Catherine i Sentence Examples
Having no male issue, she chose as her successor the infant son of her niece, Anna Leopoldovna, duchess of Brunswick, and at her death the child was duly proclaimed emperor, under the name of Ivan VI., but in little more than a year he was dethroned by the partisans of the Princess Elizabeth, a daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine I.
At Jawor6w Peter the Great was betrothed to Catherine I.
In May 17 23 he was implicated in the disgrace of the vicechancellor Shafirov and was deprived of all his offices and dignities, which he only recovered through the mediation of the empress Catherine I.
The Order of St Alexander Nevsky was founded in 1725 by the empress Catherine I.
Accused, among other things, of contributing to the elevation of the empress Anne by his cabals and of suppressing a supposed will of Catherine I.