Cauldron Sentence Examples
She rolled her eyes at him and returned to the cauldron of soup on the stove.
Something was boiling in a small cauldron at the edge of the fire and a soldier in a peaked cap and blue overcoat, lit up by the fire, was kneeling beside it stirring its contents with a ramrod.
Nor was this by any means the first occasion on which the Arabian cauldron had overflowed; once and again in former times emigrant swarms of Bedouins had settled on the borders of the wilderness.
Shops and restaurants will feature wizarding fare and merchandise, letting guests take a bit of magic home with them even if they live far from the fabled Diagon Alley, Leaky Cauldron, or Ministry of Magic.
Cauldrons surround that disc, and the goal is to move your cauldron to the fire ring by moving the pieces around the board.
These two ranges are connected by more than half a dozen short transverse spurs or necks, inclosing as many cirques or high cauldron glens.
Pierre sat down by the fire and began eating the mash, as they called the food in the cauldron, and he thought it more delicious than any food he had ever tasted.
Once something falls, your turn is over, and it continues like this until someone's cauldron enters the ring.
The Scyths lived upon the produce of their herds of cattle and horses, their main food being the flesh of the latter, either cooked in a cauldron or made into a kind of haggis, and the milk of mares from which they made cheese and kumiss (a fermented drink resembling buttermilk).
On the Lednock are the falls of the Devil's Cauldron and on the Turret and its feeders several graceful cascades.
AdvertisementIn addition, sticks can become magic wands, spatulas, or big wooden spoons that stir the cauldron for a trio of enchanting witches.
If you could arrange a large cauldron, plastic would work, with some dry ice in it.
We cannot place Ariantas, who made a kind of census of the nation by exacting an arrow-head from each warrior and cast a great cauldron out of the bronze, nor Taxacis and Scopasis, the under-kings in the time of Idanthyrsus.
To start your search, Candle Cauldron has a list of links to companies that other candle making business owners have used for their insurance needs.
Neville will eventually marry Hufflepuff's own Hannah Abbot, who becomes the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron Pub.
AdvertisementIn the Kul Oba tomb mentioned above the chamber was of stone and the contents, with one or two exceptions, of purely Greek workmanship, but the ideas underlying are the same - the king has his wife, his servant and his horse, his amphorae with wine, his cauldron with mutton-bones, his drinking vessels and his weapons, the latter being almost the only objects of barbarian style.
Further, there is the peculiar cauldron on one conical foot, round which the fire was built, the cylindrical hone pierced for suspension, and the cup with a rounded bottom.
This style and the types of dagger, cauldron, bit and twolooped socketed axehead run right across from Hungary to the upper Yenisei, where a special Bronze Age culture seems to have developed them.