Central sleep apnea Sentence Examples
Most patients with central sleep apnea have a history of bulbar polio, and some required ventilatory support (120 ).
Norfolk sleep centers offer help for obstructive and central sleep apnea.
Neurologists often play a key role in treating central sleep apnea.
Neurologists are on staff to help pinpoint whether the nighttime breathing problem is associated with neurological problems, as in the rare case of central sleep apnea.
Proper diagnosis for obstructive or central sleep apnea begins with recognizing the signs that a problem exists.
However, the devices are not effective in treating central sleep apnea.
People who have obstructive or central sleep apnea can benefit from gathering as much information about the sleep problems as possible.
Patients who have severe sleep apnea or central sleep apnea may not benefit from using oral devices.
It is important to note that the devices are used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, not central sleep apnea.