Cedar Sentence Examples
The cedar tree was bent over with the weight of a heavy load of wet snow.
At a few points, such as Nikita near Livadia and Alupka, where plants have been acclimatized by human agency, the Californian Wellingtonia, the Lebanon cedar, many evergreen trees, the laurel, the cypress, and even the Anatolian palm (Chamaerops excelsa) flourish.
The branchlets of the cedar take the same direction as the branches, and the foliage is very dense.
The whole building was covered with a cedar roof.
They hiked around a clump of cedar and then they were there.
Cedar Rapids is in a rich agricultural country.
The wood of the cedar of Lebanon is fragrant, though not so strongly scented as that of the juniper or red-cedar of America.
There are poplar and cedar and pine and oak and ash and hickory and maple trees.
This same character is also exhibited by the bottoms of the broad valleys, while the more elevated and hilly portions of the territory, especially on their northern slopes, are covered with larch, cedar, pine and deciduous trees belonging to the Siberian flora; where the forests fail they are marshy or assume the character of Alpine meadows - e.g.
Shipton had used a gnarled cedar, years dead, as an anchor for his line.
AdvertisementRough cedar posts that still had remnants of limbs supported the porch roof, and an old vine rocker sat beside the door.
C. nootkaensis, the Nootka Sound cypress or Alaska cedar, was introduced into Britain in 1850.
Fresh-water pearls of considerable value and beauty are found in the Red Cedar river.
Forest resources have been but slightly touched (more so since the end of Spanish rule) except mahogany, which goes to the United States, and cedar, which is used to box the tobacco products of the island, much going also to the United States.
The northern sides and tops of the lower heights are often covered with dense forests of oak, cork, pine, cedar and other trees, with walnuts up to the limit of irrigation.
AdvertisementAlex tied Ed to one of the rough cedar porch posts.
But mixed with the oak and chestnut or higher up are considerable hickory, birch and maple; farther up the mountain sides are some hemlock and white pine; and on the swamp lands of the Coastal Plain are much cypress and some cedar, and on the Coastal Plain south of the Neuse there is much long-leaf pine from which resin is obtained.
The more rugged districts and higher elevations are clad with such tropical forest trees as ebony, Spanish cedar, sandalwood, rosewood and mahogany.
Cedrus Libani, the far-famed Cedar of Lebanon, is a tree which, on account of its beauty, stateliness and strength, has always been a favourite with poets and painters, and which, in the figurative language of prophecy, is frequently employed in the Scriptures as a symbol of power, prosperity and longevity.
William Gilpin, in his Forest Scenery, describes a cedar which, at an age of about 118 years, had attained to a height of 53 ft.
AdvertisementProminent among a great variety of song-birds and insectivorous birds are the robin, blue bird, cat bird, sparrows, meadow-lark, bobolink, thrushes, chickadee, wrens, brown thrasher, gold finch, cedar wax-wing, flycatchers, nuthatches, flicker (golden-winged woodpecker), downy and hairy woodpeckers, rose-breasted grosbeak, Baltimore oriole, barnswallow, chimney swift, purple martin, purple finch (linnet), vireos and several species of warblers.
Here he set fire to the cedar roof of the palace of Xerxes as a symbol that the Greek war of revenge against the Persians had come to an end.
On the other hand, several Asiatic species (Siberian pine, larch, cedar) grow freely in the N.E., while numerous shrubs and herbaceous plants, originally from the Asiatic steppes, have found their way into the S.E.
Lawsoniana, the Port Orford cedar, a native of south Oregon and north California, where it attains a height of Too ft., was introduced into Scotland in 1854; it is much grown for ornamental purposes in Britain, a large number of varieties of garden origin being distinguished by differences in habit and by colour of foliage.
Cedar Rapids has also a large grain trade and a large jobbing business, especially in dry goods, millinery, groceries, paper and drugs.
AdvertisementIn the N.E., also, small cedar and pine are found.
Discount Cedar Point passes - season passes that offer member benefits - are also a great option for frequent guests.
If using coupons for Cedar Point doesn't save enough money for a park visit to be financially feasible, there are other ways to save without coupon offers.
Cedar Point campgrounds, both those owned by the park and those nearby, are some of the best lodging rates of all.
Avoid visiting Cedar Point on weekends and major holidays when the lines will be longest, and you will be able to enjoy more thrills for the same admission price.
Take advantage of Cedar Point packages that include park admission, discounts, and hotel stays for the ultimate Cedar Point resort getaway.
Knowing the price for Cedar Point tickets and other expenses can help roller coaster and amusement park fans plan a reasonable budget for a theme park getaway to this world class park.
Fortunately, there are many different ticket options to suit different guests' needs, and there are many ways to save money when visiting Cedar Point.
Cedar Point amusement park is a 364-acre theme park in Sandusky, Ohio, situated on a peninsula jutting into Lake Erie.
Cedar Point is regularly awarded honors for the quality and innovation of its rides, the park's superior entertainment, outstanding guest service, and overall cleanliness.
With so much to offer, however, the price for Cedar Point fun can add up quickly.
Admission tickets are the most obvious expense for a trip to Cedar Point, but there are several options to choose from depending on the guests and their vacation plans.
In addition to paying for admission to Cedar Point, there are many other expenses that guests need to be aware of when planning their visit.
Inexpensive hotels and Cedar Point campgrounds may cost as little as $30 per night, while more luxurious hotels and resorts such as Kalahari water park in Sandusky can cost $250 per night or higher.
Fortunately, there are many ways to save money when visiting Cedar Point.
The price for Cedar Point vacations can be high for guests who need multiple tickets, hotel rooms, souvenirs, and other amenities.
Fortunately, savvy guests can find ways to save on a Cedar Point visit without sacrificing the fun at this world class amusement park.
For example, during the 2009 season for Cedar Point, the company offered discount coupons on the sides of Pepsi cans.
It is created by Bolliger & Mabillard (B&M), a Swiss coaster company, which also designed Raptor at Cedar Point, Silver Bullet at Knott's Berry Farm and Diamondback at Kings Island.
During the summer months in Ohio, the local newspaper may carry a coupon for money off an admission ticket to Cedar Point.
Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio is well known for its amazing rides and wide variety of attractions, and that tradition continues with Shoot the Rapids at Cedar Point, a new water ride for the 2010 season.
Cedar Point's Frontier Trail, along the park's northwestern border, is home to the new Shoot the Rapids, a family flume water coaster with a crazy western theme.
Cedar Point is not responsible if items are lost or damaged on the ride.
In addition to these extreme water rides, younger guests can also enjoy aquatastic attractions at Cedar Point with Sir Rub-a-Dub's Tubs in Kiddie Kingdom on the Main Midway and the Bumper Boats ride near the Gemini roller coaster.
Shoot the Rapids at Cedar Point is sure to be yet another amazing water ride at this amazing theme park.
If you want to cool off on a hot summer day, there's no better way than to visit Cedar Point!
By 1960, because of declining attendance and the inability to modernize the park, LeSourdsville Lake was sold to former Cedar Point concessionaires Frank Murru and Howard Berni.
It was sold again in 2004 to Cedar Fair, owners of neighboring Cedar Point Amusement Park, which first ran it as a combined amusement/water park, but as of 2008, as strictly a water park.
Today there are more than 100 operating inverted coasters, including well known coasters such as Montu at Busch Gardens Africa, Alpengeist at Busch Gardens Europe, the Great White at Sea World San Antonio, and Raptor at Cedar Point.
If you're planning a visit to Cedar Point amusement park during the park's annual Halloween event, investigating Halloweekends discount rates can make paying for a late season getaway far less scary.
For the last few weekends of each operating season, typically from mid-September to the end of October, Cedar Point is transformed from a classic amusement park into a spooktacular seasonal destination.
The best deal is to purchase a Cedar Point season pass, even if you only plan to visit the park during Halloweekends.
Some local hotels will offer discounted tickets for guests, and the hotels at Cedar Point offer special Halloweekends packages that include admission and other resort benefits.
Groups planning to visit Cedar Point during Halloweekends should investigate group discount rates for even more savings.
Because Halloweekends are a popular time to visit Cedar Point, they can also be a popular time for scams.
Avoid fake tickets and expired coupons by always checking validation codes and expiration dates - many summer promotions for discounted Cedar Point admission end before Halloweekends begin.
Planning a theme park getaway to one of the world's best amusement parks can be a challenge, but with the right Halloweekends discount rates and other savings tricks, it can be a treat to visit Cedar Point for Halloween.
Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio has frequently been awarded "Best Amusement Park" status in the Golden Ticket Awards, and for good reason.
In terms of roller coasters, it's hard to beat the diversity of the 17 scream machines at Cedar Point (as of 2011).
With so many different roller coasters and fine attractions including thrill rides, water rides, and classic theme park rides, it is no surprise that Cedar Point is frequently chosen as one of the world's best theme parks.
Cedar Point may be popular in the eastern United States, but in the western United States it is Six Flags Magic Mountain that is the best roller coaster park.
Over the years, the park changed hands many times, eventually ending up part of the Cedar Fair Entertainment Company.
It was temporarily closed after an incident on the same ride at sister park Cedar Fair in which a rider was injured.
Paramount/Viacom operated Carowinds until 2006, when Cedar Fair Entertainment purchased the park.
Cedar Fair kept most of the park's themes and attractions the same as they were under Paramount.
A platinum pass gets you admission and parking to Worlds of Fun, Oceans of Fun and all Cedar Fair owned parks across the country.
It has an earthy, grassy, cut hay flavor with tones of cedar and cherry.
It exhibits dark chocolate and cedar, as well as burnt toast.
The Dallas/Fort Worth dealerships are in Carrollton and Cedar Hill, and the location near Houston is in Kingwood.
Massaging the essential oils of rosemary, lavender, sage, thyme, and cedar into the scalp is believed to increase circulation and reduce stress.
A teen may love a job at Cedar Point during the summer months, for example.
To find the best program for your Cedar Grove area, visit the First Time Home Buyers page on the HUD website.
In the vicinity of Cairns are extensive sugar plantations, with sugar mills and refineries; the culture of coffee and tobacco has rapidly extended; bananas, pine-apples and other fruits are exported in considerable quantities and there is a large industry in cedar.
The common or tall variety of C. sempervirens is known as C. fastigiate; the other variety, C. horizontalis, which is little planted in England, is distinguished by its horizontally spreading branches, and its likeness to the cedar.
It was made of "gopher" wood, which has been variously identified with cypress, pine and cedar.
The term Eres (cedar) of Scripture does not apply strictly to one kind of plant, but was used indefinitely in ancient times, as is the word cedar at present.
The term arz is applied by the Arabs to the cedar of Lebanon, to the common pine-tree, and to the juniper; and certainly the "cedars" for masts, mentioned in Ezek.
Pliny says that their wood was everlasting, and therefore images of the gods were made of it; he makes mention also of the oil of cedar, or cedrium, distilled from the wood, and used by the ancients for preserving their books from moths and damp; papyri anointed or rubbed with cedrium were on this account called ced ati libri.
Drawers of cedar or chips of the wood are now employed to protect furs and woollen stuffs from injury by moths.
The chief cities are Des Moines (pop. in 1905, 75,626), Dubuque (41,941), Davenport (39,797), Sioux City (40,952), Cedar Rapids (28,759), Council Bluffs (25,231) and Burlington (25,318).
The state established a university at Iowa City in 1847, a State Agricultural College and Model Farm in 1858 (opened at Ames in 1869 as the Iowa State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts), an Agricultural Experiment Station in 1887, an Engineering Experiment Station in 1904, and a normal school at Cedar Falls in 1876.
Pleasant; Penn College (Friends, 1873) at Oskaloosa; St Joseph's College (Roman Catholic, 1873) at Dubuque; Parsons College (Presbyterian, 1875) at Fairfield; Coe College (Presbyterian, 1881) at Cedar Rapids; Drake University (Disciples of Christ, 1881) at Des Moines; Palmer College (Disciples of Christ, 1889) at Legrand; Buena Vista College (Presbyterian, 1891) at Storm Lake; Charles City College (Methodist Episcopal, 1891) at Charles City; Morningside College (Methodist Episcopal, 1894) at Sioux City; Graceland College (Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, 1895) at Lamoni.
Red cedar (Cedrilla) abounds in the riverine flats, but the quality is poor and commercially valueless; and oaks are plentiful, but the wood is coarse.
The Eskimo engraved poorly, the Dene (Tinneh) embroidered in quill, the North Pacific tribes carved skilfully in horn, slate and cedar, the California tribes had nimble fingers for basketry, the Sioux gloried in feathers and painted parfleche.
The principal kind of tree is the so-called "Bermudas cedar," really a species of juniper, which furnishes timber for small vessels.
In the Adirondack region the trees were principally white pine, spruce, hemlock and balsam, but mixed with these were some birch, maple, beech and basswood, and smaller numbers of ash and elm; in the swamps of this region were also larch and cedar.
The Puget Sound Basin and the neighbouring slopes of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains are noted for their forests, consisting mainly of giant Douglas fir or Oregon pine (Pseudotsuga Douglasii), but containing also some cedar, spruce and hemlock, a smaller representation of a few other species and a dense undergrowth.
Near the Pacific Coast the forests consist principally of hemlock, cedar and Sitka spruce.
Other species include - western red cedar, Engelmann spruce, alpine fir, whitebark pine, limber pine, alpine larch and occassionally western white pine.
Most of the forest consists of yellow pine, but the spruce, aspen, white birch, bur oak, box elder, red cedar, white elm and cottonwood are among the other varieties found.
The most valuable trees for lumber are spruce, white pine, hemlock, cedar, white birch, ash, maple and basswood; all excepting pine and hemlock and poplar in addition are ground into wood pulp for the manufacture of paper.
Many trees of the eastern forest, such as basswood, sugar, river and red maple, red, white and black ash, red and rock elm, black and bur oak, white and red pine and red cedar find their western limit here.
The science that treats of them dates back to the days of Solomon, who "spake of trees, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop on the wall."
Among the more common trees are several species of oak, pine, hickory, gums and maple, and the chestnut, the poplar, the beech, the cypress and the red cedar; the merchantable pine has been cut, but the chestnut and other hard woods of West Maryland are still a product of considerable value.
On the 9th of August Banks and Jackson joined battle once more at Cedar Mountain (or Cedar Run); the Federals, though greatly inferior in numbers, attacked with much vigour.
At Cedar Creek, during a momentary absence of the Federal commander, his camps were surprised by Early (October 19).
Extensive forest areas still remain both in the east and the west, In the east oak, maple, beech, chestnut, elm, tulip-tree (locally " yellow poplar "), walnut, pine and cedar trees are the most numerous; in the west the forests are composed largely of cypress, ash, oak, hickory, chestnut, walnut, beech, tulip-tree, gum and sycamore trees.
His army had to be formed out of local troops, and few modern weapons were available, but the Valley regiments retained the impress of Jackson's training till the days of Cedar Creek.
After his victory over Banks at Cedar Mountain, near Culpeper, Virginia, Jackson led the daring march round the flank of General Pope's army, which against all theoretical rules ended in the great victory of second Bull Run.
The natural and forest products of Mexico include the agave and yucca (ixtle) fibres already mentioned; the " ceibon " fibre derived from the silk-cotton tree (Bombax pentandria); rubber and vanilla in addition to the cultivated products; palm oil; castor beans; ginger; chicle, the gum extracted from the " chico-zapote " tree (Achras sapota); logwood and other dye-woods; mahogany, rosewood, ebony, cedar and other valuable woods; " cascalote " or divi-divi; jalap root (Ipomaea); sarsaparilla (Smilax); nuts and fruits.
White cedar is almost wholly confined to the swamps of the north, and white oak is found chiefly on the more fertile lands of the south.
Besides rubber, it yields many valuable dye-woods and cabinet-woods, such as cedar, mahogany and logwood.
Cedar Valley limestone 250 300 ft.
The Pacific coast Transition zone is noted for its forests of giant conifers, principally Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, Pacific cedar and Western hemlock, Here, too, mosses and ferns grow in profusion, and the sadal (Gaultheria shailon), thimble berry (Rubus nootkamus), salmon berry (Rubus spectabilis) and devils club, (Fatsia horr-ida) are characteristic shrubs.
On the westward slopes, especially of the Selkirks and Coast Ranges, vegetation is almost tropical in its density and luxuriance, the giant cedar and the Douglas fir sometimes having diameters of 10 ft.
He served throughout the war, distinguished himself particularly at South Mountain, Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, and by successive promotions became a brigadier-general of volunteers and, by brevet, a major-general of volunteers.
About 1664 the palace was occupied as a school by Robert Uvedale (1642-1722), who was also an eminent horticulturist, planted the magnificent cedar still standing in the palace grounds, and formed a herbarium now in the Sloane collection at the British Museum.
About four-fifths of the park is covered with dense forests of black pine (Pinus Murrayana), balsam, fir, spruce, cedar and poplar.
There are exports of hides, cedar and fruit, and the adjacent district of Tabares produces cotton, tobacco, cacao, sugar cane, Indian corn, beans and coffee.
The forests abound in such timber as quebracho, cedar, curupey, lapacho and urundey.
In 1906 the commerce of the port, chiefly in lumber, cement, coal, cedar posts and ties, fodder and general merchandise, was valued at $3,018,894.
It generally makes its nest in a hollow branch, plastering up the opening with clay, leaving only a circular hole just large enough to afford entrance and exit; and the interior contains a bed of dry leaves or the filmy flakes of the inner bark of a fir or cedar, on which the eggs are laid.
Cedar wood was brought from the forests of Lebanon, ivory, leopard skins and gold from the south, all kinds of spices and ingredients of incense from Somaliland and Arabia, fine linen and beautifully worked vessels from Syria and the islands.
From this period dates a remarkable papyrus containing the report of an envoy named Unamfin, sent to Syria by Hrihov to obtain cedar timber from Byblus.
Smendes had trading ships in the Phoenician ports, but even his influence was not greater than that of other commercial or pirate centres, while Hrihor was of no account except in so far as he might pay well for the cedar wood he required.
The Ayan spruce (Abies ayanensis), the Sakhalin fir (Abies sachalensis) and the Daurian larch are the chief trees; on the upper parts of the mountains are the Siberian rampant cedar (Cembra pumila) and the Kurilian bamboo (Arundinaria kurilense).
Among the large trees which are valued for their timber are redwood (Humiria balsamifera), Brazil-wood, algarrobo, palo de cruz (Jacquinea ruscifolia), guaiacum or holy wood, rosewood, cedar and walnut.
The cedar used in building work is really a species of juniper.
The Virginian red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) grows in the United States, Canada and the West Indies.
The Bermuda cedar (Juniperus bermudiana) is used for internal joinery and is extremely durable.
The name is from an Indian word meaning "good look-out" or "good cedar swamps."
The deodar (Cedrus Deodara), which is indigenous to the mountains of Afghanistan and the north-west Himalaya, is nearly allied to the Atlantic cedar and to the cedar of Lebanon, a form of which is found in Cyprus.
Its large variety of trees and shrubs, including oak, hickory, elm, maple, chestnut, birch, ash, cedar, pine, larch and sumach, its flower gardens, a palm house, ponds, a lake of 61 acres for boating, skating and curling, a parade ground of 40 acres for other athletic sports, a menagerie, and numerous pieces of statuary, are among its objects of interest or beauty.
Above the firs come the tamarack, constituting the bulk of the lower Alpine forest; the hardy long-lived mountain pine; the red cedar or juniper, growing even on the baldest rocks; the beautiful hemlock spruce; the still higher white pine, nut pine, needle pine; and finally, at io,000 to 12,000 ft., the dwarf pine, which grows in a tangle on the earth over which one walks, and may not show for a century's growth more than a foot of height or an inch of girth.
The colour varies from cedar colour to mahogany.
He was on the staff of General George Crook at the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek in the Shenandoah valley, and on the r4th of March 1865 was brevetted major of volunteers for gallant and meritorious services.
It was laid out as a town in 1864 and was named in honour of Oakes Ames, at the time one of the proprietors of the Cedar Rapids & Missouri River railway (now part of the Chicago & North-Western); five years later it was incorporated.
The mountains on the north coast are clothed with dense forests of pine, fir, cedar, oak, beech, &c. On the Taurus range the forests are smaller, and there is a larger proportion of pine.
The victories of the Opequan, or Winchester (September 19), Fisher's Hill (September 22) and Cedar Creek (October 19), produced great elation in the North and corresponding depression in the Confederacy, and Sheridan was made successively brigadier-general U.S.A. for Fisher's Hill and major-general U.S.A. for Cedar Creek.
Few of the leaders of either side could have stemmed the tide of defeat as he did at Stone river and turned a mere rally into a great victory as he did at Cedar Creek, by the pure force of personal magnetism.
The principal trees, after the yellow and lodgepole pines, are the red-fir, so-called hemlock and cedar, the Engelmann spruce, the cottonwood and the aspen (Populus tremuloides).
New Mexico has such a great range of elevations that all four of the zones of vegetation into which the South-West has been divided according to altitude are found within its limits; namely, the zone of cactus, yucca and agave (3000-3500 ft.), where grass is scanty; the zone of greasewood and sage-brush (3500-4900 ft.), where there is little grass, and the cactus species are less numerous; the zone of the cedar (4900-6800 ft.); and the zone of the pine and fir (6800 - 10,800 ft.), in which grass is more abundant.
With this view he made a small cross of two small light strips of cedar, the arms being sufficiently long to reach to the four corners of a large thin silk handkerchief when extended.
Agriculture, Evc. - The most important species of the few trees that remain in the island are the Aleppo pine, the Pinus laricio, cypress, cedar, carob, olive and Quercus alnifolia.
When growing in perfection it is one of the finest of the group, and perhaps the most picturesque of forest trees; attaining a height of from 70 to 120 ft., it is of conical growth when young, but in maturity acquires a spreading cedar or mushroom-like top, with a straight trunk of from 2 to 4 ft.
Among the timber trees are species of pine, cedar, ebony, ironwood, stinkwood and sneezewood.
Thuja gigantea, the red or canoe cedar, a native of north-western America from southern Alaska to north California, is the finest species, the trunk rising from a massive base to the height of 150 to 200 ft.
The flora is on the whole poor, although the higher regions carry good forests of larch, pitch pine, cedar, birch and alder, with rhododendrons and species of Berberis and Ribes.
North of this southern hardwood forest there were pine forests on the sandier land, mixed hardwoods and conifers on the loam and clay, and tamaracks and cedar in the swamps.
The tamarack and cedar swamps now have a growth, especially on their edges, of spruce, balsam, white pine, soft maple, ash and aspens.
Red oak, birch, elm, ash, white cedar, hemlock, basswood, spruce, poplar, balsam, fir and several other kinds of trees are found in many sections; but a large portion of the merchantable timber, especially in the lower peninsula, has been cut.'
Briancon manna is met with on the leaves of the common Larch, and bide-khecht on those of the willow, Salix fragilis; and a kind of manna was at one time obtained from the cedar.
Along the streams in this section are many swamps, valuable for the white cedar that they produce, or when cleared, for cranberry bogs.
Four miles south of the city, at Cedar Spring, is the South Carolina Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Blind, founded as a private institution in 1849 and taken over by the state in 1857.
The balsam fir and in the south the red cedar occur in scant quantities; more widely distributed, but growing only under marked local conditions, is the yellow or Alaska cedar, a very hard and durable wood of fine grain and pleasant odour.
Maine was formerly covered with forests, principally of white pine and spruce, but mixed with these were some hemlock, tamarack, cedar, and, on the south slope, birch, poplar, oak, maple and beech.
There is much cedar on the north slope.
The higher plateaus, the Uinta and Wasatch mountains, bear forests of fir, spruce and pine, and the lower slopes are dotted with piiion, juniper, and scrub cedar.
Coal was first discovered in Utah in 1851 along Coal Creek near Cedar City (in what is now Iron county) in the south-western part of Utah, and there was some mining of coal at Wales, Sanpete county, as early as 1855, but there was no general mining until about twenty years later, and the industry was not well established until 1888.
At Cedar City, in Iron county, is a branch normal school, connected with the state university.
In the North American area Picea alba, P. nigra, Larix americana, Abies balsamea (balsam fir), Thuja canadensis (hemlock spruce), Pinus Strobus (Weymouth pine), Thuja occidentalis (white cedar), Taxus canadensis are characteristic species.
The principal industrial establishments are shingle (especially cedar) and saw-mills, salmon canneries and factories for the manufacture of tin cans, and machinery used in the canning of salmon.
The highest points in the state are Tom Sauk Mountain (more than 1800 ft.), in Iron county and Cedar Gap Plateau (1683 ft.), in Wright county.
Cedar and hemlock also are commercially valuable.
The red cedar is abundant in some parts of the United States and in Virginia is a tree 50 ft.
About 60% (both in quantity and value) of the lumber sawed in 1905 was white pine; next in importance were hemlock (more than one-fourth in quantity), basswood (nearly 4%) and, in smaller quantities, birch, oak, elm, maple, ash, tamarack, Norway pine, cedar and spruce.
Near Orchomenus her wooden image stood in a large cedar-tree - an indication that her worship was originally that of the tree itself (KESpeEins, " the cedar goddess"); at Caryae there was an image of Artemis Kapvarts (" the nut-tree goddess").
He entered the Union army in June 1861 (commission May 14) as captain of the 3rd (afterwards 6th) U.S. cavalry; on the 15th of April 1863 he became colonel of the and Massachusetts cavalry; he was wounded fatally at Cedar Creek on the 19th of October 1864, when he was promoted brigadiergeneral of U.S. Volunteers, and died on the next day at Middletown, Va.
There is an institution for the deaf, dumb and blind (1849, since 1857 a state institution) at Cedar Springs, and a state hospital for the insane, founded in 1821 at Columbia by Samuel Farrow (1760-1824) and opened in 1828.
The numerous small lakes in the city (there are about 200 lakes in Hennepin county) have been incorporated in the park system; among them are Lake Harriet (353 acres; in Lake Harriet Park), Lake Calhoun (on which are extensive public baths), Lake Amelia (295 acres), Lake of the Isles (loo acres), Cedar Lake, Powder Horn Lake (in the park of that name) and Sandy Lake (in Columbia Park).
The products of the neighbouring cork trees and cedar groves are a source of revenue to the town.
The streets are paved mostly with asphalt and brick, though cedar and stone have been much used, and kreodone block to some extent.
In the Lowland Basin small groves of what was once an extensive forest of red cedar remain.
While no one was in sight, Dean recognized the line, wrapped around a gnarled cedar, as the same color that had been stored at Bird Song.
These woods include cedar, cherry, eucalyptus, fir, plum, plywood or spruce.
Native cedar was in short supply as early as 1620, and stone buildings were encouraged, using cedar for framing and trim.
We have a lovely carved cedar Four Poster bed, King Size and Super King beds or twin beds on request.
All the timber used is either pressure treated western red cedar or oak.
With our commitment to excellence, we start with the finest Canadian western red cedar.
Parallel experiments assessed the transmission of the light through thin sections of Japanese cedar.
An attractive raised bed made of genuine rot-resistant white cedar, for under $ 100.
The incense cedar and red cedar are both used to make pencils.
The wooden barrel is made from top quality cedar wood.
I am quite keen on the idea of mixing cedar wood cladding with areas of render.
The house in Cedar Lawn Avenue looked a bit dodgy.
A cedar tree stands guard, while just below, a sparkling stream runs with little waterfalls and ornamental lakes.
Louvrelong glazed elevations incorporate solar shading devices in the form of fixed louvers and access walkways, constructed from Western Red Cedar.
A popular building material for a wooden pergola is Western red cedar.
Japanese cedar pollen allergic disease (pollinosis) is the most predominant pollen allergy in Japan.
It's made of cedar, which I treated and twinwall polycarbonate.
Western cedar grows in North America and contains natural preservatives which protect the wood and ensures along life.
Early storage tanks were rum puncheons or cisterns made of cedar.
If you use wood shavings they must be dust-free and you should avoid cedar shavings as they can cause health problems.
Many of the queries have been from the US and concern cedar shavings.
An extension will be wooden too, roofed with cedar shingles.
Cedar shingle roof - As an optional extra you can chose our cedar shingled roof.
Cedar shingle Roof - As an optional extra you can chose our cedar shingled roof.
They offer one of the most comprehensive ranges of summerhouses available in the UK including corner summerhouses and cedar summerhouses.
Cat Houses for the Outside I found some great cat houses for the outside of my house and they are made of cedar wood.
Poplars, willows, lime, mountain-ash, maples, are favourite habitats, and it is also found on many other trees, including cedar of Lebanon and larch.
Created to become a rival to Gilgamesh, he strikes up a friendship with the hero, and together they proceed to a cedar forest guarded by Khumbaba, whom they kill.
On the higher elevations the trees are mostly white pine, yellow pine and hemlock, but in the valleys and lower levels are oaks, hickories, maples, elms, birches, locusts, willows, spruces, gums, buckeyes, the chestnut, black walnut, butternut, cedar, ash, linden, poplar, buttonwood, hornbeam, holly, catalpa, magnolia, tulip-tree, Kentucky coffee-tree, sassafras, wild cherry, pawpaw, crab-apple and other species.
Cedar Shingle Roof - As an optional extra you can chose our cedar shingled roof.
Outdoor uses such as timber cladding of buildings, fencing, etc. Yellow cedar A pale yellow colored softwood with a fine even texture.
Fully washable & can be used with or without the heated cedar pouch.
The designs include flat, curved, rolled, bean bags, wicker baskets, couches and imitations of human furniture filled with polyfill, craft beads, cedar chips or cotton batting.
The Amish have also started using cedar and pine in their work since they have access to these woods from other communities.
The classic rustic outdoor dining table, however, is made of wood, certain types of which, such as cedar, are resistant to insects and inclement weather.
Norway pine and white cedar are sometimes used to make "log cabin" style rustic tables, leaving knots and burls untouched to ensure a unique purchase.
Red and white cedar, which are both strong and especially insect-and weather-resistant, can be used to build round or square log tables (and sometimes matching chairs), flip-up benches, or a park-style picnic dining table.
B & H Cedar Log Homes provides free online instructions and plans for a gorgeous log bed including the frame, headboard and footboard.
Other woods such as cedar and oak are commonly used in rustic style furniture.
The store resides in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country and claims to have the largest selection of Amish made cedar chests.
Building materials such as logs or wood, including cedar, oak, hickory and burl wood are common in rustic furniture.
Rustic living room furniture would include a leather or cowhide sofa, cedar log coffee and end tables and perhaps a wrought iron chandelier hanging from a high ceiling.
The furniture offered at the Amish Country Corner includes heirloom Amish-made cedar chests, rustic cabin furniture and country style home furnishings.
If rustic country is more your style, imagine a soft leather or suede loveseat made from northern white cedar.
A beautiful oak or cedar coffee table comes to mind when thinking about a country living room.
Available in many styles, a cedar entertainment center brings the beauty and warmth of wood into your home.
A cedar entertainment center made of beautiful natural cedar adds the look of rustic charm to any room.
Cedar Stuff, located in Lewiston, Michigan, makes gorgeous handcrafted log entertainment centers.
One example of entertainment centers made by Cedar Stuff has a stand-alone center unit that has the capacity to hold a television with a width of up to fifty inches.
The Home Furniture Showroom offers an armoire style cedar log entertainment center called the Fireside Lodge.
The armoires are made from Northern White Cedar logs that are hand peeled for a very rustic effect.
Among the entertainment centers offered by The Log Furniture Store are two styles made from red cedar wood.
Red cedar is a denser wood than other types of cedar, making it heavier.
The entertainment centers made of red cedar include two units form the Diamond Point Collection.
A cedar log entertainment center crafted in Minnesota, called the Cayuna, is made from northern white cedar.
Made form northern white cedar, the wide screen TV stand entertainment center is hand crafted and full of country charm.
The Minnesota cedar logs are left with their natural marks made from nature and could include bug trails and insect tracks, checking, fire scars, elk rubs, burrs or burls.
The Lighthouse Man crafts beautiful entertainment centers made from solid hand rubbed cedar that look like row boats or canoes.
A cedar entertainment center can add not just warmth to your room with its red tones and rustic feel, but it can add an aromatic fragrance you'll never tire of.
When you take care of your cedar furniture it can last for years and even be handed down from generation to generation.
If you decide to go with wood, try to find outdoor furniture made from teak or cedar, as these materials can be left outside to weather naturally.
If you love the look of natural cedar, an Adirondack patio chair will make a great addition on your patio.
However, the beauty of cedar is that it is naturally resistant to decay, insect and weather damage.
The Cedar Looks collection is high quality log furniture made of white cedar.
Cedar is commonly used to make rustic furniture, not only for its beautiful appearance but also for its wonderful aroma.
Hickory and cedar furniture can be left unfinished for a more rugged and natural look.
Cedar and hickory chairs and tables left to weather naturally turn a beautiful silver gray color.
Adirondack furniture is typically made of oak, cedar, birch, teak, and hickory - the woods found in upstate New York.
These lamps have a pine or cedar drum with rawhide lacing as a base and are topped with a rawhide shade.
Launched in 2005, the fragrance immediately stole hearts with its soft, pleasant blend of mandarin, bergamot, rosewood, apple martini, lavender, patchouli, paper whites, cedar, orchid, white amber, woods and musk.
This lush, fresh also includes notes of musk, cedar, ginger, and wild muguet.
A minty hint of Indian patchouli adds freshness, while the subtle additions of rich cedar wood and musk create an original combination.
Madonna Nudes 1979 for Women contains top notes of lotus petals, pomegranate and tangerine; middle notes of gardenia, orange flower and magnolia; and base notes of amber, atlas cedar and cashmere musk.
Actor Dennis Quaid and wife Kimberly's newborn twins are in the neonatal intensive care unit at Cedar's Sinai Medical Center.
Wool sweaters should be stored either in cedar chests, with cedar balls or lavender sachets when they aren't worn.
Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa provides college courses, career training and opportunities for personal improvement to thousands of students attending classes at 11 sites and online.
From The People Cookie Made for Dogs® to her patented product Cedar Green Mist® the air and fabric freshener, Wendy is a true pioneer in the pet industry.
Once little more than large circles filled with cedar chips, doggie bed design has come a long way in recent history.
Cedar can be expensive, so it may not be for everyone's budget.
Like cedar, it's readily available at most home and garden centers and lumber yards, and is easy to work with using common saws and tools.
The most common choices to build raised beds include untreated wood, pressure treated wood, special woods such as cedar, PVC or plastic panels, stone, rock and bricks.
Common types of mulch include wood mulch such as cedar or pine chips or bark, cocoa hull mulch, and synthetic mulch such as glass or rubber mulch.
Three low walls made of lumber, brick, cedar rails or even plastic.
This could be old cedar rails, plywood, planks, or even logs.
Consider the way that hickory, apple, cedar, or pinon smell when they burn.
Cedar siding is a popular exterior finish, especially in the Pacific Northwest, where cedar is plentiful.
Resistant to warping, rot, and insect damage, cedar is available in several grades, types, and finishes.
Cedar offers many benefits when compared with other woods used for exterior applications.
The oil in cedar resists rot, making it an excellent choice for outdoor applications such as siding.
Some homeowners use cedar in the interior of their spa or when they install a jacuzzi tub because it resists humidity.
It doesn't require extra preservatives to prevent rot unless the cedar touches the ground.
Natural oils in cedar work to repel insects.
Older wood is more potent than newly formed cedar, making the heartwood the most desirable part for exterior use.
For this reason, cedar panel siding made primarily of heartwood fetches a premium price.
Cedar, like all wood, is rated by appearance and quality.
In addition to having specific grades of cedar, siding is further divided into clear and knotty varieties.
Clear cedar panels have the most uniform appearance, with almost no knots or imperfections.
Cedar often attracts homeowners who are seeking a rustic appearance.
Some cedar manufacturers use different terminology to grade cedar.
Quality knotty cedar is also fine for exterior use, but it may have larger knots in the wood.
Cedar panel siding is available in many exterior forms, ranging from the traditional bevel siding, to the more uncommon board and batten.
Beveled siding is the most common type of cedar siding available today.
Board and batten consists of wide boards with the joints covered by narrower pieces of cedar trim.
Choosing cedar siding for an exterior home renovation can be costly, so be sure to do your research before committing to a specific grade and type of wood.
Vinyl siding even comes in wood-like colors such as weathered gray, pine and cedar.
Upgrade your shingles to high-quality architectural shingles or opt for cedar siding as a finish for interior and exterior walls.
Some styles also emulate other materials, such as stucco, stone, brick, cedar shakes and cement.
They provide basic siding designs as well as offer heavily textured choices that replicate a cedar exterior finish.
The company manufactures cedar siding that gives the appearance of rough hewn logs on the house's exterior when installed.
Wood - The most common types of wood for decks include treated pine, cedar and redwood.
Get some natural cedar for your sweater drawer to keep the garments fresh and moths at bay.
Hang some cedar in your closet to keep the leather smelling its best.
Using cedar or oak bark or gravel chips also makes a dehydrating environment that slugs don't like.
Ferret bedding and litter should not have cedar or other aromatic woods in it.
Place cedar chips or lavender with the pajamas to repel moths.
Wrap your bargain basement treasure carefully in tissue paper, and tuck a tiny bit of cedar in the tissue to repel moths.
In June 2006, however, the CBS Corporation opted to sell its Paramount parks, and Cedar Fair acquired them.
Cedar Fair also owns Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, as well as Geauga Lake in Aurora, Ohio, giving the conglomerate a strong presence in the Midwest's theme park industry.
Season passes vary and range from $95 to $150 for adults ($70 to $150 for kids), depending on how many Cedar Fair parks and water parks are included on the pass.
Many families search for printable online Cedar Point coupons to help make their visit to this northern Ohio amusement park more affordable, but finding authentic deals can be a challenge.
The only website that offers online coupons for Cedar Point admission and other amenities is the park's official website.
Because Cedar Point amusement park is such a popular destination, coupon scams appear online periodically and can take advantage of unwary individuals.
Just because there are not many online coupons does not mean that there are no good deals available for Cedar Point.
Meijer stores that sell discounted tickets (there is one on highway 250 less than 5 miles from Cedar Point).
The Discover Ohio visitor's guide and the Erie County Travel Guide that both include coupons for Cedar Point and other local attractions.
Resort packages at Cedar Point hotels that feature free tickets and discounted admission rates for guests.
There may not be too many printable online Cedar Point coupons available, but there are many discount deals out there for interested guests who are willing to look for other ways to save money when visiting this amazing theme park..
A variety of season passes are available, with some options including admission to other Cedar Fair theme parks around the country.
The most highly anticipated new roller coaster of 2007 was Maverick, the seventeenth scream machine at Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky.
Two inversions and a 400 foot long tunnel add flair and surprise to the ride, making it well worth the lengthy line all new Cedar Point roller coasters draw.
The coaster's excessively rough ride prompted many rider complaints, however, and after Cedar Fair purchased King's Island, renovations began to smooth out the ride and tame the beast.
Though Paramount sold Great America and the park was acquired by the Cedar Fair Entertainment Company in early 2007, the Survivor theme of this amazing ride has remained intact.
A Cedar Point park map is a useful tool when visiting Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio, and the park's colorful maps have a long history not only as navigational aids, but also as affordable and unique souvenirs.
There are several different styles of park maps available for Cedar Point, and being familiar with the different types can help eager guests choose the best map for their thrill-seeking search.
The most popular type of Cedar Point park map is the oversized poster design that measures 21 by 31 inches with a vertical format.
New poster maps are printed each year, and for more than 25 years Cedar Point has used the poster format.
Several specialty maps are available for Cedar Point.
Prospective guests can also view or download a basic park map on the official Cedar Point Website.
There are many more ways to use a park map than just to navigate around Cedar Point or find a particular show.
Judging how to get to other areas of the resort, such as Hotel Breakers, Soak City, or the Cedar Point Marina.
Cedar Point spans more than 360 acres of midways, rides, shops, games, lagoons, and beachfront property.
With so much to see and do, a Cedar Point park map is an essential tool, but the creativity of the maps and their fun designs also makes them popular souvenirs so guests can navigate their theme park getaway memories long after their visit.
Castaway Bay in Ohio is an exciting indoor water park that is also one of the hotels at Cedar Point that offers guests an amazing theme park getaway near one of the world's best amusement parks.
Not only is Cedar Point home to the wet-tastic world of Soak City, but in 2004 the park opened its first indoor water park resort, Castaway Bay.
Located at the base of the Cedar Point Causeway with convenient access to the amusement park, Castaway Bay is a getaway in and of itself.
Resort package deals are available that include Cedar Point and Soak City tickets, discounts, parking vouchers, and other benefits.
Choosing Cedar Point packages is a great way to save money on a getaway to this roller coaster haven.
The visitor packages offered by Cedar Point have great deals and fun options guests can try without needing a massive budget.
Cedar Point's popular ticket package is the "Ride and Slide" pass, which includes admission to both the amusement park as well as the Soak City water park nearby.
The most popular Cedar Point packages are the resort vacation deals.
Prices for the resort Cedar Point packages vary widely based on the exact hotel chosen as well as the dates.
For more information about Cedar Point packages or to book a getaway, interested guests should make reservations early for the best deals.
Disaster Transport at Cedar Point is a rare type of roller coaster where the ride vehicles run along a bobsled-style track and deliver a freewheeling ride experience.
While it is not the fastest, tallest, or most sophisticated ride at Cedar Point, Disaster Transport is well worth a ride for any roller coaster fan.
Disaster Transport initially opened alongside the Cedar Point beach in 1985 as Avalanche Run.
There are two Great Wolf Lodge locations in Ohio, one near Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky and the other near King's Island in Mason, close to Cincinnati.
Geauga Lake, the former Six Flags Ohio park, for example, was purchased by the Cedar Fair Entertainment Company and closed so its rides could be relocated.
The Gemini at Cedar Point amusement park, for example, first appears to be a wooden coaster because of its imposing wooden structure, but in reality it is a steel coaster because the trains run along tubular steel tracks.
Inverted coasters, such as Raptor at Cedar Point, often have multiple inversions and loops.
Disaster Transport at Cedar Point is an example of a bobsled coaster.
Cedar Point is a 364 acre amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio.
Consistently voted one of the best amusement parks in the world by leading roller coaster enthusiast groups, industry organizations, and travel professionals, Cedar Point is a top theme park destination all summer long.
While Cedar Point's outstanding roller coasters and other thrill rides are scary for some riders all season long, the frightening festivities of Halloweekends are only available for a limited time.
In addition to the haunted attractions, Cedar Point offers a range of seasonal entertainment especially suited to Halloweekends.
Guests interested in visiting the park during Cedar Point Halloweekends should note that the park's operation is somewhat different during this special event.
Guests interested in a theme park getaway that includes both thrills and chills can do no better than Cedar Point Halloweekends.
Some parks, such as Cedar Point, also offer specialized passes that include admission to other parks in the same chain, which can make the savings add up even faster.
It can be worthwhile to investigate coupons for Cedar Point to save a few dollars when planning a summer getaway to this northern Ohio amusement park.
Cedar Point amusement park is a large park with more than fifteen roller coasters and more than 60 rides and attractions in Sandusky, Ohio.
If that isn't enough, however, Soak City water park is adjacent to Cedar Point, as well as Challenge Park with its go karts, miniature golf, and extreme thrills attractions.
With so much to see and do at Cedar Point, the costs of a theme park getaway can quickly add up.