before delving into what is studied at bat mitzvah lessons, it is worth noting that the prevalence of these kinds of ceremonies and the activities that the young girl has to perform are at the center of a debate within the Jewish community.
According to the religion, these ceremonies are actually not a required part of practicing the faith - when a girl turns 12 or a boy turns 13, he or she is automatically considered an adult by the religion.
Debates aside, bat mitzvahs have become a rite of passage, and most people do opt for ceremonies that demand a lot from the child, and that is where the lessons come into play.
One of the elimination ceremonies during the fourth cycle of show caused viewers (and late night comedians) much amusements when eliminated suitor Ron said, "Deanna didn't reject me tonight.
Rowlings is master of ceremonies when it comes to characterization, dishing out scoops of real life crisis, whether they are light-hearted or not, in increasing portions, sized to perfection with each delivery.
To mark their accomplishments along the way, they take part in ceremonies and are awarded patches and badges to proudly add to their uniforms, vests or award blankets.
Today the color blue is reserved for more formal occasions and military ceremonies.
Service Dress Blue worn by enlisted men for formal parade and change of command ceremonies.
Full Dress uniforms are regularly worn for civil ceremonies such as weddings, too.
Girl Scouts must wear their tunic, vest or sash at all ceremonies or any time when the scout is representing the organization in public activities.
This includes ceremonies and special events.
In one day all the usual orders were conferred on him, and even the great preacher Massillon consented to take part in the ceremonies.
First there is the office or cabinet of the prefect for the general police (la police gnrale), with bureaus for various objects, such as the safety of the president of the republic, the regulation and order of public ceremonies, theatres, amusements and entertainments, &c.; secondly, the judicial police (la police judiciaire), with numerous bureaus also, in constant communication with the courts of judicature; thirdly, the administrative police (la police administrative) including bureaus, which superintend navigation, public carriages, animals, public health, &c. Concurrently with these divisions there is the municipal police, which comprises all the agents in enforcing police regulations in the streets or public thoroughfares, acting under the orders of a chief (chef de la police municipale) with a central bureau.
Girls, too, were scarred at puberty and had teeth knocked out, &c. The ceremonies - known to the Whites under the native generic term for initiatory rites, Bora - were much the same throughout Australia.
At the funeral of men there is much mourning, the female relatives cutting or tearing their hair off and plastering their faces with clay, but for women no public ceremonies took place.
The principal other ceremonies of this class are the new and full moon offerings, the oblations made at the commencement of the three seasons, the offering of first-fruits, the animal sacrifice, and the Agnihotra, or daily morning and evening oblation of milk, which, however, is also included amongst the grihya, or domestic rites, as having to be performed daily on the domestic fire by the householder who keeps no regular set of sacrificial fires.
Ceremonies of initiation are the means by which the alliance is established between the deity and the young man, when the latter enters upon the rights of manhood; and the supposed bond of kinship is thus regarded as an artificial union from the outset, so far as the individual is concerned, although Robertson Smith still maintains the theory of the fatherhood of the god, where it is a question of the origin of the totem-kin.
In the most developed forms, such as the offering of soma, they assumed a great importance; (r) the sacrificer had to pass from the world of man into a world of the gods; consequently he was separated from the common herd of mankind and purified; he underwent ceremonies emblematic of rebirth and was then subject to numberless taboos imposed for the purpose of maintaining his ceremonial purity.
They also directed the national ceremonies, and preserved the popular traditions.
Many ecclesiastical ceremonies, growing up from early times, clustered round the celebration of the Easter festival.
It is celebrated in the evening, and is accompanied by the ancient love feast (partaken by all communicants seated at a common table), by the ceremony of the washing of feet and by the salutation of the holy kiss, the three last-named ceremonies being observed by the sexes separately.
Next came dignities of a slightly lower rank, such as those of grand almoner (Fesch), grand marshal of the palace (Duroc), grand chamberlain (Talleyrand), grand master of the horse (Caulaincourt), grand huntsman (Berthier), grand master of ceremonies (Segur).
Especially among the lower races the dead are regarded as hostile; the Australian avoids the grave even of a kinsman and elaborate ceremonies of mourning are found amongst most primitive peoples, whose object seems to be to rid the living of the danger they run by association with the ghost of the dead.
Under Marie Louise the etiquette of the court of France became more stately and the ritual of religious ceremonies more elaborate.
The pomps and ceremonies which were traditional in the East were to be continued.
The branches of the tree are carried by the priests in religious ceremonies.
Shortly afterwards the images were removed from the churches, and many ceremonies and festivals were abolished.
The people of Mangaboo now formed themselves into a procession and marched toward the glass city to escort their new ruler to her palace and to perform those ceremonies proper to the occasion.
A brilliant account has come down of the ceremonies at the installation of a new exilarch.