Cavity Sentence Examples
These processes stretch across the body cavity to be inserted in the dorsal and ventral middle lines.
The sub-umbral cavity (s.c.) functions as a brood-space for the developing embryos, which are set free by rupture of the wall.
It is evident that the outer envelope of the gonophore represents the ex-umbral ectoderm (ex.), and that the inner ectoderm lining the cavity represents the sub-umbral ectoderm of the free medusa.
The next step is the gradual obliteration of the sub-umbral cavity by disappearance of which the sub-umbral ectoderm comes into contact with the ectoderm of the manubrium.
S, Optical section of part of thick-walled stereid of Phanerogam, with almost obliterated cavity and narrow slit-like oblique pits.
It is seen from the foregoing account of medusa - budding that the entocodon is a very important constituent of the bud, furnishing some of the most essential portions of the medusa; its cavity becomes the subumbral cavity, and its lining furnishes the ectodermal epithelium of the manubrium and of the sub-umbral cavity as far as the edge of the velum.
The cavity of the latter is coelom.
Where the modification is carried to its extreme degree, not only the shell but the pallial cavity, ctenidium and visceral hump disappear, and the body acquires a simple elongated form and a secondary external symmetry, as in Pterotrachaea and in Doris, Eolis, and other Nudibranchia.
Foot without parapodia; no pallial cavity, but always a single ctenidium situated on the right side between mantle and foot.
The efferent ducts are ciliated, and there is a patch of cilia at the point where they communicate with the cavity of each testis.
AdvertisementThe ovaries are solid bodies, of which the outer layer becomes separated from the plug of cells lying within; thus a cavity is formed which is clearly coelom.
This cavity and its walls becomes prolonged to form the oviducts.
The pallial cavity, with its organs, is by this torsion moved up the right side of the larva to the dorsal surface, and thus the left organs become right and vice versa.
No ctenidium, but a pulmonary cavity; heart with a single auricle, not traversed by the rectum.
The siphon is an incompletely tubular outgrowth of the mantle margin on the left side, contained in a corresponding outgrowth of the edge of the shell-mouth, and serving to conduct water to the respiratory cavity.
AdvertisementThe surface of the neck is covered by integument forming the floor of the branchial cavity.
It corresponds to the right of the two primitive ctenidia in the untwisted archaic condition of the molluscan body, and does not project freely into the branchial cavity, but its axis is attached (by concrescence) to the mantle-skirt (roof of the branchial chamber).
The pallial cavity is always well developed, and contains the ctenidium, at least in part; ctenidium, except in Lophocercidae, of folded type.
Cephalic shield continuous with dorsal integument; no shell; ctenidium projecting from mantle cavity.
Adult without shell; a sub-epithelial pseudoconch formed by connective tissue; pallial cavity ventral.
AdvertisementShell not coiled, symmetrical; pallial cavity ventral.
All have an osphradium, except the Auriculidae, which are terrestrial, and it is situated outside the pallial cavity in those forms in which water is not admitted into the lung.
Visceral mass and shell conical; tentacles atrophied; head expanded; genital apertures contiguous; marine animals, with an aquatic pallial cavity containing secondary branchial laminae.
Visceral mass and shell conical; head flattened; pallial cavity aquatic, but without a branchia; genital apertures separated.
This cavity contains an irregular mass of whitish tissue, the fat-body, consisting of fat-cells which undergo degradation and become more or less filled with urates.
AdvertisementThis latter, as well as the heart and the walls of the blood spaces, arises by the modification of mesodermal cells, and the body cavity is formed by the enlargement and coalescence of the blood channels and by the splitting of the fat body.
In the posterior portion this epithelium in certain Heteronemertea has a more glandular appearance, and sometimes the interior cavity is obliterated by cell-proliferation in this region.
The omnipresence of this connective tissue tends to exclude the formation of any perivisceral body cavity in Nemertines.
The median dorsal vessel, however, remains distinct, but instead of continuing its course beneath the proboscidian sheath it is first enclosed by the ventral musculature of this organ, and still farther forwards it even bulges out longitudinally into the cavity of the sheath.
It has been pointed out that the cavity of the sacs corresponds in many particulars with the coelom of higher animals, and in Lebidinsky's observations on the development there is some support to the view that a coelom exists.
The generative organs occupy a large part of the body cavity.
A cavity, a little to the west of the Observatory Hill, is generally supposed to be the ancient Barathron or place of execution.
The size of the animals varies greatly, from forms a few millimetres in length to Gigantorhynchus gigas, which measures from 10 to 65 cms. The adults live in great numbers in the alimentary canal of some vertebrate, usually fish, the larvae are as a rule encysted in the body cavity of some invertebrate, most often an insect or crustacean, more rarely a small fish.
The ivory of which the tusk is composed is of very good quality, but owing to the central cavity, only fitted for the manufacture of objects of small size.
Each valve of the shell is lined by a mantle which contains prolongations of the body cavity.
The anterior half of this space is lined by the inner wall of the mantle and is called the mantle cavity.
This cavity lodges the arms, which are curved and coiled in different ways in different genera.
The water which bears the oxygen for respiration and the minute organisms upon which the Brachiopod feeds is swept into the mantle cavity by the action of the cilia which cover the arms, and the eggs and excreta pass out into the same cavity.
In Crania it is completely shut off from the main coelom, but in Lingula it communicates freely with this cavity.
There is further a great tendency for the endothelial cells to form muscles, and this is especially pronounced in the small arm-sinus, where a conspicuous muscle is built up. The mantle-sinuses which form the chief spaces in the mantle are diverticula of the main coelomic cavity.
The stalk is an extension of the ventral body-wall, and contains a portion of the coelom which, in Discinisca and Lingula, remains in communication with the general body cavity.
The intestine is slung by a median dorsal and ventral mesentery which divides the body cavity into two symmetrically shaped halves; it is " stayed " by two transverse septa, the anterior or gastroparietal band running from the stomach to the body wall and the posterior or ileoparietal band running from the intestine to the body wall.
None of these septa is complete, and the various parts of the central body cavity freely communicate with one another.
This vessel is nothing but a split between the right and left folds of the mesentery, and its cavity is thus a remnant of the blastocoel.
About this stage the larvae leave the broodpouch, which is a lateral or median cavity in the body of the female, and lead a free swimming life in the ocean.
In the beginning of the operation enough argentiferous lead is charged to fill the cavity of the test.
In Scorpio the completion of the horizontal plate by oblique flaps, so as to form an actual diaphragm shutting off the cavity of the prosoma from the rest of the body, possibly gives to the organs contained in the anterior chamber a physiological advantage in respect of the supply of arterial blood and its separation from the venous blood of the mesosoma.
The seventh, VII, is anterior to the genital operculum, op, and is the cavity of the praegenital somite which is more or less completely suppressed in subsequent development, possibly indicated by the area marked VII in fig.
Of these latter, two grades were further distinguished by Lankester - those which remain possessed of a single archenteric cavity and of two primary cell-layers (the Coelentera or Diploblastica), and those which by nipping off the archenteron give rise to two cavities, the coelom or body-cavity and the metenteron or gut (Coelomata or Triploblastica).
Pacas may be distinguished from agoutis by their heavier and more compact build, the longitudinal rows of light spots on the fur, the five-toed hind-feet, and the peculiar structure of the skull, in which the cheek-bones are expanded to form large capsules on the sides of the face, each enclosing a cavity opening on the side of the cheek.
They are minute structures having a round or oval shape, concentrically striated, and frequently showing a small nucleus-like body or cavity in their centre.
In a given case of anasarca due to a cause acting generally, it will be found that the liquid of the pleural cavity always contains the highest percentage of proteid, that of the peritoneal cavity comes next, that of the cerebral ventricles follows this, and the liquid of the subcutaneous areolar tissue contains the lowest.
The reason of this is apparently that the negative pressure of the pleural, and partly of the peritoneal, cavity tends to aspirate a liquid relatively thicker, so to speak, than that effused where no such extraneous mechanism is at work (James).
Round disks made of these substances were placed in a closely fitting cylindrical cavity drilled in a block of steel, the cavity having a circular aperture of two or four centimetres below.
For a cavity filled with liquid in the interior of the body, since the liquid inside moves bodily for a motion of translation only, 41 = - x, 42 = -, 43 = - z; (2) but a rotation will stir up the liquid in the cavity, so that the'x's depend on the shape of the surface.
These organs may be raised on a short stalk, their cavity subdivided into loculi, and provided in some cases with hooks.
A cavity appears in its centre and it acquires a pyriform shape.
Its bulk alone (equal to that of an orange) causes serious disturbances, and its choice of the liver, kidneys, lungs, cranial cavity and other deep-seated recesses, gives rise to profound alterations.
The solitary ovule springs erect from the base of the ovarian cavity.
The furnace used by Henri Moissan in his experiments on reactions at high temperatures, on the fusion and volatilization of refractory materials, and on the formation of carbides, suicides and borides of various metals, consisted, in its simplest form, of two superposed blocks of lime or of limestone with a central cavity cut in the lower block, and with a corresponding but much shallower inverted cavity in the upper block, which thus formed the lid of the furnace.
Horizontal channels were cut on opposite walls, through which the carbon poles or electrodes were passed into the upper part of the cavity.
In the latter case the crucible, which was placed in the cavity immediately beneath the arc, was about 3 in.
Concomitantly its cavity is sub-divided by transverse ridges into a single row and later on into paired rows of compartments.
Body - wall membranous or calcified, body cavity distinct.
Cavity of the zooecium subdivided by transverse diaphragms, most numerous in the distal portion.
The passage at first runs obliquely upwards in the bank, sometimes to a distance of as much as 50 ft., and expands at its termination into a cavity, the floor of which is lined with dried grass and leaves, and in which, it is said, the eggs are laid' and the young brought up. Their food consists of aquatic insects, small crustaceans and worms, which are caught under water, the sand and small stones at the bottom being turned over with their bills to find them.
Those of Phyrganea consist of bits of twigs or leaves cut to a suitable length and laid side by side in a long spirally-coiled band, forming the wall of a subcylindrical cavity.
The cavity of the tube of Helicopsyche, composed of grains of sand, is itself spirally coiled, so that the case exactly resembles a small snail-shell in shape.
Ruminating, but the stomach with only three distinct compartments, the maniplies or third cavity of the stomach of the Pecora being rudimentary.
From the omasum the food is finally deposited in the abomasum, a cavity considerably larger than either the second or third stomach, although less than the first.
As a substantive the term is used of a surgical instrument for the exploration of a wound, cavity, &c., a probe.
It consists of a cylindrical chest of brass, the base of which is pierced at its centre with an opening in which is fixed a brass tube projecting outwards, and Siren of intended for supplying the cavity of the cylinder with Cagniard de compressed air or other gas, or even liquid.
Scott (Comptes rendus, 1861, 53, p. 108) any sound whatever may be made to record its trace on the paper by means of a large parabolic cavity resembling a speaking-trumpet, which is freely open at the wider extremity, but is closed at the other end by a thin stretched membrane.
Koenig also used the apparatus to investigate the effect on the frequency of a fork of a resonating cavity placed near it.
But when the pitch of the cavity was exactly that of the fork when vibrating alone, though it resounded most strongly, it did not affect the frequency of the fork.
But the harmonics are most readily heard if we fortify the ear by an air cavity with a natural period equal to that of the harmonic to be sought.
Let the gas jet tube be of somewhat less than half the length of the singing tube, and let the lower end of the jet tube be in a wider tube or cavity so that it may be regarded as an " open end."
When the air rushes out from one pipe, it has not to force its way into the open air, but finds a cavity being prepared for it close at hand in the other pipe, and so the extensions and compressions at the ends are more easily reduced.
It consists of an electromagnet within the iron core of which is a flat disk-like cavity containing mercury, the sides of the cavity being stamped with grooves.
The roughness of the surface of the cavity serves to retard it.
Mite-galls, or acarocecidia, are abnormal growths of the leaves of plants, produced by microscopic Acaridea of the genus Phytoptus (gall-mites), and consist of little tufts of hairs, or of thickened portions of the leaves, usually most hypertrophied on the upper surface, so that the lower is drawn up into the interior, producing a bursiform cavity.
On examining more minutely the course of the development, it is found that the ovum goes through the usual process of cleavage, always total and regular in this group, and so gives rise to a hollow sphere or ovoid with the wall composed of a single layer of cells, and containing a spacious cavity, the blastocoele or segmentation-cavity.
In this stage the body is composed of two layers, ectoderm (d) externally, and endoderm (c) internally, surrounding a central cavity, the archenteron (b), which communicates with the exterior by a pore (a), the blastopore.
C,C', D,D', two types of medusa organization; C and D are composite sections, showing a radius (R) on one side, an interradius (IR) on the other; C' and D' are plans; the mouth and manubrium are indicated at the centre, leading into the gastral cavity subdivided by the four areas of concrescence in each interradius (IR).
Further, in the hydropolyp the digestive cavity either remains simple and undivided and circular in transverse section, or may show ridges projecting internally, which in this case are formed of endoderm alone, without any participation of the mesogloea.
This appendage is merely a fold of the skin, ornamental and sexual; it has no cavity in its interior, and has no communication with the mouth or with the respiratory organs; it is supported by the posterior horns of the hyoid bone, and can be erected and spread at the will of the animal.
By the contraction of the subumbral circular muscles the concavity of the subumbrella is increased, and as water is thereby forced out of the subumbral cavity the animal is jerked upwards.
The mouth leads at once into the true digestive cavity, divisible into an oesophageal region in the manubrium and a more dilated cavity, the stomach (st.), occupying the centre of the umbrella.
From the ring-canal are given off tentacle-canals which run down the axis of each tentacle; in many cases, however, the cavity of the tentacle is obliterated and instead of a canal the tentacle contains a solid core of endoderm.
As a result of this change of form the gastric cavity or coelenteron becomes of compressed lenticular form, and the endoderm lining it can be distinguished as an upper or exumbral layer and a lower or subumbral layer.
The next event is a great growth in thickness of the gelatinous mesogloea, especially on the exumbral side; as a result the flattened coelenteron is still further compressed so that in certain spots its cavity is obliterated, and its exumbral and subumbral layers of endoderm come into contact and undergo concrescence.
From these are given off at irregular intervals short lateral branches, each of which terminates in a flame-cell (f) precisely similar in structure to the flame-cells found in Planarians, Trematodes and Cestodes; here as there the question whether they are open to the body cavity or not must probably be answered in the negative.
As a rule, the wall of the ovary is continued into a uterine tube opening into the cloaca; but in Philodinaceae this is absent, and the young are free in the body cavity and escape by perforating the cloacal walls.
Insemination takes place either by the introduction of the penis into the cloaca of the female, or by the puncture of the bodywall of the female by the penis, and the injection of the sperm into the body cavity, whence the single spermatozoa must make their way to the eggs.
The body cavity is the primitive C blastocoele.
Moreover, the body cavity of the rotifers is a primitive archicoele; the persistent or accrescent cleft between epiblast and hypoblast, traversed by mesenchymal muscular bands.
This may be relieved by tapping the cavity with a small hollow needle (Southey's trocar), or by passing into it a large sharp-pointed tube.
It is inadvisable to explore for a suspected abscess with a hollow needle without first opening the abdomen, as septic fluid might thus be enabled to leak out, and infect the general peritoneal cavity.
The paired ctenidia are very greatly developed right and left of the elongated body, and form the most prominent organ of the group. Their function is chiefly not respiratory but nutritive, since it is by the currents produced by their ciliated surface that food-particles are brought to the feebly-developed mouth and buccal cavity.
In the filaments of the gill of Protobranchia and many Filibranchia the tubular cavity is divided by a more or less complete fibrous septum into two channels, for an afferent and efferent blood-current.
In the most primitive Lamellibranchs there is no separate generative aperture but the gonads discharge into the renal cavity, as in Patella among Gastropods.
In them the foot has a flat ventral surface used for creeping, as in Gastropods, the byssus gland is but slightly developed, the pleural ganglia are distinct, there is a relic of the pharyngeal cavity, in some forms with a pair of glandular sacs, the gonads retain their primitive connexion with the renal cavities, and the otocysts are open.
The small opening among the fimbriae by which the tube communicates with the peritoneal cavity is known as the ostium abdominale, and from this the lumen of the tube runs from four to four and a half inches, until it opens into the cavity of the uterus by an extremely small opening.
On making a mesial vertical section of the uterus the cavity is seen as a mere slit which is bent about its middle to form an angle the opening of which is forward.
It is best seen in very young Vaginal cavity B children and represents the vasa effer entia in the male.
Diagrammatic Representation of the Uterine Cavity opened up from in front.
Cavity of body Cavity of cervix elevation in front of the pubic bones caused by a mass of fibrofatty tissue; the skin over it is covered by hair in the adult.
Hence most blowpipes are now made with a cavity for retaining the moisture.
The heart was left in place, but the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines were pickled and wrapped separately and then restored to the body cavity.
Unlike the cells of Protozoa, these embryonic cells of the Metazoa do not remain each like its neighbour and capable of independent life, but proceed to arrange themselves into two layers, taking the form of a sac. The cavity of the two-cell-layered sac or diblastula thus formed is the primitive gut or arch-enteron.
In the Coelentera, whatever subsequent changes of shape the little sac may undergo as it grows up to be polyp or jelly-fish, the original arch-enteron remains as the one cavity pervading all regions of the body.
This cavity is excavated in a third mass of cells distinct from the cells lining the gut, forming the endoderm, and the cells covering the surface of the body, the ectoderm.
In Mollusca the coelom is reduced and consists of two parts, the pericardial cavity which surrounds the heart, and the cavity of the gonads or generative organs.
In animals which exhibit typical segmentation or metamerism, such as segmented worms (Chaetopoda), each segment or metamere possesses its own coelomic cavity, a pair of coelomic ducts, and a pair of nephridia.
Between the edge of the shell and the foot there is a groove or cavity, chiefly developed laterally and posteriorly.
The shell extends to the edge of the mantle-fold, and the cavity between the mantle and the side of the body is the pallial chamber.
In the primitive condition there is one on each side in the mantle cavity, towards the posterior end of the body.
Near the base of the ctenidium is a patch of sensory epithelium innervated from the branchial nerve, forming a sense-organ called the osphradium, whose function is to test the water entering the branchial cavity.
It consists of a median ventricle with muscular walls and a cavity traversed by muscular strands.
The cavity communicating with the blastopore and lined by the endoderm is the archenteron.
The coelom is formed as a cavity or cavities in the interior of these cell-masses.
In some cases the coelom is formed as a single cavity, and renal and generative organs are formed from its walls.
They arise as outgrowths of the sides of the body within the cavity formed by the development of the mantle.
The testes in the pairing-season form projections in the groins, but (except in the Duplicidentata) do not completely leave the cavity of the abdomen.
The most remarkable feature of the genus is, however, the extraordinary development of the zygomatic arches of the skull, which are enormously expanded vertically, forming great convex bony capsules on the sides of the face, enclosing on each side a large cavity lined with mucous membrane internally, and communicating by a small opening with the mouth.
The stomach is formed upon much the same principle as that of the horse or rhinoceros, but is more elongated transversely and divided by a constriction into two cavities - a large left cul de sac, lined by a very dense white epithelium, and a right pyloric cavity, with a thick, soft, vascular lining.
A median mesentery running dorsoventrally supports the alimentary canal and is continued behind it into the tail, thus dividing the body cavity into two lateral halves.
The mouth leads into the buccal cavity, on the ventral side of which opens the radular caecum.
Two pairs of glands open into the buccal cavity, and at the junction of pharynx and oesophagus is another pair called the sugar glands.
As in other molluscs the coelom is represented by a large pericardial cavity, situated above the intestine posteriorly, and a generative sac which is single and median and situated in front of the pericardium, except in the Nuttalochiton hyadesi, where the gonads are in a similar position, but are paired.
Into the pharyngeal cavity open salivary glands and radular sac. The former are paired and ventral, and open on a subradular prominence.
Other series of modifications arise in which the tissues corresponding to the stroma invest the sporogenous hyphal ends, and thus enclose the spores, asci, basidia, &c., in a cavity.
Another simple case is where the plane or slightly convex surface of the stroma rises at its margins and overgrows the sporogenous hyphal ends, so that the spores, asci, &c., come to lie in the depression of a cavity - e.g.
Any one of these soon comes to rest on a host-cell, and either pierces it and empties its contents into its cavity, where the further development occurs (Olpidium), or merely sends in delicate protoplasmic filaments (Rhizophydium) or a short hyphal tube of, at most, two or three cells, which acts as a haustorium, the further development taking place outside the cell-wall of the host (Chytridium).
The natural steps first of making it intentionally by putting such stones into his fire, and next of improving his fire by putting it and these stones into a cavity on the weather side of some bank with an opening towards the prevalent wind, would give a simple forge, differing only in size, in lacking forced blast, and in details of construction, from the Catalan forges and bloomaries of to-day.
This ebb continues, and, combined with the progressive narrowing of the molten lake as more and more of it solidifies and joins the shore layers, gives rise to the pipe, a cavity like an inverted pear, as shown at C in fig.
Of special interest was a huge bee-hive cavity under the southern porch into which the substructures of the palace had been sunk.
This cavity was filled with rubbish, sherds, &c., the latest of which was found to date as far back as the beginning of the Middle Minoan age, and the later work of 1908 only proved (by means of a small shaft sunk through the debris) that the rock floor was 52 ft.
It is practically certain, however, that the cavity must date from an Early Minoan period prior to that of the great palace.
The members of the typical genus have the lower jaw so articulated to the upper, by means of a transverse condyle firmly locked into a long cavity of the cranium, that dislocation of the jaw is all but impossible, and this enables those creatures to maintain their hold with the utmost tenacity.
Polygordius differs from Protodrilus and Saccocirrus in the absence of a distinct suboesophageal muscular pouch, and in the absence of a peculiar closed cavity in the head region, which is especially well developed in Saccocirrus, and probably represents the specialized coelom of the first segment.
Certain flat oval nodules from a decomposed lava (augite-andesite) in Uruguay present a cavity lined with quartz crystals and enclosing liquid (a weak saline solution), with a movable air-bubble, whence they are called "enhydros" or water-stones.
The tongue is flat and thick, attached by its whole under surface; its hinder margin is raised into a transverse fold, which, by meeting a similar fold from the palate, can shut off the mouth completely from the wide cavity of the throat.
Dorsally the posterior nares open into this cavity.
The salt has been dissolved out of its original matrix, and the cavity so formed has then been filled with fine clayey or other mineral matter, forming a cubic cast.
The zygospore becomes surrounded with its own wall, consisting finally of three layers, the outer of which is furnished with spicular prominences of various forms. In Zygnemaceae there is no dissolution of the filaments, but the whole contents of one cell pass over by means of a conjugation-tube into the cavity of a cell of a neighbouring filament, where the zygospore is formed by the fusion of the two FIG.
The oogonia arise on a stalk cell from the lining layer of the cavity, the contents dividing to form eight oospheres as in Fucus, four as in Ascophyllum, two as in Pelvetia, or one only as in Halidrys.
The antheridia, which arise in the conceptacular cavity as special cells of branched filaments, are similarly discharged whole, the antherozoids only escaping when the antheridia are clear of the conceptacle.
Both first and second compartments are remarkable for the presence of a number of pouches or cells in their walls, with muscular partitions, and a sphincter-like arrangement of their orifices, by which they can be shut off from the rest of the cavity, and into which the fluid portion only of the contents of the stomach is allowed to enter.
With increased skill in large castings, and the discovery of the use of cores, by which the fluid bronze was poured into a mere skin-like cavity, hammered or repousse work was only used in the case of small objects in which lightness was desirable, or for the precious metals in order to avoid large expenditure of metal.
Each seed is contained in a separate cavity by the folding inwards of thewalls of the legume at equal intervals; the legume, when ripe,separates transversely into single-seeded portions.
The back of the body is occupied by a crest, called the dorsal fin, consisting of a hollow ridge, the cavity of which is divided into about 250 compartments or fin chambers, into each of which, with the exception of those near the anterior and posterior end of the body, projects a stout pillar composed of characteristic laminar tissue, the fin ray.
The atrium or atrial chamber is a peripharyngeal cavity of secondary origin effecting the enclosure of the gill-clefts, which in the larva opened directly to the exterior.
The atrium is thus analogous to the opercular cavity of fishes and tadpoles, and, as stated above, remains in communication with the exterior by means of the atriopore.
The pharynx projects freely into the atrium; it is surrounded at the sides and below by the continuous atrial cavity, but dorsally it is held in position in two ways.
Now this ligament is inserted into the primary bars some distance below the upper limits of the gill-clefts, and it therefore follows that, corresponding with each tongue-bar, the atrial cavity is produced upward beyond the insertion of the ligament into a series of bags or pockets, which may be called the atrial pouches.
Although within the atrial cavity, it is separated from the latter by a narrow coelomic space, bounded towards the atrium by coelomic and atrial epithelium.
Then follows the phenomenon of gastrulation, by which onehalf of the blastula is invaginated into the other, so as to obliterate the segmentation cavity.
The embryo now consists of two layers of cells, epiblast and hypoblast, surrounding a cavity, the archenteron, which opens to the exterior by the orifice of invagination or blastopore.
The first of these differs in several respects from those which succeed, and has been called the collar cavity (MacBride).
In front of the latter there remains a portion of the archenteron, which becomes constricted off as the head cavity.
This becomes divided into two, the right half forming the cavity of the rostrum, while the left acquires an opening to the exterior, and forms the praeoral pit of the larva, which subsequently gives rise to special ciliated tracts in the vestibule of the mouth mentioned above.
The pitch of a vowel for a singer depends on the resonance of the mouth which the singer has formed using the cavity of their mouth while they are singing.
After escaping from the genital aperture they find their way into the infra-branchial part of the mantle cavity of the parent, probably by passing through the suprabranchial chamber to the posterior extremity of the gills, and then being conducted by the inhalent current caused by the cilia of the gills into the infra-branchial chamber.
The embryos having then reached the condition of "trochospheres" escape from the mantle cavity and swim about freely near the surface of the water among the multitude of other creatures, larval and adult, which swarm there.
The slender stem is hollow, and, as generally in grasses, has well-marked joints or nodes, at which the cavity is closed by a strong diaphragm.
For imagine a small cavity to be formed in the interior of the mass and to be gradually expanded in such a shape that the walls consist almost entirely of two parallel planes.
Pfeiffer was the first to show that this occurred when the bacterium was injected into the peritoneal cavity of the animal immunized against it, and also when a little of the serum of such an animal was injected with the bacterium into the peritoneum of a fresh, i.e.
This single cavity and its lining serve apparently for all those functions (digestion, excretion, circulation and often reproduction) which in more complex organisms are distributed among various cavities of independent and often very diverse origin.
The Coelentera may thus be briefly defined as Metazoa which exhibit two embryonic cell-layers only, - the ectoderm and endoderm, - their body-cavities being referable to a single cavity or coelenteron in the endoderm.
The hollow is a cavity some 30 ft.
The gonads are formed in the endoderm (hence " Entocarpeae "), and the generative products are shed into the gastric cavity and pass to the exterior by way of the mouth.
On the floor of the stomach are borne the conspicuous gonads (ov), and also tentacle-like processes termed gastric filaments or phacellae, projecting into the cavity of the stomach.
L.o.c., Endoderm lamella (line of concrescence of the walls of the enteric cavity of the umbrella, whereby its single chamber is broken up into four pouches).
Enteric pouch of the umbrella, in the left-hand figure, points to the cavity uniting neighbouring pouches near the margin of the umbrella and giving origin to TCa, the tentacular canal.
The septal ostia become widened and the gastral cavity flattened, whereby the taeniolae become comparatively shallow columns, similar to the septal nodes or cathammata of other forms.'
The diagnostic features of the class Scyphozoa thus constituted are supposed to be (I) an ectodermal oesophagus or stomodaeum, (2) a gastric cavity subdivided by mesenteries, (3) gonads formed in the endoderm.
It is typically tripartite, consisting of three cup-shaped masses of pigment, the cavity of each cup being filled with columnar retinal cells.
The gonads, as in other Arthropoda, are hollow saccular organs, the cavity communicating with the efferent ducts.
The eggs are retained between the valves of the shell in some Phyllopoda and in the Cladocera and Ostracoda, and they lie in the mantle cavity in the Cirripedia.
The right and left margins of the mantle are united ventrally, leaving an anterior and posterior aperture to the mantle cavity.
The cavity within the head leads into a true buccal cavity situated within the body at the base of the foot.
The buccal cavity contains a sense-organ on the ventral side called the sub-radular organ.
In Leptaspis it is formed into a closed cavity by the union of its edges, and encloses the flower, the styles projecting through the pervious summit.
The oil contained in cells in this cavity, when refined, yields spermaceti, and the thick covering of blubber, which everywhere envelopes the body, produces the valuable sperm-oil of commerce.
The sporangial wall, consisting of several layers of cells, encloses a cavity containing numerous oval spores (pollen-grains).
Three small cells occur inside the cavity of the microspore; two of them collapse and the third divides into two, forming a stalk-cell and a larger body-cell.
During the growth of the cell which forms the megaspore the greater part of the nucellus is absorbed, except the apical portion, which persists as a cone above the megaspore; the partial disorganization of some of the cells in the centre of the nucellar cone forms an irregular cavity, which may be compared with the larger pollen-chamber of Ginkgo and the cycads.
The ideal radiator is realized within any closed cavity, the walls of which are maintained at a definite temperature.
Sperm-oil is obtained from the cavity in the head of the sperm-whale, and from several smaller receptacles throughout the body of the animal.
The mouth does not open directly into the general cavity of the body, as is the case in a hydrozoan polyp, but into a short tube called the stomodaeum, which in its turn opens below ` into the general body-cavity or coelenteron.
In Actinia, as in all Anthozoan zooids, the coelenteron is not a simple cavity, as in a Hydroid, but is divided by a number of radial folds or curtains of soft tissue into a corresponding number of radial chambers.
The corallites are connected at intervals by horizontal platforms containing solenia, and at the level of each platform the cavity of the corallite is divided by a transverse calcareous partition, either flat or cup-shaped, called a tabula.
Favosites hemisphaerica a number of radial spines, projecting into the cavity FIG.
The cavities both of the calices and coenenchymal tubes of Heliopora are closed below by horizontal partitions or tabulae, hence the genus was formerly included in the group Tabulata, and was supposed to belong to the madreporarian corals, both because of its lamellar skeleton, which resembles that of a Ma.drepore, and because each calicle has from twelve to fifteen radial partitions or septa projecting into its cavity.
When fully extended, the upper part of the zooid projects for some distance out of the calicle, and its wall is reflected for some distance over the lip of the latter, forming a fold of soft tissue extending to a greater or less distance over the theca, and containing in most cases a cavity continuous over the lip of the calicle with the coelenteron.
In the former case the young daughter zooid, with its corallum, arises wholly outside the cavity of the parent zooid, and the component parts of the young corallum, septa, theca, columella, &c., are formed anew in every individual produced.
Buds arise from the edge-zone which already communicate with the cavity of the zooid by the canals.
The eggs in this sheet are in a single layer, each in its own little cavity.
We may, with Sedgwick, suppose the coelom to have originated by the enlargement and separation of pouches that pressed outwards from the archenteron into the thickened body-wall (such structures as the genital pouches of some Coelentera, not yet shut off from the rest of the cavity), and they would probably have been four in number and radially disposed about the central cavity.
Since this must have, on our theory, enclosed the parietal canal from the anterior coelom, it is possible that the genital products were developed from the lining cells of that cavity, and that the genital pore was nothing but its original pore not yet united with that from the water-sac. The concrescence of these pores can be traced in other cystids; but as the genital organs became affected by radial symmetry the original function of the duct was lost, and the reproductive elements escaped to the exterior in another way.
Although the present article does not discuss mammalian osteology in general (for which see Vertebrata), it is interesting to notice in this connexion that the primitive condition of the mammalian tympanum apparently consisted merely of a small and incomplete bony ring, with, at most, an imperfect ventral wall to the tympanic cavity, and that a close approximation to this original condition still persists in the monotremes, especially Ornithorhynchus.
The tapetum is derived from the layer of cells surrounding the sporogenous group. Short trabeculae of sterile tissue have been found to project into the cavity of the sporangium of some species.
Nostoc colonies are constantly present in a special cavity of the dorsal lobe of the leaf in Azolla.
The praeseptal cavity is a vascular space, since it is in free communication with the dorsal vessel of the larva, and it persists in part as the two lophophoral vascular crescents of the adult.
Even if it be admitted that the postseptal space may be the metasomatic cavity, the praeseptal space can hardly be regarded as coelomic in nature, since it is in continuity with the vascular system; while Masterman's conclusion that the cavity of the praeoral hood (the supposed proboscis-cavity) is separated from that of the supposed collar has received no confirmation.
The epistome of the adult Phoronis cannot well be the proboscis since its cavity is continuous with the lophophoral coelom, and because the praeoral hood of Actinotrocha is entirely lost at the metamorphosis.
Each consists in essence of a tightly stretched membrane or drum which is thrown into a state of rapid vibration by a powerful muscle attached to its inner surface and passing thence downwards to the floor of the thoracic cavity.
In front of the brain cavity, the great tubular nasal cavities are provided with well-developed turbinal bones, and are roofed over by large nasals, broad behind, and ending in front in a narrow decurved point.
This embraces the base of the epiglottis, and, except while swallowing food, shuts off all communication between the cavity of the mouth and the pharynx, respiration being, under ordinary circumstances, exclusively through the nostrils.
Within the buccal cavity are the two jaws.
The buccal cavity, as explained above, is a secondary formation around the true mouth, which is at its dursal posterior end.
As in all Arthropoda, the perivisceral cavity is a haemocoele, i.e.
The ovaries always contain spermatozoa, some of which project through the ovarian wall into the body cavity.
Spermatozoa are not found in the uterus and oviducts, and it appears probable, as we have said, that they reach the ovary directly by boring through the skin and traversing the body cavity.
Body cavity is continuous with the vascular system, and does not communicate with the paired nephridia.
Sometimes the anther has a single cavity, and becomes unilocular, or monothecal, or dimidiate, either by the disappearance of the partition between the two lobes, or by the abortion of one of its lobes, as in Styphelia laeta and Althaea officinalis (hollyhock).
These mother-cells are either separated from one another and float in the granular fluid which fills up the cavity of the pollen-sac, or are not so isolated.
In many cases internal casts have been formed, some large cavity, such as a fistular pith, having become filled with mineral substance, which has taken the impress of the surrounding structures, such as the wood.
In cases of doubt, evidence may be obtained from traces of organic structure, from the presence of carbonaceous matter, or, as Zeiller has pointed out, by the remains of animals such as Bryozoa being attached to the cast, showing that it represents a solid body and not a mere cavity or furrow.
The tubes have their cavity dilated at intervals, and Penhallow has therefore compared them with the trumpet-hyphae of Laminariaceae, but no transverse septa are anywhere visible.
The curious, transversely-ribbed fossils known as Sternbergia or Artisia have proved to be casts of the medullary cavity of Cordaiteae; their true nature was first demonstrated by Williamson in 1850.
Lower part of canal, enlarged; o, cavity of canal, surrounded by a sheath of cells, dilated towards the bottom of canal, in which a large pollen-grain is caught; ex, exterior of pollengrain; in, internal group of prothallial or antheridial cells.
The loop and mirror move in a cavity full of oil to render the system dead-beat.
The allied Argentine Onohippidium, which is also Pleistocene, has still longer nasal bones and slits, and a deep double cavity in front of the orbit, part of which probably contained a gland.
The scene in the next room – an open cavity filled with rusted equipment – baffled her.
Care is taken not to enter the peritoneal cavity by keeping in a plane just deep to the linea alba.
Take care not to rotate the root apex into the nasal cavity.
This pale green apophyllite, 15 mm in length, on fibrous mesolite, is from this cavity.
The U2 has an argon filled cavity with copper sulfate water absorbing capsule.
Arrange peach halves cavity side down and sprinkle brown sugar over.
The studies on marginal leakage were the first indications that secondary caries was not always caused by incomplete cavity preparation.
The potential for minimal enamel removal rendering a cavity cleanable is probably greatest in smooth surface caries.
Obesity In people who are overweight, the fat in their abdominal cavity exerts more pressure on the stomach.
Bleeding into the uterine cavity, the uterine wall or the abdomen may conceal the extent of the blood loss.
Blood from the thoracic cavity may be used, provided the same precautions are taken.
You will actually see the fry eyes through the buccal cavity.
Recently, packing the abscess cavity with calcium hydroxide has been recommended.
Here the batten cavity should be ventilated (see fig 1 ).
Device for pouring melted vinamold steadily into the mold cavity.
How it is done X-rays are taken to establish the length of the pulp cavity.
Expansion of the extra-embryonic coelom cavity allows the yolk sac and allantois to expand into the coelom cavity allows the yolk sac and allantois to expand into the coelom cavity from the gut of the embryo.
The tortoise also lacks a muscular diaphragm, having only a thin membrane to separate the lungs from the rest of the body cavity.
The new cavity configuration allowed tuning of the laser continuously over 25 nm of the erbium gain bandwidth by using a bulk diffraction grating.
Nests are frequently located in loft spaces, cavity walls, flower beds, garden sheds, rockeries and roof eaves.
All properties have gas fired central heating, cavity wall insulation and uPVC windows to give a high level of thermal efficiency.
The very recent progress in fabrication of high-Q polymer microcavities doped by semiconductor QDs actually initiates cavity quantum electrodynamics.
The Schumann Resonance's are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity.
It has a cavity in the middle which is lined with tissue called the endometrium.
The diagnosis of an abnormal uterine cavity included a thickened endometrium, and/or a endometrial mass, and/or a submucosal mass.
A water-soluble contrast enema showed contrast leaking into the abscess cavity.
An intact eschar may require significantly different treatment to a wet, sloughy cavity.
In normal ferritin, a rigid protein shell surrounds an 8 nm diameter cavity, part-filled with non-magnetic ferrihydrite.
Large submucosal uterine fibroids may increase the size of the uterus ' cavity.
For example, your dentist may not recommend a tooth-coloured filling for a large cavity or for the chewing surface of a back tooth.
Rarely worms invade the abdominal cavity, causing granulomas of the liver, ovary, kidney, spleen, and lung.
Before this was effected the whole fill in and the cavity rendered inaccessible.
Loft or cavity wall insulation does not contain asbestos.
The present project has sought to examine polarization properties of both edge-emitting and vertical cavity surface emitting lasers.
She shines in the cavity of the red lotus like a chain of brilliant handmade children's lanterns.
The cavity magnetron was created to generate such waves.
We came to the conclusion that in diagnosing patients with abnormal uterine cavity, MR imaging may help differentiate malignant from benign disorders.
In the image below, the dark ruler is showing the dura mater still adhering to the inside of the cranial cavity.
One wonders whether his brain is bigger than the cavity in his second left upper molar.
The reflection nebulosity traces the cavity evacuated by the wind or jet driving each outflow.
Filling the central cavity is a yellowish aromatic pulp, surrounding numerous hard black seeds attached to small peg-like outgrowths on the fruit wall.
He will be investigating the optical properties of aerosol particles by cavity ringdown spectroscopy.
The nasal cavity is the air passageway through which air passes to the throat during breathing.
The inner leaf of a cavity wall should not be relied upon to resist water penetration.
This may be because of the problems with possible damp penetration from a horizontal barrier in the cavity wall.
Both had perforated at the site forming an abscess cavity.
The parietal peritoneum over the bladder should be removed to allow the small bowel ultimately to fall into the pelvic cavity.
The buccal cavity can be isolated by the short soft palate which produces an extremely tight occlusion across the nasal pharynx.
In mammals, it is located in the anterior part of the visceral cavity, just posterior to the diaphragm.
We are applying these methods to study ultrashort pulse propagation within the cavity of semiconductor lasers.
The deeply grooved surface formed by the highly blazed grating provides a novel route to finding deep cavity resonances with thin structures.
Impedance transformation and matching, microwave networks, cavity resonators, antennas and propagation are also covered.
A poisoned rodent may well die in your building, under floorboards or in a wall cavity.
Cyst A cyst is a fluid-filled sac or cavity in the body.
A working oral cavity vapor sampling device incorporating disposable sensors.
The solar wind is thus slowed and deflected around this cavity at the bow shock.
The majority of these lesions arise in the oral cavity or paranasal sinuses.
Use to stuff the body cavity of the goose, securing with thread or a small skewer.
A simple sponge is a bag of cells surrounding a cavity, supported by microscopic spicules.
Lower canines cross the floor of the oral cavity, from buccal to medial, with the apex located at the caudal mandibular symphysis.
There is also flow of contrast into the posterior urethra up into bladder cavity.
Indeed surgically creating adhesions between adjacent viscera is an excellent technique to prevent leakage into the abdominal cavity from defects.
Double glazed with built in shutters and cavity wall insulation.
Fungating malignant wounds often become cavity wounds, due to extensive tissue destruction (Figure 6 ).
In Cephalodiscus the coenoecium is more massive, and may contain a continuous irregular cavity in which the zooids live (Demiothecia), or may be secreted in such a way that each zooid has its own independent tube (Idiothecia, Orthoecus).
From the Phascolomyidae, the two families, which may be collectively designated Phalangeroidea, differ by the circumstance that in the skull the tympanic process of the alisphenoid covers the tympanic cavity and reaches the paroccipital process.
Grassi and Noe think that if the cavity of the labium be full of the larval nematodes this bending will burst the tissue, and through the rent the larvae will escape and make their way into the body of the host.
The inner membrane is continuous with the wall of the hollow thread at a spot immediately below the aperture in the outer wall, so that the thread itself (f) is simply a hollow prolongation of the wall of the inner capsule inverted and pushed into its cavity.
The pit has its opening turned towards the sub-umbral cavity, while it base or fundus forms a bulge, more or less pronounced, on the ex-umbral side of the velum.
As has been shown above, the closing up of the sub-umbral cavity is one of the earliest degenerative changes in the evolution of the gonophore, and we may regard it as the umbrellar fold taking on a protective function, either temporarily for the bud or permanently for the gonophore.
It consists of a hollow tube, or tubes, of which the wall is made up of the two body-layers, ectoderm and endoderm, and the cavity is a continuation of the digestive cavities of the nutritive and other appendages, i.e.
Their transverse dorsal connexion is the posterior commissure; otherwise the whole roof portion of the midbrain is reduced to a thin membrane, continuous with that which covers the Sylvian aqueduct, and this ventricle sends a lateral cavity into each optic lobe, as is the case in reptiles.
The secretions of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and a pair of naso-lacrymal glands (not to be confounded with the Harderian and the lacrymal glands), moisten and clean the chamber.
The aperture, which was formerly supposed to be an aquiferous pore, leads into an extensive and often ramified cavity surrounded by glandular tubules.
No ctenidium, pallial cavity transformed into a lung; aperture of shell circular; terrestrial.
In the most primitive condition the genital duct is single throughout its length and has a single external aperture; it is therefore said to be monaulic. The hermaphrodite aperture is on the right side near the opening of the pallial cavity, and a ciliated groove conducts the spermatozoa to the penis, which is situated more anteriorly.
The larva is also armed anteriorly with a median piercing probe and a pair of sharp hooks by means of which it perforates the walls of the alimentary tract and makes its way into the body cavity, lungs or liver.
Its members are quite devoid of any mouth or alimentary canal, but have a well-developed body cavity into which the eggs are dehisced and which communicates with the exterior by From Cambridge Natural History, vol.
According to the theory above the stability is regained when the length is more than three diameters, so that a modern projectile with a cavity more than three diameters long should fly steadily when filled with water; while the old-fashioned type, not so elongated, would be highly unsteady; and for the same reason the gas bags of a dirigible balloon should be over rather than under three diameters long.
If the fork be mounted on a resonance box or held in front of a cavity resounding to the fundamental and not to the first overtone, the fundamental is brought out in great purity.
The phenomena of beats may be easily observed with two organpipes put slightly out of tune by placing the hand near the open end of one of them, with two musical strings on a resonant chest, or with two tuning-forks of the same pitch mounted on their resonance boxes, or held over a resonant cavity (such as a glass jar), one of the forks being put out of tune by loading one prong with a small lump of beeswax.
The core of the electromagnet is worked at a point far below magnetic saturation (see Magnetism); hence the field is nearly proportional to the square of the current, and the resistance offered to the rotating mercury by the friction against the sides of the cavity is nearly proportional to the square of the speed.
In the anthopolyp, on the other hand, the digestive cavity is always subdivided by so-called mesenteries, in-growths of the endoderm containing vertical lamellae of mesogloea (see Anthozoa).
The body cavity (archicoele) contains a fluid in which very minute corpuscles have been detected.
The lower half is the neck or cervix and is cylindrical; it projects into the anterior wall of the vagina, into the cavity of which it opens by the os uteri externum.
The weights in the dish must not be esteemed accurate while there is either a cumulus or a cavity in the water round the stem."
The heart and vascular system are similar to those of the Neomeniomorpha, the only important differences being that the ventricle is nearly free in the pericardial cavity, and that the latter is traversed by the retractor muscles of the gills.
Calcite crystals, drusy, feathery or fern-like, line the sides and bottom of every water-filled cavity, and indeed constitute the sub stance of which they are made.
He may also be said to be the founder of the fixed-pitch theory of vowel tones, according to which it is asserted that the pitch of a vowel depends on the resonance of the mouth, according to the form of the cavity while singing it, and this independently of the pitch of the note on which the vowel is sung.
Taking as a starting-point the wide archenteric cavity which the medusa inherits primitively from the antecedent actinula-stage (see article Medusa), we find, in such a form as Tessera, four interradial areas of concrescence between the exumbral and subumbral layers of endoderm, four so-called septal nodes or " cathammata," subdividing the stomach into four wide, radially situated pouches which communicate with each other beyond the septal nodes by wide apertures constituting what is termed by courtesy a ring-canal.
It has, moreover, been shown (see especially Goodrich, 5) that shortly before its metamorphosis, Actinotrocha develops a coelomic space which lies immediately in front of the oblique septum, and gives rise later to the cavity of the lophophore and tentacles.
A deep pulp cavity in the upper third of the tusk restricts the working of the ivory around the hollow cavity to shallow carving.
A definition of Q is " Energy stored in the cavity divided by energy dissipated per radian of oscillation ".
If the space charge region is placed into a resonant cavity which is appropriately tuned, very high peak powers may be achieved.
Fate of genetically modified maize DNA in the oral cavity and rumen of sheep.
They can move rapidly through the water by jet propulsion, squirting water out of the large body cavity.
The larva always feeds singly on the pith in the cavity of a teasel seedhead.
These are specific formulations for cavity and underbody protection respectively, not just different colors.
Featuring a hidden undercut cavity, these irons give superb feel, control and forgiveness all the way through the set.
Kathy saw all the blood pooled in his chest cavity and ran to get a vac tube for a sample.
A possible solution to your problem might be to create a ventilated cavity on the inner face of a wall.
The tumor mass is growing from the retina (arrow) into the vitreous cavity.
The insulation measures include loft and cavity wall insulation, draughtproofing, insulation for cold-water tanks and pipe work and hot water cylinder jackets.
Fungating malignant wounds often become cavity wounds, due to extensive tissue destruction (Figure 6).
They are available as flat, with or without adhesive borders or as cavity wound dressings.
As Animal Planet explains, the rigid structure of their voice box and the smaller chest cavity limits the domestic cat's range, but not its ability to use sounds for communication.
The tenon is shaped so that it fits into a matching rectangular cavity called a mortise.
The cavity is then covered by a peg for a finished appearance.
Take the giblets, neck, and anything else found inside the cavity of the turkey out of the turkey and either discard it, save it for soup, or prepare it.
Make sure you reach deep inside the cavity and take out everything.
The stomach cavity, for instance, is a nice place to store the lime green chunky Jell-o or perhaps a bowl of white chocolate worms in a belly full of Oreo cookie crumbs.