Casts Sentence Examples
Memon casts many down here.
By turns our purity inspires and our impurity casts us down.
Although the state of North Carolina owns 70.3% of the stock (besides this Craven county holds 7.7%; Lenoir, 2.8%; and Pamlico county, 1.13%), the state casts only 35 o votes to the 700 of the private stockholders.
The calm confidence of their Moravian fellow-passengers amid the Atlantic storms convinced Wesley that he did not possess the faith which casts out fear.
Lord Elgin carried off to London, about 1801-1803, one of the columns of the east portico and one of the caryatides; these were replaced later by terra-cotta casts.
Wright of Beirut, casts were taken and the stones themselves sent to Constantinople by Subhi Pasha of Damascus.
Receiving thirty pieces of silver, he casts it into the temple treasury and breaks the staff " Union," i.e.
Indeed the prime value of the Shepherd is the light it casts on Christianity at Rome in the otherwise obscure period c. I10-140, when it had as yet hardly felt the influences converging on it from other centres of tradition and thought.
In addition to the museum of plaster casts, the Antiquarium (a collection of Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities under the roof of the new Pinakothek) and the Maillinger collection, connected with the historical museum, Munich also contains several private galleries.
Through this temporary protection the active pupa, which closely resembles the mature insect, subsequently bites a way by means of its strong mandibles, and rising to the surface of the water casts the pupal integument and becomes sexually adult.
AdvertisementPhosphatic nodules and concretions, with phosphatized fossils and their casts, occur at various geological horizons in Great Britain.
The museum contains various valuable collections of curiosities, interesting mosaics, coins, casts, a library of 230,000 volumes, and valuable manuscripts.
The terrible tragedy which was consummated on the 23rd of May 1498 before the Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, casts a lurid light upon the irreconcilable opposition in which the wearers of the papal dignity stood to medieval piety; for Girolamo Savonarola was in every fibre a loyal son of the medieval Church.
The acetate and the citrate are valuable mild diuretics in Bright's disease and in feverish conditions, and by increasing the amount of urine diminish the pathological fluids in pleuritic effusion, ascites, &c. In tubal nephritis they aid the excretion of fatty casts.
Noteworthy also are the collection of the Society of Dutch Literature (1766); the collections of casts and of engravings; the seamen's training school; the Remonstrant seminary, transferred hither from Amsterdam in 1873; the two hospitals (one of which is private); the house of correction; and the court-house.
AdvertisementWithin the city proper the Fitzroy Gardens are a network of avenues bordered with oak, elm and plane, with a " ferntree gully " in the centre; they are ornamented with casts of famous statues, and ponds, fountains and classic temples.
A collection of casts, likewise in the museum, is designed to display the progress of plastic art from the time of the Egyptians and Assyrians to modern ages.
This collection was begun by Raphael Mengs, who secured casts of the most valuable antiques in Italy, l 'some of which no longer exist.
At the rate of from 6 to to bushels to the acre it may be used on garden lawns to prevent worm casts.
He then casts it into its final form through a nozzle in the bottom of the casting ladle, as in the Bessemer process.
AdvertisementOf late years it has been found possible in many cases to take casts of the bodies found - a complete mould having been formed around them by the fine white ashes, partially consolidated by water.
Blende, is also found sporadically in sedimentary rocks; for example, in nodules of clay-ironstone in the Coal Measures, in the cement-doggers of the Lias, and in the casts of fossil shells.
His earnestness attracted the attention of Sir Henry Rawlinson, who permitted him the use of his room at the museum and placed the many casts and squeezes of the inscriptions at his disposal.
There is but one cloud in my sky at present; but that is one which casts a dark shadow over my life, and makes me very anxious at times.
Such casts are not infrequent in the Keuper marls and sandstones, and in the Purbeck beds of England.
AdvertisementAt the end of 1845 they returned home, and the results of the expedition, consisting of casts, drawings and squeezes of inscriptions and scenes, maps and plans collected with the utmost thoroughness, as well as antiquities and papyri, far surpassed expectations.
For this reason they may be used for taking casts of anatomical specimens or making cliches from wood-blocks, the expansion on cooling securing sharp impressions.
Galvanoplastic casts of the famous Luneburg silver plate, consisting of 36 pieces which were acquired in 1874 by the Prussian government for 33,000 and are now housed in the art museum in Berlin, are exhibited here.
When an opaque body is placed between a screen and a luminous source, it casts a "shadow" on the screen.
Suppose, next, that the body which casts the shadow is a large one, such as a wall, with a hole in it.
Medusa-like casts have been found in the lower Cambrian of Scandinavia (Medusina) and in the mid-Cambrian of Alabama (Brooksella).
Annelids left their traces in burrows and casts on the sea-floor (Arenicolites, Cruziana, Scolithus, &c.).
Certain markings on slates and sandstones, such as the "fucoids" of Scandinavia and Scotland, the Phycoides of the Fichtelgebirge, Eophyton and other seaweed-like impressions, may indeed be the casts of fucoid plants; but it is by no means sure that many of them are not mere inorganic imitative markings or the tracks or casts of worms. Oldhamia, a delicate branching body, abundant in the Cambrian of the south-east of Ireland, is probably a calcareous alga, but its precise nature has not been satisfactorily determined.
One outstanding case, however, that of Dr Steward,' casts some suspicion on all the others.
The school conducted by this institute had a fine collection of casts, presented to the city by the government of France.
The lowest of its three floors contains the Egyptian museum; on the first floor plaster casts of ancient, medieval and modern sculpture are found, while the second contains a cabinet of engravings.
The Art Museum was erected and endowed (1899-1903) by Stephen Salisbury, and contains a fine collection of casts, many valuable paintings, and the Bancroft Collection of Japanese art.
The Royal Cork Institution (1807), in addition to an extensive library and a rare collection of Oriental MSS., possesses a valuable collection of minerals, and the collections of casts from the antique presented by the pope to George IV.
Nevertheless, in its dimmed and blackened state, the portrait casts an irresistible spell alike by subtlety of expression, by refinement and precision of drawing, and by the romantic invention of its background.
One of the most important is the museum, which contains about four hundred modern paintings, a large number of casts, a few pieces of original sculpture and a well-arranged collection of drawings and engravings.
On the one hand, there is the mode of preservation which gives rise to casts, moulds and generally impressions, exhibiting the superficial features of the specimen.
In many cases internal casts have been formed, some large cavity, such as a fistular pith, having become filled with mineral substance, which has taken the impress of the surrounding structures, such as the wood.
The common casts of Calamites are of this nature, representing the form of the hollow medulla, and bearing on their surface the print of the nodal constrictions and of the ridges and furrows on the inner surface of the wood.
Mistakes have often arisen from confusing these medullary casts with those of the stem as a whole.
Hence they must be brought into relation with the specimens preserved as casts or impressions, in order to gain a better conception of the plant as a whole.
The investigations of Nathorst, Williamson and others have shown that a very large proportion of the casts and impressions attributed to Algae had in all probability a totally different origin.
Casts surrounded by wood, with its structure preserved, have sometimes been found, and have established their true relations.
The position of the branches is shown both on casts and in petrified specimens, and has helped in their identification, while the petrified remains sometimes show enough of the external characters to allow of their correlation with impressions.
These distinctions can be recognized on petrified specimens, as well as on the casts, but their taxonomic value is somewhat doubtful.
The numerous described species of Lepidodendron are founded on the peculiarities of the leafcushions and scars, as shown on casts or impressions of the stem.
The curious, transversely-ribbed fossils known as Sternbergia or Artisia have proved to be casts of the medullary cavity of Cordaiteae; their true nature was first demonstrated by Williamson in 1850.
Species referred on good evidence to the Charophyta are represented by a few casts of oogonia and stem fragments, found in Jurassic and Wealden beds, which bear a striking resemblance to existing species.
This project was an identity based group sculpture and involved the participants taking casts of their own faces with dental alginate.
The constant drone of the art for art's sake zeppelin casts a long shadow over cultural policy.
Prickly sow-thistle seeds ingested by earthworms have been found intact in the worm casts.
An appropriate rescaling casts the system in a normal form, which is universal for models supporting ess through quadratic nonlinearities.
Nearly all sundials have a gnomon (which casts the shadow) pointing to the Celestial Pole.
Its unique feature is the split gnomon which casts the shadow.
Its iron gnomon casts a lengthening shadow across the incised Roman numerals on its lichened face on sunny October afternoons.
Hermione gives birth to a baby girl, Perdita, who Leontes denounces as illegitimate, and casts her out into the wilderness.
New forensic evidence obtained following the British inquest casts doubt on the validity of the original inquest 's findings.
I think we should mention here Hilarys's relationship with his mother which casts a very strange pall over the book.
The moon casts a bright radiance over the surrounding crags.
The candle holder with the parabolic reflector casts a golden light upwards or pools it along the length of a wall.
In the former, Ezra " casts himself before the House of God " in deep repentance.
The sure and steady, funky riff and fate beat casts it's spell and you succumb.
The rising sun casts pastel shades across a Hollywood skyline.
In fact it casts a rather satirical sidelight on people who interfere with the lives of others.
Incredibly, there is a view that Ms Lees ' admirable Stoicism casts doubts over the entire case.
He speaks, and things have being; he casts out devils, stills the tempest, and raises the dead.
I paint with casts of hands in the pictures that become three-dimensional.
Casts himself on the mercy of God who justifies the ungodly.
I ca n't visualize the earlier casts doing any better.
Greeks from Crete collated MSS., read proofs, and gave models of calligraphy for casts of Greek type.
Also in true classic style he casts no reflection in a mirror.
The sure and steady, funky riff and fate beat casts it 's spell and you succumb.
Incredibly, there is a view that Ms Lees ' admirable stoicism casts doubts over the entire case.
The conclusions of the subsequent investigation casts doubt on the ability of the hunt to regulate themselves.
Current work involves the inclusion of three-dimensional casts eg, of a woodpecker 's nest, within the body of the panel.
This casts a slightly grey-toned glow on the skin, while still allowing some shimmer to illuminate.
Blurriness, color casts, faded hues, botched exposures and light flares are all imperfect aspects of images captured by instant film cameras.
In a dark room or outdoors after sunset, have the kids gather around a lone Christmas candle that casts a soft glow on their faces.
The natural light casts an almost ethereal glow around the couple as they lean in for their first kiss as man and wife, lending to the romance and significance of the moment.
This process sets a uniform color and casts the dye deeper for a more intense color with little to no color fading.
In most cases he is the tallest member of the regular casts for these shows.
Guests with cervical collars, neck braces, broken collar bones or any type of arm or leg casts are not allowed on the ride.
When she casts her Barrier spell, avoid her to prevent getting stunned or having your weapon damaged.
Occupational therapy may include splints, casts, or braces on the affected arm or leg to enable proper limb positioning, prevent joint stiffness, and maintain flexibility and range of motion.
Occupational therapy may include splints, casts, or braces on the affected arm or leg to enable proper limb positioning and maintain flexibility and range of motion.
Also, casts are sometimes used to allow the nerves to heal.
Serial casting-A series of casts designed to gradually move a limb into a more functional position.
Immobilization by external fixation uses splints, casts, or braces.
In a clinical environment, plaster of Paris casts are used for immobilization.
Splints, casts, and braces support and protect broken bones, dislocated joints, and injured soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments.
In some cases, splints and casts are applied after surgical procedures that repair bones, tendons, or ligaments.
Casts are generally used to immobilize a broken bone.
Casts are applied by a physician, a nurse, or an assistant.
However, some types of fiberglass casts use Goretex padding that is waterproof, allowing the cast to be completely immersed in water when taking a shower or bath.
There are many reasons for immobilization using splints, casts, and braces.
People who have casts, splints, or braces on their arms or legs will generally spend several weeks not using the injured arm or leg.
If there is no anatomic abnormality of the bone, this is not true clubfoot, and the problem can usually be corrected by applying special braces or casts to straighten the foot.
Splints, casts, braces, and rods are all used.
Occupational therapy may include splints, casts, or braces on the affected arm or leg to enable proper limb positioning, and maintain flexibility and range of motion.
When using coins or sticks in I Ching fortune telling, the requester thinks of a simple question that has a specific focus and casts either three coins or 49 yarrow sticks to find the answers.
When every strand is just where it should be, and when the sun beats down and casts a luminescent glow on your mane, you'll feel like a supermodel.
Most women use a belly casting kit during the last few weeks of pregnancy, although some choose to make multiple casts to record the progression of changes in their bodies.
Many pregnant women enjoy painting or stenciling decorative designs on their finished casts.
Belly casts are meant to be seen and enjoyed.
These casts can be bronzed or painted and hung in your bedroom or nursery.
Kartheiser has been part of many movie casts and worked with the likes of Kirsten Dunst and Christian Slater, and had a recurring role in the series Angel.
On the series, Sam uses a blue remote to create silly sounds during live casts of the show.
She uses the remote in the live casts of the show to make all kinds of noises.
Megabyte Mic Microphone - During her live casts, Carly interviews friends and foes alike.
It is important to remember that anyone who casts a spell for any reason should take responsibility for it, no matter what the outcome is.
Additionally, the sign's ruler often casts a slight red or "ruddy" glow to Aries physically.
If there are blockbuster names involved with the making of a movie, then more people will probably go see it, though sometimes movies that have casts with completely new actors and actresses can become huge hits.
This was deemed unfair as larger shows had larger casts, thus creating an improper balance of votes.
All soaps have them - casts full of hunks and beauties alike, along with a decent mix of other characters that are thought of as the cornerstones of the community.
And it's also quite intriguing to see just how much the casts change from decade to decade.
This Cartier Roadster ladies watch casts a sedating glance at onlookers.
No less than 32 soundtrack recordings from various casts in many different countries have been released.
At, you can find lyrics and online audio files for both the original and the High School Musical 2 soundtracks sung by the casts of both films.
Below are some of the best places to find Reality television spoilers, as well as plenty of gossip and speculation on your most watched casts.
Much has been made in the past of the fact that the casts of the other Housewives shows have been all white.
The five remaining contestants perform a final act before the American public casts their votes, and a winner is announced.
You'll find topics that MTV is currently seeking casts for.
Don't assume you know what the show producers are looking for in a cast - in most cases, casts grow organically and don't follow a specific formula.
Every season, MTV casts another seven or eight people to all reside together in an interesting location.
Frank the Entertainer appeared on both I Love Money and I Love Money 2, which were both shows with ensemble casts from previous VH1 reality shows.
Of course, not all reality TV features casts that are involved in a struggle or who are even sympathetic characters.
At Tribal Council, after people make their arguments for why they should stay and the tribe generally discusses their dynamic and the day's events, each member of the tribe casts a secret vote.
While comparisons have been made between this show and Jersey Shore, it's clear that the two casts are very different from one another.
In addition to special effects make-up, contestants are challenged to work with molds, casts, 3-D design, prosthetics and eye enhancers.
While each subsequent series tried to feature more of their supporting casts, the limited number of episodes for the original series and Enterprise reduced those opportunities.
King Arthur - The film casts Merlin as the non-magical leader of the blue painted woads and the father of Guinevere.
The museum of art comprises a picture gallery, a collection of casts of Thorvaldsen's works and a cabinet of engravings.
I was like one who never casts a look behind, who hesitates before some Rubicon to be crossed, but having touched the farther bank sees no more the shore he has just left."
The loss of the belief casts a dark shadow over the present life.
The male next casts his cuticle, and by means of his spine bores FIG.
Each county or legislative district casts as many electoral votes as it has members in the state house of representatives, and a majority of both the electoral and the popular vote is required.
The museum includes 3300 books, many being of the 15th and 16th centuries, a department of engravings, a Virginia Room with portraits and relics, some tapestries, an excellent collection of casts and valuable American archaeological specimens.
It has one of the finest collections of casts in existence, a number of original pieces of Greek statuary, the second-best collection in the world of Aretine ware, the finest collection of Japanese pottery, and probably the largest and finest of Japanese paintings in existence.
In the stomach it casts its membranes and becomes mobile, bores through the stomach walls and encysts usually in the bodycavity of its first and invertebrate host.
The chief features of the museum are collections of the fossils, birds and flora of Wales and of obsolete Welsh domestic appliances, casts of the pre-Norman monuments of Wales, and reproductions of metal and ivory work illustrating various periods of art and civilization.
When the rebellion was at its height and Thomas Miinzer had sent forth fiery proclamations urging the peasantry "not to let the blood cool on their swords," Luther issued the pamphlet, which casts a stain on his whole life, in which he hounds on the ruling classes to suppress the insurgents with all violence.