Castro Sentence Examples
Joao de Castro (1545-1548) - were men of marked ability and high character.
Previously the several districts formally recognized were Latium, the Marittima (or sea-board) and Campagna, the patrimony of Saint Peter, the duchy of Castro, the Orvietano, the Sabina, Umbria, the Perugino, the March of Ancona, Romagna, the Bolognese, the Ferrarese, and the duchies of Benevento and of Pontecorvo.
Under the administration of President Cipriano Castro this traffic was suspended for a long time, and trans-shipments were made at La Guaira.
General Cipriano Castro then became president.
Finding that diplomacy was of no avail to obtain the reparation from Castro that was demanded by their subjects, the three powers unwillingly had recourse to coercion.
The Washington government had indeed no cause to be well disposed to Castro, for he treated the interests of Americans in Venezuela with the same highhanded contempt for honesty and justice as those of Europeans.
In December General Castro left upon a visit to Europe, nominally for a surgical operation.
At one time a captain of the coast-guard, at another the protege of Benavente, viceroy of Naples, who appointed him governor of Scigliano, patronized by Osuna and Olivares, Castro was nominated a knight of the order of Santiago in 1623.
On the latter occasion Castro's octavas were awarded the first prize.
Lope de Vega dedicated to him a celebrated play entitled Las Almenas de Toro (1619), and when Castro's Comedias were published in 1618-1621 he dedicated the first volume to Lope de Vega's daughter.
AdvertisementThe drama that has made Castro's reputation is Las Mocedades del Cid (1 599 ?), to the first part of which Corneille was largely indebted for the materials of his tragedy.
The two parts of this play, like all those by Castro, have the genuine ring of the old romances; and, from their intense nationality, no less than for their primitive poetry and flowing versification, were among the most popular pieces of their day.
Castro's Fuerza de la costumbre is the source of Love's Care, a play ascribed to Fletcher.
In 1569 the governor, Lope Garcia de Castro, divided Peru into corregimientos under officers named corregidors, of whom there were 77, each in direct communication with the government at Lima.
Meanwhile Vaca de Castro had been sent out as governor of Peru by Charles V., and on hearing of the murder of Pizarro he assumed the government of the country.
AdvertisementHis successor, the licentiate Lope Garcia de Castro, who only had the title of governor, ruled from 1564 to 1569.
Tradition asserts that her father, Don Pedro Fernandez de Castro, and her mother, Dona Aldonca Soares de Villadares, a noble Portuguese lady, were unmarried, and that Inez and her two brothers were consequently of bastard birth.
But by that time the rising power of the Castro family had created the most brutal hatred among their rivals, both in Spain and Portugal.
From her brother, however, Alvaro Perez de Castro, the reigning house of Portugal directly descends.
See Fernao Lopes, Chronica del Rey Dom Pedro (1735); Camoens, Os Lusiadas; Antonio Ferreira's Ines de Castro, - the first regular tragedy of the Renaissance after the Sofonisba of Trissino; Luis Velez de Guevara, Reinar despues de morir, an admirable play; and Ferdinand Denis, Chroniques chevaleresques de l'Espagne et du Portugal.
AdvertisementCenturies later it was rebuilt by the Genoese, who called it Mauro Castro.
Hostilities with the Castilians and with the Moors occupied many years of his reign, during which he gained some successes; but by consenting to the barbarous murder of Inez de Castro, who was secretly espoused to his son Peter, he has fixed an indelible stain on his character.
The devotion of a squire of his household, who carried him on the pommel of his saddle to the stronghold of San Esteban de Gormaz, saved him from falling into the hands of the contending factions of Castro and Lara, or of his uncle Ferdinand of Leon, who claimed the regency.
The coast-line, which extends from Ondarroa to a short distance east of Castro Urdiales, is bold and rugged, and in some places is deeply indented.
Other towns are Castro, the former capital, on the eastern shore of Chiloe, and the oldest town of the island (founded 1566), once the seat of a Jesuit mission, and Melinca on an island of the Guaitecas group.
AdvertisementIt is composed of two parts - the old walled town towards the Euripus, called the Castro, where the Jewish and Turkish families who have remained there mostly dwell.; and the more modern suburb that lies outside it, which is chiefly occupied by the Greeks.
A part of the walls of the Castro and many of the houses within it were shaken down by the earthquake of 1894; part has been demolished in the widening of the Euripus.
He it was who made the peace of Brdmsebro between the Danes and the Swedes, and turned the latter once again against the empire; he it was who sent Lionne to make the peace of Castro, and combine the princes of North Italy against the Spaniards, and who made the peace of Ulm between France and Bavaria, thus detaching the emperor's best ally.
In January 1814 he had 14,000 peasants at work on the castle of Argiro Castro, and about 1500 erecting a fort at Porto Palermo, nearly opposite Corfu."
The only territory gained during Urban's pontificate, the duchy of Urbino, the last addition to the papal states, was acquired by reversion (1631); and in his one war, with the duke of Parma, for the district of Castro, he met defeat and humiliation (1644).
Within its precincts are a Roman pharos or lighthouse, still exhibiting the Roman masonry; the ancient fortress church (St Mary in Castro); some remains of the Saxon fort; and the massive keep and subsidiary defences (such as the Constable's, Avranche's, and other towers) of the Norman building.
Still another instance is that of Castro, the oldest settlement and former capital of Chiloe, which after a century of decay is increasing again through the efforts to develop the industries of that island.
The later years of his reign were darkened by the tragedy of Inez de Castro.
Diniz, eldest son of Inez de Castro, claimed the throne and invaded Portugal in 1398, but his supporters were easily crushed.
Joao de Castro (q.v.) and the Colloquios of Garcia de Ortamen who deserted books for experiment and manifested a new interest in the physical world.
In 1889 a resolution unanimously adopted by both chambers invited the ministry, of which Jose de Castro was president and Barros Gomes foreign minister, to press forward the territorial claims of Portugal in East and Central Africa.
Luisa Sigea was both an orientalist and a Latin poetess, while Publia Hortensia de Castro, after a course of humanities, philosophy and theology, defended theses at Evora in her eighteenth year.
The Ulyssea of Gabriel Pereira de Castro describes the foundation of Lisbon by Ulysses, but, notwithstanding its plagiarism of The Lusiads and faults of taste, these ten cantos contain some masterly descriptive passages, and the ottava rima shows a harmony and flexibility to which even Camoens rarely attained; but this praise cannot be extended to the tiresome Ulyssipo of Sousa de Macedo.
Finally, the bucolic poet Quita produced the tragedies Segunda Castro, Hermione and two others, but these imitations from the French, for all the taste they show, were stillborn, and in the absence of court patronage, which was exclusively bestowed on the Lisbon opera, then the best equipped in Europe, Portugal remained without a drama of its own.
The French symbolists found an enthusiastic adept in Eugenio de Castro.
Jeronimo ZURITA Y CASTRO (1512-1580), Spanish historian, was born at Saragossa, and studied at Alcal5.
He founded the church of St Peter near the Wallersee, and subsequently, at Salzburg, the church of St Peter, together with a monastery and a dwelling for the clerks, as well as a convent for women "in superiori castro Iuvavensium."
On the one hand, there were grounds for believing that the Clericals and Conservatives in both countries were acting together; and, on the other, it was expected that President Castro of Venezuela would not be sorry to unite his own countrymen, and to divert their attention from internal affairs, by a war against Colombia.
The United States government in September offered its good offices, but President Castro refused them, and the state of affairs became gradually more menacing.
In the next year the singular extravaganza entitled L'Illusion comique followed, and was succeeded about the end of November by the Cid, based on the Mocedades del Cid of Guillem de Castro.
On his father's elevation to the papacy he was made captain-general of the Church, and received the duchy of Castro in the Maremma, besides Frascati, Nepi, Montalto and other fiefs.
Orazio, Pierluigi's third son, was made duke of Castro when his father became duke of Parma, and married Diane, a natural daughter of Henry II.
There is a harbour at Castro, and steam flour-mills, foundries and tanneries have been established.
He also translated the pastorals of Longus, wrote a tale called Diane de Castro, and defended, in a treatise on the origin of romance, the reading of fiction.
The graduation ceremony took place on Fidel Castro's birthday.
Castro's views now became more communist and Cuba fell under soviet influence.
Castro's Cuba did not impose a trade embargo on the world.
His Latin American axis with Fidel Castro is obviously particularly inflammatory.
On August 7, 1978, Melgar Castro and his cabinet were replaced by a three-member junta.
He was told to use Black Leaf 40 (a deadly poison) to kill Castro.
Castro then marched into Havana to fill the vacuum.
As for the innumerable other poems, dramas and tales which have been founded on the legend of the Cid, from the days of Guillen de Castro and Diamante to those of Quintana and Trueba, they serve merely to prove the abiding popularity of the national hero in his native land.
President Castro was for eight years a dictator, ruling by corrupt and revolutionary methods, and in defiance of obligations to the foreign creditors.
Cicero 3 Festus tells us (p. 136 Mull.) that the Maecia derived its name " a quodam castro."
Ferreira's real claim to distinction, however, rests on Ignez de Castro (see Ferreira).
Thomas de Noronha and Antonio Serrao de Castro, the first a natural and facile writer, the second the author of Os Ratos da Inquisicao, a facetious poem composed during his incarceration in the dungeons of the Inquisition, while Diogo de Sousa Camacho showed abundant wit at the expense of the slaves of Gongorism and Marinism.
The ill-fated Vieira de Castro excited the greatest admiration by his impassioned speeches in the Chamber of Deputies during the 'sixties; the nearest modern counterpart to these distinguished men is the orator Antonio Candido Ribeiro da Costa.
It was the communist revolutionaries such as Che Guevara, Fidel and Raul Castro who understood there can be no compromise with imperialism.
By Roselli 's cryptic account, Castro learned the identity of the underworld contacts in Havana who had been trying to knock him off.
Castro remains more a venerated national father figure than typical Marxist dictator.
It's in a terrific location, close to the Castro and Mission Districts, and a streetcar ride from downtown.
Terrific eating and drinking opportunities await you in the nearby Mission and Castro neighborhoods.
It is the most highly rated bed and breakfast in the Castro, and is just blocks from Noe Valley.
Outlaw Butch Cassidy and even Fidel Castro were born on Friday the 13th.
She is the sister of actress Beatriz Castro and telenovela producer José Alberto Castro, and the mother to singer Cristian Castro and filmmaker Michelle Sáinz Castro.
Argentina's Diego Armando Maradona has leg tattoos of both Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.
Another Idol contestant who has sang Hallelujah on the show is Jason Castro in season seven.