Caution Sentence Examples
Once again, I'll exercise caution and not lead anyone to my secret place.
As the couple climbed to higher elevations, more caution was necessary as icy patches became more frequent.
Jennifer asked, caution written on her words.
The dark interior set off caution bells again.
While they had made no effort to be quiet, they now moved forward with caution, pausing every few steps to listen.
She is the patroness and protectress of those heroes who are distinguished for their prudence and caution, and in the Trojan War she sides with the more civilized Greeks.
Advancing with extreme caution, he occupied Buda on the 12th of September, but speedily returned to his own dominions, carrying off with him 105,000 captives, and an amount of spoil which filled the bazaars of the East for months to come.
On British railways the duty of the companies to provide all practicable safeguards and to educate and caution the servants may be said to have been faithfully performed, and the accident totals must be taken as being somewhat near the " irreducible minimum" - unless some of the infirmities of the human mind can be cured.
His caution to her about the sharks hadn't discouraged her, though, as he had intended.
He accepted it with equal caution.
AdvertisementCynthia looked as if she considered joining him but caution prevailed.
Cynthia reluctantly agreed and after the now-customary caution to be careful, Dean rose to leave.
He worded his response with caution.
The steep and narrow road was far too dangerous for anything but slow caution.
Children with other medical conditions should be given vaccines with caution.
AdvertisementDarian proceeded without apparent caution while Xander's sensitive gaze took in their surroundings.
Because of this sedating effect, however, you should exercise caution when under the influence of kava kava root.
It was Dean's turn to give his wife a look of caution.
Brady's caution and Mr. Tim's words returned to her as her thoughts cleared with the exercise.
Count di Robilant, anxious that Italy should not seem to beg a smile from the central Powers, advised Mancini to receive with caution the suggestions of the Austrian press.
AdvertisementFully aware of the danger, he pays his addresses with extreme caution, frequently waiting for hours in her vicinity before venturing to come to close quarters.
It may be urged in his favour that the general circumstances of the time, where they did not produce reckless and foolhardy daring, almost necessarily produced a somewhat excessive caution.
His lack of discretion soon justified this caution.
He was inferior in caution and enry self-control to his grandfather Henry I., though he resembled him in his love of strong and systematic governance.
Caution said this was a dangerous place to be and she should get out.
AdvertisementThe bomb was approached with caution.
Methotrexate should be used with caution in patients taking drugs known to have antifolate potential including nitrous oxide and trimethoprim.
Use caution when bringing berries into your home, however, as some may be poisonous.
While the first time you browse the themes will be shown randomly, there are other ways to sort by category, as shown in the picture below, such as all ages, basic guidance, caution, discretion required, and explicit.
However you should use caution if you plan to use them in an online auction.
Mr Whiteley, who is deputy chief constable of Northamptonshire police said senior officers were urging caution over how the powers are used.
Caution involves a secondary obligation on the cautioner that is coextensive with the primary obligation of the principal debtor.
However it is a potent respiratory depressant and should be used with caution, starting with low doses of 50mg twice a day.
As NSAIDs can interfere with platelet function, they should be used with caution in patients with intracranial hemorrhage and bleeding diathesis.
The system will always err on the side of caution.
Caution was taken whenever this test gave flickering flames; generally, no progress was made beyond a no flame result.
Under caution Harding denied any involvement with illegal cockle gathering.
Caution is advised in its use in other small herbivores.
Much caution was displayed in guiding the dhow through these, for the channel was narrow, and darkness rendered its position almost indiscernible.
We tend to err on the side of caution to protect the integrity of the system.
It is prudent to take linseed with caution in light of this data.
There are vivid accounts of harsh sentences meted out for crimes that today would warrant no more than a caution.
The forum also heard the CBD's own scientific advisors advocate caution, and African NGOs slam the move to overturn the moratorium.
Glaucoma Because sibutramine can cause mydriasis, it should be used with caution in patients with narrow angle glaucoma.
Caution Deleting one occurrence of a repeating event deletes all occurrences.
Caution If the first operand of the || operator evaluates to true, the second operand of the || operator evaluates to true, the second operand will not be evaluated.
Caution should be used when adding ViraferonPeg and ribavirin to HAART therapy (see ribavirin SPC ).
Cast caution aside with the fisher king of San Diego For most people, fly fishing conjures images of tranquil riverbanks and tweeds.
After a caution a player is temporarily suspended from the match for a period of ten minutes.
Other aircraft should use the taxiways with extreme caution due to the reduced obstacle clearance.
As you known, this is a rather technical topic that requires both expertise and caution.
Most of my work on changing time zones is based on a single event, so treat with caution.
Brian Ashford Russell of Polar Capital Technology Trust is relatively optimistic, but his optimism is also tinged with caution.
Some U.S. officials also caution that Iraqi weaponeers could have competing motives for what they say.
We strongly caution against anyone against being over zealous in these matters.
According to Isocrates, whose panegyric must however be read with caution, Evagoras was a model ruler, whose aim was to promote the welfare of his state and of his subjects by the cultivation of Greek refinement and civilization, which had been almost obliterated in Salamis by a long period of barbarian rule.
This has not been carried out with sufficient caution.
Feuillet de Conches must be used with caution (see the bibliographical note to the article Marie Antoinette).
For the rest, he can only, with the utmost caution, adopt the suggestions of other minds as qualifications of old doctrines, never feeling quite sure that he is right in doing so.
For the early period, on the other hand, he only proves how rapidly the tradition had degenerated since Herodotus; and here his narrations can only be utilized in isolated cases, and that with the greatest caution.
In conformity with the principle of English law that a person ought not to be made to incriminate himself, it is usual, when a person in custody wishes to make a statement or confession, to caution him that what he says will be used in evidence against him.
In divorce law, the confession of a wife charged with adultery is always treated with circumspection and caution, for fear of collusion between the parties to a suit.
The most cynical man of the world, he says, with whatever " sullen incredulity " he may repudiate virtue as a hollow pretence, cannot really refuse his approbation to " discretion, caution, enterprise, industry, frugality, economy, good sense, prudence, discernment "; nor again, to " temperance, sobriety, patience, perseverance, considerateness, secrecy, order, insinuation, address, presence of mind, quickness of conception, facility of expression."
So he moved the cars slowly and with caution.
The serological tests to detect rabies in domestic dogs required care and caution over interpretation of the results.
He refused to accept a police caution in relation to the offenses.
Thames Valley police has pioneered the restorative caution, with plans to extend it nationwide.
Caution should be used when adding ViraferonPeg and ribavirin to HAART therapy (see ribavirin SPC).
Not being familiar with the roads I was erring on the side of caution, not knowing where all the sharp bends were.
Cutting out damaged or spalled bricks should be undertaken with great caution to prevent damage to surrounding sound bricks.
However, all such contacts need to be treated with caution.
Hiking along " dry " stream beds should be undertaken with caution, especially after or during rain.
The natural skeptic in me veered on the side of caution.
A word of caution may be helpful when you begin your investigating.
Particular caution is advised in severe asthma, as this effect may be potentiated by concomitant treatment with xanthine derivatives, steroids and diuretics.
Travel with caution when going somewhere with a capricious climate.
Take caution, or he might beguile you back into that harmful relationship.
Many parents watch their infant's development with close caution and awe.
One word of caution - be certain that you have the correct spelling of the baby's name.
Use caution when buying a used car seat.
Remember however to always use caution with any items that you buy!
You should also use caution when burning candles.
While it is great to make new friends and meet new people, searching the Web or meeting others face-to-face requires common sense and caution.
If you are going on a date for the first time with someone you've met in your area, you still need to use caution unless this person is well-known by friends and/or family.
In this case, it's best to err on the side of caution when choosing a name for your new bundle of joy.
Optometrists often caution against prolonged computer usage because of the eye strain and damage it could do to developing eyes.
Finally, remember to use caution when adding any new foods to your toddler's diet.
Age appropriateness - Just because a toddler has progressed past the point of putting everything in his mouth--which he probably did as a baby--doesn't mean that you should throw caution to the wind.
If you are a contact lens wearer, you should proceed with extreme caution when putting on eyeshadow and eyeliner.
Caution - Before your wax treatment begins, make sure that the clinician attending to you has let the wax cool down a bit.
Use caution buying a used car seat at garage sale or in thrift stores and look for this expiration date.
The temptation to "load up" on potato chips and toilet paper can be extreme because of the price, but use caution by reading on.
When posting your needs and picking up the items later, please remember to use caution and don't give out too much personal information.
You must use caution when using your dry ice.
Just be sure to exercise caution when handling and storing it as it can be damaging to skin and some surfaces (such as countertops) with prolonged exposure.
No matter where you order your silver from, you should use caution when making large financial transactions.
Therefore, buyers must proceed with caution and carefully balance price versus quality when making this major investment.
Many vets caution against making cat food because of the difficulty in getting the nutritional balance just right.
Other vets caution against a raw diet, expressing concern over any ground bone meal or lack of specific nutrients your cat might need.
A word of caution; do not use canine flea products on your cat because they can also be quite toxic to felines.
Caution young children to move slowly and speak softly so they don't scare the new pet.
As with any aspect of cat health and health problems, you should use caution before treating your pet and promptly seek the advice of a veterinarian.
Use caution when handling any medications, and take care to avoid your cat's eyes or mouth.
This is a very strong drink, so proceed with caution!
Most financial planners caution against borrowing from your retirement account.
Use caution when making online payments via shared computers or over unsecured Wi-Fi connections.
The Internet is a great resource for buying prepaid gasoline cards, but you must use caution.
Remember to use caution when giving out your card number online to an unknown website.
If the email that appears to be a scam is from someone claiming to have sweepstakes winnings for you, or an inheritance or some other financial windfall you weren't expecting, use extreme caution.
Some people make the claim that no lender can be "Christian" since there are verses in the Bible that caution against debt in general.
No matter which card you select, use it with caution.
Experts do advise a modicum of caution and typically counsel both parties to ask for a hold on proceedings rather than an actual withdrawal.
If chair problems go beyond cracked casters or stained upholstery, proceed with caution.
They are a staple of emergency lighting (done with caution and protection), regularly used in many different kinds of religious ceremonies, and of course, where would we be without candle lit dinners?
Milk thistle side effects do exist for some, and as with most herbs, milk thistle should be used with caution and with the advice of your doctor.
Many berry bushes sport thorns so caution is needed when picking the fruit.
If you're considering taking black cohosh, use common sense and caution.
Herbal remedies are usually available over-the-counter and can be a good option for mild or transient depression, but must be approached with a certain degree of caution.
This herb is generally associated with feelings of well-being and relaxation similar to the effect of an alcoholic drink, but should only be taken with extreme caution.
Scientists and researchers caution that one study is not enough from which to draw conclusion.
St. John's Wort has been known to cause sensitivity to sunlight in animals, and while it is unknown if humans have the same reaction, it's best to use caution when spending extended periods in the sun if using St. John's Wort.
Natural herbal treatments offer benefits and effects that are time-tested and have been used for centuries; however, like any treatment program, herbs should be used with caution.
The herb should be used with caution if you are using a progesterone cream.
Working with metal can be dangerous due to sharp edges and shards, so use caution when starting this type of DIY project.
However, if your home is decorated in a more traditional style, proceed with caution - this kind of tree could easily look out of place.
Sleep experts caution against watching television, reading or using a laptop in bed as these activities prohibit deep sleep patterns necessary for a restful night.
Any agency that asks you for "service fees", "contract deposits", or anything else that sounds suspicious should be treated with the utmost caution.
Though pigment allergies are extremely rare, it is important to exercise caution.
As a word of caution though, try to do this sparingly.
Remember to exert caution with any type of remover; you don't want to deal with irritated, stinging eyes.
Proceed with caution prior to buying a free sample.
Women with small eyes should also heed caution when applying eyeliner.
With such a vibrant hair color, redheads can throw caution to the wind and dapple in some of the boldest of reds and the deepest of brown hues without taking away from their unique and fiery locks.
You should exercise extra caution and read descriptions, terms and conditions carefully before buying any used product.
With a little research and caution, you'll have nothing to worry about and can enjoy your newfound banking strategies.
One word of caution - if you come across a site offering scans of books, read the site's "About" page to make sure they have the right to do so, and aren't illegally sharing copyrighted material.
Use caution when responding to emails and messages from other MySpace members.
With so much free information available online, you should use caution before parting with your hard-earned money.
The only disadvantage is that caution must be taken to prevent enamelware from chipping.
It should be saved for those who are experienced skiers and should only be attempted with caution.
If a link redirects you to another website for the download, proceed with caution.
This does not necessarily mean that this will happen to your picture; it is just a word of caution.
One quick note of caution; once you do get your numbers, let's say 24-22-28, or 36-34-36, you'll want to carefully look at the size chart and check whether you should be shopping in the petites or tall section.
It is always best to err on the side of caution.
This caution should be extended to persons diagnosed with any inflammatory bowel disease.
Again, you'll be working directly with the seller and buyers are warned to proceed with caution when making a purchase on the Buyer FAQ page.
Though some gift-buying guides will caution you to check the wedding registry to get a sense of their style and then give the go-ahead to buy, it is usually best to forgo all decorative items.
Even if your motivations are pure and you truly believe that an unusual gift is perfect for the couple, it is best to err on the side of caution and get a gift receipt whenever possible.
A word of caution though, when looking for the last remaining quilts by this popular designer.
Use edible paint to write "Caution" all around the cake.
It is also advisable to caution kids against clicking on outside links.Parents should also be aware that, although these sites are free, some offer paid upgrades.
In order to truly keep those private moments under wraps, the best word of caution is for celebs to not even make racy videos.
Use a bit of caution when searching and check out our list of resources for sites that feature celebs with a little more clothing intact.
Heath's accidental death serves as a caution to the hidden dangers of combining prescription medication, even at low dosage."
Neither will boys be terribly happy to have clothes that match those worn by their sisters, but here a parent will have to exercise caution.
However, you should use caution when dealing with for-profit agencies as they may not have your best educational interests in mind.
One note of caution is that it's never fair to assume how valuable an online program will be based on reputation alone.
With a little caution, a party cruise can create great memories and stories to share whenever you visit a bar, whether or not it is on a cruise ship.
I caution you to consider carefully before you create more dogs that may wind up in the same situation.
I do want to caution you that a number of essential oils and blends can be toxic if ingested, so always be sure to place your scented rocks where your pets cannot reach them.
It may instead be more helpful to look at which situations require extra caution.
Both the Insect Control and the 3 n 1 Disease Control carry the "Caution" label warnings; the lowest level language required.
While most spiders are harmless to vertebrates, there are a few that you would be wise to treat with caution.
Not only do you need to protect your skin from harsh insulation, but you need to use caution when adding insulation, whether in sections or loose.
This can be tricky, so use some caution the first few times you try it, and start in an inconspicuous area.
If you're purchasing it specifically for, say, a dinner party, you may want to err on the side of caution and find a dress vest that is stain-resistant.
Used with caution, manure remains a good option for an organic soil amendment.
Even though they are organic, these products need to be handled with the same caution as any other lawn chemical.
An important thing to remember when using organic products is to use the same caution you would with synthetic chemicals.
While there are many people who do believe that organic Essiac tea can be a healing remedy for cancer and other illnesses, many medical experts caution against forgoing other, more proven techniques, therapies, and medications.
It is always better to err on the side of caution, than to do nothing and allow someone to die.
Sometimes, you feel you should proceed with caution but are afraid that someone else will judge your behavior and think badly of you.
Use caution with any websites that ask for a fee before providing information.
It's always better to err on the side of caution when considering a gag gift.
If you keep your safety in mind and always use caution, this option is something for people of all ages to consider trying.
While there is the potential to meet the person of your dreams through a website, always proceed with common sense and caution when meeting potential partners for a first date.
Use caution when taking prescription or antihistamine-based pills, avoid alcohol and be aware of side effects.
Patients who have cardiovascular disease should exercise caution.
Use caution purchasing vintage glasses as well.
Take your pick, but proceed with caution.
Now that you know where you can go to find Oakleys that are on clearance, you still might want to exercise a bit of caution.
Do approach online purchases with caution in order to prevent the purchase of fake and counterfeit products.
Please remember to use caution when purchasing and wearing your contact lenses.
Great deals can be found through online auctions with proper caution.
While these can be good deal, buyers should exercise caution when looking for discounts through these types of sales.
Watch what you say to others and use caution when someone starts asking you too many specific questions about where you live and who you know in the area.
As such, you should proceed with extreme caution and at your own risk.
With this mind, even if you are interested in how to burn PS2 games, you should tread with extreme caution.
As always, proceed at your own risk and with extreme caution.
Gamers should exercise extreme caution with these cheats - it's well-known that such cheats can install viruses or spyware.
As always, exercise caution... be safe out there, kids!
But take caution, the majority of these website use these free giveaways to get your personal information.
As with any online transaction, you should exercise extreme caution as these video game sales don't usually come with a guarantee of any kind.
Wherever you place them be sure to use caution as they are flammable and can cause fires when not used properly.
It's very important to remember to exercise caution any time you use oil lamps.
Bathrooms include holding tanks for both blackwater and graywater (although not very large compared to your home's septic system, so use caution!) and source water tanks for the times you are not hooked up to a water supply at a campground.
Assuming that building a fire is allowed, exercise caution and follow the instructions provided by the owner of the land where you are camping regarding how and where to do so.
We can only tell you to proceed with caution.
Check this tutorial for further instructions, but proceed with caution of course.
Please exercise caution when checking out the various cell phone deals, as there may be some restrictions or strings attached.
These come at varying costs and at varying levels of quality, so proceed with caution as usual.
As always, when you are downloading programs and applications from third-party websites (like, you should exercise extreme caution.
This may void your warranty, so proceed with caution with these kinds of downloads for iPhone.
Without guidance, you may stumble into images that are not work-friendly, so use caution when you are not seeking your jeans theme in the privacy of your own home on your own computer.
Use caution when performing your theme search, however, as some images may not be work or school friendly.
As always, proceed with caution with unauthorized applications and any other cell phone modificatons.
Always use caution when handling one of these devices, as dropping them causes screen cracks and technical malfunctions.
Lumbar punctures should be performed only with extreme caution and only if the benefits are thought to outweigh the risks.
Specimens should be handled with caution to avoid contamination with skin flora.
Also, DTP vaccine should be used with caution in patients who are receiving anticoagulant therapy.
Stimulants should be used with caution in individuals with Tourette syndrome, since they can sometimes increase the frequency and severity of tics.
Researchers caution that smoking marijuana is dangerous, especially since there may be other harmful substances mixed in with the illegal drug.
Since fat is important for growth, experts also caution that fat intake should not be under 25 percent of daily calorie intake and that parents of children under age two should not restrict fat in their diets.
Parents should also exercise caution in arranging for or hiring babysitters and other caretakers.
Vitamin supplements should be used with caution as an overdose of vitamin B 6 is one of the causes of paresthesias.
Also, jellyfish tentacles may be transparent and up to 120 feet (36.5 m) long; therefore, great caution must be exercised whenever a jellyfish is sighted nearby.
Psychoactive drugs should only be considered as a last treatment alternative, and extra caution should be used when they are prescribed for children.
Parents also need to exercise caution in hiring babysitters and other caretakers.
Persons with impaired kidney function must exert extra caution.
It is necessary to use caution when performing infant massage in order not to injure the infant.
Experts caution, however, that a woman who works at home should not expect to simultaneously take care of her children.
It goes on to caution that extenuating factors could exist, such as immaturity, habitual, or psychological problems.
However, caution must be taken with people with a history of addictive behavior.
Children traveling internationally are at particular risk for rabies exposure because they may not exhibit caution in approaching animals.
Sudden changes in sodium and potassium levels can be just as dangerous as low levels; caution is used to restore balance gradually.
Mirtazapine (Remeron) must be used with caution in children with depression.
The concentrate is treated to kill most viruses, although caution should be used since not all types of viruses are destroyed.
Caution should be used when treating with these blood products since they are not treated to kill viruses.
For children who have a known allergy to the venom of honeybees, parents need to use caution (and consult with a physician) before using any honeybee products.
Acne treatments that can dry the skin should be used with caution by people with skin of color.
In addition, acne treatments that can dry the skin should be used with caution by people with skin of color.
These drugs should be used with caution in people with liver dysfunction.
Persons at extremely high risk (pregnant women, immunocompromised persons, etc.) must use extra caution.
In the DSM-IV-TR, the APA warns that a diagnosis of dependent personality disorder "should be used with great caution, if at all, in children and adolescents, for whom dependent behavior may be developmentally appropriate."
Some parents may be uncomfortable with their children being put on the Internet, so take caution and obtain proper permission before posting anything of anyone affiliated with your group on the Web.
While more modern genres of dance, such as hip-hop, are now widely accepted as part of the praise dance repertoire, a Christian dancer must exercise caution before throwing in any dance move she sees on TV or online.
Proceed with caution, but do find out if the person is interested in you too.
It's better to err on the side of caution than to overstate your thoughts and say something inappropriate.
Caution is urged because these data banks also contain such petty crimes as traffic violations, records that should have been expunged, and records for those whose cases were discharged and may have been found innocent.
Use caution in interviewing, and make sure these companies are legitimate before entering any contracts.
Use caution, and double check all information you find on the site with other sources for accuracy before believing it to be 100 percent true.
If you'd rather err on the side of caution, a 4" wide mohawk can be worn in both a flat, conservative fashion, or in a classic wicked spike.
Clamp the hair is a section no thicker than ¼" inch as close to the scalp as possible, using extreme caution to avoid scalp burns, With a steady hand, pull the iron down the shaft of the hair, and release when you reach the ends.
Clamp the hair is a section no thicker than ¼" inch as close to the scalp as possible, using extreme caution to avoid scalp burns.
Care for curly hair with caution and make sure you keep your locks as hydrated as possible for sexy spring up and shine, regardless of the season or style.
If you're not sure which shade of boxed color to use, always err on the side of caution and opt for the lighter hue, slightly lighter than your natural hair color.
Before you throw caution to the wind and opt for a bob, make sure you are prepared to style it.
If you're seeking flattering forty something women's hair styles, throw caution to the wind and opt for any of these longer or shorter styles for a look that proves beauty has no age limits.
Approach this style with caution because their is a fine line between chic tousled tresses and downright messes.
The Peace Corp is a great way to work in another country without completely throwing caution to the wind and moving there for good.
Switzerland isn't known for job scams like some countries are, but you should still exercise the same amount of caution when pursuing work there.
If you find that a company you're interested in (or one that's interested in you!) is legitimate, just be sure to use caution when giving out your personal information.
Any time you're looking for a job in another country, exercise additional caution.
Remember to exercise caution when exploring your opportunities; don't lose sight of the fact that any offers or opportunities that seem too good to be true might not be legitimate.
If you aren't sure that would be a good idea, you may want to err on the side of caution and say, "No."
It's always better to err on the side of caution when dressing for a job interview than to throw caution to the winds.
It's simply too big of a purchase to throw caution to the wind and rely on some inspection forms you find online.
For this reason, many financial experts caution against using equity loans unless necessary.
Like any other major financial obligation, a mortgage refinance should be approached with caution and only after extensive research has been done.
A broker can also help you determine a reasonable offer for the property but remember, it is in the broker's interests to get you to buy so use caution when following their advice.
They can share their experiences and caution you about the mistakes they might have made.
One word of caution when shopping, especially online--while the rule of thumb is to buy the same size clothes as you wore before you got pregnant, you may find this rule does not apply to you, especially if you are expecting multiples.
However, you should use caution if you decide to feed your baby and then pump to make sure your breasts are empty.
If you do borrow, take extra care of the clothes, follow the washing instructions with caution, and be sure to return all of the clothing shortly after delivery.
Any relevant changes to the baby's heart rate may caution your health provider to devise a new birth plan or prepare additional tests to ensure a safe and healthy birth.
Because there is little uniformity in massage therapists' certifications for acupressure, choose a professional with caution.
If your interests venture in on more of the exotic, proceed with extreme caution.
If you are wearing extensions, clip-ins or wigs to the pool or beach take caution that there is a strong possibility that they could come off in the water.
However, it is mostly see-through and even moreso when wet, so use caution.
You can find invisible suits here, but there's nudity as well, so enter with caution.
Although they are sleek and sophisticated, bandeau styles should be approached with caution.
No matter which look you choose, remember to wear these swimsuits with caution because these styles are sure to garner plenty of attention.
Use caution when choosing a mini tanga retailer.
A word of caution though; sometimes bulges can be created outside the bathing suit if you're not wearing the proper size, so be sure to try the suit on before you purchase it.
Thong bikinis are mainly the province of the the hardbody crowd, so wear with caution!
An important detail to keep in mind regarding this revealing swimsuit is that when they get wet, many are completely see-through, so proceed with caution.
Exercise caution when wearing this type of swimwear because your skin will not be safe from overexposure.
As always, exercise caution when you're going to be in the sun.
However, there are some reasons to use caution when pursuing a teen modeling career, especially when modeling small garments like swimwear.
If you have a large bust, this suit should be worn with caution.
Chlorinated water can cause leather color to bleed, so proceed with caution.
This also means that they add bulk to your figure, so if you have a large bust this style should be worn with caution to avoid looking larger.
Use caution with a hot-glue gun, as the glue can burn small fingers.
Exercise caution when buying pool toys sight unseen to ensure they are well-constructed, made with non-toxic materials and safe for the age group of children who will be playing with them.
Exercise caution when purchasing as there are many copycat items with similar names, so be sure you are buying a genuine Pillow Pet™.
Thus, those who are taking this kind of medication for a prolonged period of time would be well advised to err on the side of caution and take B12 supplements regularly to avoid any risk of deficiency.
Use caution and common sense when brewing your own batch of kombucha tea, and always consult a physician if you become ill, tired, or experience any adverse symptoms after drinking kombucha.
The right supplements offer better control over joint pain, but a word of caution is warranted.
Yet little information is available from impartial sources, with most of the buzz about this product created by those who are promoting it for sale to consumers, making it a product that should be approached with a bit of caution.
Exercise the same amount of caution when shopping for multiflora supplements as you would when shopping for any other type of vitamin or mineral supplement.
In cases of vitamin E supplementation, caution is always advised.
Vitamin E does a lot of good in the body; however, in the case of fat-soluble vitamins, caution is advised.
You may also take vitamin E orally; however, caution is advised.
Use caution with vitamins E and A, which are fat-soluble vitamins and can build up to toxic levels in the body.
Supplementation is also a good idea if you are concerned about your vitamin D levels.Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that can build up to toxic levels, so caution in dosing is suggested.
Always exercise caution when making candles of any kind.
You should always exercise extreme caution when creating oil candles.
You do, of course, have to exercise some caution, but for the average costume, buying online makes a lot of sense.
Sticks can make a variety of weapons, so long as caution is used during play.
No one goes through a screening process, so you should proceed with caution if you choose to participate at one of these dating web sites.
Take time to make sure you know what you're getting into with any dating website you consider joining, and use common sense and caution if you decide to become better acquainted with people you meet on the web.
Throw caution and adulthood to the wind.
Some of your personal information will be available on a web page, so exercising caution regarding how available you want to be on the World Wide Web is always a good idea.
Adult dating online requires the same caution that we, as adults, apply to other important transactions with people who may not have our best interests at heart.
Therefore, setting the caution meter on high is preferable when online dating.
Online chat rooms for sex are plentiful, but use caution when you interact and with what information you reveal.
At the very least, anyone interested in a fellow co-worker should practice extreme caution.
However, you should use caution in two areas.
While the use of self defense techniques can save you from a risky encounter, keep in mind that you must still use caution and restraint even in a fight for your life.
Use caution with these lines, unless you'd like to face sexual harassment charges.
A word or two of caution, negativity is a real turn off.
Use caution when opening this web site as well.
Finally, as in any situation, use caution when using dating Web sites.
Don't knock it till you try it, but do proceed with caution.
With that said, as in any relationship, you should always use caution.
Remember to use caution when accessing any website.
As with anything you do on the Net, looking for free gay sites requires a little caution and a lot of checking into the fine print.
It also has some legal implications, so proceed with caution before jumping to this step.
Use caution, however, in handing out personal information and making intimate online contacts.
Regardless of how much you know about body language, I caution you not to be overconfident in your knowledge as it applies to a specific person - especially someone you don't know well.
Use caution when making plans to meet someone who you only know through a free dating chat room, or any other Internet source.
Jealousy can be a powerful weapon in dating, however, use it with caution.
It's usually a good thing to do after you've had a few dates and talked for a while - you want to err on the side of caution.
Corny pick up lines are not usually the most romantic way to get someone interested in you, so it's best to use them with caution.
Caution is even more vital in your interactions with others who may share similar fetishes to your own.
Protect your heart, your identity, and your finances by exercising caution in all online interactions.
From such a point on, caution is left in the hands of the parties involved.
Take caution, though, a wide band infinity ring may overshadow a simpler engagement ring.
However, take caution not to by an overly extravagant gift because you should save those types for wedding presents.
Use caution when buying a blue diamond online or from a source you don't explicitly trust.
When shopping for engagement rings online, use caution.
One word of caution, Marylanders, don't work with only one client.
Keep in mind that it's important to exercise caution when responding to online job advertisements.
As with any information you find online about work from home opportunities, it's important to exercise caution when responding to any online earning opportunity postings.
The CSA maintains that, at this time, oats cannot be said to be a risk-free choice for the gluten intolerant, and should only be consumed with caution.
Oats are the subject of some controversy among doctors and dieticians when it comes to gluten-free food choices, but with careful shopping and a hint of caution, many gluten-sensitive individuals are able to tolerate oats quite well.
Another caution is just choosing products off a "wheat free" list.
When you see ingredients such as maltodextrin or modified food starch, you know right away to approach these foods with caution.
Shop on sites like eBay and Craigslist with caution and be sure to familiarize yourself with authentic Fendi handbags before you make a purchase in order to avoid paying an authentic Fendi price for a replica Fendi bag.
Most users love them, although a few do caution that an inopportune squeeze will release a lot more change than you want.
The tote has also been available on eBay, although this is an instance where you have to exercise extreme buying caution.
However, a shopper really has to exercise caution when buying from an auction site, because there are unscrupulous sellers who will knowingly sell knockoffs and claim they are genuine.
If you're an Aries who just can't get that Cancer out of your mind, proceed, albeit with caution.
This kind of caution can leave some signs cold and give the wrong impression of the well of passion Virgo is holding in check.