Cemetery Sentence Examples
If he were in a grave—in a cemetery somewhere—I could go there and put flowers on it.
About a kilometre away from the palace was the cemetery.
The state fair grounds of 115 acres adjoin the city, and there is also a beautiful cemetery of 220 acres.
He was buried in the great Armenian cemetery at Nicomedia, but in the course of 1906 his relics were transferred to Hungary.
Of these St Matthias in the south, now represented by a 12th-century building, has a Christian cemetery of the Roman age.
Two miles north-east of the city is the National Cemetery, with graves of 6571 Federal soldiers (5700 unknown) most of whom were killed in the actions near Richmond.
In the north-eastern part of the city is Oakwood Cemetery, in which are the graves of about 18,000 Confederate soldiers.
Strabo mentions linen-weaving as an ancient industry of Panopolis, and it is not altogether a coincidence that the cemetery of Akhmim is one of the chief sources of the beautiful textiles of Roman and Coptic age that are brought from Egypt.
In the vicinity is the Grove Street Cemetery, in which are the graves of many famous Americans.
In 1901-1902 excavations in the cemetery of Santa Priscilla, near the Cappella Greca, revealed a polygonal chamber.
AdvertisementHe was buried in the old cemetery at Princeton.
He hit a comfortable pace and stayed there as he peddled past the cemetery and the open meadows where a herd of elk grazed near the river to his left, standing at attention near the edge of the tall cottonwoods that lined the bank.
The queen wished to bury him at the feet of the Swedish kings, and to raise a costly mausoleum in his honour; but these plans were overruled, and a plain monument in the Catholic cemetery was all that marked the place of his rest.
The Roman Watling Street crossed Shooter's Hill, and a Roman cemetery is supposed to have occupied the site of the Royal Arsenal, numerous Roman urns and fragments of Roman pottery having been dug up in the neighbourhood.
South-eastern Sicily, ever since P. Orsi excavated the Sicel cemetery near Lentini in 1877, has proved a mine of early remains, among which appear in regular succession Aegean fabrics and motives of decoration from the period of the second stratum at Hissarlik.
AdvertisementFrench's best-known work is "Death Staying the Hand of the Sculptor," a memorial for the tomb of the sculptor Martin Milmore, in the Forest Hills cemetery, Boston; this received a medal of honour at Paris, in 1900.
The cemetery also contains monuments to Alonzo P. Stinson, the first soldier from Portland killed in the Civil War, to the Portland soldiers in the War of Independence, and to Rear-Admiral James Alden (1810-1877), of the U.S. Navy, a native of Portland.
He was buried on the 10th in the cemetery of Ste Marguerite, but no stone was erected to mark the spot.
The old burying-ground was the kirkyard of the former parish church, the tower of which still exists, but a modern cemetery has been formed in Sunnyside.
There is, besides, a Roman cemetery known as the Aliscamps (Elysii Campi), consisting of a short avenue once bordered by tombs, of which a few still remain.
AdvertisementJulie and her children are buried at the Roseville Cemetery.
On Congress Street, below the Observatory, is the Eastern Cemetery, the oldest burying ground of the city; in it are the graves of Commodore Edward Preble, and of Captain Samuel Blythe (1784-1813) and Captain William Burroughs (1785-1813), who were killed in the engagement between the British brig "Boxer" and the American brig "Enterprise," their respective ships, off this coast on the 5th of September 1813.
The recent exploration of a cemetery belonging to the close of the great palace period, and in a greater degree to the age succeeding the catastrophe, has now conclusively shown that there was no real break in the continuity of Minoan culture.
A bronze statue, erected by public subscription, in the Kerepes cemetery,.
It was not the dead child, but the dauphin who left the prison in the coffin, whence he was extracted by his friends on the way to the cemetery.
AdvertisementExplorations conducted in the cemetery of Domitilla in 1897-1898 brought to light a fine double crypt with frescoes representing Christ seated between six male and female saints; also an inscription relating to a new saint (Eulalius) in a cubiculum of the 3rd century.
Behind the cathedral is a disused cemetery with a chapel, where the Christian slaves are supposed to have worshipped.
He made also a processional way past the side of the temple to the cemetery beyond, with a great gateway of granite.
The graveyard was probably the cemetery of Hammath.
To a period contemporary with the concluding age of the Cnossian palace must be referred a remarkable sarcophagus belonging to a neighbouring cemetery.
The shaft-graves in the Mycenae circle are also a late type, paralleled in the later Cnossian cemetery.
At Saqqara, opposite Memphis itself, the steppyramid of Zoser of the IIIrd Dynasty, several pyramids of the Vth and VIth Dynasties, and innumerable mastaba-tombs of the Old Kingdom, are crowded together in the cemetery.
The distinction between the two is also plainly exhibited when for some local or private reasons an ancient arenaria has been transformed into a cemetery.
In 1888 a corridor was discovered which had at one time been isolated from the rest of the cemetery.
In the same year the Jewish cemetery on the Via Portuense, known to Bosio but since forgotten, was rediscovered.
In 1904 a small subterranean cemetery was discovered at Anagnia.
Of these a great proportion came from the cemetery and from the foundations of the railway station.
His grave is in the Sleepy Hollow cemetery at Concord, beside those of Hawthorne and Emerson.
Seward, who made his home here after 1823, and was buried in Fort Hill Cemetery.
Aliscans (Aleschans, Alyscamps, Elysii Campi) was, however, generally taken to represent the battle of Villedaigne, and to take its name from the famous cemetery outside Arles.
In Warriston cemetery (opened in 1843) in the New Town, were buried Sir James Young Simpson, Alexander Smith the poet, Horatio McCulloch, R.S.A., the landscape painter, the Rev. James Millar, the last Presbyterian chaplain of the castle, and the Rev. James Peddie, the pastor of Bristo Street church.
Zolnay, and erected by the Daughters of the Confederacy, was unveiled in Hollywood cemetery, Richmond, Va, on the 9th of November 1899.
On Monument Hill, in West Lawn Cemetery, in a park of 26 acres - a site which President McKinley had suggested for a monument to the soldiers and sailors of Stark county - there is a beautiful monument to the memory of McKinley, who lived in Canton.
Adjoining this park on the north is the cemetery.
North of the cemetery is the prison, a building which replaces a notoriously insanitary gaol used during the republican regime.
The large cemetery at Brompton is the property of the government.
Kensal Green cemetery, the burial-place of many famous persons, is of great extent, but several large cemeteries outside the metropolis have come into use.
It is not improbable that early in the 2nd century the wall was finished at the west portion and enclosed a cemetery near Newgate.
The ground was originally a Roman Cemetery, and about the year 1576 bricks were largely made from the clayey earth, the recollection of which is kept alive in the name of Brick Lane.
In 1886-1887 a German expedition under Dr Koldewey explored the cemetery of El Hibba (immediately to the south of Tello), and for the first time made us acquainted with the burial customs of ancient Babylonia.
The cemetery adjoined the city of the living and was laid out in streets through which ran rivulets of " pure " water.
It is remarkable that thus far no cemetery older than the Seleucid or Parthian period has been found in Assyria.
In the Episcopal cemetery two monuments mark the graves of Charles Louis Napoleon Achille Murat (1801-1847), the eldest son of Joachim Murat, and of his wife Catherine (1803-1867), the daughter of Col.
In Forest Hill Cemetery are the graves of Horatio Seymour and Roscoe Conkling.
The new cemetery (opened in 1828) contains the graves of Arthur Schopenhauer and Feuerbach, of Passavant the biographer of Raphael, Ballenberger the artist, Hessemer the architect, SOmmerring, and Johann Friedrich Bohmer the historian.
Near Woking is Brookwood cemetery, belonging to the London Necropolis Company, with a crematorium.
The cemetery is under the watchful eye of the local authority.
Interment.net - Interment.net is a cemetery search site.
In the north the borough includes the cemetery of Kensal Green (with the exception of the Roman Catholic portion, which is in the borough of Hammersmith); it was opened in 1838, and great numbers of eminent persons are buried here.
It is worth noting that a number of specimens were found in the cremation cemetery at Borgstedterfeld near Rendsburg.
In the city are two sanitariums. The city has two parks (one, Ethan Allen Park, is on a bluff in the north-west part of the city, and commands a fine view) and four cemeteries; in Green Mount Cemetery, which overlooks the Winooski valley, is a monument over the grave of Ethan Allen, who lived in Burlington from 1778 until his death.
He was buried at Port Royal; in 1711, on the desecration of the cemetery, his, remains were transferred to the church of St Andre des Arcs in Paris.
In 1860 a large cemetery, the Cimitero Monumentale, was opened, but found to be insufficient, it is reserved for important monuments, that of Musocco, 3 m.
Rising in terraces from Rock Creek is Oak Hill Cemetery, a beautiful burying-ground containing the graves of John Howard Payne,.
North-east of the Roman Catholic Cemetery, in the extreme eastern part of the city, is a monument to Miantonomo, a sachem of the Narraganset tribe of Indians, who was put to death here.
There is a national cemetery here, in which 12,147 Federal soldiers are buried.
North of San Nicholas is Tondo, the most densely populated district; in the suburbs, outside the fire limits, the greater part of the inhabitants live in native houses of bamboo frames roofed and sided with nipa palm, and the thoroughfares consist of narrow streets and navigable streams. Paco, south-west of Intramuros, has some large cigar factories, and a large cemetery where the dead are buried in niches in two concentric circular walls.
The cemetery covers a large area and has thousands of Cufic and Arabic inscriptions.
Dr Francesco Antommarchi (1780-1838), the physician who attended Napoleon in his last illness, died in Santiago, and a monument in the cemetery commemorates his benefactions to the poor.
On a bluff projecting into South river is the old "Burying Point," set apart in 1637, and the oldest cemetery in the city; its oldest stone is dated 1673; here are buried Governor Simon Bradstreet, Chief-Justice Benjamin Lynde (1666-1745) and Judge John Hathorne (1641-1717) of the witchcraft court.
Here St Serf carried on his missionary labours, and founded a church and cemetery, and here he died and was buried.
We hear nothing from ancient authorities of its having been visited or occupied by the Greeks, but the discovery of a Greek cemetery of the 4th century B.e.
It has a small national cemetery, and about 4 m.
The mosque of sultan Hasan, below the citadel, those of Muayyad and Kalaun, with the Barkukiya and the mosque of Barkuk in the cemetery of Kait Bey, are instances of the second and more matured style of the period.
Of the last style of this period the Ghuriya and the mosque of Kait Bey in his cemetery are beautiful specimens.
The Mahommedans are Sunnites, professing the creed commonly termed orthodox, and are principally of the persuasion of the Shafiis, whose celebrated founder, the imam ash-Shafii, is buried in the great southern cemetery of Cairo.
On the way to the cemetery the corpse is generally carried to some revered mosque.
The procedure in scientific excavation is directed to collecting and interpreting all the information that can he obtained from the excavation as to the history and nature of the site explored, be it town, temple, house, cemetery or individual grave, wasting no evidence that results from it touching the endless problems which scientific archaeology affordswhether in regard to arts and crafts, manners and customs, language, history or beliefs.
She died of consumption at Cannet, near Nice, on the 4th of January 1858, and was buried in the Jewish part of the cemetery of Pere Lachaise in Paris.
He was buried in a vault which belonged to his wife's family, but was afterwards disturbed, in the cemetery of St John at Nuremberg.
The temple and town continued to be rebuilt at intervals down to the times of the XXXth dynasty, and the cemetery was used continuously.
A principal object of it was the adoration of the early kings, whose cemetery, to which it forms a great funerary chapel, lies behind it.
The cemetery of private persons begins in the Ist dynasty with some pit tombs in the town.
Count Lazare Carnot died here in exile, and was buried in the cemetery, but his remains were exhumed in 1889 and conveyed to Paris.
The Italian occupation of Rhodes in 1911 was followed by a general exploration of the island, in the course of which some graves were opened in the Mycenaean cemetery of Ialysos, which had been dug in 1868-72, and important material is said to have been obtained.
A Geometric cemetery was dug by the Germans at Tiryns, and their finds have been accurately published (1912).
In Macedonia during the war some finds of the same period were made by British troops on mounds in the Vardar valley, and a cemetery was opened by the Y.M.C.A.
The cemetery of Kerameikos outside the Dipylon Gate was being extensively excavated and restored, so far as possible, to its original 5th-century appearance by the German Institute in 1914.
A cemetery at Phaleron dating from the 7th century was examined.
The cemetery, extending from archaic Greek to Roman times, and the acropolis were explored.
The town was explored in 1912, and the cemetery from which the stelae came was found.
Other important finds were seven statues of women from a sanctuary of Artemis Polo, .a temple and altar of Apollo Pythius, decorative terra-cottas from an archaic Prytaneion, a cemetery with carved and painted tombstones, and remains of a triumphal arch of Caracalla.
These provide means for classifying the rich finds from the cemetery which was excavated on the other bank of the river.
At Caulonia in 1912 Orsi found prehistoric remains, the Greek city defences, a Doric temple, houses and a cemetery.
A cemetery at Locri yielded large numbers of poor Greek vases, and some exceptionally fine bronze mirrors.
Dean Stanley assisted at his funeral service in Abney Park cemetery.
But in other respects his last years were cheered by marks of general regard and admiration, in which non-Catholics joined; and after his death (16th February 1865) there was an extraordinary demonstration of popular respect as his body was taken from St Mary's, Moorfields, to the cemetery at Kensal Green, where it was intended that it should rest only until a more fitting place could be found in a Roman Catholic cathedral church of Westminster.
His body was brought back to Dublin and buried in Glasnevin cemetery.
A part of the isle is one great cemetery of about 3 to 4 acres, with rude, rough graves as close to each other as possible, with slabs upon them.
In several of the tombs and in the chapel of the cemetery is painted the Egyptian sign of life, which was confounded with the Christian cross.
The Aspis or smaller citadel to the north-east has revealed traces of an earlyMycenaean settlement; the Deiras or ridge connecting the two heights contains a prehistoric cemetery.
There are also an old town gate, and an ancient cemetery with slight monastic remains.
There is a Jewish cemetery in Willesden Lane.
Along the north-east border of the borough are Cypress Hills cemetery (400 acres), adjoining Brooklyn Forest Park, and the cemetery of the Evergreens (about 375 acres), adjoining Highland Park and partly in the borough of Queens.
The cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise in Paris stands on property acquired by the Jesuits in 1826, and not, as is often stated, on property personally granted to him.
Cristoforo, with the cemetery, stands; but modern times have brought a renewal of industrial activity.
On the bank of the Anacostia river, east of the Capitol, is the Congressional Cemetery containing the graves of many members of Congress.
North of Georgetown is Oak Hill Cemetery, and in the vicinity of the Soldiers' Home are Rock Creek, Glenwood, Harmony, Prospect Hill and St Mary's Cemeteries.
The cemetery was naturally associated with the legend of St Ursula; and, this identification once accepted, it is not unlikely that when more careful investigations revealed male skeletons and tombstones bearing the names of men, other and more definite epitaphs were invented to reconcile the old traditions with the facts of such a damaging discovery.
Five miles from Memphis is a National Cemetery.
Loftus found also the remains of an ancient Babylonian cemetery.
He adds that "this unknown prisoner was buried on the 10th in the parish cemetery of Saint Paul, and was registered under a name also unknown" - noting in the margin that he has since learnt that the name in the register was "M.
The actual name in the register of the parish cemetery of Saint Paul (now destroyed, but a facsimile is still in existence) was "Marchioly"; and the age of the, deceased was there given' as "about 45."
Reynolds, who was born here; Thaddeus Stevens, who lived here after 1842; and President James Buchanan, who lived for many years on an estate, "Wheatland," near the city and is buried in the Woodward Hill Cemetery.
Returning to Strathclyde Kentigern lived for some time at Glasgow, near a cemetery ascribed to St Ninian, and was eventually made bishop of that region by the king and clergy.
Among the places where these have been found, special mention should be made of the large cremation cemetery at Borgstedterfeld, between Rendsburg and EckernfOrde, which has yielded many urns and brooches closely resembling those found in heathen graves in England.
These revenues are derived from a lighting tax, leases and ground rents, cemetery fees, consumption and market taxes, licences, tolls, taxes on hides and skins, personal and various minor taxes.
Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau and the Alcotts are buried here in the beautiful Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.
The old parish kirkyard was closed in 1856, but a fine cemetery was constructed in its place outside the town.
The steep sides of the Mbnchsberg rise directly from amidst the houses of the town, some of which have cellars and rooms hewn out of the rock; and the ancient cemetery of St Peter, the oldest in Salzburg, is bounded by a row of vaults cut in the side of the hill.
Next to the Ridge the point of most interest to every English visitor to Delhi is Nicholson's grave, which lies surrounded by an iron railing in the Kashmir gate cemetery.
His remains were temporarily interred at Washington, but afterwards removed to the family cemetery near Louisville.
Klostermann, however, takes the ch to be part of the Aramaic root demach, " to sleep "; the word would then mean " field of sleep " or cemetery (Probleme im Aposteltexte, 1-8, 1883), an explanation which fits in well with the account in Matthew xxvii.
St Finbar's cemetery has handsome monuments, and St Joseph's, founded by Father Mathew in 1830 on the site of the old botanic gardens of the Cork Institution, is beautifully planted.
The United States National Military Cemetery at Winchester contains the graves of 4480 Union soldiers, 2382 of them unknown, and adjoining it is the Confederate Stonewall Cemetery, with about 8000 graves.
In the extreme north of the borough is the Kensal Green Roman Catholic cemetery, in which Cardinal Manning and many other prominent members of this faith are buried.
Besides burial grounds near the infirmary and attached to a few of the older churches, a beautiful cemetery, 90 acres in extent, has been laid out in the southwestern district.
Greenock was the birthplace of James Watt, William Spence (1777-1815) and Dr John Caird (1820-1898), principal of Glasgow University, who died in the town and was buried in Greenock cemetery.
Under an act of 1879 the district council have power to provide and maintain a cemetery either within or without their district, and they may purchase or accept a donation of land for that purpose.
The provisions of the Cemeteries Clauses Act 1847 apply to a cemetery thus provided.
These cannot all be referred to here, but it may be noted that no part of the cemetery need be consecrated, but that if any part is, such part is to be defined by suitable marks, and a chapel in connexion with the Established Church must be erected in it.
The power to provide a cemetery under the act under consideration must not be confounded with that of providing a burial ground under the Burial Acts.
The distinction between a burial ground provided under the Burial Acts and a cemetery provided under the act of 1879 is important in many ways, of which one only need be mentioned here - the expenses under the Burial Acts are paid out of the poor rate, while the expenses under the act of 1879 are paid in an urban district out of the general district rate, the incidence of which differs materially from that of the poor rate, as will be seen hereafter.
The distinction between a burial ground under the Burial Acts and a cemetery provided under the Public Health Acts has already been noticed.
The grave of Confucius is in a large rectangle separated from the rest of the Kung cemetery, outside the city of K`iuh-fow.
Adjacent to Schenley Park are Homewood and Calvary cemeteries; and adjacent to Highland Park is Allegheny cemetery.
The bones of the pair were shifted more than once afterwards, but they were marvellously preserved even through the vicissitudes of the French Revolution, and now they lie united in the well-known tomb in the cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise at Paris.
The chapel of the Holy Ghost is a picturesque ruin, standing in an ancient cemetery, built for the use of the local gild of the Holy Ghost which was founded in 1525, but flourished for less than a century.
The poet was buried two days afterwards near his "three friends" in Mount Auburn cemetery.
The Martins and other pioneers are buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery within the city limits.
They occur, with one exception, south of the Ouse, the most important being a cemetery at Kempston, where two systems - cremation and earth-burial - are found side by side.
The synagogue is one of the oldest in Europe, and the adjoining cemetery - part of which has unfortunately been destroyed in the course of the modern sanitary improvement of this part of Prague - has great historical interest.
It contains, however, the Romanesque chapel of S Martin, the Church of SS Peter and Paul, and .the adjoining cemetery where many of the leaders of the Bohemian national movement are buried.
Vfgfusson died of cancer on the 31st of January 1889, and was buried in St Sepulchre's Cemetery, Oxford, on the 3rd of February.
In 1873 John Stuart Mill died at Avignon, and is buried in the cemetery.
Beyond the gate, in a place called the Hajun, is the chief cemetery, commonly called el Ma'la, and said to be the resting-place of many of the companions of Mahomet.
In 1630 it was made the seat of a Roman Catholic mission by Benoit de Mathos, a Portuguese Jesuit, and the old cemetery still contains about 113 Christian graves.
The church was rebuilt outside the watershed, and the remains from the old churchyard were removed to a new cemetery adjoining it.
Leith cemetery is situated at Seafield and the Eastern cemetery in Easter Road.
In Greenmount Cemetery in the north central part of the city are the graves of Junius Brutus Booth, Mme Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte (1785-1879), the wife of Jerome Bonaparte, Johns Hopkins, John McDonogh and Sidney Lanier.
Five years later his health gave way, and after a long illness he died at the Cambridge Observatory on the 21st of January 1892, and was buried in St Giles's cemetery, near his home.
There are monuments to the two former in the town, while the resting-place of the latter in the cemetery is marked by a less pretentious memorial.
In Mt Auburn Cemetery are buried many artists, poets, scholars and other men and women of fame.
On a hill of lower elevation than the castle and separated from the esplanade by a depression styled the Valley - the tilting-ground of former times - a cemetery has been laid out.
Adjoining the cemetery on the south is Greyfriars, the parish church, also called, since the Reformation (1656), when it was divided into two places of worship, the East and West churches.
The next day he was buried without pomp "in the common cemetery called Plain-palais" in a spot not now to be identified.
A cemetery of pre-Roman date was discovered at Bormio in 1820.
This part of Roanoke county was granted in 1767 to General Andrew Lewis, to whom there is a monument in East Hill Cemetery, where he is buried.
Here, in October 1793, in his Etowah campaign, John Sevier, with militia from Tennessee, crushed a party of marauding Indians; the battle is commemorated by a monument in Myrtle Hill cemetery.
East of the city is a large national cemetery containing more than 13,000 graves of Federal soldiers.
This was the cemetery where was buried Francois de Paris, a young Jansenist deacon of singularly holy life, and a perfervid opponent of the Unigenitus.
All sorts of miraculous cures were believed to have been worked at his tomb, until the government closed the cemetery in 1732.
Its foundation is generally attributed to the Carthaginians, and Punic tombs exist in considerable numbers near the present cemetery on the east and still more on the rocky plateau to the north-west of the town.
In Mount Olivet Cemetery is a beautiful Confederate Soldiers' monument surrounded by the graves of 2000 Confederate soldiers, and a little to the north of the city is a National Cemetery in which 16,643 Federal soldiers are buried, the names of 4711 of them being unknown.
Near by are some 18th century buildings, some interesting earthworks of the "mound-builders," and a cemetery in which are buried many soldiers who fought in the War of Independence.
There is an extensive and beautiful cemetery on the slope below the church of St Michael.
He was found guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of £loo, while his expenses as defendant amounted to about 14,000, a sum that was at once raised by public subscription, a surplus being spent on the purchase of Rednall, a small property picturesquely situated on the Lickey Hills, with a chapel and cemetery, where Newman now lies buried.
Salvatore (il Crocefisso) at the cemetery belongs to the 4th century A.D.
She was with the Communards who made their last stand in the cemetery of Montmartre, and was closely allied with Theodore Ferri, who was executed in November 1871.
A team of Guardians lined one road on the small country cemetery while a team of vamps lined the opposite road.
He slapped the White God on the arm and moved towards the two figures, holding his arms out to the side of his body to keep the vamps across the cemetery from blasting him.
But old Adolph could rest in peace beneath the crabgrass in Pine Grove Cemetery, content in the knowledge that his handiwork had held up well while more than quadrupling in value.
If he were in a grave—in a cemetery somewhere—I could go there and put flowers on it.
A completely alphabetical listing - names, rank, service, date of death and cemetery or memorial.
Nathaniel Stenton aged 74 (late bandmaster) dearly loved husband of Esther Stenton Interred Jarrow cemetery on Thursday at 3.30.
We continued on through the observatory to the cemetery (with a spectacular rainbow) to see the ivy broomrape.
She tested tissue from 134 naturally preserved bodies from an excavated cemetery in the Sudan, once part of the Egyptian empire.
Based on remains found in a grave at Buckland Anglo-Saxon cemetery.
The communal cemetery over the road had a fascinating plaque on the wall.
This has never been observed in a Romano-British cemetery before, and only very rarely elsewhere in the empire.
An Anglian cemetery dating from 500AD was found near here containing a royal grave.
Expectations of what a cremation cemetery could involve had changed.
And finally, as dusk fell, to Tyne Cot, the biggest commonwealth cemetery in the World.
The cemetery can therefore be considered characteristic of the mixed burial of known medieval churchyards.
The churchyard was closed for burials and a new cemetery consecrated in 1882 on the opposite of the road to the church.
Hundreds of local people attended and followed the cortege the three miles to the cemetery at Leazes for the interment.
In 1994, however, the first case was described in the skeleton of an elderly female from a medieval cemetery in London.
At the edge of Evergreen Cemetery overlooking a dusty suburb of Oakland in California is a small granite gravestone.
The local headman pointed out to us an overgrown site telling the tale that it was a Japanese war cemetery.
You will not be able to claim money for the cost of a private burial space in the cemetery or a memorial headstone.
Many of the 750 white headstones in the cemetery are unmarked.
Arras Road Cemetery was begun by the 2nd Canadian infantry.
A memorial removed for the purpose of a further interment shall be transported from the Cemetery grounds.
Funeral service on Saturday 9th August at Dunblane Cemetery at 11.30am to which all friends are respectfully invited.
Leven Parish Church - The replacement for the ancient kirk in Scoonie Cemetery stands close to the town center in Durie Street.
Otherwise, you can contact the cemetery office with the section and lair number and staff will attend to the lair number and staff will attend to the lair.
There was a powerful unhealthy energy ley passing through the building from this modern cemetery.
Worse still, a healthy energy ley from the east side of the house passed through a modern cemetery, next to their garden.
Martin Sheets wanted to make sure be would not be buried alive so he erected a large Mausoleum in Highland Lawn Cemetery.
The more northerly of these was the land next to the cemetery of St. Martin which c.
The grounds are maintained to a high standard by experienced Cemetery operatives.
The register records particulars of 392 war dead, existing or commemorated in this Cemetery.
At the footpath sign, we crossed the road and went along the tarmac path sign, we crossed the road and went along the tarmac path, which took us through a cemetery.
Kranji Cemetery Singapore is now the resting place for all British and Allied service men and women plus other ex patriots.
Memorial benches You can buy hardwood benches with engraved plaques for dedication at all of our cemetery sites.
At one point, the white stone portico of a cemetery appeared out of the darkness, startling me.
This is south of Bois Grenier and about 200m south of the White City CWGC Cemetery.
For a short way, the canal route continues southwards with Gorton Cemetery on the right.
Local Government Act, 1972 (which fundamentally altered the structure of cemetery provision in England and Wales ), repealed ss.
Fishergate House Fishergate House is known to have been constructed in 1837, and would have badly truncated the remains of the medieval cemetery.
Now, some mindless Vandals have struck at a cemetery in Potton.
Many cemetery and funerary violinists local Guild branch owners and operators believe Music Memorialization is insignificant or perhaps should be discouraged.
About a kilometre distant from the palace of Phaestus near the village of Kalyvia a Late Minoan cemetery was brought to light in 1901, belonging to the same period as that of Cnossus (Savignoni, Necropoli di Phaestos, 1905).
The excavation of the outlying cemetery revealed the unique " Street of the Tombs " and brought to light a great number of sepulchral monuments, many of which remain in situ.
To adapt the ground for its purpose as a cemetery, a gallery was run all round the area in the tufa rock at a convenient depth below the surface, reached by staircases at the corners.
Cemetery interment became a regular trade in the hands of the fossores, or grave-diggers, who appear to have established a kind of property in the catacombs, and whose greed of gain led to that destruction of the religious paintings with which the walls were decorated, for the quarrying of fresh loculi, to which we have already alluded.
The prisoners' burial ground at Andersonville has been made a national cemetery, and contains 13,714 graves of which 921 are marked "unknown."
Hallstatt Period (in Germany 8th5th century B.C.).The Hallstatt stage of culture, named after the famous cemetery in upper Austria, is marked by the introduction of iron (see HALLSTATT).
As she continued to ask these distressing questions, we left the cemetery.
Urney Cemetery Councilor Hussey referred to complaints received regarding the removal of the cattle grid at the entrance to the cemetery.
Mary Jo Darrah Thanks to the Parish Council Many thanks to the Parish Council for resurfacing the paths in the cemetery.
There were three policemen guarding the smoldering ruins of the barn, just next to the cemetery.
Local Government Act, 1972 (which fundamentally altered the structure of cemetery provision in England and Wales), repealed ss.
To do so, or to indulge in unseemly behavior within the grounds, is an offense against cemetery byelaws.
View of the wadi floor down which human remains from the South Tombs cemetery have been washed.
Return to text Figure 2 Cemetery on wadi edge with numerous robber holes, as seen from above.
Arlington National Cemetery is the final resting place on many of the country's fallen soldiers.
Even better, have an outdoor wedding at dusk in a cemetery (if permitted).
Michael Jackson is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California.
He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.
Monroe is buried at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles, California.
On March 2, 2007, after a long court battle over where the former reality television star should be buried, she was placed in a lot at Lakeview Memorial Park cemetery in Nassau, Bahamas, next to her late son.
In parts of America, the locals believe that visitors must leave the cemetery before sundown.
After you get caught at the cemetery, agents peruse your files, trying to find hints of your terrorist activity.
At the cemetery, the tradition is to stop the procession seven times.
Jews will wash their hands before leaving a cemetery, as it is considered unclean to be around a dead body.
Type "Images Arlington National Cemetery" into any search engine and you will be greeted with an endless array of emotional photos from the cemetery's long and interesting history.
Arlington National Cemetery, located in Arlington, Virginia, may have started as a final resting place for Civil War casualties, but it now serves as an expansive cemetery and well-known memorial.
High quality images of Arlington National Cemetery are not difficult to find online.
There are also plenty of books, films and other media that showcase the many interesting and emotional sites within this famous cemetery.
The official Arlington Cemetery site features a new image each week in addition to several other images to peruse.
Travel Web site offers a vast array of images from the cemetery.
These striking images are merely a small sample of the many emotional photographs available of Arlington National Cemetery.
Mobile memorial funeral homes must adhere to the standards specified by the Alabama Preneed Funeral and Cemetery Act.
Mobile Pet Cemetery allows owners to find a suitable final resting place for beloved pets.
After the graveside service has been completed, the friends and family members of the deceased person leave the cemetery.
If it a larger animal who died, such as a dog or cat, you may want to look into burying it in a pet cemetery.
If you can pinpoint the city where the individual died, you may also be able to track down the funeral home and/or cemetery that handled the arrangements.
Arlington National Cemetery history is long and remarkable.
These military installments are what we know today as Fort Myer and Section 11 of the cemetery.
Gen Montgomery C Meigs established the Arlington estate as a military cemetery.
Arlington National Cemetery history provides you with an appreciation for what the memorial is today.
When you visit the Arlington National Cemetery, keep the people who made this memorial possible and special in your thoughts.
For more facts on Arlington National Cemetery, check out this article on facts about the national cemetery.
Death records in Missaukee County can be found by searching the Missaukee County Cemetery Index.
Visit Texas Death Indexes for a list of useful resources including Texas newspapers and their obituary purchase policies, links to Texas county death indexes and Texas county cemetery databases.
At that time, flowers were put on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
If you are preplanning your own funeral or are making final arrangements for a loved one, make sure you understand all of the military cemetery's eligibility requirements.
Located on about 625 acres in Arlington, Virginia, Arlington National Cemetery was established in 1864.
Over the years, it has grown to be the second largest national cemetery in the United States with more than 300,000 individuals buried there.
Service men and women from all the nation's wars and conflicts, ranging from the American Revolution to the Iraq war, are buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Arlington National Cemetery's burial rights and eligibility are very specific, although they differ slightly depending on the type of interment wanted.
The documentation needed for burial at Arlington National Cemetery depends on the type of service you want.
A detailed list of Arlington National Cemetery burial rites including costs, headstone information, military honors, and assignment of gravesites can be found under Funeral Information on the Arlington National Cemetery website.
Your local funeral home can help with the planning, often being the go-between for the family and the cemetery.
If you are planning a trip to Virginia's most prominent military cemetery, make sure you view the map of Arlington National Cemetery ahead of time.
Arlington National Cemetery is not an ordinary cemetery.
With 624 acres, it is the second largest national cemetery in the United States, with more than 300,000 military veterans and notable civilians buried there, some dating as far back as the Revolutionary War.
Arlington National Cemetery is divided into 70 sections, all of which are outlined on a visitor's map.
He was buried in section 45 at Arlington National Cemetery after being killed by an assassin's bullet.
The remains of the astronauts are buried beneath a monument at Arlington cemetery.
Of course, once you arrive at the cemetery, you will have time to view the map.
However, because many of the cemetery's visitors are coming from out of town, there are other ways to study the ground plans before arriving.
Various websites offer visitors a good look at what is inside of Arlington National Cemetery.
Because this national cemetery is extremely large, familiarizing yourself with the map ahead of time will make your trip that much easier.
A chevra kadisha, which ensures that the body if treated with respect according to Jewish customs, is usually associated with a synagogue or cemetery.
Following the funeral, mourners accompany the deceased to the cemetery.
Hospital, medical, hospice, cemetery or funeral home -Your life will be surrounded by the energy of death.
There are usually cemetery records and census records on almost every site.
Find A Grave and Internment.net are two of the largest cemetery databases.
At these sites you can search a cemetery or a burial record.
Find A Grave, a cemetery database that features cemetery enumerations and tombstone photographs.
You can read actual cemetery inscriptions.
When researching burials in a cemetery, it's helpful to have a chart to manage the data.
Several sites offer free cemetery charts, including The Bailey's and Family Tree Magazine.
Find A Grave is a cemetery website that features grave enumerations and tombstone photographs from across the United States.
In pursuit of your family's genealogy, cemetery records can be a useful tool to enhance information about people on your family tree.
Cemetery records can confirm factual dates and may sometimes include additional information such as other relatives or biographical information on family members.
Researching the physical records maintained by the cemetery may provide a wealth of information about deceased family records.
Cemetery and death records can also give you an idea of exactly where your relatives are buried.
If you are able go to the actual cemetery sites, you may find further clues about your ancestors at the grave site.
If the cemetery is private or part of a church, the records may be under the purview of a caretaker or in the church records.
Finding the records may present additional problems if the cemetery is no longer in use.
Often, the records are donated to a public library when a cemetery stops acting as a functioning cemetery.
For those who are performing genealogy searches from a distance, there are online cemetery records available for many parts of the world.
While the information on the site is collected from a number of public records, some of the information is pulled out of the cemetery records.
Free death records can also help you in your search for cemetery records.
You can then use that information to narrow your geographic search for cemetery records.
Depending on the county, you can find cemetery records, obituaries, family Bibles transcriptions, mortality schedules and probate.
In the 1930s, a number of motorists driving down Archer Avenue passed by Resurrection Cemetery and claimed that a young woman jumped onto the running boards of their cars, only to vanish as abruptly as she had appeared.
According to the legend, she was buried in the Resurrection Cemetery in a white dress and dancing shoes.
Resurrection Mary sightings in Chicago continue to this day, leading some to believe that Mary is, indeed, a ghost that walks outside of the Resurrection Cemetery.
The story of Mary is a tale told now as an urban legend - happening to a friend of a friend driving along an unnamed dark road near an unnamed cemetery.
Later, there were reports of a young woman dressed in white standing in front of the gates of Resurrection Cemetery.
As time went on, Mary was sighted at greater distances from the cemetery.
Each type of visitation ended with the man offering her a ride home, but the woman vanished into thin air whenever they neared the gates of the cemetery.
The most commonly reported encounter with Resurrection Mary is that people offer her a ride, and then the woman vanishes while inside the car or when they pass the cemetery.
There appears to be a collection of Resurrection Cemetery ghosts who flee through the gates into the path of oncoming cars.
Not only does this cemetery boast the grave of Edgar Allen Poe, but it also is home to a wide variety of military figures.
Stories surrounding this cemetery claim that a large number of people were accidentally declared dead and subsequently buried in this cemetery while they were still alive.
When they actually did die, as a result of being buried, many speculate that this caused the spirits of those unfortunate people to become doomed to wander the cemetery in confusion.
Another graveyard that is famous for its ghostly activity is Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Chicago.
Stories are told of graves being dug up and remains being strewn around the cemetery.
Speculation also exists that the cemetery and the surrounding area are used for demonic rituals.
Bachelor's Grove Cemetery is said to host a diverse population of spirits ranging from ghosts of people, animals, and even a ghost house that appears and then disappears,.
This New Orleans cemetery commonly appears as one of the most haunted graveyards on lists compiled by ghost hunters and paranormal investigators.
Ghosts are said to wander this cemetery in great numbers, some carrying flowers while others are accompanied by ghostly pets.
If you do decide to visit a cemetery in search of spirits, make sure that you are respectful of the site, follow the ground's rules for visitation and avoid creating any damage.
The sounds are supposedly downright terrifying and follow you through the cemetery until you finally leave.
It's the song that played while Damon slaughters Vicki and her friends in the cemetery and it's the song that cut off when Stefan opened the door to Elena who has figured out what he is.
Arlington National Cemetery is America's second largest national cemetery.
The manor house of the Custis-Lee plantation at Arlington National Cemetery is the focal point of the cemetery.
Just outside the cemetery gates is the United States Marine Corps Memorial, better known as the Iwo Jima Memorial.
Store-bought mini tombstones are cute and easy to buy, but why not make your own cemetery to welcome visitors?
Bobby enjoys Klaatu's attention and takes him on a tour of some locations in D.C. including Arlington National Cemetery where Bobby visits his father's grave.
The two boys grabbed the goblet and were pulled to a cemetery where Voldemort and his Death Eaters were waiting.
For example, in the Shining a young women in the bathtub turns into an old decaying woman, and Zelda, the elderly sister in Pet Cemetery died of spina bifida - the elderly, sickness and death became a recurring theme.
He lands in cemetery in a statue of an angel where he realizes his mistakes and gets excited about Halloween again.
In 1771 their headquarters were fixed at Moscow, in the Rogoshkiy cemetery assigned to them during the plague; here they had a monastery, seminary and consistory, until they were ejected by the emperor Nicholas I.
In the southern part of the city are the Arab cemetery, "Pompey's Pillar" and the catacombs.
From the celebrity of this cemetery as an object of pilgrimage its name became extensively known, and in entire forgetfulness of the origin of the word, catacumbae came to be regarded as a generic appellation for all burial-places of the same kind.
The original entrance to the cemetery leads directly into a spacious corridor with no loculi, but recesses for sarcophagi, and decorations of the classical style of the 2nd century.
In 1903 a new cemetery with frescoes came to light on the Via Latina, considered by Marucchi to have belonged to a heretical sect.
Not far off, similar relics were found at Sobunar, Zlatiste and Debelobrdo; iron and bronze ornaments, vessels and weapons, often of elaborate design, occur in the huts and cemeteries of Glasinac, and in the cemetery of Jezerine, where they are associated with objects in silver, tin, amber, glass, &c. Among the numerous finds made in other districts may be mentioned the discovery, at Vrankamer, near Bihac, of 98 African coins, the oldest of which dates from 300 B.C. Many vestiges of Roman rule survive, such as roads, mines, ruins, tombs, coins, frescoes and inscriptions.
In Dean cemetery, partly laid out on the banks of the Water of Leith, and considered the most beautiful in the city (opened 1845), were interred Lords Cockburn, Jeffrey and Rutherford; " Christopher North," Professor Aytoun, Edward Forbes the naturalist, John Goodsir the anatomist; Sir William Allan, L Sam Bough, George Paul Chalmers, the painters; George Combe, the phrenologist; Playfair, the architect; Alexander Russel, editor of the Scotsman; Sir Archibald Alison, the historian; Captain John Grant, the last survivor of the old Peninsular Gordon Highlanders; Captain Charles Gray, of the Royal Marines, writer of Scottish songs; Lieutenant John Irving, of the Franklin expedition, whose remains were sent home many years after his death by Lieut.
The cemetery contains the remains of the Danish soldiers who fell at the battle of Idstedt (25th of July 1850), but the colossal Lion monument, erected by the Danes to commemorate their victory, was removed to Berlin in 1864.
There are iron foundries, a match factory, &c. At Ostrabo, the episcopal residence without the town, the poet Esaias Tegner died in 1846, and he is buried in the town cemetery.
To begin with, he was the god of the dead, of the cemetery, of all supplies for the dead, and therefore of embalming when that became customary.
Braamfontein (with a large cemetery) lies north-west and Fordsburg due west of the city.
The cemetery of Chambiere contains the graves of 7200 French soldiers who died here in 1870.
He decided to stay, rallied the retreating troops, and held Cemetery Hill and Ridge until the arrival of the main body of the Federal army.
Petrie's excavation of the cemetery behind the temple enclosures revealed burials dating from the fourth dynasty onwards, the most important being mastables of the period from the sixth to the eleventh dynasties; many of these exhibited a peculiar degradation of the contemporary style of sculpture.
In Fayetteville there are a National cemetery with 1236 soldiers' graves (782 "unknown") and a Confederate cemetery with 725 graves and a memorial monument.
Finally, in the cemetery is the grand ducal family vault, in which Goethe and Schiller also lie, side by side.
Next to the cemetery is the old Greek church.
East of the mosque, which dates from the 17th century, and just without the inner city walls, here demolished, is the Protestant cemetery of St George, used during the 17th, 18th and the greater part of the 19th centuries.
There was a cemetery adjacent to the village in which both unburnt and cremated interments occurred, the former predominating.
From the so-called chronograph of the year 354 (Catalogue Liberianus) we learn that on the 13th of August, probably in 236, the bodies of the exiles were interred in Rome and that of Hippolytus in the cemetery on the Via Tiburtina.
There is also a fine cemetery, containing some remarkable monuments.
He died at Cannes on the 6th of December 1882, and on the 12th of December received a state funeral in the cemetery of Pere-Lachaise.
In 1848 this pyramid was pulled down at the instance of the Christian community, and the bones were buried in the Catholic cemetery.
The Cincinnati Society of Natural History (incorporated 1870) has a large library and a museum containing a valuable palaeontological collection, and bones and implements from the prehistoric cemetery of the mound-builders, at Madisonville, Ohio.
He died at London on the 30th of August 1855, and was buried in Kensal Green cemetery.
It is the seat of the Tennessee Female College and the Battle Ground Academy, and its chief objects of interest are the battle-ground, the Confederate cemetery and the Confederate monument.
He delivered the last of his great orations at Gettysburg, after the battle, on the consecration of the national cemetery there.
The world was startled, however, on the 30th of September 1891 by hearing that he had committed suicide in a cemetery at Brussels by blowing out his brains on the grave of his mistress, Madame de Bonnemains (née Marguerite Crouzet), who had died in the preceding July.
It has a State Hospital for the Insane (opened 1880), a fine County Court House, a general hospital, a Friends' Home, a home for aged women, St Joseph's Protectory (Roman Catholic) for girls, and the Norristown and McCann public libraries; in Montgomery cemetery are the tombs of General Winfield Scott Hancock and General John Frederick Hartranft (1830-1889), a distinguished Federal officer in the Civil War and governor of Pennsylvania in 1873-1879.
The cemetery of the ancient town was found on two low mounds to the north, but was mostly of Ptolemaic date.
The Romans, as we remarked above, distinguished between the Lemures or wandering mischievous ghosts and the Manes snugly interred and tended in the cemetery which was part of every Italian settlement.
In the same way the physic garden presents the names of the medicinal herbs, and the cemetery (p) those of the trees, apple, pear, plum, quince, &c., planted there.
The cemetery, the last resting-place of the brethren, lay to the north side of the nave of the church (H).
Adjacent to the city is Oakwood cemetery, overlooking the lake; and north-west of the city are the state fair grounds, with extensive exhibition halls and barns, where the annual fairs of the New York State Agricultural Society are held.
It contains a fine abbey church of the 12th century and in the cemetery connected with it are many tombstones of the 13th and, 4th centuries.
The first superintendent (1839-1890) was General Francis Henney Smith (1812-1890), a graduate (1833) of the United States Military Academy; and from 1851 until the outbreak of the Civil War "Stonewall" Jackson was a professor in the Institute - he is buried in the Lexington cemetery and his grave is marked by a monument.
Adjoining it is the Forest Lawn cemetery, in which are monuments to President Millard Fillmore, and to the famous Seneca chief Red Jacket (1751-1830), a friend of the whites, who was faithful when approached by Tecumseh and the Prophet, and warned the Americans of their danger; by many he has been considered the greatest orator of his race.
Also of interest are the Rosario chapel; the ruined earthworks of Fort Marcy, north of the city, constructed by General Kearny in 1846; the ruins of the Garita, an old Spanish fortification used as a custom house under the Mexican government; the so-called "oldest house," a dilapidated adobe structure claimed to be the oldest building, continuously inhabited, in the United States; the state library; and the national cemetery, in which 1022 American soldiers are buried.
A man buried his wife in a plot he had bought in a Catholic cemetery.
Niebuhr is buried in the cemetery outside of the Sterntor, where a monument was placed to his memory by Frederick William IV.
In memory of the victory several monuments have been erected in the town and its vicinity, of which the most noticeable are the bronze statue of the Danish Land Soldier by Bissen (one of Thorvaldsen's pupils), and the great barrow over 50o Danes in the cemetery of the Holy Trinity Church, with a bas-relief by the same sculptor.
Frederick is the seat of the Maryland school for the deaf and dumb and of the Woman's College of Frederick (1893; formerly the Frederick Female Seminary, opened in 1843), which in 1907-1908 had 212 students, 121 of whom were in the Conservatory of Music. Francis Scott Key and Roger Brooke Taney were buried here, and a beautiful monument erected to the memory of Key stands at the entrance to Mount Olivet cemetery.
The greatest difficulty was experienced in obtaining assistance for him, but he was ultimately conveyed on camel-back to Jerusalem, where he died; his grave is in the Franciscan cemetery there.
Most local history archives include cemetery records for municipal cemeteries, many of which were built in the mid to late 1850's.
Cremated Remains Graves The cremated Remains Graves The cremated remains section at Preston Cemetery is for the interment of cremated human remains.
This drainage culvert crosses a basal section of the Antonine Wall at New Kilpatrick Cemetery in Bearsden, near Glasgow, Scotland.
Backfilling of ditch F288F appears to post-date the disuse of the cemetery, since the ditch in disuse of the cemetery, since the ditch in disuse is not cut by burials.
He was unable, owing to the opposition of the divines and of the merchants, to secure the full recognition of the right to reside in England of the former who had for some time lived in small numbers and traded unnoticed and untroubled in the country; but he obtained an opinion from two judges that there was no law which forbade their return, and he gave them a private assurance of his protection, with leave to celebrate their private worship and to possess a cemetery.
In Franklin cemetery rest the remains of Daniel Boone and of Theodore O'Hara (1820-1867), a lawyer, soldier, journalist and poet, who served in the U.S. army in 1846-1848 during the Mexican War, took part in filibustering expeditions to Cuba, served in the Confederate army, and is best known as the author of "The Bivouac of the Dead," a poem written for the burial in Frankfort of some soldiers who had lost their lives at Buena Vista.
After the hearse set out from the church the horses were unyoked, and it was dragged by students to the cemetery of Montparnasse, the cortege being followed by a sympathetic crowd of some 20,000 people.
Whether you're viewing artifacts of popular culture in the Smithsonian or feeling the pride at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery, your experience in Washington DC is not something you will soon forget.
Not only can you obtain vital information by searching for and examining the cemetery and death records of an ancestor, but you can also obtain a wealth of anecdotal information along the way.
The Department of Veteran Affairs maintains a listing of veteran burials, including those who are buried in a veteran's cemetery and those who received a government headstone.
Find A Grave is a cemetery database website with tombstone pictures and other genealogy information.
The California Genealogy and History Archives boasts 144,000 listings for California cemetery burials.
The site also features biographies, Civil War records and files, family histories, church records, cemetery records and tombstone photos, obituaries, resource links, marriage records, mission records, California maps, and much more.
This valuable directory features links to everything from cemetery records to county records, newspaper obituaries, historical society records and more.
The California Genealogy and History Archives offers 144,000 listings for California cemetery burials.
The site also features biographies, Civil War records and files, family histories, church records, cemetery records and tombstone photos, obituaries, resource links, marriages, mission records, California maps, and much more.
Cemetery records and tombstones often give the date of birth as well as the date of death.
Cemetery Records - These almost always contain both date of birth, date of death and parents or spouse.
Obituary Central is a database of obituary and cemetery searches listed by state.
Cemetery records sometimes contain information about the location of your family's burial plots, as well as information about the burial itself.
You can use cemetery records and newspaper archives to help you narrow down the date of death.
If you don't know the exact death date or birth date for an ancestor, cemetery records can prove to be extremely helpful.
Aidan and Mark set the recorder on the ground between them and scanned the darkened cemetery with their flashlights.
Must-visit locations in New Orleans for ghost hunters include St. Louis Cemetery Number 1 and St. Louis Cemetery Number 2, particularly the tomb of Marie Laveau, a famous voodoo practitioner.
Visitors to each cemetery report groans, sighs and banging sounds from within the aboveground crypts, while those nearing Marie Laveau's tomb snap photos of orbs, apparitions, and strange mists rising from her grave.
However, upon further exploration, the two men discovered an old cemetery where they could hear a baby's cry coming from the ground in front of a gravestone and a fresh grave site of a mother and infant who were recently buried together.
So the old man led him across the street to the family cemetery where they found her gravestone.
In 1997 Rock and Roll Historian Brett Meisner had a photo taken of himself at the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, France, where Jim Morrison is buried.
The buildings are all restored, and the museum, cemetery and monument to the victims are open to the public.
A few patients who died at the facility were buried in unmarked graves, and an additional small cemetery was located at one corner of the property.
The duke of Portland was undoubtedly buried in Kensal Green cemetery in 1879.
The cat cemetery on the west side of the town consisted of numbers of large brick chambers, crammed with burnt and decayed mummies, many of which had been enclosed in cat-shaped cases of wood and bronze.
In Oak Ridge cemetery, adjacent to the city, is the Lincoln monument, erected over Abraham Lincoln's grave with funds raised throughout the country by a Lincoln Monument Association.
Burying Ground to Fairmount Cemetery and placed in a large vault marked by a monument.
Outside Brussels at Evere is the chief cemetery, with fine monuments to the British officers killed at Waterloo (removed from the church in that village), to the French soldiers who died on Belgian soil in 1870-71, and another to the Prussians.
On her return to the house after her visit to the cemetery, she ran to the closet where these toys were kept, and carried them to my friend, saying, "They are poor little Florence's."
Nine years after a monument, raised by public subscription, in the cemetery of Kensal Green, was inaugurated by Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton) with a concourse of spectators that showed how well the memory of the poet stood the test of time.
This cemetery derives its name from Priscilla, mother of Pudens, who is said to have given hospitality to St'Peter the Apostle.
An inscription discovered in 1900 on the site of the ancient cemetery of St Ciriaca, and dating from A.D.