Castor-oil Sentence Examples
Castor-oil should not be used as a purgative.
That's like getting an ice cream sundae with castor oil for topping.
Other products are tobacco, olives, castor-oil, peanuts, canary-seed, barley, rye, fruit and vegetables.
This, when cast into forms and allowed to harden and dry slowly, comes out as transparent soap. A class of transparent soap may also be made by the cold process, with the use of coco-nut oil, castor oil and sugar.
Besides these, tonka beans, anatto, vanilla, and castor-oil seeds form a part of the exports.
The antidotes for oxalic acid poisoning are milk of lime, chalk, whiting, or even wall-plaster, followed by evacuation brought about by an enema or castor oil.
Medicinal plants, as the castor-oil plant and aloe, come to perfection without culture; and coffee, indigo, cotton and tobacco are also of spontaneous growth.
The " higuerilla or castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis) is widely distributed throughout the plateau and the open plains of the lower zones.
The vegetable products of Guatemala include coffee, cocoa, sugar-cane, bananas, oranges, vanilla, aloes, agave, ipecacuanha, castor-oil, sarsaparilla, cinchona, tobacco, indigo and the wax-plant (111yrica cerifera).
The eria or arrindi moth of Bengal and Assam, Attacus ricini, which feeds on the castor-oil plant, yields seven generations yearly, forming loose flossy orange-red and sometimes white cocoons.
AdvertisementThe silk of the eria or castor-oil worm (Attacus ricini) presents the same difficulties in dyeing as the common tussur.
The castor-oil plant is common, and the wax tree grows plentifully in the neighbourhood of Lai-yang in the east, giving rise to a considerable trade in the wax produced by the wax insects.
A considerable quantity of castor oil of an excellent quality is also made in Italy; and in California the manufacture is conducted on an extensive scale.
There were green crops such as clover, and lentils, peas, beans, radishes, onions, lettuces (as a vegetable and for oil), castor oil and flax were grown.
The castor-oil plant is everywhere common, and furnishes most of the oil of the country.
AdvertisementThe four chief varieties grown are mustard or rape seed, linseed, til or gingelly (sesamum), and castor-oil.
Other kinds of silk are native to certain parts of India, such as those produced by the " castor oil " and the muga silkworms of Assam; but the chief of the wild silks is the tussore silk, which is found in the jungles nearly throughout India.
As an answer Yahweh "appoints" a small quickly-growing tree with large leaves (the castor-oil plant) to come up over the angry prophet and shelter him from the sun.
Of oil-yielding plants the castor-oil plant, sesame, linseed and olive are cultivated, the last only in a small district south of and near Resht.
Similar procedures are used for the intestine, and one of the best methods of treating the diarrhoea consequent upon the presence of irritating substances in the intestinal canal is to give a dose of castor-oil together with a few drops of laudanum.
AdvertisementBy means of the castor-oil the irritating substances are removed, and the laudanum which is mixed with the purgative soothes the intestine.
By preventing fermentation in the intestine these also tend to prevent or check diarrhoea, and they may do good after the irritant has been removed by castor oil.
The castor-oil plant and many other plants of great value in medicine are indigenous in great abundance.
While this is being obtained, magnesia, castor oil or olive oil can be given; or failing all these, copious draughts of water.
The castor-oil plant grows in almost ever y province.
AdvertisementWhen in the same plant there are unisexual flowers, both male and female, the plant is said to be nionoecious, as in the hazel and castor-oil plant.
When there are three or more bundles the stamens are triadelphous, as in Hypericum aegyptiacum, or polyadelphous, as in Ricinus communis (castor-oil).
The high specific gravity, 0.970, is owned by castor oil and cacao butter, and the highest specific gravity observed hitherto, o-975, by Japan wax and myrtle wax.
With the exception of castor oil they are insoluble in cold alcohol; in boiling alcohol somewhat larger quantities dissolve.
In the case of castor oil solid products are formed.
Contact dermatitis from castor oil and vitamin B was attributed to pyridine derivatives (Kadlec & Hanslian 1965).
You can also use heated castor oil or jojoba oil if you prefer a more natural option.
Many women have heard from friends or relatives that drinking castor oil can induce labor.
A certain amount of linseed-oil is made in Lombardy, Sicily, Apulia and Calabria; colza in Piedmont, Lombardy, Venetia and Emilia; and castor-oil in Venetia and Sicily.
Of the vegetable oils, in addition to cotton-seed and coco-nut, olive oil is the basis of soaps for calico printers and silk dyers; castor oil yields transparent soaps (under suitable treatment), whilst crude palm oil, with bone fat, is employed for making brown soap, and after bleaching it yields ordinary pale or mottled.