Causing Sentence Examples
The phone rang, causing all three to jump, thinking it might be Martha.
Elisabeth blushed causing him to laugh.
And yet, like an unruly child, she had rebelled, causing him endless worry and stress.
He was startled by a voice below him, causing him to nearly lose his grasp with its closeness.
You are causing me to lose the fruits of a campaign.
Due to the closeness of the neighbors, I was fearful of noise causing Howie problems.
He laughed, the rumble of his chest causing her to raise her head.
Damian and Eden were closer, his deceptive display of relaxed power causing the air to hum with even more magic.
The first set relate as usual to the hour of commencement, the second to the hours of occurrence of lightning causing fires.
With the emperor in their camp, the Mahrattas were threatening the province of Oudh, and causing a large British force to be cantoned along the frontier for its defence.
AdvertisementIt was the same question that formed the chief subject of debate over the Federal Conciliation and Arbitration Act, which, after causing the defeat of more than one ministry, passed through the Commonwealth parliament in 1904.
Cromwell thoroughly approved of the enormous scheme of confiscation and colonization, causing great privations and sufferings, which was carried out.
In 1841-1843 he was in Europe on behalf of the Tyler administration, and he is said to have been instrumental in causing the appointment of Lord Ashburton to negotiate in Washington concerning the boundary dispute between Maine and Canada.
The spindle figure is probably the expression of forces which are set up in the cell for the purpose of causing the separation of the daughter chromosomes.
Hamilton made Imbros his headquarters, and troops also were sometimes collected there owing to its vicinity both to Helles and to Anzac. Within the Dardanelles the battleship " Goliath " had been torpedoed by the Turkish destroyer " Muavenet-i-Milliye " on May 13; on the other hand British submarines were performing invaluable service, diving under the mine-fields, causing havoc amongst enemy craft in the channel itself and higher up, and threatening Ottoman communications with the peninsula.
AdvertisementThe spreading branches have a tendency to assume a tortuous form, owing to the central shoots becoming abortive, and the growth thus being continued laterally, causing a zigzag development, more exaggerated in old trees and those standing in From Kotschy, op. cit.
The death penalty was freely awarded for theft and other crimes regarded as coming under that head; for theft involving entrance of palace or temple treasury, for illegal purchase from minor or slave, for selling stolen goods or receiving the same, for common theft in the open (in default of multiple restoration) or receiving the same, for false claim to goods, for kidnapping, for assisting or harbouring fugitive slaves, for detaining or appropriating same, for brigandage, for fraudulent sale of drink, for disorderly conduct of tavern, for delegation of personal service, for misappropriating the levy, for oppression of feudal holders, for causing death of a householder by bad building.
A curious extension of the talio is the death of creditor's son for his father's having caused the death of debtor's son as mancipium; of builder's son for his father's causing the death of house-owner's son by building the house badly; the death of a man's daughter because her father caused the death of another man's daughter.
Both Bell and Gray proposed to do this by introducing a column of liquid into the circuit, the length or the resistance of which could be varied by causing the vibrations of the diaphragm to vary the depth of immersion of a light rod fixed to it and dipping into the liquid.
By means of vibrations or shocks transmitted through the - Sub water, or by displacements in the balance or position of the animal, the otoliths are caused to impinge against the bristles of the sensory cells, now on one side, now on the other, causing shocks or stimuli which are transmitted by the basal nerve-fibre to the central nervous system.
AdvertisementThe rough surface of the bark of many trees is due to the successive phellogens not arising in regular concentric zones, but forming in arcs which join with the earlier-formed arcs, and thus causing the bark to come off in flakes or thick chunks.
They have shown that columns of water of very small diameter can so resist tensile strain that they can be lifted bodily instead of flowing along the channel, They suggest that the forces causing the movement are complex, and draw particular attention to the pull upwards in consequence of disturbances in the leaves.
After making its way into the interior, the intruder sets up a considerable hyper trophy of the tissue, causing the formation of a tubercle, which soon shows a certain differentiation, branches of the vascular bundles of the root being supplied to it.
The passage of the maximum turgidity round the stem may vary in rapidity in different places, causing the circle to be replaced by an ellipse.
Schinzia, which forms galllike swellings on the roots of rushes; Gymnosporangium, causing excrescences on juniper stems; numerous leaf Fungi such as Puccinia, Aecidium, Sep/one, &c., causing yellow, brown or black spots on leaves; or Ustilago in the anthers of certain flowers.
AdvertisementPhytophthora in potatoes., If, on the other hand, the irritating agent is local in its action, causing only a few cells to react, we have the various pimples, excrescences, outgrowths, &c., exhibited in such cases as Ustilago Maydis on the maize, various galls, witchesbrooms, &c.
Colchicum or colchicine, when applied to the skin, acts as a powerful irritant, causing local pain and congestion.
In larger doses colchicum or colchicine acts as a most violent gastrointestinal irritant, causing terrible pain, colic,vomiting, diarrhoea, haemorrhage from the bowel, thirst and ultimately death from collapse.
Large doses also depress the nervous system, weakening the anterior horns of grey matter in the spinal cord so as ultimately to cause complete paralysis, and also causing a partial insensibility of the cutaneous nerves of touch and pain.
As the indicated horse-power of the engine increases, the weight of steam discharged increases, and the smoke-Lox vacuum is increased, thereby causing more air to flow through the furnace and increasing the rate of combustion.
The sacrificer may aim at causing a speedy death or a slow one.
The mountain mass, moreover, is not less important in causing a complete separation between the atmospheric conditions on its opposite flanks, by reason of the extent to which it penetrates that stratum of the atmosphere which is in contact with the earth's surface and is effective in determining climate.
Opposite the castle is the Dropping Well, the waters of which are impregnated with lime and have petrifying power, this action causing the curious and beautiful incrustations formed where the water falls over a slight cliff.
After causing the most frightful losses, it was at last stamped out by the resolute slaughter of all affected animals and of all that had been in contact with them.
Entocolax, mouth at free extremity, animal fixed by aboral orifice of pseudopallium, Pacific. Entoconcha, body elongated and tubular, animal fixed by the oral extremity, protandric hermaphrodite, parasitic in testes of Holothurians causing their abortion.
Two years later, with that degree of moral courage which was one of his distinguishing characteristics, as it has been of his descendants, he, aided by Josiah Quincy, Jr., defended the British soldiers who were arrested after the "Boston Massacre," charged with causing the death of four persons, inhabitants of the colony.
It cannot but suggest itself that this transference was induced by some peculiarity as to formation of cuticle, causing the growth of the wings to be directed inwards instead of outwards.
They bore holes and penetrate into flower-buds and young bolls, causing them to drop. Fortunately the " worms " prefer maize to cotton, and the inter-planting at proper times of maize, to be cut down and destroyed when well infested, is a method commonly employed to keep down this pest.
The " cotton stainers," various species of Dysdercus, are widely distributed, occurring for example in America, the West Indies, Africa, India, &c. The larvae suck the sap from the young bolls and seeds, causing shrivelling and reduction in quantity of fibre.
This feature seemed a reflection on the mendicant orders, and the idea of a community life without vows and not in isolation from everyday life, was looked upon as something new and strange, and even as bearing affinities to the Beghards and other sects, at that time causing trouble to both Church and state.
A flow of oil may often be induced in a well which would otherwise require to be pumped, by preventing the escape of gas which issues with the oil, and causing its pressure to raise the oil.
Formerly the pans were heated by open firing from below; but now the almost universal practice is to boil by steam injected from perforated pipes coiled within the pan, such injection favouring the uniform heating of the mass and causing an agitation favourable to the ultimate mixture and saponification of the materials.
In more sweeping measures, however, the pope refused to support him, until in 1170 Henry infringed the rights of Canterbury by causing Archbishop Roger of York to crown the young king.
On the 8th of August 1899 the island was visited by the most destructive cyclone in its history, causing a loss of about 3500 lives and a property damage amounting to 36,000,000 pesos, the coffee industry suffering most.
In the north the pendulum swung back once more and the French reoccupied Milan in April, causing the downfall of the Sforzas, much to Alexander's gratification.
There is thus a minimum circulation in the greater depths causing there uniformity of temperature, an absence of the circulation of oxygen by other means than diffusion, and a protection of the sulphuretted hydrogen from the oxidation which takes place in homologous situations in the open ocean.
The heavy depreciation in silver causing large losses to the government, free coinage was suspended in 1880, and the nominal value of the mejidie was reduced by decree to 19 piastres (105.26 piastres thus = £T1), while in the same year the debased currencies were reduced, altilik, the 6-piastre piece to 5 piastres, the 3-piastre piece to 22 piastres, the 12-piastre piece to 14 piastre; beshlik, the 5-piastre piece to 22 piastres, the 22-piastre piece to 1;-piastre; metallik, the 1-piastre piece to 2 piastre, the 2-piastre piece to 4 piastre, the *-piastre piece to a piastre - these values representing approximately the intrinsic value of the silver, at mejidie standard, contained in the debased coins.
Accordingly, though France made every attempt to induce Turkey to adopt her side, the young Stratford Canning succeeded in causing the resumption of the peace negotiations at Bucharest, broken off through Russia's terms being considered too onerous, and followed by the capture of Izmail and Bender.
Polymitarcys virgo, which, though not found in England, occurs in many parts of Europe (and is common at Paris), emerges from the water soon after sunset, and continues for several hours in such myriads as to resemble snow showers, putting out lights, and causing inconvenience to man, and annoyance to horses by entering their nostrils.
The malady causing the greatest number of deaths is that of pulmonary consumption; but better housing accommodation has of late years reduced the mortality from this disease very considerably.
Hence processes have been patented in which the objects to be plated are suspended in revolving drums between the anodes, the rotation of the drum causing the constant renewal of surfaces and affording a burnishing action at the same time.
Internally lead has an astringent action on the mucous membranes, causing a sensation of dryness; the dilute solution of the subacetate forms an effective gargle in tonsillitis.
The knife is then carefully examined, and if there be the slightest flaw in its blade the meat cannot be eaten, as the cut would not have been clean, the uneven blade causing a thrill to pass through the beast and thus driving the blood again through the arteries.
The product MH is first determined by suspending the magnet horizontally, and causing it to vibrate in small arcs.
In practice it is usual to standardize or " calibrate " the galvanometer by causing a known change of induction to take place within a standard coil connected with it, and noting the corresponding deflection on the galvanometer scale.
Experiments with annealed iron gave less satisfactory results, on account of the slowness with which the metal settled down into a new magnetic state, thus causing a " drift " of the magnetometer needle, which sometimes persisted for several seconds.
A somewhat stronger field will deflect many of the needles beyond the limits of stability, causing them to turn round and form new stable combinations, in which the direction assumed by most of them approximates to that of the field.
This corresponds to the second stage of magnetization, in which the susceptibility is large and permanent magnetization is set up. A still stronger magnetizing force has little effect except in causing the direction of the needles to approach still more nearly to that of the field; if the force were infinite, every member of the group ‘ would have exactly the same direction and the greatest possible resultant moment would be reached; this illustrates " magnetic saturation " - the condition approached in the third stage of magnetization.
They are not specially sensitive under ordinary conditions, and may be touched or even pinched without causing any discomfort to the scorpion.
In any case it is clear that we have in these muscles an apparatus'for causing the blood to flow differentially in increased volume into either the pericardium, through the veins leading from the respiratory organs, or from the body generally into the great sinuses which bring the blood to the respiratory organs.
The rains are neither regular nor certain, however, and sometimes fail for a succession of years, causing destructive seccas (droughts).
When the growth is at the cardiac end of the stomach, blocking the gullet and causing slow starvation, the abdomen may advisedly be opened, and, the stomach having been fixed to the surface-wound, a permanent opening may be arranged for the introduction of an adequate amount of food.
This indefiniteness of images is sometimes said to be due to diffraction by the edge of the aperture, and proposals have even been made for curing it by causing the transition between the interrupted and transmitted parts of the primary wave to be less abrupt.
This operation is no doubt intended to remove the oxygen diffused throughout the metal as oxide, part of it perhaps chemically by reduction of the oxide to metal, the rest by conveying the finely diffused oxide to the surface and causing it to unite there with the oxide scum.
Certain avocations have a direct and immediate influence in causing diseased states of body.
The vitality of these cells being altered there is imbibition and accumulation of watery fluid in their cytoplasm, causing swelling and vacuolation of the cells.
The swollen waxy capillaries are pressing on the columns of liver cells and are causing marked atrophy.
Treatment of disease was directed not to any special organ, nor to producing the crises and critical discharges of the Hippocratic school, but to correcting the morbid common condition or "community," relaxing the body if it was constricted, causing contraction if it was too lax, and in the "mixed state" acting according to the predominant condition.
The Highway Act of 1835 specified as offences for which the driver of a carriage on the public highway might be punished by a fine, in addition to any civil action that might be brought against him - riding upon the cart, or upon any horse drawing it, and not having some other person to guide it, unless there be some person driving it; negligence causing damage to person or goods being conveyed on the highway; quitting his cart, or leaving control of the horses, or leaving the cart so as to be an obstruction on the highway; not having the owner's name painted up; refusing to give the same; and not keeping on the left or near side of the road, when meeting any other carriage or horse.
The very few Ottoman guns which had been causing the freshly disembarked troops a good deal of annoyance during the 7th had been withdrawn for fear of capture, the defenders fully expecting a forward move by the Allies.
Touches of colour may be added to vessels in course of manufacture by means of seals of molten glass, applied like sealing-wax; or by causing vessels to wrap themselves round with threads or coils of coloured glass.
The lower end of the cylinder is opened, in the case of small and thin cylinders, by the blower holding his thumb over the mouthpiece of the pipe and simultaneously warming the end of the cylinder in the furnace, the expansion of the imprisoned air and the softening of the glass causing the end of the cylinder to burst open.
Column 3 shows the charge causing a permanent elongation of 0.05 mm.
In the steady motion under no force of such a body in medium, the centre of gravity describes a helix, while the axis escribes a cone round the direction of motion of the centre of ravity, and the couple causing precession is due to the dislacement of the medium.
These, like the foregoing, are members of the Pyrenomycetes, while many other allied fungi have been described as causing spots on the leaves.
They are weighed and then dumped into a washing machine, consisting of a large horizontal cage, submerged in water, in which revolves a horizontal shaft carrying arms. The arms are set in a spiral form, so that in revolving they not only stir the roots, causing them to rub against each other, but also force them forward from the receiving end,of the cage to the other end.
A cell when filled with fresh slices becomes the head of the battery, and where skilled scientific control can be relied upon to regulate the process, the best and most economical way of heating the slices, previous to admitting the hot liquor from the next cell, is by direct steam; but as the slightest inattention or carelessness in the admission of direct steam might have the effect of inverting sugar and thereby causing the loss of some portion of saccharine in the slices, water heaters are generally used, through which water is passed and heated up previous to admission to the freshly-filled cell.
Jalap is a typical hydragogue purgative, causing the excretion of more fluid than scammony, but producing less stimulation of the muscular wall of the bowel.
Man is probably the principal agent at the present day in causing these shats to be without water.
The total value 1 of all the mineral products of the state in 1907 was $937,3 8 4, and in 1908, $708,694, and of these totals granite systems, causing the formation of numerous lakes and of the waterfalls which determined the situation of many of the manufacturing cities of the state.
Natural arrest of haemorrhage arises from (I) the coagulation of the blood itself, (2) the diminution of the heart's action as in fainting, (3) changes taking place in the cut vessel causing its retraction and contraction.
After the death of Ninus, Semiramis, who was accused of causing it, erected to him a temple-tomb, nine stades high and ten stades broad, near Babylon.
It hardly affects the small intestine, but markedly stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine, causing purging in about fifteen hours.
There is hardly any increase in the intestinal secretion, the drug being emphatically not a hydragogue cathartic. There is no doubt that its habitual use may be a factor in the formation of haemorrhoids; as in the case of all drugs that act powerfully on the lower part of the intestine, without simultaneously lowering the venous pressure by causing increase of secretion from the bowel.
It is not known for what reason the alteration was made; but it is conjectured that it was for the purpose of causing a newfrevolution of the cycle of nineteen years (which was introduced into the ecclesiastical computation about this time by Anatolius, bishop of Hierapolis) to begin with the first year of the reign of Diocletian.
The centre of disturbance was the Pullman strike at Chicago, whence the disorder extended to the Pacific coast, causing riot and bloodshed in many places.
To secure peace with the emperor he sanctioned the marriage of his aunt Constance, daughter of Roger II., with Frederick's son Henry, afterwards the emperor Henry VI., causing a general oath to be taken to her as his successor in case of his death without heirs.
It broadened and deepened many of the valleys; rounded the hills; turned aside many streams, causing changes in drainage and giving rise to innumerable waterfalls and rapids; and it formed the thousands of lakes, large and small, which dot the surface.
Koenig's arrangement (Quelques experiences d'acoustique, p. I) the axis of the cylinder is fashioned as a screw, which works in fixed nuts at the ends, causing a sliding as well as a rotatory motion of the cylinder.
The weight load was pushing downwards, causing pressure on the strut.
He razed the walls and allowed the women, children and priests to retire in safety to Liege, but the male prisoners he either hanged or drowned in the river by causing them to be cast from the projecting cliff of Bouvignes.
Caesalpinus had his attention directed to the subject, and he speaks of a halitus or emanation from the male plants causing fertility in the female.
It was during this struggle that about 1287 (these privileges were finally sanctioned by the bishop in 1309) the citizens organized themselves into a commune or corporation, elected 4 syndics, and showed their independent position by causing a seal for the city to be prepared.
But this office, created at the least prematurely, soon disappeared without causing any regrets.
The essential part of the medicinal treatment of this condition is the administration of iodides, which are able to decompose the insoluble albuminates of lead which have become locked up in the tissues, rapidly causing their degeneration, and to cause the excretion of the poisonous metal by means of the intestine and the kidneys.
But the earlier buildings received considerable additions and alterations in the latereriod of the order, causing P ?
The business of fur-seal catching is carried on to some extent in the North Pacific and in Bering Sea by sealers from Victoria, but the returns show it to be a decreasing industry, as well as one causing friction with the United States.
It is usually made of glass, the lower bulb being loaded with mercury or small shot which serves as ballast, causing the instrument to float with the stem vertical.
Disorders followed, a naval revolt in 1891 causing the resignation of President Deodoro da Fonseca, and another in 1893-94 causing a blockade of the port for about six months and the loss of many lives and much property from desultory bombardments.
In Browning's form the setting is automatic. The dispersion may be further increased by causing the rays to pass more than once through the prism or prisms. Thus, by means of a system of reflecting prisms, Hilger passed the dispersed rays six times through one prism, and, by similar means, Browning passed the rays first through the upper part of a train and then back through the lower part.
The terminals of the vagus nerve are also stimulated, causing the heart to beat more slowly.
Later in its action, the drug depresses the intra-cardiac motor ganglia, causing prolongation of diastole and finally arrest of the heart in dilatation.
Having long assumed that the whole world is animated throughout, and that there are always two parallel series, physical and psychical, he concluded that, while a physical stimulus is causing a physical nervous process, a psychical accompaniment of the stimulus is causing the sensation, which, according to him, is the psychical accompaniment of the nervous process; and that, as the whole physical and the whole psychical series are the same, differing only as outer and inner, this identity holds both of stimulus and its psychical accompaniment and of nervous process and its accompanying sensation.
This view involves the denial of force as a cause, and the assertion that all we know about force is that the acceleration of one mass depends on that of another, as in mathematics a function depends on a variable; and that even Newton's third law of motion is merely a description of the fact that two material points determine in one another, without reciprocally causing, opposite accelerations.
Withdraw this foundation of bodies as inter-resisting forces causing one another in collision to form a joint mass with a common velocity but without penetration, and the evidence of the third law disappears; for in the case of attractive forces we know nothing of their modus operandi except by the analogy of the collision of inter-resisting bodies, which makes us believe that something similar, we know not what, takes place in gravity, magnetism, electricity, &c. Now, Mach, though he occasionally drops hints that the discovery of the law of collision comes first, yet never explains the process of development from it to the third law of motion.
No real advance in metaphysics can take place, and natural science itself is in some danger, until the true history of the evidences of the laws of mechanical force is restored; and then it will soon appear that in the force of collision what we know is not material points determining one another's opposite accelerations, but bodies by force of impenetrable pressure causing one another to keep apart.
He uses this psychical causality to carry out his voluntarism into detail, regarding it as an agency of will directed to ends, causing association and understanding, and further acting on a principle which he calls the heterogony of ends; remarking very truly that each particular will is directed to particular ends, but that beyond these ends effects follow as unexpected consequences, and that this heterogony produces social effects which we call custom.
Consequently, Kant's explanation of the unity of a thing is that there is always one thing in itself causing in us many phenomena, which as understood by us are objectively valid for all our consciousnesses.
He was obliged by his phenomenalism to say that it is only one feeling causing another in me.
Not so; like Kant himself, Hodgson supposes something beyond; not, however, an unknown thing in itself causing sensations, but a condition, or sine qua non, of their existence, without being a cause of their nature.
But the primary sense of touch perceives one bodily member causing pressure on another, reciprocally, within the organism, from which we infer similar particular pressures caused between the organism and the external world; but without needing the supposed stupendous belief and assumption of the uniformity of Nature, which is altogether ignored in the inferences of the ordinary man.
The introduction of powerful engines causing serious vibration to compass cards of the admiralty type, coupled with the prevailing desire for larger cards, the deviation of which could also be more conveniently compensated, led to the gradual introduction of the Thomson compass.
Nepotism, however, still left its scars upon the body politic, shown in the progressive decay of agriculture in the Campagna, causing Rome to starve in the midst of fertile but untilled nepotistic latifundia.
The thing cannot be done unless we adopt in some form Faraday's ingenious solution, by causing the current, in some part of its course, to divide into two channels, one on each side of the magnet, in such a way that during the revolution of the magnet the current is transferred from the channel in front of the magnet to the channel behind it, so that the middle of the magnet can pass across the current without stopping it, just as Cyrus caused his army to pass dryshod over the Gyndes by diverting the river into a channel cut for it in his rear.
Moreover, it should be kept in a damp-proof store for a few weeks; and when taken out for use it should be mixed and placed in position as quickly as possible, because rain, or even moist air, spoils it by causing it to set prematurely.
Hans Przibram also extracted a tyrosinase ' from the ink-sac of Sepia, and, causing it to act upon a watery solution of tyrosin, obtained a black pigment.
If all the above fail, (4) some inmate of the house, or the person causing the body of the deceased to be buried.
The old fable of this bird inserting its beak into a reed or plunging it into the ground, and so causing the booming sound with which its name will be always associated, is also exploded, and nowadays indeed so few people in Britain have ever heard its loud and awful voice, which seems to be uttered only in the breeding-season, and is therefore unknown in a country where it no longer breeds, that incredulity as to its booming at all has in some quarters succeeded the old belief in this as in other reputed peculiarites of the species.
In the casting of iron, steel and brass, the addition of a trifling proportion (0.005%) removes oxide and renders the molten metal more fluid, causing the finished products to be more homogeneous, free from blow-holes and solid all through.
Sometimes the walls are furnished with galvanized wires, but this has been objected to as causing cankering of the shoots, for which, however, painting is recommended as a remedy.
Externally chloroforrr ‘ is an antiseptic, a local anaesthetic if allowed to evaporate, and a rubefacient, causing the vessels of the skin to dilate, if rubbed in.
The presence of a small quantity of the hard cementite ought naturally to strengthen the mass, by opposing the tendency of the soft ferrite to flow under any stress applied to it; but more cementite by its brittleness naturally weakens the mass, causing it to crack open under the distortion which stress inevitably causes.
The oxidation of manganese is capable of generating a very high temperature, but it has the very serious disadvantage of causing such thick clouds of smoky oxide of manganese as to hide the flame from the blower, and prevent him from recognizing the moment when the blow should be ended.
Hence in the act of solidifying it expels any excess of gas which it has dissolved while liquid, and this gas becomes entangled in the freezing mass, causing gas bubbles or blowholes, as at A and B in fig.
Besides the qualifications required of a presentee by canon law, such as being of the canonical age, and in priest's orders before admission, sufficient learning and proper orthodoxy or morals, the Benefices Act requires that a year shall have elapsed since a transfer of the right of patronage, unless it can be shown that such transfer was not made in view of a probable vacancy; that the presentee has been a deacon for three years; and that he is not unfit for the discharge of his duties by reason of physical or mental infirmity or incapacity, grave pecuniary embarrassment, grave misconduct or neglect of duty in an ecclesiastical office, evil life, or conduct causing grave scandal concerning his moral character since his ordination, or being party to an illegal agreement with regard to the presentation; that notice of the presentation has been given to the parish of the benefice.
There are subtle and more subtle differences causing isomerism.
The accounts of early writers as to its courage, nobility and magnanimity have led to a reaction, causing some modern authors to accuse it of cowardice and meanness.
In all the countries of Europe the causing of abortion is now punishable with more or less lengthy terms of imprisonment.
These causes of change in phyllotaxis are also well exemplified in the alteration of an opposite or verticillate arrangement to an alternate, and vice versa; thus the effect of interruption of growth, in causing alternate leaves to become opposite and verticillate, can be distinctly shown in Rhododendron ponticum.
The rainfall was very deficient in 18 9518 97, causing famine in 1897; and in 1899-1900 there was drought in some sections.
No doubt the pre-eminence of the north, and especially of Denmark, at this period, was due to the amber trade, causing southern influence to penetrate up the basin of the Elbe to Jutland.
In the open desert rain falls even more rarely, but it is by no means unknown, and from time to time heavy storms burst, causing sudden floods in the narrow ravines, and drowning both men and animals These are more common in the mountainous region of the Sinai peninsula, where they are much dreaded by the Arabs.
Ismails exactions from the Egyptian peasantry reacted on the army, causing discontent; and when he was tottering on the throne he instigated military demonstrations against his own government, and, by thus sapping the foundations of discipline, assisted Arabis revolution; the result was the battle of Tell el-Kebir, the British occupation, and the disbandment of the army, which at that time in Egypt proper consisted of 18,000 men.
The Persians, however, succeeded in causing his recall and in gaining the services of his fellow-countryman Iphicrates.
The conditions for a night march were thus ideal; but during the movement the wings closed towards each other, causing great risk of an outbreak of firing.
This causes the entire skin to become dry - as in the case of the local action above mentioned; and it arrests the secretion of saliva and mucus in the mouth and throat, causing these parts to become very dry and to feel very uncomfortable.
But whilst the characteristic action of atropine is to dilate the blood-vessels, its first action is to stimulate the vaso-motor centre - thereby causing temporary contraction of the vessels - and to increase the rapidity of the heart's action, so that the blood-pressure rapidly rises.
It frequents rivers and streams, burrowing in the banks, and often causing considerable damage.
In 1893 the question of Siam came near to causing serious trouble with France, but by the exercise of a combination of firmness and forbearance on Lord Rosebery's part the crisis was averted, and the lines were laid down for preserving Siam, if possible, as a buffer state between the English and French frontiers in Indo-China.
Laws as to patronage, an inflammatory question, were made, abolished and remade, causing, from about 1730 onwards, passions which exploded in the great Disruption of 1842.
This mould must obviously be made in scores of little separate sections (false cores or drawbacks) to permit of their removal from the model without causing fracture of the sand.
The region was once covered, with the exception of the higher summits, by the Laurentian glacier, whose erosion, while perhaps having little effect on the larger features of the country, has greatly modified it in detail, producing lakes and ponds, whose number is said to exceed 1300, and causing many falls and rapids in the streams. Among the larger lakes are the Upper and Lower Saranac, Big and Little Tupper, Schroon, Placid, Long, Raquette and Blue Mountain.
The destruction of the U.S. battleship "Maine" in the harbour of Havana on the 15th of February 1898 was an influential factor in causing the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, and during the war the city was blockaded by a United States fleet.
The indiscriminate slaughter of fry, and the obstacles opposed by irrigation dams to breeding fish, are said to be causing a sensible diminution in the supply in certain rivers.
Further, by causing the hour circle, and with it the polar axis, to rotate by clockwork or some equivalent mechanical contrivance, at the same angular velocity as the earth on its axis, but in the opposite direction, the telescope will, apart from the effects of refraction, automatically follow a star from rising to setting.
Edgar Evans fell ill first and after causing fatal delay, 'he died on Feb.
The Principal Troubles Arose From Damp In The Lagging Which Necessitated The Rejection Of Several Trials, And From Dissolved Air In The Water, Causing Loss Of Heat By The Formation Of Steam.
Stirring Is Effected By Causing The Water To Circulate Spirally Round The Bulbs Of The Thermometers And The Heating Conductor As Indicated In The Figure.
While not directly causing death, morphinism so lowers the bodily powers that the patient is easily carried off by some intercurrent malady.
He showed his hatred for the Shiites by causing the mausoleum erected over the tomb of Hosain at Kerbela, together with all the buildings surrounding it, to be levelled to the ground and the site to be ploughed up, and by forbidding any one to visit the spot.
The oblique trend of the coast would be even more pronounced but for a comparatively modern crustal movement, causing a depression in the northeast, with a resulting encroachment of the sea upon the land, and an elevation in the south-west, with a resulting advance of the land upon the sea.
Hence the linguistic expression is not a true measure of inference; and to say that an inference consists of two propositions causing a third is not strictly true.
But to say that it is two judgments causing a third is always true, and the very essence of inference, because we must think the two to conclude the third in " the sessions of sweet silent thought."
Such were the Kern River fever of 1855 and the greater " Fraser River rush " of 1858, the latter, which took perhaps 20,000 men out of the state, causing a terrible amount of suffering.
But his name is chiefly perpetuated through his investigation of the motions of sun-spots, by which he determined the elements of the sun's rotation and made the important discovery of a systematic drift of the photosphere, causing the rotation-periods of spots to lengthen with increase of solar latitude.
We have seen how closely the serpent is associated with water generally (§ 5 seq.), and since we meet with the belief that sources will dry up when the serpent-occupant is killed (Bechuanas, Zulus), or that they will resent impurities thrown into their springs by causing storms (tribes of the Hindu-Kush), it is not surprising to find elaborate precautions for the propitiation of such powerful beings.
The plague of Vienna in 1679 was very severe, causing 76,000 or probably more deaths.
At the same time the plague spread westward from the Danube to Transylvania and Styria, and (1713) appeared in Austria and Bohemia, causing great mortality in Vienna.
A lateral pressure may increase resistance by causing friction; the friction so caused acts against the motion, and is a resistance, but the lateral pressure causing it is not a resistance.
He subsequently made over to his principal disciples the task of consolidating his community, and passed the last twelve years of his life at Puri in Orissa, the great centre of the worship of Vishnu as Jagannatha, or "lord of the world," which he remodelled in accordance with his doctrine, causing the mystic songs of Jayadeva to be recited before the images in the morning and evening as part of the daily service; and, in fact, as in the other Vaishnava creeds, seeking to humanize divine adoration by bringing it into accord with the experience of human love.
His nickname Parapinaces (" starver") was due to his causing the price of wheat to rise.
In 1821 Michael Faraday (1791-1867), who was destined later on to do so much for the science of electricity, discovered electromagnetic rotation, having succeeded in causing a wire conveying a voltaic current to rotate continuously round the pole of a permanent magnet.
To Marduk the prophet-god Nabu in his turn became son, and his consort Tashmit (" causing to hear ") was the personification of Revelation.
Szontagh, in America, have introduced a method of circulating the solution in each vat by forcing air into a vertical pipe communicating between the bottom and top of a tank, with the result that the bubbling of the air upward aspirates solution through the vertical pipe from below, at the same time aerating it, and causing it to overflow into the top of the tank.
In the intestine tannic acid controls intestinal bleeding, acting as a powerful astringent and causing constipation; for this reason it has been recommended to check diarrhoea.
He studied the nature of muscular contraction, causing a muscle to record its movements on a smoked glass plate, and he worked out the problem of the velocity of the nervous impulse both in the motor nerves of the frog and in the sensory nerves of man.
In southern Chile the climate undergoes a radical change - the prevailing winds becoming westerly, causing a long rainy season with a phenomenal rainfall.
Trametes radiciperda attacks the roots and penetrates to the stem, causing rotting of the wood; the disease is difficult to eradicate, as the mycelium of the fungus travels from root to root in the soil.
Sometimes the rains fail altogether, and then a drought (secca) ensues, causing famine and pestilence throughout the entire region.
The most destructive droughts recorded are those of 1711, 172 3, 1777-1778, 1790, 1825, 1844-1845, and 1877-1878, the last-mentioned destroying nearly all the live-stock in the state, and causing the death through starvation and pestilence of nearly half-a-million people, or over half the population.
As early at least as the beginning of the Ilth century the tradition that Arthur was buried at Glastonbury appears to have taken shape; and in the reign of Henry II., according to Giraldus Cambrensis and others, the abbot Henry de Blois, causing search to be made, discovered at the depth of 16 ft.
Various morbid conditions of the body generally may give rise to different symptoms. Thus a gouty condition may manifest itself in one man as eczema of the skin, giving rise to redness and intense itching; in another as neuralgia, causing most severe pain; in a third as bronchitis, producing a distressing cough; in a fourth as dyspepsia, giving rise to flatulence and intestinal disturbance; and in a fifth as inflammation of the great toe, accompanied by redness, swelling and pain.
But if such a remedy were given alone it might, and probably would, act on the arteries as well as the heart, and by causing the contraction of the vessels do more harm than good.
Blisters applied at some distance from inflamed parts are also sometimes useful; and probably they produce this good effect by causing a reflex contraction of the arteries in the inflamed part, and thus acting like a cold application.
These probably lessen fever by their action upon the nerve centres which regulate the temperature of the body, and partly by their peripheral action in causing the secretion of sweat.
The presence of toxins in the blood not only affects the brain, causing delirium, but also other organs, the heart and lung, and may cause fatal syncope or respiratory failure.
This disease depends upon the presence of a bacillus which grows rapidly at the back of the throat and in the airpassages specially of children, causing the formation of a membrane which, by plugging the windpipe, causes suffocation and death.
Louis made peace with Holland at Nijmwegen on the 10th of August, and punished Danby by disclosing his secret negotiations, thus causing the minister's fall and impeachment.
Lord Clarendon was impeached, inter alia, for causing many persons to be imprisoned against law and to be conveyed in custody to places outside England.
Thomas Dickson of Edinburgh long ago observed that the most healthy and productive crop was to be obtained by planting unripe tubers, and proposed this as a preventive of the disease called the "curl," which sometimes attacks the young stems, causing them and also the leaves to become crumpled, and few or no tubers to be produced; in this connexion it is interesting to note that Scottish and Irish seed potatoes give a larger yield than English, probably on account of their being less matured.
It is very unstable, a scratch causing it instantaneously to pass into the stable form with explosive violence and the development of much heat.
But on the other hand we find the Chinese saint, on the approach of death, causing one of his disciples to frame a catalogue of his good works, of the books that he had translated or caused to be transcribed, of the sacred pictures executed at his cost, of the alms that he had given, of the living creatures that he had ransomed from death.
That ruler repaid his services by causing him to be assassinated in 1818, and thus incurred the enmity of his tribe.
This organism is quite distinct from that causing the luminosity of marine fish.
He suspected his mother of intending to kill him, and once openly accused her of causing broken glass to be mingled with his food.
In large doses it is a poison causing giddiness, deafness, salivation, sweating and convulsions.
Nitrate of silver is eliminated from the system very slowly and the objection to its employment continuously as a drug is that it is deposited in the tissues causing argyria, chronic silver poisoning, of which the most prominent symptom is dark slate-blue colour of the lips, cheeks, gums and later of the skin.
Taken in large doses nitrate of silver is a powerful poison, causing violent abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea with the development of gastro-enteritis.
This is effected not so much by their numbers and their powers of con - sumption, as amongst caterpillars, but by their habits of attack - ing the essential parts of a plant, and causing by their injuries the death of the plant affected.
The twisting referred to is partly a vital and partly a mechanical act; - that is, it is occasioned in part by the action of the muscles and in part by the greater resistance experienced from the air by the tip and posterior margin of the wing as compared with the root and anterior margin, - the resistance experienced by the tip and posterior margin causing them to reverse always subsequently to the root and anterior margin, which has the effect of throwing the anterior and posterior margins of the wing into figure-of-8 curves, as shown at figs.
The reverse of this, in Marey's opinion, takes place during the elevation of the wing - the resistance of the air from above causing the upper surface of the wing to look backwards....
This may be expanded or contracted at pleasure, and is moved up and down for the purpose of causing the machine to ascend or descend.
Such are the similar effects of terror on man and the lower animals, causing the muscles to tremble, the heart to palpitate, the sphincters to be relaxed, and the hair to stand on end.
Most interesting among these are the Henry Mountains, formed by the intrusion of molten igneous rock between the layers of sediments, causing the overlying layers to arch up into dome mountains.
The old sewers were found quite inadequate to carry off the large increase of water, and besides they all led directly into the bay, causing a terrible odour and rendering the water near the town unwholesome for bathing.
He worked, it is said, at her portrait during some portion of four successive years, causing music to be played during the sittings that the rapt expression might not fade from off her countenance.
When we inquire into subjective conditions we are thinking of facts causing other facts.
In American practice the use of steel in buildings of ten or more storeys, or in manufacturing plant where the floor loads are heavy and frequently " live " in the sense of causing vibration, has led to more careful specifications as to the quality of materials and character of workmanship, and it is the custom of the leading architects to have the structural frame inspected and tested during manufacture at the foundries, rolling-mills and shops by a firm of engineers making a speciality of such inspections.
This visit had the effect of causing Ito to turn his attention seriously to the study of the British and of other military systems. As a result he persuaded Choshu to remodel his army, and to exchange the bows and arrows of his men for guns and rifles.
In young animals phosphorus has a remarkable influence on the growth of bone, causing a proliferation of the jelly-like masses and finally a deposit in them of true bony material.
The rainfall is heavy in the wet season, causing many of the rivers to spread over extensive areas, but in the dry season the inundated plains become dry, the large rivers fed by the snows and rainfall of the Andes return within their banks, the shallow lagoons and smaller streams dry up, vegetation disappears, and the level plain becomes a desert.
For another eight months it was to continue, causing immense damage to property and trade, and the loss of tens of thousands of lives.
Thereupon President Kruger arbitrarily closed the drifts (fords) on the Vaal river, and thus prevented through waggon traffic, causing an enormous block of waggons on the banks of the Vaal.
He was very trenchant in his criticism of the Government; thus giving satisfaction to ardent spirits in the Unionist ranks, but causing ministerial speakers to contrast his bitterness and violence with Mr. Balfour's quieter methods.
There is considerable distortion of the clay, resulting from combined shearing and tensile stress, above each of the steps of rock, and reaching its maximum at and above the highest rise ab, where it has proved sufficient to produce a dangerous line of weakness ac, the tension at a either causing actual rupture, or such increased porosity as to permit of percolation capable of keeping open the wound.
This steel septum was protected on either side by a thin wall of asphaltic concrete supported by rubble stone embankments, and owing to irregular settling of 'the embankments became greatly distorted, apparently, however, without causing leakage.
The box, I, has a hinged bottom with a projecting click finger which, as the box de - scends, plays idly over the staves of a ladder arc. When the weight is removed from the platform, the counterbalance, E, causes the finger, G, to run back to its zero position, carrying with it the finger M, and causing the click finger of the box, I, to trip open the bottom of the box and let the penny fall out.
For external use, sulphuric acid is a powerful irritant and caustic, acting by its powerful affinity for water and therefore dehydrating the tissues and causing them to turn black.
Given in toxic doses or in strong solution, sulphuric acid is a severe gastro-intestinal irritant, causing intense burning pain, extending from the mouth to the stomach, and vomiting of mucous and coffee-coloured material.
In consequence of the shallowness of the lake its waters are easily disturbed, making navigation very rough and dangerous, and causing large fluctuations of surface.
The drug greatly raises the blood-pressure by causing extreme contraction of the arteries.
Nearly all the constituents share in causing this action, but the sphacelinic acid is probably the most potent.
A similar bad repute attaches to other species in different parts of South America; while Argas miniatus has been proved to be the carrier of the Spirochaete causing spirillosis in fowls in Rio Janeiro, and also in New South Wales whither it has been introduced with imported poultry.
Amblyomma hebraeum, the bont or variegated tick of the Cape Colonists, infects sheep with the 9porozoon causing "heart-water" sickness, and in Europe sheep are inoculated with the same disease by another tick, Rhipicephalus bursa.
Finally Margaropus annulatus, of which there are several geographical races, is the carrier of the germ causing the de tructive cattle-disease variously known as "Texas" or "red water" fever in America, South Africa and Australia.
The discussion, which had originally turned on the franchise, was enlarged by the introduction of the question of suzerainty or supremacy; and at last, in the beginning of October, when the rains of an African spring were causing the grass to grow on which the Boer armies were largely dependent for forage, the Boers declared war and invaded Natal.
Sometimes enormous rocks have fallen from the mountains and spread over the river-bed causing huge whirlpools.
Jumblat family, even though he was supported by the Talhuk, Abd al-Malik and Yezbeki families; and it appears that some members of the Shehab joined the Maronite faith in the middle of the 18th century, causing a suspicion of secret apostasy to fall on all the family.
Dumouriez succeeded in rousing the spirit of the French; he occupied the defiles of the forest of Argonne, thus causing the enemy to lose many valuable days, and when at last they turned his position, he retreated without loss.
This feeling is exhibited in the value set on fasting in the Christian church from the earliest times, and in an extreme form in the self-torments of later monasticism; while both tendencies, anti-worldliness and antisensualism, seem to have combined in causing the preference of celibacy over marriage which is common to most early Christian writers.'
A new plague, that of the English, Gascon and Algerine pirates, marked the close of the 16th century and opening of the 17th, causing widespread panic and some devasta tion in 1579,1613-1616and 1627.
Should the disease be arrested these ulcers may heal entirely, but occasionally they remain, causing more or less disorganization of the coats of the intestines, as is often found in chronic dysentery.
Sometimes, though rarely, the ulcers perforate the intestines, causing rapidly fatal inflammation of the peritoneum, or they may erode a blood vessel and produce violent haemorrhage.
In 1349 two thousand Jews were burned at Strassburg on a charge of causing a pestilence by poisoning the wells.
Slaveraiding continued ceaselessly; by 1446 the Portuguese had carried off nearly a thousand captives from the newly surveyed coasts; but between this time and the voyages of Cadamosto in 1455-1456, the prince altered his policy, forbade the kidnapping of the natives (which had brought about fierce reprisals, causing the death of Nuno Tristam in 1446, and of other pioneers in 1445, 1448, &c.), and endeavoured to promote their peaceful intercourse with his men.
In February and March heavy gales are frequent, and hurricanes sometimes occur, causing scarcity by destroying the crops.
The pope immediately summoned Henry to appear at Rome in order to justify his private misconduct, and Henry replied by causing the partisan synod of Worms (1076) to pronounce Gregory's deposition.
There was no trace of a political idea in these disputes; the mutual hatred of two women aggravated jealousy to the point of causing terrible civil wars from 561 to 613, and these finally created a national conflict which resulted in the dismemberment of the Frankish empire.
The land-tax was doubled and trebled by war, by the pensions of the nobles, by an extortion the profits of which Richelieu disdained neither for himself nor for his family; and just when the richer and more powerful classes had been freed from taxes, causing the wholesale oppression of the poorer, these few remaining were jointly and severally answerable.
This "regelation" is due to the increased pressure at the various points of contact causing the ice there to melt and cool.
Justina and her son fled; but Ambrose remained at his post, and did good service to many of the sufferers by causing the plate of the church to be melted for their relief.
The epidemic spread rapidly over the Peninsula, causing great havoc in important cities like Granada, Saragossa and Valencia.
It is, however, still a question whether this really arises from a different mental constitution causing a natural capacity for entering into relations with man, or whether it may not be owing to their having been brought gradually into this condition by long-continued and persevering efforts when the need of their services was felt.
With the break of the band in 1885 the level of the main river has fallen and the Minab canal is not properly filled, causing much damage to cultivation in the district.
Cultivation has a great effect in causing changes in the various parts of plants.
The acid not only takes up water, but it acts on the suspended impurities, carbonizing them to some extent, and thus causing them to coagulate and fall down in the form of a flocculent mass, which carries with it mechanically other impurities which have not been acted upon.
Gudrun, however, avenged the death of her brothers by slaying the sons she had borne to Atli and causing him unwittingly to drink their blood and eat their hearts.
It is well known that the habitual consumption of certain drugs, such as tobacco, Indian hemp, opium, arsenic, alcohol and many others, gradually induces a condition of tolerance to their effects, so that large doses can be taken without causing symptoms of poisoning.
After absorption their action, speaking generally, is exerted on the brain and spinal cord, and is at first slightly stimulant and afterwards depressing, even to the causing of sleepiness and stupor.
But the pope marked the intensity of his hatred by causing the dummy to be carved and dressed with such lifelike resemblance that he was almost able to persuade himself that his hated enemy was really consumed in the flames.
I don't disagree and God knows I have no more idea what's causing these vision but they're ruling his life right now.
She possessed little grasp of Howie's limitations, causing her to wonder about the choice of crimes where tips were received.
Grasso dropped Molly on the pavement, causing a shudder to ripple across the room and a quick reaction from my wife.
Sofi watched him, her own transition from human to Oracle causing fresh pain.
Either of them was too much of a turn on to a demon that reveled in causing pain.
It was clear that evidence pointed toward pursuit causing the wreck.
With the jury trial continuing into the coming week—far longer than originally expected—the Dawkins clan was going nowhere, thus causing a log jam of customers in the river of incoming lodgers.
My bet is Fitzgerald switched the bones to embarrass you, but that doesn't mean he had anything to do with causing them to be in the mine in the first place.
In fact, if she'd stayed away from the beach this weekend altogether and had dinner with her doctor instead of causing her boyfriend to be eaten by a demon, she wouldn't be facing an Immortal mood beast or teaching Immortal children not to feed humans rocks.
Instead, she was greeted by shrieks from Martha and Gladys, causing her to drop the poor creature and flee in terror, stark contrast to her anticipated moment of glory.
The aroma from the goblets invaded Jackson's senses causing the burning in his throat to intensify, and his jaw to throb with pain.
Even Leland Anderson turned the corner from his office to see what was causing the commotion.
This will impede learning, essentially causing more problems than solutions.
Some defects are similar to those seen in OI but others have been point mutations causing aberrant splicing of one or more exons.
Others may have a broader, more general affect, perhaps causing cell growth to become abnormal, leading to cancers.
The Department operates two accelerators, causing charged atoms (ions) to reach 10% of the speed of light.
The phenomenon of " coastal squeeze " of saltmarsh may be causing some net vertical accretion of mudflat surfaces.
Michael Barrett was wrongly accused of causing an explosion at Clerkenwell prison in London in December 1867.
With unaccustomed activity the tight Achilles pulls the heel bone causing tension on the plantar fascia.
The two Nuneaton men arrested following the football match on suspicion of causing affray were released on police bail pending further enquiries.
An affray charge usually means that all parties, injured or not, to the disturbance are charged with causing the affray charge usually means that all parties, injured or not, to the disturbance are charged with causing the affray.
He has allowed any member to raise a concern regarding the contents of any particular message without causing a direct affront to the individual.
Jammers can affect the command and control system, radars, and navigational aids by causing the enemy to receive false information.
Sideways movement of the stick moves the ailerons, causing the glider to bank and begin turning in the direction of the stick movement.
The surface is covered with a darker material causing Hyperion to have a lower albedo compared to other icy moons.
Do copper ions break down the ionic bonds between the polypeptide chains of egg albumen - thus causing it to denature?
The unattended pan contained a wooden spoon which caught alight causing smoke to activate the smoke alarm.
He was aware of the danger of accidentally causing amblyopia of the better eye by treating children below the age of six.
Also, never feed an onion to your pet, as large amounts can destroy your pet's red blood cells causing anemia.
To do this, the back of the throat is sprayed with a topical anesthetic to soothe the nerves causing the gag reflex.
There are issues that are causing much anguish in my constituency.
There may be interactions between different anticonvulsants and frequently it is difficult to tell which one may be causing the side effects.
Back pressure on the caecum from an obstructing ascending colonic carcinoma causing a tender caecum may also mimic appendicitis.
The main types of asbestos diseases asbestosis A disabling and ultimately fatal scarring of the lungs causing severe breathlessness and chest pains.
The smaller the wound, the less likely the chances of causing astigmatism.
In biliary atresia, the bile ducts are actually absent, also causing jaundice.
The drug atropine inhibits the parasympathetic nerve, causing the pupil to dilate.
The Unknown Driver As most audiophiles know, a loudspeaker produces sound by causing the surrounding air to vibrate.
But an unexpected return of warm monsoon weather hit, causing a massive avalanche.
An opportunity for parents with babies to visit the cinema without having to find a baby sitter or worry about their babies causing disturbance.
Trimmer Welsh, the muscle behind the gang, was causing a scene with the new barmaid in a pub.
We must understand that belligerence, aggressiveness and causing major inconvenience to the public will quickly erode sympathy and support.
Is it US consumers tightening belts or uncertainty over Iran and possible UN resolutions causing markets to get jittery?
Causing a beverage container or beverage container or beverage to touch the table or enter the space directly above the table.
Excess oil makes the skin shine and can block the pores causing blackheads and spots.
I read an interesting article recently about him being a bleeder and his over-breeding causing more bleeders today.
The rash, which can also affect the chest and back and can occasionally affect the eyelids causing a blepharitis.
Second, sub-tree crossover is thought instrumental in causing program size bloat; an issue which is discussed in the following section.
Hemstead committed an assault on complainant by striking him and knocking him down and kicking him and causing him to spit blood.
The tiny caterpillars strip the flesh out of leaves causing brown blotches which become holes later.
With unaccustomed activity the tight achilles pulls the heel bone causing tension on the plantar fascia.
And the factor causing a bronchospasm, appearing at this time.
Calcium and phosphorus in milk serve to feed nanobacteria, causing calcification and cancer.
Candida albicans is a yeast causing candidiasis or " thrush " in humans.
Too many refined carbohydrates means your pancreas has to produce excess insulin, causing your blood glucose levels to crash.
Winds can drive rain around window casements, causing them to rot.
He removes the brain with a suction catheter causing the skull to collapse, enabling the head to slide out.
The cause of that lay in his causing harm to the Prophet.
Once the boys are inside, he fires a grenade into the mine entrance, causing a cave-in and trapping the boys.
Suddenly the economy went into a drastic free-fall, with one event causing a chain reaction to the next.
New media are causing major changes in the nature of learning.
This is the first experimental evidence of an endocrine disrupting chemical causing the illness.
Coal was in short supply and people devised other means of keeping warm, overloading electrical circuits and causing the occasional black out.
Have spent ages now trying to discover what was causing a horrendous clunk from the rear of the car.
Alternatively, for reasons that remain unclear, E. histolytica trophozoites can invade the colonic epithelium, causing amoebic colitis.
There's hours of fun to be had causing a commotion at the depths of the Ocean!
In nearly all cases this anomaly is caused by progressive root growth causing compaction of the compost.
Downstairs, the new light fitting falls on Thelma's head, causing concussion.
The delay is causing consternation in the drives sector which has been counting on the ECA to deliver a boost in sales.
It is thought to work by causing constriction of the cerebral blood vessels.
P Patch test A skin test that can show which substances are causing contact dermatitis or eczema.
Harassment Putting people in fear of violence; also continual, persistent attacks causing alarm or distress.
She steps in to prevent his death causing the inevitable rent in the space/time continuum.
If the muscle spasms continue, they can cause contractures (damage to muscle and/or surrounding tissue, causing deformity at a joint ).
The track is already causing controversy among fans of the iconic 80s band.
Think about the following... Joints, flanges Crevices let stagnant liquid accumulate, causing locally accelerated corrosion from differential aeration.
This had allowed the soil to dry out causing the settlement to oc- cur.
He admitted causing death by dangerous driving and was sentenced to three and a half years youth custody and banned for five years.
For very severe disease causing inflammation in the kidneys, lungs or brain then we use cyclophosphamide with high doses of steroids.
Your body has defenses to prevent bacteria from causing cystitis.
In order to be considered dangerous, a building must actually pose a threat of causing harm to a person.
New evidence shows that metallic debris from the replaced joints travels to other organs, possibly causing cancer.
This represents quite a turn around from a year ago when there were concerns that prices in general would actually fall causing deflation.
To minimize the trash collected, the plants are sometimes sprayed with a chemical defoliant causing the leaves to drop prior to picking.
Genetic characterization of the legs at odd angles angles locus, a new mutation causing motor neuron degeneration in a gene dose dependent manner.
Disruption after train derails - From BBC - A train partially derailed in Surrey on Monday causing major disruption for commuters.
Armed with the belief that it was causing mass desertion among troops, it was finally banned in France in 1915.
Often minor ailment assume great importance in the mind of sufferer causing despondency and self-disgust.
Bacteria and bugs often get a bad press causing food poisoning, stomach bugs, travelers diarrhea and so on.
Drought is also thought to be a factor causing dieback in hedgerow trees, which are not included in the UK crown density survey.
Landlords failed to enforce repair clauses, causing a general dilapidation.
Soils with densely packed grains are strain softening because disturbance during sharing causes the grains to move apart causing dilation.
Unwanted effects of nitrates include dilation of cranial vessels causing headaches, which can limit the dose used.
Reducing lamps that light our path to feeble fairy glimmer, And causing all our confidence to become a little dimmer.
But the alternative, organophosphate dips, had been linked to causing health problems in humans.
A brown surface deposit is visible causing some discoloration.
This is all causing considerable discontent in the Republicans ' own ranks.
Structure-based drug discovery involves the determination of a disease causing protein's three-dimensional structure.
The effect of insufficient disinfection is illustrated, together with the effects of high pH values causing reduced effectiveness of a residual disinfectant.
In people where the groove is too shallow, their patella may actually slip out of the groove, causing a patellar dislocation.
Your more rebellious and disagreeable side will surface, causing you to become very disobedient to any order or imposed law in your family.
The perfectly fair scheme which properly rewards efforts and achievement without causing others displeasure does not exist.
Even just hanging around outside a shop causing someone to feel distressed is enough to entitle the police to move you on.
They have even had to employ a doorman at the local line dancing class in a bid to prevent rowdy youngsters causing trouble.
Asbestos can lay dormant without causing any adverse effects for many years.
He pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving.
The Bill introduces the new offense of causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving.
Population grew rapidly, causing many back buildings in the congested town center, tho after 1850 there was expansion eastwards.
This may result in moisture moving into previously dry structures or evaporating from previously unaffected surfaces, causing further salt efflorescence.
The welding electrode can also lose contact in extreme cases, causing weld splash.
Two young men and a woman entered the elevator with them, causing the confined space to become very crowded.
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema Chronic bronchitis and emphysema stop the lungs from working properly, typically causing breathlessness and wheezing.
The main factor involved in causing the encephalopathy is an increase in ammonia levels in the brain.
Research The abnormal prion protein causing vCJD remains a scientific enigma.
During the 19 th century, cholera spread to Europe and the Americas, causing several devastating epidemics.
Also viral fragments causing exhaustion now out of cells.
The catheter was forcibly expelled just prior to her son's birth causing permanent damage to the Claimant's urethra.
I was really taken aback when I discovered a relay problem causing an intermittent fault on receive!
The fat melts and cooks the protein fibrils in the muscle bundles without causing excessive amino acid breakdown.
These work to block the blood vessels, causing the fibroids to shrink and die.
Whilst the zander have shown, they have tended to be very finicky causing lots of missed runs.
The British bomb Hamburg causing a firestorm that kills 42,000 German civilians.
By the end of the project, proposals for regulating the fishery in European Union waters were causing considerable controversy between member states.
Several neutrons are also produced which may go on to strike the nuclei of other atoms causing further fission.
Some cracks in old pipe can leak for decades causing large fissures running through the ground.
Stress, being overtired, or too much alcohol can all play their part in causing a flare-up.
How do I remove the broken glass from the copper foil without causing further damage?
She had a severe deformity which was causing her left foreleg to bend inwards.
I didn't want to be accused of causing a fracas on the main concourse now, did I?
Examine all of your rigging and ensure that your lines do not cross or chafe against anything causing unnecessary friction.
They then produce mucus which clogs there gills causing them to die.
They do not close properly causing drafts and there is solar glare on both sides of the building.
Carbon emissions are the key problem causing global warming.
Such co-operation will help to avoid sudden gluts of fish coming onto the international market at any given time causing disastrous price fluctuations.
Fires can be cause in this way and rats can even gnaw through pipes, causing flooding.
What causes gout What could be causing my numbness?
The starch granules absorb liquid, causing the sauce to thicken.
Rarely worms invade the abdominal cavity, causing granulomas of the liver, ovary, kidney, spleen, and lung.
We are working flat-out to bring reduce water losses as fast as we can without causing gridlock in London, where leakage is highest.
On arrival in Crewe there was word coming through of major rail disruptions with overhead lines down and the wind causing untold grief.
It is possible that the coronavirus causing SARS is an old friend who became grouchy in the last few months.
With any luck it would ignite the gunpowder causing an explosion - which would cause the cannon ball to leave the gun.
External inspection reveals that the church is suffering from blocked gutters, causing damp above the main entrance.
A Will that is unclear can result in legal costs and wrangles can cause delay, causing further heartache for those left behind.
Antihistamine tablets and syrups Antihistamines prevent the histamine tablets and syrups Antihistamines prevent the histamine your body produces to the allergen from causing the allergic symptoms.
Heat is usually the main factor in causing runny honey.
Also causing two blind men to see fair play And two dumb men to shout hooray.
This team is investigating the ' signal molecule ' which produces the scarring around the brain thought to be responsible for causing hydrocephalus.
A similar model was proposed with hydroxyl ions hydrogen bonding to surface H causing polarization and conductivity.
An earlier version of act excluded various N/O and O/O combinations, but this was causing genuine hydrogen bonds to be missed.
The main toxic action is the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, converting all cellular energy in the form of heat and causing extreme hyperthermia.
Carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the bloodstream causing hypoxia, an abnormal reduction of oxygen in the body tissues also called oxygen deficiency.
In gallstone colonic ileus, which is a rare condition, 17,18 there may be a pre-existing narrowing in the colon causing intestinal obstruction.
Dust and other particles can scratch the surface of your disk, causing imperfections in copying and playback.
In these people, the TB bacteria remain inactive for a lifetime without causing disease.
Any repair or replacement would have to be carried out within a reasonable time and without causing you undue inconvenience.
I'm putting this down to operator error from the housing taking a knock causing the indentation.
This clot can completely block the blood flow through the coronary artery, causing a myocardial infarction.
Moving the inflamed tendon further inflamed tendon further inflames the sheath, which tightens onto the tendon, causing pain.
A virus causing chronic, and occasionally acute, liver inflammation.
The accident involved bodily injury causing disability for more than 3 days or death.
Electricity supplies bombed out of action for military purposes will render sanitation systems inoperable, causing more serious health risks to the general population.
Please adhere to all posted signs or verbal instructions at these locations to avoid being detained or causing unwarranted trouble to the sites involved.
Patty snapped upright to quell the insurrection, causing Splash to leap for safety.
Neither will anything created with the deliberate intent of causing a current non-celebrity to meet the definition criteria.
The two species hybridize and hybrids are fertile, causing genetic introgression of Ruddy Duck genes in the wild population of White-headed Ducks.
Lung toxins Some of the toxins present in smoke are highly irritant or directly toxic to the bronchial mucosa causing airway inflammation.
They also can cause irritation to nerves leaving the spine causing a wide variety of problems.
A high-pressure jet of water hits these, causing the rotor to turn.
These long and arduous journeys across Europe can last many days, causing terrible suffering to these sensitive and intelligent animals.
This is because certain amino acids cause kinks in the chain, causing it to double back on itself or go at an angle.
Many people have similar problems with easily dislocated kneecaps, or the legs are misaligned causing stress on the knees.
The injured party was struck over the head twice with a bottle causing lacerations.
He then dropped the angle grinder onto his ankle causing a severe laceration.
The current position of the new lamppost which was much taller was causing light intrusion in the upper story of the house.
He fires several missiles at the side causing a landslide which blocks the Hood's way.
He argues that the campaign season is causing lawmakers to rush ahead rather than carefully consider President Bush's proposals.
McDonald's scored a landmark victory when a US judge yesterday dismissed a lawsuit that blamed the fast food chain for causing obesity.
Food with a high acid content caused the lead to leak into the food, causing lead poisoning and often death.
Glossary Useful addresses Index What is urinary incontinence Urinary incontinence is defined as bothersome urinary leakage causing a social or hygiene problem.
We present a patient with a large colonic lipoma causing abdominal pain and altered bowel habit.
However, the disease can cross the placenta causing the more severe neonatal listeriosis in the fetus.
At least 11 nuclear sites are so low-lying they could be drowned or damaged by rising seas, causing radioactive waste to leak.
Cellulitis can spread in the skin and involve the lymphatic system causing lymphangitis.
That causing religious offense should be regarded a sign of western machismo is obscene.
In fact many drugs are marketed despite causing malformations in laboratory animals.
Bacteria causing contagious mastitis are spread from infected quarters to other healthy quarters of the same or other cows.
The physical fine tuning of the universe is also causing scientific materialists real headaches.
Maxwell said she had taken him to a family member 's home nearby, causing the removal of Perry to last for several hours.
Details of the schemes emerged in a leaked memo last night, causing anger among MPs.
Then McBride said his research showed that Debendox was also responsible for causing mental retardation.
Predation by the introduced American mink is thought to have a severe impact on the water voles populations, even causing local extinction.
Freddy He is always causing mischief, either with the chimps or with the keepers.
It irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, causing coughing, choking and impaired lung function and exacerbating asthma symptoms.
Fumonisin and some other mycotoxins are highly toxic, causing fatal diseases in livestock that eat infected corn and esophageal cancer in humans.
The removal of a single dolphin affects the remaining group in other ways beside causing widespread myopathy.
Monoclonal antibodies used as a treatment may for example destroy the blood cells that are causing myositis.
The virus causing myxomatosis is transmitted between infected and healthy rabbits by insects, particularly rabbit fleas, but also by flies.
An In growing toe nail is caused by a splinter of nail or the whole nail causing pressure into the skin.
In some cases the stump neuroma is causing the phantom pain in the leg also - a type of referred pain.
However small acoustic neuromas, not causing any symptoms, can be found in up to nearly 3 per cent of elderly people.
There are also certain drugs which have a potential for causing neuropathy.
Seek medical treatment for any disease causing the nosebleeds.
They are often completely oblivious to the chaos they are causing behind them.
Many of the bins stay all day, causing an obstruction.
Turn 5. High Elves The Silver Helms refuse to charge the fear causing dragon ogres!
The procedure must be performed under sterile conditions to avoid causing osteomyelitis.
The Courts made no attempt to trace the father, causing occasional angry outbursts by women in courtrooms.
Others hung banners from highway overpasses, causing rush hour traffic to halt to a standstill as commuters pondered the demonstration.
Often after a long period of lay-up or because of contamination in the fuel the needle valve can stick causing an oversupply.
The symptoms result from an accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, causing an intensely painful inflammatory reaction.
Mrs Valerie Wright " I have chronic pancreatitis - I cannot eat any Dairy food without causing pain.
An adult Purple Heron dropping in to the reeds and a female Marsh Harrier causing Pandemonium among the duck and waders added further excitement.
Finger Student Steve slices his finger off causing mass panic in the shop.
Lower lesions, causing paraplegia, are less likely to affect breathing.
X-rays revealed that the bone had ruptured his bowel causing peritonitis.
And thankful too that we have relatively few terms which, despite being partly useful, have a history of causing wholly unnecessary perplexity.
Outbreaks of Newcastle Disease (fowl pest) are the main constraint to village chicken production, causing fatalities of up to 100% .
Fears were expressed that other cancer causing chemicals including phenol and benzene are also polluting the site.
The venom of the wasp contains a pheromone that acts as an alarm causing other wasps to become more aggressive.
This allowed the drive pinion to fall into the sump causing a large fracture through which the oil escaped.
The medial plica can also become nipped between patella and condyle, causing momentary pain and ' giving way ' .
It quickly passes through the stomach wall causing blood sugar levels to rise, then plummet.
It also infects adults causing pneumonia (which is often fatal in elderly subjects ).
They were of limited success, causing poliomyelitis at a high frequency in recipients.
I think that inverted postures may be causing the problem, but I don't really know.
Gradually the tarmac was crumbled at the edge causing dangerous potholes.
The young pretender is causing a stir in a series of sleepy towns.
The fuel oil on the surface of the water was causing terrible problems for men waiting to be rescued.
Patients with fragile X syndrome are also at increased risk of developing mitral valve prolapse, which may be causing his breathlessness.
However, the neck of the bladder may be obstructed by a large prostate, causing difficulty in urine flow.
Urinary tract infection, including prostatitis or sexually transmitted diseases, causing frequency and urgency.
There are several reasons why the immune system is felt to be important in causing psoriasis.
This had the effect of causing the cell to become quiescent - to become dormant.
Various body tissues absorb the radiation at different rates, causing various shadows to appear on the plate.
This limit prevents infinite recursion from causing an overflow of the C stack and crashing Python.
Sometimes there are a greater number of the longer waves in the light, causing it to appear reddish.
They can also get sore and inflamed, causing redness of the skin around them.
The E command makes the vector register display process ready for input, causing a prompt?
A territory where no presence is maintained could become restive, causing production to suffer, or even rebel.
It is also causing the church to be publicly ridiculed - witness a recent article in The Mirror.
A new type of long-range German rocket, the V2, landed in London, causing a huge explosion and killing three people.
This was causing pressure on the nerve root causing loss of myelin sheath.
Older people may produce less saliva, causing further problems.
If untreated, it can spread through the uterus to the fallopian tubes causing salpingitis.
He was causing a stir among the people as he exposed the sex scandal in Herod's private life.
He advised a course of chiropractic treatments to be alternated with sports massage to break down some old scar tissue which was causing problems.
In this case the back pain may shoot into the leg, causing sciatica.
Benzene poisoning unlikely to be a factor in causing scrapie.
It was complete chaos and there were several scuffles with the riot Police and the mounted Police just causing more and more problems.
The lesion of the foot is invaded by bacteria causing it to go septic.
But speed also adds to a feeling of more general road danger, deterring many from cycling and walking and causing severance within communities.
The " glue " keeping the skin together present in normal births is missing causing severe blistering either spontaneously or at the slightest friction.
Left ungrazed the heathland becomes invaded with scrub, causing heavy shading that will kill off the heathland vegetation.
While there is little research so far, it is likely that using skunk carries a higher risk of causing mental illness.
It is designed to provide as good a pain relief as possible without causing undue sleepiness.
An east wind would blow smoke back into London, causing heavy smog.
Bullets firing in the midst of the night changing fate causing sorrow.
Rather than paving a smooth path to the court, it was causing an escalating spiral of partisan warfare and personal attack.
These cells are sensitive to slight changes in humidity, causing a twisting action that aids in dispersing the spores.