Ceanothus Sentence Examples
Both medicinal and flowering plants are exceptionally abundant; a few of the former are ginseng, snakeroot, bloodroot, hore-hound, thoroughwort, redroot (Ceanothus Americanus), horse mint and wild flax, and prominent among the latter are jessamines, azaleas, lilies, roses, violets, honey-suckle and golden-rod.
Mountain Sweet (Ceanothus) - Beautiful shrubs of the Buckthorn family, some hardy enough on light soils in sunny places to endure our climate, even as bush plants, though the majority form good wall plants.
New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus Americanus) - Though one of the hardiest, this thrives best against a wall, and in a dry porous soil; the flowers, in succession from about the middle of June till August, white.
Ceanothus Azureus - From the temperate regions of Mexico, where it grows as a straggling bush about 10 feet high.
Ceanothus Divaricatus - ows as a dense broad evergreen bush of about 10 feet high.
Ceanothus Papillosus - a pretty little species from the mountains of California, where it is a densely-branched straggling bush 6 to 10 feet high.
Ceanothus Rigidus - a sub-evergreen, or in sheltered places an evergreen, rarely exceeding 6 feet in height, the branches stiff and wiry; the flowers, in clusters on the sides of the young shoots, are deep purple, in April and May.
Ceanothus Verrucosus - rms a thickly branched evergreen bush about 6 feet high.
Wild Irishman (Discaria) - Spiny shrubs allied to Colletia an Ceanothus, and only hardy in the open in the more favoured parts of the south and south-west, though thriving against walls near London and farther north.