Censor Sentence Examples
His job was to censor matter voluntarily submitted by the Press.
After occupying the positions of procurator of the Jesuits at Rome and censor (calificador) of the Inquisition at Madrid, Acuna returned to South America, where he died, probably soon after 1675.
In 3 12 B.C. he was elected censor without having passed through the office of consul.
The British censor removed all the scenes depicting Devil worship.
Many authors deliberately avoid certain types of references to allow their material to get passed the official censor.
His Charles IX was kept back for nearly two years by the censor.
The collected edition of his Latin works (in two quarto volumes) appeared at Amsterdam in 1668, because he could not obtain the censor's licence for its publication at London, Oxford or Cambridge.
In the first weeks after the United States had declared war, Congress rejected an amendment to the Espionage Act that would have established a censor's bureau.
It was generally observed but with much grumbling and denunciation of the chairman of the Committee, Mr. George Creel, as a " censor."
These terms, which are said by Appian (De Rebus Samniticis, 10, II) to have included the freedom of the Greeks in Italy and the restoration to the Bruttians, Apulians and Samnites of all that had been taken from them, were rejected chiefly through the vehement and patriotic speech of the aged Appius Claudius Caecus the censor.
AdvertisementThe movie was screened without a certificate in June at the Irish Film Center, which has previously shown films banned by the censor.
It is, alas, the case that few would-be censors are capable of intelligently reading or viewing that which they wish to censor.
With us in Gotha, this help is coming from the military censor, in Hamburg, from the ban on meetings.
Niccolini blasted tyranny in his tragedies, the novelist Guerrazzi re-evoked the memories of the last struggle for Florentine freedom in LAssedio di Firenze, and Verdis operas bristled with political double entendres which escaped the censor but were understood and applauded by the audience.
The revolutionary terrorists took advantage of the situation to multiply outrages; popular agitation was fomented by a multitude of new journals preaching every kind of extravagant doctrine, now that the censor no The longer dared to act; in December the trouble "union culminated in a formidable rising in Moscow.
AdvertisementIn 82 Sulla restored the right of serving as judices to the senate, to which he elevated 300 of the most influential equites, whose support he thus hoped to secure; at the same time he indirectly dealt a blow at the order generally, by abolishing the office of the censor (immediately revived), in whom was vested the right of bestowing the public horse.
Other periodicals which appeared in the 18th century were Mailer's Mercurio (1738); the Diario noticioso (1758-1781); El Pensador (1762-1767) of Joseph Clavijo y Fajardo; El Belianis literario (1765), satirical in character; the Semanario erudito (1778-1791), a clumsy collection of documents; El Correo literario de la Europa (1781-1782); El Censor (1781); the valuable Memorial literario (1784-1808); El Correo literario (1786-1791), devoted to literature and science; and the special organs El Correo mercantil (1792-1798) and El Semanario de agricultura (1797-1805).
Subsequently to the extinction of El Censor (1820-1823) there was nothing of any value until the Cartas espanolas (1832), since known as the Revista espanola (1832-1836) and as the Revista de Madrid (1838).
But difficulties arose with the censor, and matters came to a standstill.
To the wider national sympathies which stimulated the researches of the old censor into the legendary history of the Italian towns we owe some of the most truly national parts of Virgil's Aeneid.
AdvertisementAfter some delay, consequent on the scruples of the theological censor of Halle, who did not like to see miracles rejected, the book appeared (Easter, 1792).
The most famous member of the family was Andrea Doria, perpetual censor of Genoa in 1528 and admiral to the emperor Charles V., who was created prince of Melfi (1531) and marquis of Tursi (in the kingdom of Naples) in 1555 The marquisate of Civiez and the county of Cavallamonte were conferred on the family in 1576, the duchy of Tursi in 1594, the principality of Avella in 1607, the duchy of Avigliano in 1613.
Valerius Messalla, censor in 154 B.C. It ran first up the Anio valley past Varia, and then, abandoning it at the 36th mile, where the Via Sublacensis diverged, ascended to Carseoli (q.v.), and then again to the lofty pass of Monte Bove (4003 ft.), whence it descended again to the valley occupied by the Lago di Fucino.
In 209 he was censor, and in 204 consul.
The Lay Monastery, the Censor, the Freethinker, the Plain Dealer, the Champion, and other works of the same kind had had their short day.
AdvertisementEven though the opposition found so doughty a champion as the elder Cato (censor in 184), it was ultimately of no avail.
Churchill followed by Lord Arthur Browne, Chief Cable Censor, and Col.
The man who gave the orders did not censor the " copy," and was not in continuous and direct touch with those who did.
He was consul in 99, censor 97, and held a command in the Marsic War in 90.
More ancient evidence is supplied by an inscription found at Aquinum, recording, so far as it has been deciphered, the dedication of an altar to Ceres by a Iunius Iuvenalis, tribune of the first cohort of Dalmatians, duumvir quinquennalis, and flamen Divi Vespasiani, a provincial magistrate whose functions corresponded to those of the censor at Rome.
Besides becoming a; and afterwards senior censor, of the Royal College of Physicians, and a fellow of the Royal Society, he held the post of secretary to the Royal Institution for many years.
Numerous other pamphlets appeared, inspired or controlled by Sarpi, who had received the further appointment of censor over all that should be written at Venice in defence of the republic. Never before in a religious controversy had the appeal been made so exclusively to reason and history; never before had an ecclesiastic of his eminence maintained the subjection of the clergy to the state, and disputed the pope's right to employ spiritual censures, except under restrictions which virtually abrogated it.
Ahenobarbus was elected pontifex maximus in 103, consul in 96 and censor in 92 with Lucius Licinius Crassus the orator, with whom he was frequently at variance.
In 142 he was censor with the younger Scipio Africanus, whose severity frequently brought him into collision with his more lenient colleague.
In 251, when Decius revived the censorship with legislative and executive powers so extensive that it practically embraced the civil authority of the emperor, Valerian was chosen censor by the senate.
The facts of the story were deliberately understated to meet the censor 's requirements.
Another key factor worth noting about Sagittarians is that they are blunt; there seems to be no censor between their thoughts and their mouths.
Straptacular make bra straps look more like jewelry than lingerie, and Backtacular patches censor the "plumber's crack" problem that arises with many low-cut pants styles.
In 109 Scaurus was censor,.
On his return to Rome at the end of three years he was made censor, raised to the rank of patrician, and appointed governor of Aquitania (74-78).
Among the other magazines which ran out a brief existence before the end of the century was the Philadelphia Political Censor or Monthly Review (1796-1797) edited by William Cobbett.
In 65 he was censor, and in 60 he joined Pompey and Caesar in the coalition known as the first triumvirate.
Varro's greatest predecessor in this field of inquiry, the man who turned over the virgin soil, was Cato the Censor.
The message board administrators have the power to censor certain words that may be posted.
More detail will follow once it has been passed by the censor.
Last year he was offered the job of official censor of the Queen's Catholic subjects.
The British Censor found this film so subversive that he banned it for nineteen years.
Schools shouldn't enforce that prayers be given, nor should they censor religious expression by students.
It is vital that chatters censor every word they type.
Try not to censor the information or judge yourself too harshly.
No one but you will look at this list, so don't censor yourself.
Civil Liberties watchdog groups immediately took a stand against the bill, making it very clear that attempts to censor the internet of any sort of speech would trample over every citizen's basic right to nonviolent dissent.
Ironically, they are simply modified versions of the proxy servers that many organizations - from schools to governments - use to try to control, censor, or monitor web usage.
Either as a concession to the senate, or perhaps with the idea of improving public morality, Decius endeavoured to revive the separate office and authority of the censor.
The most famous member of the family was Andrea Doria, perpetual censor of Genoa in 1528 and admiral to the emperor Charles V., who was created prince of Melfi (1531) and marquis of Tursi (in the kingdom of Naples) in 1555.
He was also senior film censor at the British Board of Film Classification.
The file includes some of Taylour's intercepted correspondence, including some that she managed to smuggle out of prison to avoid the censor.
The Republican censor removed from the war reportage even the smallest successes of the militias.
Once, religion might have been somewhat standoffish from consumerism, and only entered the marketplace to censor and condemn it.
The facts of the story were deliberately understated to meet the censor's requirements.
The question is complicated by the fact that the Sixth Decade of Diogo do Couto, the best contemporary historian of these events, was suppressed by the censor in its original form, and the extant version was revised by an ecclesiastical editor.
In 1780 the first volume (extending to 1388) of his Geschichten der Schweizer appeared, nominally at Boston (to avoid the censor), though really at Bern; and it was well received.
Baby Girl Boutique - Inspired by the pinup girls of the 1950's, their "Scanty Panty" even comes with a "censor line" to cover up your "bottom cleavage" as the website puts it.
By a reform of the censor Appius Claudius in 312 B.C. these non-assidui were admitted into the tribes, and the aerarii as such disappeared.
Its only direct relation to the control of the press was a request made by it in the name of the Secretaries of State, War and the Navy that newspapers censor themselves in the matter of news that might help the enemy or embarrass the Government.
When censor in 318, in order that the spectators might have more room for seeing the games that were celebrated in the Forum, he provided the buildings in the neighbourhood with balconies, which were called after him maeniana.
He refused the lordship of Genoa and even the dogeship, but accepted the position of perpetual censor, and exercised predominant influence in the councils of the republic until his death.
He seems to have been recalled by Caesar, since he was present at a meeting of the senate in 44, and was censor in 42.
At the close of the Civil War, he returned to his studies, took holy orders, was made censor and became a "noted tutor."
As censor he raised the character of the senate, removing unfit and unworthy members and promoting good and able men, among them the excellent Julius Agricola.
Returning to Valladolid, he acted as censor (cualificador) of books (including versions of the Bible) for the Inquisition.
For this Nobilior was bitterly attacked by Cato the Censor, on the ground that he had compromised his dignity as a Roman general.
Two lines in the poem suggest that the satirist, who inveighed with just severity against the worst corruptions of Roman morals, was not too rigid a censor of the morals of his friend.
Catulus was the last princeps senates of republican times; he held the office of censor also, but soon resigned, being unable to agree with his colleague Licinius Crassus.
In 50 he was censor, and expelled many of the members of the senate, amongst them the historian Sallust on the ground of immorality.
The man who gave the orders did not censor the "copy," and was not in continuous and direct touch with those who did.
Sincai worked for nearly forty years at his monumental History of Rumania, which the Hungarian censor did not allow to be printed on account of its nationalist and anti-Magyar tendencies.
It was, indeed, not easy to combine that respect and reverence which the emperor required should be paid to him, with that open criticism of his words which seemed necessary (even for selfdefence) when the monarch condescended to become the censor of the opinions and actions of large parties and classes among his subjects.
Caecilius Metellus Numidicus, who, when censor, endeavoured to remove Saturninus from the senate on the ground of immorality, but his colleague refused to assent.
To replace it Mr Shaw wrote Mrs Warren's Profession, a powerful but disagreeable play, which was rejected by the censor and not presented until the 5th of January 1902, when it was privately given by the Stage Society at the New Lyric Theatre.
Numerous other pamphlets appeared, inspired or controlled by Sarpi, who had received the further appointment of censor over all that should be written at Venice in defence of the republic.