Centaury Sentence Examples
Centaury (Erythraea) - Pretty dwarf biennials belonging to the Gentian family.
In the American button-bush the heads are globular, in some species of teazel elliptical, while in scabious and in composite plants, as sunflower, dandelion, thistle, centaury and marigold, they are somewhat hemispherical, with a flattened, slightly hollowed, or convex disk.
Banks of wild flowers - centaury, wild carrot, harebell, bird's foot trefoil, purging flax and thrift adorn the route.
The heathlands are home to a rich variety of wetland plants and animals, including the rare yellow centaury.
They range from the tiny pink flowered common centaury through to the 1.5 meter tall Marsh Thistle.
Many changes have taken place over the years and coastguard co-ordinator centers of the 21st centaury have been transformed by new technology.
This award winning center is situated in the 18th centaury Linen Market House in Lisburn.