Ceará Sentence Examples
This plateau region is watered by numerous tributaries of the Parnahyba, chief of which are the Urussuhy, the Caninde and its tributary the Piauhy, the Gurgueia and its tributary the Parahim, which drains the large inland lake of Parnagua, the Longa, and the Poty, which has its source in the state of Ceara.
Among the imported flora are tea, Siberian coffee, cocoa, Ceara rubber (which has not done well), Manila hemp, teak, cocoanut and a number of ornamental trees, fruit-trees, vegetables and garden plants.
In 1817 Pernambuco was the scene of a revolutionary outbreak, which resulted in the separation of the present states of Alagoas and Rio Grande do Norte, Ceara and Parahyba having been detached in 1799.
Amongst the varieties of cotton which are derived from this species appear to be Pernambuco, Maranham, Ceara, Aracaty and Maceio cottons.
Partly for this reason and partly because pieces of wood and dirt are apt to be included with the scrap, the market value of Ceara rubber is usually less than that of Para.
India have, however, begun to furnish a better quality of Ceara rubber, which is often prepared in biscuit form.
The latex, which exudes slowly and in many tortuous courses, some of it ultimately falling on the ground, is allowed to remain on the tree for several days, until it becomes dry and solid, when it is pulled off in strings, which are either rolled up into balls or put into bags in loose masses, in which form it enters commerce under the name of Ceara " scrap."
Ceara rubber is also exported in the form of lumps and cakes.
The pure Ceara rubber, as for example the " biscuits " prepared in Ceylon, is of excellent quality, scarcely if at all inferior to Para.
The Parnahyba chapadao covers the state of Piauhy, the southern part of Maranhao, and the western part of Ceara.
AdvertisementIn Ceara the smaller rivers become dry channels in the dry season, and in protracted droughts the larger ones disappear also.
It covers the state of Piauhy and the western or inland parts of the states of Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Parahyba, Pernambuco and Bahia.
The interior districts of Ceara, Pernambuco and Bahia have suffered severely from these seccas.
The states of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Geraes are the largest producers, but it is also grown for export in Espirito Santo, Bahia and Ceara.
Other rubber-producing trees are the manicoba (Jatropha Glasiovii) of Ceara, and the mangabeira (Hancornia speciosa), of the central upland regions.
AdvertisementThey were to be found in Ceara.
Vegetable wax, which is an excellent substitute for beeswax, is a product of the carnahuha palm (Copernicia cerifera), and is an important export from Ceara.
The proclamation of a republic in the provinces of Pernambuco and Ceara, with the rebellion of the Cisplatina province, favoured by Buenos Aires and its ultimate loss to Brazil, were the result of the coup d'Nat of November 1823.
As the species from which Ceara rubber is obtained (Hancorina speciosa) is found in Bolivia, it is probable that this is also a source of the Peruvian caucho.
In 1621 Ceara, Maranhao and Para were united and called the "Estado do Maranhao," which was made independent of the southern captaincies.
AdvertisementCeara was subsequently detached, but the "state" of Maranhao remained independent until 1774, when it again became subject to the colonial administration of Brazil.
In 1909, on six large rubber plantations, mostly on the windward side of the island of Maui, there were planted 444,450 ceara trees, 66,700 hevea trees, and 600 castilloa trees.
The natural vegetable productions are important, and include manigoba or Ceara rubber, carnahuba wax and fibre, caju wine and ipecacuanha.
The state of Ceara has formed a bishopric of the Roman Catholic Church since 1853, the bishop having his residence at Fortaleza.
The capital of the state is Fortaleza, sometimes called Ceara, which is also the principal commercial centre and shipping port.
AdvertisementThe territory of Ceara includes three of the capitanias originally granted by the Portuguese crown in 1534.
Ceara was occupied by the Dutch from 1637 to 1654, and became a dependency of Pernambuco in 1680; this relationship lasted until 1799, when the capitania of Ceara was made independent.
Ceara was one of the first provinces of Brazil to abolish slavery.
The influx from the state of Ceara alone, from 1892 to 1899 inclusive, reached 98,348.
Rubber was obtained mostly from virgin forest, but ceara, ficus and other trees were planted.
Rubber is obtained from the Bahr-el-Ghazalwhere there are Para and Ceara rubber plantations - and in the Sobat district.
Though Francis has appeared on Days of Lives (Diana Colville) and All My Children (Ceara Connor Hunter), Laura Spencer is her most enduring role.
Later Francis would portray Diana Colville on Days of Our Lives and Ceara Connor on All My Children and Loving.
Ceara found herself tangled and in love with Jeremy Hunter, even making the jump with him to sister soap Loving in 1991.