Cease-and-desist Sentence Examples
As soon as ads appear on websites, cease and desist letters often arrive from retailers asking the websites to remove the ads for a couple of reasons.
The cease and desist was served as the result of a complaint by a punk rock trio also named Supernova.
The overnight success of this emulator caught the attention of Nintendo, which gave the creators cease and desist letters.
Jon then issued a cease and desist order to TLC, banning them from filming the couple's children.
After that announcement, Jon's lawyers serve TLC with a cease and desist order to demand that they stop filming the children, essentially putting the brakes on the show.
If you refuse or ignore these requests, you could face cease and desist orders or suspension of your blog and/or advertisers.
Hallmark's attorneys could issue a cease-and-desist order to such a website, or they could possibly take more serious legal action.