Center Sentence Examples
His vamps scampered out of the command center to obey.
Yully walked to the center of the monument.
How did the call center respond to the flood of interest?
In the center was a large emerald-green star, and all over the four quarters were sewn spangles that glittered beautifully in the sunshine.
It landed dead center in the hall, out of everyone's reach.
Kiera watched them, somewhat relieved not to be the center of attention any longer.
A long oak table graced the center of the room, its ten carved chairs at attention.
Bianca, we'll be out back in the command center for a bit.
Slipping her hand through his extended elbow, she let him lead her into the center of the room.
He released her, and she hurried away from him into the center of the hall.
AdvertisementHurt, she fled into the cold night air, stopping only when she reached the center of the gardens.
While Gabriel was written at the center of the geometric designs on Deidre's shoulders, the tattoo on the woman before her bore the name Rhyn.
She clung to one of the warriors, attempting to climb him as the cat-like critter-- convinced it was a game-- wagged its tail and chased her around the large man in the center of the room.
They walked a short distance to an open atrium in the center of the house, complete with a small oasis rising up from white stone and curved benches.
In practical matters Pierre unexpectedly felt within himself a center of gravity he had previously lacked.
AdvertisementPresently they came to a low plant which had broad, spreading leaves, in the center of which grew a single fruit about as large as a peach.
The cause of the confusion was that while the Austrian cavalry was moving toward our left flank, the higher command found that our center was too far separated from our right flank and the cavalry were all ordered to turn back to the right.
The twenty-four sharpshooters with discharged muskets, standing in the center of the circle, ran back to their places as the companies passed by.
The shop was pleasant, with comfortable easy chairs in the front, coffee counter in the center and tables to the rear.
Hands darted from the cells to swipe at them, and she saw why the robed man kept to the center of the corridor.
AdvertisementClaire Elizabeth LeBlanc, all seven pounds, six ounces of her, came into the world at Dartmouth-Hitchcok Medical Center, in Keene, New Hampshire on June third.
She saw someone waiting for her in the center of the in-between world and recognized Rhyn.
She'd wanted a second night with him since the first, and the passion of his kiss reminded her of how incredible it was to be the center of his world.
The altar in the center was empty while seven statues kept watch over it.
He slid an arm under her and gently took her hand in his, planting a warm moist kiss in the center of the palm.
AdvertisementShe didn't notice until she'd jostled her way into the center of the church.
The portal is in the center.
Muscular and dark-skinned, Tamer was hunched over the table in the center of the room, putting the final magic touches on a new compass.
Dolokhov lowered his head to the snow, greedily bit at it, again raised his head, adjusted himself, drew in his legs and sat up, seeking a firm center of gravity.
There's a concert at the arts center.
She moved to the center of the monument and opened herself to the magics.
First you ask me to send her to the center of the battle and now you wish me to take my time with her?
According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, more than 1.5 million 501(c) charitable organizations exist in the United States.
The retirement of the center to the other side of the dip in the ground at the rear was hurried and noisy, but the different companies did not get mixed.
From information he had received the evening before, from the sound of wheels and footsteps heard by the outposts during the night, by the disorderly movement of the Russian columns, and from all indications, he saw clearly that the allies believed him to be far away in front of them, and that the columns moving near Pratzen constituted the center of the Russian army, and that that center was already sufficiently weakened to be successfully attacked.
In the center of the stage sat some girls in red bodices and white skirts.
She took about eighty percent of your tips at the call center.
A radio station did a piece on the tip center and requested an interview with someone who answered the phones.
I learned later the facility was the largest between Los Angeles and San Francisco and contained five hundred and ten beds and a fully equipped trauma center.
David Dean was hanging patriotic bunting by dawn's early light when Cynthia finished setting out the usual assortment of pastries for the guests and joined her husband for the short walk to the Community Center.
Trickling water circled the oasis, its source a small spring in the center.
A round table in the center had an access pad attached to the top, so she passed her armband over it.
To her surprise, what appeared to be a video game popped into 3D life in the center of the table.
He landed outside the main city, in the center of which sat the royal family's residence.
Opal, meet me in the command center, A'Ran directed.
Ne'Rin sat to his right at the largest table within the command center with the Council members arranged by rank to his left.
He waited for the others to file out of the command center.
Leaving the command center for his quarters, he glanced out the windows as he strode through the compound.
He reached his quarters and opened the link to the command center, pausing before it to see nishani had already entered.
He turned both machines off and left his quarters for the command center.
Have Mansr show you to the command center.
In the center of the chamber was a small fountain whose waters had long gone dry.
She crossed the stone tiles to the center of the chamber and circled the plain fountain.
Jetr motioned her to the side, and the men gathered in the center of the room, facing the largest viewer.
The man at the center of the circle shifted.
That's all that remains of the command center on the Peak.
She picked up a rock and threw it into the center of the gateway.
Instead, he emerged from the shadow world into the center of the Caribbean Sanctuary.
The entire fortress was empty. Rhyn ducked his head into a salon the size of half Kris's castle. He and Gabe had reached the gleaming marble palace at the center of the underworld just after dawn only to find it unguarded and missing its key occupant.
Katie couldn't help the bubble of happy laughter that escaped. Death chuckled with her then motioned to the stairwell Toby was desperately trying to pull Katie towards. They ran through the palace. Katie trailed the angel until they reached a small chamber she would've mistaken as a janitor's closet on the top level. Toby wrenched open the door and ducked into the dark room. A portal glowed in the center. Katie entered, overwhelmed by the thought of leaving.
In the meantime he had been placed in the center of a controversy he alone couldn't resolve.
The grand coalition government of the center right and center left in Germany is pushing through retirement at 67.
Caromb also has a pretty old town center and a lovely auberge in the main square.
Referral to other agencies e.g. audiology, schools psychological service, child development center.
State of the art data center Fully secure, center ensuring 99.9% availability all year round.
Mark twain must stages buffalo bill's center's aviary.
As is evident from these texts, fishing was at the center of their culture, and they were also avid traders and gamblers.
The red fox has the widest geographical range of any wild carnivore, thriving in habitats from woodland and desert to city center.
The high speed passenger catamaran service to Southampton is centrally located at Fountain Key, where you will also find the Tourist Information Center.
The rotation curve is a plot of the orbital velocity of the clouds around the galactic center vs. their distance from the Galaxy center.
If this is the case you will need to have the printer serviced at an Epson authorized service center.
Situated in the center of Nice, opposite the " Nice Etoile " shopping center.
A straight split dipole of length 980mm overall, with around 10mm center gap in 9.5mm tubing produced the best result.
Los angeles center trump is saying also openly disdainful.
The room would be about the center of the eastern esplanade.
In the center of each plant grew a daintily dressed Mangaboo, for the clothing of all these creatures grew upon them and was attached to their bodies.
As we move out from that defined center, we come to disorders and disabilities—impairments of bodily systems that are brought about by injury, disease, or genetics.
His idea was, first, to concentrate all the artillery in the center, and secondly, to withdraw the cavalry to the other side of the dip.
Cannon and musketry, mingling together, thundered on the right and in the center, while the capotes of Lannes' sharpshooters were already seen crossing the milldam and forming up within twice the range of a musket shot.
On the contrary, the energetic action of that battery led the French to suppose that here--in the center--the main Russian forces were concentrated.
Pierre felt that he was the center of it all, and this both pleased and embarrassed him.
In the front, in the very center, leaning back against the orchestra rail, stood Dolokhov in a Persian dress, his curly hair brushed up into a huge shock.
He sat in the only seat in the tiny craft, studying Ne'Rin, who transmitted from A'Ran's battle command center on the moon that was his interim home.
Due to its location in the center of the building, there were no windows.
It contained a large metal ring in the center.
She had tied the silk cord to the brass gas lamp at the ceiling in the center of the room, before knotting the other end about her soft white neck.
He moved closer to the center, where Edith had died.
They were led to a room with a long table in the center surrounded by chairs.
They sat around the center island and had obviously eaten breakfast together.
Tim, his government contact and the highest-ranking individual in the PMF, was already on screen when Brady entered the comms center.
The Eastern Command Center had served as the headquarters for the Eastern armies during the East-West Civil War.
The other walls of the octagon-shaped command center were occupied by silent, animated screens similar to the one the underground security commander appeared on.
Lana grimaced internally at the thought of dealing with the crazy man who should've been running the command center instead of her.
I'm sending the location of the nearest supply center.
Lana waited until the others in the center left and stood before the titanium-reinforced glass in front of the keypads.
The keys were located all over the world, except for four of them, which were based here in the command center.
Four keypads gone with one making its way back to the command center.
Lana jerked, afraid she'd been caught, before she realized Elise was calling over the command center's channels.
A chill swept through him as he realized how significant—and isolated—the command center was.
What is this, the command center for everything this side of the Mississippi?
The man at the center of attention ceased screaming and lowered his head, panting.
If Arnie smuggled one out of the command center, he may have the remaining keys in his quarters.
She stood at the bottom of the hill leading towards the command center.
They drove to the command center in anxious silence.
The highest-ranking military members and civilian staff members were crammed into the small center, staring at the scene on the screen before them.
She stared for a long moment at the net code indicating that the receiver of the general's messages was located in the West Control Center.
All during a set time period when the security was disabled by someone in the command center.
Lana typed a message to Mr. Tim, telling him she was leaving and heading to the Peace Command Center, which was the first center beyond the Mississippi River.
Y'all get ready to go and meet us here at the med center.
Brady froze and straightened from packing supplies, striding into the med center.
It was the blond special security woman, Elise, who burst into the med center.
Elise promised to find her by dusk, and together, they'd go west, to the Peace Command Center.
She'd planned on Elise helping her escape to the west, where she could secure the Horsemen at the Peace Command Center.
Yet she didn't know the first thing about life outside the command center!
They started away from the tent towards the center of their camp.
What was it you had to take to the Peace Command Center?
Was the Peace Command Center also at risk?
Tim was already on the large screen when Brady entered the comms center several hours later.
He threw himself into one of the beat-up chairs in the tiny comms center.
We can meet at the Peace Command Center.
Brady chuckled and strode from the communications center.
Even if she reached the Peace Command Center, the world wouldn't right itself.
Her silent treatment and quiet anger lasted through the long helo ride back to the secret comms center.
Greene was in contact with different people in the West Coast Center.
Arnie found out about Greene and sent out a few messages to the Peace Command Center to warn people.
I looked at the rest of the keypads in the command center.
She watched him enter a code and a countdown begin, and guessed he was destroying the comms center.
The helicopter lifted away before Brady had two feet in its belly, and the soldier holding her strapped her securely into a seat in the rear while the two of them stood with nonchalance in the center.
Brady unstrapped himself, and she watched uneasily as he inched closer to the center of the cabin, his hands—and concentration—on the ceiling.
Jack loped ahead of her then paused to wait at the center of the field.
Five bonfires had sprung up, each one with a massive spit turning a large deer in its center.
Another corner contained crates full of sleeping babies while older children sat reading antique books in the center of the room.
Tents had sprung up two nights before, and the two people who could keep his powers from spinning out of control remained at the center of the beach.
Police Headquarters was located in the center of town between the City Hall and the library, across from a well-kept park that contained the obligatory statue of a civil war hero.
Detective Hunter pointed out the sights as they left the airport and drove toward the center city police headquarters.
He maneuvered his way through the forest until he found the place near the warm springs at the center of the stream, where they'd gone their first night together.
He didn't go the way they did but cut through an alley towards the center of the city.
She looked around, astounded by the beauty of the orchard, then realized she'd lose sight of Dustin once he crested the hill in the center of the orchard.
Rather than risk Traveling to the center of the phenomenon, Jenn ran down the driveway the vamps had cleared of snow to the narrow country road leading up the mountain to the Black God's hideout.
The small town had only dirt roads, and his glanced lingered towards a farmers market under the awnings in the center, a couple of blocks away.
She trotted through the streets, making her way through rubble and debris to the park in the center of the city.
Darian asked, stepping into the center of the room beside the White and Black Gods.
The marble he saw came into view as he crested the hill in the center of the orchard.
Darian moved into the center of the hallway, gazing around.
Glancing out a window, she confirmed they were in the city, somewhere near the center.
His eyes went to the necklace dangling at the center of her chest.
They Traveled, stopping at the base of the tree at the center of the orchard.
At its center, she thought she saw the dark shape of a man.
The first reached the nearby stream and stumbled, falling to his knees in the center of its shallow waters.
He tore into the center of the group, hacking down two men before the other six reacted.
The guards escorted him to a large hold at the center of the city.
Sirian and Rissa led him back to the impressive hold at the center of the city and up a set of stairs to the second level and down a wide hallway.
Sami was led into the center of the tiny arena, and the guards moved away.
She could not bear to look as he took his place in the center of the ring.
Her hand closed around the hilt of a dagger as she reached the center of the arena.
Hilden had greeted her at the walls and escorted her to the center of the city lest she be challenged by patrolling guards.
We've tripled the guards atop them and gathered the people into the center of the city.
Swords flashing, they sprinted towards her and the center of the city only to be brought down by a flurry of arrows a dozen feet before her.
He trotted his way through the city to its center.
They'd stopped in the center of the meadow, the safe path through the traps marked by wooden stakes.
He struck off toward the hold at the center of the city, where Memon would be.
Afraid of what he'd find, Taran strode to the center of the city.
He had been placed in the center of a controversy he couldn't resolve.
Singing softly, she turned out onto the three-lane highway and used the center lane to execute a left turn onto a four lane highway.
The light from the doorway bathed the center of the porch in a yellow light, but the rocker sat in darkness.
The one-room shack was neat, with pallets on one side, a fire at its center, a small area to prepare food and crates lining one wall that acted both as storage and seating.
The tavern where the woman told him to go was in the center of the city.
From this point, Xander was able to see most of the city, including the white dome of the palace at its center that marked the home of one of the three Gods that ruled the immortal realm.
Xander crouched over her body, one knee in the center of her chest to keep her in place.
She set down a tray with an insulated, silver pot of coffee at its center.
The bed was huge, taking center stage in the room.
She entered the dark, sensual bedroom once again and accepted the necklace with the rough, round red ruby at its center.
The ruby glowed faintly, as if there was a light at its center.
He led them towards the massive red barn at the center of the buildings.
They paused beside the ring in the center, where the two at its middle had stopped to stare at him.
The iPad was open, the offending picture front and center.
They went to what had been a Nook sales stand in the center of the store and was blocked off for him.
In the center ring was a petite woman with her long, blonde hair back in a ponytail.
That would terrify me personally, to be the center of attention from someone like him.
He didn't expect the sight of his necklace dangling in the center of her chest to fill him with anything other than regret or dread.
Headed to the ops center.
She stood in the center of what looked like a ski lodge with one massive wall of windows overlooking the mountains.
Jessi hurried after the Black God, following him into a narrow hallway and what looked like an operations center of some sort.
Retreating to the center of the room, she tried to think instead of outright panicking.
The capital was the center of the commercial activities.
Among the public buildings and places of interest are the three churches on the Green, built in 5854; Center Church (Congregational), in the rear of which is the grave of John Dixwell (1608-1689), one of the regicides; United (formerly known as North) Church (Congregational), and Trinity Church, which belongs to one of the oldest Protestant Episcopal congregations in Connecticut.
The village of South Hadley, or the Center, lies at the south base of Mount Holyoke, about 4 m.
It is picturesquely situated in the lake country of Indiana on Center, Pike and Winona lakes.
But if the pressure-curve is a straight line F'CP sloping upwards, cutting AM behind A in F', the energy-curve will be a parabola curving upwards, and the velocity-curve a hyperbola with center at F'.
The state has forest reserves (918,000 acres in 1910) in 26 counties, the largest areas being in Potter, Clinton, Center, Cameron, Lycoming, Huntingdon, Union and Mifflin counties; and there is an efficient department of forestry under a state commissioner of forestry.
The Pennsylvania state college at State College, Center county, was established in 1855 as the farmers' high school of Pennsylvania, in 1862 became the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania, and received its present name in 1874 after the income from the national land grant had been appropriated to the use of the institutions; in1909-1910it had 147 instructors, 1400 students and a library of 37,000 volumes.
Included within the township are three villages, Framingham Center, Saxonville and South Framingham, the last being much the most important.
In 1700 it was incorporated as a township. The "old Connecticut path," the Boston-to-Worcester turnpike, was important to the early fortunes of Framingham Center, while the Boston & Worcester railway (1834) made the greater fortune of South Framingham.
At the same time there appear'd a Halo about 22 Degrees 35' distant from the center of the moon.
A defense attorney in a pedophile case we'd fingered demanded the tip line center release the tape of our call.
She wouldn't give any real information because of the center's pledge of anonymity.
No. It's a tip from me because Brenda Washington was an employee of the tip call-in center and her primary job was fielding calls from the person I represent.
Chest heaving, Dusty lowered the two-handed sword he'd been using to hack apart one of the practice dummies in the back of the command center.
To her relief, the Black God stood in the center of the storm's eye, bathed in sunlight that touched nothing else.
She wondered what Czerno planned on doing, until she saw him stride out of the building towards the center of the vamps.
Dusty studied the scenes on the screens of his command center, agitated by the weather hindering their ability to deal with Talon's vamps.
The man in the corner took that as in invitation to approach, and she moved behind the table her father used for laying out pieces of disassembled weapons in the center of the armory.
Two continued to the master's command center, where his master was planning a battle.
The debate was held in the community center, on the second floor of a building that accommodated the town's library, City Hall, and police station below.
It was as Martha described—green, with the familiar Lucky Strike label in red at the center.
Intent on hunting down his first real lead since things started going wrong, Gabe called open a portal to return to his underworld and the shopping mall-sized palace in the center of the living forest.
Deidre moved towards the lake, away from the center of the triangle they formed.
In the center was a massive console surrounded by a circular bench beneath the shade of a ledge.
The tiled floor depicted Anshan and its moons, with the planet at the chamber's center.
She began to think she'd misunderstood the pictures when a green sprout appeared at the center of the fountain.
They wore black robes and sat stone like, until the vampire in the center rose, and motioned for the three to come closer.
Slightly off center in the room stood a breathtaking, nine-foot, ebony Steinway concert grand piano.
Lana snapped her identification chip to her uniform before proceeding to the operations control center with Mr. Tim's portable vault.
You surface dwellers better not be sleeping, or— In the quite, dark command center, Lana awoke from her doze with a jerk at the peeved female's voice, the dream of her journey to the Peak fading.
She slapped the pad to open the command center's internal network.
A chill swept through him as he realized how significant—and isolated—the command center was.
The stairs ascended to a plateau, and Brady strode into the center.
Brady unstrapped himself, and she watched uneasily as he inched closer to the center of the cabin, his hands—and concentration—on the ceiling.
The East Coast's infrastructure systems still reported to her micro, but she could tap into them from the Peace Command Center.
Fred O'Connor stood in the center of the room, the phone in his hand, with Dolly Parton crooning from the stereo.
I add a bladder of my blood to the Springs in the center of the city each season.
Taran waited uneasily on the sweeping stairs of the ancient hold in the center of Tiyan.
Landis was many times the size of her kingdom, and she had just begun to panic she'd be too late when she saw the city at its center.
In the next week, a proposed skate park adjacent to the leisure center could be given the go-ahead by the council.
The arduous journey into the center of the great desert began.
At Mayday Birth Center there is a midwife-only unit with birthing pools, beanbags, subtle lighting and a homely atmosphere.
Bathymetry and sidescan sonar imagery together reveal a slow-spreading ridge segment that has a large composite volcanic plateau at its center.
The center has also supported a PhD thesis on the legal consequences of having the directives implemented.
Those were the problems incurred when running a store with a mail order center.
The property used to be run commercially as an equestrian center, but is not used as a private property.
As we crossed over the mountains that run down the center of Upolu and headed toward the southern coast the rain gradually abated.
More dead pixels are usually considered acceptable around the edges of the screen than in its center.
The overall winner for the most outstanding achievement was the Magna Science Adventure Center at Rotherham.
The walls had three gates and in the center of the city was a fortified acropolis with a single gate.
Byzantine walls at Sparta, as elsewhere, fortify only ancient acropolis not civic center; place of refuge at time of attack.
I think of the center for rehabilitating drug addicts which was faced with losing its housing benefits.
The center also registered an increase in the number of homeless drug addicts using its services.
The Center for Life is a unique science village in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, fostering advancement in the life sciences.
Peterborough Children and Young People's Center Provides services for children and young people which include counseling, advocacy, advice and peer support.
There are low-impact aerobics or stretching classes designed specifically for pregnancy - ask at your local leisure center for details.
An incapacitating agent called aflatoxin, which produces vomiting and internal bleeding, was manufactured at Baghdad¹s Agricultural and Water Research Center.
At the center of each, the X-ray afterglow of the GRB can be seen.
With the engine placed at the bike's exact center of gravity, it was surprisingly agile for its size.
The Titanium Matrix 3 wood has a low center of gravity, which helps to get the ball airborne quicker.
Artificial ice rink, indoor swimming pool, indoor tennis, squash, fitness center, bowling alley.
Situated at Atlantico Commercial Center where there is a variety of shops, bars, restaurants, cinema and ten-pin bowling alley.
Sugar coated, mini heart dragees with a dark chocolate center instead of the traditional almond.
Traditionally Alpine in style with picturesque chalets and a lively village center, people are drawn back to Meribel year after year.
In August we began making alterations in the Research Center.
The center of the particle appears amorphous in negatively stained EM preps, the nucleocapsid being in a loosely wound rather disordered state.
The attack on the World Trade Center was exactly analogous to Pearl Harbor.
Fowey, a picturesque protected anchorage, is only minutes from the ship into the town center.
Of hit tv luxury chest in chips was recently summer center Andrew.
Plus, for the keen angler in the family, there is a vast Angling Center, for all your angling needs.
The color is shaded, paler pink at the circumference becoming deeper magenta toward the center, with dark veins and red anthers.
However the center column shows that the rate of fall was greater for the narrower pallet aperture.
We do this through participatory approaches that put poor people at the center of decision making.
The speakers waxed lyrically about the fresh water aquatic conservation center, which they hope to bring to a disused clay pit near Bedford.
The papers were donated by their daughter, Carol Pickering, assistant archivist at the Henry Martyn Center.
The South (principal) elevation has the pedimented center piece with exuberant armorial carving Duff Arms and Motto.
Fitting the padded armrest to the tunnel making sure it is not mounted off center.
Raise that center armrest to make the back of a slender seventh seat.
An option for the rear (standard on the Prestigio) is a rear seat center armrest with two retractable cup holders.
The 4 Marys withdraw as Darnley joins Mary, walks down the center, he showing arrogance, she displeasure.
Sort by Sort output list by distance from search center (in arcminutes ), increasing right ascension or declination, or stellar magnitude.
Wood applied to the center console and air vent surrounds is complemented with a chrome ashtray.
In either case you need to contact the Housing Options Center to seek assistance.
The Housing Options Center is also where all households will need to make applications for homelessness assistance.
Anne Church a personal assistant also from Ashworth who suggested color themes through the whole spectrum for the Ashworth Center.
He is currently a postdoctoral research associate at the Oxford Center for Science of the Mind.
The center provides training facilities for wheelchair athletes from all over the world.
A glass atrium will run through the center of the building, allowing natural light to flood in.
A center with high attrition will constantly be hiring new recruits, whatever performance gains are put in place.
The dive center has won awards for its service.
The gear linking the two wheel axles is raised slightly above center line to achieve a correct mesh distance.
This lowers the center of gravity to deliver reduced backspin, higher, longer, straighter ball flight.
A low center of gravity gives a high trajectory with less backspin for maximum carry.
The keep towers over the walls surrounding the inner bailey with King's Gate in the center of the picture.
Where the terrace is in front of the center a glass balustrade is used.
A fine view across the lake in West Park looking toward the town center showing the old bandstand.
You can live like royalty in elegant hotels or find a bargain at hostels right in the city center.
After about half a mile, you come to the large thatched barn on the left, with the Center just beyond it.
Discover Padova in the afternoon with an introductory guided tour of the center including the basilicas followed by free time.
The Center staff are qualified instructors, but there are no domestic staff, and students do the tasks on a rota basis.
I played to some miserable bastards in a small bar in the center of Manchester for very little laughter or money.
The ridge tile should be neatly drilled in the center to allow the fixing to pass through into the ridge batten or board below.
To make the pancake batter, sieve the flour and salt into a bowl and make a well in the center.
The center has been running for about ten years, and has always been running for about ten years, and has always been based at the West Norwich Hospital.
Lagos boasts some superb beaches within walking distance of Lagos town center.
It looks somewhat like a Lima bean in the center of his brain from the angle she showed us.
For a splash of color go for simple summer bedding plants which you can buy straight away from your local garden center.
Benefits advice at the patient's bedside Job Center Plus now provide a new service at the Royal Free.
She put Cordyline indivisa (£ 9.99 each) in the center of each barrel, and then planted non-stop begonias all around.
They hoped to secure a major benefaction for the Center.
He established a bishopric at Lindisfarne (Holy Isle) opposite the royal center of Bamburgh.
The male blackbirds are still fighting along their invisible boundary which runs roughly down the center of our garden.
Andromeda has no hot center, implying no central black hole!
Housing is mainly tower block apartments around the city center.
This is apparent from the brown blotches which are always adjacent to the center spine of the leaf.
In order to achieve vertical lift he envisaged the use of four centrifugal blowers disposed around the aircraft's center of gravity.
It has a wide neckline, three-quarter length batwing sleeves and a scalloped panel running down the center with decorative silver plastic bobble buttons.
Bag o ' Fish inventor dies Loch Lomond in gigantic fish threat Never mind Nessie, say boffins at Loch Lomond Oceanic Center.
Center Director Terry Williams says the new cat playroom lets the animals interact, play or get boisterous.
First the boat was moored in gear from the lock waiting layby, the center rope securely tied around the wooden post bollards.
Payment will facilitate the lowering of the automatic bollard located in the center of the outbound carriageway.
It therefore appears that the right to talk bollocks has been restored to its rightful place at the center of club priorities.
Colin finds an unexploded bomb in the Leisure Center.
And don't forget a spherical ice cream bombe - a real center piece.
The Center is situated in the Daniel Rutherford Building, named after the great 18th century botanist, who was an Edinburgh graduate.
The center piece of the decorations was a large mistletoe bough.
The center of the City is well laid out and has some handsome buildings flanking the wide boulevards.
The center also boasts a 6 lane 10 pin bowling alley, featuring state of the art technology.
The emission of X-ray bremsstrahlung radiatively cools this gas and should lead to its continued collapse in the cluster center.
A place he points out that was once the biggest beer brewing center in Europe.
At the center of the room is the State Bed, made of an unusually rich material - crimson silk damask brocaded in gold.
This is a cracking story about a New Zealand doctor who is opening a brothel in his old medical center.
A retail center and fast food outlet for Spen Hill Developments on a 1.8 hectare brownfield site.
Because of the desirability of living near the center, there is extensive redevelopment of city brownfield sites.
Even opera buffs are spoilt for choice, with the English National Opera located in the center of town.
Guests will be spoiled for choice with the extensive four course carvery buffet situated in the center of the suite.
She saw that the cabin was shut off from the rest of the plane by a steel bulkhead with a door in the center.
Including footage in the film from the World Trade Center attacks was total bullshit.
The next port of call was the data center, buried ten meters down in an immense concrete bunker.
The yellow buoy can be seen in the center of the picture.
Your local community center or volunteer bureau will also be able to advise you about projects in your area.
There are also frequent busses to and from the city center along Cowley and Iffley Roads.
Runs (center) can be seen emerging from bramble bushes.
It is a major commercial and historical center with the central square, Parque Santa Catalina, acting as one giant outdoor cafe!
The Visitor Center features a spacious cafeteria, with panoramic views across the water and has a cycle hire service too.
In the center of the ring are the remains of a chambered cairn.
The center cairn is a ring cairn with no passage to the central chamber.
We also offer a 24-hour emergency call center service to help out anyone with problems.
Two millennia later, the Normans put a military camp in the center of this hill fort.
Contact center staff feature in our marketing campaign to promote the center.
It is situated in an attractive campus, neighboring open countryside, yet is only one mile from Bath city center.
In the first canton was the union with a Roman figure II in the center of the Union.
The red capsicums came from Millet's Farm Center at Frilford.
Phantom uses a Global Positioning Satellite System and 24 hour monitoring center to greatly improve the chances of recovering a stolen caravan.
Currently the Farm collects cardboard from a local shopping center which is then shredded for animal bedding.
Lutein is the primary carotenoid located in the center of the retina, called the macula.
Go to an aquatic center and find out how much a koi carp will cost you.
On 2nd floor a 3 light center opening casement either side a 2 light casement.
The main attraction of the center is the Stuttgart Suite which comfortably caters for sixty people and features a fully automated display wall.
Accommodation situated opposite the soaring Gothic cathedral, right in the center, the setting is both elegant and convenient.
In the old city center stands the ancient red sandstone cathedral or Münster (parts date from the ninth to 13th century ).