Catalysts Sentence Examples
The introduction of three-way catalysts to new vehicles will reduce future emissions from this major source.
Changing the electoral system would do little to address these more fundamental catalysts of public disengagement.
Other recent projects and reviews " Transition metal imido compounds as Ziegler-Natta olefin polymerisation catalysts " .
Exercises were given which required intense physicality or acute mental focus or both, which acted as catalysts for such discussions.
It is the world's largest producer of polypropylene and advanced polyolefins, and is a leading supplier of polyethylene and catalysts.
Understand that solid catalysts bring reactants together in a particular way eg on their surface.
We are also interested in controlling the relative stereochemistry of polymerisation using chiral organometallic catalysts.
Minerals and trace elements serve as vital catalysts for the biological reactions that take place within the body.
Transition metal ions are often at the ' heart ' of many biological catalysts.
Enzymes are catalysts, or chemicals, that increase the rate of a chemical reaction.
AdvertisementEnzymes are catalysts, or substances that change the rate of chemical reaction.
Enzymes serve as catalysts that aid digestion by creating chemical changes in foods that are ingested.
The various methods he employed became catalysts for a diet revolution and a proactive approach to health.
It was thought that it might be identical with hexaphenylethane, but the supposed synthesis of this substance by Ullmann and Borsum (Ber., 1902, 35, p. 2877) appeared to disprove this, although it showed that triphenylmethyl readily isomerized into their product, under the influence of catalysts.
This approach is becoming increasingly popular in Organic Chemistry as an alternative to the used of expensive chiral catalysts and auxiliaries.
AdvertisementThe two companies will also further develop metallocene single-site polymerisation catalysts for use in bulk PP polymerisation processes.
This work includes functional materials (electrical devices and catalysts) and structural materials in the form of ceramic composites.